British Couple Reacts to Living Underwater: How Submarines Work

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The Beesleys

The Beesleys

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@charlieeckert4321 Жыл бұрын
Sharing a bed as described is called "hot racking" (a rack being military slang for a bed) it happens from time to time on surface ships as well.
@mostlytrue3150 Жыл бұрын
Well it's pretty much standard, and on deployment when you have 140 people or so the first classes are hotracking too. I know because I was the guy that kept getting kicked from 3mcs rack over to lelts rack, and I am a second class with fish so I can roll over once or twice before getting thrown to the deck in 21 man.
@mostlytrue3150 Жыл бұрын
Speaking of getting yeeted out my rack every now and then, these videos really downplay alot of shit. And we had all the teams on board at the time, we had CTs acint riders like we had probably about 150 people and the whole crew was hottracking. They didn't want to have the CTs, or acint riders hotracking. It was bad enough that the cooks were split racking
@rileyfam Жыл бұрын
I'm a retired submarine sailor, loved it! Windows wouldn't matter because there is no light other than near the surface. Boats can't tell where each other are, they are so quiet you'd never hear them. I can't get into how US boats avoid each other, but ideally we do. Great reaction, as always.
@ThatShyGuyMatt Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your service!
@steventambon2588 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your badass service
@jameslingenfelter3468 Жыл бұрын
Boats? No one in the Navy says Boats unless your talking to a deck hand. A boat is a vessel you can load onto a ship.
@rileyfam Жыл бұрын
Submarines are called boats, ask any sub sailor, and I'm far from a deckhand.
@rileyfam Жыл бұрын
@@jameslingenfelter3468 So what was the last submarine you served on? I didn't think so. 😀
@stevem2601 Жыл бұрын
A couple things that need to be pointed out. First, windows on subs. It has nothing to do with reflection of a window. First, there is no need for a window. Why would you have a window? So the submariners can look outside and see fish? No!!!! There is no military need for a window. Also, when a sub is under water there is immense pressure exerted on the sub outer shell. Having a window would only weaken the strength of the subs outer shell. Also, the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) has been around since the early 1950's, so it's nothing new. THE MAD concept is good in that it almost guarantees that a nation will never use nuclear weapons on another country. Why you ask. Well if you have MAD and you, as leader of a nation know if you use nuclear weapons then your own nation will also be destroyed why use them. So, having no winner in a nuclear conflict guarantees no one will use them.
@robertcampomizzi7988 Жыл бұрын
I think you'd enjoy a movie from the 80's called War Games... it is all about your comment on "game theory".. but if for nothing else the nostalgic military (super**) computers are funny to look at now
@LionKing-ys6el Жыл бұрын
@@robertcampomizzi7988 try “Endors Game”
@HikingPNW Жыл бұрын
Obviously it isn't used when underwater because it would be useless but you do have windows in the sail of some Russian subs. They use it as a windbreak while navigating on the surface.
@MrElis420 Жыл бұрын
@@HikingPNW Makes sense too considering fuck being a lookout on the surface in the open in freezing temps regardless of cold weather gear lol. And if the windows do crack or shatter, so what, it's in the sail and shut off from the main pressure hull.
@randlebrowne2048 Жыл бұрын
There is also the fact that its *dark* down there. You couldn't see far enough to make a window useful under most conditions.
@eaglelove00 Жыл бұрын
Not all subs have two crews. It depends on the type of sub. Better food, tighter crew, more pay 💰 I HATE when I can’t communicate with my son when he’s on deployment. If a death or horrible thing happens, you call Red Cross and they communicate with the sub. Then, when command can, THEY counsel the Sailor on what happened. The Red Cross was wonderful when my Sailor lost his grandmother.
@michaelscoggins3503 Жыл бұрын
I served on a U.S. Navy ASW ship, a Fast Frigate. We did training with attack subs and it was not uncommon for them to be within a few hundred feet from us without being detected. U.S. Subs can be deadly.
@1OldBuzzard Жыл бұрын
The Typhoon wasn't much longer, but it was twice as wide.
