Best Exercises for Stenosis in the Cervical Spine | Slower Pace and More Reps

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Movement & Function

Movement & Function

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@johngoh767 Жыл бұрын
Miss Beth, can you show us the back view when you join the two hands at the back of your neck during the thoracic exercise. Thank you.
@MovementFunction Жыл бұрын
John, thank you for this request and I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I finally figured out a way to post the back view - with a 'short' video. Here's the link: kzbin.info7srOpRMA3V4. I hope this helps! All the best!
@johngoh767 Жыл бұрын
@@MovementFunction Thanks Dr.Beth. I have seen it.
@phyllisgehman1977 Жыл бұрын
Good point, John. Miss Beth thinks she can teach all of these exercises while she sits there the entire duration while sitting on a bench! We need much more detail and precision while doing these exercises in order to prevent meaningless movements, or much worse, to prevent injury. I am disappointed. We need to see a side views with a right and wrong demo. The only thing I like is her statement about a string on the top of one's head pulling upward. I tried this, and it feels wonderful. At least I got that out of this video. Thanks for your comment, John.
@MovementFunction Жыл бұрын
@@phyllisgehman1977 This video I posted with side and back views might be helpful for you. Here's the link: kzbin.info7srOpRMA3V4. I'm glad the cue for pulling upward on the string on the top of your head was helpful.
@lianam3262 Жыл бұрын
​@@phyllisgehman1977 hey...have you ever been grateful for priceless lessons that you never payed not one coin but dare to be so demanding, like you are VIP , who has payed big bucks..and have the right to be " not happy " with the service you' ve payed 😞.. Ungrateful people like you Phyllis most likely will NEVER recover. As they ment to suffer long - to acknowledge , that they MUST change themselves first .Otherwise pain is necessary condition for such " lovely grumpy& Ungrateful individuals 😪 " Good luck with IT.
@Weiyang5268 Жыл бұрын
👌👍🙏Thanks🙏👍 1. 🌹1:06 首先,還是要強調藉以下方式,時時刻刻提醒自己把頸椎和頭擺在正確的力學承受位置上:即對某些神經孔道狹窄的人可以:#後收下巴, #且 用意識控制,(彷彿繫一細繩在頭頂拉頭髮向上) #把頸和頭在垂直地面的方向上,#作出往天花板方向的縱向延伸動作,可以幫助提醒自己不要有頭前伸的不良無意識習慣。#後收下巴, #且加上些微#點頭向下 的微動作。 ###################### 2.🌹1:27 坐姿時,骨盆要擺在正確的位置。即所謂中立位,不可將下背向後拱,也不要過度前傾而致肚子向前凸。仍保持有一點自然曲度在下背部。 ###################### 3.🌹2:34 作#肩胛骨的#內收下壓運動,但記得做時#不要不經意將下方的肋骨外翻出去且要收緊腹部核心,具體方式是: 讓兩側肩胛骨在上背作出朝地面方向的下壓,再加上兩肩胛骨內側作相向夾緊靠近,維持在夾緊狀態10秒,然後再回復到放鬆回原來的姿勢。上述運動可配合呼吸: #吸飽氣後在吐氣時 作肩胛骨內側相向夾緊 3:13動作。 ###################### 4.🌹4:04 做#胸椎區的縱向延伸 的運動 5:04 將雙手呈5:26相疊後,以尺側(手刀側緣6:35)壓扣在後腦勺的枕骨下緣 kzbin.info7srOpRMA3V4,雙肘則指向身體前方或前外方( 因人略有不同) 、接下來:在將雙肘尖向天花板揚起並作最大範圍的指向天花板的動作的同時,頭也略抬向後 (但以手刀側緣抵住後顱而不使頸過度後仰)。且手刀側緣向天花板方向發力,將抵著的後顱骨的筋膜向天花板方向作縱向提拉頸椎,而得以使上背胸椎區得到一些縱向伸展。 ####################### 5.🌹7:56 在門框緣作#前肩和前胸胸肌筋膜 拉伸 8:08 #或 如8:12 所示,把上臂在前胸所在平面外展90度,肘約與肩同高,再將上臂和手8:17沿平行於地面的水平面向後活動,然後待在活動盡頭5-30秒再回復原位或放下休息。過程中自然呼吸即可。 ###################### 6. 🌹以下#三個頸部運動 在執行時務必#後收下巴, #且 用意識控制,(彷彿繫一細繩在頭頂拉頭髮向上) #把頸和頭在垂直地面的方向上,#時刻作出往天花板方向的縱向延伸加上些微#點頭向下動作後,再做: A.📌#側傾 11:53 :使耳向肩相靠近(肩莫聳),維持在不致勉強的盡端(不可有不舒服)停留數秒、仍自然呼吸,再回復正中位。 B.📌在水平面上做#轉頭 13:39 C.📌#收好下巴吸飽氣、縱向延伸頭、吐氣時再#向下低頭 15:12 這個頸部運動對有頸椎狹窄症者通常都會較舒服。
