NEVER thought I’d Share THIS! + 1st Canning Pantry Tour

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Becoming a Farm Girl

Becoming a Farm Girl

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@BecomingaFarmGirl 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Friends! I'm nervous to share this, becauseI get pretty vulnerable. Here's the full story on WHY canning means so much to me! LINK TO GET CANNING JOURNAL: LINK to AUTOMATICALLY GET canning recipes (w/ video) directly to your inbox each time I post on YT:
@taunyaw2181 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing...and for your mom and dad. You all are amazing.
@fleurettewoods6080 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing, I appreciate your vulnerability. I have been on a mission the last couple of years also to learn to can and stock my pantry with home canned products. I will be following along with you.
@PeterShadowThieves 2 жыл бұрын
@robertsherman4597 2 жыл бұрын
Ohhh honey, you touched my ❤️, I'll keep you mom in my prayers. And I'm glad she can enjoy eating through your canning, that is a blessing. May Abba Yah bless you and your family. ☺️
@juneroberts214 2 жыл бұрын
May our Lord continue to bless your family. Your Mum is very strong, brave and proud of you. We aren’t supposed to know why certain things happen to us and our loved ones because God knows. Even though it was traumatic especially for your Mum just look at all the wonderful things that came about in your lives that brought you together even stronger. Enjoy your videos, your humour because your stories and great information. Stay blessed, grateful and all glory to God always. Hugs from the far northern town in Canada. 😊🙏🏼🙌🏼
@Heart4orphans777 Жыл бұрын
You mom’s speech is so clear. She is doing a great job overcoming her illness. Ty for sharing you precious mom with us.
@suzannes5888 9 ай бұрын
Canning has been your love letter to your Mom ❤❤ - how beautiful!
@jennievpollard77 2 жыл бұрын
I always felt that your channel was a blessing. This episode melted my heart. What your father said is true. We did skip a generation and almost lost what our ancestor passed on to us. My mother and grandmothers canned, and I am just beginning to can and also enjoy the fiber arts. Stay blessed and keep inspiring all of us.
@cindytrodden8642 2 жыл бұрын
May God bless you richly for your efforts to support your parents!
@tional5266 Жыл бұрын
Be sure you pass it on to someone too!
@carrierenee 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Cassandra, I’m Carrie. From NC living in CA at the moment :) Just came across your channel today amidst one of my homestead dreaming binges and didn’t expect I’d cry like that today. The vulnerability of everyone in this video really shook some things loose for me, and I just wanted to send a big thank you for that. I was 31 when my mom passed in 2019 from complications due to progressive MS she had my whole life. I know that feeling of helplessness well and can only imagine how that might have felt for you when you realized what a huge contribution you could make to someone you love so much. All the gratitude it brings me to tears. Thanks also for your channel, can’t wait to try canning :) I started with fermentation and after my first batch of fermented salsa from my peppers and tomatoes last summer, I’ll never ever go back ☺️ ~ all the love
@leahtruckenbrod1279 Жыл бұрын
Cass, You're parents MUST be incredible people based on how you have come to bless others. Absolutely love the "fruit of your spirit" and zest for living a more wholesome farm life where you are. Your approach to food and meals is a rich and unique perspective I've not encountered in years of avid homestead/garden content watching. Blessings to your family.
@BecomingaFarmGirl Жыл бұрын
Hi 👋🏾 Leah! Your words are incredibly kind and encouraging. What I thought was initially just a hobby truly turned into GOD preparing my heart and hands with a skill he knew I’d need in the future. Contentment is one thing I’m very much aware of and so, even while I wait to have a small homestead I am still thankful for what I have right now (and what I may not have in the future: health, strength, loved ones, etc). Thank you, sweet friend!
@nataliedelarocha5848 2 жыл бұрын
WOW! Thank you for sharing your beautiful mother and her story. My mother recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and can cause swelling in her throat and tongue. I need to start canning and a blessing to her like you are for your parents. I really think you need to write a book with this story, recipes, just everything. You are Amazing ❤️
@nataliedelarocha5848 2 жыл бұрын
@@boondoggy2good idea, Thank you 😊
@BecomingaFarmGirl 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Natalie. I am so sorry to hear about your mother's health challenges. I know that is a heavy weight to carry so please know I have already prayed for you (and her) today and will continue to keep both of you covered in prayers. Yes, canning has been such an unexpected blessing my mom enjoys and I know your mom will appreciate it too. I see that several other folks have shared some recommendations below. I'm sending love and hugs. I very much can relate to what you are going through!
