Called Off My Wedding When a Hotel Manager Let Slip My Bride-to-Be Was Making Out with...

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Called Off My Wedding When a Hotel Manager Let Slip My Bride-to-Be Was Making Out with Another Man Just Days Before Our Wedding.
#redditrelationship #redditupdate
0:00 - Story 1
14:52 - Story 2

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@harrisonsonandalama8418 4 ай бұрын
Hotel manager is the real MVP. Risked her job for the principle ❤
@arthaiser 4 ай бұрын
hotel manager? you mean the one that was trying to lie for the cheater just to keep the job? that one is mvp?
@patriksvensson2360 4 ай бұрын
She was put between a rock and a hard place, chose to be able to pay her bills until OP said he'd make sure she was safe, and then she confirmed it all. Good people can make bad decisions under duress and still be good people.
@arthaiser 4 ай бұрын
@@patriksvensson2360 bad people can also make good decissions when it cost them nothing and still be bad people. the manager herself says that she has been cheated so she understand the pain. she understands it so good that under the petition of the cheater she was more than willing to feed op a bunch of BS so that the wedding could still happen. manager did nothing good on purpouse until after she was sure that nothing bad would happen to her for doing so, and still took her quite a while to do it, im also certain that her moral of the story is "next time shut up" which is not the right moral to have. lets be clear here, manager is far from "bad" but is further even from mvp. the simple fact that she says that she has been cheated upon and is still willing to side with a cheater already tells you the kind of person she is.
@personwithaquestion1800 4 ай бұрын
​@@arthaiserbro if she lost her job and couldn't make ends meet for her family, no food on the table and all - who would have helped her? In the first place she did make a mistake in assuming and letting it slip that she saw those 2 kissing - that goes against most hotel policies of guaranteeing its customers privacy, so she probably wanted to undo that mistake. It's far from taking the side of a cheater. And most people will prefer survival over principles. After all, if you survive you can still use the rest of your life to make up for your mistakes. I think she's an MVP for coming clean over the telephone call, when there was no need for her to do so. (And to your point, nobody will rush to save someone before securing their safety first - its harsh but true).
@arthaiser 4 ай бұрын
@withaquestion1800 look, if i were op i would had made sure that she lost her job for trying to hide the truth from me after the fact. calling me and trying to feed me bullshit on request from my cheating fiance? not ok in my book, at that point, you are part of the problem. so she wasnt securing anything, she was siding with one side when she should have been neutral. i know is not her problem, but precisely because is not her problem, dont side with anyone, just tell the truth. because just as easy can the fiance make she lose her job that op can. siding with one side is siding against the other, and op happens to be the other side here. after what op heard the other day, to have the shamelessness to try to lie to op to his face like he is stupid is not something that i would have appreciated if i were op. i mean, op was already feeling quite betrayed already the last thing he needs is more people trying to bullshit him when they really have nothing at stake, how is he supposed to take that? is he not worthy of the truth for some reason? (because, again, lets be clear, just as easy for op to make her lose her job here, acting as if only the fiance had that power is taking op for a whim and for a stupid person, something that if i were op i wouldnt have taken lightly in that situation) so, again, the manager? is actually a bad person herself. she took op for stupid and weak and tried to lie to him to protect a cheater after having cheating problems herself by her own admission. she is only a minor villain in this story, but to call a minor villain an mvp is not ok in my book, she is the stupid henchman that lets the important info get to the hero at best
@Paper_Jam200 4 ай бұрын
She not only chose to cheat, but she threatened the manager for telling the truth, and she lied to everyone else to pin it solely on someone else.
@DarkEinherjar 4 ай бұрын
Intended or not, the cheating was still a choice. Intention is a BS excuse.
@jdavis7613 4 ай бұрын
Get your CC back.
@areszeudion5153 4 ай бұрын
The fact that she's doing it at her own wedding makes it even more of a choice, like you know what people say: first can be a mistake, second have always been a choice.
@abysmal5599 4 ай бұрын
“It was a mistake!” Nah it was a decision.
@Esme0374 4 ай бұрын
how do you accidentally cheat?!?
@alexandermccall227 3 ай бұрын
Cheating is never an accident. Period end of story.