@normansmith8184 Жыл бұрын
From England, I am 71 years of age and am losing sleep because of stenosis in neck and back. However I also had a cervical cage implanted into my neck after a disc (or what was left of it) had to be removed 20 years ago. Together with arthritis, scoliosis, and rare variant of charcot marie tooth, I am a little tired of listening to my body (ho ho). I am awaiting surgery on my neck but since I don't have "shooting" pains I will try these exercises, anything for a little relief from nagging pain that I do have. Having watched your video I must say I have hope. Thank you.
@waynepandorf3131 11 ай бұрын
Ah Beth, a beautiful way to help the medicine go down. These exercises have helped my pulsatile tinnitus and mild opthalmic neuralgia. Thanks a million!
@narendraagrawal554 2 жыл бұрын
I am so impressed that I will watch again
@narendraagrawal554 Жыл бұрын
In fact ,I watched again,that is just now ,My observation is …speaker ..has two strong ..sternoclenoid muscles …seen in front ..this may be ..occupational ..exercise related hypertrophy..I will watch again to actually understand ..message ..string on top of head…that is like pendulum …vertical line …alignment ..multistory Building ..floors..precisely …horizontal
@narendraagrawal554 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulation for this masterpiece creation of video.Very simple ,easy to understand with underlying Anatomical principles of muscle origin & insertions.Thank you send me more video most current and effective methods . I have MRI documented C.Spine stenosis
@nirmalandrews7771 Жыл бұрын
Excellently explained Beth.
@lydia-cs1fq 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much.God bless you.Your exercises helped reduce pain from day one.
@MovementFunction 2 жыл бұрын
You're welcome, Lydia and thank you for your blessings. I'm glad the exercises are helping you.
@lillc.6225 Жыл бұрын
thank you
@lilytan3832 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this,Miss Beth!
@jimbembinster 6 ай бұрын
Just found this video today and it's much appreciated. I did subscribe. Thank you for your time and expertise.
@MovementFunction 6 ай бұрын
Jim, I am glad you found my videos and I hope they are helpful for you. Thank you for subscribing!
@viktoriyabretush3332 2 жыл бұрын
Your videos are of huge help for my neck issues! Thanks from Ukraine!!! Can you recommend a set of exercises for mid-back spondylosis, please?
@MovementFunction 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Viktoriya Bretush in Ukraine! I'm very glad my videos are helping your neck! For thoracic spine spondylosis, try the exercises in these videos, moving slowly and gently, as tolerated.,, The exercises in my breathing series may be very helpful for your neck and mid-back as well. I wish you all the very best!
@Zensadancer 2 жыл бұрын
Lovely Thank you!
@MovementFunction 2 жыл бұрын
You're welcome Sanna Tara, and thank you for subscribing to the channel!!
