Beledar CONFIRMED To Be Azeroth Itself But Also A Naaru! What?!

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@Doronsmovies 4 күн бұрын
Can anyone explain why calcified world soul essence has all the Naaru runes on it and is fully light based? Also I'd like to thank Bootd.ev for making this video possible click this link and use my code DORONSMOVIES to get 25% off your first payment for That’s 25% off your first month or your first year, depending on the subscription you choose.
@darcraven01 3 күн бұрын
i'd go out on a limb and say that the light is using the essence of azeroth to create the naaru. each force in the lore (order, chaos, light, void, nature, death) seem to all want azaroth for different reasons. order want it to become a great titan as an example.. maybe naaru are born from crystalized essence of world souls.. kinda draining the life away to create the crystalized beings (i.e. maybe beledar is a naaru egg formed from the essence of azeroth). it would explain why it appears naaru but is also said to be crystalized essence.
@timstraarupnielsen7770 2 күн бұрын
What if Azeroth is actually the center of Creation. Maybe she is the 7th unknown cosmological force: Creation, and thus some of her essence crystallized into what might create the Naaru. Maybe some of her essence is also creating other forces of the cosmos. It would make sense for all of the other cosmological forces to try to get their hands on her, so they can turn the entirety of Creation into their own image through her power.
@Nervx1 4 күн бұрын
Maybe Beledar is converted by naaru. That would leave room for Azeroth to not beeing purely light.
@ben9441 3 күн бұрын
Could it be some kind of light corruption method? Lile how void lords sent old gods to corrupt azeroth, the light fired the crystals trying to penetrate to the core to inject light energy? A bunch of crystals all over the planets crust may suggest multiple attempts as they were trying to find the thinnest point of the crust to penetrate all the way down?
@jessewilson6404 3 күн бұрын
The crystal is just a seed. And depending on what kind of power it gets changes what it becomes
@cakelolcake 3 күн бұрын
mhh My specuulation is, that every of the 6 aspects, death, living, light, void, order and disorder has one of those crystals. Because everyone wants Azeroth to get to their side, so maybe Azeroth will not turn in any of those but be an Avatar of all 6 traits, so to say she will be a beakon of light, void, order, disorder, life and death and be the peacebrinnger of all 6.
@darcraven01 3 күн бұрын
nah, crystals are kind of a light thing (and void by proxy of corrupting light's crystals). life has world trees, order has titans, void has old gods.. im not sure if we know what death's "thing" is.. as for chaos.. well, right now its got a giant sword. dont think thats normally what it'd use but hey, its there..
@ZulatobariGreatforge 3 күн бұрын
I'd go further and say that if a World Soul can become anything if guided that way, such as Order to become a Titan, that any World Soul, and the Prime World Soul in particular, has all 6 cosmic forces present in its soul. Thus, it may not even be the Light itself trying its hand at Azeroth, it could simply be Azeroth's 'defensive mechanism' to the Old Gods attempt to force themselves to her heart, before the Titans showed up. Let the Titans succeed since they were trying not to hurt her, trying to heal her and learn about her, Old Gods? They were outright trying to torment her!
@ToHonorKnowledge 2 күн бұрын
People like you and pyro need to go watch dev interviews because shit like this and 99.9% of what pyro says has been debunked dozens of times. They are trying to “forget about” the cosmic chart, the devs and metzen don’t like it and for the last 2 expansions they’ve been trying to widdle it down to “it’s what characters actually in the world are speculating with no evidence to support them, like an azerothian conspiracy theory”
@galten7361 Күн бұрын
@@ToHonorKnowledge It was pointed out that the "cosmic forces" need to combine or cooperate for the universe to function.
@ToHonorKnowledge Күн бұрын
@@galten7361 yeah. That means literally nothing, that’s just further deleting the separation of the cosmos. And you know. Metzen himself literally saying it’s BS and they are moving away from it
@bindair_dundat 3 күн бұрын
Calcified essence of the world soul? Aren't essence and soul sort of synonyms? And can essence calcify? What were they smoking? I've heard at least 10 fan speculations that would have made a lot more sense.
@aierune8201 3 күн бұрын
he's literally just spewing a bunch of stupid ass theories that make no sense cause He can't stay relevant unless he spews this stupid shit lol.
