Branded is actually quite interesting when people don’t put all the focus on locking with Sanctifire. The deck is capable of so much more than that. Though having only 1 Branded Fusion to play with stings a bit.
@AfterFiveTurns_I_Cry3 күн бұрын
Mirrorjade 4 times in a turn is peak branded
@abhayrambritch27333 күн бұрын
Loved this video. Keep up the good work. Could you also make a cyber dragon and dragon ruler deck list?
@HakunaMyData3 күн бұрын
Thank you!! Dunno about dragon rulers haha but I’m desperately waiting for them to confirm cyber dragon support in alliance insight. Then I will for sure make a list!
@Banefulyugioh3 күн бұрын
Opponent: dont run a lock in branded. While they play, lancea, d shifter, droll, d barrier etc etc
@TheCIScommander3 күн бұрын
Thanks for this, it helped me streamline my decklist a little better after the recent hit. I'm gonna experiment with this list: 3x Albaz 3x Aluber 3x Albion 3x opening 3x high spirits 3x deploy 3x book 3x droplet 3x thrust 2x carts 2x saronir 2x super poly 1x quem 1x ad lib 1x tragedy 1x merc 1x kitt 1x b lubellion 1x magnam 1x druis 1x baldrake 1x vice king 1x DM 1x bfusion 1x lost 1x in red 1x sarc 1x foolish 1x called by 1x retri 1x dupe Extra: 2 mirrorjade, 2 albion, 1 sanctifire, 1 lubellion, 1 titaniklad, 1 rindbrumm, 2 granny, 1 quaeritis 1 drago 1 garura 1 REDD 1 chimera side: 3 crossout, 1 ash, 1 d barrier, 3 drnm, 3 cyclone, 1 duster, 1 banishment, 1 blazing king, 1 masquerade Probably gonna take this list to locals (go for game, a&c) hopefully it's competitive enough even without the mulcharmy cards! Thanks again, hope to see you at locals soon!
@smithsfan4253 күн бұрын
One thing I’ll say is: I get it. The lock is a really cheap tactic but let’s also be honest, Branded is not that great of a deck in the current meta. With branded fusion at one, this deck needs every win condition and can’t be picky (cause it’s just not at that level). Gotta get wins man.
@HakunaMyData3 күн бұрын
Branded is not that great of a deck but it’s not that I’m not playing the lock because I think it’s a “cheap tactic”. I genuinely felt it was not worth playing because I would gear my play towards the lock and Ido or Requiem were getting outed too easily. Back when puppet was legal, I thoroughly believed you had to play it (since there were some who refused to lol). Without going for the lock, I felt it opened up other plays that so far, seemed to hold its own even against meta decks (obviously there are still hands that die to a single imperm lmao). Again, this was just what I felt was best for me. If other people want to continue with the lock approach, that’s totally fine and I respect that!
@jatmtom4753 күн бұрын
If your deck needs the lock then it shouldnt have it
@The_G_in_Jesus3 күн бұрын
Without Nightmare there is no Lock. Locks actually lock people down and prevent them from playing. Vice King is a Master Duel meme used in top ranks to troll. Dinos can consistently search Rivalry + Secret Village and lock you into Dino while playing through 2 disruptions using a 2 card combo. I don't see anybody making those plays and they're consistent with that too. It's not that it's immoral, it's that it takes a lot of effort to prepare a low effort win condition. People want autopilot mirror matches where they just have to use everything in their hand and the flowchart ignores disruptions. If you have to be smart about spending resources, assume most people won't understand it. Watching branded players make real decks this banlist has been glorious.
@The_G_in_Jesus3 күн бұрын
@@HakunaMyDataIt's so weird that Branded still gets hands that lose to 1 HT 😂 I get them a lot and when I run the numbers it's less than 5% chance to get the hands I brick on like that (48 cards in mine). Siding the Santifire target and maining Ad Libitum has been so fun! I see you're also maining Ad Lib and I think it's very strong right now. Until Danger! Monsters are in the loop again, Dragonlord is safe, but keep in mind that when that fails switch to Dragoon and you will be fine 🙏
@JamBudsVO18 сағат бұрын
@@HakunaMyDataI think it’s less that it opens up options but rather it gives people tunnel vision. I don’t think you should go for lock every single first turn because can do a lot of other things. Sometimes it good to do other things and whittle thier options then lock them on the crack back when it gets grindy
@matthewvowell6200Күн бұрын
so what is the combo with just nadir servent???
@ttarzzxz37113 күн бұрын
I recently got a branded deck so I've been looking at profiles. I never considered LADD lord being mandatory would still try to activate at 400 atk so it chain blocks the bird from negating a monster effect so that's great to know before I try to bring it to a locals
@nico15sgr742 күн бұрын
I didnt understand yet, how valuable Rindbrumm is. Is it just for reviving Albaz or does the first effect often come into play? I didnt summon Rindbrumm so often, so thats my POV.
