Blizzard, This Is Why People Don't Want To Come Back

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@BellularNews 2 ай бұрын
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@famoussession7426 2 ай бұрын
You know those folks you mentioned at the 20 minute mark? You know those are fake fans right?
@adaa12345SixSevenEightNine 2 ай бұрын
They abandonned, then deleted the game I loved for years to replace it with an excuse to open a f2p cash shop...
@Redymare 2 ай бұрын
Which one though? You have to be more specific. WC3? WoW? OW? They do this concerningly regularily.
@ericsiel1480 2 ай бұрын
Overwatch 2, where we take a player off your team! Give you less maps! More cash grabs! And less fun..
@danielalvarez1230 2 ай бұрын
Don’t forget the false promise of a pve that was the reason for the sequel, which was cancelled I believe it was a few months into ow2 and they kept quiet for much longer for the money they wanted
@GeebusCrust 2 ай бұрын
First time?
@adaa12345SixSevenEightNine 2 ай бұрын
@@danielalvarez1230 that's why it's an excuse for a cash shop. It was supposed to be a sequel but became a bastardized re-release
@Bitshift1125 2 ай бұрын
Actually, the reason I don't want to come back is because they stole my ownership of games I bought back before they did digital ownership, they refused to refund those games, they locked me out of my account until I agreed to them stealing my games, then they refused to refund my preorder of a game because of "too much playtime" on the game that wasn't even out yet. They are a scummy business, plain and simple, and they have lied, cheated, and outright stolen from their customers. That's why I'm not going back.
@kero2422 2 ай бұрын
Just get with the program dude
@SpicyFiur 2 ай бұрын
@@kero2422 can you make sense?
@chrislewis6030 2 ай бұрын
​@kero2422 I love this just lay down and accept it mentally. Who's a good lap dog yes you are
@Bitshift1125 2 ай бұрын
@@kero2422 So what, I'm supposed to forgive them for not refunding my preorder and stealing my money? Come on man, at least have enough self respect to stop licking their boots when they screw other people; they'll screw you next if we don't all hold them accountable for blatant theft.
@DaelyPlays 2 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@michaelc777 2 ай бұрын
So they learned all the wrong lessons from Apex Legends. Neat.
@MaynardKeenanX 2 ай бұрын
now you know where all the fired Apex devs got hired
@You_are_wrong99 2 ай бұрын
@@MaynardKeenanX more like they hired riot employ and this is not a joke.
@therebelfrogy9287 2 ай бұрын
​@@You_are_wrong99 fun fact many team leaders including OW2 Balance Team are from different games and genres And it turns out great when you employ people who doesn't care or understand the product they are responsible for
@milamber319 2 ай бұрын
@@therebelfrogy9287 OW balance has been aweful for years. They make the same mistakes again and again and again. Im glad they got someone from a whole different genre in maybe they will actually figure out what is going wrong and fix it.
@apollyon23456 2 ай бұрын
​@milamber319 The balance is awful because they don't care about the balance. They care about skins, because skins are now the sole revenue stream. It isn't going to change.
@Captain.AmericaV1 2 ай бұрын
You have studios laying off staff citing *"cut backs,"* but then tens of millions in bonuses given to lazy executuves who dont deserve it. So it has nothing to do with the cut backs, and more greedy executives wanting a larger cut at the expense of a reduced capacity studio, and not caring about anything else !!
@CBRN-115 2 ай бұрын
Peak capitalism
@wrongtime9097 2 ай бұрын
Welcome to corporate business. Don't work for corporate.
@davidmccall4024 2 ай бұрын
@@wrongtime9097 unfortunately the options are very limited because of that
@dorugoramon0518 2 ай бұрын
Dont forgot half of it goes to HR departments who make life horrible for the actual workers and only serves as a glorified daycare for adult children on a power trip.
@wrongtime9097 2 ай бұрын
@@davidmccall4024 if you made really bad life choices, maybe
@BFBeast666 2 ай бұрын
When you need a fucking WALKTHROUGH for a monetization system you know its beyond saving.
@forevertipsy3550 2 ай бұрын
Overwatch died the day it rebuilt the entire game around a shop and monetization.
@simpson6700 2 ай бұрын
maybe CEO's shouldn't take home so much money, then they could pay developers to actually do their job and make games that people want to buy.
@Orionhart 2 ай бұрын
I wish 😢 fingers crossed some people take this note. If I were a CEO I'd take a regular salary instead of up my margins. I don't need to be rich to be happy, just comfortable.
@Jeez001 2 ай бұрын
Microsoft is squeezing every penny out of blizzard
@Stubbled 2 ай бұрын
Every company does this and it’s sad, the people sitting at the top give themselves pay raises and take it out of everyone putting in the real work. And when people want to be payed more, they take it out on the customer by making them spend more money.
@jh23rangers71 2 ай бұрын
Let be real the balance guys for this sad excuse of a sequel can’t balance for shit every patch When I used to play made the game worse and worse, not to mention them lying for a year about pve when they knew it was canceled. Sure Bobby was terrible but the devs were the real reason this game is terrible
@simpson6700 2 ай бұрын
@@jh23rangers71 if there was more money to pay the devs instead of the CEO, they could actually hire people who are good at their job and keep people around who gained experience.
@bootloopss2618 2 ай бұрын
Most of not all AAA game companies are cancer to the industry your not supposed to "run" a company from a desk and have a million $$$ yacht sitting in the harbour these companies siffen every $ they possibly can from the game and we are suffering because of it.
@arcadeportal32 2 ай бұрын
I kind of worry Bethesda has fallen to this cancer, sure we have free mods now... but they already added both Bethesda and Community Made Microtransactions to there games. Will it go full on Minecraft Bedrock with Elder Scrolls 6 and lock most of the Modding Kit behind there creator program? Just start filling the store with crap? Paid mods is such a slippery slope as much as I love seeing really talented modders a lot more talented with this stuff then I am get paid for there work,we already believe the modders on the Creation platform are only getting a like a 30% cut which I think is garbage and should be getting more since modding is basically the foundations to there games. We know these paid creations are making Bethesda A LOT of money that I don't think it is going to get any better.
