Well I like him as an actor I really believe he was a martial artist but he always back down from friendly challenges for example guy’s like victor Moore a true world champion 5times but Bruce Lee always had excuses and that’s why there no true videos of of him fighting just those one ☝️ inch punch but I was broken hearted 💔 when there’s no proof of his greatness,but he’s a great actor
Be water(水になれ)は、元々は老子の名言「上善如水」(水は万物を助け、育てて自己を主張せず、だれもが嫌うような低い方へと流れて、そこにおさまる)から来ているようです。しかしブルースリーが宮本武蔵の影響を強く受けていたのは事実で、『燃えよドラゴン』で小舟に乗るシーンなどは宮本武蔵のパクリだそうです。