BINGE EATING | A Story of Recovery + My Experience and Thoughts

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@sarahelizabeth1392 5 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty self aware. The times I binge eat are when I feel like I'm not good enough, in any aspect of life. Whether that's at work, in the gym, or with my social life. Being self aware has helped me a lot but for me personally, I know it's about facing those deeper issues. Just because my higher human brain understands what's going on, does not mean that I care if I'm in the middle of a relapse.
@Heartbreaker1999-o5s Жыл бұрын
Same as me
@imanijohnson1340 4 ай бұрын
Idk why it hit so hard but there's a scene in the new South Park special that shows cartman assembling a terrifying disgusting concoction, to consume. He does it blankly, not paying attention, giving up. And fuck man. Why does that have to be the realest thing I've ever seen in media about BED.
@kiliya89 5 жыл бұрын
I read the book and no, her particular method didn't work for me personally. BUT I am glad to have read it mostly for the portions where she shared her history and progression on working through the disorder -- When going through a dark time, it can be cathartic to hear your own story echoed in someone else. In my own experience, my over-consumption (binging) started as an emotional coping mechanism due to childhood trauma, but was later exacerbated and transformed into a disorder (BED) after a year-long period of calorie restriction and over-exercise. Cue the most miserable year of my life where I re-gained weight, yo-yo dieted and wallowed in self-loathing about not being able to control my daily binging. I later discovered that in addition to long term calorie restriction, any restrictive diet which excludes an entire macro-nutrient, or entire food group(s) are also triggers. It may work fine for 3-6 months but the aftermath is not pretty. These days I am binge-free for 2019 to date. Woo hoo! For me, I find that being conscious about my food, while not being overly restrictive about my eating is what helps keep me binge-free. As well as self-forgiveness, self-care and building up those POSITIVE neural pathways - like the dopamine reward provided from habitual exercise. I think it's admirable that you've read the book despite not having suffered yourself from binge eating disorder and it's even better that you've provided a great summary of the author's conclusions and prompted us with a great conversation starter. So -- thank you for bringing the topic to light. ❤️
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on being binge free! That is amazing! And thank you so much for sharing your story. I really appreciate you giving us insight into what you went through and struggled with. We can always learn from other's experiences even if they don't match our own
@943862 5 жыл бұрын
Exercising helps me a lot to overcome my binge-purge cycle. Especially morning exercise keeps me away from eating extra or binge eating. I think it activates my reward system that I don't need to feel satisfied via food.
@Thefitty 5 жыл бұрын
I can totally attest to this! That's one of the ways that I beat my binge eating in the past :-) so long as you're not holding on to it as if it's your Lifesaver crutch that when life happens and you can't exercise first thing in the morning you don't finish the rest of the day it's all good!
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Thats so interesting to know! And it totally makes sense as well
@firerose7936 5 жыл бұрын
I found this to, even when I'm hungry when I exercise my appetite is reduced. I looked it up and found out that exercise increases neuropeptide yy, which suppresses hunger.
@943862 5 жыл бұрын
@@Thefitty I passed through that lifesaving perceptron as well. I was OK as long as I sticked to my exercise routine. If I skip one day, I was feeling so angry on myself that I stressed out me, and I was binging to relieve! Tough circle to break through, happily I can say that I'm doing better now.
@943862 5 жыл бұрын
@@firerose7936 Exactly :) I didn't research yet what is specifically going on in our brains when we workout as well as when we binge our beloved food. Yet, I can hypothesize that we reward ourselves, reduce our stress leves resulting from whatever via food as well as exercise. As long as we won't become overly obsessed with it, exercising is great ;)
@Naoki22 5 жыл бұрын
I used to binge eat when I was addicted to sugar. Once I quit eating sugar and went through the really bad sugar withdrawals, my constant craving for food and food binging finally ended and I haven't had a craving since! Sugar addiction isn't something I could overcome by just deciding to change my mindset about food. It was a chemical addiction in my brain, so the best solution was to cut the addictive substance from my system.
@christinam.1930 2 жыл бұрын
Can I please ask you for help and ask you....when you cut off sugar...did you cut off everything such as sugar replacement, maple syrup, honey? I'm struggling getting off sugar...had a terrible childhood and grew up on basically sugar with my mom choosing g drugs over our health and after I didn't realize I chose junk over food until recently when I decided to cut our table sugar and all added sugars.... Did you also cut off natural sugars? Any tips?? Thank you so much in advance...
@sarahlana5124 2 жыл бұрын
@@christinam.1930 Hi Christina, try to cut the white sugar first and all food or drinks that contain white sugar. I would say do it in stages so do this for 6 months or even longer if needed then slowly cut off brown sugar, maple syrup and honey for few months just to have ur mind, body and taste buds recover so whenever you include back honey and maple syrup, you will be so satisfied with the sweetness of these 2 items and you won’t be able to eat the regular sugar anymore because you will be able to tell that it’s way too much and won’t crave it at all. So just take it step by step but eventually you can have honey, maple syrup and monk fruit as well but also be aware of your consumption if it becomes addictive. Wishing you a healthy life💖
@christinam.1930 2 жыл бұрын
@@sarahlana5124 thank you so very much...I definitely needed this confirmation in my life. I truly appreciate you and all your content and help. You are a blessing and I am going to do exactly how you said and actually cut off sugar for good and ill use God's candy to curb my sweet cravings especially now being pregnant I want to nourish my body N baby in a healthy way...thank you bunches...God bless you always sending friendly love your way and thank you again
@sarahjaneadelaide 5 жыл бұрын
Binging / feeling out of control with your consumption is overwhelmingly a response to physical/mental deprivation. Eating the Pizza/ice cream isn’t the disordered thought. The disordered thought is “I’m going to be dieting soon.” The reason humans over consume is because of DIETING. If people truly allow all foods, binging becomes less frequent and foods hold less power. Eating in a sustained calorie deficit is NOT healthy, even if it’s coming from a mindset of wanting to improve their fitness/reach a specific goal. Your body doesn’t know that you’re doing a cut for a personal challenge / goal, it thinks you’re in a famine. Which will drive you to seek out food and “feast” when you are finally allowed to have it. I recommend the book the fuck it diet by Caroline dooner- it explains the science behind this much more eloquently than I can and explains how our relationships/food and weight come to be.