@giantninja9173 2 ай бұрын
@@arcadeportal32better off supporting modders that have patreon/subscribestar
@Dat_Jonx 2 ай бұрын
It's like videogame companies are now ran by Wall Street bankers instead of passionate game developers. Horrible.
@arcadeportal32 2 ай бұрын
@@Dat_Jonx It really stinks how the passion for making good games for most big devs is just gone. I mean if they wouldn't fire whole studios, groups for not making the line go up enough even though it made a profit would prob bring devs who actually care back. Why would good devs work for these companies if they don't have Job Security.
@RandomPerson-cf3gt 2 ай бұрын
More like the cancer of being a publicly traded company and needing to appeal to shareholders
@artheus5069 2 ай бұрын
Execs push horrible changes (usually related to monetisation) to the game that drive away players -> less players are playing the game so to recoup the losses, the execs push more monetisation. Repeat ad nauseam
@S3nCh4n 2 ай бұрын
dont forget, fire more employees who were actually making the game
@Herio7 2 ай бұрын
​@@S3nCh4nand then pay bonuses for CEOs
@wrongtime9097 2 ай бұрын
It's like hyperinflation except backwards
@RandomPerson-cf3gt 2 ай бұрын
Even gacha games needs to have quality to make money. Good Gacha gane devs clearly understand these and make great games
@AimRobot 2 ай бұрын
I still wish I could refund Overwatch 1. I paid for the game and they shut it down and released a game using like 90% of the same assests. Imagine buying a car and then the manufacture comes and takes it and gives you another car you didnt ask for, which is free for everyone else to get.
@PaulStargasm 2 ай бұрын
And it's built from 90% of your old car.
@Ditronus. 2 ай бұрын
But it's basically a fully online pvp game...why would you ever think you controlled any of its future? It's much different than a tangible car that can run or be fixed independent of a manufacturer even if they decide to stop producing more.
@palecaptainwolfkayls8499 Ай бұрын
My favorite part is that now, you never paid $60 for a game. Now that it’s free, and cosmetics are harder to get, you paid $60 for any amount of cosmetics you could’ve gotten.
@-------------764 2 ай бұрын
the reason why I play less and less is because from a gameplay perspective the game is getting worse every update
@linusgustafsson2629 2 ай бұрын
Like with WoW, I wouldn't mind playing an Overwatch 1 re-release. (I'm not interested in paying twice though, so they'd have to give me it for free, meaning little incentive to them to make it)
@MaztRPwn Ай бұрын
For me, the patch that made Symmetra a brain off character by giving her the escalating lock on to her weapon was the downhill. As a matter of fact, Blizzard reworking that one character 4 times is proof of their disorganization. She was honestly fine in her day one form with a few tweaks. Let her keep 6 turret stock but give them 4 health points. The teleporter was fine. The shield generator, it tweak with a time limit and shorter range limit. Don’t change how her weapon works but it did need a slight damage buff. Let her keep the flying shield thing that her E got changed to. I’ve had so much time to think of better changes to each character than Blizzard would put effort into and they’re paid for this. That’s how much I loved OG Overwatch. And they killed it.
@-------------764 Ай бұрын
@@MaztRPwn totally agree with you, the constant ana nerfs now after 8 years of not touching her at all while her kit doesn't even fit in the current direction the game is going in (high mobility, high dmg, tank and supports being glorified dps now) further proves your point, these people have no clue what they're doing
@butterzzz13 2 ай бұрын
How can you sell the 3 story mission pack for like $15 total, but a single weapon skin is $40 lol.
@imarobobot8795 2 ай бұрын
Rare self-awareness from Blizz who knew their embarrassingly thrown together PVE so they can't be sued for false advertising was utter rubbish
@LeMicronaut 2 ай бұрын
People traded paid gameplay additions for sparse "free" content to offset the salary costs to the whales over a decade ago. I'd go back to paid map packs and expansions in a heartbeat if they came out at the same rate that "seasons" do for most games. Plenty of options they could use to help keep the communitg together (only host needs the pack, loan licenses, have cosmetic purchases earn dlc and additional game copy credits.
@ciferr1032 Ай бұрын
@kamilzakrzewski4338 Ай бұрын
It gives you a perspective
@UndeadMozelle 2 ай бұрын
Jfc, imagine spending 40 whole dollars on ONE weapon skin and still feeling like you got the incomplete, budget version of that skin. That's grim.
@Battledongus 2 ай бұрын
Helldivers or a weapon skin lemme think...
@BovinaSancta79 2 ай бұрын
@@Battledongus Or V Rising...
@olchum7605 2 ай бұрын
It's been said before but I'll say it again. Blizzard gets a lot of hate, that is true. But it doesn't get enough!
@loopo8940 2 ай бұрын
There's more sheep 🐑 buying skins than haters. They even nerfed Kiriko after being meta for 10+ seasons just so they could sell more Rein hammer skins.
@You_are_wrong99 2 ай бұрын
Ironic that coming from genshin player. How is your pity and 50/50?. At lest ow player don't need to worry about that.
@HelloMrDino 2 ай бұрын
@iamwhoiam7887 Ай бұрын
Yep. They banned my 2016 account 5 months ago that had all my skins on it. Then they re-released Pink Mercy shortly thereafter...? No coincidence! /s
@youtubehero5462 Ай бұрын
I was permanently banned because I said the CEO was bad and they rejected all appeals. They are banning people for the silliest reasons HOPING they'll make an alt so they can then brag to shareholders how many "players" they have.
@SloMoMonday 2 ай бұрын
The first strike was dedicating so many resources to e-sports infrastructure that was not beneficial to any players. Second strike was leaving the live game and meta to rot for extended periods, leading to the complete abandonment of the game. Thrid strike was killing OW1. Fourth to Eighth strike was near every decision in OW2 (cash shop prices, battle passes, paid for heros, no 6v6 game mode, killing PvE). Combined that with MS being dicks, why would I ever want to give these people money?
@Dat_Jonx 2 ай бұрын
OW2 could work as a great PvE addition if Activision didn't wanted to squeeze money from profitable franchise right now instead of giving it time to finish and shine again.