@mattseller148 Жыл бұрын
And less of it's internal space carries missiles 16 as opossed to 24 and the US missiles are larger, so it has more space for other things. I know a guy who served in the Indian navy and got to go on one during joint drills with Russia in 2008, and he said it was by far the nicest Russian ship in terms of crew comfort with most Russian ships being near unliveable while the Typhoon was like a resort in comparison.
@slaughterzealibib Жыл бұрын
In my head cannon the conversation after a British sub hit a French sub would be like something straight out of Flying Circus.
@iKvetch558 Жыл бұрын
Yes, for the most part, the sub changes depth by using its "planes", and like an airplane, points its nose down to dive and up to surface. When the sub dives for the first time after leaving port, they go through a process of using the many ballast tanks and smaller tanks to "trim" the boat to a neutral state of buoyancy. Then they use the planes at the front and back to point the nose of the sub up or down, and then the forward motion of the engine drives the sub to whatever depth they need or want. Unless there is an emergency, or if they are practicing for an emergency, most of the time the sub is submerged at sea the ballast and trim tanks are only operated to adjust the buoyancy to take account for the changes in temperature and salinity in the local water.✌💯
@neutrino78x Жыл бұрын
agree with the exception that if there is a significant change in ordered depth (like, say you're at 200 feet and the OOD says "Dive, make your depth 600 feet"), the Dive does have to work with Chief of the Watch to take on more water and/or push water out, to adjust buoyancy to new ordered depth. That's subtle though. 🙂 I was a submariner too, I was on USS Florida SSBN-728 and USS Asheville SSN-728, from 1999 to 2003.🙂 Rare that we run into each other real life, I think I have only run into one or two fellow submariners in real life and I think it's largely because I go down to southern California several times a year (I live in Silicon Valley). Of course we have Point Loma Naval Submarine Base down there. 🙂
@iKvetch558 Жыл бұрын
@@neutrino78x I take you thinking I was a submariner as a great compliment...I was not...but I have known a couple of them a little bit, and have studied the history and technology for a long time. My Dad just missed getting into action with the Navy at the end of the war, so I grew up exposed to Navy lore such as the Mark 14 debacle, the Battle of the Atlantic, Wake and Midway, among many other topics. I definitely had a fascination with submarines, and especially nucs, for a long long time...and books like Blind Man's Bluff and some of Clancy's stuff just fed my desire to know more. ✌✌
@neutrino78x Жыл бұрын
@@iKvetch558 that's cool, well you should have signed up 🙂 not sure how old you are, I think the Navy will take active duty until 39. You do have to specify that you want to be on submarines. The Navy can assign you to a destroyer even if you wanted a carrier, but they will only put you on submarines if you request. 🙂 (it's VERY stressful duty.)
@victorwaddell6530 Жыл бұрын
@@neutrino78x I enlisted into the Navy in 1985 with a contract to be an Operations Specialist . During basic training at Great Lakes . I volunteered for the DiveFarer community , SEAL , EOD , Rescue and Recovery Diver , Seabee UCT , etc . I failed the medical test because of nasal passage issues , and I was disqualified from Submarine Service and and Air Crew Service . I sailed on two smallboys as an OS and served two years shore duty in Japan as an MP . My point is that anyone who wishes to serve in the Subsurface fleet must be medically qualified .
@jdanon203 Жыл бұрын
Yes put windows on the submarine so the people inside can look outside and watch all the fish go by! Just like an aquarium!
@rodneygriffin7666 Жыл бұрын
I was born and raised in Groton, Connecticut. Also known as The Submarine Capital Of The World. I lived in my home state for 31 years until I decided to move to Columbia, South Carolina where I live today. My father worked building these beasts until his death, a veteran of both World War II and the Korean War. So, I know a little about submarines. Your fasciation about these warships would make my dad proud. In a way.. we all live in a yellow submarine. 😆 Great channel!
@adriannecote5319 Жыл бұрын
I was raised in CT. It use to be a great state but it had gone downhill as it is too expensive with really high property taxes.
@m2hmghb Жыл бұрын
I've been to Groton and was on the Nautilus for a tour. Great boat. I was also the only one in the family not to hit their head during the tour (while also being the tallest) :D. I'm sorry for the loss of your father, may he rest in peace.
