※詞:五月天 ※曲:五月天 (最近對這首歌很有感觸,努力完成翻譯,翻得不好對不起原著。) 《如煙》‧As smog 我坐在床前 望著窗外 回憶滿天 Sitting in front of the bed, Staring outside the window, There are memories all over the sky. 生命是華麗錯覺 時間是賊 偷走一切 Life is a gorgeous illusion, and time is the thief running away with everything. 七歲的那一年 抓住那隻蟬 以為能抓住夏天 In that year I was seven, I'd caught some cicada and thought I could catch the summer. 十七歲的那年 吻過他的臉 就以為和他能永遠 In that year I was seventeen, I'd kissed her cheek and thought it's possible forever with her. -- 有沒有那麼一種永遠 永遠不改變 Is there such a kind of eternity which is unchangeable forever? 擁抱過的美麗都 再也不破碎 All fairs we have embraced would not be broken anymore. 讓險峻歲月不能在臉上撒野 讓生離和死別都遙遠 Let the precipitous years be incapable of getting fresh with my face, Let parting in life and separating from death be far away. 有誰能聽見 Who could hear that? -- 我坐在床前 轉過頭看 誰在沉睡 Sitting in front of the bed, Turn about my head to see who was asleep. 那一張蒼老的臉 好像是我 緊閉雙眼 That aged face looks like my eyes closed closely. 曾經是愛我的 和我深愛的 都圍繞在我身邊 Ever who loved me and deeply whom I loved were all surrounded by my side. 帶不走的那些 遺憾和眷戀 就化成最後一滴淚 Those regret and attachment, which we couldn't take away, then become the last one teardrop. -- 有沒有那麼一滴眼淚 能洗掉後悔 Is there such a drop of tears which could wash my regret out? 化成大雨降落在 回不去的街 Become the drench to rain on the irreversible street. 再給我一次機會 將故事改寫 Give me another chance to make stories to be reworded. 還欠了他一生的 一句抱歉 Return a sorry I owed to him for a long lifetime. -- 有沒有那麼一個世界 永遠不天黑 Is there such a world where the sky would never be dark? 星星太陽萬物都 聽我的指揮 Stars, the sun, and all things are listening to my command. 月亮不忙著圓缺 春天不走遠 The moon is not busy at wax and wane, The spring is not gone away. 樹梢緊緊擁抱著樹葉 有誰能聽見 Treetops hug leaves closely. Who could hear that? -- (接續)
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(承上) -- 耳際 眼前 此生重演 是我來自漆黑 而又回歸漆黑 Beside ears, before eyes, the life was repeated. It's me who comes from the blackness and returns to the blackness. 人間 瞬間 天地之間 下次我 又是誰 In the world, at the moment, between the heaven and earth, who will I be next time? -- 有沒有那麼一朵玫瑰 永遠不凋謝 Is there such a piece of rose which would never be withered? 永遠驕傲和完美 永遠不妥協 Would be always proud and perfect, Would never compromise. 為何人生最後會像一張紙屑 還不如一片花瓣曾經鮮豔 Why would life finally resemble a trivial fragment, which was not even as good as a petal once colorful at least. -- 有沒有那麼一張書籤 停止那一天 Is there such a piece of bookmark which could stay on that day. 最單純的笑臉和 最美那一年 The purest smiles and the prettiest year. 書包裡面裝滿了蛋糕和汽水 Schoolbags were filled up with cakes and soda. 雙眼只有無猜和無邪 讓我們無法無天 There was only undoubting and innocent in eyes. Let's lawless and godless. -- 有沒有那麼一首詩篇 找不到句點 Is there such a piece of poem which we could't find any periods from? 青春永遠定居在 我們的歲月 Youthhood always inhabits our years. 男孩和女孩都有吉他和舞鞋 Boys and girls are having a guitar and dancing shoes. 笑忘人間的苦痛 只有甜美 Leave sufferings behind in the world except pleasantness. -- 有沒有那麼一個明天 重頭活一遍 Is there such a day of tomorrow to relive from beginning? 讓我再次感受曾 揮霍的昨天 Let me once more be affected by the wasteful yesterdays. 無論生存或生活 我都不浪費 不讓故事這麼的後悔 Neither living nor life would be wasted again, Don't allow stories to be so regretted. 有誰能聽見 我不要告別 Who could hear that? I don't wanna bid farewell. -- 我坐在床前 看著指尖 已經如煙 Sitting in front of the bed, Staring fingertips, As smog yet.