@nicolemarco8242 5 жыл бұрын
As someone who has gone through a binging restricting cycle (like actually eating thousands of calories in 1 binge and restricting by a thousand calories everyday for the next few days) I feel as though it wasn’t a mind over matter thing for me. I have not listened to this book but definitely will. My binging came from a place of an adapted metabolism and over restricting and it took a very long time to recover from (I am recovered for the most part now with the accidental occasional over eating). To recover my primary goal became to build my metabolism up, so I did a reverse diet. I built lots of muscle and was able to increase my tdee by over 50%. But this created a new struggle for me, constantly tracking my food made me completely inept at listening to my hunger signals, and not making my daily caloric goal made me scared my metabolism would readapt. I got to a point where I couldn’t comfortably (like physical comfort) eat at my goal caloric intake without eating processed foods, and from my experience I’d say this is a good place to stop reverse dieting. I feel like it starts to create and unhealthy mindset and really messes up your body’s ability to regulate hunger signals. I know building muscle and strength is great, but I think the ultimate goal should be to not have to be a slave to myfitness pal. It took me a while to get past tracking, like a very long time, but a couple weeks ago I had had enough, and I quit tracking cold turkey. I now am making an effort to eat solely off hunger cues, and it definitely isn’t easy for me and is taking a lot of introspection and just consciousness over how I feel, and I’ve had to adapt to new gym goals, but being healthy and happy rather than being able to lift so much or jump so high I feel like is a more important goal. It’s been about three weeks and I think it’s been going well, I’ve felt a freedom with my eating and have maintained my weight despite some eating out and having fun while friends and family visit. I think at the end of the day it’s great to have goals, but in your case Marisa, it scares me to hear you fixating so much on calories, because I always looked up to you in how well you listened to you body and lived freely from the stress of food, I really hope to see you return more to this way of thinking rather than chase aesthetic and strength goals. Of course this is just my opinion, at the end of the day I really just want you to be happy because you are so smart and hard working and that’s what you deserve! Love you so much!
@xxanixbananyxx 5 жыл бұрын
I relate 100 percent about what you said about being a slave to myfitnesspal. I want to one day not feel the need to track. I know I can do it, but I'm scared I wont be able to trust myself for some reason, even though I've been tracking for years and know what calories and macros would be in whatever food. Maybe that's just it though. Whether I track or mentally track, I'm still tracking. Maybe I'll get there one day..but thank you for your comment, I think its helped me in some weird way❤
@IvySpencer 5 жыл бұрын
Amazing timing, recovery is life long
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
This is so true!
@ashleyrocke4144 3 жыл бұрын
your empathy in this video is amazing. you have never experienced binge eating disorder yourself and yet you can see that binge eating is a multi-faceted disorder
@lyraadams7826 5 жыл бұрын
I've had BED for 10 years and bulimia for around 2 years now, and Brain over Binge hasn't helped me, sadly (although I'm glad it helps others!). I also have ADD, which makes that that moment where you stop and think "it's my animal brain", a little more difficult. So I think I agree with you that it's not always as clear-cut as the author portrays. Even for me, one person, there are times it works and times it's like arguing with a rock! In general I find the most helpful thing, that results in the longest spells of 'recovery', is habit. If an external structure (or by some miracle, my willpower) can stop me binging or purging for a week or two, I can ride that wave and sometimes keep it going for a month. Once I'm in a bad cycle though, it's multiple times a day, I can't stop, I can't really control myself, because my body is either starving or uncomfortably full, until I'm so exhausted I don't even have the energy to binge. I wish I had a solution, but for now I'm just trying to keep it to 2-3 times a week...
@selsillazamonien523 5 жыл бұрын
Same for me...
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your experience! It really does sound like everyone's experience is different and that there is absolutely no one size fits all method for recovery
@thinana982 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for making this video. Everything about it resonated with me. I haven't been diagnosed because i don't like doctors, but I have binged/restricted since my adolescence. It is actually really reassuring to know someone I look up to as a healthy person also has these kind of thoughts. Haven't read Brain over binge yet, will make sure to read it soon. Kepp it up!
@nikamethystluna6692 3 жыл бұрын
I am currently recovering from Binge eating. I had surgery nearly four years ago. My hip was dislocated and I needed it broken and put back in place. I have cerebral palsy, so mobility is difficult. I worked from a wheelchair to now a cane. But that loss of mobility caused me to binge. I got scared thinking my life has drastically diminished. So in March I Changed things. And your channel has really helped me gain not only physical strength, but emotional strength too
@amandacastellano6924 4 жыл бұрын
Just came across your channel and I am loving it. I did want to comment on this video: she has a physical workbook that your write in and reflect on your own binge eating rather than just listening to her story. I’ve struggled with BED as a kid but had no idea it was a thing until i got older and started reading and studying about health, fitness and nutrition. BED is not something you recover from over night. It is a process. The key is to stop restricting. I’m still working on my BED, but every day, week or month that goes by without a binge is a win. And I am so happy you pointed out the difference between over eating and binging. Days where i overeat rather than binge is a win for me, because binging is more than just going over your calories. Overeating means i was aware of my behavior and i was able to stop; with binging you lose all control. So thank you again for a great video, and anyone out there working through BED, keep at it!
@beastsoccerninjaalic 5 жыл бұрын
This came at EXACTLY the right time for me. I am battling an eating disorder right now and it's super helpful to see content like this from someone I admire and look up to, it pushes me to want to be kind to my body and train and be the best I can be. Much much love
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Yes girl! Be the best, and strongest you that you can be! Feel free to read through the other comments on this video--people are sharing their personal struggles with eating disorders and some might help you as you work towards recovery
@littlevoice_11 5 жыл бұрын
Some studies have found that higher carb diets can increase cravings for hyperplatable foods such as "processed food". Higher carb and sugar diets have also been found to trigger binge eating in some studies as they can reduce the sense of true hunger and fullness
@nanafufuradio 5 жыл бұрын
I love brain over binge! Cathrine really stresses the point that you have to give up any form of restrictive behavior first. Otherwise your body or your mind will still crave binge eating, because it's letting go of all restrictions and rules. Even though the methode really resonates with me and I KNOW I could stop this habit a little part of me seems to fear food being taken away again. I've been anorectic in the past and developed this habit through the binges I had caused by extreme hunger in recovery. I am weight restored since 2017 but I keep binging on every kind of food. Often I do eat healthy while binging - but the calories are still high and the volume is insane. I feel like this methode will only work if you're not restricting anymore so your body and mind won't "need" the binges anymore to break free... I still have a lot of fears and rules when it comes to food so I decided to work on those as well. But knowing that I actually CAN stop really helps! When you first start binge eating you feel so scared and out of control ... like something else controles you. But in the end only you can make the decision to eat or not to eat.
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
This is fascinating insight! Thank you so much for sharing your perspective. It makes a lot of sense that you have to completely let go of the restriction mindset in order for this strategy to work. And congratulations on getting back to a healthy weight! That’s amazing :)
@brcbjacobs 5 жыл бұрын
I suffer more from restriction as well and becoming a bit obsessive with restricting my diet and excessive workouts when I am in a bad place. At one point I had to take 6 months off from training and meal planning to reset my brain and relationship with food so I get the rewiring. As always amazing relevant content that everyone can take something from xxxx
@kyliegrogan3523 5 жыл бұрын
I am SO happy you uploaded this. Binge eating has always been my biggest problem, so thank you!