@mp20277 4 ай бұрын
The universe just couldn’t let this man take a massive L. -Makes one of the wedding planner get in an accident - postponed the date by rain - Makes manager intervene
@Auren23 4 ай бұрын
The universe does seem to play favorites like that lol
@sheeshbussinbussin4093 4 ай бұрын
Probably because it’s fake lol
@verygooddeal4436 3 ай бұрын
​​@@sheeshbussinbussin4093yeah. Anytime i see a story with a long quote like in the first story at 10:45, i realize it's prolly fake. Whos gonna remember a convo verbatim?
@CG-yb6zj 3 ай бұрын
​@verygooddeal4436 The mind is your enemy in remembering details from periods/moments of tragedy in your life, especially if they were supposed to be happy ones turned nightmare. But yes, the fakes need to be flagged as novellas by now
@AlE-kc7yw 3 ай бұрын
​@@verygooddeal4436Story is probably fake, but I can remember conversations verbatim which my wife HATES
@GummeeHater01 4 ай бұрын
Really not a fan of the first OP. She threatened to ruin someones life for exposing her for being a cheater, and his response is to ask people not to call her a gold digger. She does not deserve defending at all
@theartalli 4 ай бұрын
I understand where you’re coming from but maybe he still had love for her and some people don’t like thinking the worst of people they love
@gavinwilliams1288 4 ай бұрын
Not only that but he let her control the narrative too. He just closed inward. Not a good play, she could’ve made him the bad guy in so many ways
@legiontepes3474 4 ай бұрын
Glad that both ops had a spine. I don't understand tho how story 1 can blame himself when he's not the one cheating. If the fiancé had any prob, it was up to her to communicate instead of jumping in another man's pants.
@personwithaquestion1800 4 ай бұрын
Exactly. Yes, he could always become better in how he relates to his partner, but my question was - if OP's fiance felt unloved or underappreciated, why didn't she tell OP so he could have switched things and made it better? All of that is just an excuse, almost like victim blaming - "i did this because you did/didn't..." OP's reply that she would cheat more if she found others who had those qualities was bang on. That woman takes 0 responsibility for her cheating and I'm glad OP saw through it.
@DarkEinherjar 4 ай бұрын
Story 2: You'd think that a person who has been cheated on before would know better than to cheat, but apparently it's not always the case... 🙄 It makes me question if she wasn't the one who cheated on the previous fiancé first...
@renadu30 4 ай бұрын
I was wondering the exact same thing tbh.
@ragingsaviorkami9862 4 ай бұрын
Sometimes those people develop a really messed up outlook on relationships and their future partners. My ex was one of them. She cheated and told me that she kinda expected it from the start, because her last boyfriend kinda cheated, and left her because he was busy with college(among other things, obviously). She was ready to die for him and do anything to make it work, but with me, she said "I had this mindset from the start, even though I loved every moment with you from the start, and you made feel some things that my exes didn't, and I knew pretty soon after us getting together that I was madly in love, I still knew it wouldn't last. I had this thought 'Eh, fuck it, it lasts while it lasts'. I think I knew deep down that this would happen exactly like this." This was a year and a half into our relationship. Not too long before that, we were discussing moving in. And for the last two months, she was seeing a guy behind my back. They broke up soon after we broke up though, only lasted a few months. He was a rebound for me. She just needed a way to get out of the relationship, but couldn't find the courage to just say "We're done", so she did this shit to "make me hate her". I guess it was just another case of that mindset "I got cheated on before, so I better cheat now before they cheat on me first."