@Enigma1336 2 ай бұрын
The only way to not lose is to not play.
@FatalFist 2 ай бұрын
That is why I spoke with my wallet and refused to cater to this bullshit.
@sdfggdfg5fgdfg 2 ай бұрын
It doesn't matter that you won't pay. Paypigs will gladly finance all this slop and make sure that no big company ever makes something respectable again. You lose when you play and you still lose when you don't play
@papparob6385 2 ай бұрын
A weapon costing the same amount as a whole game....crazy
@dualisticmix 2 ай бұрын
Ever since Diablo Immortal, Blizzard has lost their mind when it comes to reasonable monetization prices in their games. Diablo 4 is a full priced game and the cosmetic outfit store prices start at $25! Then they have the nerve to charge $20 for portals, $20+ for mounts, and $7-15 for different backpacks! They have become consumed by greed. What is the difference between free to play POE and full priced Diablo 4 when it comes to digital cosmetic prices? Sure POE has more things that can be bought and prices that go higher but it's FREE TO PLAY. Diabo 4 is not.
@admiralkaede 2 ай бұрын
whatever is reasonable is what the free market deems it is if someone wants to buy a 2000 dollar skin then they feel that the skin is worth that
@Battledongus 2 ай бұрын
Wow I thought with the steam sale I might get Diablo to finaly see what all the fuss is about this comment saved me money! Good to know this greedfest isn't just limited to overwatch.
@waterdog737 2 ай бұрын
No more lootboxes No more lootboxes Monkey's Paw: Sure, I got you bro..............
@thecatattheend2250 2 ай бұрын
It is truly a tragedy to see greed corrupt something that was once so great.
@yourbranman 2 ай бұрын
I logged onto OW2 expecting it to be an upgrade from before but instead I earned nothing for playing, before I at least got a loot box every 5ish games, I could never earn legendary skins anymore.
@Eaglefield_ 2 ай бұрын
I remember playing overwatch original. epic and legendary skins often had a meaning, which I enjoyed. No longer though.
@mrhyde8764 2 ай бұрын
I miss when u could play the game and earn most of the skins for free its sad to mise the lootboxes
@minuette1752 2 ай бұрын
Yep they got rid of loot boxes that people were so pissed about. In Overwatch they were not even a bad thing at all btw, and now we have extremely costly skins.
@mrhyde8764 2 ай бұрын
@@minuette1752 yeah i just played alot and could earn almost all of the skins during the events those were the days
@alvarezgamingfilms7485 2 ай бұрын
We didn’t realize how good we had it until they took it all away….
@dmajorray6154 2 ай бұрын
Playing the game and being rewarded? I am appalled you'd even think that. That drops profit margins by whole percentages!!
@mateuszkrytyk5711 2 ай бұрын
It is almost if the game changed its Business model to f2p OH wait They did
@fatanddepressed7400 2 ай бұрын
Still hoping for Overwatch 1 classic.
@dennydude 2 ай бұрын
We at Blizzard hear you, that's why we are making Overwatch 3. Yes, it will be 4v4.
@imarobobot8795 2 ай бұрын
Watch them charge a subscription for it because they know they can reel is suckers like me who abhor OW2
@CBRN-115 2 ай бұрын
Keep dreaming summer child
@fracturedraptor7846 2 ай бұрын
Why does it happen? Two reasons. The biggest of which is investors. They have unrealistic expectations and expect infinite growth year after year. That's impossible. Why is it impossible? Well, because sales stagnate at some point and macro transactions can only bump you up so far. Before long you have to be increasingly scummy just to make the line go up. Which turns players against you. Your reputation tanks. The company's reputation tanks. GG. You played yourselves. The second and super common reason is greed. Some suit makes the call because his absurd salary isn't enough, he wants bigger bonuses as if he actually needs the money. It plays out the same way. The only way to make the line go up once it plateaus is to be a scum lord. Which makes you and your products undesirable. It's basic common sense really but the rich and suits are born without that. They're shortsighted and can only see the short term.
@user-yd1hc2mr8t 2 ай бұрын
As an investor that is exactly why I don't pump money into triple A studios/publishers. Publicly traded video game companies were the worst thing to happen to gamers, if you think games like helldivers won't give way to this eventually think again. The only devs worth supporting in my financial opinion are the ones who are not publicly traded, the reason for that is if the devs screw up there is a real time cost to that mistake and your staff are more inclined to inform management that what they are planning is a bad idea. There is no difference between a heroine addict and a triple A studio/publisher. They are always chasing that short term fix to satisfy their need to chase the pink dragon more.
@alfyb4512 2 ай бұрын
For investors, their expectations are not really unrealistic, just cynical. You have a bunch of money to put somewhere, and the baseline is the stock: you could spread that money around for 5 years and get an average return. Or you put it in a game company for that same period, but then you want that investment to do better. The S&P 500 has returned 163% over the past decade, investors want games to do better than that. It sucks, but it’s what you need to do if you want those investments. Of course, companies could also use their own money to fund development, but then a single failure could sink the whole ship. The solution then would be smaller, cheaper games that do not represent such risks. Question is, are players willing to go down that road, considering how addicted many are to better graphics, larger open worlds, etc.
@anitasarkeesianvidconboogi9711 2 ай бұрын
@@alfyb4512 "The S&P 500 has returned 163% over the past decade, investors want games to do better than that. " That's now how successful investing works. Did you never hear Buffet's quote about how the stock market is a transference center for money from the active to the patient?
@alfyb4512 2 ай бұрын
@@anitasarkeesianvidconboogi9711 But that’s how speculation works and that’s what most Wall Street investors do. None of those people are in for the long-haul, willing to be patient to nurture better businesses in the future. That’s what changed when we shifted to games costing tens of millions to games costing hundreds of millions.
@sdfggdfg5fgdfg 2 ай бұрын
It happens because it works. Some people gladly shell out 1/10th of their paycheck on their games every month. All of the other people with brains have to suffer because of them
@minuette1752 2 ай бұрын
That Kiriko lifeguard outfit is going to sell so well.
@Battledongus 2 ай бұрын
Blizzard catering to virgins that don't know porn exists...
