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Breaking into I.T. - Hold out for HIGH SALARY? or get a job FAST?

  Рет қаралды 10,635

Josh Madakor

Josh Madakor

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@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
💰 $0.00 (Free!) Intro to IT Course - New IT Job in 8 Weeks! 💰
@RickSolo92 Жыл бұрын
Is it really free
@bicdeez007 Жыл бұрын
Hey Josh, excellent and informative video as always. I'm thinking of signing up for CourseCareers in the next few days, but I have a few questions I'd like to ask first. Does CourseCareers teach programming like Bash in its curriculum? Is coding necessary for most IT jobs now? What are some of the jobs I'd be qualified for after completing the program? Will this prepare me for an entry-level position in Cyber Security or the cloud? And how long is the program for someone with low to no actual IT experience? I'm located in the DC area, too, if that makes any difference. Thank you for taking the time to create this video. Once again, it's greatly appreciated.
@getgoodorstaybad6849 Жыл бұрын
My first IT job I made only $10 an hour after I got my A+ certification. I was working retail at the time for a bit more money but the experience was worth it to me. I got two job offers from acquaintances in 6 months and ended up leaving only after 6 months, a year and a half later I was making $75k, it's all about the experience.
@icecold__ Жыл бұрын
I went the “get a job fast” route to get my foot in the door, 32k. Got a 10k+ pay bump job hopping after 4 months. Best strategy if you can afford the low pay for a little. I treated it like getting paid to go to help desk class. I could probably plan another job hop to bigger pay bot after too long but this job’s pay is solid and I’m getting a ton of good experience. I would actually say it has been feeling like smooth sailing after getting in since the jobs I’ve worked for the last decade have been horrid 😂 learning powershell/python has been fun and any issues that arise from work have been nothing compared to those other jobs I used to do. 100+ days in a row stocking shelves understaffed with complaints left and right lol. Makes working at an MSP feel like a cakewalk. Learning fun thinks like automation that actually improve my chances to get better jobs feels so great now, as opposed to working 14 hour shifts on holidays, then you boss tells you to cut your OT before the end of the week. Taking the CCNA was hard, but thinking back to those jobs keeps me from feeling like I can’t do something as far as improving in this field. Loving it so far!
@JerseyJeff84 Жыл бұрын
I work in I.T. as a support technician. We are in-office and will be going completely to the cloud and all infrastructure will be cloud-based, so fully remote soon. I'm making $20/hr($41,600) but live in New Jersey, which is the most expensive State in the Country. So, it's all about how you look at it. My view is that it's experience gained for the resume. In my role, not only have I learned new things, I have had a TON of phone and in-person support, which gives you priceless soft skills experience. Some of my best experiences haven't been with fixing issues, rather, when a customer thanks me for how kind, patient, and understanding I was.
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
This is so good, thanks for sharing. And seriously, it sounds like you are getting some decent experience, especially with the cloud migration :)
@artilleryisbetter Жыл бұрын
NJ is not the most expensive state in the US - that would be Hawaii as COL is insanely high; mainland USA i'd argue LA or NYC as highest COL. I agree otherwise, the hands-on work experience and exposure to new technology is paramount to master and convey to potential new employers be it Help desk level 1, NOC, SOC, DevSec, SWE, etc.,. At the end of the day, it's how you sell yourself to employers and with experience it goes a long way.
@Pruflas-Watts Жыл бұрын
New Jersey? Most expensive? Lololol! San Francisco and the entirety of the bay area is the most expensive place to live in the US followed by Hawaii (the entire state) and New York City.
@XrayTheMyth23 Жыл бұрын
@@artilleryisbetter I think what a lot of people don't realize is that a good chunk of East New Jersey is essentially part of the Manhattan metro. Costs there are just as bad as NYC and going up because so many are moving out of Manhattan.
@cephasboys3623 Жыл бұрын
I’m in Jersey as well and looking 😞
@slimfearsgod Жыл бұрын
Just wanted to say because of your channel I was able to get my first IT job remote as a NOC technician (entry level). I already have a job in security working night shift from 6pm - 6am so you gave me the idea to look for a graveyard shift so I can double dip and I found one and got the job! So huge thank you Josh.