@greenelf444 3 күн бұрын
Well, with this info does that mean the ashbringer could have been made from a part of Azeroth herself?
@ZombieHunter1776 3 күн бұрын
Naaru’s + the curse of flesh = old gods
@Astrox326 3 күн бұрын
@Lun4tyk 2 күн бұрын
I suspect that the Haranir may know much more. They haven't said anything at all at the moment. But if they are indeed guarding the remains of the roots of the first World Tree, then they certainly know something about Beledar and what he really is. The history of their race must go back much further than the history of the Elves or Trolls that we know. Thousands of years before the first war with the Legion. Who knows, maybe they are even older than the dragons from the War of the Scaleborn. I also wonder if we will find the Isle of the Titans according to the 4th book of Hallowfall. Maybe there is another Titan outpost there that we don't know about, containing answers to many questions so far.
@tardif66 Күн бұрын
What if the reason the Naaru crystals are light aligned rather than elemental is because the crystals/Naaru are like Antibodies created by the world soul to fight off the void corruption
@aric8027 3 күн бұрын
I gotta disagree on some of this as being 'fact'. I don't think the coreway was created by the ripping out of elun'ahir. In the newest bit - they show a drill that was clearly responsible for digging the coreway. I think the better assumption would be that elun'ahir was ripped out where Beledar is located. It's a massive wound above and below the surface - and also above Hallowfall (which has an ocean created by Eonar's tears). Also why would they have the idea to dig out the coreway to monitor the world sould, if the hole already existed from elun'ahir being ripped out. They wouldn't need a drill, they would just need to build uniform walls / stairs in the existing hole.
@titaniumaura 3 күн бұрын
Peace on Azeroth.
@Maxon214 3 күн бұрын
Naaru being Void Gods that lost their way. It possible that is either a lie or not the full truth. Would not be the first time someone said something that turned to to be just their own bias opinion or view point.
@darcraven01 3 күн бұрын
im pretty sure that "lost their way" is just a matter of perspective. the void seems them as lost but the light would view the void as lost.. (and chaos would likely call them both nut jobs but hey, whatevers.. lol)
@Uouttooo 2 күн бұрын
I don't know why Azeroth went around pooping everywhere. Why would she/it/he put dropping everywhere? So all the crystals will eventually come together to form a planet sized wind chime, I meant, a giant Naaru?
@Godwin420 3 күн бұрын
To even suggest that Azeroth is a Naaru is surprisingly even more of a far-fetched, nonsensical take than Pyro's wildest speculation. Breathe, Doron and get some water - you may be dehydrated and suffering hallucinations.
@Maldanil 3 күн бұрын
He's obviously just saying stuff like this to get attention. We don't get to have professional theorisers like the folks from Elden Ring do.
@aierune8201 3 күн бұрын
He's just saying shit like this to get views,cause theres really nothing he can do to stay relevant except spew a bunch of stupid Theory bullshit lol.
@Doronsmovies 3 күн бұрын
I'm saying that because of the behind the scenes map from a level designer that referenced Beledar as the 'Naaru crystal'
@Godwin420 2 күн бұрын
@@Doronsmovies That is another thing entirely and has its own thousand or so possibilities as to why, but it doesn't make including Azeroth as one.
@Devildoginvu 2 күн бұрын
We get it. You don’t give a fuck about the lore.
@Donnirononon 3 күн бұрын
Kinda boring explaination tbh compared to the theories i seen. Why should Azeroth / Reality birth a light Naaru while being controlled by order Titans? Also why it looks just perfectly manufactured and like it crashed into the ceiling, like there are obvious cracks there and it is more out than in.
@sadmiqoxiv 3 күн бұрын
From where the cracks are, it looks more like beledar was lodged into the roof from below. Was it dislodged from the world soul and thrown out? Light rejected by azeroth.
@lichslayer0045 3 күн бұрын
Think of it this way if the Primal World Soul fell to Corruption of the most unpleasant cosmological forces like the Void and others the Damges to the Cosmos would be apocalyptic. The balance would be Undone. So naturally, a Fail safe would be needed in case the World Soul Fell and the question is should the lives of the few outlive the lives of the many. For better or worse the Titans are not the worst aspects of the Cosmos as other Forces like Void Fel take on far more active and Destructive Actions.