@MaryM232 Жыл бұрын
I live in Massachusetts and knew many people that worked in the Groton shipyard. The submarine my dad served on was made at the shipyard in Kittery, ME
@johnlazlo1908 Жыл бұрын
Central Connecticut here my daughter lives in Groton a few streets over from Electric boat in the Navy housing.
@eaglelove00 Жыл бұрын
My son serves on a submarine. I’ve been fortunate to be on it several times. I don’t know how they can deploy and live in those things 6 months at a time. Special breed of people. RIP to your dad
@miltonpasley3398 Жыл бұрын
Not Navy but did take NJROTC in High school Sept 1967- June 1970 based on that I would say: There are NO WINDOWS in a Submarine because of pressure, they must be made out of the strongest material available as the water puts 44.5 PSI per 100 feet down you go, so at 800 ft down there is 371.9 PSI on the subs hull, no window material would stand up to that much pressure. Plus the sub has two hulls the inter and outer hulls with water and air in between these hulls so again pressure of the water and air used to let the sub dive and surface.
@vniesky Жыл бұрын
Actually as the food gets worse, it means you have 6 or 7 weeks left on your cruise. I met a some submariners while I served in the Navy. While they loved the extra pay. They felt it was a tough way to make a living. The actual depth the subs can go down to is a closely guarded secret. One former submariner I served with wouldn't tell us, even though we were close friends.The US also uses a communication system with aircraft. There are aircraft flying around that can relay messages to and from the sub
@NavyCombatCorpsman Жыл бұрын
I’m glad you added Millie to your videos. She brings a different touch. It’s nice.
@pablozee6359 Жыл бұрын
The lack of communication was tough. I missed two deaths in my family while at sea on submarines. It was always nerve wracking making that first phone call home when you hit a port or returned from a patrol or mission. You never knew if there was going to be bad news. Sometimes you could get good news from a “family gram,” a 25 word text message system before email. Still, it was an incredible job, surrounded by the most the professional (and simultaneously most juvenile & crude) group of men with whom you could hope to serve. Great reaction, and salute to my brothers and now sisters who wear dolphins.
@halicarnassus8235 Жыл бұрын
7:40. Yes, Millie We Americans know the psychology of being submerged so deep and so long without sunlight. We do like to encourage our troops to feel like they are at home in a diner style mess hall.
@hardtackbeans9790 Жыл бұрын
LOL!! No Windows . . . The reasons no window on modern subs is it is a weak spot on a hull meant to take huge pressures. They try to make as few holes in this type of hull as they can. In the open ocean, there just isn't much to see out a window anyway. And once you are down very far, it is completely dark. Windows on a submarine, like on a ship, would probably be called a porthole.
@TLL1969 Жыл бұрын
Lol...yeah I got a kick out of that too. :) But he is TECHNICALLY correct in saying that it would also affect the stealthiness. But pressure is definitely the main consideration. And to think of those Soviet subs that flirted with conning tower windows still amuses me. :)
@michaelmacdermott6340 Жыл бұрын
Yeah LoL in the real world, they aren't Proteus (Fantastic Voyage), Seaview (Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea), or Jules Verne's Nautilus. And we definitely haven't gotten to the technology of using whiskers like on SeaQuest DSV. 🤣
@-EchoesIntoEternity- Жыл бұрын
Smarter Everyday channel does a better more comprehensive look inside a nuclear sub. he goes about as in depth as the Dept. of Defense allows to be recorded on camera.
@Stevarooni Жыл бұрын
Destin's submarine series was wonderful! He does a great job of dipping into the technical without going beyond what.most people can understand.
@MichaelScheele Жыл бұрын
A fun fact: the UK's ballistic missile submarines (the current Vanguard class and the future Dreadnought class) carry Trident II D-5 ICBMs just like the US Ohio class ballistic missile submarines.
@warrendavis9262 Жыл бұрын
The old saying "As useful as screen doors on submarines" comes to mind...
@TLL1969 Жыл бұрын
Oh wow...I haven't thought of that show in years! RIP Chief Brody. ;)
@mitchshelton2995 Жыл бұрын
Mutual assured distribution. MAD That’s what I heard all my life. I grew up in the Cold War.