@ldivokyrn 2 жыл бұрын
I also have two diseases that cause my throat to swell, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Hereditary alpha Tryptasemia. A low histamine diet has helped. If your mom finds that type of diet helpful, maybe it can guide what foods you can for her. 😊
@mamasuki Жыл бұрын
Canning almost skipped my generation. I never thought I could garden etc being in the city with so little land. You can’t imagine how much you’ve inspired me!!! I am a late bloomer and starting gardening and food preservation at 56 years old after a very ugly divorce after a 30-year marriage. I still have teenage girls at home and pray they will reap and see the benefits of a homestead way of life, even in the city. Better late than never! To new beginnings!! 🌱
@JustCallMeInsane 2 жыл бұрын
Your parents are lovely!! I love how your dad pulled such a dad move - say nothing when he was on the spot then suddenly bursts into story. Your moms part made me tear up. She truly spent time on every word she wrote. Maybe on your future acreage you can plan out THREE pantries for her!! Two may not be enough 😂
@VanessaVelezVTV 2 жыл бұрын
Listening to your mother share how your canning has helped her gave me chills in such a good way. What a blessing, thank you for sharing! 💜
@sewzie Жыл бұрын
Your story is so much like mine. I can and prepare foods for my parents due to age and their individual health issues. It has been a game changer for me and them. I am now passing it in to my daughter and granddaughter. We live I. The country and have a garden so they will Get plenty of practice this summer
@ShaneDeRossett Жыл бұрын
Cass, I'm new to your channel because I'm starting a garden for the first time in my life at 43years old, and I want to learn to preserve what I grow. But when you began to speak of your mother, I wanted to cry with you, and I was terrified you were going to tell us you lost her. I was so happy to hear she's doing well, and how your work is able to help her enjoy her food again! I just wanted to give you a huge virtual hug and say thank you for your joy and optimism.
@conniebertucci3432 2 жыл бұрын
Today you made my heart sing. At 71I WAS ENLIGHTENED BY YOUR JOURNEY IN LIFE. BLESSINGS TO YOU. You are everything I've wanted to be so it's all possible. My daughter would say that you're the daughter I've always dreamed of. I have an amazing daughter by the way. So excited that I feel into your channel. I want all of your recipes!!! The topper was when you mentioned quail, as I have just hatched my second covey. I now have 66 and an building cages as my ears are drinking in your knowledge. I'm inspired by your lovely Mother and Father and the loving family they share through their stories with you. God charishes you. Looking forward to finding more is your sharing. Bless you!!!
@CherieNorquay 2 жыл бұрын
I don't even have words to say how moving this video is you are amazing and your family is amazing. Thank you for allowing us ibto your lives. This means so much to me. I am canning applesauce this week with my daughter her 4 kids and my 80 and 81 year old parents. Can't wait!
@marciannaprice1882 Жыл бұрын
What a blessing you are to your patents! I'm 56 & grew up on a farm..we always had a 2 acre garden every year. I've been canning my own foods since I was 17. I made my children's baby my's so much healthier!! I love thrive life!!
@paulahenriksen3250 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh your mother is amazing! You can clearly hear every word she is speaking and what courage she has! Most people would be hiding. She is so proud of you!
@gardenstatesowandsew 2 жыл бұрын
This is just so heartwarming and special. I want to ferment my first head of cabbage. My first ferment ever I should say. I have a secret. I absolutely hate to cook 😂 all of a sudden canning things from my garden has changed me and I can’t be happier. I’m trying so hard to be healthy. I just love your mom and dad. You are an incredible person and an incredible daughter.
@JoAnnCarpenter815 2 жыл бұрын
Your Mom is an amazing woman & so are you! I appreciate that you’re sharing your story & your parents journey -so beautiful to be able to give back in such a personal way. I lost my mother 33 years ago & wish I had the opportunity to do for her what you’re doing for your parents! May God bless your family!
@BecomingaFarmGirl 2 жыл бұрын
Hello JoAnn! I was truly nervous to share this at first because sometimes, in public, folks are inconsiderate/impatient. I also know that the condition that my mom has isn't unique to her and having soft textured food has truly been helpful these past few years. Blessings to you and yours as well, sweet friend!
Sweet Sister I loved meeting your parents in this episode, what a treat. I too about 20 yrs. ago felt this over whelming feeling that I had to make a quilt, I am 60 now 40 at the time, I made it a very successful business, then I started my own catering business as I saw my mother was very successful with her, I too became successful but after 10 or so yrs. of doing that I got this urge to leave California and move to a farm in Missouri, so we did. after 2 yrs. being here my husband suddenly passed away, so I am here with my 4oyr old son that due to the war he is 8 and my 10yr old which thinks he is 30. but I have an extensive canning process and storage, I ferment, dehydrate and myself as well cannot afford the freeze dryer so I purchased a few of those cans. and your right I am the 3rd generation from all of that knowledge. thank you so much for sharing your beautiful family with us and had you not cried we would not have been able to empathize with what you're going through and letting it out really does help to release the pain we feel emotionally. I wish I had a daughter to pass this down to. God Bless you sister stay safe
@trishapomeroy9251 Жыл бұрын
Your dad is so spot on with how the old ways seem to have skipped a generation. I'm so glad we can pick up the torch and keep those traditions and ways of doing things alive! What a blessing you are able to be to your parents. I know that must feel so good!
@grace-v2d 6 ай бұрын
What a blessing. I completely understand this connection to you grandmothers. I am a quilter, beginning gardener, and hopefully soon canner. People teased me about it and I stopped for a while but realized that God has linked me to my grandmothers and to others in a very special way. Keep up what you are doing. You are blessed to be a blessing.
