Calvinism is DEAD & Other Theology Trends to Watch in 2024

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Underdog Theology

Underdog Theology

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@ataxcollector695 10 ай бұрын
As a Calvinist myself, one thing that always bothered me with our "side" is that many of our leaders are very arrogant. From the way they quickly assign motives to Arminians, to the way they are quick to separate from brethren who do not agree with their view of soteriology, the Calvinist leaders are extremely contentious. Even RC Sproul (God rest his soul), whom I love dearly, once said that Arminians are barely saved. God doesn't barely save anyone. He completely saves all who put their faith in Christ, Calvinist or not.
@cruzaderawaken9600 10 ай бұрын
Yes!!! We need more calm humble Calvinists!
@cruzaderawaken9600 10 ай бұрын
Humble Calvinism by J.A. Medders looks really good.
@Underdogtheology 10 ай бұрын
Yes!!! 💯
@jgeph2.4 10 ай бұрын
If we would just adhere to the confessions we uphold so dearly … (Westminster Confession of Faith with Larger & Shorter Catechism) VIII. The doctrine of this high mystery of predestination is to be handled with special prudence and care, that men attending the will of God revealed in His Word, and yielding obedience thereunto, may, from the certainty of their effectual vocation, be assured of their eternal election. So shall this doctrine afford matter of praise, reverence, and admiration of God, and of humility, diligence, and abundant consolation to all that sincerely obey the Gospel.
@Mulerider4Life 10 ай бұрын
Yes I'm so sick of the Political Reformed games my self.
@danielbeardsley7846 8 ай бұрын
I know I don't belong here at all as an Orthodox Christian, but I used to be Reformed Baptist and I stumbled across this channel when keeping tabs on my old world. I'm glad the Calvinism trend is dying. I can't even imagine how many people I've driven away from Christ through the years preaching that God hates the reprobate. I still have self harm scars from listening to Paul Washer back in my teens. I know Paul would never want his preaching to have that effect, but when you firmly believe the things he says it's hard to not fall into deep despair. There is a better way, and it's the ancient and original Church. I think a lot of zoomers are reaching for liturgical traditions as well, because we've seen what happens when the faith is purely intellectual and it's severely lacking.
@onegirlarmy4401 10 ай бұрын
It's not just Millennials that are leaving the church. My Boomer dad is fed up as well. My Gen Z sisters have already left. It's a frustrating and heartbreaking time. I think we're ripe for Reformation.
@Underdogtheology 10 ай бұрын
I agree, I just think that far more millennials are leaving than other generations.
@isaacg.9857 9 ай бұрын
I have to say, if Calvinism is on a major decline, I can't say I find that upsetting. It uses logic to refute logic, makes the image of God appear to be that of a heartless fiend - when He definitely isn't that, and gives a massive sense of entitlement on a level I only otherwise see in the currently scandal wracked Charismatic movement (full disclosure, I am currently in a Charismatic Church but not sure how much longer I will be.) I have always found it to be a futile and self-defeating ideology when carried to its logical conclusions. I don't have anything personally against anyone who is a Calvinist but I find the teaching contradictory, unbiblical, and untenable.
@sampaigemusic 10 ай бұрын
Brian Houston (Hillsong) just announced that he's starting a new "church". Not surprised but still very annoyed
@Underdogtheology 10 ай бұрын
@israelmacario3853 10 ай бұрын
good to see calvinism is waning. It is unbiblical and should be discarded
@Underdogtheology 10 ай бұрын
*nervous giggle*
@deltatheintp0263 4 ай бұрын
4 pointer here. Calvinists who are true Christians can find fellowship with anyone who finds their salvation exclusively in the work of Jesus Christ. I used to believe Calvinism unbiblical and I know there are people who have the opposite story as me, who began as Calvinists and became Armenian (or somewhere in between such as Lutherans or Molinists). God made us different, and our knowledge is imperfect, but it is Christs love of us and our love of God's Word that is paramount and essential.