@VictoriaTraducciones 4 ай бұрын
My best friend I love her but she has a really shitty look on relationships, she got pregnant when she was 15 and the boy ran as if his life depended on it as soon as he learned he was going to be a father, never helped with their daughter, in fact he pretended she didn't exist, moved states, changed his number, etc, that was the first on many heartbreaks, another important factor, her mother, grandmother and aunts had this mentality that women needed to find men who could financially take care of them, so she was constantly being pushed to find a man (older obviously because teen boys have no financial stability) to take care of her and her daughter, I met her when she was 17, her daughter was 2, she was constantly jumping from one relationship to another, guys often cheated on her or simply slept with her once and then left her, the ones that did show interest in having a serious relationship with her didn't last long either, because she either pushed them away by demanding they stepped up as her daughter's father figure (that kid called dad every single one of her mom's boyfriends, I swear she is going to grow up with so many daddy issues) or because she cheated on them, my friend had this mentality that because all men were cheaters by nature, then she needed to be the one who cheated first or ended the relationship first before they could do it to her, this costed her her relationship with one good guy, he was very religious, which I wasn't a fan of, and I think he had a bit of a savior complex, he believed he could help her put her past sins behind and lead a good life, again I wasn't a big fan of his mentality but he did care about her and wanted be a dad to my friend's daughter, he wanted to get married once my friend graduated, the relationship ended after she got pregnant by one of our classmates though, she never really cared about the religious guy, and I think she was mostly using him, so she wasn't very sad to see him go, she always did have a crush on our classmate but he always stayed away from her, until now, and she had this very stupid idea that because she was now pregnant with his kid they could finally be together, yep, she didn't learn a thing from the first guy who knocked her up, babies are not enough to tie a guy to you, especially if they are stupid teenagers who are ok sleeping around but consider themselves to be "too young to be a father", they had to go to court because our classmate refused to awknowledge the baby as his, let alone give him his lastname with all the legal responsability that came with that, he and his mom took this stand that the baby was not his, so he should not be forced to take any responsbility for my friend's mess, the mother, a real bitch, believed because my friend was a teen single mom she was a whore, so she had no credibility, and basically told my friend in front the entire court to go search for the real father of her bastard baby, because she wasn't going to allow her to baby trap her darling son with a baby that wasn't even his, she even demanded a paternity confident it would prove her son was not the father, this made my friend's mother very angry and they both had to be removed from the room because the fight got physical, my friend was so humiliated she was in tears, in the end my friend and her mother decided to leave the country, because of the crisis going on, I'm from Venezuela btw, my friend grew up here but she and her mom were originally from The Dominican Republic and that's were they were going to, so they decided not to go with the paternity test, because pushing the case would not only force them to stay longer in Venezuela, and they wanted to leave as soon as possible, but also because of the laws here, if it was proved that he was indeed the father, and he was, then my friend would need his permision to take the baby out of the country, and if anyone is wondering why they needed to leave fast, another law here was that the goverment was not happy with people leaving, so they were making very hard for parents to legally take their kids out of the country, which obviously forced a lot of parents to simply stay here or leave illegally, so they needed to leave before she gave birth, also she didn't need permision from the father of her first child, because that guy never gave the kid his last name so legally my friend was the only parent that mattered, so they left and years later our former classmate contacted her through facebook, he saw pictures of his son and confessed being sorry for ever denying he was the father (the boy looks just like him) and said it was his mother pushing him into saying those things like calling her a whore and claiming the baby couldn't be his, bs but my friend decided to forgive him, I think she still love him but whatever, I wish I could say my friend is doing better now but not really, she's still a mess when it comes to relationships, she had another kid with a man in The Dominican Republic, a disgusting man who drank a lot and would often beat her until she turned purple, he beat her for so much looking into another man's direction, he had kids from previous relationships too and forced her to stay who look after all the kids, his and hers, didn't want her to ever leave the house, out of all the guys she's been with he was the worst, a real psycho, she eventually pressed charges and he went to jail, that's how she was able to get away, she's currently in Spain but she's still in contact with that piece of garbage because he gives her money for their daughter, in fact he's out of jail was because she decided to drop the charges, in her own words "he's no use to me in jail, I need the money for the kids", like I said in the beggining I love her, she was and still is my best friend, despite being in another country but all of her experiences with relationship make me feel happy about being single, I'd rather die alone and a virgin than going through half of what she's been through, she's a very strong woman, despite her poor decisions, and that I do admire about her
@VictoriaTraducciones 4 ай бұрын
Sorry for the super long comment, also english is not my lenguage so is there are any misspelling error I apologize
@ragingsaviorkami9862 4 ай бұрын
@@VictoriaTraducciones Holy shit, that was a mess to read. Sounds like she had it very rough. Bad family influence, and also started having sex way too young. Getting pregnant at 15 is too wild. If I may ask, why did you not like the religious guy that was serious about her? Savior complex and all that? Do you really just dislike religious people? Because If he was Christian, the religion teaches him to be better and try to reach to as many people and "save them" from sin. Premarital sex, for example, is a "sin". Which, I'll admit, I'm against too, but there are definitely some healthy moral boundaries which we all should uphold. That guy could've been the perfect "fix" for your friend. Also, that poor child. Calling every single guy "daddy", when she didn't even know who her dad was or what the concept of a dad meant. My heart BREAKS for her. And the rest of the story is just... painful. My God, teenagers are so dumb. Stupid boys, going around fucking because they can't keep their hormones in check, but they're not ready to be a dad? Did she ever grow up and learn her lessons? How in the hell did she end up with an abusive alcoholic asshole that knocked her up again? See, the religious guy would've taken care of her. He would've been good for her, but I guess that she wanted the bad guys all along. I'm sorry, I know she's your friend, but it's hard to sympathize, because as they say "We all get the amount of love we deserve." Tell me, did she grow up without a father?
