Hi Charles! Quick question for you on this before I start scouring the interwebs. Do you think this setup would work on my round column mill? All I ever see are DRO Pros recommendations but you seem really happy with this setup and I thought I might try to do something a little different.Thanks!Tom
@charlesmarlin66328 жыл бұрын
+Tom Zelickman (Inspiration Metalworks) Here is the Link to the TouchDRO App www.yuriystoys.com/p/android-dro.html#application ~ I use the blu-DRO on my 'Just-for-Fun' Home Workshop Mill and I am VERY happy with it on my projects... But I'm a welder at heart so to the 0.001" is considered a good accurate home-made part :-) A $1600 to $2600 DRO would cost almost as much as my Mill and the Accuracy of my Mill & Tooling would not be up to the accuracy of an expensive DRO ~ With that said... Maybe I got some extra good sliding scales from AccuRemote but my parts are coming out way better than expected :-) Basically AccuRemote Scales are a low cost option and the blu-DRO gives me the extra abilities of the TouchDRO App features :-) If you need parts more accurate than 0.001" then I would go with an expensive DRO and scales :-) Here is Link to AccuRemote scales that came with their own little single axis readouts (great backup readout): www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dtools&field-keywords=AccuRemote-ACCURACY-DIGITAL-READOUT-Stainless
@TomZelickman8 жыл бұрын
That's great info and just what I was looking for. Thank you, sir!