@mw2984 3 күн бұрын
every force in itself is apocalyptic. Every force main goal is to wipe out the other forces. Thats why in the end the only logical solution is the balance of all of them. Thats why the story is not really interesting or good tought of (btw it never really was)
@galten7361 2 күн бұрын
@@mw2984 Well yeah, since the devs think stuff like New Star Wars or the MCU or Harry Potter or BBC Sherlock or twitter/tumblr/reddit weeb stuff or whatever Rooster Teeth is doing or whatever else twitter/tumblr/reddit is into is the peak of stories.
@0megacron 3 күн бұрын
Azerite isn't the essence of Azeroth... it's her blood.
@qlasalle 3 күн бұрын
That's kinda the same thing when used under certain context
@Uouttooo 2 күн бұрын
Naarus do not have blood. They are just floating pieces of light/crystal?
@Corwin19 3 күн бұрын
Speculations time! There are several possibilities that come to mind. It could be an explanation of how naaru are born; from the calcified essence of world souls. But were these crystals produced by Azeroth, or from an outside force? It’s possible that these crystals were planted into Azeroth from the outside by other naaru or light aligned beings. The theory that the light is trying to convert Azeroth too, and that it is through these crystals, is the most prevalent that I have seen. Im not convinced though. Another possibility is that they were produced during the time of the Black Empire. It’s possible that the Empire was breeding dark naaru through these crystals. This is probably the more far fetched possibility, but there is still so much we don’t know about the connections between light and shadow. That, and Xalatath seemed far more knowledgeable about Beledar than anyone else in tww so far. I guess we won’t know more until we get more discs or I until the next path haha. This calcified world soul essence angle really threw me off, but it’s an interesting development that I look forward to seeing where they take it.
@ksoltar 3 күн бұрын
it looks more like sagaras told azoroth "just the tip i promise"
@TheSyncos Күн бұрын
"Why does beledar look so much like a naaru" It doesn't. In fact I would argue that with the exception of it emitting light, it does not share much in common with the Naaru at all. It's a giant 3d crystal instead of a floating flat origami thing. It's patterning looks like repeating geometric patterns more than single runes... You compare them to azerite, but that's more like Azeroth's blood, not shards of her soul. The real question is whether or not those shards are still intact and connected to Azeroth, or if they're more like children, which will gain their own sentience...
@GeekyNerdThao93 3 күн бұрын
Since Azeroth is a blank page getting pulled a dozen ways by different forces, it could be beledar is part of the Light's technology. Maybe some kind of world converting engine type thing, where they shot deep into Azeroth. Cause when you think about it, the Light is a big player but dont exactly have their own lieutenants like how Void has old gods and Order has titans.
@0megacron 3 күн бұрын
It would be more accurate to say that the Void Lords are "lieutenants" of the Void, in which case the Naaru would fulfill that same role for the Light. The Old Gods weren't so much lieutenants as they were tools. The Void Lords seeded them throughout the universe to find & corrupt potential world souls. As powerful as they are/were, when compared to the Void Lords that sent 'em, the Old Gods are more like the dogs a hunter sends into the bushes to flush out the quail.
@GeekyNerdThao93 3 күн бұрын
@@0megacron that makes sense, but I just can't see the naarus in the same ranking as they get no diffed all the time whereas we've yet to see a void lord, but it's assumed they gotta be way strong since their pets already require so much effort.
@Kubapajonczek 2 күн бұрын
@@0megacron Naaru are actually the ones that are equivalent of Old Gods, since Void Lords are the "pantheon" of Void, while we know nothing of Pantheon of Light except that it's a thing, and given how many Naaru are there and how they aren't as powerful as deities of pantheons but more on the level of Angels, it's safe to assume they are the Holy Light's counterpart to Old Gods
@x_ghost_x6612 3 күн бұрын
my only issue with WW is the pacing of the story. You just hit a wall and it stops. We need small bread crumb quests to keep us interested.