@GH-kk9ue 4 ай бұрын
Story one: hate to break it to you buddy, but you were targeted by a gold digger. I know you don’t want to put labels on people but that’s what she was. As soon as she figured out that you own a business and you do well for yourself, she saw an opportunity to secure a financial future with someone that worked a lot and did not pay her a lot of attention. So she thought that she can have a financially secure future but also cheat and get her other needs met without being noticed by you.
@incognit01233 4 ай бұрын
Story was written either by or for the majority female audience of reddit.
@nightking8490 4 ай бұрын
Story 1: Labelling her a 304. She is a 304, that too a cheap one. Story 2: 304 lost her fiance to her friend. BS. She must have been the problem all along even there.
@Izzy- 4 ай бұрын
What's 304?
@franciscopaulo2330 4 ай бұрын
@@Izzy- thats to call a promiscuous woman
@sugarbeef 4 ай бұрын
@@Izzy- Write it on a piece of paper, then rotate 180 degrees. It now spells out the name of a gardening implement.
@Landie001 4 ай бұрын
​@@sugarbeef😂that is amazing...I never thought of that
@sujoymukherjee5058 3 ай бұрын
You learn new things everyday
@Maninawig 4 ай бұрын
Story 1: he has a point. She did it once for a cheap compliment and did nothing to check herself, so will do it again for the same. If that makes her sound like an awful person than it is up to her to fix that.
@_juju_jojo_ 4 ай бұрын
Well it's kinda pointless. No point in pointing that out. Just dump the wh0r3 and move on with your life. Just common sense🤷‍♀️
@m4x927 4 ай бұрын
Imagine throwing something good away cause someone kept complimenting you.
@KingkoopaYT 3 ай бұрын
Bro fr fr
@crumblemuffin1257 4 ай бұрын
God damn I cackled so loudly when the woman told on the cheating woman Jesus H. Christ
@incognit01233 4 ай бұрын
​@@MrArielKAI generated stories are oft actually written by people full wizard of Oz style This is a reddit story because it has the usual few pieces of propoganda and normalized foolishness.
@FroggyGirlDreams 4 ай бұрын
​@@MrArielK"She broke down bawling out her lungs"
@nicknitro86 4 ай бұрын
"I have a role in her cheating" how pathetic does that sound?
@low-keydrama1260 4 ай бұрын
Story 1: Good on OP having a spine and ending the relationship. As much as it sucks, it’s a good thing he discovered this before saying I do. Pathetic on how all Briana needed to betray the man she was going to marry, was just some flimsy compliments
@sparkeyjames 4 ай бұрын
Story 1: Are people even that wimpy these days. Damn. Tell the F'n truth and let everyone know. That girl would do it again if a predator type came along no doubt. She has self esteem issues she needs to resolve.
@Thaddius0 4 ай бұрын
i was hoping the hotel manager knew and was playing the oblivious role. i guess it makes sense that she wouldnt if it could have ramifications to her job
@Hoki4 4 ай бұрын
Always makes me laugh how these women think they can go status quo after falling for someone that easily and cheating. Like what the hell are they thinking? Oh wait that's right, they don't think, they act on emotions and that AP managed to hit the right buttons to activate some emotions which took control of the cheating woman. Also things don't "just happen", they happen because they decided to do it on impulses. You want to have a woman who knows how to control her impulses and emotions, otherwise they will cheat. Self-control is key to everything in life, no matter if you're man or a woman.
