Beyond the Algorithm: Quantifying No Man's Sky's Procedural Potential in 2024

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@isaaclawson3126 8 ай бұрын
I didn't realize how different everything was until I tried the fugitive challenge. Walking 5 hours to find a ship showed me that different regions had different terrain. Mountainous, hilly, flat ish. Even the plant and animal density changed as I went along.
@Kanaju 8 ай бұрын
Yes! The longer you spend on a planet, the it reveals itself to you. While planets are mostly consistent all around, terrain, creatures, and even plants can vary slightly from region to region. Some planets have fauna only native to one hemisphere too. I wonder if plants or rocks can be similarly distributed. Thanks for watching!
@pharaohofeuclid 8 ай бұрын
Considering 'foot challenges' something else notable was the planet we started in during the redux version of Cartographers. The mountains were extremely high but also with gentle slopes. That is pretty rare in the game and when flying in a ship something I don't usually notice, let alone appreciate until forced to navigate them on foot or in an exocraft.
@enteplays3662 8 ай бұрын
Fugitive challenge?
@isaaclawson3126 8 ай бұрын
@@enteplays3662 yep if you follow Beeblbum or Jason Plays here on KZbin, they make some RPG style challenges with a set of rules to follow. No rewards or anything, just a way to keep the community talking and keeps the game interesting.
@tufflucal4037 4 ай бұрын
@@Kanaju Question, Do you have a video about the original build or what the game was supposed to be even before launch back 2016. I know a lot of people saying that the Devs did a full 180 and redeemed themselves completely. I Disagree..................mostly. You see the features that would make NMS universe feel ALIVE is STILL not in the game and I understand it may never will be. I'm talking about features like: planets orbiting and actually rotate, the sun as a physical object, bigger animals could pushed trees and make them sway, frigates could be seen from the surface being shot down and crash into the planet, a full on natural Realtime battle between races is going on all through out the universe, etc. Just some to name here! Crazy, I wonder what the game would be like if they didn't too much on the multiplayer and didn't focus on their next game at the same time. I'm not saying that it wasn't the right call.........................................but if NMS had the time and development it deserved. Idk maybe it's wishful thinking. But the flood they had during development I'm pretty sure set them back and probably change the company bit?!?! peace ❤
@jacobpoulsen929 8 ай бұрын
I have been looking forward to more NMS and Hello Games content from you for weeks now
@Kanaju 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your patience! Took a while to get this one together, but I should return to a more regular schedule (one video every 5 to 10 days) now that the break is over. Thanks for watching!
@_fire_fox_1152 2 ай бұрын
"It's been 84 years"
@nightowl-lh5yy 7 ай бұрын
I have over 1500 hours, no idea of total , I play both P C and PS4-5, I am still finding new things. If you travel there,s no telling what you will find. Love this game❤
@im_piano 8 ай бұрын
I believe the planet generation in nms is missing outstanding geological features: deep canyons, outstretching valleys, rivers, etc. Everything is too bland, too same-y.
@pacevy3798 Ай бұрын
i feel like that would be an amazing addition, i wanna see massive mountains, long rivers, canyons that are near planetary, it would make each planet feel so different
@bagoid4582 8 ай бұрын
Honestly I would prefer they add procedural generation to some of the more repetitive aspects of the game, they are already taking a huge step forward with the space station update coming this year, but would love to see some randomization in the simpler things that a player experiences on every planet like dangerous flora, dropped cargo and crates, crashed ships, crashed freighters, knowledge stones etc.
@Joe-kh7nz 8 ай бұрын
I think when people say the variety was better back in the day, the mean just the terrain generation was way crazier. And i definitely agree with that.
@chaosgyro 8 ай бұрын
"Crazy" terrain is nice for screenshots, but it's either useless or actively a hindrance in gameplay. Mostly we fly from place to place looking for a place to land, and on foot the funky-ness just made traversal annoying. I'd say that while things may be more tame now, the planets provide more during the actual experience of traversal and gameplay.
@tufflucal4037 4 ай бұрын
@@chaosgyro Lol you still are basically doing the same thing. Only with more icing to make it feel more varied and expanded. Curious, do you know the original build or plans for the game before launch??
@robovader7625 8 ай бұрын
When it feels like you have seen everything the game has to offer after just a couple of days of playing, there is clearly something wrong in how the game presents itself, no matter how great the variety might seem on paper. I remember playing the early versions and encountering new and interesting worlds even after months of playing, while nowadays the patterns become evident within days.
