Can this AI Draw ANYTHING? (Dall-E 2)

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Sarah Renae Clark

Sarah Renae Clark

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@SarahRenaeClark 2 жыл бұрын
For all the detectives out there... This video includes the FIRST LOOK at the prototype for a new product I'm releasing in just a few weeks! It's hiding here somewhere...
@KateDrewSomething 2 жыл бұрын
That colorful cube box in the back right looks new… 👀
@bleuvertetforetdepin7308 2 жыл бұрын
@@KateDrewSomething What's it's purpose? Looks like swatching with a hint of color theory. That look and sound exciting. :D
@mandirae9223 2 жыл бұрын
i thought it was the ai signing it or a new ai way to talk, secret langage lmaoo
@krishanSharma.69.69f 2 жыл бұрын
Sarah you were too optimistic about whether this will take your job or not. This is the case in 2022, with 5 more years it will improve even more. It's not very far when human artists will be extinct.
@kenswireart88 2 жыл бұрын
Focus on the positive. 😄
@VisualMind 2 жыл бұрын
The artist in me wants to use this for reference pictures. The cat mom in me wants a picture of my cat slipping on a banana peel at golden hour.
@SarahRenaeClark 2 жыл бұрын
I feel this conflict 😂😂
@VisualMind 2 жыл бұрын
@@SarahRenaeClark i can already see the picture framed on my wall on the toilet 😂
@lyssasletters3232 2 жыл бұрын
@Kazooples 2 жыл бұрын
I’m hesitant about this, but I’m also excited for it, I hope it encourages new artists to learn by tracing and using refs without the fear of accidentally copying other peoples ideas, I know it could help me.
@spectrelayer 2 жыл бұрын
It will change the nature of art creation - not replace the artist. Eventually there will be an interactive mode where an artist can continuously modify a single image, "Make it bigger, redder, fuzzier. Add feathers to the dinosaur." Etc. This will allow great artists to focus on their vision with a gigantic virtual canvas & endless permutations. We've had photography for over a century - yet people still paint, draw & sculpt. DallE is a means - not an end. Welcome to the latest Renaissance.
@ADCArtAttack 2 жыл бұрын
Confession, i definitely was the artist behind those Duck paintings!!! ;) 😅
@SarahRenaeClark 2 жыл бұрын
Yep… it’s all a conspiracy. I totally had the time and skills to Photoshop every single one of these images in the past week and AI isn’t real. And your paintings were amazing 😜 In all seriousness though, I think this shows that there’s room for a gouache Bob piece of art in the future, right?
@scorpioigor 2 жыл бұрын
What concerns me is how this technology can be used to create even more disinformation than we have today. Technologies like this are always exciting, but they are a double-edeged sword. There are always people who see them as an opportunity to do something nefarious.
@SarahRenaeClark 2 жыл бұрын
That’s one of the reasons why this isn’t being made available to the public yet. It’s in research phase, and part of that is to consider the safety and potential misuse.
@angieemm 2 жыл бұрын
The disheartening thing (not to sound conspiratorial) is that the bad actors will always have access to this tech because of their money and power. It's not some reddit-reading basement-dweller you have to worry about; it's the corporations and governments. THEY'RE going to misuse it.
@janellemaughan5192 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting thought on the flip side. Imagine what it could do in terms of helping in the medical field?
@normal4810 2 жыл бұрын
@@janellemaughan5192 could you expand on that thought? :)
@janellemaughan5192 2 жыл бұрын
@@normal4810 imagine if some one lost a part of their face to severe burns the technology could potentially help doctors to help construct new sections-of the face based on how the patient looked. It could be used alongside 3D printing (one day) to help produce organs for transplants. It could be used in dementia care. Etc etc. but yes. Rigorous ethical studies will need to be conducted in how it can be used also in a manner which is safe.
@nerdecrafter 2 жыл бұрын
This is such a beautiful concept and AI has always fascinated me. I would want to play with it all the time and see it create these fun sceneries from my mind’s imagination. Who wouldn’t want to see 3 dancing hippos painted in Renaissance style? 😍 thank you for including me
@SarahRenaeClark 2 жыл бұрын
Do YOU want to see 3 dancing hippos in renaissance style? Because we can make that happen. 😂 Thanks again for joining me for this one!
@Kessik8 2 жыл бұрын
I love to see the art and craft Tubers collaborate :) there have been so many collaborations and it feels so wholesome 😊 ❤️
@mute_ed984 2 жыл бұрын
Since Dalle-E is learning from human sources, he can't be perfect every time. He also picks up the human flaws in the process. But I have to admit - he is damn good and knows every style existing until the present. More than any human artist will be able to explore in his lifetime. I'm really impressed how Dalle-E seems to be quite accurate to catch "the essence" of each style. Which colors, which technique, which tools would be appropriate. And from what I understand he is at his Beginner Level just yet... If that A. I is able to further progress, that will be big. Maybe Dalle-E will have his own art exhibition one day. Wouldn't be surprised.