@user-ks9pq1je3q 4 ай бұрын
"then we booked a room in the same hotel and had it 2 to 3 times" and that's why I say closures are overrated for the fact that they give u the most hurtful answer that aren't even necessary to move on and thus making them useless "she said i was indirectly calling her a w****" even more reason why he shouldn't be looking for closure when u look for it the answer u get the "i am a victim" speech what a pathetic attempt
@locodude12 4 ай бұрын
I think realizing what kind of person she was gave him closure, her answers though hurtful showed him that the relationship would never have worked
@Afghanisstan 4 ай бұрын
In their defense, it's best to know everything to justify why you need to walk away.
@user-ks9pq1je3q 4 ай бұрын
@@Afghanisstan fair enough but still her kissing the AP and trying to cover it up was justification enough he did not need the full detail to justify leaving her
@kennycai8695 4 ай бұрын
Story 1: When I heard "2 years", I immediately had "SMACK" going off in my head. That is way too short of a time frame to decide to commit to a romantic interest; I'd say 5 years minimum, but even then, women can still pull off BS like this. OP, if you ever read this, it's not your fault. Yes, I agree on working on your communication skills, but her cheating is not on you: it's on her. If she cannot resist the urge of validation from a stranger before marriage, then she has clearly shown she cannot commit. It hurts, but you did the right thing by calling off the engagement. As for what to do: you mentioned you have a good business, so keep focusing on your grind. Just focus on being that pillar of support for your mom and siblings, cause it sounds like they got your back.
@lawsonallen7741 4 ай бұрын
Story 1 Don't be a good guy for a Cheater. Don't put her cheating on you. Story 2 When you found out. You needed to fly home right away.
@freakerrr11 10 күн бұрын
Big mouth hotel manager save this man's life.
@Shino83 4 ай бұрын
It was an accident, 2-3 Times. Yeah. Her Side of the Story is on reddit/ youtube, too. But there are no updates.
@haarstad88 4 ай бұрын
@alesosouto 3 ай бұрын
@KTA-oc8nw 6 күн бұрын
So what I want everybody to know is that you don't need to tell somebody that you love them for them to know that you love them... All you need is to show your love and not tell people that you love them you need to show it.. the people who really know that you love them is that at least you're trying to show it....
@brianarnold8666 2 ай бұрын
The betrayed spouse never has any fault in the other cheating
@VynDimentional 2 ай бұрын
I am a fan of the first OP. He is respectful of the titles people get and does not think with his anger but with rationality. He didn't let people see her for what she wasn't but what she was. Let's say you started dating someone and everyone you knew started calling you a slut. What if you were falsely accused of something and everyone called you a criminal. It's not the same thing. She definitely doesn't deserve defending at all but OP is a really kind person who doesn't let people label others stuff they aren't. OP is a good person
@Nick_Nightingale 3 ай бұрын
Breanna is for the streets. You dodged a bullet. Thank the Hotel Supervisor.
@richardwilson5769 22 күн бұрын
First OP should have sued the wedding planner.
@MishaSims 2 ай бұрын
@yamairad1 4 ай бұрын
If you cheat while planning the wedding you don't love your partner. You should be high on love with your partner right now.
@onlittlecatfeet 4 ай бұрын
Why every cheater have same excuse?
@_juju_jojo_ 4 ай бұрын
@@MrArielKive seen you're reply multiple times, if it's fake tf are you doing watching them and looking at the comments?
@colbypeacock4611 4 ай бұрын
every time and i do mean EVERY time someone describes meeting a cheating ex they are described as Bubbly.
@ilikechicken4103 4 ай бұрын
All it takes is just compliments and boom they cheat 🤷🏻‍♂️🤯
@SymphonicDevourer 4 ай бұрын
I wish wayward spouses would realize the long-term damage they cause by starting these affairs. The trust is ruined for the next person who tries to be in their life. The time spent grieving their loss can prevent future relationships from even starting. Destroying someone's soul for a moment of desire. Just leave your spouse rather than break them.
@chadisnotachad 3 ай бұрын
Story 1 OP deserved better and that hotel manager is a real one. WHY THE F*CK IS OP BLAMING HIMSELF????
@L8vertex 4 ай бұрын
The one getting cheated on never has a role in there s/o cheating. If your not happy leave cheating is never justifiable
@Tomiisomaa 3 ай бұрын
Hope the guy left a review for the wedding planner.
@doncjack5913 4 ай бұрын
Story 1: Hopefully, meera fires her brother for her losing a venue and ruining their lives. Plus, the ex-fiance decides to cheat because she got a validation for a cheap deal, she a sl** and that's fact. She can be that easy because compliments are a big red flag.