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
That is actually so good lol. Congrats, and thanks for letting me know!
@opekatakata1424 Жыл бұрын
@SirSlim please tell me more.
@howtodoit3074 Жыл бұрын
Hey what are the requirements for your job I've been looking into trying to get into that role
@kevingaray_cyberguy Жыл бұрын
100% agree with your statement. You can hold out for a better paying job, but it's smarter you can still accept a low-paying job for the sake of experience and developing your skills WHILE still looking for a better job. Like you said in the video, consider it a paid internship. Work there for 6 months to a year and the likelihood to land a better paying role will be much higher compared to if you didn't accept the low paying job to seek out the higher ones.
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
Big facts! Thanks Kevin!
@zeanowilliams4992 Жыл бұрын
Please how do I get your course??
@lampario2862 Жыл бұрын
I left my field (and took a pay cut) to go to help desk. It was honestly a bummer for the first couple months or so. Tbh I guess it still is sometimes, lmao. But it opened a ton of opportunities, not only in experience for future applications, but networking within my current company. I had to escalate a ticket to our development team lead, met him in a Teams meeting, and we got on to talking about Warhammer, D&D, and videogames, lol. Then, like a supple leopard, I pounced on my opportunity to drop the whole "Oh, I'm actually graduating with my CS degree in December" (I'm in WGU's CS degree). The team lead was like "oh nice, keep me posted, maybe you can move to us on development." While nothing's guaranteed, It was glorious, and I wouldn't have had the chance to have this pipeline had I stayed in my previous field. I would've for sure been in the whole "submit 300 applications" game. At least now it feels like I have a chance
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this story, it's really good. There are so many things that are available to you working in tech that are not just hard cash, but can definitely lead you there, haha
@artilleryisbetter Жыл бұрын
Its not what you know, but who you know in this capitalistic rat-race to stay afloat.
@hdmaragh Жыл бұрын
"Experience is everything" this is very true. It's literally my only constraint point in this moment. In this field, get the experience when it comes as fast as you can
@Geomaverick124 Жыл бұрын
You may be able to work in Target or Walmart for more than 15 and hr; but my question is; Do you really want to work there? At those places they control the number of hrs, its usually back-breaking work, and they let you go on a dime and you will wind up unemployed with no marketable skills. At least if you get a jr IT job and work there a year, you can exponentially grow your salary and skills in the next job you get. I've done the retail thing, and the pay does not live up to the work you do. If you worked at Target and get 15/hr you stay there a year and get a new job at another retail making 17/ work as a jr tech making 15/hr, you stay there a year and get a job as desktop support or help desk making $25/hr. After a certification, you could be making $35 or $45 an much or more than store managers
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
This is well put, seriously. I've done these jobs too, specifically Walmart, Kmart, Albertsons, lmao. I'm not trying to be standing around for 8 hours day, tied up doing some repetitive work if I don't have to lol
@Geomaverick124 Жыл бұрын
@@JoshMadakor I mean I have no issue if that is what the guy wants to do but I learned that you have to pick your hard. Its hard to study a course and get a certification to get a decent job or at least a decent start in a career...its also hard standing on your feet all day and lifting 50lb boxes over your head hoping the ledge doesn't buckle in the back room freezer.
@artilleryisbetter Жыл бұрын
Unskilled labor VS skilled labor in a nutshell.
@theripper121 Жыл бұрын
@@Geomaverick124 It's not about the want. It's about an issue I see with the industry in general for those that do not yet have years and years yet in the field. My beef is that I can quite literally walk into any local retail establishment whether it be Home Depot, Target, Chick-Filla you name it where I am located and make more than 15 an hour after one low stress interview and be working in the next week in a job that requires about 25 percent of my brain actually turned on. I'm not knocking Josh or the person he interviewed. I'm just stating that If I expect to put out more effort to be certified or take classes or spend time and energy outside my work environment and run through more and more hoops than what is required at the same pay level something is wrong. If that is what is required of me, I would on the same token expect to be compensated more for having to be doing so. It's not that I don't see the end game is better. WHAT I AM SAYING, is more and more is being required of entry level IT workers while the pay is generally not commensurate... Yes .... once you are in door for a while that can change given you continue to work your butt off. But until you can manage to make that next rung and jump up you still gotta pay the bills. And I am saying this as someone who has several IT certs and has more than a few years in retail and retail management.