@JesusPeopleSF 10 ай бұрын
Speaking of biblical illiteracy: when I went to Southern Seminary, I was shocked how many M.Div students admitted they had never read the bible cover to cover
@bordendonna 10 ай бұрын
Wow. Seems to be trending. In charismatic circles….some say, “why do we need the bible….we all gave revelation!” It’s unbelievable. Yet we are warned in scripture that false teachers will come.
@JesusPeopleSF 10 ай бұрын
@@bordendonna I think a hugely concerning development in Calvinism specifically is the obsession with classical theism which is opening the door for a preoccupation with Thomas Aquinas and philosophy and is pushing out simple bible teaching.
@CCiPencil 10 ай бұрын
If a new Calvinist pastor showed up to my church and hide their theology then I would deeply upset and offended. Anyone going to be a pastor should be upfront about their theological traditions and be ready to defend it from scripture. I personally do not want my girls growing up in a church that teaches Calvinism. Just my 2 cents, be upfront about your theology, no matter what it is
@davevandervelde4799 10 ай бұрын
I really don't think it is a big problem as some want to make it out to be. My last 3 pastors and I think 75% of those teaching it came to the position through alot of diligent study. My present pastor grew up Pentecostal and came to the reformed position in his late 30's. We have had a weekend conference on the doctrines and he is constantly talking about its doctrines in his sermons. I really think most people are not able to identify the differences unless someone explains it. He openly speaks and answers questions about it. I have heard many online say they were at a calvinist church and only realized after someone else told them. Then the reaction often is negative but they really don't know the issues well enough.
@CCiPencil 10 ай бұрын
@@davevandervelde4799 a lot of people have come to the opposite conclusion through diligent study. I think having the wrong idea about an essential characteristic/attribute/nature of God has wide ranging effects. What we believe about God affects our heart, desire and will. For me, all the “proof texts” I’ve seen for the TULIP fall part when taken into context. My contention is determinism makes God unholy, which is false. Determinism makes God the author of evil and explaining it away as a mystery won’t do, especially when reasonable exegesis can be done without Calvinism. Not looking for debate or anything, just saying for some of us non Calvinist, it’s a big deal.
@steveobrien3673 10 ай бұрын
It absolutely is a big deal.
@davevandervelde4799 10 ай бұрын
@@CCiPencil I understand and totally respect a different perspective on a secondary issue. I know all the arguments for and against so I am also not looking to debate. Thank you and God bless you brother.
@CCiPencil 10 ай бұрын
@@davevandervelde4799 I agree it is a secondary issue. God bless you too
@davidbanks4168 10 ай бұрын
You’re a good guy Dean - I appreciate your viewpoint on abuse.
@Underdogtheology 10 ай бұрын
Thanks David.
@cruzaderawaken9600 10 ай бұрын
Calvinism isn't dead, I became one in early 2023!
@Underdogtheology 10 ай бұрын
We got one!
@davevandervelde4799 10 ай бұрын
I think alot of people are looking at this more diligently now. No matter where they land. It is good to hear and I think most are not heard.
@sarademoret425 10 ай бұрын
Hey you look great without a hat!
@davewhite756 5 ай бұрын
I started following all my local churches here and ig. Hardly anybody has the denomination in the name, very little have one listed on their websites. I'm noticing the churches that leave differences out and just preach the gospel seem to be more full. I got a sweet pot luck system going, give them your email and they just tell you when the pot luck is.
@ataxcollector695 10 ай бұрын
It's the end of the school semester... I'm finally on winter break... I'm done teaching for the next 3 weeks... and I still missed the live stream 🙃
@Underdogtheology 10 ай бұрын
It happens. Haha
@cruzaderawaken9600 10 ай бұрын
Dean!!! There is literally a handbook on this subject! Becoming a Church that Cares Well for the Abused by Brad Hambrick It's FREE on Kindle and paperback is only 5 bucks!
@bordendonna 10 ай бұрын
I get the impression that Calvinists are a little entitled. Is that a common perception?