@Viilap 8 ай бұрын
What it used to be like I started playing NMS in 2023 of course there is repetitiveness in some things but most worlds I've been on were interesting
@fabo1220 4 ай бұрын
This was perfect. As someone who scans tries to scan everything in the systems, I travel to I love all planets, and even dead moons are cool.
@Sorites 8 ай бұрын
I love quality over quantity. This video was awsome. I hope this can become a reoccurring thing. You choose a topic and take as much time as needed to do one big video a year.
@tufflucal4037 4 ай бұрын
@Sorites Well that's basically the problem with NMS, because it isn't that! Believe it or not, the game is quantity over quality still! The game is rarely updated for the things that is radical and crucial for being a polished game, despite its free updates!
@TimSenna 8 ай бұрын
This is a beautiful video man and just underlines why you're my favourite NMS creator- there are always subtle differences between each planet you can appreciate if you're willing to immerse yourself and look
@tufflucal4037 4 ай бұрын
@TimSenna Yea subtle differences. Not radical differences. Main problem with NMS.
@ayymang2157 8 ай бұрын
I think the 6,840 variants for the old versions is a little bit off, because it doesn't take into account the 'Flora Life Level' stat. Back in those versions, there were four versions of each biome, (excluding the dead biome) that correlated with flora life; Full, Medium, Low, and Dead. To use the lush biome as an example, the full version had four species of tree, placed in fairly dense forests. Medium would have two species of tree, arranged pretty commonly. Low lush planets only had one type of tree, placed really sparsely and Dead had no trees (or grass or plants) at all. Comparing that to the modern versions, there are only about ten of the 79 biome types that even take flora life level into account any more, and anecdotally, the different levels don't seem as noticeably different as they used to be (plus the Dead life level is only used for atmosphereless planets now).
@NotACupcake Ай бұрын
I just started playing this game for the first time ever. I didn’t play in 2016 or any other time than this year. The new player experience has made me feel like a kid again. I am actively searching for a planet with a purple color, floating islands, and lots of purple trees and deer/rabbit like fauna. I might not ever find it but i’m excited to discover everything else along the way!
@danime4288 8 ай бұрын
The amount of time and effort you must have put in this video is crazy. It surely pays off, great Video!
@ayymang2157 8 ай бұрын
I love the new gameplay, I love the current approach to having more distinct biome subtypes, but I do wish the game still had its focus on procedural generation for the smaller scale stuff and the release version's art style (or the 2015 art style, which was the same just with more vibrant colours and less brown)
@selfiegek 8 ай бұрын
I started playing in 2020, and feel I missed out on the old NMS visual style. I also find myself wishing I could switch back and firth between modern and retro versions of the game, or at least re-apply the old color filters.
@selfiegek 8 ай бұрын
I'm sure I've put a couple thousand hours into this game by now, and spend much of that time scanning every creature on every planet it any system I warp to. Novel experiences have definately tapered off at this point, but a couple days ago, I swear I found a plant in a desert biome I've never come across before. Would still love to find my own lush planet with white grass, too, someday.
@pauline_f328 7 ай бұрын
While I understand the criticism of 'not enough variety feel-wise' that some players have, I could never relate - but you've got a point about staying on planets impacting that aspect of one's experience. My favorite activities in the game are mostly all looting-like, like gathering things on a planet's surface to sell at the space station to get enough money to get new ships and stuff - I don't really build farms, so I always need more to collect, and so I spend a lot of time on planets. Some of my favorite things to come across are lush planets with brights colors, huge fauna, extreme terrain (although that can be really hard to navigate and can get on my nerves eventually - in the case of huge mountain especially, because the game tends to get buggy - I use pets to get up and down slopes, and the game often bugs out with that terrain and stops me from going all the way to the bottom, instead making me cross from one peak to another over, extreme weather - and I really like running into buildings and ruins and the like, since I'm on foot most of the time and not actively looking for them. And occasionally provoking sentinels by stealing gravitino balls is fun lol. I was actually kind of surprised that you didn't include color in the 'objective variation' number - it's one of the main things that differenciate planets for me. Seeing a planet that has a pretty shade of grass and then trees with leaves with a contrasting color that actually kinda matches...and then you add bubbles, and pretty turquoi many planets are so sightly kinda off, and then you run into such a beautiful's always so precious. Some of the planets I've grown the most attached to were the ones with the harshest weather. I dunno, there's something special about struggling to stay alive - you know you can stay alive just fine, but it takes effort, and when you do take shelter, it feels so cozy, like when you come home after running through the rain, and put your hands on a heating unit (I forgot what they're called in English, whoops) Edit: I can't remember exactly what expedition it was, but one of them ended on this moon with lush orange grass. You'd have the huge planet it orbited around in the sky, and then those plains of orange. That stayed in my mind And the very first planet I ever saw when I started up the game for the first time. I didn't like the planet one of my first quests sent me to (too many predators), so I returned to my original planet to build a base. I constructed it next to one of those buildings with a single landing pad, a trade terminal and tech merchant, at the foot of a mountain, and it had gorgeous green and yellow rings around it that crossed the sky. I remember running into my first few monochromatic planets - how unsettling it felt. I haven't encountered nearly as many since - in part because I haven't installed the right drives in my ship in my main save lol - but when I encounter them during expeditions, I take a moment to pause and appreciate the place. I think, to an extent, it also changes a lot what you live through on a planet. If you run around, you may have to shalter from the weather or run from predators or from sentinels. If you build a base, you may have to look for the perfect planet, which will make it feel all the more special. If you have missions on that planet, you'll have an objective but have to work with an unfamiliar environment. That's part of the reason I don't planet hop unless I'm heading for a specific system and running out of fuel. I'm happier this way
@adventureguide7926 4 ай бұрын
I only recently discovered this game and it's so cool. I've been watching videos on different channels until I was able to get it and I feel like you offer something other channels don't as much. I really enjoyed the way you broke down the planetary variety in this video.
