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Fundamentalism Explained
8 ай бұрын
Farewell, Andy Stanley?
9 ай бұрын
Here's some advice...
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The Big Eva Comedy Tour
11 ай бұрын
@user-wk1li2cm5o 17 сағат бұрын
Luke 4:4 KJV Bible “And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” You say that you don't want conversations about it? We don't need an upgraded version, as you put it. The CSB is another corrupt translation and I've only given one example here. There are many, whether NIV, CSB or others. Changing and deleting is not acceptable to God. The King James Version Research Council would be very helpful to you and others. But Jesus answered him, "It is written: Man must not live on bread alone. " CSB
@dblev2019 18 сағат бұрын
I have thought extensively about Christian Nationalism and I believe this is a very misunderstood topic. For what it’s worth these are my thoughts. Christian Nationalism has appeared seemingly out of no where mainly used as a slander against Evangelicals and Catholics. Its definition is rarely challenged, but words have meaning. Before surrendering language to those using it to character assassinate, a reassessment is in order. True Christian Nationalists believe that the State is responsible for granting rights, but how does this square with our Declaration of Independence? “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” Jefferson, the “wall of separation” president, claimed that our rights come from God, and that governments are Instituted, not to grant rights, rather to secure those rights which come from the Creator. Not only do governments lack the authority to grant rights, but their power is limited by those whose rights they secure! Under communism rights come from the state, and any moral authority which challenges the will of the State must be reined in. This can been done by framing its doctrines as hate, banning religious materials, or through regulation. The true Christian Nationalist is likened to China’s three-self patriotic movement. While terms like “Sinicization of Christianity”aren’t used in the west, it does not mean attempts aren’t being made to Nationalize Christianity. The 2024 revision of the United Methodist Church’s Social Principles no longer focuses on the core tenants of the faith, instead they now mirror the UN’s SDG’s. The doctrines that define the faith have been replaced with climate change, environmental racism, food justice, colonialism, euthanasia, reproductive health, restorative justice, migration, and gender identity. In December 2023 the CCP released their new five year plan for the Sinicization of Christianity. The following is a translated statement from that document: “19. Reinterpret the concept of social services from the perspective of the Sinicization of Christianity, and actively participate in social service work in the fields of medical and health care, helping the disabled and the poor, post-disaster relief, epidemic prevention and control, and environmental protection in accordance with the law, and establish a good image.” Like in the People’s Republic of China, we are seeing the development of two radically different Churches in America. A Church which mirrors the goals of the State, and a Church committed to the long standing doctrines of the faith. The later is under siege in both countries! The former is where you will find the Christian Nationalist. The end goal of the Christian Nationalist is to remake Christianity in the image of the State, to nationalize it. Thus any higher authority which challenges the States end goals must be controlled or eliminated.
@dblev2019 21 сағат бұрын
A few months back I was listening to Doug Pagit’s podcast and he was discussing Christian Nationalist. After listening to his podcast it became clear that Pagit is as clueless as most people regarding Christian Nationalism. That said, postmodernism is still around, and the reason the emergent movement no longer seems relevant is because many of our mainline Protestant churches, and even some evangelicals have begun to embrace postmodernism. Case in point the United Methodist Churches 2024 revised Social Principles. Postmodernism is taking over our churches.
@gabriellafaithmckenzie 22 сағат бұрын
Old pastor thinks that the last 15 people leaving over his NAR teachings are all coming back 😂
@Katerina-oo4ju Күн бұрын
Parents need to deal with Mr. Locke.
@Katerina-oo4ju Күн бұрын
I don't mean to be unkind, but if he gets a kidney stone, will he see that as a medical situation or just a demon making its way down his urethra?
@HarryReeves-gs8su Күн бұрын
To those that refuse to accept responsibility, I have a idea! Change the words John Macarthur to Catholic Priest, then watch the reaction!🤔
@Katerina-oo4ju Күн бұрын
Reminds me of a recent, unfortunate experience with the Church of Christ.