@JustMe-gn6yf Жыл бұрын
I worked with a guy who was a submariner in the late 80s he said he read a lot of books and gained weight on both deployments
@ThatShyGuyMatt Жыл бұрын
I'd love to live on a sub. Or a underwater facility. Forever. I just love water. I spend so much of my life swimming in Lake Erie, rivers, the ocean, pools...etc. Was on a swim team for a long time. Can hold my breath 2 minutes. Just a water person. And while I do hate being in the middle o the water when I can't see the bottom, I'm perfectly fine being deep down in the ocean as long as I am in something like a sub or base. Though I'd really want lighting so I can see whats outside for fun. People don't realize you can't see sun light if your underwater deep enough. Just blackness.
@gregorywright2798 Жыл бұрын
The reason the crew on the submarine eats so well is because they have the hardest duty of all the navy. They're underwater for extended lengths of time. Food is one of their only distraction!
@zeus982 Жыл бұрын
I’ve seen the pool on the Typhoon class. It’s more the size of a big hot tub
@clarkegrattet5035 Жыл бұрын
We do dives like to make sure everything is secured and put away so it want make noises
@kavik2825 Жыл бұрын
No US sub has a pool or sauna. It's all about the mission. They do have some exercise equipment, and some have a walkway that can double as a running track. No cell phones. Communication is very limited.
@robertcampomizzi7988 Жыл бұрын
Stealth is one reason sure. But each window is a potential weak point structurally.. in more ways than one. Pressure found there is MENTAL
@fooddog45 Жыл бұрын
There are no windows on submarines because of the depths a submarine goes. If you think about it, the deeper down you go in water, the darker it becomes so you wouldn't be able to see anything out of the windows anyways. Also due to the depth, having windows would make the hull less stable and much easier for the sub to be crushed by the water pressure.
@7bootzy Жыл бұрын
6:20 They're actually ascending, not diving. Subs can tilt nose up or down 30+ degrees during combat maneuvers.
@MrUnshaved Жыл бұрын
You should see The Hunt for Red October and you see how damn big a Typhoon class is. And it's an awesome movie anyway :)
@RicardoRamirez-us7hf Жыл бұрын
Thanks that was good. James you made me lose it I couldn't stop laughing your widows on a sub comment was perfect out there. Thank you for a good belly laugh.
@stephenbaker1362 Жыл бұрын
The severe pitch of the boat is called "Angles and Dangles". They are performed at the beginning of deployment to ensure everything as stored securely. I was a Missile sub sailor in the 70s. We had plenty of movies books, and board games. SOme Russian Typhoons had pools, but no US subs did. My submarine had a piano. It was the only one.
@protonneutron9046 Жыл бұрын
the Russian Typhoon is only a bit longer than the US Ohio but it is a lot wider. Like two tubes connected side by side.
@michaelmacdermott6340 Жыл бұрын
The forward lean would be from surfacing, not submerging. Might be during a EMBT (Emergency main ballast tank blow).
@berryb745 Жыл бұрын
I had a buddy in the navy in the 70's (post vietnam) was in the pacific on a resupply vessel (he told me the class but forgot) anyway said a fishing boat started following them, after 3rd day they sounded the alarm. He told me there was nothing anywhere in any direction, less than an hour of the call a sub just pops out of the water, no warning just heard a big splash and there it was, ( fishing ship turned around, was apparently a russian spy ship), about 5 minutes after the sub pops up he said then it looked like traffic jam, ships from every direction just showed up, said it was the most hardcore MERICA moment of his life. Story is they are out there, lot closer than you think, may not see them, but if the entire fleet can show up in the middle of the pacific ocean out of nowhere. especially something like Ukraine, they are there waiting.
@lockaby1 Жыл бұрын
even have to use remote control toys to go down and look at the titanic and its way up higher than the deepest part of oceans
@Tam58851520 Жыл бұрын
So glad to see you do this one.