@cruzaderawaken9600 10 ай бұрын
Hi Calvinist here......yes it is a problem
@ezbody 10 ай бұрын
Entitled is too mild, narcissistic is the word.
@Underdogtheology 10 ай бұрын
Seems so.
@mcocknoxy 10 ай бұрын
you talking about Gen Z (as an Early Mid 30s chap) is the most "Get off my lawn" thing I've seen on your channel. Very funny.
@Underdogtheology 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, I’m aware. Still…IT’S TRUE!
@geographicaloddity2 10 ай бұрын
I have to wonder if the waning of Calvinism isn’t tied to deconstructionism. The formerly young, restless and reformed guys and gals seem to be the ones deconstructing the most. Derek Webb and Joshua Harris come to mind. I think both came to a point where they saw people they cared about who were lost and started dealing with double predestination and couldnt integrate their faith, their love of people and the ideal that God predestined some for heaven and many for hell. They couldnt accept that God can still be good and there can be things we either don't understand (I genuinely don't understand this but I accept it) or even don't like. Rather than accept our fallen nature limits our understanding and confessing that, they leave the faith or reject the belief system. How will we be able to talk about God's love, grace and how He saves us if that gets labeled as Calvinism instead of biblical theology? Just pray we don't all become Hyper Arminians, believing the walk of faith is littered with banana peels and one wrong step can get us sent to hell.
@ThisisPam 10 ай бұрын
I think you’re on to something. Many strong young restless and reformed guys and girls I knew 10 or 15 years ago have either left the faith, changed churches and became much more liberal (free) in theology, or they have been divorced and had other major family issues. In real life, their rigid faith and black and white views on many things did not serve them when the rubber met the road. And if there were any questions or doubts or cracks in the facade of doing everything “right”, they were ignored or abandoned by their church friends. Set adrift, Calvinism seemed like chaff that the wind was driving away.
@matts.6558 9 ай бұрын
@todeeeenman7126, sorry but I couldn't help see the contradiction in something you wrote and wanted to address it. You stated "Just pray we don't all become Hyper Arminians, believing the walk of faith is littered with banana peels and one wrong step can get us sent to hell." I don't think you actually understand Calvinism. If you don't have free will, and therefore God already predetermined you would be a Calvinist, then how could you possibly turn away to Arminianism? That's just ridiculous to believe this based on the claims of Calvinism, because you assume free will in the specific matter. Another classic Calvinist contradiction to add to the list of thousands and tens of thousands...which is exactly why Calvinism isn't true, and therefore isn't Biblical Theology....which is exactly why the term has never been and will never be synonymous with Biblical Theology and will always be it's own separate subset.
@000MrJwright 9 ай бұрын
I have a lot of friends that are Calvinists. Before I began to research this systematic I thought for sure that I’d become a Calvinist. Honestly, scripture alone is what got in the way of me become a Calvinist. Probably my biggest problem with Calvinism is predeterminism. Nothing can escape the black hole of predetermination. It subverts the purpose of scripture. The second thing is the “all” in “all who believe in me shall be saved” being changed to mean “the elect.” The elect of which didn’t truly come to believe, but were preprogrammed/predetermined to believe. I understand the God of Jeremiah 19:5. He is our Heavenly Father, not our puppet master.
@matts.6558 9 ай бұрын
@@000MrJwright amen brother
@eskulmo 10 ай бұрын
Calvinism being out is not a bad thing. Then J Mac's popularity will wane. Maybe saying you are a Confessional Christian will be better than just saying you are Calvinist. Liturgical churches will be on the rise, though. Maybe it is time for Lutheranism to shine, lol.
@annlowry9841 10 ай бұрын
I hate diabetes so much
@Underdogtheology 10 ай бұрын
The wooooooooooooorst.
@steveobrien3673 10 ай бұрын
Calvinism is dying and we’re dividing on politics because the Calvinism trend was always a port for the storm for “conservative Christianity” when they lost the culture wars in the late 90s. The trend was about politics from the start.