@emma6648 2 ай бұрын
@@Battledongusbut they do know, that’s why they made the skin
@TheBubbeloo 2 ай бұрын
@@emma6648 But the porn can be found online, for free. Why pay for it? (kidding, if you can support the r34 people definitely do, they work harder than Blizzard on their stuff lmao)
@oloseldarion7117 2 ай бұрын
I’d love to see you cover Valorant’s monetization. They have sold $100+ bundles for years that then require you to spend ADDITIONAL money on a SEPARATE currency than the shop currency to upgrade your items you already paid for so they have the VFX/SFX they were advertised as having on the shop when you spent the initial $100 on primary shop currency to purchase. It’s egregious. If Riot copied Blizz’s homework with Valorant the game, Mythic Prisms is just Blizz copying Riot’s homework on monetization.
@shawn4819 2 ай бұрын
The big difference is overwatch has 40 characters and almost everything you get is locked to one character. If they tried the same pricing they would get butchered. And it's already bad enough how it is.
@p30virus 2 ай бұрын
WHat are you talking about.... blizzard is the only company that deserve to not make money, no matter how much other companies charge you for a skin... LoL deserve to have those 500 usd skins but not blizzard
@pingger1de1tl 2 ай бұрын
The difference is, many people paid full price for the game before it forcefully became free2play. And no riot also doesn't deserve those eypensive bundles. When a "microtransaction" costs as much as a complete game, it is not a microtransaction, but a complete ripoff
@admiralkaede 2 ай бұрын
@@pingger1de1tl somethings value is up to the person is it not for u it may be a ripoff but for someone else it may be a good value people value different things at different amounts after all if everyone thought it was a ripoff it would fail
@pingger1de1tl 2 ай бұрын
@@admiralkaede something being good value is irrelevant of personal preference, but instead determined by production cost, sale price, quality and alternatives to spend money on. Looking at $40 weapon skins with animations, I would rate the production cost somewhere around $ 10000-90000 The skin will likely be sold several 10000 times, but even with only 10000 sales, you'd have profit of at least 3 times the production value, but in reality more likely more than 10 times. I very much consider this a ripoff, when we, the players, effectively pay multiple times the production cost. Alternatives to spend money on? Entire ganes, or looking riot: entire computers!
@LazyLifeIFreak 2 ай бұрын
I have left for Blizzard is apathy.
@GothyG 2 ай бұрын
blizzard doesnt know how to make games anymore, those games are chores or just empty shells of a past time. i left wow because they made it a grind to play and they gave nothing in return for all of it, overwatch was good from 2016-2018 wow was 2004-2020 BFA was better then SL and DF. blizzard is dead.
@mrragecage9312 2 ай бұрын
Nah; when you don't allow me to earn anything at all in game without spending, remove features that was in the base game, then FAIL to deliver on the pve you KNEW was canceled but "haha Oops we just wanted to put a battle pass in and rework monetization" I haven't played this game in a long time. But I'm never gonna miss a chance to listen to people shit on overwatch.
@LeeFox1337 2 ай бұрын
@oggaming7362 2 ай бұрын
Overwatch still exists? How?
@nattly6340 2 ай бұрын
becouse its a fun game, simple as
@dmajorray6154 2 ай бұрын
Stockholm syndrome
@RemyBeast 2 ай бұрын
Because there are gamers that are in denial about their addiction to a company that is trying to exploit them. A company that pretends to care about social issues that had sexual assault allegations, discrimination and racism allegations, toxic work environment allegations, a company that silenced gamers speaking out about human rights violations, that company.
@redman836 2 ай бұрын
lgbtq media
@EnriqueGonzalez18362 2 ай бұрын
As crazy as it may seem to you, there's still a good amount of people playing. And that's despite the horrible steam scores.
@ItaChu787pr 2 ай бұрын
Charging for the weapon isn't enough now they have to charge the upgrades too 😂😂
@nightwatchm4n 2 ай бұрын
Blizzard lost me forever way back when they moved the pvp gear vendor from Stormwind to the new-at-the-time Pandaria expansion area, thereby paywalling me out of gear I'd previously been able to get and blocking me from the last piece I needed to complete my pvp set that I'd spent months farming honor for. I've not given them a single cent since and I never again will. Fuck Blizzard.
@Noriaela Ай бұрын
So because you're broke and couldn't spend 40 dollars on a modern expansion at the time, Blizzard "lost you"? You dont seem the like the smartest tool in the shed.
@dakota9821 Ай бұрын
You expected to be able to play the xpac for free? They moved the vendor because that's how it worked in EVERY XPAC. If it was new behavior I would agree but it's not. The vendor was in azeroth because that's where cata was based in. If you want current PvP gear you need to be current on the xpac. Clown logic bro; Blizzard has many faults but not letting you play their game for free ain't one of them.
@nightwatchm4n Ай бұрын
@@dakota9821 How is me being retroactively gated out of content I PAID FOR clown logic? Also where the hell in my post did I say ANYTHING about playing the new expansion? That was literally the entire point of my rant is that I did not give a crap about the new expansion and had zero desire to play anything from it and just wanted to focus on completing my pvp gear set for the previous expansion. Great job not reading.
@BellularNews 2 ай бұрын
How do you think the need for profit could be better balanced? Personally, I find this stuff frustrating. I feel like when I log into a game, I'm really logging into a store. Which makes sense - in OW2, that's the only way they make money. How long can this last? How much is a skin worth when they're churned out to this level? What other monetisation options do you think a AAA developer like Blizzard could use, especially for a live game where continual free updates are expected.
@XBluDiamondX 2 ай бұрын
Substantial content. I'm not paying $40 for a weapon, or any useless cosmetic bullshit. As a customer, I see zero value added for $40+.
@arijnr5124 2 ай бұрын
I mean it does what WoW did and continues to do all these years , milk the shit out of whats left of the playerbase. It works so far for them so I think its a good move , if you think about it the OW2 team is pretty huge but the OW2 playerbase is.. well , kinda low for the amount of effort they put into this game , I hope they go ham with cosmetic and in-game purchases perhaps that way more ppl realise that the Overwatch spirit left with kaplan , and its not gonna come back now or ever.