@sethcaron47037 сағат бұрын
Usually you use its revive effect, but occasionally it is good to make alongside mirrorjade as you can activate mirrorjade on your own turn for the foolish then negate with rindbruum so you don't have to banish anything, then you can chose to bounce a monster if you want to. When you negate the mirrorjade, it will be allowed to use its effect next turn as the drawback of not using the effect next turn is part of the effect, not a condition. Overall, mostly for revival but has funny synergy with mirrorjade and can occasionally be hard summoned off branded fusion if you are dealing with a troublesome extra deck monster (plays around typhon due to its 2500 atk stat.).
@Slayder-rn3gu3 күн бұрын
The shaddoll version could be viable, it has good synergy with granguignol
@georgfolwerk25313 күн бұрын
Idk Shadoll just seems like its doing not much enough. Even in my 60 card Branded deck I have cut it down, bc you never use the flip effect, you always just use the GY effect and sometimes even that will not come up. Maybe if you go a little crazy on the extra deck there might be more plays but so far maindecking shadoll monster just seemed weak.
@Over9000Chainz2 күн бұрын
The shaddoll cards are horrible bricks
@billallas54103 күн бұрын
As a person that only plays branded (for the last 2 and a half years, with decent results through out at a domestic and semi international level) i have come to the conclusion that a build like this is what is working best atm, i have like 5 different cards in the main with some small ratios changed but all in all it is pretty similar as also for the side. one key difference is that druiswurm is good against malice (subsequentily lubellion also, thats why it is at 3 for me with double saronir and druis on the side) for malice it does at least a 2-1 and for ryzel it can trade with ryzel field spell if it is lub or druis trades well with fs, also potentially it can force plug in which is also a benefit (or disrupt it). Furthermore, khaos scourage is really solid since maliss does not like getting their shit banished but destroyed is a good way to interact (plus the good recycling that it offers through lub line which is 9/10 times available in malise). super poly is kinda meh rn, you really have to see albaz to make it work or trade despia plus discard plus super poly for a masq against maliss and ryzeal (yes deadnader is good but not that good since aluber can still be negated at resolution from detach of duodrive).
@monokel75653 күн бұрын
Can you show the ad libitum line?
@theinternleague6343 күн бұрын
What is the reasoning behind playing lower deck count as opposed to 60? Ive kinda stayed around the 50 card range and it seems to feel like its super weak in the current meta.
@santiagoflaker689522 сағат бұрын
Last format I was running 60 with grass. With the puppet-lock out I thought that maybe it was time to return to a lower count build. Ironically, I tend to brick even more with a 45-50 build than with 60. Also, going first I usually manage to pass over 1-2 handtraps and my hands are more capable of breaking a board, which is not the case for the 45-50 build.
@The_G_in_Jesus3 күн бұрын
I would rather play Archlord Kristya and give myself the broken Sanctifier monster than pass someone a Vice King. I've played Vice King lock for a long time, played against it more, it's not winning any events I promise. With Dragoon or Dragonlord with your usual disruptions, I think Vice King is just a way to punish bad deck building or bad luck on the opponents' part. They should have a main deck out in an average deck over half the time. 1 High Spirits is optimal for lists that don't mill because you can't brick on 1, if you don't draw it just send it to GY and add it in end phase. Super Poly and Masquerade rock to help resolve Aluber going 2nd while breaking a board and discarding. So much value. Id you play Vice King for whatever reason then Quaeritis/Masquerade are very convenient as High Spirits bridges to unbrick a hand where you draw the meme card. In the side, consider changing Skill Drain for Rivalry and you can Rivalry lock people using any target from the GYs. If Rivalry doesn't affect a deck then TCBOO will. Branded can play around both mid game but not early game. Super easy to lock a deck like Maliss or Dino or even other branded players (Rivalry lock them into Fairy, ez money). Very cool list I think you make good use of a lot of the high value tools we still have. Stuff like 2 Quem is very good against Nibiru, 2 Mercourier as well. I hope to see more of these actually creative and nonlinear Branded lists that actually play the game.
@thefinalskarm17542 күн бұрын
2:00 nope it's evaded the banlist for long enough with numerous weaker banned cards than BF, it deserves its limit and I hope it stays there for a long long time. I've never liked high spirits. I've seen a lot of success with people on 2 merc, they never expect the second bird and at worse it means you've allured one for kitt and the second can then actually be used.
@sethcaron47037 сағат бұрын
Sometimes the 2nd mercourier also comes in handy if you want to brute force your combo into nibiru.
@Muskaan08n2 күн бұрын
Branded might be dead but creativity will always be in season
@leonorellanabayas84933 күн бұрын
What about playing Thunder dragon with a big despia branded engine?
@Meunjiji3 күн бұрын
Man I would totally play the deck if Lubellion and Quem weren’t so expensive… I have the rest of the deck just sitting here but I just don’t have the means to dump $50 for the bystials + 2 copies of quem
@angelmerced83443 күн бұрын
If it helps there are other builds u can run one lubellion and one quem which is still about 30 but its less. u can also run quem without lubellion makes some of your combos worse but their nadir package helps.