@ThisisDD 3 күн бұрын
I think Metzen came in partway into TWW plans and they're trying to shoehorn two stories together and scrambling because BFA/Shadowlands completely screwed up the lore
@ThisisDD 3 күн бұрын
Cool mogs though
@Phester 2 күн бұрын
Here is something for your invetigative skills. Did the Earthen fall victim to the Curse of Flesh? Is this Island experiencing De-Evolution? Who or What is causing it? If the Earthen are (dumbed down) just robots, then why do then need a Tavern, Brewery, a Grand Stage, Culture, Bank, Shops and so on? Haranir cross between Trolls and Night Elves (Where are the naughty buggers) or Night Elves De-evolving back towards their Troll beginings? Are they the only Races that seem to be moving backwards in evolutionary progression (natural or forced) What's with that funky Darwinian walking fish? Did you notice other animals that are related in the evolutionary chains? Now there is something to look into..
@pirojfmifhghek566 3 күн бұрын
Maybe these are the children of the "Earth Mother."
@jannovotny6046 Күн бұрын
Archaedas talking about calcified Worldsoul essence reffers to azerite - blood, essence, its the same. No way talking about Beledar, that has runes etc. No way that is just "calcified".
@danzibar5431 Күн бұрын
If the void and the titans have both tried to convert the world soul not to mention the legion oh and death… it makes logical sense the light may have done the same as well could beledar be a relic of that attempt?
@sadmiqoxiv 3 күн бұрын
So the question to ask is this: was sargeras stopping the titans from dominating the universe when he tried to kill azeroth? What will illidan do when he finds out the truth? Will he continue to serve as a jailer, or will he set sargeras free as he is able to see that his actions were for the greater good just like illidans?
@galten7361 2 күн бұрын
@sadmiqoxiv MCU tier writing.
@Kubapajonczek 2 күн бұрын
Sargeras wanted to destroy Azeroth to prevent any possibility of a void-corrupted world soul, it's not that deep really
@verihimthered2418 3 күн бұрын
space goats made a baby with a planet.
@ToHonorKnowledge 2 күн бұрын
Someone woke and said “I need to make pyro look sane”
@txdmsk 4 күн бұрын
Prediction: Elune is the 5th old god. I'm gonna join her, sorry guys.
@lunar_priest9674 4 күн бұрын
She is not. Periodt. edit: but you should join her anyway :)
@mw2984 3 күн бұрын
@@lunar_priest9674 we saw a "good" nathrezim... would not be shocked to see a "good" old god.
@galten7361 2 күн бұрын
@txdmsk Elune being an Old God has been speculated for awhile (since Pandaria at the latest). Her being an Old God who happens to use the Light is actually interesting so of course it won't happen.
@txdmsk 2 күн бұрын
@@galten7361 It has been established since, um, was it BC that naaru turn into void beings when they die and the other way around. I was half joking about her being the 5th old god, it could happen though.
@Takeya99 3 күн бұрын
What if Azeroth is a blank? It could become light, shadow, elemental,… and it‘s „blood“ aka the crystals just absorb those properties and, after the threshold is reached, become that corresponding power? It gets bathed in light -> Naaru Elemental Energy -> Elemental Lord
@moozel4757 3 күн бұрын
that's such poor writing. it's so diluted and open that it has no identity at all. boring
@GeorgeNoX 3 күн бұрын
literally nowhere was said that it was also a naaru
@Smeagol251 3 күн бұрын
What if... the crystals / Naaru... are parasitic to world souls?
@SnaxMang 3 күн бұрын
Naaru egg
@KatieKinz08 3 күн бұрын
Where did you get that Hallowfall Dev map?
@thatonedude54321 3 күн бұрын
funny, Azeoroth is Prime World Sould, that very very very important for everyone, especially for Titans and their Big Boss, but... just few years ago in Legion they literally was around Azeroth, and do nothing to fix their machinery or make sure that their big-titan-creating-from-azetoth plan goes how it must... i mean, after Algalon... and few dead Old Gods... and Legion...rebel Odin... and THAT Sword... and some other things that happens... WarCraft now has too much cosmology with big plot holes... I miss WarCraft3 and Classic times when WarCraft was about umm.. war craft, and all the simple stuff between orcs, humans, unded, elves...where Legion was just horrific mana lovers who just wipe world going through portals by rituals or anomalies... and not spaceships...
