Sometimes my monitor starts to flicker. Initially, I thought the problem was in the HDMI and DisplayPort cables. Then I bought a good 2.1 HDMI cable and DisplayPort. Still, sometimes the image started to flicker and overlap each other, the previous tab from the browser. I thought that maybe the problem was in the ports. I tested this on my Macbook, PC, PS4 Pro. Then, when the flickering started again, I disconnected all HDMI ports and the display port, turned on the monitor. And when it turned on, on the gray background of the BenQ welcome image, the inscriptions from the image in Chrome of the disconnected Macbook were visible. How can this be, because only a network cable is connected to the monitor, there is no pixel burnout, I have never used a static image, especially how can the previous tab in Chrome on a Macbook glow, which I opened and closed once in my life