@josuesibrian75653 күн бұрын
Trust me bro, I was on the same boat as you. I decided to just jump and haven’t looked back sense. The two copies of quem make a big difference as well as lubellion. Do the job, I promise it’s worth it
@smithsfan4253 күн бұрын
I don’t like Nadir Servant, mainly cause it locks you out of the extra deck. Maybe I just don’t understand the card, but I’m assuming you’d play it main phase 2? I’m still learning this deck.
@kemor68613 күн бұрын
You usually play all other cards first. I'ts your plan B when Branded Fusion gets negated or you can't get to it. Also it plays well under Fuwalos.
@HakunaMyData3 күн бұрын
The extra deck lock almost never matters because you play it at the end of your plays. The only time the lock does come up is if your opponent happened to have a monster on field that you could in theory fuse off with albaz that you can summon of Titaniklad that you dumped off Maximus (but of course, you’re locked so can’t do that)
@sethcaron47037 сағат бұрын
I won't feel comfortable running Nadir servant until dimension shifter gets banned or limited 😭.
@davidecrocetta1999Күн бұрын
No borreload dragon in extra... interesting
@UltraGuardian3 күн бұрын
Why don't you play 1x ras disciple to block your opponent
@jatmtom4753 күн бұрын
I just love branded without anylocks.
@akiljoseph55952 күн бұрын
Just have to be even more creative I should issue you an open challenge to a duel.. seems like fun games
@benimaruj29093 күн бұрын
Just let it go, it's already dead.
@GriffinRB3 күн бұрын
I wish you had three branded fusion so badly
@HakunaMyData3 күн бұрын
Lmaooo well I feel guilty because I would prefer Mounlinglacia gonna
@GriffinRB3 күн бұрын
@@HakunaMyData I get it. I still think Branded is pretty cool and it's mostly an engine deck and without Puppet I think you should be able to just do what you want to do. Moulin is cringe and my deck plays without it.
@trevoranderson85113 күн бұрын
What do you think of the small asamina engine in here?
@HakunaMyData3 күн бұрын
Personally, I really didn’t like it! Just felt a lot of cards taking up your list for a convoluted step to get an omni negate out before your plays (which if the opponent has multiple hand traps, may not even work out well). All that for the downside of sacrificing engine/non-engine space but I still encourage people to try it out for themselves first and see if they do like that approach!
@lordofcrows3 күн бұрын
Surely branded is now going to be interesting
@HakunaMyData3 күн бұрын
Hahah the hope
@lordofcrows3 күн бұрын
@HakunaMyData I don't mean in a competetive sense I mean in a sense where it doesn't try to floodgate people out of the game Had interesting games against branded with sancti....if they chose to not do puppet lock So I hope they just kill all the floodgates andet sanctifire be a simple disruption
@HakunaMyData3 күн бұрын
Haha ya, honestly when there’s no lock involved, the game play can get interesting for sure! It’s been really fun to play when the hand is actually playable lmao
@lordofcrows3 күн бұрын
@HakunaMyData Can see that Branded in it's core just feels like the prototype of what came after Aka decks that rather make hard to break boards by making disruptions and do something after getting broken (mirror jade turning into slow geki, tearlaments gy effects, etc)
@smithsfan4253 күн бұрын
Lastly, why do we not have retribution at 2 or 3 with branded fusion at 1? It’s seems like such a useful effect when banished.
@HakunaMyData3 күн бұрын
It’s unfortunately a brick for the most part, that’s why. I have seen some lists play it at 2 if they’re playing a 60 card grass list though! I’m still not a fan of that lol but totally okay if they prefer it that way
@YukiHeroYGO2 күн бұрын
"DRAW" 10/10
@jjefferyh3 күн бұрын
Staples tier list?
@HakunaMyData3 күн бұрын
Lmaooo hopefully in 2 weeks
@Spike-422 күн бұрын
branded is so much interessant to play without the rush puppett .... so glad they ban this card
@juliangaleano12 күн бұрын
Branded is dead :( or at least in his last breath Agains the meta
@finnianfanning31363 күн бұрын
Thanks, I’m a Tenpai player who’s sorta scambling
@KleptoSaber3 күн бұрын
Dear lord, these AI translations (esp in German) are really making me uncomfortable Was für eine Hanswurst redet bitte so?
@Corey916663 күн бұрын
As a fellow german i was confused as hell too 😅
@HakunaMyData3 күн бұрын
Lmao didn’t try for this specific video although for other Yu-Gi-Oh videos, I thought the English subtitles were pretty good
@KleptoSaber3 күн бұрын
Sorry, I was talking about the voice over, that really was rather unpleasant to hear since it sounds so unnatural. I think the commentary in English is completely fine and sufficient enough since it is really easy to understand/follow
@Corey916663 күн бұрын
@@HakunaMyData i am just referring to the automatically translated video title. I am sure this was out of your control 😅