@debrapaff7543 2 жыл бұрын
Your Mom and Dad are too freaking precious. And the peace that comes with being able to provide care from so far away is a blessing that cannot be matched. I love bringing canned food to my 88 year old Pop. He bellyaches when I try to fill his pantry from the store, but is gracious when it is things I have canned. He always sends me home with empties. And just like you I am in awe of the many pioneer canners here on KZbin but I am adding you to my list of favorites. Keep on canning!😘
@BecomingaFarmGirl 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Debra! Thank you for such kind words about my parents. I couldn't agree with you more--they are truly special and genuine people. Similarly, you absolutely understand the power of both giving and receiving a home cooked canning recipe. I know that you Pop so appreciates your home canned foods. There were so many other canners I could have named, but I'm telling you they really started the fire going so I had to give them a shout out! So nice to "meet" you, sweet friend!
@patrice1966 Жыл бұрын
I’m so glad that your canning journey has enabled you to provide nutritious and delicious foods for your mom to enjoy. You are a huge blessing to your family and those of us who watch your channel.
@unknownangel64 2 жыл бұрын
By the grace of God I came across your channel. My mother has lived with me for 30 years. She became disabled and now at 83 she is having major dementia issues since breast cancer surgery in January. I'm so sorry that your mother has been ill. I will keep her in my prayers. I'm a firm believer that God is the best of planners and your journey has brought relief to your parents. When the pandemic hit there was some medical items that my mother needed that were out. I told myself that I was never going to have her worry about things again as it also brought up childhood difficulties after the war. So i started prepping and preparing for weather emergencies too. I stock, dehydrate, freeze and prepare for everything. My mother isn't interested in canning again but I'm looking into it for sure. I'm with you on a freeze drier. My sister and I plan to retire together and have a small homestead. I wish you everything good this life has to offer. God bless.
@mommabscrochetkitchen2439 2 жыл бұрын
Your mom is such a blessing and your dad is a card! Beef stew in a jar is another great item that your parents might enjoy. Just heat it up, add a flour/water rue to thicken and they are set. My family's favorite chicken and dumplings is 2 pints of chicken breast, 1 pint each chicken broth, carrots and potatoes. A handful of frozen peas. Heat to a simmer and thicken. Add drop biscuits and simmer until they are done. Absolutely wonderful 😋
@BecomingaFarmGirl 2 жыл бұрын
Oooooh, Momma B- that recipe sounds delicious and is one I will certainly give that a try! Thank you so much for sharing!
@BecomingaFarmGirl 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Marilyn! My family is truly the biggest blessing I have. I don't know where I'd be without those two. Thank you so much for your kind words. Many blessings to you and yours!
@laurieschmidtke7497 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Cassandra! Please don't feel vulnerable in front of us! Just consider us (very) extended family- except we're not here for you by birth, but by choice! You're parents are lovely! It's great that you are able to help your mother through your canning! You're right about the "skipping generations" thing. My grandmother raised chickens and canned (on the south side of Chicago, mind you) in the early 1920s, to feed her husband, brother in law, and (eventually) 8 kids after coming to this country because that's what she knew. Skipped my folks generation. Now I'm learning to can, quilt, and make soap! And my daughter and husband bought a farm. She learned to crochet, grow her own food, and can! Are we regressing or progressing!? I think the latter!
@susieplatt3874 2 жыл бұрын
I never comment, and I had to comment. This was SO touching and true. I love this channel. I grew up canning with my mom and my girls, but really only for fun or 4-H projects. I am really loving canning more and learning all of the things we can can! It's so much more then I ever knew! I also get a little angry, canning used to just be something fun and a way to not waste our garden produce. Now, I am stepping up my canning because I don't trust what is in the food we are buying. I never used to believe this could be true. I just read an article re toxins in baby food, and on a main stream media channel. It's heartbreaking to think food from our grocery store could be poisoning us and making us sick. But, on the bright side we have wonderful teachers like this! Please keep all your videos coming! Love you and praying for all of you!
@BecomingaFarmGirl 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Susie! It's been a busy work week so I'm sorry for just getting to you now. Your comment mentions so many good tidbits that I couldn't agree with more! Untangling myself from the industrialized food system over the last few years is something that, like you, I'm only getting more and more convicted about. It's truly a skill that empowers your health, cooking, and food security in so many ways, yet its still mostly thought of as an outdated skill or folks are misinformed about its safety. Like you, the number of recalls and skeptical decisions food companies make is alarming. Keep canning honey! Each year the goal is to scale up a bit more and eventually, both you and I will get there!
@cindyburke4340 2 жыл бұрын
This video blessed me so very much, thank you. I lost my husband a year ago and it has been the hardest thing I have ever went through. When you were speaking about your mom and how food is such an important part of our lives. To just set down and break bread, wow! It was the wording that I did not have to explain how I felt, because this is an area that I miss my husband in so much. He loved food, and i would give anything to have that time back. Now it is just me and I am learning to process and cook for one. I still am addicted to canning and preserving, I just have to go about it differently. Thank you for the blessing of this video and I pray for a miracle recovery for you mother. God bless
@BecomingaFarmGirl 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Cindy! I just want to give you a big hug. My heart goes out to you for the passing of your husband and I will keep you in my prayers. Similar to you, the joy I get from canning/cooking comes partially from having quality foods fast, but also all the other things that come with you as you described (sitting at the table together, plating food, seeing satisfied smiles, cleared off plates and going back for seconds!) Stay encouraged--God is not finished with you yet and may find that your skills will come in handy, as a teacher or provider for someone else. Blessings to you, sweet friend!