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Hope this video helps! Make sure you read through all the other comments on this video too. People are sharing a lot of personal experiences and it might help you
@colseyaxo 5 жыл бұрын
Brain over binge helped me sooo much. I haven’t binged since i read it two years ago.
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Wow that is absolutely incredible! Congrats on your recovery!
@andreaechevarria2651 5 жыл бұрын
The intro to this video was so helpful. Yesterday I had a really a really stressful midterm that I planned on going to the gym afterwards to get in my workout, life got in the way and I couldn't go and instead I slept for 12 hours and I feel so much better today. Guilt over missing my workouts has been a real struggle for me, so hearing you talk about how rest is just as important was really helpful!
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
So glad it was helpful! It definitely completely changed my outlook when I realized that resting was as important as the workout itself!
@kimberlypruszynski1122 2 жыл бұрын
Binging on your videos ❤ you have so much wisdom for being so young. Thank you for your excellent most helpful content
@christinam.1930 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing all the content you take the time to create for others..I truly appreciate you so much h...its so nice to hear from others experience and to know someone understands the feeling of wanting more and because you will restrict it later on and not just because you just want some of your choice food...I've learned so much from you and it helps me create a better plan to fight my sugar addiction and binge eating. Thank you so much and god bless you always.
@7zaan 5 жыл бұрын
I think for a lot of people BED occurs because they were previously restricting their diet. For me however I ate normally and exercising regularly but not excessively but would binge due to emotional aspects such as when I would feel crappy about myself. I would "comfort" myself with food and get that high but would end up feeling worse about myself after. But I know that once you're in that binge eating mode there's no way just saying no would work. Instead I work on dealing with whatever is emotionally wrong via various methods that work for me individually. Eating for comfort is not a healthy relationship with food and although I've been binging less it still happens...its unfortunately a long recovery to stop and heal from these disordered thoughts. Being a huge sweet tooth doesn't help either :/
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Before I started looking into it more, I assumed most people were like you and that binging stemmed form an emotional trigger. It is a very common issue so you're definitely not alone
@evada4144 5 жыл бұрын
I also started binging because of emotional issues and beeing full just felt good. After a while I tried dieting and was even bulemic for a bit. As I never was on the skinny side I was just asked If I was not full jet and complimented on loosing weight, no matter how. Learning about food and physiology in general helped me a lot to get a better mindset and to be more aware. But I don't think, that binging results from restricting only. But overly restricting can make it worse...
@morrison7614 5 жыл бұрын
With me it’s that i have lost around 25kg in the past year and I did that with restricting and undereating so I think that that’s kind of the „source“ of my binges. So at first I only binged once a month or so than it turnt into a weekly thing. But in march it was actually so bad that I wasn’t able to get out of this disgusting binge-cycle. So I binged over 3 days in a row. I have it under control right now because I make sure that I’m not undereating. But I think the reason for my eating disorder is actually depression or something like that. I think a lot of people think the same as I do when it come to binging. So you know it’s bad but your depressive thoughts are louder in that very moment, so you can’t help but keep eating. And like i Said i felt really bad in March so I kinda also liked the feeling of being so full that you think your stomach is about to explode. It kinda made me feel calm and helped me with my depression I guess... but it’s obviously no way to keep going so if anyone is doing the same or using self harming behavior as a tool to cope with their depression, I hope you’re finding the strength to make a change and you’ll feel better soon.
@brainibot1629 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing
@kmomma05 3 жыл бұрын
Night before last we had a tornado warning in my town at 1 am, I go to work at 3:30 am every morning. Yesterday my tired butt was bawling my eyes out through my workout. I cannot stress enough how much I needed to hear it's ok to skip a workout. I felt horrible that I couldn't finish.
@acardcalled 5 жыл бұрын
I was literally JUST thinking about what book I should get with my credit this month. I haven't been officially diagnosed, but I know that I have BED. I literally binged for the last 3 days and my body couldn't take it anymore and I felt like I was dying (I won't go into details about the digestive repercussions.) So this recommendation comes at the perfect time for me. And yes, I can definitely see what you're saying, as my terrible relationship with food and my body does partially stem from trauma. I look forward to the discussions on this and am starting it rn!
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
I hope this book is able to help you in some way! Even if your trigger for binging is different than the authors, hearing another person's story in detail may provide some comfort
@annezgen 2 жыл бұрын
You are right about binge eating. There are times where binge eating behaviors is impossible to control. Professional help is sometimes the only solution, and even then it might take extremely much time and energy to deal with. Also it is something that might be difficult to get rid of, sometimes it last a lifetime. In those cases it will be about decreasing the frequency.
@sophieshemirani4146 5 жыл бұрын
ive had BED for a year or so after struggling with anorexia for 5 years. the doctor basically told me that because I restricted myself for so long and lost so much weight, that my body needed to legitimately binge. I didnt really agree with him, just because I would eat until discomfort and obviously thats not healthy, but once I returned to a healthy weight my binging slowed down A LOT. Now that my body is satisfied and Im feeding appropriately, its still hard to break the habit i formed. I feel like it just becomes part of your life. For me its just always seemed normal, and i think its almost impossible to completely break the habit on your own. i wish you could!
@amandalawrence98 5 жыл бұрын
Highly recommend checking out tabitha farrar... Her chanel was so helpful. Hugs
@magorzataskrok9433 5 жыл бұрын
I think I'm definitely going to give this book a try. My relationship with food has never been perfect, It was always pretty emotional, eating to make me happier etc. At one point in my life it got so much better tho, and for more than a year food was just food. And then I've faced some major life changes and suddenly I was frightened of food and at the same time frightened of not having it, and binged and gained a like 20lbs in 4 months. Since then I'm working on it. I don't want to reverse diet simply because I cannot afford to gain more weight because I would no longer fit my clothes and I don't have the money for that. Sooo I'm struggling a bit, but we're getting better slowly. Hopefully the book might help me switch back into that good state of mind. Love you!
@hailee_fitblog 5 жыл бұрын
I read b over b and honestly, my binging didn’t stop right away. It took a bit of time but I can say that book was a huge catalyst on my road to recovery
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad to hear that the book was able to help you! Congrats on being on the road to recovery
@magicineverydaylife 5 жыл бұрын
I am fighting binge eating disorder. Haven't read that book, but from what you said it seems like some bs to me. When the urge to binge flares up I can not resist it. It can be posponed in time, but saying 'no' to myself results in even bigger binge. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like an addict. I hate myself and try to feel more loved at the same time (while binging). Simple 'no' is just not enough in such situation.
@sophiasophia2806 5 жыл бұрын
I totally agree. With psychological aid I recognized that there is a reason for the binging: relaxing. Every time I feel like binging I try to remember that it's not the food that I want but the relaxing measure. So I try to substitute the food by a book or KZbin or anything else. It does not always work but if you find your 'why' it is easier to work against it than just by saying no.
