Biology Student is ANGRY at Frank Turek about gender

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Steve Chapman

Steve Chapman

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Watch as Frank Turek debates a biology student who is not happy with him over his stance on gender change.
Subscribe to Frank’s channel: ‪@CrossExamined‬
All clips used with permission: Thanks to all the teachers and ministries who gave me written permission to use clips of their KZbin videos to share the truth and love of Jesus.
To help people become genuine followers of Jesus and grow closer to God every day
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Пікірлер: 164
@patticarey9016 3 күн бұрын
These young people are insufferably arrogant. They take a couple classes and think they are wiser than everybody else.
@RS54321 2 күн бұрын
She's not a biologist...she's a biology student.
@alexfriedman2152 Күн бұрын
Yeah which means heavy indoctrination of "The world"
@DjVortex-w 2 күн бұрын
"Some people have unusual chromosomes, therefore anybody can declare themselves to be anything they want" is a complete non-sequitur argument, which they are constantly making.
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Күн бұрын
There’s also reproductive parts
@clinton6087 Күн бұрын
I hate when people throw around credentials. I'm a this... I'm a that... I'm a biologist. That doesn't mean you are right. This haughty young lady needs to calm down. Liberals are always so angry.
@MrDZum 2 күн бұрын
Grace asks a question, he answers, then she moves the bar......Liberal strategy.
@christopherj9744 2 күн бұрын
She pays zero attention to the logic of the question or answers. She's just concerned with doing her best to trap him. Great plan. So we'll executed. 🙄
@Yoolee01 4 күн бұрын
A Biology student that tries to argue from the Psychological perspective - something she's not trained in. Nice.
@lifeguard184 2 күн бұрын
Anorexia is where someone has a distorted body image, i.e., they are thin but think that they are fat. For a plastic surgeon to perform a surgical procedure on them would unethical. To give them weight loss drugs would also be unethical. Also to operate or give drugs to a child that is immature or brainwashed into thinking they are a girl when they are a boy or vice/versea, is also unethical and should be illegal.
@jobilibalawa1008 2 күн бұрын
no, you gotta affirm their obvious misconception. Anorexia affirming care.
@bransrubar 2 күн бұрын
She simply isn't listening.
@TheRealDeadhorse 21 сағат бұрын
That’s the rub.
@kennethschweighardt4920 3 күн бұрын
As an adult you can 'PRETEND' to be whatever you want, just do not ask me to agree with it, nor make it illegal for me to tell the TRUTH that you are ONLY your birth gender.
@mirandahotspring4019 Күн бұрын
Go live in Samoa for a while, where they have, and recognise, four different genders. For their culture it's seen as quite natural.
@kennethschweighardt4920 Күн бұрын
@@mirandahotspring4019 I'd rather not insult God or humanity by doing that. There are 2 genders ONLY. Anything other than that is a lie, and trying to force people to recognize a lie as truth is pure evil. Just look at the Demoncratic party.
@saintsone7877 23 сағат бұрын
@@mirandahotspring4019 And your point is? There are cultures that circumcise young girls. Should we accept that as well? There are cultures that use sharp knives to tattoo children. Should we also do this to our children? Really Miranda you are clutching at straws with your argument. There are people who believe they are really cats, Will you place Kitty litter in suitable places for them? What about those who think they are really dogs, cows, horses, pigs etc. Do you affirm their delusions as well? If not, why not? You did know that a 50+ year study into Gender Dysphoria found that more than 98$ of children that displayed behaviours of the opposite gender to their birth gender had by the age of 30 married and had children and lived their birth gender roles. You will not read about it as it has been suppressed. Why was it suppressed Miranda? I know it was repressed as I discussed it with my wife who was in the Psychology field before she was forced out by the Marxist Gender advocates who have taken over professional bodies.. There are NO long term studies into the new wave of Gender Dysphoria academics and others have pushed the last 15 years or so. Am sure you are also aware that adults that have fully transitioned commit self death at higher rates than teenagers struggling with this disorder do. The saddest part is they are far more successful than the teenagers at completing their task. Yet you NEVER hear this statistic do we Miranda?