@mruben8713 Жыл бұрын
Cass, I was so touched by your story today about your parents. The Lord works in mysterious ways and with imperfect people. Your gift and love of canning has filled a void in your parents life where they get food and love from you, across the miles - it makes perfect sense from God's eyes. I battled acute mold poisoning 6 yrs ago and like your mother, I couldn't eat hardly anything and lost 32 lb in 6 weeks, have had severe breathing trouble, seizures, heart attack, hair fell out & 32 other symptoms. I learned to juice dark green leafy vegetables for 2 years to survive, thrive & heal and now I'm inspired by you to can from my organic gardening. Thank you for sharing your wonderful family & love with us. God bless you all & never stop beliving in miracles. I am one.
@LizGross 2 жыл бұрын
Cassandra - I'm so thankful the KZbin algorithm brought me to your channel. I live on 1.6 acres in Wisconsin and have been "becoming a farm girl" for about 13 years - starting with a patio garden when my husband and I lived in an upper duplex. I appreciate your vulnerability about your family connection to canning. And I'm totally snagging the shelf tag idea! Thank you for being here and for being you.
@hopew3531 Жыл бұрын
Cassandra, it is obvious the love you have for your parents. I love that the Lord has given you this passion to preserve food so that it would help your mom. Your parents have done a wonderful job in your upbringing because it shows you would do anything for them. I feel the same way about my parents. I will be praying for your mom! Thank you for sharing
@sassyannie6292 Жыл бұрын
Oh Cass, what a blessing! I was thinking of my Mom and crying because I miss her. She passed away in 2019. My Dad passed away in 2009. I was crying while you were on your couch talking about your Mom. What a blessing that she and your Dad are still here and are able to enjoy your food! They are so sweet and your Mom is so adorable. Im sending hugs. I love your ideas of your pantry. You are inspiring and I appreciate you and your ideas. Thank you, girl! Blessings!
@michelleg4053 Жыл бұрын
Being a freakishly weird canner myself and started seriously canning because of my daughters health issues. I 200% relate to your love of feeding your ppl great nutritious food. Thank you for sharing your light and love.
@gwynn8388 Жыл бұрын
Sister in Faith….this is one of the best videos I have ever watched. I really felt how much you love your parents. I love, even more, how you speak of our Lord. Without our Heavenly Father we are so lost. He prepared you for such a time as this and it’s so beautiful that you recognize His hand in that. May your light continue to shine so bright and touch the lives of many 💕
@bettychrispatterson9314 Жыл бұрын
Having your mom become ill is the scariest thing in the world. I have been in your place and feel your frustration with the medical world. I just discovered your channel and feel super blessed to be able to learn from you and pray for you during your journey. Your energy and passion is a bright spot every time I see you have a new video out. God bless your family
@Iluvchknz 2 жыл бұрын
Your dad is speaking to me… I come from a family that farmed. Although, not my mom’s generation. I just have it on my heart to learn something that used to be apart of my families history. I’ve revived my grandparent’s garden, taught myself to can and next year I’m adding chickens. I’ve always been blessed to have access to farm raised meat and fresh eggs. I, however, have the desire to raise these things myself. I inherited my grandpa’s farm a couple of years ago I just have to drag my husband along. Good thing he tolerates my crazy ideas.
@joyces.9021 Жыл бұрын
Wow....what a journey you and your family have been on. ❤️ Thank you for your courage in sharing this with us. Btw, your Mom does a great job of making her speech understandable, given her current medical condition. Hugs to you all from Canada.
@debraarnold8610 Жыл бұрын
Cassandra, I've only recently found your channel and let me say, "I LOVE it and you!" Thank you for letting yourself be so honest and vulnerable. Hearing your parents share their thoughts about canning was such a hoot. You all seem like such fun people. Stay strong and real. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. God bless you all.
@ileanadejesus8588 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing with “me” such a heartwarming story! You bring your parents so much joy and pride! I pray over you for the Lord to give you the desires of your heart, and receive the blessings that come along with honoring your parents! May He bring healing to your precious mom! Love from sunny Florida!❤
@laurasagan2606 Жыл бұрын
You are doing an amazing job helping your family and everyone here on KZbin. Thank you for sharing your mom's story.
@rosariodeamor2544 2 жыл бұрын
Your mom looks like a sweet heart. You bless every day you have her. I took care of my mom for 6 years. And it was a joy to have her here with us. You are a wonderful daughter.
@joanhummingbird3190 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful. How I feel towards this video is " AMEN". 🤣🤣🤣 Totally enjoyed, and I had tears! I don't cry. ❤️
@cathyward698 2 жыл бұрын
Never thought I’d cry at a canning video but here we are. Beautiful, Cass. ❤️❤️❤️
@katescaringcorner6765 Жыл бұрын
My heart cries for your mom’s journey with her health issues. God’s grace is upon her. She is a strong woman indeed. You come from amazing parents.