@armelind Жыл бұрын
Deep water dives in a submarine means EXTREMELY high pressures crushing the submarine. Windows would have to be so thick it is not feasible. Plus you have SONAR. No need for windows in the deep dark ocean. Its definitely amazing how little you guys know about "certain" subjects. I knew this info when I was a kid. This is not a cut on either of you, but if you know about balloons and swimming or ever watched a movie with a submarine or a submersed living habitat, all these questions would be answered. Sometimes watching your vids, I am slapping my forehead because the answers you give with a serious face is VERY entertaining. ...The more you know.
@armelind Жыл бұрын
I also love how Millie brings up cell service. I am sorry, but when you are serving time in the military, you have pretty much ZERO personal items. Especially valuables. The military OWNS you and gives you everything you need to live and do your job. And that is it. You may be able to get them at ports when you are taking a break but I am not sure.
@stevem2601 Жыл бұрын
Subs are not "dingy" - if you meant dirty or dark. They are extremely clean and quite bright inside.
@anthonyduffy5967 Жыл бұрын
Remember, whenever 100 sailors submerge, 50 couples come back to the surface.
@TLL1969 Жыл бұрын
Ah...I see a Marine got his leash tugged on. :)
@eaglelove00 Жыл бұрын
It’s not gay if it’s underway 😂
@patrioticz2858 Жыл бұрын
You guys should check out the new Helicopters appart of the "Vertical Lift Program"
@annfrost3323 Жыл бұрын
There is more reasons for no windows. Obviously it is completely dark in the bottom of the ocean, nothing to see. But more importantly (some one who knows more than me), explained how submarines are pressurized and if there were any weak spots, it will depressurized same as airlines and will cause sickness sort of when climbing the higher mountains on earth.
@clinthowe7629 Жыл бұрын
All they need now is a remotely operated periscope, and they’ll be even harder to find.
@dingdang3418 Жыл бұрын
You should try opening the screen door while under water.
@cyndialver2130 Жыл бұрын
What about the portholes? 😄
@michaelschemlab Жыл бұрын
Mutually-Assured Destruction (MAD) is actually a real military doctrine
@hanssolo8795 Жыл бұрын
Theres 3 movies you guys may be interested inthat are sub centered.1 Hunt for Red October.2 Run Silent Run Deep 3 Up Periscope.
@brianb8060 Жыл бұрын
I hope you meant the 1959 Up Periscope, not the 1990s Kelsey Grammer comedy. I would add, Crimson Tide.
@hanssolo8795 Жыл бұрын
@@brianb8060 I actually meant the comedy.But thanks for the additional ones.
@slaughterzealibib Жыл бұрын
@@hanssolo8795The Kelsey Grammer comedy is Down Periscope.
@HDGAMER8462 Жыл бұрын
Mutually assured destruction is actually what is keeping us from full scale nuclear warfare. For example, the russians would be hesitant to launch a nuclear attack on the usa because it would also be mutually destructed by the usa, so no missiles launched… yet.
@jeannem.6534 Жыл бұрын
Way too claustrophobic for this. I can't even go on the submarine ride at Disneyland anymore!🤣
@shadownor Жыл бұрын
it is nice to see a nice couple.
@ronluk76 Жыл бұрын
James and Millie, Wow. I am so so sorry that you are having so much trouble with your internet at your new place! I know how really frustrating with that because once one I was teleworking in the beginning of the pandemic, my internet was down for two days and I couldn't get work done. I totally sympathize with you and hope your problem gets sorted out very soon. Love your videos. They make my day when new ones are posted! Have a blessed day.
@awil-ny4xl Жыл бұрын
There are no windows for a couple of reasons. But a main reason is Pressure glass is weak and cant go down has deep.
@kokomo9764 Жыл бұрын
The reason for no windows is the extreme pressure when the subarine is at depth. The pressure would cause the windows to implode ( Blow inward). At 900 meters depth, the pressure 405 psi ( pounds per square inch) vs. 1 psi on the surface. It has nothing to do with detection by reflections from the glass. Since subs only "see" by sound waves light reflections are meaningless. Don't be impressed by the pool in the Russian Typhoon sub. It is 2mx2m and a few feet deep. Frankly, it is creepy. While the Typhoon is the largest sub it is also very noisy and was always easily tracked by American subs when it was in service. Most Typhoons rotted away at docks after the fall of the Soviet Union.