@Geomaverick124 Жыл бұрын
@@theripper121 I know you aren't knocking Josh. Speaking from experience IT was the best choice I have made...Of course you can walk into a Target and make $10 an hour but your future prospects are not very high even in good times. By getting into IT, even at a similar pay scale as retail, you are future proofing yourself...besides you are trading heavy labor and the risks of getting injured with working in front of a computer. I agree that it is getting insane of what is required of entry level in terms of certs and skills, it's just that I would rather have to deal with that getting into IT then have to worry about the issues of retail
@coherentpanda7115 Жыл бұрын
For someone just out of high school or college, starting at $15 an hour is a whole lot less jarring. If you are 30 or 40 years old and completely flipping your career, the salary loss can feel very jarring, and a barrier to the career change if you have bills and a family to support. It's actually why I chose to pursue software development instead of IT when I was looking at a new career start, because I knew I could get a respectable salary without experience. Instead of taking a $15-$20 an hour IT help desk job and grinding it out for a few years, I found a $75k position in programming.
@SeanLives Жыл бұрын
How did you go about landing that job if you could elaborate please?
@artilleryisbetter Жыл бұрын
Software development is technically a CompSci field but ive seen plenty of low-paying back-end jobs just as much as "IT". Same thing on the higher salary range, some companies will pay $80k+ for a level 2/3 IT role, some will pay less. Usually the biggest seperator will be a bachelor's degree or higher in the SDE side which is different from starting out as NOC, SOC, Help desk, etc.,. that requires maybe a GED, experience, and a certificate or two. This will also vary from job-to-job. Stay on top of the in-demand technology and convey it to potential employses or recruiters. Market is crazy right now. Don't stay in one area for too long. Get as much exposure and hands-on experience as you can.
@blackswan7568 Жыл бұрын
H.R. manager: "We want you to have 5 years of experience to get a job." Job hunter: "Okay, then. How would you recommend I get experience?" H.R. manager: "Easy! You just get a job!"
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
lol haha
@infini.tesimo 6 ай бұрын
I agree with this aspect of moving fast a humanly possible to get where you want to be in life if you value your time. While IT / Cyber Security may not give you an early retirement it absolutely puts in a position to make that possible with a type of income that is remotely made. For me, I value my alone time. Offices while they are fun at times tend to have micromagers in all organizations and I run at every chance I sense those types of people.
@franciscoortiz8531 Жыл бұрын
Josh, I have been grinding away at my BSITM degree. Your resources has helped me immensely! I managed to transfer in roughly 48 credits and knock out 23 CUs in my first month!! Thanks for the awesome advice!
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
23 in a month is a lot, lmao good job. You def on track to finish in 1 term. I'm glad the content has helped!!
@ThePhantomBean Жыл бұрын
Hey Josh, Thank you. It is clear that you are a hard worker, and you have chosen to funnel some of that hard work to help some of us with these videos.
@williams10184 Жыл бұрын
What I think the commenter may be slightly undervaluing is the importance of growth and a higher likelihood for pay increase over time. Sure you can be a Target cashier and make more initially but in 3 years you'll most likely still be a target cashier making the same If not a few dollars more than you did 3 years ago(not due to any fault of your own but just the nature of retail / warehouse/security jobs) . With that $15 an hour IT job he is now gaining valuable experience that will assist him in applying for roles that pay significantly higher in that same timespan.
@SavingForThree Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sticking up for us new people in the IT field! I'm almost done with your IT course on CourseCareers and I would be ecstatic to just get my foot in the door somewhere.