@barbaradeas8910 2 жыл бұрын
Cass we have not only skipped a generation with the canning, growing our own food, quilting and all the things that enable us to nurture our families but much of the younger generation is self absorbed and not there for the people who have given and sacrificed so much for them. Your story warms my heart! I cried with you as you told your story and am still emotional as I write this. What a blessing you are to your parents! For it is what we are suppose to do! May God continue to bless your journey!💞
@peggyoconnell3733 Жыл бұрын
I’ve watched this particular video multiple times. Yes, your mom is an amazing person as is your dad! God bless you all!
@louiserobinson6704 Жыл бұрын
As a 71 year old retired Family and Consumer Sciences teacher (aka: Home Economics), I am so proud of your journey! You inspire me.❤ God Bless You and your family. 💕 💕💕💕Sending lots of love to your parents.
@BecomingaFarmGirl Жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you!
@nathaliemurphy358 Жыл бұрын
I feel so blessed to have run across your channel. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your family’s story and your journey into the world of canning. Because this is so much more than one woman’s passion for cooking and preserving food. Would love to give you a hug.
@jonizabel1952 Жыл бұрын
This is one of the most beautiful homesteading videos I've ever watched! 😭💓🤗 Thank you so very much for sharing your family's beautiful testimony with us! May the Lord Jesus continue to bless your beautiful family abundantly! ❤️🙏
@TheCornerofWhymsyAndBlyss Жыл бұрын
Cassandra, I just want to thank you and celebrate you for your vulnerability and transparency. I have been binge watching your videos all day and getting more and more inspired after each one. But this video made me stop to say thank you. Thank you for sharing your unique and creative approach to urban homesteading. Thank you for reminding us of the beauty of homemaking. And most importantly, thank you for loving your parents so much and finding a way to help your dear mother regain her health and vitality. You're amazing and a true blessing ❤
@anitanavarro4121 8 ай бұрын
Your story is incredibly heart warming. I was in tears when your mom told you God had given her peace. Thank you for sharing this amazing story.
@ThingsAbove333 2 жыл бұрын
Your Mother's heart for trusting the Lord is so beautiful! May we all grow to such faithfulness during the trials of life.... very inspirational!! Thankyou for sharing! 💜
@BecomingaFarmGirl 2 жыл бұрын
God's grace is sufficient in any situation, and even in the midst of the unexpected he is still worthy of praise!
@boater9 Жыл бұрын
So beautiful of you to share your mom's struggle. I cried along with you. I love that you are able to nourish your mom and dad with quality food from your heart. Just so sweet. I know your parents are blessed to have a wonderful and thoughtful daughter like you.
@grarycat1984 Жыл бұрын
Well you did it again Mrs.Cass, I'm blubbering all over the place. You my love are an inspiration. My husband and I had covid in 21 on our anniversary 🙄 during that time. I started gardening, which I loved...but covid took my taste, smell, legs and my thoughts. I have spontaneous collapse in my legs. I had to reprogram my life. I was out of work for months doing rehab, going a little crazy and I just quit gardening all together, but you have given me new found hope so thank you. My youngest and I will be back in the soil soon, im preeping for my winter garden, and my first set of canned goods. Your heart is beautiful. Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your world with us.❤ Tia
@beckyw2903 2 жыл бұрын
I loved seeing your mom on here! What a blessing to be able to help her out with your canning.
@LoveSoulyaki 2 жыл бұрын
love this, tears in my eyes while typing. before my mother pasted a way we loved to cook and canned together. This is Love... Your father is right, the skipping of generations of home cooked meals and fresh meals from the garden. Really give a perspective on the this matter. I look forward to my youngest son who is getting married this month and having my grandbabies live off of my land and food. ( Love), knowing that the future of my family health is going to be provided in the freshest of my garden and watching them run and play out side fill me with love and future joy. thank you for sharing.
@lisatangen4213 2 жыл бұрын
I'm still tearing up over the impact your canning had on your mom's health. What a blessing. I'm praying you can settle into your dream of two acres (or more) this year!
@usaroxx8085 Жыл бұрын
Sweet Laord. Your mothers skin is GORGEOUS. I could not tell which hands were hers and which were yours, when you were both working the string beans. Just beautiful hands, both of you.
@frugalmomofmany 2 жыл бұрын
I teared up hearing your mom's story. You are an amazing daughter! Your parents are so blessed, as you are to have them! I just found your channel, and I am so excited. I've been canning for years, but I'm looking to expand on what I can. I can't wait to look at all your recipes. You do KZbin professionally and beautifully! Wish we were local and could be canning friends!
@jodibellamy2713 2 жыл бұрын
Sister, you are precious! God bless you and your sweet mama! What a priceless gift you have given your parents!