@pearcejayw Күн бұрын
51:28 bruh I thought that he is just a typical male headship supporter who agree that women should be at home, obey the husband, and not entering too high career or Theological education..but THIS???? He said that he would CONTROL his children and his wife about what they EAT and what they WEAR??? So he wants his children to have a 'slave' mindset and lifestyle without EVER learn to think for themselves and make mature decision for themselves??? And btw, he said that if he did that to his church"s congregation, it would be tyranny, but he does it anyway to his family. So basically he said that his family *deserve* a tyranny??? Ahh, I just... never mind. Btw thank you for your video.
@Katerina-oo4ju Күн бұрын
Dale also promotes "Biblical Patriarchy"...which goes so far as to say women should hold NO place in the public sphere. He also says women need not study theology and such. He would enjoy living in Afghanistan, I believe.
@Katerina-oo4ju Күн бұрын
He is dangerous in many ways. Many red flags. I'm sorry to have to say this.
@tomhism 2 күн бұрын
Dude you're a cry baby. Degenerate
@OrlandoVergelJr 2 күн бұрын
Take care of your family brother. Make sure you all stay cool and refreshed.
@JesusistheLivingGod.777 2 күн бұрын
No. She understood Jesus saying He came for a specific reason, the children of Israel God original people. And she being humble said, even the ones outside of the childrens table would want to each the crumbs of their meal. Anyone who feels "deserving" like he's trying to portray here, would feel worthy of sitting at the table itself. But she was begging for the crumbs. Jesus saw this amount of faith and humbleness and she was granted what she wanted.
@BillWalkerWarren 2 күн бұрын
Ouch Dean , I hope and pray all goes well with cooling down. Just one suggestion is completely in house ac units make a heat island behind the unit ( the ac unit makes heat to produce the cool air) . A window ac keeps the heat outside. Still first of all family first brother. Blessings Bill
@setholesen6784 2 күн бұрын
As to a 4-month-olds level of awareness, they don't even have a developed concept of object permanence. When you play peek-a-boo with them and they're surprised when they see your face again, they're really surprised lol. As far as they know you really disappeared. They physically don't have the ability to understand that if something is not in front of or around them that it even exists anymore. The problem with some of these "reformed" guys is that they're weird legalistic fundamentalists. You pointed out that a lot of the people in the reformed camp are just new fundamentalists in a video and that really stuck with me. When you have thoughts and beliefs that are not only contextually out of touch with the entire body of scripture but completely out of touch with reality, I don't think you should be in a situation where you influence people and it's really sad that they are
@brandonleaton9660 3 күн бұрын
Mark was 💯 IN LINE here. I’m so proud of him and what God is doing through him!
@freakylocz14 3 күн бұрын
I'm both.
@ritamills3417 3 күн бұрын
What is so funny dude?
@BelovedMeadows. 3 күн бұрын
You are 100 times worst then Justin peters so watch yourself first
@DarrickBaker4 3 күн бұрын
Read the Bible. Study the Early Church. You will know Catholicism is the Church founded by Jesus Christ with a line of succession of teachings from the Apostles.
@chancehendrix7139 3 күн бұрын
I actually laughed at this! It’s like one of those temper tantrum videos I watch. I’m autistic and I’m sure possessed people don’t pray seven times before bed.
@tonyjames5459 4 күн бұрын
Sinners everywhere want to know God.
@nann-xu9ik 4 күн бұрын
Doug Wilson is so demeaning to women it sickens me
@lizh1988 4 күн бұрын
Can't blame you, it's like August where I am, 86°F where I am also.
@1Blantdaddy 4 күн бұрын
I love Pastor Mark.
@gabriellafaithmckenzie 5 күн бұрын
It would be cool if you could do a video on Harry Potter, lord of the rings, that type of movie for christians. Every other video out on KZbin is over complicated about the issue. This video was so simple yet so great and down to the point. It’s much appreciated!!!