@BigBrotherChu Жыл бұрын
Hi Josh, I just signed up for the course. This weekend and next weekend, I will be doing volunteer work, but when that’s done, I’ll be on the grind doing my best to master the course…to the best of MY abilities.
@jolt06 Жыл бұрын
I have been work for about 17 years in various jobs and at each job I wore a IT tech hat. It was not until recently I got a full time job as a IT support specialist. I have been doing that for the past 3 years and now have a masters in Cyber security. I'm now making 40k at my current job. Right now I'm hunting for a higher paying job, in cyber security. I have my bachelor in computer science, and now a masters. It takes time, and luck to get in. But keep at it.
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this. Do you live in the US? And if so which area? Keep at it :S
@PaladinLeeroy42069 Жыл бұрын
Damn I’m trying to switch to tech and reading about a guy with a CS bachelor’s and a masters in cyber security making half my paycheck isn’t very comforting
@jolt06 Жыл бұрын
@brandonwhite5491 yeah I. Making 40k. But my masters was paid for by my work. So it balances out with experience. So I can apply for a higher position, based on experience and degree.
@PaladinLeeroy42069 Жыл бұрын
@@jolt06 kind of like the point of this whole video. Be in it for the long game. Best of luck to you
@jolt06 Жыл бұрын
@brandonwhite5491 yeah, I agree. It's a marathon not a sprint.
@melr4208 Жыл бұрын
I agree with the reader that $15 per hour for an IT professional is low. However, the most difficult job to get in IT is the first one. Your first job will be a stepping stone to find out in which field you want to specialized and move up from there. Career-wise, now that he is in IT, this individual will have much better opportunities than working as a security guard for the next 20 years and making $20 per hour. Everyone has a different path to follow and we can only compare ourselves to the person we were yesterday.
@kathleen4Jesus Жыл бұрын
😆love the chair demonstration. Good information! Thanks for putting out new and great content!
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
Thanks Kathleen! Really appreciate that! I will show the sponsor your comment, haha
@LocoPhin Жыл бұрын
The course is 100% self-paced, you can actually keep your "TarGEt" job while you INVEST in your future.
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
lmao, big true
@ossito Жыл бұрын
I would prefer taking a low salary vs 8 hour wage for the same position. The pay does not justify locking me down for straight 8 hours. Being able to manage your own time makes it worthwhile. Build out homelab and use that to complement your job experience. Think of the job as paying you a small stipend for some work while you play with your homelab. The job at this stage is nothing more than resume glitter.
@jzaager123 Жыл бұрын
Another great video, Josh. I really appreciate your ability to have a discourse with those who may disagree with you (respectfully). This video is an excellent example of how disagreeing and having a discussion about why can actually be beneficial to everyone involved.
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much! That's a nice way to put it; the discourse that benefits everyone i mean, haha :)
@joyisprincess Жыл бұрын
I'm glad you made a video about this. It's an important reminder to those who are unclear of why someone would make a move like the one he did. Thanks!
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
Hehe thanks for sayin thanks!! And thanks for watching :)
@ventureinsanity9759 Жыл бұрын
I've been working a long-term paid Service Desk internship for nearly a year now and what you said about learning the skills for the next job is exactly right - I've been learning about DevOps in my free time and have gone as far as asking my manager for permission to work with the DevOps team for a few hours - and she let me! Now everyone in the company is telling me to apply for the upcoming DevOps internship, which by the way will more than likely pay the same as my current internship (because it's an internship man...). Anyways my point is these things do require time but express your interest to the right people and they will love to help you in any way they can - but you also have to be willing to learn yourself. Why would someone invest in someone who's not willing to invest in them self?
@maroonwings Жыл бұрын
Agreed! Humble yourself and take that lower-wage job; you will grow by next year, have a higher salary, practice soft and hard skills, and you will be happy you made the switch! I say the payoff is worth it! btw new subscriber here! Love the content!
It depends what state u live in if you live on the west of east coast $15 a hour is not going to do it .
