I'd hate to say it as a GEN-Xer meself... But I agree with Brendan O'Neill. I love how Millennials always talk about being judged by the persons character rather then the color of their skin, but they don't actually practice it. Everything offends them. They are the most thin skinned generation ever.. and they whine.. oh geez do they whine. Yeah we X-ers were slackers and stoners. But atleast we didn't whine about how badly we sucked as a generation.. :-D
@kabukiwookie7 жыл бұрын
My biggest problem with Millennials? I can handle this generations inability to figure out what Martin Luther King meant when he said things about character.. I can handle them whining about being offended by just about everything. What drives me bat-sh*t is the Millennial generation's need to be praised, and recognized for just about *everything*. They seriously can't take care of themselves..
@KYL3GG7 жыл бұрын
Your dualistic thinking is your problem. To blanket an entire generation as conformist does nothing to move anyone forward.
@DivinePollination7 жыл бұрын
"'Dualistic thinking', you keep using those words. I do not think it means what you think it means." ~Inigo Montoya, "The Princess Bride"
@risanaomi49587 жыл бұрын
This comment... facepalm.
@risanaomi49587 жыл бұрын
I am interested in how this is dualistic thinking. Please describe it relative to this video.
@KYL3GG7 жыл бұрын
Risa Boom Only because you are asking...I have no interest in arguing. Seeing the world as merely black or white, left or right, zero or one. This is what i am describing and is the result of being distracted by form. All is self, there is no separation.
@risanaomi49587 жыл бұрын
You mean you have no interest in backing up your claims with sound expression of thought and logic, and being accountable and responsible for your claims? You have no interest in answering a question (NOT inherently argumentative, btw) about your thinking? Sounds like head-in-the-sand-avoid-conflict-because-I-cannot-handle-it spirituality, to me. Again, what specifically that is said in the content of this video is dualistic? Isn't your (willingly) unsubstantiated use of the term "dualistic thinking" to LABEL A PERSON AS HAVING A PROBLEM, by YOUR definition, dualistic? If he is being somehow wrong in his thinking in his categorisation, isn't your then categorisation of him as having a problem black and white? It seems to me you are avoiding being personally responsible for a critical claim you have made on a public forum under the guise of being somehow "too spiritual for 'arguing'." Standing in your Truth (being conscious) and embodying the Truth IS the genuine purpose of the one on the spiritual path. Being conscious means reconciling your contradictions, at the very least before attempting to shame the outside world and others for having contradictions (that is your claim through "dualistic thinking", but it doesn't seem like you have a sound reason behind it)
@WinZard7 жыл бұрын
well he is only speaking of the vast majority of them.... of course not all of them. Just sayin..... ;)
@risanaomi49587 жыл бұрын
Looks like a lot of the people subscribed to this channel who would probably categorise themselves as "awakened" or "spiritual" are, in fact, incapable of even the most basic forms of critical thinking. Awkward! Lol.
@WinZard7 жыл бұрын
Risa Boom yes interesting...... indeed.
@DivinePollination7 жыл бұрын
Of course, and I'm sure he would be the first one to point that out when asked about it. He is quite reasoned in his presentations, and adheres to intellectual standards in his thinking and rhetoric.
@Vibe_Enjoyer7 жыл бұрын
>sexual lib >good lmao
@BobRossFourTwenty7 жыл бұрын
This guy watches way, waaayyy too much TV...
@BobRossFourTwenty7 жыл бұрын
Convent school....that didn't help either... Then he goes on about conformity?? Bless his soul... He's doing just what the television wants him to do... Pick people out, categorize them, then explain to the public masses how they're wrong for their beliefs, not based on the individual... but based on what he sees in the media, just like they do... That's really sad...
@risanaomi49587 жыл бұрын
When people sacrifice their individually and consent to unconscious, indoctrinated group think, then yes, they can (and should) be called out for their group think... People are only individuals as far as they consciously develop themselves to BECOME individuals. Otherwise, its their conditioning and programming running their identity... which is why its very easy to predict reactions, behaviours and attitudes of certain groups, societies, etc....
@DivinePollination7 жыл бұрын
Do you know who Brendan O'Neill is? Why do you assume he watched too much television to come to his conclusions? What is his background? His field of study? What is the main thing he argues for? Have some intellectual humility Bob. "Intellectual Humility: Having a consciousness of the limits of one's knowledge, including a sensitivity to circumstances in which one's native egocentrism is likely to function self-deceptively; sensitivity to bias, prejudice and limitations of one's viewpoint. Intellectual humility depends on recognizing that one should not claim more than one actually knows. It does not imply spinelessness or submissiveness. It implies the lack of intellectual pretentiousness, boastfulness, or conceit, combined with insight into the logical foundations, or lack of such foundations, of one's beliefs." www.criticalthinking.org/pages/valuable-intellectual-traits/528
@BobRossFourTwenty7 жыл бұрын
He's said "They" and "Them" so, many, times...... How would you feel, if, by "them" and "they", he was speaking about Christians/Muslims/Blacks/Whites/Poor/Rich/Fat/Skinny people? What is his "position" proving? I may as well then argue, that it's the Baby Boomers fault, for creating so many millennials.. Right? Because if it weren't for them, A: he'd have nothing to sit there and ramble on about... and B: he himself may not exist, to complain, about a "generation" that he's obviously triggerd by, seeing as he has no power to change the present, which creates his point of view....or the past, which ultimately led to his own creation, and his ability to have, a point of view to begin with...... So, what's the purpose of the video??
@DivinePollination7 жыл бұрын
There's just no words for your skewed logic Bob. I don't even know where to begin. You can start here if you're interested in taking responsibility over your thinking: criticalthinking.org