@RMD 2 жыл бұрын
I am still blown away by the accuracy DALL-E2 has and how it literally can bring anything to life. Its incredible and kinda scary all at the same time haha I also wish I would have I came up with more ideas to look at 😂😂 Thanks again for having me on and letting me get a sneak peak at DALL-E2!!
@dylanphillips9659 2 жыл бұрын
This will replace all graphic artists within 5 years tops. Best advice for any artist concerned for their job would be begin incorporating AI into your work process as soon as possible. If you don't adapt fast, you'll be left behind.
@treudden 2 жыл бұрын
@aandersson9181 2 жыл бұрын
@Ongo Gablogian No, you are being a realist and people like her who lauds this technology and sings its praises are the reason we are stuck in this automated technocratic hell where real effort gets shoved to the side and laziness applauded. I can't wait for a big electronic burnout where we hopefully get forced to go back to books and pencil, and really use our brains for real advancement for society. Like how to use different enviorment friendly alternatives to coal and oil (the non-artistic ones) as an example.
@niftyskates85 2 жыл бұрын
@Ongo Gablogian nah many think that way too. Everytime I draw a line now i feel im just wasting my time and thinking in the future I could've invested it in something better and had waited a few years for ai art to evolve.
@nicholasn.2883 2 жыл бұрын
​@Ongo Gablogian Yeah the super positive tone talking about how no one will be fired is just cope. I mean I don't think it will be every single job, but at least a 10% reduction for a conservative estimate. That's already hundreds of thousands of people and downward pressure on wages. And these aren't like low skilled people who'll just go find another low skill job (e.g. put thing in box at factory to McDonalds), these are people committed to an identity. This is going to be Earth shattering to so many once this goes into full effect. I hope I'm wrong. Maybe we have increased demand for art to compensate for a decrease in the number of workers per unit art and everyone somehow stays employed, finger crossed. But if this plays out how I think it's probably going to go, deaths of despair will hit record highs. And it's too bad the solution with the most traction at the moment is to put people just above the poverty line out of pity. They won't be starving, but they will be missing, you know like, purpose and they definitely will be longing for the good times.
@axcolleen 2 жыл бұрын
Probably the ones easy to generate yes, but stuff like character design and other specific art maybe not.
@jaytamayo4694 2 жыл бұрын
I first learned about DALL-E on Jazza's. Forget not the jobs lost because of machines and other tech. It was really mind blowing, UNBELIEVABLE and HORRIFIC! Seeing those DALL-E's has a chilling effect. Thus, Professionals like you are so surprised and amazed and felt threatened at the same time. This is something you should rally about or say ”NO TO DALL-E!" Imagine if art studio or movie companies needs art works SWIFTLY for their projects like background or concepts and Dall-E or any other AI produced it so well or better or satisfactory to the taste of producers then human artists are just memory of the past. Why pay artist when we have DALL-E that can produce art in a speed of light? Before lots need to be hired to farm a field, now it only needs a driver and a truck. Just one of many examples. A resto serves coffee blended by robots. JOBS CAN BE LOST BUT NEVER GREED! Robots or AI are taking over. It's NOT fiction anymore! VORAX (Latin - voracious) I call them. They will take advantage on this. Artists? Pay? No way!
@LibRoseITM 2 жыл бұрын
This is honestly terrifying for me as an artist. But I hope that people won't connect with it in the same way because they know that it was an image created in less than a second by a robot. As you said, there's no thought, no feeling and no hard work put into it. No years of practice, no pain, no elation, no joy.
@goedel. 2 жыл бұрын
And this is just the beginning. Scaling GPT (so increasing the number of parameters) seems to make the language model better and better, with the downside of requiring more computation & memory. There'll be a GPT-4 and GPT-5 that will make this even more impressive.
@martin5504 2 жыл бұрын
The majority of people don't care and there will be no artists left in a few years. The human content is lost.
@tinyfrog1439 2 жыл бұрын
It's an exciting technology, but I also can see it's a double edge sword. Like take for example Johnny depps trial. If Amber's team used this to makes photos of amber look bruised and battered or other people trying to fake injuries to win child custody battles. It's scary.
@aandersson9181 2 жыл бұрын
That's why not all technology are good or should be pursued.
@Kreative_Rainbow Жыл бұрын
I can see a lot of use for this in the movie industry specifically. Being able to visualize sets and costumes much quicker than has been done in the past.
@Taracinablue 2 жыл бұрын
I paused so many times to get a closer look. This is shaping up to be a neat tool! I love that you got other artists' reactions.