@austinlambdin Жыл бұрын
That ad presentation was 10/10
@yourfavpersuasion9385 Жыл бұрын
I get your point but he will still be struggling for basic life necessities. The job market right now wants unicorns still. inflation is not going down any time soon. idk.
@tracy_cakkes Жыл бұрын
I’m a information and computer science student in college and I want to be a software developer Your channel and knowledge is still very helpful Thx Josh
@wificannibal9704 Жыл бұрын
Really stoked for this video! I’ve been talking to my girlfriend about doing your course together and this was a topic that came up between us!
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
Awesome! That sounds fun too, taking the course together haha
@mabberthegreat1501 Жыл бұрын
I love to see you getting sponsored! My man is getting paid!!!!! 🔥
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
lmao, I got the chair only for this video, and they complained the integration was too short. Bruv how long can I talk about a chair??
@GoGoHaBin Жыл бұрын
Firstly, we love us some J. Madakor. Secondly, it sounds like the commentator wasn't someone who fully grapsed the concept of FUTURE GOALS, which is what J.Madakor was getting at with taking what you can as quickly as you can, to get the experience, which matters the most. The guy who took the course will work hard and within another 18 months, will have elevated his financial status so far beyond this...... like, kets think about the future, not just the right now, folks. Finally, we love how quarky you are J. Madakor ♡♡♡♡
@theripper121 Жыл бұрын
Well, being the original poster of said comments referenced in the video, I completely understand the idea of FUTURE GOALS. That is why I have A+, Net+, Sec+, Cloud+, ITIL 4 foundations, Project+ and LPI Linux essentials certs, an associate in computer network management and finishing a BS in Information Technology. I understand the work that must be put in and the attempt at striving for the future. My main gripes are less about J. Madakor's overarching thoughts or the gentleman who took the course. My gripes are more at the industry itself and a few single statements that bothered me. One being the statement "it’s going to be very easy to make more money, almost immediately or whenever he wants to get another job." That to me is a very blanket statement. And without further grind and education isn't always guaranteed especially in this market where people with much more experience can be laid off at the drop of a hat and in some cases VERY qualified applicants must fill out tens to hundreds of applications to see interviews sometimes, I think things are just shown with a bit of rose-colored glasses in some instances. And honestly, I'd love to see these interview videos dive just a bit deeper than they are currently. I haven't watched them all, but I know in the one I commented on they seem very skin deep and don't even really talk about what the interviewee does on a day-to-day basis in any great detail.
@SeanLives Жыл бұрын
It’s a no brainer to me, if you turn down the low wage IT job you’re not guaranteed to pass the interview for the high wage job, as the saying goes: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
Haha, now I know how to use that phrase
@mpforeverunlimited Жыл бұрын
I'm fine with 15 if it's remote. I used to live outside the US and want to leave again and even though it'd be a pay cut and I could live off of like 300 bucks a month so it's good money
@nappy203 Жыл бұрын
I see both sides of the argument and I tend to agree with Josh (not because he has 100K subscribers but because I feel like he has a point). In my humble opinion getting experience is invaluable so yeah, for the time being, it's better to get 15 an hour and get paid then have nothing coming in. I'm sure dude can land a job that pays a lot better in 6 months, God willing, even in this crappy and competitive job market, although I can't guarantee that of course.
@mojojojo8213 Жыл бұрын
Josh I think you’ve done a wonderful job educating people and helping people gain the long term skill for a career. Some people will never be satisfied with anything and think they can get a certification and all of a sudden make a substantial income when the reality is the minimum wage in the US is still $7.50. I’m not saying he should just settle into $15 forever, but course careers gave him the skills it’s up to him to pivot.
@jcable0 Жыл бұрын
I agree with experience being invaluable. But damn, I can’t afford that kind of pay cut to get into IT 😭
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
Yeah, if you are cool with it, you can take more time to be picky about the job you get (or get lucky early on haha). Or of course, just put in more work and get a better job, but your turn-around time might be a bit higher. A LOT can be done in a few months though
@malwareman9443 Жыл бұрын
I made 15$ an hour at my first IT job as a remote call center (technical support representative). It all really depends on your personal ambition and where you want to go in the future.