@ahmadomerrasooli2946 Жыл бұрын
Greeting you . I have cervical stenosis for long time i have pinched nerve with burning sensation of both shoulder and mucle spasm show me excercise
@physiologymtc5495 Жыл бұрын
Hello thank you for this. I am suffering from dizziness for more than a decade. My MRI shows cervical canal neural canal narrowing. I am living with this dizziness and stiffness of my neck. I hope this exercise can get myself back to a more functional me. Thanks
@lilytan3832 Жыл бұрын
Hi Physiology! Same here.Have you tried Physiotherapy and cervical traction? How are you now? Hope you feel better.
@mohammadshabbir5907 2 ай бұрын
thank yoi
@kujtimismaili3750 Жыл бұрын
Excellent videos from you ❤
@cashrainbow 3 ай бұрын
Thanks, and what is your opinion on using an inversion table with this condition before any surgery?
@suefarkas5268 Жыл бұрын
Do you have any exercises for ringing in the ear or ear fullness that may be caused by the neck? My ear noise can change with neck movement. Thanks in advance.
@MovementFunction Жыл бұрын
Sue, typically exercises that correct posture and that open tight areas of the neck are good for relieving ear fullness and ringing that comes from the neck. All of the exercises in this video would likely help. Sometimes combining flexion with rotation and side bending is helpful for relieving ear issues on the opposite side. Basically, this is tilting your head as if looking down into your armpit. Bending down to the right helps relieve left ear issues and vice versa. Hope this helps!
@suefarkas5268 Жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot!
@melodyebuskin5490 9 ай бұрын
Same here. Somatic tinnitus it’s called often from whiplash or other head/neck injury. Thanks for this info. My neuro upper cervical Chiro has given me similar exercises.
@nakshatra2675 Ай бұрын
@Movement&Function- can these be done for disc bulge and cervical stenosis if present together at the same C4-C5?
@thisguyindenver1350 2 жыл бұрын
Any suggestions on exercises and posture correction while driving? That's a tough one. Thanks.
@MovementFunction Жыл бұрын
Great question. Sit tall in your seat with your hips all the way back. Start at your base, with your seat at a distance where your feet comfortably reach the pedals without overreaching and without a lot of bend in the knee. Move up to the low back - make sure you have adequate lumbar support that takes up the space in the curve of your low back without pushing you forward. Use a rolled up towel, small pillow, etc. Seat should be upright so that you reach the steering wheel without overreaching, shoulder blades should be against the seat back, shoulders not rounded forward. Head rest should be positioned behind the middle of your head. Once you're in good posture, the best exercise is the shoulder blade squeeze and the chin tuck (at stoplights, not while driving :) ). I hope this helps! All the best.
@Deadlift750 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! Quick question for you that might be odd at first glance. Do you know of any literature connecting post viral syndromes with changes in cervical or thoracic structures/ tightness/ etc? Thank you!
@MovementFunction 2 жыл бұрын
Deadlift750, thank you for subscribing to the channel! I haven't seen much literature connecting post-viral syndrome specifically to the cervical or thoracic areas; however, I just found this article that mentions inflammation in the thoracic spine and gentle exercises to improve thoracic spinal mobility, along with manual lymphatic drainage.
@Deadlift750 2 жыл бұрын
@@MovementFunction thank you! Really appreciate you taking the time to find that. I'll take a look at it. And thank you for making these videos. Im sure it's a lot of work.
@ronenzexer.1774 Жыл бұрын
Hello. I am 68 years old. Diagnosed as suffering CERVICAL SPINAL STENOSIS - significant at C5-C6 and medium at C4-C5. The main issue for me is numbness in my hands (palms, fingers), especially my left hand In addition, I have some weakness in my left arm (compared to my right arm). Can you tell me which exercise could help (especially the numbness in my left palm and fingers)? Thank you
@MovementFunction Жыл бұрын
All of these exercises are helpful to relieve nerve compression due to stenosis in the cervical spine.
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