FYI, I took the camera apart. It has "IMX415" printed on the circuit board that houses the sensor. That's a 16x9, 8MP sensor, assuming it really uses an IMX415. It's a 16x9 sensor, but the photos are in a 4x3 format, so it's cropping off the sides of the sensor when taking photos, meaning there is definitely quite a bit less than even 8MP to work with in photos. No surprise, given the image quality I found. Also, the main processor has a logo I don't recognize, and when I search for the model number on it, all I can find are a cheap action cam and a dash cam on Aliexpress that both claim to have that processor. So...
@aubreyk.592723 күн бұрын
is the image sensor also just pushed out front into the "lens" body like in the previous g700 video ? 😂
@bigtb171723 күн бұрын
Ha! No, there is an optical zoom lens in there with tiny motors for zoom, focus, and a little magnet to pull the IR filter out from in front of the sensor for the IR mode. So there's more going on in there than in some of these cameras. They just forgot to make any of it good.
@Binhotecnologia9 күн бұрын
Assistindo aqui no Brasil, com dublagem do youtube.
@randyclemarey197424 күн бұрын
What is a good entry level camera for photography that you would recommend? Thank you for doing these videos! I LOVE the welder ones, I check out the camera ones for my wife. Thank you again.
@bigtb171724 күн бұрын
Thanks! What is your budget for a camera? These days, it seems like companies aren't bothering to make good, entry-level cameras below a certain price point. I think the idea is that most people have a cell phone that will take better pictures than anything you could get in the $500-ish and under range. Is photography something your wife would like to get deeper into? In some cases, having physical controls and easy access to features and settings can be as important as ultimate image quality. Being able to quickly adjust the camera to get the shot and achieve the look you want is important. Right now, I think a Canon R50 is a good starting point. It has a viewfinder and a decent feature set for the price. It's a compact, non-interchangeable lens camera, so there's less room to grow with it, and it obviously has far fewer physical controls, but the Sony ZV-1 (the original, not the 1F or the ZV-1 II) is a versatile camera if you want something really compact (you can often find it on sale). The ZV-1 has optical stabilization in the lens, high framerate video modes that can be fun, and even a built-in neutral density filter. It's a pretty versatile point and shoot camera. I used to really like some of the offerings from Olympus, but they seem to be more expensive and less available since they were bought out. On the micro 4/3rd side of things, Panasonic has some decent options.
@corktail790024 күн бұрын
you can find high end dslr cameras and decent lenses for pretty cheap nowadays since people are upgrading to mirrorless cameras. 90% of what can be done on mirrorless can be done on a dslr, most of the improvements are quality of life and spec bumps.
@bigtb171724 күн бұрын
That's a good point! Used can be a risk, but if you are willing to look around a bit, there are some good deals to be found on some great, DSLR cameras.
@randyclemarey197424 күн бұрын
Thank you for the in depth response! Yea she’s wanting to get more into photography. Right now she has an iPhone 13. I’ll look at that Sony you spoke about. So with an iPhone 13 can she take pretty good pictures? I have another question 😂 I bought her a star scope and the mount for her phone. Have you ever tried one of those? Thank you again for the great info!
@bigtb171724 күн бұрын
I haven't used a combo like that (phone mount for a star scope). But I have mounted a camera to a telescope. I haven't done long exposure astrophotography, just pics of the moon, planets, and using the scope like a telephoto lens during the day.
@Soundwave85720 күн бұрын
When i looked at the thumbnail i thought i was having a stroke. it looked like a sony, i expected a sony but the title didnt match
@Chriskeigh20 күн бұрын
The camera looks good for a beginner for KZbin channel at least for the videos purposes
@bigtb171719 күн бұрын
I very strongly disagree. If you already have a smartphone, there is a nearly 100% chance that it is far better than the Ordro G730 for a beginner KZbin channel. There are multiple action cameras I would also recommend long before this Ordro, for someone starting a KZbin channel.
@ludwigvan6678 күн бұрын
Ufff gracias hermano,me sentia tentado a comprarla jajaja
@BwanaBob24 күн бұрын
It's like they cloned the guts of somebody elses junk, and then used hex-edit on the firmware until the menus looked good enough.
@bigtb171723 күн бұрын
I just took it apart. The main processor chip inside doesn't come up with much when I search it online. However, I do get a listing for a cheap action camera and a dash cam on Aliexpress that both brag about using that chip.
@PLAYCOREE22 күн бұрын
260$ for this is wild...for that price you would probably be better off getting a used 5100 or canon m200 with magic lantern or something. Not that someone should expect price to performance on a product thats pretty much a scam😂
@mikamihydraulic54303 күн бұрын
Thank you to save our money.
@Binhotecnologia9 күн бұрын
Até a melcam DC101 fica bem melhor.
@aermacchi124 күн бұрын
Love how you're testing this cheap cameras, thanks! Just FYI: My native language isn't English, and clicking on your video defaults to some "AI" translated crap, which might be offputting to non-native speakers that do understand english regardless.
@bigtb171724 күн бұрын
Thanks for the heads-up on the AI subtitles. It's a new feature KZbin is just introducing and it is enabled automatically. Were you able to turn it off on your end? If viewers can't turn it off and it's poorly done, maybe I should look into whether I can turn it off. Cheers!
@aermacchi124 күн бұрын
@@bigtb1717 I was able to turn it off via the language menu.