@Brubigo 2 жыл бұрын
I might be wrong, but as these types of AIs improve they will provoke a more clear separation of art from photobashing. The reason is due to this AI essentially being a super capable photobasher with unlimited technique and resource. Nowadays digital art has made it easier for people to make drawings and pictures, the problem is most of the time digital art from different people look like they came from the same artist, meaning there is no discerning artistic language, the genius of the artist is to make something abstract transmit something to the viewer, something that is beyond the language a picture or a photobash can transmit. To showcase my point i am gonna talk about some stuff. If you do the following experiment: search in youtube how to draw a portrait digital art. Scroll down and you will see many portraits that looked like they were all made by the same artist. Next, i am not sure many people know this, but there is a card game called magic the gathering, it has been around since 1994, and every year hundreds of unique cards with unique art are made, some of the best modern artists have worked on this game. If you go into a website that features a database with all the cards ever made, you can search the cards made before digital art was significant( like 94-02 for example) and you can compare with the cards made today ( 2020 -2022 for example) and you can analyze the different artists. What i found out is, in the old cards you get used to an artist's style and can guess what other art they made without having to read their signature. In the new cards there are a bunch of art that looked like they came from the same person, but they didn't, and they are all very good art, and they are all digital art, but they don't seem unique. The new cards with common digital art style all tend to have that semi realistic, milky, oil paint mimic style to them, and most of them are great depictions. Compared to the older cards, there seems to be more of a realism style artistic tendency to the new cards, maybe because digital art made realism more accessible. The thing is, if you look at the older cards, once in a while you will behold true master pieces of art, be it realistic art or a more abstract approach to the depiction of a scene or character, and these true master pieces are almost non existent in the newer card's art. Basically what i think will happen is these kinds of AIs will rival the art produced by digital artists and people who use photobash. Its hard to define art, but there is a nuance, sensible aspect to a masterpiece that is abstract, subjective and yet extremely relatable to a human viewer in a concrete way that brings forth a emotional stimulus. This future dynamic might even bring a rebirth of art style that focus more on the creation of expressing something rather than reproducing something. Someone had to conceptualize darth vader's helmet for example, and all the artistic concept that surrounds that characters image, and you cant photobash good NEW, ORIGINAL, concept into existence, and that will be the AI's limit i believe.
@stanstan2059 2 жыл бұрын
DALL-E 2 doesn't copy existing images. It generates original images using neural networks that were trained on large datasets of images and captions.
@Brubigo 2 жыл бұрын
@@stanstan2059 if it was trained using other images its a photobash comprised of many pictures, but it is still a photobash
@Brubigo 2 жыл бұрын
@@stanstan2059 photobash isnt copyng images, a lot of editing goes along
@stanstan2059 2 жыл бұрын
@@Brubigo Using the same logic, then one would also conclude that human artists also photobash.
@Brubigo 2 жыл бұрын
@@stanstan2059 almost, human mind takes inspiration from images, sometimes, for example, an artist sees a scene and feels something, he then tries to transcribe that feeling plus parts of the scene into the drawing, essentially he ends up drawing something that wasnt really there but that makes sense to the viewer as being part of the depiction. The AI always uses pre existing bits of images, it does not imagine things, it randomizes the bits but they aren't mixed or put together into a whole new different concept. Its hard to define the difference, because it is part of trying to define art, i can only use metaphors or examples. An artist gets a bunch of chaotic stimulus (image, sounds, warmth, movement, feelings) and tries to put them together by imagining the art piece, and somehow they make sense from that chaos in a way another human observer had never thought of, which makes the observers mind get that tingling feeling of being mesmerized by something he never knew was or could be there. It is like musical notes, you have heard all of them, but sometimes an artist combines them in very simple ways that makes a riff that just sticks in to your head. That sound is something new and has a signature to it, it brings forth feelings even though its source is just sound vibrations. If you listen to djs remixing riffs from older songs in electronic music sometimes you can detect a pattern to this remixing technique, this pattern is also something AIs can copy in a very effective way, because essentially a dj remixing themes is a photobasher. Photobashing techniques are a fast way to put concepts together, but do they create new concepts? Eventually if you want to create something new you need to draw and make sense of all the chaotic desires in your mind, desires of what you want to transcribe to the art piece. If you try to break down famous concepts, like tatooine for example, nowadays most people can imagine a tatooine scene in their head, but someone had to put it together first. Whoever made tatooine took inspiration from earthly things, but it no longer feels like anyplace on earth, the artist successfully combined and imagined the elements into a new concept, the AI can now be trained into what tatooine looks like. The AI puts images together like a ramdon machine would strike randons notes on a guitar, it can be trained to strike notes combining "stair way to heaven" with "hotel California", but can this training derived from trial and error end up with new unique music? Maybe in the future it will, i dont see it, the reason i dont believe it will is because in order to train something we first need to input the bias of what it is we want it to do, and the problem is no one knows how or why artist work the way they do, not even artists. A part of art is being surprised with something you never knew you liked but as you experience it becomes inevitable. Art is somewhat like getting a 2 year old kid that has never seen the color green and them showing it to them, it reaches deep down in the mind. If humans or machine eventually figure out the recipe of making art then its another story, but this will never happen, how do you make a recipe of something you cant define. If art is about being conflicted with something never seen before how can you make a production line of it. Art is taking your little boat and going into the open sea of chaos and unknow, you never know what will come out. Art is about learning to see things that are amongst us but we still dont know how to see them. A watch maker makes watches, a car maker makes cars, an unknown into known maker is an artist.