@nagreneil 4 ай бұрын
Always the bubbly and cheery ones
@susandevlin5981 4 ай бұрын
Better to find out what kind of woman she is before the wedding. You dodged a bullet. This would have been a lot worse if you had married her and found out afterwards. What kind of person cheats so easily with a few compliments. Take this 60 year old woman's advice , she didn't love you, she wanted a comfortable life you could provide. Youneed to find your self worth and find a more worthy woman
@devhxh1558 9 күн бұрын
Well kinda feels right that her fiance taken by her best friend. She USED AP for her dream trip
@Fiercetits 4 ай бұрын
Meera better get her brother out of her business opportunities or he’s literally going to screw it into the ground.
@NigraeLegiones 4 ай бұрын
Yeah...expressing your love wont prevent cheating if their validation comea from how mqny and who they can sleep with. You will never be enough, learned that the hard way.
@ARcinder 4 ай бұрын
OP is wrong. He has no fault in his ex actions. She cheated because she wanted to, period. There is nothing more than that.
@mannyparrilla1807 4 ай бұрын
This might be long but I had this question for a while. Is that really all it takes? Like is it the cheater just seeking/getting something somewhere else cause you don't/can't provide it? Does it really just take someone with more money, someone funnier, someone more caring, someone that connects more with your partner etc. to have that partner just throw everything with "you" away? She said "Are you calling me a wh*re" but like... all it took was a couple "dates" and you threw it ALL away? I know btw that all that seems insecure since "love" is what keeps you together but I also know love is a verb so you are supposed to work towards it. So in the end either she was BORN a cheater or something in that relationship just was not right.
@bunaynayslay 4 ай бұрын
2 years? Lmao
@NathanAsd 4 ай бұрын
Cheating isn't a mistake. Its a choice.😔
@oofroboxislit 4 ай бұрын
Story 1 i can tell AP is in tht line of Work to litterly hit on soon to be married women
@kossettereaditte7552 4 ай бұрын
Them were some strong compliments
@riptornsideways 4 ай бұрын
Story 1: Cheating cannot be justified for any reason. You cannot defend cheating. OP says he’s not justifying it but said it’s his fault in some way which is literally trying to justify it. It’s not, if he wasn’t enough and she wanted someone else she should’ve broken up first.
@totitelevisionshow 4 ай бұрын
love the stories
@GooberBugOFF 4 ай бұрын
I understand her reasoning, but I'm glad the relationship ended. She wasn't actually getting what she required in a romantic relationship. She was deprived of that type of affection. But she's still at fault. She's an adult and can control herself. If she had noticed this before hand she could've gotten therapy and talked to OP.
@hatxa9742 4 ай бұрын
he proposed a month ago and agreed to the wedding that would take 3 months to plan and the wedding was supposed to be today? and someone broke their knee for 6 weeks?
@lynx9311 4 ай бұрын
"Show me all the footage of the times they met in the hotel"
@jldleon8730 4 ай бұрын
Story 2: her fiancee cheated on her, then she herself cheated on this poor guy???
@Maninawig 4 ай бұрын
Story 2: you should have quipped that her ex must have been exploring too. Might be petty, but it would sure hit home.
@YouArentSlick 4 ай бұрын
“I feel like you’re indirectly calling me a whore” 😂😂😂 women are pure jokes sometimes
@SarahLovesBoobahandErEr 4 ай бұрын
Anytime the story has ‘You see….’ I automatically think it’s fake.
@rukiakuchiki6187 4 ай бұрын
@Syrin23 4 ай бұрын
Screen shrinks blocking out the option to change the playback speed.
@moiseslopez4238 4 ай бұрын
Travel to France to learn the language it's generally a bad idea, French are super mad if you even dear to speak one word bad lol
@Nuttela1 4 ай бұрын
Ok yeah I 100000000000000000% think this is fake but for some reason this shit is interesting and actually makes me happy good bid tho👍
@mrsandman6188 4 ай бұрын
Every time there are 2 stories in the same video I'm disliking regardless of how good the stories are.