@sp_ce. Ай бұрын
It’s crazy that I also thought of a hydrogarden bubbles planet when you mentioned a specific planet type. I found only one of those too and it has a really cool Atlantid multi tool so I’ve been there for a while. It’s blue with cool terrain too.
@StyxAnnihilator 8 ай бұрын
Those floating plants (unless are other stuff that looks like that) I have seen several times, even just discovered (and renamed) a planet with them, Euclid.
@TabalugaDragon 8 ай бұрын
me too, I foudn them like 6 or 7(more even more) times throughout my gameplay, idk why they are considered super rare. Now robot planets - I only found one throughout my 1000+hours, those are extremely rare.
@pepetortilla5481 8 ай бұрын
Great video! Excellent job breaking it down. I've been playing since launch, and you really hit it on the head
@SoTired06 8 ай бұрын
This game and this channel deserves way more popularity
@vrabo3026 8 ай бұрын
This was such a fascinating video! I've always felt that the reason people say planets are very repetitive is because of their playstyle.. as for people who play regularly, I think a really good way to add variety would be the opposite approach of what Origins did.. instead of adding new handcrafted things, they could add variation to existing assets on planets. Imagine if knowledge stones, sentinel pillars, trade outposts and such were all visually procedural in every system, kinda like the sentinel ships, asteroids and the upcoming space stations. Just landing on a planet and not knowing what even a knowledge stone will look like... that'd be nuts! 😄
@Billabong1264 8 ай бұрын
And the resource flowers (like oxygen and sodium)
@Sontus718 8 ай бұрын
I really don't know what to say - the time, analysis and detail that you have expended in this video is phenomenal... Stunning... 😮
@ramongarcia8565 8 ай бұрын
the terrain is the biggest killer for me u land on a planet and take a look at your sourroundings and the whole planet just looks like that had fun on my first playthrough but i definetly dont get the people who have been playing this game for thousands of hours
@im_piano 8 ай бұрын
I agree. It's all the same.
@Kanaju 8 ай бұрын
That's mostly true! However planets with continents will have terrain that gradually changes as you approach the coastal regions. So even a planet with extreme mountains can have low rolling hills if you head towards a large ocean. I don't know if this is the case with all water worlds, but it's definitely true of planets with continents. Thanks for watching!
@aparker7777 3 ай бұрын
The difference is that we have active imaginations, and a love of exploring for THE SAKE of exploring. I don't understand people who can get dropped in a game world with billions of star systems and not delight in the feeling of not knowing what's around that next warp... the game is not lacking anything, YOUR imagination is what is lacking.
@seriousleesgaming3042 8 ай бұрын
Well over a thousand hours player here, and I'm a lot like you in that I find a lot of enjoyment from minor variations in the game. I'd probably do my math differently than you did for the quantifiable portion, but only because the more subjective qualities bias my own importance of what to measure. For my own subjective metrics, I'd never be able to leave out colour variations, especially for skies, but I wouldn't really think to measure NPC species at all... well, depending on what I'm looking for and why (ie. I love your Vy'Keen settlement desert planet!) I suppose. After this many hours played, I do find most planets "same-y", but I'm always interested in seeing what's around the corner. Maybe there's an even more perfect-er planet to find! Even if you've found a half dozen white lush planets, have you found the one with the grass style you like most yet? The right sky colour? Those minor differences come to mean everything in the end. Thanks for digging into the game files to look at all the various biome names, that's some dedication and fascinating stuff! Great video!