@sophiasophia2806 5 жыл бұрын
*the relaxing is just my personal reason for it
@dejstil1974 5 жыл бұрын
love your videos, Im using them to work on my personal adventure on my way to fitness.
@justpeachy4393 5 жыл бұрын
I’ve been eating more these days as well, not on purpose but because I’m growing a human inside of me and am constantly hungry lol... and funny enough I also want pizza all the time. I personally let myself just eat it because most of the time I’m healthy, and also I used to have a really restrictive mindset too and for me, I need to just allow myself to let go more
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
DUDE CONGRATS ON THE PRE-HUMAN! That is super exciting! But I can imagine that if you had any body image issues or issues with restriction in the past that pregnancy could easily trigger some restrictive thoughts. Wishing you a happy, healthy pregnancy
@nuhachowdhury4311 5 жыл бұрын
Eating disorders of any kind are hell! Binge is eating is an extreme loss of control. Even if you want to stop eating, even if you feel sick, even if your stomach hurts, you just can't stop. I think its hugely important to talk about eating disorders and disordered eating, but also important to ensure that we're not invalidating/downplaying the struggle of having an eating disorder. Everyone overeats from time to time. Its normal. But when the term 'binge eating' is used to describe overeating so often, it kind of takes away from the seriousness of the issue. I feel the same about depression and anxiety. It feels like everyone is claiming to be/have been depressed or anxious and it's become so common that people aren't taking it seriously anymore. (It's just my opinion, I'm not saying I'm right) Mental illness is debilitating, period!
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
I 100% agree that the seriousness of binge eating disorder should not be downplayed. That being said, the definition of "binge" does actually encompass a brief period of overeating and isn't limited to only binge eating disorder so I think it is important to discuss all ends of the spectrum. And I also think that we can't dismiss someone else's struggle just because it isn't as bad as other people's. If someone overeats 300 calories occasionally and despises themselves for it and thinks they are less worth of life and love because of it, it doesn't make their struggle any less credible than someone who overeat by 3000 calories and experienced the same issues. Yes, one might objectively be "worse" but I don't think the "less worse" one should just be dismissed
@nuhachowdhury4311 5 жыл бұрын
@@MissFitAndNerdy okay fair point. I guess I agree with that too. I suppose I've seen the term used so often with such little meaning. Its the emotional side of binge eating that matters. Like you said, the amount you eat is irrelevant if it's making your life hell
@chikken3 5 жыл бұрын
YES thank you for sharing this. I went trough some of the same things but luckily realized it and now I am super self aware of all my habits (now I just eat 100% intuitively so the problem is gone, but my goal is just to love my workouts). I think teaching people to analyze their own thoughts is super important because health and fitness can be sooo dangerous if not!
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Agreed! Especially because there is so much misinformation out there--it makes it really easy to be twisted and make it dangerous especially when you think you're following good advice but it isn't working.
@Isabella-vm3ir 5 жыл бұрын
So many people have been talking about this it’s CRAZZZY! Nice to know you’re not alone!❤️
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Yes! I think its sooooooo important to have these discussions. I sometimes feel weird talking about it having not had a full blown eating disorder but I have experienced disordered thoughts about food so it's not like I'm completely ignorant. And I think its important to make these discussions normalized so that people feel comfortable seeking help if they need it
@Isabella-vm3ir 5 жыл бұрын
MissFitAndNerdy yes totally ❤️❤️😊
@olivialeann7963 5 жыл бұрын
I can recommend "overcoming overeating" by geneen roth. Just because of this book, i am in recovery since three years. When i was diagnosed with BED, i was forced into dieting by my therapist. This made my disorder go on overdrive after i left the clinic. Because of her, i also got obsessed with weight and had to fight my new urge to become bulimic,daily. This book was recommended in an amazon review of another book. It's less about the authors experience and more about BED itself and the mindset to overcome it. After three years of working on my relationship with food and not gaining weight, I can finally start exercising and eating with a healthy mindset and loose the weight.
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Wow that is crazy that your therapist managed to cause so much damage. But I'm so happy to hear that you have been in recovery for three years now! I will definitely add that book to my lise
@KaylaB3ar 5 жыл бұрын
HELP! Long post sorry! So I was on Keto for about a year and a half and lost about 25lbs. Before Keto I was eating really anything I wanted. I didn’t have issues with weight until I graduated from high school. I wasn’t doing much exercise either but through the process of Keto I picked up weight-lifting and I’ve fallen in love with it. I went off Keto but stayed pretty low carb for quite some time...but more recently I’ve found myself eating those meals that I stayed away from, mainly out of necessity and I’m not gonna lie, stress. I don’t have the ability to get the healthy groceries and I’m currently working 6am-5pm with little to no food until dinner. So with me doing weight lifting and with the idea of me not getting much food for the first chunk of the day, I’ve told myself it’s okay to get those higher carb higher calorie foods from Starbucks, chic-Fil-a or chipotle for breakfasts and lunches. I feel like my body needs the protein for building muscle and could really use some carbs for energy now that I’m not as high in fats. I have been seeing weight gain since I stopped Keto but I can’t figure out if it’s mainly from adding carbs back, (I have seen some change in my stomach shape wise) or if majority of it is weight in muscle gain...On top of all this I’m getting married in 2 months and have a lot of stress surrounding the day. I guess after all that I’m just wondering if you think that the justification for those higher carb/cal foods is okay, or does it sound like some sort of mental issues with my relationship with food? If I’m seeing weight gain of about 10-15lbs over the course of a year could that be from muscle? I usually weight train 2-4 times a week. But I do it from home with a set of weights ranging from 3-20lbs, so I don’t have a lot of those really heavy weights to make serious gains. I know choosing healthier options will be a lot easier once I can make my own grocery choices, but as of right now I’m still with my parents. If you have any cheap and easy recipes for weight loss that would be ideal for a college students lifestyle that would be incredible as well. I see all the fancy stuff you get for food and supplements but due to my situation it’s a little though for me. Thanks Marissa!
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Hey! It sounds like there's a lot going on here. I do think that choosing higher calorie, higher carb meals are justified given your situation. However, it sounds like you're justifying them in your head to make yourself feel okay about it rather than just choosing it because it is your best available option, which makes me think there may be a little bit of an issue with the relationship with food but that is honestly a question that only you can answer yourself. As far as weight gain goes, I think gaining 12 lbs of muscle in 1 year is feasible but very challenging, especially for a female. And is unlikely if you don't have access to heavy weights. Is there any way you can discuss food choices with your parents and get them to help you out a bit and get better food? I'd love to help you more but its difficult to have a full conversation in the KZbin comments haha. If you're interested, you can sign up for a one hour video consultation and we can talk about all this and I can help you make a plan moving forward to help you prep for your wedding and put you in a better position overall
@evada4144 5 жыл бұрын
Hi. Random thoughts on your situation: Can you take some fatty snacks like gouda and nuts for lunch in a box? If that is to much money for food maybe oats and coconutoil in a glas jar with a spoon. Eating once a day works for some people but I get hangry if I smell Pizza or baked goods, if I am hungry and wont get some. Lentils or Beans in the evening are also cheap and easy to foodprep If you want carbs and because of the protein I cant eat es much of them as bread or noodles. I hope this could help you reduce some of your stress but as said above, it sounds very complex.