@citycen01 Жыл бұрын
3rd week in my NOC2 position, I had to leave my old job/career to start my new career, I took a $0.25 hourly pay cut to get my foot in the door and start growing in the company by gaining experience and connections, the value of that is worth so much more. True, you can go anywhere and earn more off the start, but you’re just getting stuck there and will probably never grow. I’m glad your student was able to see this and take that opportunity.
@kylemcgowan1 Жыл бұрын
Channel growing. He learned to go basic.
@JamalHale12345 Жыл бұрын
He had no experience in IT, so he had to start somewhere. moved from a finance shirt and tie role to my first time IT job wiping hard drive in wearing a teaashirt and blowing dust bolls out of computers. However, once I got experfiance I can turn donw the 19 hr foe much more money
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
For sure! And thanks for sharing your experience :)
@Mubashir7933 Жыл бұрын
I've a question would you help people to get job since i'm currently learning databases and i'm kinda in search for internship and yet i don't understand in which area of IT i should breakthrough i did HTML,CSS,JS AND FRAMEWORKS but i couldn't clear my concept on other hand i've bills to pay also,I'm Looking for remote work would you guide me pls
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
Are you in the united states? I don't know what "FRAMEWORKS" is, but why don't you try breaking into help desk or some other support role? Check this out:
@elleincloud Жыл бұрын
Loved the chair review 🤣
@Frissdas1207 Жыл бұрын
Hey Josh, I'm feeling discouraged as of late with the emergence of more AI and things like chatgpt. I've been a sys admin for several years and people are telling me that my job will be automated/ eliminated within a few years. Any thoughts? What should I be doing skill wise to remain relevant in IT? getting pretty scared tbh.
@artilleryisbetter Жыл бұрын
Don't be scared chatGPT is not perfect and neither is AI. Not to mention the ethics behind it (different arguement for another day). Seek out the job you want to see yourseld in 5-years give or take -- look at those skills in the job ads and study them and publish projects and follow Josh's pillar tier guide. For all you know, what seperates you from another potential hire could very well be a soft skill and not a technical skill. Information Technology is constantly changing and so is the demand to keep educating yourself and staying on-top of the curve.
@Frissdas1207 Жыл бұрын
@@artilleryisbetter I appreciate the motivating comment. I really enjoy being a sys admin and have never really been a good "coder" I've made a handful of .bat scripts and a few PowerShell ones over the course of my 10 year career. With all this "you need to be able to program" rush, I'm panicking because I'm simply not good at it and I don't enjoy it very much. Just stressed!
@BiggameTechJourney Жыл бұрын
I agree with you i would take low pay to get experience and learn more from job not be lazy.
@danpetak1359 Жыл бұрын
Hey Josh, was wondering if you could make a video/short regarding cloud infrastructure/security architecture. I have a Sec+ and az-900 and don't have a grasp on what exactly I should look for since the job titles I see are literally all over the place lol. Thanks!
@drewskiv686 Жыл бұрын
Been on the fence on taking the course for IT. Took a coursera for intro to IT a few months back and really like the IT world. My only concern will be transitioning jobs as I have a full time morning job And would like to work evenings (remote ideally) since I already work remote from home for the past 5 years doing what I’m doing now. Don’t know if there’s a lot of jobs out there in the evening or if I would be able to work simultaneously in the morning but I think this is the only thing holding me back from pulling the trigger
@paulc1014 Жыл бұрын
Hi Josh! I just finished the CourseCareers Information Technology course with an 83 percent, next I'm looking to get the A+ as well as an AZ-900 Certification. Would that be enough to get me a job as a cloud support engineer? Are there any other certifications in the cloud field you would recommend? Thanks
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
Hey Paul! That should be enough to get a job as a support engineer, but if you want to go further, you could get AZ-104 and/or learn some coding and add onto your portfolio with projects in the area you wanna work (Azure, for ex)
@opekatakata1424 Жыл бұрын
I just want to know if I can get a remote job from outside The US if I take this course. $30K for remote job will be a good one.