@goodcitizen7064 3 күн бұрын
Ya know, you always keep me interested in WoW lore, far better than Blizzard does. If only Blizzard had a sage, or prophet that you could go to in game to seek lore. I'm talking a correlated, researchable index of all WoW lore, with dialog and cut scenes for the player to imbibe. I would love to hear lore spoken to me in game. I find it very difficult to digest all the lore Blizzard puts out because I'm questing here and there and forget what's going on after.
@justinb7494 2 күн бұрын
I wouldnt call this true or a fact, it sounds like more Titan kool aid. As soon as i read it doing the quest i called rubbish. No way they can convince me these crystals are really just Azeroths dung.
@TheAnnoyingPoet 18 сағат бұрын
Beledar reminds me too much of the ashbringer crystal.
@That_kind_of_orc 3 күн бұрын
We need Illidan to destroy these crystals
@TheRockinDonkey 3 күн бұрын
Wasn’t this basically the plot to The Eternals?
@vman27m 2 күн бұрын
Could Xala'thath be an old void naaru???
@Doronsmovies 2 күн бұрын
Sounds crazy but I somehow feel like Xal'atath might have something to do with that Naaru void cycle.
@maujaxa 2 күн бұрын
Very inconsiderate of you to put the spoiler in your title. I will now be blocking your channel.
@sakemp3480 2 күн бұрын
It's a theory... not a fact
@Fazlifts 3 күн бұрын
It's just like the calcification in my left shoulder, she's getting old 😅
@erichwilliams8756 3 күн бұрын
Nothing happens!
@JoseFanon 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for the spoiler in the thumbnail
@malory2217 3 күн бұрын
oh the plan is clear but azzeroth can't shape it into Voit. That's why she's trying to get Essence Crystals to Voit in order to create Voit power that's big enough to convert Azzeroth
@warhacker99 4 күн бұрын
What a clickbait thumbnail:D
@Doronsmovies 3 күн бұрын
What is possibly clickbait about this, they literally confirmed that Beledar is a calcification of Azeroth's essence meaning it is a part of Azeroth. At the same time there is an insider map from a Blizzard level designer calling it a Naaru crystal.
@Uouttooo 2 күн бұрын
Please don't be a Naaru because that is incredibly lame.
@DarkConjurer34 4 күн бұрын
A Naaru? How boring
@Husker_XIII 4 күн бұрын
Always with the fucking light! I'm sick of it always being the good guy almost all the damn time.
@hglbrg 3 күн бұрын
Looking forward to your multimillion user 20 year old MMORPG and its story.
@Kubapajonczek 3 күн бұрын
a force/deity that is the source of all life and positive feelings is a good guy, even if some of its subordinates like Xe'ra might have questionable methods after being subjected to millennia of fighting demons, who could have expected it?
@galten7361 2 күн бұрын
@@Kubapajonczek The Light as it was established in earlier lore wasn't designed to be a full god with an agenda. Just a presence in the universe anyone can tap into if they believe in it and themselves.
@galten7361 2 күн бұрын
@Husker_XIII The Light or its users actually do plenty that's questionable. See Anduin Wrynn permitting his subordinates to wage war on the Horde or at least seize land or conspire.
@Kubapajonczek 2 күн бұрын
@@galten7361 yeah, by deity part I meant the entities from pantheon of Light, which is a thing since SL where it was revealed that the First Ones established pantheons of deities to govern each cosmological force, including the Light
@Jenny-gh5wy 4 күн бұрын
First 😍
@bryphost 4 күн бұрын
Thanks for the thumbnail spoiler.. unsubbing
@Doronsmovies 4 күн бұрын
This has literally been in the game for days, it's not some datamined information.
@Necro-jc5rg 4 күн бұрын
​@@Doronsmovies I will never understand people like that, good video
@bryphost 4 күн бұрын
@@Doronsmovies yes but not evryone is on that yet some are behind or just havnt done it yet, and other youtubers that has a vid on it dont have a thumbnail that spoils it so why do you have to, was looking forward to learning that myself but then i saw youre thumbnail and its just unnesecary, but you do you im out of here tho
@burtonkevin32 4 күн бұрын
@@Doronsmoviesyeah thanks for making me have eyes! They must play blind and deaf
@draenog96 4 күн бұрын
​@@burtonkevin32or just not play daily, get a fucking life you weeb
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