@maei7287 5 жыл бұрын
For me "binge" is uncontrollable emotion driven overeating followed with guilt. Just eating more coz it is fun is tottally fine sometimes( If you are generaly healthy and you don't have weight problems). In our culture food is a form of entertainment after all. As far as moments of food overconsumtion bring positive emotions and don't fasilitate unhealthy thinking patterns, it is just a fun thing to do sometimes.
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
I 100% agree with you! I think that technically according to the definitely of “binge,” eating a couple extra hundred calorie or pizza is still technically a binge. But as far as actual disordered binge eating goes, that’s an entirely different thing. And imo that’s the dangerous one. Eating a little too much ice cream sometimes is nothing to worry about or feel guilty about
@littlevoice_11 5 жыл бұрын
I do I.F. and during my feeding window never feel full until my tummy is about to explode. I have no sense of satiety regardless of macro nutrient ratio, feeding window etc. Nothing seems to help
@firerose7936 5 жыл бұрын
I was dealing with the same a few months ago after some monthly extended fasting practice. I did some googling and found out I was dealing with leptin resistance. Significantly upping my protein (40-50g per meal 80-130g per day) has helped with satiation tremendously.
@ninaazores 5 жыл бұрын
Beautifully explained the difference between binge eating disorder and just natural overeating.
@Darkshade_01 5 жыл бұрын
Let's show Marisa lots and lots of our love and support as her subscribers and fans and let's show her how much we love her and appreciate how much she loves cats :3
@idontspeakyoutube 2 жыл бұрын
whenever i feel tempted to binge i stuff myself full of fruit. its so delicious, filling, and low cal. fruit is my bestie whenever i'm actively in a deficit 🥰 i make these fruit bowls and each one contains 78 cals but it fills me up SO MUCH :D
@FirstLast-vq2jd 5 жыл бұрын
I just finished listening to this book today. Thank you for recommending it! I’ve struggled with binge eating for years, from 7th grade through my junior year of college. I lost weight my senior year of college after having an epiphany that I needed to change my lifestyle permanently and stop cycling through “quick fixes.” For a while during and after losing weight, binge eating seemed to die off after I adopted a healthy lifestyle and generally changed my habits. While I’ve kept most of the weight off for years (I’m almost 30), last year binge eating started rearing it’s ugly head.. getting worse until very recently. I don’t think there is any logical reason for why it started happening, nor was there deep seeded issues I had overcame when I stopped binging in the first place. Yes I have some personal traits that may make me more susceptible to eating issues, but by and large I am educated and want a healthy lifestyle. I’m also not going through anything traumatic. Hope this all makes sense. This book gives me hope and since listening to it, I feel like I’m in control of my life again.
@Auroral3orealis 5 жыл бұрын
Marisa, would you recommend the Splits program you're doing to someone who doesn't have lots of experience lifting? The only experience I have is 2 rounds of 80-day obsession because before that it was mostly HIIT and yoga. I'd really like to gain more strength and also lean out quite a bit, but I've only worked out at home or used free weights so far. There's too many programs out there, and I'm confused where to start. Thanks for all the useful information you put out there
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Nope! You should have 2-3 years of lifting experience before doing split. I highly recommend MAPS Anabolic for you! Its the program I did a year and a half ago that totally transformed my workouts and my body!
@reececup84 2 жыл бұрын
I have adrenal issues and others that make exercising more than is considered lightly active harmful to my body. I mean that time wise. I can only workout so long before it becomes a negative situation. I go HARD when I do workout, strength training with some HIIT, but I spend between 120-140 minutes a week working out. Which amounts to 4 times a week for me. Plus every month or so I need to take a week off so my body can get a break. How should I work my calories for my reverse diet? Should I eat less, say 150 calories, on days I don't workout?
@shanaabell6252 5 жыл бұрын
I went on the keto diet for quicker weight loss, because I mentally needed that route, and I can’t binge anymore. I cycled out of keto and am back in. I’ve cycled out a few times, once even for months, and I couldn’t binge. I’d buy candy sometime, to get me through a tattoo session, and I’d have left over and even then I couldn’t binge on it later. I can’t eat a whole pizza anymore, I can’t eat a whole bag of chips. Basically bingeing is what I thought normal eating was my whole life. On keto you can’t really binge because that dense food actually hurts when you over eat. Something just switched in my brain. Like I LOVE Whole Foods thanksgiving time stuffing and I was off keto for the holidays. I had months to build up to bingeing again. I’d set up to binge, I’d get a full box of TG stuffing and gravy, desserts, etc, and I’d get just a fourth through the meal and I’d have to toss it out. I can’t binge! So that was a really good benefit of going keto for me. I’ve still got food issues, like to me a carb is a carb, I’m gonna eat a donut over an apple, so I’m back on keto to finish the weight loss and then I have to do the hard work and go on whole foods only. I’m gonna try the Whole 30 thing and figure out food sensitivities, and I’m hoping this journey will lead to a better, whole foods majority, relationship with food:)
@hettijayne 5 жыл бұрын
binge eating Is something very different to just choosing to over eat, its a very quick response, and theres no thought at all its a case of your body asking for alot of food and eat a very large amount of food in a short space of time.
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
You’re referring specifically to binge eating in the context of binge eating disorder. You don’t have to have BED to binge. A binge is a much more generic term and it doesn’t need to be eating thousands of calories with no control
@jeffarcher3322 5 жыл бұрын
I think it doesn't matter what starts the initial bingeing as the bingeing habit quickly becomes self reinforcing.
@effiekarpontinis6020 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for clarifying the difference between bi binging and overeating. It is a conscientious effort everyday to be mindful aware of what I eat especially after dinner.
@ThunderBirdsAreG0 5 жыл бұрын
I think if someone has a history of disordered eating, be it binge/ or binge purge or anything, books like this can be s great TOOL. And there are people who can ‘recover’ from disordered eating like this on their own with awareness etc but honestly I believe some sort of therapy should be implemented if this is happening. Most people who avoid therapy end up yo-yo-ing in and out of disordered habits, and I just don’t think anyone should gamble with their bodies or minds like this when it’s so physically/mentally damaging. Also I find many self help books set people up for a fail (like this worked for me so it must work for everyone).
@arlycupcake 5 жыл бұрын
I struggle with this :( thank you for making a video about it ILY 😩💕
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
I hope this video helps you!
@elinapetrova9677 5 жыл бұрын
Love your line of thinking - you think very critically and correctly 😇
@marco.pereira 5 жыл бұрын
Been on a 1600 daily cal and I finally got down to 142lbs from 227lbs so I'm ready to fix my metabolism and be able to eat more than my low 1600 cal. Going to give reverse dieting a shot starting next week.