@dmajorray6154 2 ай бұрын
They should have just not made it F2P. Microtransactions have been proven to only really be a way to get the company money. There's no game there outside of playing yourself to get an extremely overpriced piece of DIGITAL content that can and will be irrelevant once the servers get turned off. It's like going to a store to buy a shirt or shorts or even shoes that just dissolve after 1 year no matter what. You can treat them well and have it last longer. They just go bye bye. Poof, nothing. They can keep the shop, but don't make earning the points so difficult. The only way you can even start earning those points is by using money to start the battle pass, and even then if you don't want to pay for the next pass you'll have to use the points you earn for the next pass. So unless the skins you like and only like or want to use are in passes you're S.O.L. if I'm gonna be paying to earn content, I might as well be paying for a full price game to earn it the hard way. Can't believe I'm saying this but I would rather lootboxes be in the game still. But blizzard wouldn't want that because that would mean earning coins instead of paying for them outright. Paying for just the core game and ALL outside pieces of content being paid for is not worth. I give destiny flak a lot, but at least the core game you get for free can actually give you access to a fair amount of stuff. Is it a lot or even good compared to the stuff you do pay for? No not all the time. But at least it's there.
@jarenagra2804 2 ай бұрын
you can literally play the game for free. these skins dont matter. they are extra gravy if you want to support the game.
@dmajorray6154 2 ай бұрын
@jarenagra2804 this is not a good take lmao. There's quite literally 0 character progression in the game. You can level up a character and get a higher number. And if you can brave comp then you get access to count em up TWO weapon skins at max. Since when did core games only involve just playing the game and literally nothing else? Why is character progression not a concept for "core game" mechanics? Do they want their players to not feel as if theyre earning ANYTHING when playing a character for hours? Cause if that's the case then they've easily achieved such a feat lmao
@DarenC 2 ай бұрын
I'd go back to loot boxes in a heartbeat
@LarkyLuna 2 ай бұрын
Overwatch feels culturally dead Some people I know went back to it for no reason and I'm kinda tempted to do it too? But if I do I'm equipping the default skins and never touching the battlepass or anything that they put on that store There's nothing in this game that feels made with players like me in mind anymore I knew people that worked on it and they were very excited about making something out of this mess but I feel like after the firings they gave up for real on making Overwatch a world, it's a service through and through
@Zaddy_Woods 2 ай бұрын
Man these skins are so stupidly expensive. What are gamers thinking. Maybe I’m just a boomer but a skin costing $40 is actually crazy. You can almost buy baldur's gate 3 on steams summer sale for that. Or 4 other $10 games
@fujivato 2 ай бұрын
I completely agree! How are people seeing $40 for a digital cosmetic product a fair exchange? It’s lunacy 😂
@SimpCity2000 2 ай бұрын
Me and my group of probably 5 or 6 friends were nightly players. None of us have logged-in in over six months, and the last time we did it was ironically to make fun of how much they screwed the game up. They just want enough players to be able to farm. Used to love this game. Oh well. 🤷🏼‍♂️
@TotallyNotRedneckYall 2 ай бұрын
Same, I had nearly 2k hours in OW... bet I haven't played 100 hours since they killed it.
@Runic-Raven 2 ай бұрын
Every time i feel the itch to play Overwatch again i remind myself of how many things i already missed out on and will never have. That helps to instantly not wanting to play anymore.
@davidmccall4024 2 ай бұрын
this is another good reason as to why fomo is just a bad practice its flawed in every way.
@IanGerritsen 2 ай бұрын
I'm not coming back because they've made it clear I'm not their audience.
@georgecoman8448 2 ай бұрын
the fact that there are still people playing OW after all the lies and shop updates proves that God makes mistakes. Around 25k concurrently, according to this.
@WolfGaming3 2 ай бұрын
I want to play Overwatch 1 with my best friend like we used to so bad.
@sirbarther 2 ай бұрын
The death of OW1 ruined my group of friends. We used to play almost daily and now most of them aren't even online. Bringing OW1 back is literally the only thing Blizzard can do to get me back.
@jkune9912 2 ай бұрын
i miss my the dynamic as a tank duo 😢 me as zaraya: i miss u rein ❤
@notreya 2 ай бұрын
i play it with my friend each day, we just finish our dailies so about 1-2 hrs and yeah its fun. :)
@lilwintery6434 2 ай бұрын
@@sirbarther unless you mean bring back 6v6/lootboxes, bringing ow1 back will just put us back into a solved meta and it would just be straight up removing content like new maps/heroes
@HegeRoberto 2 ай бұрын
I want old OW back so hard... archive events, leveling up lootboxes. I am tired of subscription games...
@jttitan5915 2 ай бұрын
Ow has been fucked over by blizzard really bad. Basically nobody wants to work at blizzard anymore so it's more of a thing for their CV to work there for a year and then leave to go work somewhere better like riot. This means the people working on ow changes so regularly that they can't do anything consistently leading to constant changes in the plan.
@SuperLifestream 2 ай бұрын
I loved OW1 because i had put in the time and effort to get every avaliable item and could show them off. i had event skins, blizzcon skins people didnt have. Now there is no way im spending $3000 a year to get skins
@Dark_Jaguar 2 ай бұрын
I hate "seasons" of content in games. It's a terrible trend, and it's absolute worst point involved A-B reaching into my computer and deleting Overwatch 1 from existence. I got a character-stripped "free" version of Overwatch 2 in exchange, but the whole thing was without my consent. They stole a game I bought a physical version of. And if removing the "time limited" nature of this content means that players get absolutely flooded with WAY too much to unlock... then what does that say? The company is spending way too much time and effort overstuffing a game with TOO MUCH content! Yes, that is possible. The skins in a frickin' military shooter of all things? It reminds me of the real world where teens willingly pay money to turn their own bodies into billboards, wearing "Nike" logos on their clothes and such.
@VeshSneaks 2 ай бұрын
Seasons can be good, but only if that content remains available long term. But then there's no FOMO to drive playtime stats up and we can't have that!