@victorwaddell6530 Жыл бұрын
Ukraine doesn't have a real Navy except for a few US Navy patrol boats and naval drones that we have gifted them . That doesn't stop them from making the Russian Black Sea Fleet a flotilla of wrecks .
@patrioticz2858 Жыл бұрын
Check out the B-1 Lancer, it is different from the B-2 Spirit and has a different role
@LightGuardian23 Жыл бұрын
I remember reading something funny once about the Submarine arms race between Russia and the USA. US submarines could hear Russian submarines miles away, so far away that US submarines wouldn't need to be near the Russian coast to know one was coming out of the bay and into the ocean. Conversely, Russian submarines didn't bother trying to listen for US submarines because they were far too quiet. They were so quiet, in fact, that the Russians would ignore sounds entirely and look for areas that were *too* quiet. That quiet spot was most likely the US submarine waiting for them. It might be a true story, might not - either way it's horrifying to think these guys would play cat and mouse with each other in and that they carried nuclear weapons (fun fact, Russian submarines have a nuclear torpedo. The thought behind that was, we don't have to hit the your submarine or aircraft carrier, just get the torpedo close enough and the blast will do the rest).
@operationexploration9831 Жыл бұрын
The 8H 64 Apache attack helicopter and the F 22 raptor would be too awesome reaction videos. Thanks I really enjoyed this one
@Sagart999 Жыл бұрын
Mutually Assured Destruction sounds horrible - but it works. And may very well be the only reason that madmen have been forestalled so far.
@m2hmghb Жыл бұрын
Part of the reason the Typhoon is the only submarine to have a swimming pool is it's mission. It's not a primary strike, or secondary strike, but a tertiary strike weapon. That means that they were supposed to lie in wait after the second strike hit only to surface and fire the missiles weeks or months later. The thinking was if anything was left they would try to reform the cities and bases so they wanted to make sure it was erased.
@JohnRodriguesPhotographer Жыл бұрын
The Kursk had a pool and sauna.
@jameslingenfelter3468 Жыл бұрын
I cannot believe you wondered why subs have no windows! Hull pressure at certin depths can crush a sub like a soda can. Windows...bhaaa!!!
@garyechols9458 Жыл бұрын
4 Typhoons, 18 SSBN and 4 SSGN Ohios.
@neutrino78x Жыл бұрын
9:59 no we don't have a pool on Trident/Ohio lol 🙂 the Russians have a very small one it's not like an olympic or anything 🙂 major drawback if people are in the pool they have a hard time responding to emergency....also I don't know how they deal with being knocked around when near the surface, I guess they cover it up when not being used. lol
@halicarnassus8235 Жыл бұрын
As I have always said on this channel, the United States submarines have the best cuisine. 👌
@scottwagner853 Жыл бұрын
The science and industry museum in Chicago has a captured World War II German sub which is very small. you can walk through and walk around if in Chicago you should check it out.
@dragoon7784 Жыл бұрын
Thank for making this videos I have been watching for weeks now they are awesome and full of knowledge
@patrioticz2858 Жыл бұрын
You should also check out the new guns and scopes the US Military is getting. The M4s, M249 "SAW", and Snipers are all getting replaced. If you are interested I can send some videos, play lists and channels to check out.
@INDYANDY4C Жыл бұрын
You don’t like boats? What about a canoe on a lake or stream? You should try a boat in the Gulf, in the Keys. I swam from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean as a teenager! (1 side of bridge to other side is all that separated the 2)
@neutrino78x Жыл бұрын
I was USN submarines 🙂 Britain uses the Trident SLBM too, they are jointly developed as part of "the special relationship". 🙂 Your missiles, of course, are under the command of His Majesty's Government. 🙂 Big difference is that with a USA submarine, we can't launch without the President's permission because we would not have the launch codes. On British submarines, of course by default they would wait for orders from the PM, but if Britain is destroyed, they have a letter written by the PM giving them their orders as to what to do, "coordinate with US Navy to retaliate", etc. Now personally I've been the USA we have a written Order of Succession that determines who will become President if something happens to the President (such as in a nuclear war). In fact, when the Congress, Supreme Court, and President are all in the Capitol Building, such as during the State of the Union address, one member of the President's cabinet does not attend (it rotates) and is in a remote location, so that, God forbid, something should happen to the Capitol Building, and all those people die, the member of the cabinet who was in a remote location will automatically become President and have control of our nuclear weapons. He or she is called The Designated Survivor. So I always assumed that if something happened to the PM, the Monarch would temporarily take on the role of running the government as well, until a new PM could be chosen and/or an election can be held...but I heard that's not the case and in fact, people have to meet and choose a new that really true? I mean, if a war is going on, you need a Commander in Chief automatically....surely someone takes over automatically if the PM dies? Beesley, do you know the story on that?