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
Hey, thanks so much for watching! Super appreciate that. That's something I think about a job hunting goes in other countries. In the US, you aren't required to have a degree for ANY of tech really, much less entry IT. If it's the same in the UK (or wherever you are from), the course will help a lot. It focuses on 12 "pillars" or areas you need to elevate for you to land a job as fast as possible and focuses on learning a lot of "mainstream" tech that you can find at most entry-level IT jobs (Ticketing Systems, Active Directory, General Networking, VPNs, Cloud (Azure), File Permissions, etc.) Hope this helps! and thanks again! P.S. I definitely recommend checking out the free portion of the course, specifically the third video (how to get into IT). I think this will help a lot and answer more questions that you might have!:
@SeanLives Жыл бұрын
Hi Josh I have a question, I’m currently studying and pretty close to taking my Sec+, feel pretty confident I could pass it soon based on my current knowledge and scores on practice exams. I’m also interested in your course for the practical lab experience and job hunting sections, my question is should I see the Sec+ through as I have already invested the study time, and then I will have that cert on my resume along with potentially taking your course, or would you say the Sec+ is irrelevant for getting a real job without the practical skills learned from something like your course? Is the Sec+ worth it? Thanks!
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
Sec+ is really good, and good on you for getting it. Definitely finish it haha. The course will compliment it well, especially for the hands-on and job hunt sections.
@SeanLives Жыл бұрын
@@JoshMadakor thanks for the reply! I will 100% focus on getting the cert and then will plan my next move :)
@eske22 Жыл бұрын
IT is really hard to get into. I have A.S in Cybersecurity with a good grade 3.9. I also have Comptia A+, and AWS ccp certifications. Basically, I have spent the past 2 years studying IT, building home-labs, also watching KZbin influencers like you to get some advice, but I am not lucky enough to find that entry level job. I don’t even mind taking $15/hr if the job is remote. Currently, I’m studying to get the Comptia Sec+ while doing some free 6 months internship. I’m persistent because I love Technology and I would love to be able to work in the industry some day. 😢
@bicdeez007 Жыл бұрын
Hey Josh, excellent and informative video as always. I'm thinking of signing up for CourseCareers in the next few days, but I have a few questions I'd like to ask first. Does CourseCareers teach programming like Bash in its curriculum? Is coding necessary for most IT jobs now? What are some of the jobs I'd be qualified for after completing the program? Will this prepare me for an entry-level position in Cyber Security or the cloud? And how long is the program for someone with low to no actual IT experience? I'm located in the DC area, too, if that makes any difference. Thank you for taking the time to create this video. Once again, it's greatly appreciated.
@kevinoconis5569 Жыл бұрын
I live in pa and when I finished school I figured yeah I have all these new skills I have a couple certs under my belt. I should get 40 to 50k. Well Out of the 200 jobs I applied to only the ones paying 30 to 40k less than what I currently make offered me work☹️. I can not pay bills off of what they offered. Am I just setting the bar to high?? For a quote on quote noobie in the IT game?
@thegreatone2344 Жыл бұрын
Hey Josh 👋🏽! What IT degree should one go for to be a DevOps engineer? I know there is a Software Engineer degree; seems to be half the battle. Any DevOps eng have advice? Thanks
@Castelanu91 9 ай бұрын
What did you end up doing? If you dont mind me asking
@thegreatone2344 9 ай бұрын
@@Castelanu91 hey there! I decided to go the route of BSIT since certifications will also come into play. I’m also doing 100Devs bootcamp by Leon Noel [completely free software engineering bootcamp]. Leon streams on Twitch, a new bootcamp starts in January, but all his classes are on his KZbin channel. Hope that helps!
@Mjmalinowski1 Жыл бұрын
Can you make a video about what steps to take after completing course careers IT if you want to start out with more pay? I currently make 55k a year in a unrelated field. I cannot afford to take a pay cut right now. What else can someone do right after completing the course to continue increasing their value without working in IT at low pay?
@citacee4031 Жыл бұрын
Can you talk about the WGU accelerated BS/Masters degree?