@Eldiran1 Ай бұрын
Interesting video, you put a lot of effort into it and i wanna congrat for that. Also thanks for using the metric system a bit, as everyone except 2 countries in the world use it.
@meaningfulmindfulness15 8 ай бұрын
I would love additional cave updates. There's something awesome about landing on a dead planet and ecoloring unexpected caverns beneath. Theoretical cold planet with a labyrinth of tunnels and underground points of interest.
@msampson2286 7 ай бұрын
yeah the cave entrances were some of the most enticing things i would fine but 90% of them were just one tiny cave string that only went so far before hitting a dead end, id love a minecraft-esque overhaul on the caves, like you could do an entirely different ecosystem of species and animal types with them
@claycthomp 7 ай бұрын
Wow! Incredible video, NMS is my passion and I feel like I learned so much from this! I am so excited for the next update and I’m hoping for the procedural generation will improve as well. Thanks again for your effort
@CrazyAjvar Ай бұрын
I am closing up on 200 hours, and starting survival save made the game feel totally different. In normal I felt like I had no need to manage my inventory as much after few hours, or need to farm mats, at least basics since I would just buy them at stations and trade ports. But in survival, my inventory management felt like another game, and modules breaking after jumping half a meter felt punishing. Was having totally different kind of fun.
@rufemairow1451 8 ай бұрын
It's a shame that most of the star systems still feels uninhabited. Only one station per system? Come on. It was great to be stuck in NMS for 200 hours straight, but idk what to do now.
@tufflucal4037 4 ай бұрын
@rufemairow1451 LOL! Come on, most of these star systems are copied and pasted. Just with a different icing to have the illusion of variety.
@jonathangebert3006 8 ай бұрын
I bought the game at launch, played for around 10 hours and I felt underwhelmed so I shelved it with the intention of coming back to it someday. I picked it back up in late August of last year and have been hooked. Between my two main saves and the expeditions, I've got 600+ hours into it now and, while much of that time has been spent ship hunting and base building and resource grinding, there are some things I've yet to see. I've yet to find a world with diplos taller than myself or find all the glitch decorations, to name a few.
@grin_of_grimmsnarl1333 Ай бұрын
@jonathangebert3006 if you get an egg from them you can incubate and infuse it at the Anomaly. Protip: Continually infusing will increase its size. ✌️
@ILikeBlackholes77 7 ай бұрын
Planets with more biomes and with more extreme terrain would be very cool
@darthvaderreviews6926 6 ай бұрын
Part of me wonders how much the feeling of NMS's planet saminess could've been altered by relatively simple changes to game design. Eg. I think people would have an easier time appreciating the diversity of planets if the scanner worked like the E3 vertical slice. (no blue filter, and discovery notifications are a diagetic AR display instead of HUD popups) It's hard _not_ to feel every planet's the same if your first impression of every single one is blue, and all you can hear is a dozen notification blast SFXes in a row followed with UNITS RECIEVED
@StyxAnnihilator 8 ай бұрын
I wonder why all around a lot of forced waiting. Why you have to click so much in menus and more, where some ought to have keybind option. Why obvious bugs/issues does not get fixed (that ought to be easy and fast code wise). Why can not change colors for a ship, maybe even swap parts. Why can not have automated "refill" (even with a tech upgrade) of the many upgrades that can be added. Why have to hold down a button and wait before looting and other choices. Why travel takes so long. Why ... many more.
@Elliott-Burton 8 ай бұрын
Nice video man. I recently finished Trace of Metal on my main save so now I can't wait for the next update! Great content!
@Elliott-Burton 8 ай бұрын
You've inspired me to land on every planet I find to see what kind of variations I can find
@nolopada 8 ай бұрын
Great deep dive into the nitty gritty! I’ve always wondered exactly how many types of planets there are 😎
@gwoody4003 3 ай бұрын
Its crazy, I got over 2000 hours in NMS... still find things I never saw before.
@dmdev_ Ай бұрын
19:35, the only memorable things about our dear home. 🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸
@anditippie5923 8 ай бұрын
I have about 2000 hours in and although my novel experiences aren’t that frequent, they happen enough that I’m always on the lookout for a new planet. I learned a few things from your video that surprised me and I’m excited to play around with those ideas! What a fantastic video. Thank you! I love exploring and being inspired to do more. 👏🏼👏🏼🤗
@lukemoore9408 8 ай бұрын
Awesome video!!!! Im a new player. About 75 hours in and still learning and discovering this game. I'm taking it slow. Still havent finished either of the main storylines! But loving every minute of it. Thank you for videos like this!!!!