@kristadixon3272 2 күн бұрын
Pray for this girl, she is so lost and misguided. She needs Jesus.
@IBenZik 3 күн бұрын
She comes from a position of authority and appears to be leading herself by emotion. Her voice quivers because someone will not accept her paradigm. I'm on Frank's side
@jameslucas5590 2 күн бұрын
She can hear but is deaf to the facts and truth.
@BigOSully 4 күн бұрын
so fun when students think they are the first to state information, speak down to others as if they an adult as if others were children
@peterjermey7235 4 күн бұрын
He's not volunteering vital biological information when demonizing a group of people. If he knew this information already then it amounts to be caught in a lie. Lying is a sin right?
@BigOSully 4 күн бұрын
@@peterjermey7235 demonizing? please stop the crap. Man XY woman XX , for 98% of humans. To thin k you are the other gender is gender denial. No surgery or drug will make you the other. And pushing non reversible treatments on children by confusing them on this topic. it is evil shit
@spencergsmith 3 күн бұрын
@@peterjermey7235 it’s not pertinent information, and he never once lied or misrepresented anything. As he said, intersex is a separate phenomenon from gender dysphoria.
@peterjermey7235 3 күн бұрын
@@spencergsmith but if you had intersex chromosomes but no obvious physical indicators then how would you know that you were intersex not trans?
@spencergsmith 3 күн бұрын
@@peterjermey7235 because “trans” is completely psychological. It’s gender dysphoria that society is being forced to accept as normal.
@Ihsaan1c 3 күн бұрын
I’m atheist but Turek speaks a lot of sense here.
@alexfriedman2152 Күн бұрын
Bro God is real.... It's just not the sort of dogmatic thing a lot of people believe, but the spirit of God is real. He created this universe and is with us.
@geoffstokes 2 күн бұрын
She's not a biologist she's a kid student
@chipspangler736 3 күн бұрын
To be fair, she's right about the definition of sex. The problem using "XX" and "XY" as the *definition* for sex is that it skips the issue with disorders of sex development (DSD's, formerly known as intersex) like Klinefelter, Trisomy X, 5-ARD, CAIS, etc. Many people confuse the *sex* *determination* mechanisms (chromosomes / genes) with the *definition* of sex. Sex is defined based on what gamete the body is set up to produce: for males it's sperm, for females it's ova. Even with DSD's, people develop into male or female, based on the gamete their body is structured to produce (or try to produce; infertility doesn't mean one isn't male or female). Gender ideology is wildly regressive because it insists that gender stereotypes (what we see as masculine and feminine) are mandatory, and if we don't follow those stereotypes, we're actually "born in the wrong body." It's authoritarian because it insists that others hold a false belief (that people can change sex) and that others must conform to their choice of language (selected pronouns). It's misogynistic and homophobic as well. It's absolutely awful. Delaying and/or preventing children from going through puberty is a crime against humanity. Puberty is REQUIRED for proper human development. And it's often the "cure" for gender dysphoria. Children grow up, learn to adapt, learn to accept their body, and move forward in life -- unless they're fed this horrible nonsense about being born in the wrong body, and they're pushed towards mutilating their healthy body. I'm not religious, but I'm totally backing up Frank here.
@spam3706 3 күн бұрын
To be really fair, no, she is not right. It works like this: if you have a Y chromosome, you are male. If you *do not have* a Y chromosome, you are female. In your examples, Klinefelter (XXY is a male), Trisomy X (XXX is a female) and I'll add Turner (45, X is a female) all meet this definition. 5-ARD and CAIS are not chromosome based abnormalities, but have to do with hormone insensitivity and poor gonadal development. Yes, there are the odd mosaics that have chromosomal combinations of these, but these generally follow the rule as well.