@ceecee3339 2 жыл бұрын
I had a good cry with you .. First of all I just want to send so much love to your beautiful Mama ❤️ Its heart warming to hear the way your family has come together to get through your tribulations. You’re an amazing daughter ! I was diagnosed with stomach cancer in June and can’t eat the way I did because I lost a lot of my stomach function. I had to switch to soups and easily blended foods if need be that day . Well in comes canning ! I’ve been putting up everything I can for my 3 year old to eat while I go through treatment/then surgery post op period . It’s making me feel like I can maintain some independence through this and feed her home cooking when I’m not able to cook . God bless you and your family and thanks for sharing your vulnerable moments 🙏
@nevermind7253 Жыл бұрын
I'm a new subscriber and I Love you! I'm going to be 65 in August and I never learned anything really unfortunately from my grandma and mom hated to cook! I've done ok on my own and I'm the queen of making something from nothing 😁 I'm the caregiver for my husband who's pretty sick, chronic pancreatitis and heart aneurysm for example, I to have health issues, had Cancer and have fibromyalgia and arthritis. We are currently living in a retirement type housing after I fought for almost three years to get my husband free from a terrible nursing home that almost killed him! Honestly.... We don't have a "real" kitchen... No stove and really tiny refrigerator and a few small cabinets and one drawer! YES challenge is the word! But I refuse to eat the food they serve here that's included because it's garbage, made elsewhere that they just heat up. And my husband can't eat Alot of things such as onion and garlic and limited fatty foods. I'm very interested in this subject however unsure if I can even do it ... Especially here. Question Do they have an electric canner? Even the air fryer oven I bought blow's the electric out! Yes an old building. ... So I have a small cooker that does multiple things and a slow cooker. Any suggestions for me from this great group? Thanks in advance Blessings 💞 PS Your story on your mom had me crying right along with you.. I so understand as we've spent the last 15+ yrs going from Dr to Dr trying to help my husband! It's mading to say the least.... No wonder I had two heart attacks, stress kill's. Wishing you and your family many blessings 🌷
@VagabondAnne 2 жыл бұрын
YES, exactly! My Mom has the beginnings of Dementia, and dinner at night is just too hard, but opening a jar of bean soup for her and my diabetic Dad was something she could do when I was literally on the other side of the planet. My Dad has since had a stroke, and I am living with them now, but canning has become more helpful than ever. I've got over a hundred pints of just beans, so many different kinds, to keep his blood sugar stable, all the tomato products done for the year, and now I am restocking all the soups and stews. We're in California with a solar battery backup to the big freezer, but I agree with you, I would not want to have it full of freezer meals if it suddenly stopped working. It is functioning as the waystation for bulk and sale items and garden bounty that is headed for the canning pot, and if needed I could get it all safely fermented or canned up within a week. Good job on really being there for your Mom, and supporting her choices. Personally I feel pretty fierce about making sure my folks are well taken care of, and canning has been a sanity saver for sure.
@shellakers10 2 жыл бұрын
Omg! First off, you feel like you could be a much younger version of me! Only I wasn't so frugal. Lol. I was raised with gardens, home cooking the country way and canning, freezing, you name it! I was much too cool to pay attention when I was young. Too busy with money and kids and looking like the joneses (in the spirit of honesty). It's laughable now all the things I thought were important. NOW, I actually learn so many things from people like you mention. I'm taking it more seriously than I did college. I wish I would have started when I was younger like you! I KNOW your mom is so proud of you! I loved hearing all the expression and love in her voice! It might be hard for her to talk but I understood and FELT every word she said! You are SUCH a blessing to your family and maybe you don't even know. Now we've got to get that woman her second pantry! Lol. I'm all in to see what you're going to be doing! And I know your mom helps as much as she can too... priceless. I also would love to tell her that I understand and respect her no more doctor decision. I've had to make the same decision and now I only worry about the day that I'm on, not the next surgery or doc appt. I'm really proud of your mama. Shes a very strong woman so it's easy to see where you get it from! Thank you for sharing!!!
@christineayre796 Жыл бұрын
I can't even tell you how much this video has ministered to me. Mom passed 2 years ago in January. We were 100% oragic natural and it was the ignorance of traditional ways were her demise. TMJ is correctable!! Please check with massage therapists that are trained in this. Your Mom is so precious!!
@TheSoj77 Жыл бұрын
This is mostly to Cassandra’s Mom and Dad…no surprise your daughter is so amazing seeing the two of you! Mom, I KNOW what incredible effort you have made to relearn pronunciation….you are an encouragement and inspiration to me to keep at it with my husband’s cardiac rehab post heart-attack! Big Mama😂😂.. definitely Louisiana!.
@traceydixon6230 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing Mom and Dad with us. Treasure DEEPLY your healthy relationship with them. I miss my parents so much. We had that same bond y’all have. You completely touched my heart and soul today.
@sewmuchtime3445 2 жыл бұрын
You, my girl, are a true blessing. As a military spouse (me too! 30 yrs) I know it’s not easy being you but you are excelling! You honor your parents, are teaching a new generation and and are growing personally. (I’ve seen it!) I’ve been canning for 30 yrs off and on but you inspire me to do more (including teaching MY parents to do things they’ve never done, like canning chicken breast!”
@thomas_saved_by_yeshua Жыл бұрын
Your heartfelt message really hit home for me! I had a lot of tears right along with you caring for your parents like I'm trying to do over the years (they are now 91 and 95) now I'm living
@angelasheppard7197 Жыл бұрын
I know how you feel about being able to help your parents. My dad had a massive stroke and was not able to eat. He was in hospital but not for long,fortunately. My mom slowly lost balance and we thought it was her diet. Long story short it was brain cancer. It was 3 weeks from diagnosis that she passed. We felt helpless. My mother n law has chronic back pain that doctors can only treat with a tens unit and pills which is affecting other organs. All this in saying, my heart goes out to you.