@kay7602 5 күн бұрын
This is also evidence that he doesn’t trust or even understand neuroscience and how our brains can literally be changed in the process of development because of trauma. He could have worded this so differently for example “ I believe there is a huge issue of overmedicating and not getting to the root of a persons issue” but to take such a strong stance is putting himself dangerously close to the “just have enough faith” camp
@user-js8pg4fu8f 5 күн бұрын
using the thief on the cross as an example of "easy" (your words) justification is not a good illustration . Who do we know today that can relate to that situation? And, by the way being nailed to a cross is not easy! Surely, it could cause even the 'hardened" sinner to repent. But, there are lots of people today who believe "living faith'" demands obedience. I think audience relevance is under considered...James was likely referring to Jewish believers trying to separate themselves from circumcision, etc. ("To the twelve tribes dispersed abroad"). For me, living faith is daily faith...not faith last year but "living"
@gabriellafaithmckenzie 5 күн бұрын
The Joe Biden of Calvinism lol 😂
@olly2027 5 күн бұрын
It helps me understand the Bible better.
@KCFumando 5 күн бұрын
Imagine being so sensitive that a Pastor commenting a gif needs attention🤣
@irijah1 6 күн бұрын
Your disagreement is with God who says forgive..even your enemy. ... If you truly had an understanding of how vile and sick and putrid sin is to God....nobody should boast..nobody should talk.. You forgive because God said so..plain and simple no human is in a position to say otherwise
@graftme3168 6 күн бұрын
MacArthur talks like a corrupt politician seeking more power.
@Smegmode 8 күн бұрын
@jasonmcdaniel1704 8 күн бұрын
He had nothing to prove. He is god you will bend your knee. It’s not my problem. It’s yours
@jasonmcdaniel1704 8 күн бұрын
I forgive you
@tinalarntz5495 8 күн бұрын
Hay guys? I get that this isn't a popular view, but I can testify it is 100% TRUE. I was DELIVERED FROM A SPIRIT OF AUTISM over 8 years ago and I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER. Autism used to TORMENT ME something awful. It caused my hearing to become so overly sensitive I couldn't even attend a school Pep Rally with hearing protection. Those headphones DID NOT HELP ANY. Those gatherings were so loud they made my ears feel like their were BLEEDING. I was like I was standing right next to an airplane or rocket about to take off, it hurt so bad! I had to sit out in fount of the principle's office alone every pep rally because of that. I also had serious sensitivities to pain. Including UNDER MY SKIN in my mussels. A tiny cat scratch would feel like someone ran a knife down my arm. Causing me to fall to the floor shaking in pain. The pain taking a half an hour or more to settle down sometimes. And don't even get me started on what needle like wounds would do! Bee stings caused pain that wouldn't go away for a half an hour, and blood draws and IVs felt like a stake knife was jabbed into my arm. This pain NEVER SUBSIDED AND GREW WORCE the longer any IVs were in me. It felt like a stake knife was being twisted in my arm the longer any blood draws went on! I had traits issue too and would grow horribly nauseous with certain kinds of foods and drinks. Such things as cream filled chocolates made me sick to my stomach after just one tiny bite and that'd last for a long time too. School was unbearable and pretty much useless for me due to my brain's struggles to function properly. My sensitive hearing made it impossible for my brain to THINK in any place with even the slightest noises around. It couldn't proses all that noise and the things I was trying to read or learn all at the same time. So I had to take tests in quiet rooms with no noise to distract me. I had trouble with vege open ended questions like "Put this sentence in your own words", because their was too many ways to do that. My mind couldn't process anything more then simple questions like "What year did the American Revolution Start?" Where all I had to do was make a flash card and memorize it and I'd be ok. I have the memory of an elephant so memorizing information was easier then trying to "think creatively". I also struggled unbearably with some subjects like "Economics", My brain would literally shut off if someone tryed teaching me that topic. As if they were trying to type on a computer