@Helios134 Күн бұрын
Would love to see you do this again now since world part 1 released
@robotmedic2720 8 ай бұрын
Subscribed. Love your commentary.. is so chill.. great video. Thank you.
@UKGeezer 8 ай бұрын
I see a lot of effort went into this video, I found it interesting and think it was worth your time and energy, One thing I would recommend - especially for long term players who have experienced most things NMS has to offer - is that if you haven't experienced this game in VR yet, then that is a whole new experience. NMS is the most immersive game I've ever played in VR. Flying in and out of planets, exploring caves etc, is very cool with the PSVR2 headset. Anyway, happy birthday even though I'm probably a little late now 🙂
@hyperturbotechnomike 8 ай бұрын
Hi, i have around 950 hours in the game since four years and with another person in local co-op. Novel experiences are still being found. The most recent one is a planet with very trippy colour shifting grass. Highly saturated yellow turns into pink in the distance. It's one of the most unique ones. I have a video of it in my profile. In the four years, two lush planets with white grass were discovered and one perfect earth like. When the wonders page was introduced the earth like planet was added to it and it has 97%. We play in the 239th galaxy, because we believe that it has the best planet generation, but take it with a salt of grain. I also like to do ship and MT hunting looking out for oddly specific patterns. Fighters, haulers and sentinel ships. One of my journeys was to find a regular multitool with a crystal sticking out at the bottom, not an alien one. Regular multi-tools can spawn with horns and crystals too, but they are rare. When the atlas MT's dropped it was another jouney, because we wanted "parter style opposites" Pyramid atlas MTs, a brigh one for me and a dark one for her. It took a while to find matchups, but the results were great. Finding a freighter was another journey for me. I wanted the smalles possible S-Class freighter. I gave up after many hours and a while later, i found one on accident. The smallest configuration of a freighter. It's quite the hilarious sight how small it is. I will never replace this one. I have seen perhaps hundreds of the big sentinel ones everyone wants, but the one like i have only once.
@pharaohofeuclid 8 ай бұрын
Definitely worth the time taken. 👍🏻 As someone whose eyes always roll whenever someone says things like 'there are only ten planets in NMS', I never have the patience to explain it like this. Even though I seriously considered making a video like this many times. Glad someone did the hard work.
@bondy6912 8 ай бұрын
Fantastic game...I can't play it anymore after countless hours but still like to see where it's going. Everyone should give this game a go.
@canyonjerk1 7 ай бұрын
I think adding in the possibility for multibiom planets would do a lot for increasing staying power for planets
@Happy-Wiggleworm 8 ай бұрын
The wait was way to long good to see you back, lol it was so long I thought you died or stopped recording I just got worried it was 3 weeks ago?!?!? Unacceptable… good to see you back
@LlywellynOBrien 8 ай бұрын
I am amazed that this doesn't have more views yet!
@TabalugaDragon 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for your research! And I was wondering where your videos were! I played in August 2016 and very quickly got bored. Not only the lack of slots was annoying, the planets felt empty, but also first person games were never for me, and the addition for a third person mode is what really brought me back into the game. I will always miss those huge, blue Heridium pillars 😢 Those were awesome to mine. The graphics was also very different and I wish they kept some of that for some planets, watching old streams the overall look of the 2016 version was very different, it would be nice if they kept planets looking like that while also adding new ones we have now. I mean... with 18 quintillion planets it wouldn't be a problem, so I wonder if it was an artistic decision or a technical limitation.
@jiby18 8 ай бұрын
As a day 1 player as well who still plays regularly, No Man's Sky has easily become one of my favourite games of all time. I have around 1000 hours of play time, and still every now and then find something I haven't yet seen. Although I would argue against the 3 different races contributing to different planet types, this will be the video I send to people when they ask me this kind of stuff as it's the perfect video for putting things into perspective. Would also love to see a video comparing and quantifying different "activities" and "things to do" as compared to launch. Edit: I've looked through your videos and subscribed :)
@zolik.7252 5 ай бұрын
Great video thank you! I was also thinking a lot what could improve the 'exploration experience' in NMS and I tried to approach the question from real life: Why do people travel in real life? Not considering now interactions between people, usually we travel in order to see something that is unique, if it is 'the most', it is famous, it has stunning view. By these terms planets in NMS are not too various. In our little solar system we have 27 km tall volcano on Mars or 48 km deep trench on Iapetus, mile wide canyons, 1500 km wide impact crater and perhaps there are many-many more wonders we do not know yet. On galactic scale perhaps there are mountains made of diamond, or clouds made of molten iron on exoplanets. The real galaxy of ours seem to be generated with a procedural generation algorithm let far more wild :) What we have now in NMS seem to be a galaxy of averageness, nothing too off from average. So I do not really know a solution, and perhaps HG made many experiments, but maybe it would worth a try letting the planet generation algorithm go wild. I think the sheer size of a galaxy implies mind-blowing places far-far from average and that seems to miss from NMS.