@eatforhappiness6150 5 жыл бұрын
I always have a binge reaction after a period of restriction. Mostly I binge on whole foods, but still feel bad after
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
That makes total sense given the body's biological drives. Wishing you the best in breaking out of the restriction-binge cycle
@hettijayne 5 жыл бұрын
yeah from someone who has experienced binge eating you defiantly aren't experiencing binge eating, it may just be unconscious eating and rebelling against past restriction.
@bellabiddle2902 5 жыл бұрын
I’m not going to lie, as a bulimic, both purging and non-purging, who in recovery stopped compensating for binging - found some of her comments on binge eating a little bit tricky to deal with. I understand that self-awareness is super important, but even if binging is your brain and isn’t something that happened to you, I also think it’s a bit problematic to suggest that we can “separate your two brains” or even that one is an animal brain and one is a higher human brain. My eating disorder voice is the same as my self care voice and I don’t know which is which basically all of the time. There’s lots of ways that my eating disorder voice backs itself up in “science” (water fasting is healthy! for you! you’re not sick you should do it! this study shows raw veganism is super healthy! so don’t eat that cake all science says cake is bad! but also eating disorder literature shows you need to eat lots to recover! So you should eat all of that cake!!! even if you’re weight restored!! - that sort of thing) and so isn’t an animal brain at all, it’s really even sneakier, maybe more educated, than my logical brain. I think the issue with binge eating is that it’s your instincts saving you from restriction, but to save yourself from the binging, she suggests that you rely on the higher human instincts that many disordered patients use to cognitively restrict? Maybe this is just because I was anorexic before I was bulimic, but it sounds like this applied to her as well, where she was restricting first. I just don’t understand how that doesn’t perpetuate a binge restrict cycle - how does she override the binge urges without returning to the restrictive “higher” urges? haha I don’t know - at any rate I’m super glad it works for some! Was super skeptical when I saw that you were tackling disordered eating as someone who doesn’t necessarily struggle with it, but this was a sensitive video and I appreciated your honest uncertainty. I’m super uncertain too haha
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
I really, really appreciate you sharing your experience! From what I'm seeing in the comments, everyone's experience with disordered eating is entirely unique and different. I think with brain over binge specifically, she didn't consider restriction to be a higher human brain urge. I think her "higher human brain" understood that restriction wasn't the answer either and that it was what initially led her down an unhealthy path so she didn't want to go back there. But that is really interesting to hear that your eating disorder voice and your self care voice are one in the same and that they both kind of urge you to do disorderd things on either side of the spectrum. Anyway, thank you for the insight. Do you have any books you would recommend I listen to to get a different perspective?
@AlbertWesker1960. 5 жыл бұрын
I ate 1900 calories today. My maintenance is 1300. I’m so scared I’m going to gain and the most annoying thing is that yesterday I had a great day and walked 11000 steps and did other exercises and I felt really good but now I feel like I’ve failed
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Hey! Please don't worry about overeating by a few hundred calories! The body doesn't work on a daily basis, it works on averages so one off day really isn't going to do anything. But that being said, it sounds like you could use a reverse diet. 1300 calories is very low unless you're really small and relatively inactive. I recommend taking a look at my reverse dieting playlist--I think you'll find it useful
@Piarobles_fit 5 жыл бұрын
I feel you sis! I'm in a reverse diet and at the end of the day I need to eat more!
@megangouveia2462 5 жыл бұрын
I would love if you could make a video talking about how to decide if your body functions better on a higher fat low carb diet or a high carb low fat diet.
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Here ya go!
@Theworldisbeautiful9 5 жыл бұрын
What about missing a week of working out if you’re sick and also really busy with work/school stuff?
@xxanixbananyxx 5 жыл бұрын
I compete in bikini. And whenever I was sick, all my coaches advised I take that time off to properly recover. Your body is already stressed from fighting the sickness, plus the stress from work it sounds like, and adding in the gym? You'll just be kicking your immune system while its down. If you're a regular active person, like 3- 5 times a week, you'll be fine to take a week. I've learned that experienced gym goers would only start to lose any muscle gains after 3 weeks non activity. You'll be just fine. Hope you're resting up!
@takingdownfatwithcdub7806 5 жыл бұрын
OMAD thought me not to binge. It is wired but I have changed how I look at food. It isn't losing 120 pound that did that it is eating one time a day that let my body rest and it started tell me things it never did before.
@anna-maymoon1001 5 жыл бұрын
Oh I thought binging was just a normal reaction to restricting yourself/saying I'm on a diet... I'm desperately trying to stick to this diet (it's not hugely restrictive) and it's not working bc a) I hate diets b) I binge at the end of the week bc I've been good all week so I deserve it (yeah I know, flawed logic) c) I know the best way to stop myself is to go cold turkey, things can't be moorish if you can't taste them... The binge ends up being a sweet fest like I could open a sweet shop with the amount of shit I shovel into my body. I feel like a crack addict tbh I can't stop, the devil on my shoulder has gagged the angel and I get up the next day and see all the sweet packets on the coffee table and regret it. Then I try to be like 'balance and Zen it's fine' and it's not like I shouldn't be this tired or worried that I'm going to give myself diabetes/diseases and I'm also like if you're this worried why the fuck are you like this????? Might be worth reading that book...
@ChristianDurusTelamon 5 жыл бұрын
It is interesting that on your reverse you are increasing the ice cream and pizza and on mine I am limiting it way down. I had it a little bit of ice cream Saturday which was the first time in over a month (down from weekly). I am half way through week 5 and am finally starting to get the bloated and full feeling, but I am loving every minute of it since it has been so long since I got to eat a good amount. It also helps that I decided to take this opportunity to clean up my diet and replace the daily pop with veggies and meat instead. Question for you: what are your thoughts about sodium? I am finding so much conflicting information after I wanted to check if my sodium was getting too high - adding in all the veggies has put my daily sodium up to 6840 mg (I know fresh is better but it is cost and prep prohibitive right now).
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
So interesting how different people respond differently to reverse diets! I do think my cravings for pizza and ice cream are reduced because I don't feel restricted AT ALL, I'm just resorting to them for extra calories haha And Imo you can't get enough salt! Ok, you can get too much eventually but salt is really good for you! If you're making your own food at home its highly unlikely you'll be able to oversalt your food and have it still taste good lol
@Fang666x 5 жыл бұрын
I lost a bunch of weight and I have had BED for about two months now, I also have had bulimia for 3 months now. I am trying to get back on track to eat mindfully and not bingeing but it's really hard, in fact I am looking for help but I don't even know where to start :(
@annafaith3132 5 жыл бұрын
What are your thoughts on Halo Top Ice Cream?