@nikhilrao7174 10 ай бұрын
I don’t see how Calvinism, old or new, was always about politics from the start
@todddenman7126 10 ай бұрын
Just got done watching a documentary on cults on Netflix… I feel like Gen Z is going to experience something along the lines of what happened in the 60’s and 70’s. Just my two cents… Perhaps in 50 or 60 years will have some more YRR 😊 we do need some more Regent College’s or JI Packer’s who know, appreciate, humbly differ, but step across denominational lines though.
@annlowry9841 10 ай бұрын
Any thoughts on Gen X ? We aren't Millennials but we are the 50 year olds. Driscoll is Gen X. Gen X are the people with the $. Think Joe Rogan, Elon Musk...
@Underdogtheology 10 ай бұрын
I don’t have any big thoughts on that generation yet.
@savedbyGrace1234 10 ай бұрын
Where are the comments???
@txgsu43 10 ай бұрын
32:01 Lutheranism is based. ;-)
@Underdogtheology 10 ай бұрын
You take your Gen Z lingo and go red pill it somewhere else! Did I use that right? 😜😜😜
@savedbyGrace1234 10 ай бұрын
For by grace are we saved not by works
@ironnman67 10 ай бұрын
Dean without a hat is low key terrifying. Jk jk
@Underdogtheology 10 ай бұрын
Right? A sign of the apocalypse.
@ironnman67 10 ай бұрын
@@Underdogtheology 😂😂😂
@savedbyGrace1234 10 ай бұрын
What exactly is Calvinism ? I thought it was works with salvation
@CCiPencil 10 ай бұрын
Calvinism is defined simply by the TULIP acronym and determinist understanding of God. They believe, based on my understanding, that man’s nature, will, heart, desires, etc are completely determined by God. God determined that all people will be born completely unable to respond to God’s call for everyone to repent and believe in the gospel. The only ones that do believe are ones chosen before creation and given an irresistible grace to believe. They believe you have to be born again in order to even believe. Jesus did not die for everyone, only the elect. They base this, typically on their understanding of John 6, Rom 9, and Eph 1&2. I find it unbiblical. There are different flavors of it: 3,4,5 point Calvinism. Piper has stated he is a 7 pointer, whatever that is. Essentially they claim that God has determine what so ever comes to pass, including rape, murder, my non Calvinistic beliefs, etc.
@savedbyGrace1234 10 ай бұрын
@@CCiPencil Thanks I’d rather believe whosoever believes in Jesus is saved
@CCiPencil 10 ай бұрын
@@savedbyGrace1234 I’m a whosoever myself and I find it lines up for more with scripture.
@txgsu43 10 ай бұрын
@@CCiPencil I think that is an oversimplification. TULIP definitely is Calvinistic, but it a small part of the scheme. Calvinists don’t even all agree on TULIP or what TULIP actually means. The reason why we reduce Calvinism to TULIP is because, by and large, most other groups are offshoots of Reformed theology. Compared to Lutherans, Roman Catholics, and Orthodox, a Wesleyan will have more in common with many self professed Calvinists.
@txgsu43 10 ай бұрын
To be Calvinistic is to hold reason as being a category the Scripture is subject to as opposed to holding Scripture above reason. A demonstration of this principle is the Marburg Colloquy. It was a debate between a guy named Zwingli-a Reformed theologian before Calvin-and Martin Luther. Zwingli argued that Christ could not be physically present in the Eucharist because “the finite [physical things] is not capable of the infinite [omnipresence].” Luther’s response was carving “is means is” into the table, a reference to Christ’s words of institution. Scripture testifies that Christ said the bread is his body and the wine is his blood. Luther said if reason contradicts this, it is due to our poor facilities. Zwingli-and Calvin later-had to come up with a way rationalization of these words against rational maxims. This extends to most reformed and post-reform groups-Presbyterians, Wesleyan, Baptists, etc.,
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