@Dark_Jaguar 2 ай бұрын
@@VeshSneaks In that case, it's more a regular content release schedule. That's how older games did things. Basically, any game that has any digital content for a "limited time only!" is engaging in, as my old economics teacher taught me in the 90's, artificial scarcity, a bad thing that destroys trust in a business over time. They listed a number of example cases, products intentionally designed to break, and how manipulative and unethical it was. The thing about digital is, ANY scarcity is artificial scarcity.
@lilwintery6434 2 ай бұрын
@@VeshSneaks the problem is you woulld divide the playerbase between like 12 different arcade modes
@brandontanner97 2 ай бұрын
Remember when you could play the game and then unlock skins with currency you earned by getting duplicates? Now those same skins can only be purchased with real money.
@charge416 2 ай бұрын
Friendly reminder, Gigantic relaunched with Ramage Edition. $20 and it goes on sale sometimes for 40% off. All cosmetics included for free, heroes and a game mode that plays very similarly to OW, as well as a core mode that blends OW with traditional MOBA style gameplay. $20 for one game and dozens of cosmetics, including ones added with updates, or $80 for one. I put 13K hours into this game since 2017 and have since stopped playing. Stop giving these companies money, because their practices are a big part of why the industry is suffering as a whole. They get the lion's share of investor funding, and give you far less at the same price point as studios with actual ambitions who suffer for their aspirations. The developers and studios that teeter on the brink of breakdown deserve better, and so you do as the consumer. The devs and consumers deserve more value for their time, money, and both deserve more respect for their support. This sort of thing is almost like history repeating itself, with what happened to the games industry in the early 80s. Low effort, low budget, low function, low priced variants of games flood the market. The "race to the bottom" mentality toward cost and margins pushes the industry to the brink. Now it's $40 for a reskin, or $40 for a new game, and because the "entry fee" for the former is free, the $40 with far more time, effort, content, and value suffers because of how "safe" the skins seem by comparison.
@BetaKrogoth 2 ай бұрын
Just picked up Gigantic for £8, thank you for reminding me. I could be a whole team's worth of Gigantic copies for the price of one weapon in Overwatch 2. Gross.
@mateuszkrytyk5711 2 ай бұрын
​Or just hear me out You are not mentaly ill and do not give a fuck about cosmetics You can simply not buy them
@MrBulldawg6 2 ай бұрын
A free2play game should not be in the top sellers.
@probablythedm1669 2 ай бұрын
This is why many modern AAA games feel so hollow and disposable. *In-game store = they're selling a store to generate perpetual executive bonuses, with a game attached.*
@Oceanborn712 2 ай бұрын
I loved the original Overwatch. It was something that I could play all day and night at times, not always but every couple months. Come back at least for events and get the skins. I have started Overwatch 2 one single time since it came out. Just can't be bothered with that game anymore. At first I was put off by being forced to having to play characters I didn't want to play just to re-unlock the ones I'd been playing forever before but suddenly I was supposed to "learn" playing the game again to get to play what I wanted so I figured I'd just wait until the PVE content hits. Then they cancelled that. And all the time those awful scam battle passes and challenges.
@MoppetShow 2 ай бұрын
With all the LIES with the PVE being Scrapped altogether while being told it WILL happen, I gave up on this game forever, I do wish them the best and all the players whom do enjoy this game
@SnapSV 2 ай бұрын
If blizzard re-opened the first overwatch game, and reverted it to just before Ana was added, I would play again.
@HegeRoberto 2 ай бұрын
There are over 10 000 legacy cosmetics costing way over 1 000 000 credits. with the current rewards it would teak 57 years to unlock all legacy cosmetics IF you never miss a single weekly challange. There is absolutely no point in playing the game anymore
@davidmccall4024 2 ай бұрын
and thats if they don't just keep adding more
@Chaos1091 2 ай бұрын
Makes me so sad that Overwatch isn't the game i fell in love with back in 2016. Had bought the collectors edition and played almost everyday up until Ow2 . It's soul has been ripped out and the only thing left is a hollow shell of it's former self. I miss OW1 so much. :(
@LeafMaltieze 2 ай бұрын
I'm never coming back to Blizzard because of WarCraft 3: Reforged. They would need to bring back every single person who was supposed to work on that project, before they ghosted 80% of them, and then actually do everything that was promised, and effectively create an entirely new game (as was the original intention) before I will give Blizzard a single cent of my money. I was boycotting Blizzard before all the weird crap and abuse allegations came out, because of their bad business practices. I wish it hadn't taken a bunch of scandals, and abuse coming to light for the rest of the world to care. I was a 90's kid that grew up play the original WarCraft, Diablo, Lost Vikings, StarCraft. I played everything Blizzard ever did. I was a life long fan. A returning customer that believed in them. They disappointed me repeatedly with previous releases, and bugs, and Diablo 3. But I was really done throwing my money at them until Reforged. Reforged was something I was so hyped for that I pre-ordered it for 3 other people. Then I refunded it for all of them and myself after it was released, and vowed to never give them another cent as long as I live.
@BasedYodaOnKetamine 2 ай бұрын
13:10 The Ultimate BP bundle skins are not exclusive to the bundle. You can buy the individual skins for 1900 OW coins or $19 in the hero gallery for the entire season since Season 8. These skins are not limited-time and could return in the future. For example, the Beekeeper Sigma skin returned during last year’s anniversary event. However, many still believe they are limited-time. This belief may be why the rest of the Ultimate BP skins haven’t returned to reinforce the perception that they are exclusive and won’t be available again. The rest of the video accurately highlights the monetization issues that many of us players perceive.
@Alcanox 2 ай бұрын
They're harpooning whales - and just as a reminder, not all whales are rich, probably not even most. The rampant cheating is another real drag these days, one which Blizzard seems to be mostly neglecting.
@Luci-pz8xx 2 ай бұрын
How can something be a "community created event" when you just ask 4 streamers to make the changes?
@SolantisA 2 ай бұрын
Imagine dropping the ball so hard, that not even porn can keep their 2016 GOTY game afloat anymore... Can't even fathom how this is possible, yet it still happened...
@eriksproul7454 2 ай бұрын
overwatch feels like the digital version of hanging out at the mall, right down to the ridiculous overpriced clothing
@jordann2879 2 ай бұрын
Man, fortnite will usually give you recolours and similar things for free if you already own the original skin that they're recolouring or whatever.
