Do not worry about a tii with a "snorkel" on the front panel. I have had my 1975 02 tii Lux since 1980. The front panel was replaced in the 1990's and at that time there was no mention of the difference in the front panels. I doubt any dealer, when asked to supply a front panel for an 02, would have known there was a difference. Needless to say mine has a "snorkel". The tii front panel, as far as I am aware, is NLA and probably has been for some considerable time. There is also the point that the internet went public in 93 but was not used by most people for some time after that. When did we all start looking at 02 "boards"? In other words, most of us who owned 02's, tii or not, were blissfully unaware of any difference in the front panel!