that was off. I couldn't remember anything anyone ever tryed teaching me because of that. Then came all the bullying including from my teachers and some judgmentle REJECTION from my family. Similar to Sidney Poindexter in Danny Phantom, everyone picked on me every chance I got. I often times got in trouble for "acting out" when the bullying got too much to bare, and no one ever saw them bullying me. Then I was rushed through the school system with a FAKE diploma that amounts to NOTHING till this day. Some of my family members even thought I'd never amount to anything. But then I got saved and God showed me I had a talent that at the time I THOUGHT came from Autism. MANY TALENTS seemed to be coming from their that I'd never noticed until I was Born Again. Thanks to these new talents I started to think Autism wasn't the problem. People who didn't understand it were. I started seeing it as more of a "gift" and learned to control the BAD stuff to the best of my ability. But then I got a mysterious illness (Caused by a spirit of Trauma for obvious reasons. Now gone thanks to Jesus.) and no one could help me. So I turned to God and He showed me it was a spirit, instructing me to get it cast out. But several Deliverance Ministries FAILED and one or two tried to tell me "Autism is of the devil". They wanted me to get prayer for healing from it. I Didn't really want healed after discovering my "Autistic Gifts", fearing they'd leave me with the bad stuff I hated. So I resisted this idea and focused all my attention on getting the mystery illness cast out instead. That was when I met a woman who said she could get that illness out and she started working with me. She started by giveing me a book called "The Believer's Authority" by Kenneth E. Hagin. Then she set up an appointment with me for our first round of Deliverance. During this session she got me in the mood to receive deliverance for anything she deemed necessary. I put my full TRUST in her that she knew ALL the spirits that needed cast out to heal me. One spirit I accidently but eagerly agreed to cast out was THE SPIRIT OF AUTISM. I hadn't realized how WONDERFUL a decision that was until I got home. Starting that night ALL THE BAD SYMPTOMS LEFT ONE BY ONE, AND THE GIFTS GREW STRONGER. Evanescence that day I've been able to do all of the following. Eat anything I want and NOT get an upset stomach. HAD A PAINLESS BLOOD DRAW for the FIRST TIME EVER. No longer collapse when I get mildly hurt. I even got cut up badly by stepping on a tree branch and it DIDNT HURT MUCH and was PAINLESS when I went to wash it off! Loud noises no longer make my ears bleed unless their considered dangerous by doctors. I can read in noisy environments and even take tests without any difficulty concentrating. I can answer most veuge questions as long as I know what your asking. (Mindfulness took me a while to understand sense I'd never thought that deeply before. But I'm starting to understand it now. My muscle strength mysterious increased. This was the first sigh something GOOD had happened. My fingers could do things they never could before the day I got home. But the best gift from all of this was my brain felt like someone took a cap off of it and I began to absorb enough wisdom to almost measure up to King Solomon Himself. My brain grew so STRONG even it even stopped turning off when I tried to lean economics. I've learned everything I need to live independently because of this! So Im acsholy really GREATFUL to have that DEMON OF AUTISM cast out of me! All my gifts grew stronger and everything I HATED is COMPLETLY GONE! So weather you want to admit it or not GRAG IS RIGHT. Autism is all that BAD stuff we all HATE and it IS a demon causing it! But the GOOD stuff we LOVE is something unrelated and DOESN'T GO AWAY when Autism is cast out. I believe it is a spiritual gift that Autism is sent to hinder from working right. Probably the gift of WISDOM if my stories any indication. So please stop bashing this pore man for this one and ACCEPT that Autism wants to hinder your true potential. Get that AWFUL thing CAST OUT and let your TRUE King Solomon shine through! Life without Autism really IS BETTER but you'd have to experience it yourself to fully understand just how incredible it is. Thank you Lord for delivering me from Autism and the LIES it was GOOD for me! Glory to the Lord on High!
@Underdogtheology 8 күн бұрын
@@tinalarntz5495 don’t peddle this here.