@stevecollett901 Жыл бұрын
There's no windows because of the pressure.
@JJ_LovesMusic Жыл бұрын
IDK if you do music reactions, but I have an amazing powerful song for you to react to. I promise it will not disappoint. Powerful message in this song. They don't understand by Sawyer brown. THIS NEEDS TO BE HEARD AROUND THE WORLD
@maureenl5255 Жыл бұрын
I can't keep watching. My claustrophobia is getting worse. OMG I could never do this job!
@benx2230 Жыл бұрын
MAD is what most of all of us have been living under all of our lives.
@marieneu264 Жыл бұрын
I’d like to try it for a night or maybe even a week, but that would be more than enough for me!
@bryankrauss6393 Жыл бұрын
Do US vs Russia vs China military comparison
@rg20322 Жыл бұрын
Great subject!
@cptmuska Жыл бұрын
No windows because of pressure.
@speedyrunner101 Жыл бұрын
There's no windows cause the pressure
@mcverisimilitude Жыл бұрын
Good video on sub food.
@maczack87 Жыл бұрын
The Russian sub is 4m longer then the Americans and slightly wider. Just enough to fit a pool and sauna.
@stevem2601 Жыл бұрын
yes, that's what you are seeing. To go down you need to point the nose of anything down, right?!?! So, if you're in a sub and it's going down you will need to lean forward to stay upright. Conversely, if the sub is going up quickly, you will need to lean backward to stay upright. This whole leaning thing is only needed when both maneuvers are done very quickly/aggressively. There's nothing unique about this!!!!
@brianr6651 Жыл бұрын
"Liz Truss' wasn't even worth printing was it?" No Millie it wasn't lmao. Hate to see it. The head of lettuce has better instructions
@581BigBoi Жыл бұрын
I hope y’all react to the Helluva boss series. That show is amazing and I’d love to see Millie’s reaction to it
@andrewchristopher7138 Жыл бұрын
@ArcticTron Жыл бұрын
I think you should definitely keep reacting to Wendover Productions videos, I want to recommend "How Living at the South Pole Works" or "The Logistics of Living in Antarctica" by Wendover Productions since that is one of his neater logistics videos.
@elementalgolem5498 Жыл бұрын
The Russian typhoon is a twin hull making it almost twice as wide as the Ohio
@scottfrank726 Жыл бұрын
Does the country of Jersey really have only 44.79 square miles? The state I live in has 663267 square miles. You’re whole country would fit 14808 times into the state of Alaska. Twice the size of Texas one California and Florida fits into Alaska
@sketchbook10 Жыл бұрын
would you guys ever do a movie or show reaction.........
@robertrichardson2617 Жыл бұрын
Windows? Do you know how much pressure is exerted per sq. foot the deeper you go?
@erichallada910 Жыл бұрын
I usually just hit play and let James talk for 10 minutes before the video starts and then I walk away, i just heard Millie a week ago talking about getting so many likes in a video. If you want "likes' get James to shut up when he says the video is starting and then he continues talking for another 3 minutes.
@lockaby1 Жыл бұрын
windows couldnt handle the pressure deep down under the water mankind hasnt reached the deepest parts of the oceans because even the steel would start to leak
@Kenneth_James Жыл бұрын
ABOUT YOUR SUBMARINE DIVING ? - Normally, a submarine dives by driving forward and letting moving water flow over the diving planes (like airplane wings) while keeping an even keel so everyone stands normal. BUT They have to do a "Stationary Dive" to escape the arctic ice they had broken through so one ballast tank at the rear begins filling until they are at about 15 degrees this way they go down without moving forward and slamming into the ice.🧊
@mindwarp9173 Жыл бұрын
... and you couldn't see anything anyway without lights.