@chipspangler736 2 күн бұрын
@@spam3706 XY is usually male, and XX is usually female (the vast, vast majority of the time). But it is not 100%. XY complete gonadal dysgenesis (a.k.a. Swyer Syndrome) results in a person with XY chromosomes that is female. XX male syndrome (a.k.a. de la Chapelle syndrome) results in a person with XX chromosomes that is male. One thing of note is the SRY gene, which is normally present on the Y chromosome. If that gene is non-functional, then an XY person can develop as female. If the SRY gene is combined with an X chromosome, it can result in an XX male. I listed just a few examples of DSDs in my prior comment; it was not intended to be a list of all of them. Saying simply that "XX is female, XY is male" is correct the vast majority of the time, but NOT all of the time. It also doesn't include all of the other potential permutations of 23rd pair chromosomes. Focusing exclusively on XX / XY gives your opposition an opportunity to say (correctly) that you're wrong.
@spam3706 2 күн бұрын
@@chipspangler736 So you are citing the absolute rarest, sometime fatal, genetic and morphologic abnormalities as the validating argument for even a countable % of college students' claim to be... abnormal? In medicine we call that "zebra". It usually results in malpractice claims for "failure to diagnose". Further, simply claiming to be "intersex" does not make it so, and to have even 5 random people with these abnormalities standing next to one another on every college campus in the world is statistically unlikely to impossible. Sure, these conditions exist. So do lottery winners. The other multiple permutations you alluded to also follow the general Y male rule.
@PJRayment 2 күн бұрын
@@chipspangler736 "Focusing exclusively on XX / XY gives your opposition an opportunity to say (correctly) that you're wrong." If you are a human, you have ten toes. If you have eleven toes (thanks to a genetic disorder), it doesn't mean that you're not human. *Neither does it make my original sentence wrong.* The odd exceptions don't change the rule, in this case that XX=male and XY=female. The opposition takes those exceptions as _nullifying_ the rule. In that, they are _incorrect._ God created man as both male and female. Science has shown us that it's the genome that carries that information. The Bible also tells us that when man disobeyed God, He allowed His creation to start to run down. Science confirms that it's running down. One example is that each new generation has around 100 extra mutations than their parents. Another example is that XX/XY don't _always_ do as designed. "I'm not religious,..." There are atheist religions too, you know.
@mirandahotspring4019 Күн бұрын
@@spam3706 It's not even that simple. For example Swyer syndrome, a rare genetic condition in which people who have an X chromosome and a Y chromosome (the usual pattern for males) but a female phenotype. They have normal female reproductive organs, including a uterus, fallopian tubes, and vagina. However, the ovaries do not develop and are replaced by clumps of tissue where they would normally form called streak gonads. Swyer syndrome is usually not diagnosed until puberty when menstruation does not occur.
@Billtwiggmeister Күн бұрын
Two cultists arguing over something they know nothing about: science.
@jeffschreifels8651 4 күн бұрын
She keeps on trying and keeps on failing
@Dracoool 2 күн бұрын
Could a surgically altered bull enter a cow milking competition?
@garyjohnson8026 2 күн бұрын
Yes. But it wouldn't get very far.
@bethesaltandlight 3 күн бұрын
Shes arrogant and proud with her false beliefs
@pferkler9426 4 күн бұрын
She's weird
@IBenZik 3 күн бұрын
Lenin called them "useful idiots".
@craigrobinson99 Күн бұрын
She doesn’t want to understand, she just wants to win.
@tmilesffl 3 күн бұрын
This is why she is just a student. She really doesn't know any more than what she has been taught the last 8 weeks of school and can't think for herself yet nor have the real experience in the world of science.
@wickedbird1538 Күн бұрын
😢😢I (XX female woman) am looking into breast reduction surgery. It has nothing to do with my gender. It has to do with their weight on a small body frame. I love their look, but it’s not worth the back pain. . . When I was preteen, I wanted to be like my brothers. I wanted their freedom and athleticism and I thought girls were sexy. But in college, I discovered sex with a man and I never went back. I am so glad that no woke teacher tried to mess with my head, gender, body, or fertility.
@charliecaldwell6476 3 күн бұрын
If she is a biology student she should stick to biology
@cliffthatcher4574 23 сағат бұрын
There is no one more knowledgeable than someone who has just learned something.
