Brief Political History of Spain

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Crónica Panamericana

Crónica Panamericana

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This video looks at the history of Spain. It begins with its prehistory, moves through the Carthaginian period, its time as a Roman colony and subsequent rule by the Visigoths. It then looks at why it was invaded by the Arabs who ruled for 7 centuries and how the reconquista, that is the reconquering of the peninsula by the Christian kingdoms, occurred. It goes through the golden years of empire, why the country lost its superpower status, became unstable in divisions between left and right, and how this led to the Spanish Civil War. It then goes through Franco's period, and Spain's return to democracy.
Source: Phillips, Williams D. and Carla Rahn Phillips. 2016. A Concise History of Spain.

Пікірлер: 59
@nadrini300 4 ай бұрын
The way you managed to cover Spain's political history in 20 minutes is nothing short of impressive. Excellent job!
4 ай бұрын
Thank you for the kind words.
@Prometeo9 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! More in depth about Spanish hierarchy and history! 🙏
2 жыл бұрын
I'll have to come back to some of the specific time periods, especially in the 1820s.
@maximocambria4594 2 жыл бұрын
Desde sus inicios no paraban de pelearse entre ellos, increíble que sigan en pie
@kassimkhan5524 Жыл бұрын
You created a very impressive history of Spain.
@justaname935 11 ай бұрын
this is awesome! I have always been curious about spanish history. I learned so much!
@BMLA00 2 жыл бұрын
Ha I was just thinking how cool it would be if you did a video in Spain, Gracias!
2 жыл бұрын
Making my way very slowly across the countries people asked me to do.
@kassimkhan5524 Жыл бұрын
I wish I had a history teacher like this
Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the kind words.
@Illstatefishing 2 жыл бұрын
Franco supported by Nazi Germany during the Spanish Civil War, hopefully you can make a video on that one day, great work!
2 жыл бұрын
definitely. That's a key point. I was going to include a lot more about the Spanish Civil War, but as it was, it already felt too long.
@majormandolin 9 ай бұрын
And "The Republic" was supported by the Communist Soviet Union. Wake up people! Spain is "replaying" the 1930s right now!
@Rodrigougarte-g8j 15 күн бұрын
Well that is a bit twisted, it was more like a treatment and business
@Rodrigougarte-g8j 15 күн бұрын
He avoided war and made “friends” “ally” with nazis and then took advantage, his self said it
@RobertoGarcia-hf6bs Жыл бұрын
Juan Carlos was not chosen to replace Carrero Blanco. Carrero Blanco was the president of the Government, the Prime Minister, and he was replaced by Arias Navarro, firstly, and then Adolfo Suarez replaced Arias Navarro. Juan Carlos was nominated as future king to succeed Franco as head of State and to reinstate the Monarchy. The prime minister and the king are completely different figures. Please, review your history books. As a side note, ETA's was most likely helped by the CIA to kill Carrero Blanco because they wanted someone more clearly pro-American as prime minister. The US was probably showing Franco the kind of allegiance they demanded, as Carrero Blanco was not as pro-American as the Americans wanted him to be.
Жыл бұрын
That's what the video says: "In what seemed like a safe bet, Franco then chose as his successor Prince Juan Carlos, the Spanish-educated grandson of Alfonso XIII." The "his" refers to Franco's successor not Carrero Blanco.
@RobertoGarcia-hf6bs Жыл бұрын
Franco declared Juan Carlos his own succesor as head of state in 1969, way before Carrero's assassination, so the events are not related. The video says that when Carrero Blanco was assassinated, Franco chose Juan Carlos as his successor. So it can also be understood that he chose Juan Carlos as Carrero's successor, not his own. I give you that here probably you meant to say Franco's but you are mixing the head of state with the president of the government. Two different titles. Franco never declared Juan Carlos as his own successor as president.
Жыл бұрын
@@RobertoGarcia-hf6bs No it cannot be understood that away unless you're trying to deliberately misunderstand it. The video says exactly what you said I should have said. "Juan Carlos was nominated as future King to succeed Franco as head of state."
@RobertoGarcia-hf6bs Жыл бұрын
@ This is what the video says at the time when I am watching it: "Eta's first significant action outside the Basque Country was the 1973 assassination of admiral Carrero Blanco, Franco's prime minister and designated successor. And it what seemed like a safe bet, Franco then chose as his successor Prince Juan Carlos" Whether you like it or not, the fact is that Prince Juan Carlos was designated Franco's successor as head of state in 1969, so JC was not Franco's safe bet after Carrero's assassination. Carrero Blanco was only Franco's succesor as prime minister. After Carrero's assassination Franco then chose Arias Navarro Carrero's succesor as prime minister.