@TemiDansoArt 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so excited for this new technology! Thanks for including me in the video 🥰❤️
@CynthiaBerry713 2 жыл бұрын
And here I am, a retired housewife sitting at my dining table with a few basic coloring books and a nice collection of different branded colored pencils. Fascinating to think that had I started my art journey years...decades...ago, I might be able to utelize this fantastic tool, but for now I'm just happy to watch YOU do all the work while I color in a rainbow over a castle. lol
@vidhoard 2 жыл бұрын
It's genuinely mind blowing that I am alive at the same time that this is developing... and truly terrifying. This video did such a good job at describing and showcasing its capabilities!
@jendabekCZ 2 жыл бұрын
"A teddy bear hugging a grizzly bear in London" ... no AI will ever have such brilliant ideas.
@amypanddirtytoo1926 2 жыл бұрын
I think DALL-E is AMAZING and I love it, but you said the exact thing I was trying to say. It can REcreate anything. It can. Recreate, that is, but it just can't create. If you want something weird you have to actually type in what you want. It can't "think outside the box". This will be invaluable, but it won't replace us and I can't wait to use it! Also, I love that they called it DALL-E (he is one of my favorite artists of all time), a play on Dali and WALL-E, just chef's kiss perfect name for it!
@Graphomite 2 жыл бұрын
Not trying to be a contrarian, because you're right, but if you think in a general scope, this program replaces like 50% of art jobs. And that's lowballing the estimate. Yeah, it may take up to an hour to get the phrasing juuust right, yet minutes of pondering over a keyboard for an infinite array of profession-grade art verse finding and paying a person hundreds of dollars and hours (if not days) of labor to both correctly interpret and make an image you're seeking? Photographers, comic book illustrators, and animators need not worry (yet), but this sort of tech is ominous for freelancers in the marketing industry or concept artists of any ilk. Which make up a tremendous workforce. We're looking at the industrialization of artwork in the face. In its infancy stage. Panic is the appropriate response. Yes, there will always be a niche for hand crafted work, but the fact we're facing a reality where handcrafted art is considered a niche is concerning. I foresee professionals reduced to indie hipsters selling "real art images" on Etsy. How will new artists even gain traction when literally _anything_ can, quite effortlessly, be conceived as fake? Say goodbye to clout. There's gonna be so much art deepfaking, you won't know the difference. Nobody will know the difference.
@amypanddirtytoo1926 2 жыл бұрын
@@Graphomite except it can only create from art that has already been created. If there's no more art being made except by a dozen or so "indie hipsters" on Etsy then DALL E has no more information to feed from then it will stop evolving and become defunct.
@amypanddirtytoo1926 2 жыл бұрын
@@Graphomite oh wait, isn't that what they also said about the camera?
@whoowhaaat5666 2 жыл бұрын
@@amypanddirtytoo1926 nope you can tell dalle to pencil draw a chicken pumpkin hybrid alien riding a futuristic Tesla bicycle and it will draw it, and I’m sure such idea doesn’t exist anywhere on the planet because I just completely came up with that promt
@spicyd2 2 жыл бұрын
@@amypanddirtytoo1926 Humans can only create based on art that has already been created.
@BjornDoherty 2 жыл бұрын
What you missed was comparing where this technology was 1 year ago. Professional artists can compete today. But who knows in a few years time.
@whoowhaaat5666 2 жыл бұрын
The jump from dalle 1 to dalle 2 is crazy, dalle 3 is the end game.
@dibbidydoo4318 2 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure when this enters commercialization; this will have an OpenAI watermark on every ai-generated image and will be paywalled behind 119.99$ per year subscription. No way they're giving this to the masses easily and flood the world with these images.
@melindarivera6598 2 жыл бұрын
3:33 wow! I think out of all these designs, the one I am most astounded by is the shoe concept design inspired by Sydney opera house. That is incredible!!