@Pagroove 8 ай бұрын
Superb video. I am the same type of player like you Kanaju. In an earlier video you pointed out that even the terrain is more varied then one might think. This led me to a trek across one planet with the aim of walking around the planet only not in one hop but in little hops (2/3 hrs of walking and then making a base). During this trek I came across much different terrain and really different regions. It is indeed that most players only hop planets and then spend 20 minutes at most in the surroundings and then say: " I've seen it all". But it is when you really go on a planet trek that you experience the changes per region. What Hello Games really could do for reducing the sameness is making the pre-produced assets procedurally generated so that you at least see some variations (for example the poisonous flora). But Excellent video.
@ivyking4149 8 ай бұрын
Oh by the way, the other day I came across a planet with hurricane, twisters and all. That was awesome
@tufflucal4037 4 ай бұрын
@ivyking4149 Good for you. The premise, behaviors, and algorithms are still the same on all planets. Numbers aren't everything. Quality always beats quantity.
@jwalker2480 4 ай бұрын
Just started playing again since 2019 and wow the changes are amazing looks so much nicer so much cool shit. Im addicted again
@DunceDude 8 ай бұрын
Woo! Another quality Kanaju video!
@tjtweedy3189 8 ай бұрын
I have awful memory, I enjoy traveling system to system chasing distress calls and either helping the stranded travelers, or fixing than scrapping the ships. It never gets old.
@gregc8831 Ай бұрын
A really neat video would be a compilation of narrative experiences. The game doesn't spell these out so it would be great to give players ideas. For example: going from nautical wreck scavenger to pirate lord to calling in your pirate freighter over your first settlement.
@Sebkir. 8 ай бұрын
i would love if they added different "biomes" per planet, maybe similar, but different enough to say "oh, stuff is different here"
@Lesak2 8 ай бұрын
My god man! This must be one of the most impressive NMS video i've ever seen, congrats!
@Diogenes23 5 ай бұрын
Man there were some CRAZY deep oceans in the early days
@zearcjustice7837 5 ай бұрын
idk man , all these variant but 9/10 of them either try to roast me to death or freeze me to death , never in between
@TayambaMwanza 8 ай бұрын
The number 1 feature I want from nms beside ship customization, is to be able to request your freighter to do an orbital airstrike while you're on the planets airstrike, the someway you drop a beacon, except instead of a beacon landing a lazer or rocket comes down.
@ПавелЛариошин 8 ай бұрын
Yes, when will you be called to the Hello games studio? Or have you already been called? Congratulations on the release of this video. I've been watching you for 2 years now.Hello from Russia
@3331lex 8 ай бұрын
As someone who got the game on release, played for literally 2 minutes and got back on the game the last month of 2023 to put almost 200hours. I'm absolutely in awe by the amount of things they added & what you can now do. I found No Man's Sky to be the type of game where they are great at setting a template for creativity, generally speaking. In comparison to telling you what to do like a story focused game(i personally hate people & games that are like that anyways) Freedom is key with this game, you HAVE to create your fun & have the imagination to enjoy this game for long long periods of time. It's a story of a space traveler, therefore make it so! PS great Chanel! Love your content!
@legendary6890 8 ай бұрын
This is the kind of no man's sky videos that interest me the most...please more variables.
@dario9276santos 8 ай бұрын
What I would like is whever I visit a planet, I could see the planet variation types highlighted on the list you made in the first part of the video, either in an external app or in-game
@MoorganHart 8 ай бұрын
Well they clearly improved variation since launch, but I think that mostly comes from the new variables they added. Adding more options to existing variables increases the content by a finite amount. Adding new variables entirely will increase the content by multitudes. For example adding a perlin noise map for biomes on each planet would make a random configuration of biomes across each planet, making every planet feel more unique as you traverse them. For consistency this could be combined with the existing variable of planet type, having toxic, radioactive, frozen, et cetera variants of each region biome. As in the region biome "barren" could be a minimal grassland with flowers on a lush planet, an empty plain on a toxic planet, a dry lakebed style desert on a marsh planet, an empty sandy desert on a barren planet, a lush desert on a paradise or temperate planet, a snowy tundra on a frozen planet, a rocky tundra on a radioactive planet, a plain of obsidian on a volcanic planet, et cetera. Then throw in planetary temperature based on its tilt with respect to what its hypothetical orbit would be and you've got even more planet and planetary biome variety. Having temperature based variants of each region biome for each planet type would be multitudes more variety, but the layouts would also be extremely varied. Some planets might have frozen poles like Earth, but others could have a pole facing its sun and be mostly hot/volcanic on that side while being mostly cold/snowy on the other, and everything between.