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 3 күн бұрын
Feelings are more important than facts. Chromosomes and genitals primary sex characteristics. People are born with three legs does not mean legs on a spectrum
@TomSanders-mi2bg 12 сағат бұрын
Learning something is important , Frank
@torreyintahoe 2 күн бұрын
The old birth defect excuse. For once Frank is right.
@rodpark442 11 сағат бұрын
Well done Frank, these people get very poor education
@vivahvv 4 күн бұрын
Convince a man against his will, he's of the same opinion still. She cannot and will not be convinced against her will. Once that is pointed out, there is no longer any need for a hostile argument.
@paulhutchison815 Күн бұрын
What do we tell those people? How about recognize that they are in a super-minority and the majority doesn't have to tip-toe around their feelings.
@michaelplauche9901 10 сағат бұрын
And she’s wearing LSU. Unfortunate
@meteorwalkergg 23 сағат бұрын
I wonder if Matt Walsh will ever find the mythical "woman" 🤔
@scottconnolly1942 Күн бұрын
No self respecting biologist debates gender. They know how anatomy works. Biology students might, but not the actual biologists.
@environmentaldataexchange3906 Күн бұрын
What you say is "Send photos!."
@landen99 Күн бұрын
Don't just object to trans surgeries for the sake of the children only. They will figure out how to force us to pay for these genital mutilations on adults too through universal healthcare and through forcing healthcare to cover it. And it will be VERY VERY VERY EXPENSIVE for everyone!!
@TomSanders-mi2bg Күн бұрын
More complicated than. discussed , but you wouldn't understand anyway....
@peterschmidt1453 Күн бұрын
If people want to cut bits off, put metal in their faces and inject ink under the skin, do it as an adult and accept the consequences, don't blame others for being unhappy or unemployable for your choices. There is a place for childhood cosmetic surgery for out of normal features, but parents, kids and doctors deciding it's appropriate to administer hormones and do surgery on otherwise healthy children is way out of line. When a kid wants to be Superman or Wonder Woman when they grow up it's clear kids do not have the ability to make a life changing decision and can easily be coerced by others to be something they are not.
@spam3706 3 күн бұрын
For a "biologist", she is not right. It works like this: if you have a Y chromosome, you are male. If you do not have a Y chromosome, you are female. Klinefelter (XXY is a male), Trisomy X (XXX is a female) and Turner (45, X is a female), 47, XYY (male) all meet this definition. Yes, there are the odd mosaics that have chromosomal combinations of these, but these generally follow the rule as well.
@TomSanders-mi2bg 2 күн бұрын
Not that easy fool , more to it , there is testicular feminization , look act female , discovered when infertile , grow up or get educated
@TomSanders-mi2bg 2 күн бұрын
They by the way are XY
@lmoelleb 2 күн бұрын
I am not one of those modern woke types like you. I am maybe insensitive and old fashioned, but I have difficulties calling someone a man when she - sorry he - conceived and gave birth to a child without even fertility treatments.
@TomSanders-mi2bg 2 күн бұрын
Lack of understanding
@saintsone7877 22 сағат бұрын
@@lmoelleb Sorry, but to conceive one must have all the bodily parts of a female. You did know that some women have pretended to be men since the 19th century did you not? And men have pretended to be female as well yet never heard of a man whilst pretending to be a woman conceived and gave birth either.
@jasonbabilonia3037 3 күн бұрын
Frank is truly a man of God
@johndylan9309 11 сағат бұрын
She ate a biologist
@iqbalminhas8343 Сағат бұрын
These kids who have never worked a day in their life read a book and think they know everything when in reality they know squat
@Diegocurt73 10 сағат бұрын
Now we know why LSU lost to USC 😂😂😂
@chrisoutlaw1901 Күн бұрын
this is the type of person who will argue if the sky is blue and the grass is green... I say potato and you say tater are they the same? LOL... God please help these lost generation who think a couple of brain washed classes at college make them smart...
@zulemasanchez1233 Күн бұрын
Oh WOW ! A biology student defying science. Plastic surgery can only give the ILLUSION of change, so I can feel better about myself. I can have plastic surgery and take pills to look younger but I will still be 79 yrs old.