@SillyBanjo 4 ай бұрын
He proposed and wanted married in a month? Nah this is fake
@mr.dickbutttheog2064 4 ай бұрын
The sheer nerve of Brianna threatening a poor woman because she witnessed her and her little partner swapping spit in the elevator. Her excuse that her “cheating was not intended 🥺” as if that made it any better, cheating is a choice and it’s embarrassing I have to say it because some people like OP’s ex is that stupid. Good on OP for leaving, hope he’s with someone who doesn’t easily spread their legs from the presence of another man. Story 2: Learning French helped him discover OP’s wife’s affair before it was too late. His ex is pretty stupid to think he wouldn’t understand her messages when they literally take the same classes together and seems to be doing better than her if she’s needing to cheat. Good on OP for confronting her and revealing to the professors that she and her little lover has been cheating on their exams.
@roabarton7962 4 ай бұрын
Village bicycle instead?
@Adarkane325xi 4 ай бұрын
Um, “cabin?”
@user-ei1po2bv8r 12 күн бұрын
"You're saying that am a wh#re indirectly 🥺" maybe couse you Are😐
@ezlife4690 4 ай бұрын
i liked the video
@youalreadyknowitsmc 4 ай бұрын
didn’t stop the kids from saying first
@kaydancebarry7446 4 ай бұрын
What does d-day mean 🤔
@_juju_jojo_ 4 ай бұрын
The d stands for divorce/ dumping
@rafaelvalladares1051 4 ай бұрын
The day the unsuspecting partner Discovers they are being cheated on. Discovery day.
@blessedcutie8983 4 ай бұрын
Story 1. While the fiance's behavior is deplorable, I appreciate how OP decided to look within not to blame himself but to strengthen areas he knows are weaknesses. We all have room to grow. Great job! This action will benefit him both personally and professionally.
@incognit01233 4 ай бұрын
He blamed himself and ran to a shrink in the end rather then call her an "easy lover" and dumping her completely.
@PringerXYZ 4 ай бұрын
@quibblegaze 4 ай бұрын
0:00: 💔 Wedding called off after discovering bride's betrayal days before the ceremony. 3:09: 💔 Betrayal revealed, leading to canceled wedding and personal conflicts. 6:13: 💔 Realization of deception and betrayal leading to wedding cancellation. 9:04: 💔 Man's wedding called off due to undisclosed reason, leading to need for closure and moving on. 12:20: 💔 Heartbreaking revelation of betrayal and insecurity in a relationship. 15:32: 💑 Love blossoms between best friends turned spouses, leading to exciting plans for the future. 18:15: 💔 Shocking discovery of spouse's affair with classmate leads to confrontation and betrayal. Timestamps by Tammy AI
@Eric_Black134 3 ай бұрын
I think that first story is the first cheating story where everyone had a mature and justifiable reaction. No screaming match, no name calling, only a single threat from the ex to the person who accidentally revealed the truth, and even that was settled pretty quickly.
@bhaminibhanot3028 4 ай бұрын
@francinetitherington4060 2 ай бұрын
The France trip piece really shows that this isn't real person reading but a bad AI setup. Reading out a period as "Dot" is a dead giveaway.
@theonefriendwhohasnolife 4 ай бұрын
…Anyone else gonna point out that in the first story the lady was apparently cheating with her brother?
@incognit01233 4 ай бұрын
The step brother of the wedding planner? Cause if it was the exgf step brother then they were fucking for a lot longer then just then.
@graciecat9694 4 ай бұрын
No, she was cheating with the wedding planner's brother.
@j.e.t.v4016 4 ай бұрын
A wedding takes way longer than 3 months to plan. Fake.
@TheDeadzon3 4 ай бұрын
Not really? It depends on how extravagant you want it
@FroggyGirlDreams 4 ай бұрын
​@TheDeadzon3 at a 5 star banquet hall? That's 6 to 12 months minimum. Source: godmother is a wedding planner
@j.e.t.v4016 4 ай бұрын
@@FroggyGirlDreams last minute 5 star banquet hall, mind you
@FroggyGirlDreams 4 ай бұрын
@j.e.t.v4016 those things don't exist in the event planning world lol. Last minute 5 star hotel? There's a 1 year waiting list for 5 star hotels.
@changedmyname26 4 ай бұрын
No she wasn't embarrassed, she knew there was a potential law suit against her company, so thats the reason for the extra refund. I would of surd the brother.
@okk239 4 ай бұрын
@imakallmekrisfan-ym2bw 4 ай бұрын
Hi I'm the first person to comment 🩵💬💭
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