@shikiixTheYoungWidow Жыл бұрын
Oh wow. My husband passed from brain cancer too 3 weeks ago, I became his fulltime carer. I know how you feel, powerless and you never feel you can help them enough This might not be my place to say this, but is there any surgery to help your mother in law? Maybe its a nerve issue? (You're very sweet caring for her as your own mum) All the best to you ❤💜💖
@starmama23 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story! I'm so glad your Mom can enjoy food again. I believe good food can heal so many things. I agree with you about how important it is to share food or a meal with others. Such a great way to connect with others. I'm glad I stumbled across your channel and I shared it with a couple friends already.
@TheMoodyHouse 2 жыл бұрын
I'm just losing it over here. Please don't cry bc then I cry. I'm so happy for you and your Mom. The way God strategically move in our lives is amazing. I can't wait for you to get land. It's going to be soon and amazing. You can supply your Mom with a year of food.
@nharber9837 2 ай бұрын
Your dad talking about generational stuff sometimes skipping hit home! I am the only knitter and crocheter in my family, but my great great gran knitted and crocheted non-stop. My grandmother came in one day while I was knitting and apparently I sit exactly like she did when I knit and lean the same way. Wild, as I never met her, and never saw her knit.
@rob_cd 2 жыл бұрын
Mama trying to get me in tears with that beautiful smile and irrepressible spirit. ❤
@KoniB. Жыл бұрын
Cass, I have learned over time to be an ingredient canner, ingredient freezer, and ingredient dehydrator preservationist only. Has saved me time, money, and I have more flexibility to CHOOSE when I want to "recipe" can. (like for canning your Salsa recipe) ♥ 70 yr old Nana from the Great State of Texas Yee Haw!
@gccheryl4038 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Cassandra! I'm Cheryl living near the SE Texas Gulf Coast, 67 years old, and recently subscribed be-CAUSE I have had the same frustration with other methods of building food storage!! It's just my husband and I (no kids) and we are in the hottest most humid climate here with limited space. Most of what I learned about cooking was in high school - YES! we had great home economics classes, including even how to care for the sick at home, can you believe that??! I loved it and ended up as a teachers aid in my junior year. My mother canned but did not teach me so I am learning on my own and currently only water bath can. Thank you thank you for sharing your mission, and this video especially is going to be a game changer for some. All the love girl!!
@sherryevans2989 2 жыл бұрын
OMG! I only recently discovered your channel and just love your videos. This episode had me crying right along with you! The way canning has helped your mom has probably extended her life as well as made her healthier. It definitely has made her life more enjoyable. We never know what small things can turn into huge blessings for not only us, but also others. Keep up the great work.
@Lilmissbaker3173 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh, I am in tears! Your canning has a beautiful purpose! I so understand why you do what you do, I cook/bake for my mom ( dad passed many years ago) I make things and freeze in individual portions then vacuum seal in bags that she can boil in water to heat. I also can items for her! You are a beautiful person, I am so glad I stumbled onto your channel…your mom and dad are wonderful…
@MennoniteFarmhouse 2 жыл бұрын
Wow! You had me crying… I could watch this over and over. I’m watching as I pressure can some southwest vegetable soup at all most midnight on a Saturday. Blessing to your and your sweet folks!
@BecomingaFarmGirl 2 жыл бұрын
LeAnn! Honey, I was a snotty, red-eyed mess in this video! I was initially nervous to share, but THIS is the heart around why canning means so much to me. EVERYONE: If you want to see another beautiful canning pantry tour, check out LeAnn's channel!
@marksadventures3889 Жыл бұрын
I would like to add I wish your Mum a comfortable life and one of joy and that her new food life is great to help her. You lady are fantastic daughter.
@donnaaltamore5342 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful child, you are an awesome person. You, my dear, are so genuine, and so awesome. I am sure even God smiles when you talk. Thank you for letting us be a small part of your life. Blessings for you and your family.
@ericawaymaster2919 2 жыл бұрын
You are an amazing daughter. I am so glad your canning has made such a difference for your parents. Your mom and dad are both amazing as well. Thank you for sharing your story.
@tnpreparer8903 Жыл бұрын
What an amazing story about your mom and how home-canned food turned out to be such a blessing for you. Thank you for sharing!
@docdoctme 2 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed your Mom’s story and how the food just put a fire under her. We were made by God to enjoy the food experience that got highjacked with processed foods. You and your family are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your journey.
@annswann1941 2 жыл бұрын
Oh Cassandra, I feel you! ♥️ Years ago my mom had throat cancer. The treatment kept her with us but deteriorated her jaw and affected her swallowing. After struggling with that for a few years she simply lost interest in eating & drinking. Soon she became dehydrated which weakened her and made her unable to live on her own. The big differences in our stories are that I grew up canning at my mom’s side and that I lost my mom three years ago. The first video of yours that I’d watched you were on the phone with your mom while opening a package from her💕 I felt the love between you 😊 I love your beautiful, bubbly personality, the tenderness you show and of course the great information you share. God is amazing with His timing, He knew your mom would need your canning so He gave you the passion and means of learning ♥️ I’m so happy to have you as a new KZbin friend 😊
@BecomingaFarmGirl 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Ann! Firstly, I want to hug you because I can only imagine the challenges, strength, highs and lows you, your mom and loved ones went through with her diagnosis. I was so nervous to share this but I at least hoped it would help someone else not feel alone. Plus, after spending years watching canning channels I’d not heard someone share how canning helped in this way. You are so right, the Lord was preparing me and I’m so glad he only gave me the part of the picture I needed to see at the time. Prior to the video you watched first I hadn’t shown my mom, but the outpouring of understanding has given me courage to do so more and more. What a gift to have the memories of learning to can from your sweet momma. Thank you for your sweet words my friend, I cherish them more than you know!