@elm_tr33 2 жыл бұрын
Not really sure how much I love this Ai, but it certainly is a beautiful and unique concept! I just don’t trust most technology these days- it’s very easy to take something that could’ve been used for a good purpose and turn it into something horrible, but I hope future artists can learn from this ☺️
@RichardMcLaren 2 жыл бұрын
It's humans that use tech for horrible applications. It's not the tech that you shouldn't trust, I'm afraid.
@paintednettle 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. As a person who struggles with visualizing an apple in my mind, I embrace using ai during my creative process. As you mentioned, it will cut down on the time needed for researching for references and arranging compositions.
@deborahcorreale352 2 жыл бұрын
I agree 100% that this type of technology can be VERY dangerous in the wrong hands.
@axcolleen 2 жыл бұрын
I just want to reassure people and artists something. DALL-E 2 or art generators cannot make concepts it doesn't know. So if concepts like SpongeBob, Picasso, Salvador Dali, Darth Vader, Disney style, etc did not exist, it can't generate them. Art generators still need an art style to make art styles and concepts to recreate concepts, so don't be too discouraged. Things like character design still need specific things so there are art jobs that won't be obsolete.
@edouard9867 2 жыл бұрын
In my opinion, the creative side of the job will NEVER disappear. However the value of anyone (except very great drawers) will drop. Also don't forget it's just the beginning it will get better very fast.
@SarahRenaeClark 2 жыл бұрын
This is true! Imagine where this will be in a few years 😳
@karengreer 2 жыл бұрын
Most of us have access to the mini and free version. Not at all the quality or functions you display here. I used it to create a character and another friend (artist) created a polished version of it. I posted photos of the process both on my Instagram and Twitter. I might even record a video of the process and my final version for one of my channels. As brainstorming tool it is great. Let’s see what it can be done in the future, and if it will have free access to more people.
@marianevas 2 жыл бұрын
WOW! THAT IS AMAZING! Am I the only one scared about how powerfull that is?
@karigarcia8316 2 жыл бұрын
I can see this replacing human artists.
@unheilbargut 2 жыл бұрын
For the last 2 Weeks I played around with Disco Diffusion and really embrace the AI as a tool. I am disabled and can‘t work as an ArtDirector anymore and try to be an Artist to channel my creativity. With the AI I can get around my disability and steer the machine into my style and my ideasphere. I totally look foreward to what comes in the next few month and years. Hopefully I someday get access to Dall e 2…
@Lugmillord 2 жыл бұрын
Those people who were always good at theory tests, memorizing all the techincal vocabulary, will finally have their moments to shine.
@cassandralyris4918 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite thing to do with these is put in my name and see what it spits out. Try it sometime.
@Dea07thox 2 жыл бұрын
Good video. You talked about how this won't replace artists for now. Well, if you look where this technology was year ago and now you'll see great improvement so dont 't be suprised when in one year we will see pictures with perfect detail and followed by short generated videos. Cheers.
@joshjustjosh9489 2 жыл бұрын
This will be immensely helpful for digital artists with aphantasia, using it as sort of a cybernetic “minds eye”. Also for people doing architectural renderings, DALL•E can manipulate existing images like a form of prompt based photoshop.
@u.k.1207 2 жыл бұрын
Hmmm well, yes, it IS mind-blowing. As a photographer since 1995 I had to switch from old-school-learned stuff to digital stuff. And it came out great! BUT... there's a huge difference between altering an existing technology / art or replacing it with something else. Yes, there will be people needed to feed ideas to the machine the right way... all of them sitting in a huge think-tank, looking at monitors and speed-typing ideas. A year from now there won't be resolution-problems. Shortly after animations will be made automatically just by typing your idea. 5 years go by and everything you think of is 3d printed in a moment. It's awesome!! And so sad. And I don't really feel good about this, even though there will be a billion possibilities to get my ideas out of my head instantly.... ...time will show.
@blooelmo 2 жыл бұрын
Howdy and happy day!!! Hahahaha just finishing the first half and been laughing along, what a great start to the day!! Neato tool, I agree with ADC (I think who said..) that it could totally help with artists block. Which I suffer from consistently, and the ability to translate from brain to page. It would be so nice to have access sometime to a similar tool, hopefully they can develop an artists version one day. I’ll be watching the second channel for the extra upload bc this was too fun! Thanks ya’ll!!! Be well in the world all, and chipper cheerios!
@char4brownie 2 жыл бұрын
I have asked for access to have a look at it. It's so crazy. so many of my fav artists have explored this and proved that this could be the future.
@LaraCroft2169 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly this makes me think that the world of deep fake photography and films is most likely waaaay more advanced then expected. Expect the Government and shadow government to do a lot with this tech . I feel sorry for the future. Artists will have no reason to get up In the morning.