@danmbradley 2 ай бұрын
It’s about time someone started a class action lawsuit against blizzard over ow1 being removed/replaced. Refunds and compensation. People who paid for ow1 should have got everything unlocked for free in ow”2” I really hate blizz
@nocturnaIspirit 2 ай бұрын
I used to LOVE overwatch back when it was only Overwatch 1. I remember being excited over the fun little mini events they started doing. Like lego bastion! It was a crossover, but it wasn't shoved down our throats as "pay us for this promotion" It was something you could earn if you want. As you said, new cinematics, being excited over new skins and the smallest lore. What do we got now, looking forwards to the new season just to spend money? I get they have to monitize..but it's exhausting anymore when new seasons are just pushed as cash grabs..or for profit rather then the player. Almost every game is like that now. I can't log on and go "Im going to enjoy the new season" cause at some point, their gonna want me to buy something.. I was kinda into overwatch 2 at launch..but we just kept getting backhanded and the features they promised canceled or removed to a point it's just Overwatch one, with a shitty paintjob. I enjoy the game from time to time, but honestly..I really just don't anymore. And its sad its become that
@fracturedraptor7846 2 ай бұрын
Also. When you buy a skin you should be able to recolor it however you want or leave it be, and change it as much as you want. Not only would it be fan service but they'd actually sell more skins because people can color them more to their tastes. Don't like pink Mercy but like the overall shape of the outfit? Recolor it to what you do like. It'll never happen. They'd rather grossly overcharge for recolors and hope that the recolor is popular enough to sell decently. I dropped Destiny like a god damn diseased brick when they started the Eververse shit because I knew it wouldn't be good for the game, and it damn well wasn't.
@olegshkurenko-0448 2 ай бұрын
Like tf2?
@RandoCDN87 2 ай бұрын
Overwatch needs to do this. Bring Back Loot boxes, but in part of the Season Pass. > Skipping tiers disables getting those Loot boxes. > Make it a guarantee to get something new you don't already have with a 5% chance getting a Mythic skin. > Loot Boxes obtainable at every 15 tiers (Max 5) Remove the time lockout for Quickplay queue. (If I'm in a losing match and someone in my team leaves before I do, no queue time punishment but! If im the first to leave, only a 5 minute wait but it doesn't stack for more added time.) Queue time waits for competitive, make sense, should still remain.
@marsterdj1000 2 ай бұрын
Publicly traded company = Don't Bother
@Hecubusx 2 ай бұрын
It hasn't been about collecting skins since ow2 launched
@wrongtime9097 2 ай бұрын
I don't even remember the last time I've heard about Overwatch. Glad to see literally nothing has changed.
@kgonepostl Ай бұрын
After 20 years of horse armor dlc bullshit, gamers are finally taking a stand.
@anthonystrickland7049 2 ай бұрын
Overwatch2 is nothing but a resale of an existing service, a store in search of customers and not a service in search of a marketing strategy. My advice for players is to walk away. Overwatch3 isn't too many years away at this point and you'll be buying the same garbage again when it drops...
@78MatWar87 2 ай бұрын
i refuse this notion of it "being about what makes the money comes in" it's more than that. good games on their own "made the money come in" what modern publishers want now is "what makes ALLL the money come in" the are not satisfied anymore with just making a good game that sells and makes a return. they want a game that makes them billions this year, trillions next year, etc. because line MUST constantly go up.
@aiyayayagenshin6098 2 ай бұрын
The fact that Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree being $40 is literally the same price as these crappy skins is sheer heresy on Blizzard
@tylerbacoka4248 2 ай бұрын
Actually sad to say, erd tree is a rush half finished mess, woulda been a great comparison otherwise... ^^
@googoofeesmithersmits4536 2 ай бұрын
This used to be one of my favorite games, now I wish it burns down and never opens again unless it's back to it's original vision
@mitchellbambam5926 2 ай бұрын
I spent $80 on Overwatch the year it came out, and when the game became OW2 (which is now free) I thought that due to the game becoming the sequel, I’d get some special bonus stuff for buying the game beforehand. I was hoping to get a full campaign for free, but when I learned all I’d get would be the skins and currency I already had, I quit. Overwatch 2 is not a different game. The moment it released, OW1 was gone and it was fully replaced. So now someone who’d supported the game since release, get the same treatment from this company as everyone else. The treatment that’s scummy even by standards of a free game. This company treats you like crap no matter how much money, time, hype, and patience you’ve given them. Do what I did. Quit the game and stop giving one of the worst companies in the games industry your time and money. There’s a whole world of actually good games out there that are just more fun waiting for you to try. In summary; reject OW, have fun.
@Listoric 2 ай бұрын
Basically almost the same as in Valorant. A battlepass has ~150 radianit points that you need to unlock animations, sounds snd colors for premium weapons. You need to spent ~75 to unlock all for one weapon. It’s wild.
@noxfelis5333 2 ай бұрын
I find it intresting that Kotick last year got a bonus of 155 mil dollars while the average dev pay at activision blizzard is around 100k and yet they are squeezing every peny out of the players than can througt more and more microtransactions. You could pay 1550 devs for that, you could be way more generous to your costumers with that, you can make a high budget game with that. Something about this company stinks realy bad so that you can smell it without even entering the offices.
@RemedyXer0 2 ай бұрын
Are we sure Bobby Kotick is actually departed from ActiBlizz?
@SharkVisionStudio 2 ай бұрын
You know i used to play Nexon games and buying cosmetics on those games didnt seem like a scam. You could could customize your character on a childs allowance (2006) and it was never shoved down your throat. But things have gotten ridiculous. Who in the hell has the money to waste 40 dollars on a fricken skin in this economy
@Niczu. 2 ай бұрын
This is why I play and support a game like Deep Rock Galactic. Besides being extremely fun game in general, there is a season with a battlepass... which is entirely free. And as of latest season update you can even activate previous seasons/battlepasses and play them whenever you like without feeling the rush of fomo and earn everything retroactively. This is the best implementation of battlepass I've ever seen or encountered with, hands down. And if this was the standard I doubt many would feel so negatively about battlepasses. And while there are cosmetic packs in the Steam store (yes, only cosmetics), they are decently priced and on sale pretty much dirt cheap. And when it comes to OW (2), man it sure does sting. I rarely find a PvP game that I truly enjoy but for several years OW was almost on my daily rotation. When OW 2 launched, I played like a game or two, saw the store and said to myself "I'm done". Uninstalled, never looking back. My only hope for some PvP shooter right now is on Doom: Dark Ages, which is uncertain if it even has PvP multiplayer.