@dfinma 10 сағат бұрын
I'm 11 seconds in and I can tell this is going nowhere. The solution is simple -- differentiate sex and gender, problem solved. Sex is biology -- chromosomes, gonads and gametes. Gender, I've recently learned, is whatever you want it to be, and that's fine. Any discussion on the topic has to start with this distinction otherwise it's senseless. Biosis is not recognizing that what she's talking about are abnormalities. There will always be abnormalities but you don't create primary definitions based on abnormalities. Edit: the bible has nothing to do with this discussion, it just confuses everything.
@davidmccool2458 2 күн бұрын
First off, Frank is a PhD… his technical knowledge eclipses her ‘specific’ knowledge that she tries to frame her argument with. She didn’t really come armed for this debate.
@bohem5568 2 күн бұрын
LOL,...The bigger point is that this has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with science and biology. As you notice Turek has no counter argument on religious grounds. Like most of apologetics he flip-flops from a pseudo religious argument to a pseudo-science argument.
@PJRayment 2 күн бұрын
"LOL,...The bigger point is that this has nothing to do with religion." Debatable. "It has to do with science and biology." Yes, but science was founded on a Christian worldview, and it studies God's creation. "As you notice Turek has no counter argument on religious grounds." "has" none, or _provides_ none? That he didn't provide any (presumably because the student would dismiss them out of hand) doesn't mean that he doesn't have any. "Like most of apologetics he flip-flops from a pseudo religious argument to a pseudo-science argument." You must listen to some weird apologetics. The vast majority that I've seen don't fit that caricature.
@bohem5568 Күн бұрын
@@PJRayment LOL,.a multitude of cultures prove otherwise about your "science was founded on Christian worldview" opinion. Especially given there was no Christianity until 2000 years ago. Further science is science which is not the same question as what it's ultimate origin may be.
@PJRayment 14 сағат бұрын
@@bohem5568 "LOL,.a multitude of cultures prove otherwise about your "science was founded on Christian worldview" opinion." That's not my opinion. That's the conclusion of numerous academics. For example, sociologist Rodney Stark: “...theological assumptions unique to Christianity explain why science was born only in Christian Europe. Contrary to the received wisdom religion and science not only were compatible; they were inseparable.” "Especially given there was no Christianity until 2000 years ago." And science, as we understand it, was founded around 400 to 500 years ago. So what's your point? "Further science is science which is not the same question as what it's ultimate origin may be." Agreed, but I don't follow what you're trying to get at. You're the one that tried to de-link science and "religion". Now that I've shown the link, you seem to be saying that the link is irrelevant.
@shawngregg3796 3 күн бұрын
@lmoelleb 2 күн бұрын
In school we learn the basics: XY is a man, XX is a woman. Nothing wrong with that. Until people think the word basics means "this is at the base of everything and there is no diviation" instead of "this is the common stuff, if you go study it in detail later we will teach you about the nuances". A bit like teaching Newton as "basics" of physics without throwing relativity into the mix from the start.
@PJRayment 2 күн бұрын
@@lmoelleb "In school we learn the basics: XY is a man, XY is a woman. Nothing wrong with that." Nothing except your typing. Do you want to try again?
@lmoelleb 2 күн бұрын
@@PJRayment yes you learn the "basics" as in "simplified". And there is indeed nothing wrong with that. The problem starts when people then think the simplified view is the complete picture.
@saintsone7877 22 сағат бұрын
@@lmoelleb Exactly. And it is a problem when people start to equate 0.05- 0.10% of children born with some variant of the normal XY and XX is common as well. The Basics as you call it is NOT simplified More than 99% of ALL people fit into that simplified categorisation or as we simple people put it "the norm". YOU are placing the less than 1% into the "norm" paradigm.
@lmoelleb 22 сағат бұрын
@@saintsone7877 no idea how you think I place a certain percentage into one or another group. I know enough to realize that even with seemingly normal XX/XY there can be gene specific things that affect the development of the brain towards male/female, but I have no idea about any percentages.