@MiMi-lu8ju 5 жыл бұрын
I can see Harry Potter books in the background. Good video, I have been struggling with the same problem of using my bulking period as an excuse to binge on way too much chocolate and ice cream. Had to step back and really re-evaluate my inner emotional state.
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Harry Potter is life hahaha And I'm glad you liked the video! Its really interesting to see how bulking can drastically change your relationship with food
@firerose7936 5 жыл бұрын
Almonds and heavy cream put 10lbs on me in a week 😜 But that was not my goal.
@RunFromHumanContacts 3 жыл бұрын
So I'm an addict. It started with food as a kid, my family knew this and noticed early on. I was never heavy (tho ofc i thought I was) not til I turned like 22 I gained a shit ton of weight. I started using all types of drugs at 18/19 including heroin and so that's something I struggle with tho I'm clean for a about a year. So that mind over matter doesn't work for me. I got the weight off butbstarted binge eating again and gained a lot of muscle which is great but a nice amount of belly fat again that I hate. Stuffed to the point like I'm gna explode but so yummy lmfao. But idk. I'm working on it and going back into a small deficit to lose the fat but it's hard still. If all my food is made n with me I eat it all before lunch even tho I had breakfast lunch n dinner and even snacks then I'm like ugh now what can I eat
@tristanlewellyn3303 5 жыл бұрын
I have a question.. If I eat over my fat goals everyday will that stop be from losing fat? I know fat takes a little longer to digest so could that be why I’m not losing weight
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Eating fat doesn't make you fat. Eating more calories than you're burning makes you gain fat. If you're hitting your protein and carb goals, and then going over your fat, you'll gain weight. Same thing with if you hit your carb and fat goals and go over your protein: you'll gain weight.
@TamaEnergy 5 жыл бұрын
i'm the same, if i feel down/stressed then i feel like eating less 'makes up' for the other things in my life that arent going right, what advice do you hav as you said you went throught this?
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
So interesting. I would suggest trying to be aware of when you’re down/stressed and note when it is resulting in restricting your food. From there, try to come up with other coping mechanisms for what is causing your emotional distress. Perhaps a long walk to start? You could go for a long walk as soon as you realize this is happening then make sure to have a snack or meal after. Challenge your thought process to learn that food restriction doesn’t make up for other things going on in your life
@TamaEnergy 5 жыл бұрын
@@MissFitAndNerdy Thanks for the reply! I feel like its so important to be mindful about our thoughts, If i hadnt been educated in the area of eating disorders then i would have never noticed my own restrictive thoughts and could have ended up with a full blownn eating disorder. Instead I am aware that my restricitions aren't 'normal' but neither are they considered bad enough for it to be clinically labelled. There needs to be more information out there for people in the werid gray area mind set and advice on where to go, maybe you could talk aobut this in a video, think its a good topic :) xx
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
That's a really good point! There is definitely a HUGE gray area between "normal" and clinical eating disorders. I'll definitely try to talk about it more!
@selsillazamonien523 5 жыл бұрын
I was on a 600 kcal diet for a very long time and lost a moderate amount of weight, now I struggle with bulimia and gained some of the weight back :( i tried to up my average calories but it does not really help, I always go back to restricting and then bingeing
@nuhachowdhury4311 5 жыл бұрын
You've got to get help. I've had an ED for 6 years now and unless you increase your calories to above maintenance you will not be able to stop the binging. And unless you get support with increasing calories your won't be able to do it. Reach out and find happiness again x
@s.6169 5 жыл бұрын
You are very articulate. This video was helpful.
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I'm so glad you found this video helpful
@sarapocorn 5 жыл бұрын
Found your channel & subscribed: 6 hours ago. Had a shit day & binged: 12-4 hours ago. halle fucking lujah
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Hey girl, I'm sorry you're going through that! I hope this video helps a little bit. Please feel free to read through the other comments--people are writing down their personal stories and some might resonate with you
@sarapocorn 5 жыл бұрын
MissFitAndNerdy Thank you so much
@sarapocorn 5 жыл бұрын
also: the B|B book definitely helped. This taking power is something that really resonated with me, however I can see why for some people it might not be the right thing. That for me, combined with a lot of weight lifting, and good timing is I think what worked for me.
@andrewmurray9391 5 жыл бұрын
I was a Ferrel child addicted to codeine and ephedra. Lost in the adoption system I made a life out of beating the shit out of people to take their shit to survive while living by the side of the highway, until I got taken into the penal system for my "crimes." Food was always an after thought at 10 years old. Our tribe might have found some nachos after a school football game to eat but it got to the point where I shat out stomach acid and blood. If It weren't for the trade of most of someone's head and a long prison sentence I would be dead. I still cook the way one of my foster families taught me, 90 year old women who lived and cooked through the great wars who are long dead now. My relationship with food I believe is is like how it has been through antiquity short of 1997 when Slim Fast and Snack Wells created fat people. Too fat and sick to fight back. Food and activity are life. Absence of them is absence of life. Of course that is life and life is a "healthy life." In my native tongue, "fuck outta' here."
@souleo1417 5 жыл бұрын
Love your knowledge. You're a legend 👌
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you!!! :D
@almosttactical3842 5 жыл бұрын
My brain told me that 3-meat pizza was good. I think I have a different definition of "good" than my brain does.......stupid brain!
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
hahahah I ate a 2-meat pizza last night 😂
@mayracorrea1109 5 жыл бұрын
This is a very informative video! Thank you!
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Hope it helps! :)
@smiley00 5 жыл бұрын
I love the green stripe! :)
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
SAMEEEEE its my go to blaze order!!!
@brownstudios5379 5 жыл бұрын
This video was so helpful and I'm gonna get the book but that aside i kinda have a one track mind. Was anyone else surprised about how bright i was as 6:30 for her? whether its am or pm its still really bright lol
@tabandvelcro 5 жыл бұрын
I highly recommend the fuck it diet by Caroline Dooner.
@mariagarcia7385 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your videos!!! :*
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for watching!!! :D
@byjoanadias 2 жыл бұрын
Just posted my video opening up about it as well ❤
@prisc.l4051 5 жыл бұрын
just joined the FB group! I did not know about it...
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
I haven't really publicized it yet other than on one Instagram story so don't worry! You haven't missed much!
@Mizdope958 5 жыл бұрын
Right on time
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
@alexispeterson39 Жыл бұрын
I wish loosing weight was easy sadly it’s very hard to loose weight
@megangansevoort4769 5 жыл бұрын
Im really fat and binge everyother day and im sick of it but Nothing helps..
@hypnocilicdreams 5 жыл бұрын
Fascinating stuff
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching!!!
@carolinajorge580 5 жыл бұрын
thank you
@robertlawsonjr.2501 5 жыл бұрын
Good advice. I suffer from binge eating buffet last night, bowl of rice this morning. Don't know about dinner yet. Love you, Aunt Marissa!
@sourcream3519 5 жыл бұрын
I struggle with overexersising and binging in recovery. I needed this. Thanks.