@BM-mb9jx Жыл бұрын
Josh - I recently applied to WGU to get into tech industry. I watched a previous video about how you got your BS in IT then MS in Cybersecurity. Was there any issue with you going from general IT degree to focused cybersecurity MS? In other words, were there any pre-reqs for the masters program that needed to be completed aside from what you achieved in your BS in IT? I was considering BS in cybersecurity then MS in the same, but after watching your video I am liking the idea of a general IT degree for broad education on all aspects of IT before focusing on one area like cybersec. Any advice is much appreciated! Thanks big dog.
@neighbor1992 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. Random question: do you have a goal job that you want to reach?
@oldyoung1 Жыл бұрын
Are you releasing a cyber security course on coursecareers?
@maine6643 Жыл бұрын
Hi Josh, I'm currently taking your IT course on Course Careers. Is it possible to skip the help desk job and go right into cybersecurity? I live in CT. and help desk jobs are not gonna cut it when it comes to financial stability. I know the program kind of gets you ready for the help desk, just wondering if skipping help desk is an option?
@REStokes92 Жыл бұрын
Hey you have helped me before so I wanted to come back and this video is great for me. I just recently got my CompTIA Security+ certification and I have loose experience with IT and Cyber Security for about 8 years now primarily in school systems (handling student and teaching endpoint devices, troubleshooting, threat detection, etc). Now I want to go into the private sector and I have 3 interviews coming up this week. 2 are initial phone interviews and 1 is the second phase of the interview with the hiring manager. Is there any way we can connect for you to offer me help? I really want to land one of these jobs so I dont want to ruin it. The second phase interview is with a small company, then one of the phone interviews is with a medium sized company and the last one is with an industry leader that I really really want to work for. Thank you so much!
@adamtucker127 Жыл бұрын
Hey Josh I have a question regarding Course Careers. I noticed that there’s a digital marketing course to take when I went on that website. What can you tell me about that one and are there any videos or testimonials of students completing that course?
@richieflee Жыл бұрын
signed up for course careers tech sales and found out it’s not for me and has lack of job security. wanted to change training to IT but wasn’t allowed nor refunded. anyway hope to get some IT/technical skills training soon.
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
Oh interesting, I thought you could switch between courses. hm, sorry to hear that
@guyperson3rd Жыл бұрын
Hey Josh, what’s the ETA on the Cybersecurity Course Careers course you’re creating? No rush, just curious. I finish up at WGU in April. Going to beef up the resume and start hunting for a better role. Wondering if (and hoping lol). your course will be ready by summer.
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
Hey! I’m a rut developing it though LeveldCareers which is CourseCareers sister company haha. It should be done by April, but def before May
@guyperson3rd Жыл бұрын
@@JoshMadakor Nice! You work hard brother. You’ve earned the occasional rut lol. Sounds good. I’ll plan to enroll this Spring then.
@artilleryisbetter Жыл бұрын
​@@JoshMadakor looking forward to it Josh! Let us know when it drops.
@DallasFort1857 Жыл бұрын
How much will my starting salary be after a coding bootcamp to become a fullstack developer?
@s32ol_coder Жыл бұрын
Are ppl aware we're entering a DEEP recession, shoot maintaining the job I feel will be the real challenge
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
Lol is it going to be deep? That sucks haha
@jacobhutchinson332 Жыл бұрын
Can you get I.T. to get into a masters program in library science?
@happyrajgs Жыл бұрын
Sir iam from India,can you guide me how to complete bachelor's degree in 6 mnths,with less fees, honestly iam waiting for your reply sir ,,tq
@Caveman2408 Жыл бұрын
What’s your promo code for $50 off?
@JoshMadakor Жыл бұрын
according to my portal it's JOSH50, but I don't think it works. CourseCareers is actually taking away the codes. But whenever someone graduates the program and gets a job after, they can get 50 bucks if they want to interview on my channel. (I know this takes time and can be stressful if you're not used to being on KZbin, so I try to offer this at least so I can get some testimonials, haha)
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