@TomSanders-mi2bg Күн бұрын
Probably should listen closer with an open mind ,but I am fairly certain that won't happen for you or Frank
@BeachsideHank 3 күн бұрын
There's Frank, once again romping with the children, the only stratum of society he can triumph over.
@j.alanmersereau9970 2 күн бұрын
Are you a biologist? or a biology student??? You really don't look old enough to bs a working biologist...
@GreggGiblin-sy5og 16 сағат бұрын
Biblically sound? Who cares. Do you not see the irony? Why do you feel you can criticize another ridiculous ideology based on your own ridiculous ideology?
@Diegocurt73 10 сағат бұрын
Because you have a ridiculous ideology. 😂
@GreggGiblin-sy5og 6 сағат бұрын
@@Diegocurt73 You don't know what mine is, so how can you possibly say it's ridiculous?
@TomSanders-mi2bg 3 күн бұрын
She isn't failing as someone said , but Frank good at denying and not understanding
@michaelsteven5558 3 күн бұрын
Actually, she is the one in denial. He is just stating facts. Her denial is what happens when people are pig-headed about their fallacious ideologies.
@TomSanders-mi2bg 3 күн бұрын
Actually she is showing how pigheaded Frank is
@michaelsteven5558 3 күн бұрын
@@TomSanders-mi2bg She is attempting to do that, but doing so by using her fallacious ideology. Rather than using her ideological mistakes, she should understand the biological points he is making. Facts are facts and she has none.
@TomSanders-mi2bg 2 күн бұрын
Hard to argue with people who believe only what they want to believe...
@michaelsteven5558 2 күн бұрын
@@TomSanders-mi2bg When the facts back up the beliefs, the other's beliefs are void. Frank has the facts. Sorry to disappoint you, but facts do not care about your emotions.
@peterjermey7235 4 күн бұрын
I would like to know how the preacher knows for sure that no trans people have unusual chromosomes or how he can know for sure that they have no other physical characteristics that contribute to experiencing life as trans. He acknowledges these conditions exist, but are rare. But trans people are rare. It just seems to me the facts don't fit with his bigotry so he ignores them More largely I don't understand how people with no relevant qualifications can appoint themselves to teach others on controversial or complex issues.
@alwaystraining54 3 күн бұрын
Are you trans?
@muppetonmeds 2 күн бұрын
So a male teacher shouldn't be able to teach or talk about childbirth? Or a female doctor shouldn't be allowed to talk about or teach men who suffer from erectile dysfunction?
@lmoelleb 2 күн бұрын
​@@muppetonmedsthe post you refer to contains the words "relevant qualifications". Did you miss that before replying?
@muppetonmeds 2 күн бұрын
@@lmoelleb I might have. But it seemed to me he was saying unless you are trans with the same medical problem we don't have the authority to speak on such matters? Some of us have had a medical problem that separates us from others. Sure it's not the same thing but we can Identify with that problem. Just as I have never gone through childbirth but I have felt pain so to some degree so I can identify with that problem. The fact that we all are human and have suffered pain and even mental or emotional pain makes us the same to some degree and it really doesn't matter if we are male or female or gay or straight or trans. Take care
@PJRayment 2 күн бұрын
"I would like to know how the preacher knows for sure that no trans people have unusual chromosomes..." He didn't say that. "... or how he can know for sure that they have no other physical characteristics that contribute to experiencing life as trans" He didn't say that either. "It just seems to me the facts don't fit with his bigotry so he ignores them" What bigotry? That you think it's that because you have a different view suggests that the bigotry is on your part. "More largely I don't understand how people with no relevant qualifications can appoint themselves to teach others on controversial or complex issues." By studying the issues. You don't have to be indoctrinated in a university to study things. Besides, He knows the one who created mankind, which gives him some insights that other people won't have.
@mirandahotspring4019 Күн бұрын
The problem is people are confusing sex and gender. gender /ˈdʒɛndə/ noun 1. the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female. 2. Grammar (in languages such as Latin, French, and German) each of the classes (typically masculine, feminine, common, neuter) of nouns and pronouns distinguished by the different inflections which they have and which they require in words syntactically associated with them. Grammatical gender is only very loosely associated with distinctions of sex.
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