@bonnjer 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, that is extremely impressive. The possibilities with this AI seem almost limitless. Thanks for sharing!
@stahlbergpatreon6062 2 жыл бұрын
Why does everyone stop at "this will be great for art and artists because it will speed up production a lot and make better art"? Take it one step further - what happens next? - companies realize they can reduce their art budgets. Possibly by 99% or more. Either by hiring fewer artists, or by hiring artists for a shorter time, or by hiring less skilled artists, who have just as good ideas as skilled highly trained artists. Or, why not hire poets and creative writers, who can't draw a straight line but have good ideas? Will it be good for the industries, like games, vfx, comics, architecture, industrial design? Depends what you mean by industry. The companies and corporations and their shareholders will love it. For us full-time visual artists? In the long run? Maybe not as much.
@suzizfun 2 жыл бұрын
This is the future of NFT’s I’m sure Also, every last one of the images that the app generates can be copyrighted by the company. Unscrupulous artists beware.
@krystlehardy-hawken9872 2 жыл бұрын
Baby storm troopers!!!!!! Not a waste of time, they are adorable 🤍
@rof8412 2 жыл бұрын
Jazza must be so jealous you got access before him.
@phillipstroll7385 18 күн бұрын
Even at its greatest, it'll only replace print sales. It will never replace artists whom can actually draw, paint and sell original art.
@Narra0002 2 жыл бұрын
This video was so interesting and I learned a lot as always. I completely agree that AI will never replace traditional artists because the people who made AI’s like these are artists and they will need our input to get better with the finer details. Your excitement about Dalle was infectious and I couldn’t help but laugh at the blue Russian cat images as well. I can’t wait to see what you can make using Dalle in the future and hope you have a great weekend
@ParallelUniversity 2 жыл бұрын
Such a valuable tool, when it does get released it will most likely be very expensive to use. Maybe cheaper than hiring an artist, but definitely not unlimited free images.
@mjpete27 2 жыл бұрын
I am just a bit glad I do not have access to this program! Good luck to you and best wishes. i have turned away from digital methods because I am simply glad to go back to real watercolors on stretched paper and all that that entails! I have even branched out to soft pastels and I cannot imagine getting similar results without the dust! It is just part of the process and in fact being human.
@noiceboy 2 жыл бұрын
@MyukiChan 2 жыл бұрын
This thing scares me a lot... At first, there are several positive possibilities as a reference generator for creative works, but we are moving towards a society that doesn't want to learn, that doesn't want to make its own choices... Imagine people stopping learning, simply because an AI can make the best choice possible... Now imagine if that AI is combined with an algorithm, like the ones on social media... Let's be realistic... The positive impact of this technology does not outweigh the negative, as human beings tend to save energy and stay in their comfort zone. We need to use our brain, we need to exercise our mind and learn, even if it's hard... it's what makes us better and gives us a purpose.
@bastianstiefler3390 2 жыл бұрын
I agree, this cannot replace artists on it own, but it will change budget work for hire, since it will be easier and cheaper for someone to learn how to command this AI than to learn how to create this art themselves
@debochando 2 жыл бұрын
That's awesome. Thank you for show-casing this for the general public. I really appreciate the amount of examples and the editing for always showing the pictures. Great job as always!
@NoDecaf7 2 жыл бұрын
JamesTurner (Formerly known as TheSimSupply) used the Mini version of this to build a house in The Sims 4! How cool to see it used in another way. Dall-E2 is far superior, it's mind blowing!
@BerserkGriffon 2 жыл бұрын
I SAW SHAYNE ! As a fan of science fiction, my take on: "Is this will replace artists?", the answer is never, don't worry about, I could talk about this for hours but is really something to not worry about. On the philosophy topic: this is just another tool for helping us, it's not on the level to replace anyone. Here some hardcore ideas: Turning anime into IA, Fight scenes, Getting some unknow anime into human.
@aandersson9181 2 жыл бұрын
You're naive if you believe it won't replace real artists. Unless we incoperate the A.I, many real artists with years of experience will have a very very hard to to live on their chosen profession. They either embrace this, or get left in the dust.
@jackiehull1469 Жыл бұрын
I am speachless...this is so very cool!
@Voirreydirector 2 жыл бұрын
Nice work! This is the best presentation I have seen on this technology.
@SarahRenaeClark 2 жыл бұрын
@laryb.5136 2 жыл бұрын
You still kind of need creativity for art, it's not just being able to mesh pictures together, I, for once, imagined the steampunk factory way different, and also each artist has a different style which is unique and appeals to different people. I do hope people don't make fake news out of this or undignified photos out of known people
@aandersson9181 2 жыл бұрын
They will.
@mariaturner371 2 жыл бұрын
I'd love to use this as a reference it would be so fun and to find tattoo ideas!!