@xgardenofedenx 7 ай бұрын
I'm really hoping we get an expedition in the future focused mainly around fauna and adding more archetypes and body plans they can have, especially for flying and aquatic creatures. I love being a Xenobiologist in NMS, even though I know I've probably seen every single main creature archetype, I always keep looking just in case I find something truly weird or unique. Right now I have a feline creature that's just a one for one of the "panthera" in Avatar (the giant cats), a settlement sized Bronto, a giraffe robot (trying to replicate the giraffes in Horizon), a crab like tank and one of the walkers but bred mine to have a hugeee horn from its head and be just above shoulder height to Brontos.
@EdmundWChan 8 ай бұрын
very detail, and happy birthday!
@zeferreira8805 2 ай бұрын
I feel like the one thing that will make a huge difference is "contrast". I don't know how mathematically that would be defined, but like the request for diferente biomes is really a request for contrast. Once you land on a planet you just know it will all be like that.
@zeferreira8805 2 ай бұрын
If they manage to define contrast mathematically, they could another layer of procedural generation to the planets that would insert out of normal stuctures. Like some planet that disperse flora, all of the sudden has very condensed flora in a certain place that form a certain pattern.
@dreamersrealm6389 5 ай бұрын
most unique world i found was a world with aggressive sentinels and red star, pretty sure uninhabited system, but that planet, reminded me of pitch black if anyone has watched riddick, it was super dark and red atmosphere with strange butterfly like creatures making up most of the fauna
@angelobronte6029 5 ай бұрын
Along with increasing diversity all around they could take a page from the recent helldivers 2 and focus more on the planetary hazards and do things like fire tornados and meteor showers. Currently every hazard feels the same other than the color and requires a different shield.
@gwoody4003 3 ай бұрын
I think a lot of people only will land on certain planet types, and they don't even think about it when they say there is no variety. Cus I almost never land on empty, voclanic or ice planets. I just hate being in the fire/ice storms so much. 😂
@JupiterxBlues 8 ай бұрын
The reason the planets "look" the same is a psychological issue with the game's gameplay loop. You dont spend enough time on a single planet for your brain to grow accustomed to the way the planet looks and how everything is supposed to look. If you spend maybe a month on one planet at a time, if you flew to another planet that others would consider "the same", it would look extremely different to you because your brain is looking for familiarities. It will instantly notice that the grass is, for example, a slight shade lighter and an inch taller and a quarter inch wider and slightly more patchy. It wont be obvious to others who planet hop rapidly, but to you, it will feel like a whole different world drastically different. Similar to our natural facial recognition, we all have 2 eyes, 1 nose, 1 mouth, etc. and they are all in the same position as everyone else's face, they only vary in shape and size just slightly, yet, our brain sees drastically unique faces. Subtlety in color can seem drastically different too. If you want an example of this, check out on youtube how Spiderman: Across The Spiderverse tricked your brain and emotions using subtle color changes for the twist ending.
@vinc.4374 2 күн бұрын
Didn't the atlas over haul mod back in 2018-2019 add like 10 to the 33rd power of biomes? Like i think you should make a video about that
@alfderbabybenz7092 8 күн бұрын
Real Life Planets are probably also really really similar sometimes and there are not infinetely different planets
@shallendor 8 ай бұрын
I have about 2500 hours in the game since release, and still find cool new stuff!
@AlextheguitarFreak 8 ай бұрын
I have played nms around 400 hours now and I feel like there's very little that I haven't seen or even done. At this point I still like to play when there's an update or an expedition going but some a lot of that thrill of discovery is lost. The game is still fun with friends though, I just wish there were a few new missions to do together to spice things up. I really can't complain though because this games is by far my most played game ever and I bought it for $30 which is amazing.
@trevoranderson1604 8 ай бұрын
Been playing since launch and have hundred of hours. I take breaks and then jump in shortly for the bigger updates. My issue is that I stopped even landing on most planets. I scan and see the planet type and I feel I've mostly seen it all before. Limited plant and animal variety and lack of blended biomes. There's just not that much to do. I've since become a farmer and boot it up, farm and then close it again. Need more things to do to pull me away from my lush paradise world.