@AndragonLea Ай бұрын
Surely the execs at Blizzard aren't so mentally deficient as to not understand this. The type of content wasn't the problem, how and when it was offered was the problem. You can't promise people a Ferrari, take their money, time and attention and then sell them DYI packs containing parts of a used Honda Civic on a subscription model and be upset when your target audience isn't grovelling at your feet begging for more. Not to mention that they had the sheer gall to try this when they already loaded Overwatch 2 up to the gills in extra monetization. So not only did they NOT deliver what they promised in exchange for serving us with this macrotransaction store disguised as a sequel, but then they actually expected to sell the leftovers of the PvE content they'd already promised us as an upcharge. That's like Disney World closing the old park, opening a new one that's promised to be 100 % immersive and so authentic that you'll literally feel like you walked into the movies, only for them to then charge you for the entry ticket, sell you costumes at a premium, usher you in and all you see is a concrete wall lined with coin operated shutter windows through which you can see the unfinished set pieces left over from the planning stages of the park before they decided that making it was too expensive, but thanks for buying those amazing costumes!
@Malxer Ай бұрын
Well said
@nickbecker4726 2 ай бұрын
Im still so burned by this game I will never touch it again
@Necropheliac 2 ай бұрын
Blizzard should create a private server and public dev kit for overwatch and turn it over to the community to save the IP. If they can hand it off to the community and the community successfully salvages the game like its Counterstrike, then Blizzard could conceivably bring the IP back 5 to 10 years from now and make something healthy and profitable as OW 3. As it is now, the IP itself is dying and taking Blizzard’s reputation down with it. They need to sacrifice the hand to save the arm at this point. A live service, F2P OW is an insult to Blizzard fans.
@yurisei6732 Ай бұрын
As a support main, Blizzard told me that they didn't want me playing their game, which they did by eviscerating the parts of the support characters' kits that made them fun to play. When I play support, I want to heal, not damage. Stop nerfing healing for the sake of damage.
@RyuNoZero 2 ай бұрын
The thing with the Mythic Shop is.. they removed the Mythic Skin from the Battle Pass to sell you the currency for one Mythic Skin.. now the Good Part is that all Mythic Skin are available.. sorta.. but they cost 80 bucks ... WTF meanwhile a Premium Battle Pass Ultimate Pack costs 40 bucks and before Season 10 included the Mythic Skin.. and the other items from previous Battle Passes are also gone..
@deefdragon 2 ай бұрын
Its unfortunate that the message of "Games dont all need to be drab brown and gray" as "Ah, so we should shove in as much brand push as possible. Got it."
@SnivyTries 2 ай бұрын
Honestly the thing that makes me the most sad is that if you take away the Battle Pass, free users have NO WAY to earn anything they'd actually want. No skins, no emotes, nothing. Everything you see in the character customization is either "pay past currency which you can no longer get", "pay premium currency you have to pay for", or "Wait until this item rotates into the Premium Store, and pay straight cash for it"
@A-Duck 2 ай бұрын
As someone who would rather scissor with a combine harvester than touch a 'LiVe SeRvIce' with a ten foot pole and generally doesn't engage with that fetid quagmire section of the gaming world, all the cancerous terminology used in this video had my eyes glazing over like marbles coated in vaseline.
@jdedrington 2 ай бұрын
$75 for a single cosmetic appearance for one character you might not play every skirmish. This company absolutely deserves the excoriating reputation it has earned.
@YawaruSan 2 ай бұрын
I loved Overwatch and I’ll never forgive Overwatch 2 for killing it.
@sirbarther 2 ай бұрын
If we keep saying it over and over again perhaps one day...
@dennydude 2 ай бұрын
Never forget what was taken from us!
@mateuszkrytyk5711 2 ай бұрын
​@@dennydudenothing of value
@Malxer Ай бұрын
Blizzard could go bankrupt and cease to exist and I wouldnt even fucking give a shit. They suck.
@skrrrtsusman3450 2 ай бұрын
this isn't including the already made skins and emotes and sprays and voicelines and this and that, if you were a completionist it would cost tens of thousands of dollars, this shit is becoming nuts
@dixon6365 2 ай бұрын
Its crazy to think that Loot Box system they had before is way less predatory than whatever they do right now. Before you could obtain almost every skin you need by levelling up. Now its all cash only
@depressedonion5610 2 ай бұрын
Absolutely insane that Blizzard actually was the only company that had the BEST lootbox system in all of gaming and they scrap it because they needed more money to make a game they could never deliver.
@ProgramKiraTV 2 ай бұрын
Realize that the creator patch for OW is not their "make the game better" changes, they are meme ones. The first time OW did this, the creators actually did make the game better and the devs got a little mad that it wasn't just meme stuff like they wanted.
@Felskariot 2 ай бұрын
i did not play ow2 for 3 months, logged in, started a quick play match, had to go cause of the door. FIRST LEAVE. banned me for 10 minutes ... QUICKPLAY::: QUIIIIIIICKPLAY
@durantapscott1297 2 ай бұрын
Brother you said it like i never seen a company literally get told what the fans want and they ignore it do absolutely everything else but what the fans want and ask why nobody wants to come back
@ZadeL2P 2 ай бұрын
"Don't you guys have phones?" was around the time I realized I was no longer Blizzard's customer and they were specifically targeting demographics OTHER than me. So I took my money elsewhere. I was the player you described towards the end of the video. Hype AF for the game, excited for every new skin, excited for every new cinematic, excited to see the hilarious videos dinoflask would upload every time Jeff put out a community update video. Then they took my loyalty for granted and started catering to a different audience I was not a part of. Life moves on.
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