@Pepe_LeMac 2 жыл бұрын
What you did at the 17 minute mark was ridiculous I can not wait to play around with that concept and other new ones that push the boundaries of this incredible technology
@Pepe_LeMac 2 жыл бұрын
One simple technique I've already played around with in DALL E MINI is prompting it to design different kinds of logos, and then using Adobe Illustrator's Image Trace feature to convert it to vector , although it usually needs a little cleaning up. I'm quite impressed at the results I've gotten so far although image trace isn't the most reliable tool it still sometimes does a pretty damn good job, otherwise I guess I have to use that old outdated pen tool :P lol can't wait to mess with this idea in DALL E 2 also
@gingerblue 2 жыл бұрын
The artist's "hand" and personal style, plus purposeful imperfections, will be the thing that will be valued in art- that is a GOOD thing about this, especially when so many of us are frustrated with ourselves because we don't feel we are "good enough". However, I do think this technology will be used for deepfakes, which is a really troubling thing, especially with so many people not thinking that critical thinking is a valued human asset. I don't know... I'm interested in AI but I don't think the public is really understanding what the implications are as we race towards singularity- very good for some and very bad for others.
@aandersson9181 2 жыл бұрын
Singularity shouldn't be a future to strive for really.
@gingerblue 2 жыл бұрын
@@aandersson9181 Happening whether we want it to or not.
@aandersson9181 2 жыл бұрын
@@gingerblue I know. That's why I pray the global warming fries every tech circuit. Hopefully, every tech junkie after having gone cold turkey picks up a pencil, and puts in real effort and thought to draw.
@gingerblue 2 жыл бұрын
@@aandersson9181 I do think artists need to return to traditional mediums more- I agree with you there, if that's what you are saying. Or at least some HYBRID of digital and traditional. Digital art can be beautiful, but it's also cold. Even when digital images look drawn (and ARE drawn in procreate or whatever) they still have really minute patterns in the brushstroke that the eye can pick out. Even the most unique and random digital brushes have a discernible texture and pattern. The new AI art is weird and interesting, but it's also really empty in sort of a creepy way that I can't articulate, but that gives me the heebie-jeebies. As far as AI in general, as usual, people have lost the plot. All advanced tech should be developed for use as a means of assisting humans, not as a means of REPLACING or making humans obsolete. That includes making art.
@potARTo 2 жыл бұрын
Yayy I am here the 909th like also I absolutely love your videos!!!
@angieemm 2 жыл бұрын
I don't like AI and I'm not a huge fan of cats, but the Disney selfies gave me such a wholesome laugh - you can't hate this stuff! But I think I'll stick with actual human-created art, thank you. I can see how this would be really helpful for reference
@nowistime8070 2 жыл бұрын
you don't like CATS? but you like Disney ... wow😆
@tinyrobot6813 2 жыл бұрын
One of the few skills that I have and it’s going to be replaced great.
@SewerTapes 2 жыл бұрын
I love this tech and all that it implies for the future. I can't fu-king wait until I'm able to describe a short film to my computer.
@aspennie 2 жыл бұрын
I joined the wait list for Dall-E many months ago and forgot I was on it, logged on today and went nuts making the weirdest ideas I could think of
@missjoshemmett 2 жыл бұрын
It is learning. It will sense what you do to correct and remember. It will expand. It will become perfect. Are you afraid of your car? A robot made it. The people who created it are right to keep it out of the hands of the public. Once it knows what to do and how to do it, the wrong people will use it. As we watch movies on the big screen (amplifying the images), it is now hard to tell that Davey Jones is not wearing any prosthetics, that is totally CGI. No make-up needed for him in the Pirates of the Caribbean. That put those people out of work. Even George Lucas 'fixed' the original Stars Wars Trilogy so it looked like he imagined it in the first place. I waited for a long time for him to release the originals on DVD. When he was finally forced to, due to unexpected ignoring of the DVDs he released, he finally released the originals, but you had to buy the 'better' ones with them. We threw those out. Like George, the young people of today, for the most part, do not appreciate the Old Masters and would not spend a day or two in the Louvre. However, us oldies but goodies, needn't worry, as we will be dead by the time the machines really take over.
@angieemm 2 жыл бұрын
Am I afraid of MY car? No. Am I afraid of newer cars that have removed my ability to make decisions for how the car works and operates? Yes.
@SarahRenaeClark 2 жыл бұрын
This AI isn’t actively learning. The creators understand that wouldn’t be safe. It learnt from an original dataset, and now they tweak it via specific human input from their team. It doesn’t learn from the use of people like me.
@missjoshemmett 2 жыл бұрын
@@angieemm And that is what I am talking about. Those cars that drive themselves, scare me...I was thinking about the regular cars!