@kurthaas4331 8 күн бұрын
During one Easter, I witnessed the chaos of Trinity trying to Baptise over 100 people in one session. My granddaughters were baptized at this time. I'm not super smart, but it seems like it should be more meaningful to be baptized. Trinity treated it like a circus. I'm sure some were very serious about the baptism, as i was a few years earlier at Hillsong before it fell apart; i had wired a few years before being baptized, wanting to make sure i had fully devoted myself to Christ. But so many kids were treating it like the pre pool party to the pool party in the back of the church. So I'm very skeptical, and even more so after listening to Pastor Park peach from the Trinity pulpit today.
@kelleyrogers6013 9 күн бұрын
Mark driscoll emdorsed by Robert Morris
@akadwriter 9 күн бұрын
Totally agree. It IS cowardly!
@cristinaroe2166 9 күн бұрын
Tell me about it Greg. I've been told I'm demon possessed in the church. I was so traumatised by this I had to leave the church. There's so much hate against us by the allistic society. Basically, I've been told I have inappropriate behaviour since childhood. Maybe the anger issues might be the bullying and the forcing to conform that we've been subjected to. This is extremely painful. How would allistic people fare if treated the same way. I am a lovely, loveable, talented lady. I don't deserve put downs, particularly in the church. Yes, I do believe God made me this way and that I am not defective. I might have challenges but equally, I have strengths that others don't. How can it possibly benefit society, particularly the church to keep putting us down. Are we the new lepers? Thanks for standing up for us Greg
@Katerina-oo4ju 9 күн бұрын
This is a great channel...and I am neither Reformed nor Baptist! I just appreciate the thoughtfulness and logic you put into it.
@Katerina-oo4ju 9 күн бұрын
Also, I would hope no one would treat a newly married virgin like this. That first night would be really scary with a brute!
@gregwaisso6838 9 күн бұрын
What did he do actually? This woman could go to the hospital after talking on the telephone and that wouldn't mean she was assaulted. Calling him a brawler is a stretch. What did he do for you to call him that? Did he push her, hit her? As far as the bearing false witness against someone that is a whole other matter. I don't know how anyone could be defended if he did that. But, saying dig into someone's past because they got into an altercation is not right, unless we start with your past. Let's did up everything people have said. None of us would pass that test. You should stuck with what he actually did recently that's all. Someone from his church said he had a confrontational style of ministry. Then fire him for that. I do know that style today, and it is not becoming of clergy.
@nancybenson1951 9 күн бұрын
I started listening to JM during COVID. So the relationship is short. And I know this is old news from a year ago, but this subject is really new news because it is still happening at GCC, and in one form or another in churches all over the world. We now have Mike Bickel IHOP and his people, , Morris from Gateway and his people. I feel ashamed because I foolishly believed John MacArthur was a good man. Then I read what Julie Roys reported about Eileen and also the other gal. Then I read his book, Strange Fire, and it made me uncomfortable with him-I am charismatic. Then I heard some of his comments at Shepherds Conferences and Puritan Conferences on KZbin. I felt arrogance and pride exuding from him in those comments and in that book Strange Fire. I began to realize what a jerk J. Mac. was. As recently a year ago I expressed respect for his seemingly solid Biblical sermons, but then I realized my gut feelings about him should be given a heads up. He is very uncaring. I pray for certain pastors and teachers that they would stop putting JM on a pedestal. And I pray for abuse victims everywhere that they would be free in Christ and restored to sanity. If Eileen was acting “bizarre” it was probably because she wasn’t being listened to. And she was being abused by church leaders. There is no love at GCC. And without love they are a sounding gong.
@Harold-si7eh 9 күн бұрын
John MacArthur is just another Preacher who uses Jesus for Exploitation and Sales of his books,DVD,CD Sales,Money,Money,Money runs MacArthur's multi-million Dollar Income,Are People just a Commodity For Him to be "USED"???
@Harold-si7eh 9 күн бұрын
John MacArthur is just another Preacher who uses Jesus for Exploitation and Sales of his books,DVD,CD Sales,Money,Money,Money runs MacArthur's multi-million Dollar Income,Are People just a Commodity For Him to be "USED"???
@Harold-si7eh 9 күн бұрын