Жыл бұрын
@@RobertoGarcia-hf6bs this is a 20 minute of literally 100s of thousands of years of history. Every minute is carefully chosen to summarize the major points as an intro to Spanish history, it's not meant as a doctorate on Spanish history, let alone on a particular point. You keep insisting that I'm very wrong because I didn't distinguish between head of state and head of government. But I don't have time to distinguish it here, and it would only confuse, because the whole point is that Juan Carlos was given power by Franco and that power was then used to dismantle the Francoist regime. Franco obviously didn't think that otherwise he wouldn't have allowed it. That's what safe bet refers to.
@recethecrazy7972 5 ай бұрын
great video will help me with a project on spain
@MARC-FENIX Жыл бұрын
1588 bad weather in Great Britain. As usual.
@majormandolin 9 ай бұрын
The “Cordoba Mosque” is called “La Mezquita”. From where/whom do you get your information!
9 ай бұрын
La Mezquita just means Mosque in Spanish. Since this is a video in English I didn't feel the need to translate.
@boomperson818 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting
@Weak1987 2 жыл бұрын
Same video for Portugal soon?
2 жыл бұрын
Portugal and Spain have parallel histories, so absolutely. But it's going to take a while. I promise I'll come back to it though.
@Weak1987 2 жыл бұрын
@ Thanks! I feel like Spanish history is so well introduced everywhere but Portuguese not so much.
2 жыл бұрын
@@Weak1987 that's a good point
@fernandosegui1 24 күн бұрын
Probably the 3 for my opinion the first...the first and longest and durable global empire in history...the most important territory in rome empire...(the only who gave 3 emperors)one of those Trajano probably the best in rome history...and the best soldiers and Legions probably in the whole empire and at the time their worst nighmare the first country rome tried to conquest and the last to be conquered.........the country of hannibal.asdrubal or almilcar but mainly Anibal ...and the base of the forces in cartago attack vs Rome and the theatre of the most important battles in these era between anibal barca and escipion the african...the first country to defeat napoleon a battle...and probably his worst nightmare...even in not spanish best days the XIX century...the only european country that was rivalizing with damasco caliphate(Cordoba caliphate..)the country that probably was the most advanced in those centuries From XIX to XI..the more important country in cristanization process all around the world by far...key role in the USA independence...the greatest headache for english empire even in our worst days....the more humilliant defeats of English empire were caused by Spain..The most important country to stop muslims Turks in europe first in 1492 moors in spain end then in mediterranean sea vs Turkey...and other places...Spain was a key role with tercios (the most dominant infantery in history)in vienna defence...etc etc etc etc....we have been key almost always in the planet history.....another great countries only 1 or 2 or 3 times in history...but here in spain we have the greater haters and we worst enemies....THE SPANISH.......theirselves. The Spanish Empire was not a colonial empire such as the English, French or Dutch, but on the contrary, it was the last empire of the ancient type, closer to what Rome or Greece were. 300-400 years of domain based on miscegenation, alphabetization and conversion of different peoples; construction of universities, cathedrals and cities worldwide; a huge cultural and artistic explotion; deliberation of new phylisophic, teologic and juridic debates in human history (like f.e., if all humans were equal); discoverments that changed the conception of the world; opening of new shipping routes; creation of an undefeated infantry for 2 centuries; expansion of the Hispanic culture throughout the Atlantic and Pacific ocean (called "the spanish lake" at that time) as Rome did throughout the Mediterranean... All of this, in a world as big as the one we know today, but using a technology from 5 centuries ago. From there onward, european empires had a colonial model based on mercantilism, slavery, and large-scale production, creating factories or plantations in overseas possessions, instead of a civilizing reproduction of their society. The former were a global market, the latter a global kingdom. European empires shouldnt be generalized by the fact of having overseas territories, because not all of them were the same.
@RobertoGarcia-hf6bs Жыл бұрын
I would like to see a video about what the French republic did at the Vendee. I think that it is an event that is not publicized often and shows the level of savagerie and atrocities that the new liberal order supporters were responsible for. Also, how modern France was homogeneized through violence.
