Global 7500 > g700 In 2019, Global 7500 had sustained a record speed of 0.935 Mach for more than two hours before setting a time record for a transatlantic city-pair flight between New York and London. the business jet set speed records by flying from New York to London in 5 hours and 26 minutes and from Los Angeles to New York in 3 hours and 54 minutes; on the latter flight it sustained a speed of 0.925 Mach for more than two hours. on the latter flight it sustained a speed of 0.925 Mach for more than two hours. a world record by flying nonstop from Singapore to Tucson, Arizona. The plane, which covered 8,152 nautical miles (9,350 miles) in 16 hours and 6 minutes, landed with 4,300 pounds of fuel to spare - enough to fly for another 90 minutes the longest nonstop city-pair flight in business aviation history to 8,225 nautical miles (9,465 miles). 15.232km.