@armelind Жыл бұрын
I also love how Millie brings up cell service. I am sorry, but when you are serving time in the military, you have pretty much ZERO personal items. Especially valuables. The military OWNS you and gives you everything you need to live and do your job. And that is it. You may be able to get them at ports when you are taking a break but I am not sure.
@stevem2601 Жыл бұрын
No, not weddings. Why would a family member schedule a wedding when they know that their brother is going to be deployed on a sub? When something unexpected or not planned happens then it's a problem but not weddings.
@eaglelove00 Жыл бұрын
Happens all the time
@MaryM232 Жыл бұрын
Re your Wi-Fi problems, is there a 5G cell tower near your new home? They can cause interruptions of service.
@Jamie_D Жыл бұрын
I've always wondered, how do they know which sections of ice are thin enough to break through when rising up, can't be just guessing surly
@iKvetch558 Жыл бұрын
A special active sonar that can detect the thin spots.✌💯
@brianeleighton Жыл бұрын
Also, both American and Russian subs were specially designed to break through pretty thick sea ice. That is the attack strategy for both nation's ballistic missile submarines.
@iKvetch558 Жыл бұрын
@@brianeleighton Soviet/Russian SSBNs have double hulls, and are much more able to surface through the ice to fire their missiles. Soviet/Russian SSBN tactics involve putting their missile subs in bastions under the ice and then guard them with their best SSNs...while US attack subs were designed and trained to go hunt SSBNs under the ice. However, US SSBNs do not have double hulls, and thus the US tactics with their SSBNs involves keeping them far away from anything like underwater canyons or ice or shallow water, since hitting anything is far more troublesome to US SSBNs than double hulled Russians/Soviets. ✌🖖
@mjc1389 Жыл бұрын
@@iKvetch558 technically all military subs are double hulled. The outer skin (HY80-HY100 steel depending on class) surrounds an inner pressure hull The ballast tanks and other tanks are located between the outer and inner hull. The Typhoon has 2 pressure hulls (people tanks) side by side covered with a single outer hull. A sub goes through the ice vertically not at an angle. The sail (the part on top that contains the flying bridge and all the masts and antennas) are what initially goes through the ice. Depending on the strength of the steel on the sail is what determines the thickness of ice a sub can break through. In the USN, the Skipjack, Permit and Sturgeon class attack subs had fairly strong sails and could all break through the ice if needed. The Sturgeon class was designed more for this evolution. The Los Angeles class wasn’t necessarily designed to go through the ice as they were primarily carrier escorts. Not sure about the Seawolf and Virginia class. On second thought, I did watch a documentary where a Virginia class did surface through the ice outside of the North Pole observatory so they obviously can. All ballistic missile subs are designed to go through the ice.
@mjc1389 Жыл бұрын
Let me clarify. The sub is mostly horizontal under the ice and raises virtually straight up (vertically) through the ice. They go through the ice with a little up angle to protect the screw. That’s why you only usually see the sail sticking through the ice - to protect the screw and sonar dome on front. It also depends on the class and if the “boat” has fairwater planes or bow planes on how they go through the ice. It’s not the safest thing to do on a sub but it’s done for specific operations.
@gsxrman6319 Жыл бұрын
Just don't feed them beans
@michaelbourgeault9409 Жыл бұрын
o great - spam bot is active :(. Beesleys, there is a goober down below pretending to give away PS5's on your behalf
@CrazyGunNoob Жыл бұрын
@dgpatter Жыл бұрын
Mom’s basement?
@CrazyGunNoob Жыл бұрын
@@dgpatter I wish!
@erichallada910 Жыл бұрын
Got to fix this internet if you want to be KZbin content creators. I mean you are obviously making some kind of money from KZbin and you do have Patreon so you have people paying you to watch the lag in your reactions in your new flat.
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