@Treefarmld Жыл бұрын
Your mother is so so courageous! And you’re the best daughter ever! God bless you and your lovely family! Keep canning Cass! We want to see your videos and your accomplishments!❤
@christinelitzinger7264 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for opening your home and heart to us. I recently started my canning journey and have been so inspired by the channels I've found on KZbin. I didn't grow up around canners and I live in a neighborhood without much yard for a garden. I've found your channel so inspiring that people without a farm/land can also have a beautifully stocked pantry with home canned goods. Your relationship with your parents is adorable.❤
@karenfeest8193 Жыл бұрын
My Grandmother canned everything. I had no interest in it until my early 30’s. What I wouldn’t give to have her can with me. So good to see the younger generation getting back to basis. God bless your mom.
@UncleBobbo Жыл бұрын
Seeing your love for your mother is so beautiful and inspirational. I wish we all could be loved by someone in such a way. God bless you.
@sabrinafields9395 Жыл бұрын
I total agree with you Dad, Great tasting food! From my Mother and Grandmothers, I learned how to cook (breadmaking, canning and all the in between) quilt, garden, work and raise my family. From one Louisianan to another… You have a Beautiful Mom… Have a Blessed Day…
@TrixieJFerguson Жыл бұрын
Beautiful story! I know you’ve been doing this for a while now, but just in case nobody has ever mentioned it to you, it’s best to put the rings back on the jars if you’re traveling with them. It protects your seal from the jostling about that inevitably comes from the bumps in the road. When you reach your destination you would obviously want to remove the rings again. I’m sure you’ve probably done it a million times, so I’m just sharing what my grandmothers taught me. Blessings to you and your family.
@thriftymonkey7961 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your family and the reasons you can with us. I have often wished (too late) that I had been around my grandma more as a child. I canned with her, but minimally. I helped with pickles and pickled peppers. My grandparents canned vegetables and froze some as well. They never canned meat or broth. I have learned that by watching suttons daze and many other wonderful canners, you included. I am in my 50's and now just learning how to do a lot of preservation. It is one of many important skills that have almost been lost. I enjoy your videos very much! Thank you. 🙂
@yourdarnwright4878 Жыл бұрын
I also wanted to say your mom and dad are blessed to have a daughter like you. 🙏🏾
@rebeccaalen79 Жыл бұрын
This was the first time I found your video this evening on my TV watching KZbin and I started with your doing the small garden on a deck and thought it was amazing and sending it to my friends and then I just let all your videos keep playing while I was doing my artwork and stopped when I got to the one about your mom and I had to look it up on my phone so I could comment to you sending prayers 🙏💝for your mom and your family you have such a beautiful family and you're helping so many with your videos and just my heart goes out to your mom and you and your whole family may God bless you all and heal her especially with your good home meals and canned meals that you're making she is so precious ❤ and I love all your videos thank you so much for sharing I hope it brings all the blessings you guys need
@journeytothehomestead9713 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, I really enjoyed hearing your parents discuss how this lifestyle change has enhanced their life. My great grandmother is 100 and my family always talks about how I am renewing the ways of which she fed the family so I definitely related. Happy Canning. Light, Love, & Blessings,
@myhappyplace7861 Жыл бұрын
Oh, what a sweetheart! You and your parents! I know your parents are so proud of you. And being able to help your mom in such a tangible way, has got to be so fulfilling for you. Taught myself to can back in the 1990’s in my 20’s. It was such a blessing when hurricane katrina came through. We lost all of our cold storage foods. But made it with canned goods until we could get out and temporarily relocate. Gives a sense of security for sure. Rock on!
@dsvernitsky Жыл бұрын
Like so many have shared, I found your channel this week and have been watching ALL the videos. I have been moved by your testimony and your effervescent spirit, God has graced you with so much favor and a beautiful character. Thank you for sharing, I’m weeping at Gods grace and love, His mercy for your parents in preparing you to care for them. SO BEAUTIFUL ❤
@DollsandEverythingElse Жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry to hear about your Mom but she’s in good spirits and the fact that you can give her good tasting food to sustain her is the ultimate gift. You’re an awesome daughter and I can only pray that my daughter would do the same.❤
@alexalivingston2048 Жыл бұрын
Your mom is an inspiration and so is your dad! Just beautiful love❤ Thank you and your parents for sharing. God bless you all🙏
@countycalling 2 жыл бұрын
Oh baby girl, I so understand your message about your Mother, I’m older, so your love and beautiful is so respected. My husband is now 74, he has stage 4 kidney cancer, a collapsing spine from treatment, he most often can’t eat, much like your explanation of your mom. I took up canning because of him. It allows him to be able to eat a pork chop still. I can a pork chop with garlic and mushroom gravy ( with clear jell so it’s approved) he loves it. God love you, please hug your Mom for me
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