@Naedlj 5 жыл бұрын
Hmmm... why is this not monetized?
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
KZbin thinks binge eating is too sensitive a topic for advertisers to put ads on the video apparently
@Naedlj 5 жыл бұрын
Good gracious. Seems like KZbin is demonetizing everything lately. How are creators going to keep creating if they aren’t getting paid? Especially when they are dealing with all the abuse from haters and false copyright strikes. Sorry. Just a bit of a rant on behalf of my favorite creators.
@andeewood9546 5 жыл бұрын
Wasn’t the whole goal of reverse dieting to up your metabolism so you don’t have to restrict yourself so much?So you don’t have to feel guilty when you go out to eat and eat hamburgers and fries instead of salmon and veggies. Living healthy isn’t a phase, it’s a lifestyle. You should be able to enjoy food, God gave it to us for sustainability, but also to enjoy as humans. (Or whatever diety you believe in). So, to eat pizza just to meet your calorie goals isn’t good. That’s just as bad as binge eating. Eat pizza because you want to eat pizza. Eat hamburgers (with gf bun in your case) with fries because you want to. Don’t attach emotion or “calorie goals” with it. That’s not your goal, at least that’s what I’ve got from your other videos. You want to increase your maintenance calories so you can enjoy life, whatever it throws you. Now I’m not saying eating pizza every day is good. It’s not. But once a week is completely fine. Everything in moderation.
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
No, the point of reverse dieting was not to be able to eat more pizza and ice cream. For me, my goal was to build muscle and speed up my metabolism. I was perfectly happy eating what I was eating before. I did not feel restricted at all. I didn't and still don't want to eat more pizza and ice cream than I was eating before. I think the idea of a "balanced diet" and "balanced lifestyle" have been majorly corrupted in the last few years. You don't have to eat junk food to be balanced. I dont WANT to eat MORE junk food. I value my health above all and physically feel my best when I minimize my consumption of those things. The idea of reverse dieting just to be able to eat more processed, low quality foods seems super backwards to me imo
@andeewood9546 5 жыл бұрын
MissFitAndNerdy I don’t think you understood what I said at all. But, you live your life. I’ll live mine. Keep in mind your subscribers support you. You get a little defensive sometimes I’ve noticed to many people. If we are subscribed to you, we watch your videos, we don’t skip through the ads so you can make a commission. We like your videos and share your videos to create a higher “fan” base...just keep that in mind.
@MasonsTurtle 5 жыл бұрын
You didn't use your intro...good.
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Don't be rude.
@krestablanque7953 5 жыл бұрын
Love this! ❤️
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching!!
@PapaGeorgio87 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah dude one real bad habit is when you're lifting heavy and you justify huge cheat days 'cause you feel like you need more calories. You don't need like 1500 calories of just cookies.You gotta be careful when you're trying to put on mass with justifying gratuitous cheat days.
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Yup! Exactly!
@yellow8172 5 жыл бұрын
I did the same exact thing with my smoothie tonight 😂
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
hahahhaa 😂
@jessicathiru8615 5 жыл бұрын
No offense but that pizza looked dry af
@yadsia0426 5 жыл бұрын
What story of recovery? You do not suffer from binge eating. How disrespectful. I understand you’re trying to help, but this is not a way to approach it. Telling people you’re suddenly eaiting a bit more than normal and passing it as binge eating is not right. Please, don’t do a video like this again. Have some respect.
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
Half this video was about the book Brain Over Binge which is a story of recovery..... I also clearly said that I am NOT suffering from binge eating and that I do not have experience with it. We should be normalizing discussion around this topic so that people who ARE experiencing it feel safe to ask for help. Trying to shut people down for opening the discussion doesn't help anyone.
@lyraadams7826 5 жыл бұрын
fwiw I thought you handled it well, especially mentioning the difference between overeating a little and binging (a lot of people confuse the two, it's a bit like "i'm so ocd") @@MissFitAndNerdy
@sare-yzc 5 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Clear clickbait on the “story of recovery.” It’s difficult to hear someone who has not struggled with this try to talk about it - yes you try to say occasionally overeating is not the same, but then you equate binging to “eating a couple extra slices of pizza regularly” - those who actually struggle (myself included) would probably be grateful if that were the extent a binge actually looked like. While your effort to bring light to this topic may have been well intentioned, the way in which you have portrayed it is unfortunate, by drawing parallels to eating ice cream once per week (heaven forbid); and worse also feels as though you are validating food guilt and restriction.
@MissFitAndNerdy 5 жыл бұрын
I think you must have misinterpreted what I said if you thought I drew parallels between my increased ice cream intake and binge eating. I tried to be pretty clear that I did not think at all that I suffered from any kind of binge eating. I simply wanted to discuss how noticing my increased ice cream consumption caused me to have to reevaluate my mindset. That was a separate discussion from binge eating. That being said, by the very definition of binge, overeating a few slices of pizza is technically a binge. It is far from a binge in the sense of binge eating disorder, but it is still a binge. I don't think that we can or should just dismiss someone else's struggle just because it isn't as bad as other people's. If someone overeats 300 calories occasionally and despises themselves for it and thinks they are less worth of life and love because of it, it doesn't make their struggle any less worth discussing than someone who has binge eating disorder and regularly consumes 3000 calories. Is one objectively "worse?" Yeah. But does that make one less valid than the other? No.
@deadgirlwalkingg 5 жыл бұрын
This video came out when I was actually binging with lots of peanuts... And yes, it is a real binging problem that I struggle with for so long - I'm having a bad mood and I feel like eating, eating and eating, even when I'm full and it's against my weight loss goals and I want to do it fast, just like an addict. Anyway I believe it's a constant work, I did an amazing course made by a psychodietitian, it helped me a lot. Changing your mindset, becoming more aware is the key, just like you said. It helps me to stop myself when I have this moment to realize "hey, what you're doing right now is a childish way of forgetting about your troubles, the problem is not gonna be solved, you'll be even more depressed". Also what helped me was saying no to restrictions - earlier I was like: okay, you allowed yourself to eat more so now you can eat everything, let's start tomorrow. So I kept eating because tomorrow the diet started again... And I knew it's a bad way of thinking so I was even more depressed and kept eating to forget. I mostly changed my perspective into asking myself if I really want this thing and if it'll make me happy. I'm eating with more awareness. Also what helped me a lot was realizing why I'm depressed and working on it (it wasn't food or body image related at all). But as you see, these moments still happen, we need to work on this, I guess there always be bad moments sometimes - I'm currently in a stressful situation so it takes an extra work not to come back to old habits. Thanks for this video, I love that you sat so calmly to talk to us about this serious problem! Also the beginning was so on point as well, recently I don't have as much time for workouts as usually and it makes me beat myself up in my mind, I need to work on this as well because it's another thing that makes me dissappointed with myself and the result of it happens to be binging sometimes.
My Binge Eating Disorder Recovery Story (the detailed version!)
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