@RobertoGarcia-hf6bs Жыл бұрын
Al Andalus did not rule over most of the peninsula for 700 years. Only over Granada. So Spain was not under muslim rule for that long, only a small part. The rest was gradually reconquered and much of it was unihabited no man's land for long. And as it was reconquered, the muslims were mostly expelled, there was repopulation with christians from the north. The genetic analysis of current Spaniards shows R1B haplogroup as the clear predominant, which makes them most similar genetically with the rest of western Europe and very different from northern African peoples.
Жыл бұрын
the video did not say that Al Andalus ruled over all of Spain for seven centuries. What it said was: "Known as Al-Andalus, the Muslim territory would be under Islamic rule for slightly over seven centuries. Initially it was part of the caliphate of Damascus, which ruled the Islamic world at the time."
Жыл бұрын
@@RobertoGarcia-hf6bs I think only ethno-nationalists like you misundersand it. I had already explained it and you still repeated it.
@RobertoGarcia-hf6bs Жыл бұрын
@ It's about being accurate and not contributing to misunderstandings that mislead people. Not about ethno-nationalism.
Жыл бұрын
@@RobertoGarcia-hf6bs and it is accurate, you're just the one that misunderstood it. You decided to repeat it again after I've already explained it in the Portuguese video. Muslim rule was dynamic and ever changing in the whole peninsula but was never unchallenged and territory was lost and gained over centuries as Christians slowly reconquered it. But the point about the Islamic point you keep repeating is that authority WITHIN Muslim Spain also changed from theoretically responding to Damascus to being an independent kingdom based in Cordoba.
@RobertoGarcia-hf6bs Жыл бұрын
What comes next is the same. One Spain, united despite the foreing influences that try to balcanise it.
@Rodrigougarte-g8j 15 күн бұрын
Spain didn’t have colonies, not in 1942 and never
@creamychicken5394 Жыл бұрын
puedes hacer historia de catalonia?
Жыл бұрын
si que sería una muy buena idea. Lo voy a poner en la lista.
@creamychicken5394 Жыл бұрын
@ muchas gracias, lo esperare
@rookie3315 Жыл бұрын
Historia de España dices?
@inessalamanca6249 Жыл бұрын
8:17 - you spelled “Isabella” wrong. It only has one L
Жыл бұрын
In Spanish, that’s true. In English that’s how it’s spelled. Just like they call Colón, Columbus. See for example,
@Rodrigougarte-g8j 15 күн бұрын
And the war against the invasion France was btw won without military hehe And don’t include many political views (dam facts) that people might disagree with, just saying, the video is all-right, nice
@Rodrigougarte-g8j 15 күн бұрын
My dad lost much with that president
@majormandolin 9 ай бұрын
Why don't you tell the truth? Spain was not poor under Franco. He saved Spain from the Communists and after a devasting Civil War, he brought prosperity to Spain. I do not mind that you are a Left-Wing, Liberal, Secular, Socialist Democrat, but please tell the truth!
9 ай бұрын
In fact as the video notes, Spain suffered famine in the early years of his rule and it was not until the late 1950s that the country began to see an improvement. But even as late as the 1970s, Spain was poorer than Western Europe. Saving Spain from Communism did not mean Spain became rich. It was only after his death and the joining of the European Union that Spain gained much of the prosperity it has now. Here are some sources: A book on everyday lives and how they experienced famine or the general policies of the dictator: Or if you prefer an article that looks specifically at the the famine period:
@Rodrigougarte-g8j 15 күн бұрын
Nope, I always studied that franco made us richer already in the 60’s. Even we are with a socialist party. And the eu is so bad organised, how is that the reason of Spanish economical change, like my father lived with franco and told me
@Rodrigougarte-g8j 15 күн бұрын
How do you know that the book is legitimate, because not all is right, I mean… what I live says otherwise
@alainattar9227 3 ай бұрын
Israel support Catelonia’s independence from Spain. Catalonia will be free from the illegal Spanish occupation. The Israeli parlement will soon declare Catalonia as an independent state and will move its embassy from Madrid to Barcelona.❤🇮🇱
@Rodrigougarte-g8j 15 күн бұрын
wtf bot
@Rodrigougarte-g8j 15 күн бұрын
@Rodrigougarte-g8j 15 күн бұрын
“Occupation” Israel is with Catalonia which doesn’t make you love it, here’s why, stupid badass, Spain has a socialist government which I don’t support and Spain supports Palestine. In Spain, only 20,6% of Spain’s population supports Palestine. Shut up ignorant bot
@Rodrigougarte-g8j 15 күн бұрын
wtf is occupation. R u living in this metaverse
@Rodrigougarte-g8j 15 күн бұрын
Already did for 8 seconds, happy?
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