@Sorites 8 ай бұрын
Would you be able to list out the 90 unique biomes or have a link to them? Cause I thought there was only like 23, what possible other ones am I missing?
@SerdarAkkilic 8 ай бұрын
Problem with NMS's exaggeration about veriaties; I don't think a green mushroom planet with a weather pattern A, is different than a green mushroom planet with a weather pattern B, nor it is different than a yellow mushroom planet either. within few jumps, you will feel that you already saw every thing in the game, after some more jumps you will think that you are seeing everything you saw before with different combinations and variations.
@stuff4035 8 ай бұрын
Oh this is gonna be a goody
@Kanaju 8 ай бұрын
Good to see you in 2024! How've you been? And thanks for watching!
@stuff4035 8 ай бұрын
@@Kanaju howdy, been focused on school stuffs and other games, but I'm good! would love to see an in depth video on how to improve variation... *efficiently*
@Kanaju 8 ай бұрын
@@stuff4035 Nice! And oh don't you worry. I'm making that video. Hopefully by next week. lol But no promises.
@YapsiePresents 5 ай бұрын
I think people are wanting more weather patterns like perpetual rain or diamond rain or martian dust storms, dust devils, water spouts, gravity differences
@bucketheadwendy5358 Ай бұрын
@joshuamatthew9716 8 ай бұрын
Not the Hot Tunes to start off the video😂
@piotrmorag2597 8 ай бұрын
I still can't get over the fact that RDR2 won the game awards in the "Labor of Love" category 😅😭💀It has to be a troll vote, just like the Starfield one xD
@ZmbieTaco 4 ай бұрын
Crazy how much things change when Atlas is collapsing and all the simulations start bleeding into one another. Pretty soon the simulation will fail so much that we will be locked down onto only a single planet
@SkeletonRD 8 ай бұрын
What’s up Kanaju, it’s been Long.
@Blingoose 6 ай бұрын
I'm a new player, I've played the game for around 30 Hours including Omega expedition and at the moment of writing I've already got bored since most of the things in this game are pretty soulless and repetitive. Yeah, there's a crazy amount of planets with different species, fauna and flora but it's mostly the same things over and over with a different color, shape or size. The combat is meh, space battles are the same and NPC's are all the same thing over and over. The one thing I felt excited about recently is when I encountered a Derelict Freighter where I suddenly felt danger and didn't know what to expect, But I soon found that all these derelict freighters are mostly the same thing over and over. This game lacks danger, unexpected enemies and so much more other than huge numbers of planets and creatures. At least I haven't spent any money on the game (it's on gamepass).
@jacobpinson2834 8 ай бұрын
Around 200 hours of play time is when it felt like I had to search out new things instead of happening upon them
@Daniel4ization 8 ай бұрын
No man's sky ORIGINS update i got a new planet in my star system a volcano planet also planet change to different type too.
@dianaoelrich4076 8 ай бұрын
How much do you like how many same planets there are 14:52
@funkytownjedi 8 ай бұрын
Great video 🎊
@graysonbaker9053 8 ай бұрын
shoutout to texas fr🙏
@calebmoore5430 8 ай бұрын
Hello game's needs to overhaul the sounds of the fauna we need more variation.
@TabalugaDragon 8 ай бұрын
yes, in fact a lot of things need overhauling, I'm glad they are working on space stations though, it's what I've been asking for for a long time now.
@dianaoelrich4076 8 ай бұрын
The creatures and color do a lot 25:16
@dianaoelrich4076 8 ай бұрын
Try some emergency jumping emergency. Jump planet scab and drink planet-hunting. 27:52
@JackAllpikeMusic 5 ай бұрын
I think for me I'd really like to see better terrain generation and better animal generation. Although yes there are different terrain types, it really often doesn't feel like it's ever very detailed terrain. It's like I'm running around on a world designed to see from a much larger scale (which I suppose it is in a way) and not meant to be walking around on it. The types of animals there are also seem to be pretty limited, yes there are outliers but for the majority of planets I feel like I end up seeing the same sorts of animals, and I also see a lot of the weird brain tentacle things. I'd love to see some more variety there. Maybe things more like reptiles, or more varied flying creatures.
@SkullyBones448 8 ай бұрын
How do u get those fire effect thrusters ?
@Yuki_Ika7 5 ай бұрын
your chemistry teacher was a mortician? that's Awesome! sounds like a fun person
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