@rbdreamsart 2 жыл бұрын
@kathrinacf5037 2 жыл бұрын
I 1000000% would do what you did. Input random prompts and be entertained for hoursssssss! Those pictures are amazing and the prompts are genius!
@axcolleen 2 жыл бұрын
I have access to DALL-E 2 and Midjourney. They're good with really specific concepts, but if you want character design or other specific designs it won't work for now. I don't see these replacing artists because of those things. Both are not so good with anime either. They migh need more data to create those.
@jasonmation 2 жыл бұрын
This is amazing!! Out of this world.
@BribriMari 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve only just started but these cats are everything I needed today 😂💙 that’s hilarious and your son is so cute!
@Torischannel1 2 жыл бұрын
AI will never replace human art work because there's a difference between human made strokes and robot made strokes. The imperfections in size, shape a pressure can't be replicated. But even if it could, as humans I think we collectively would have an unspoken rule to choose human made art over AI.
@SarahRenaeClark 2 жыл бұрын
I was surprised at just how well this replicates those kinds of “human” strokes and imperfections actually. However I agree that we will always collectively “prefer” human-made art, because we appreciate the effort and heart that goes into something hand-made.
@angieemm 2 жыл бұрын
The unspoken rule will be broken when the AI art is more affordable than the handmade masterpiece. People just don't care anymore. I'm sure there will always be a group of people who will prefer the real thing (I'm one of them) but the overwhelming majority are perfectly happy with something they can print out and hang in a Dollar Tree frame.
@dibbidydoo4318 2 жыл бұрын
"AI will never..." there we go again.
@aandersson9181 2 жыл бұрын
You're naive.
@Torischannel1 2 жыл бұрын
@@aandersson9181 no its just my opinion
@tiredbanana2292 2 жыл бұрын
0:40 🤩😍🤩🤩😍🤩😍🤩😍🤩😍🤩🤩🤩😍 BABY CHEBACCAAAAAAAA ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@carltanner9065 2 ай бұрын
For the moment, AI will not replace artists, or anyone else for that matter. However, with the advancement of quantum computing and the increasing complexity of the AI algorithms and generation engines, it will come to a point where an AI will be able to create entirely digital worlds so intricate and detailed that it will be increasingly hard to tell the difference between the generated and the real world. Although, there could be an argument that what we call real is actually a holographically projected simulation. In other words, a super sophisticated AI. In reality, in order to generate the really creative and amazing pics you see coming from these AI engines, you need to be able to write very well and be as descriptive as you can. That takes a lot of effort for most people. The people who will truly benefit from such technology, for now, will be those creatives that are also proficient at the language they use for input. Anyone good at writing and creative writing in particular, will do well at this. And, are doing great with these AI. What is disturbing though, is when people use AI to generate letters, emails, posts, etc. Those are quite easy to figure out that they're not real people (for now), especially when you know the person sending the piece in question. It feels very creepy and can make you feel very uneasy. I've had that happen to me and I was not impressed by it. But, that's the way things are going.
@viaMac 2 жыл бұрын
The best video about Dall-E 2 that I have seen
@moreiss1 2 жыл бұрын
@YukinoKary 2 жыл бұрын
I loved the shots of the blue cat hehehe it made me laugh x'DDD We would have to see what happens because it seems to me that the human imagination can surprise unlike a machine or artificial intelligence but it can also learn 😦 ...interesting. I like it just to laugh for a moment but more rewarding is when you make art yourself it is a satisfaction ❤
@eliza2270 2 жыл бұрын
Wow it literally the artist of RTD2
@lisamitzner3758 2 жыл бұрын
Just might get to see a vision I have had stuck in my head for thirty years...Da Vinci's bronze horse brought to life and animated. So many variants, so many possibilities!😳
@Aryadei 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so happy you got access to DALL-E 2. This is mind-blowing tech, I hope to see it in the hands of even more content creators soon. It's a game-changer and I really want to see content with humans collaborating with DALL-E to make amazing art. The possibilities are endless. The world will be filled with more art and artists than ever!
@ToWhateverEnd 2 жыл бұрын
Will they be real artists though? Or kind of like the “photographers” that shoot with their phones nowadays? I mean, if you take away DALL-E2, without being able to type specific searchstrings to create their art, they still have learned nothing and have no real abilities. Their talent was all in the AI capabilities of DALL-E2. They have not learned about drawing, colors, proportions, abstract, portraiture or anything else. If you take away mobile phones from most people, they cannot operate a camera. They don’t know about the shutter speed, focal lengths, lenses, aperture or any of that. We have created lazy photographers and unfortunately I think DALL-E2 will help create “lazier” artists which outnumber those that DALL-E2 actually helps.
@Aryadei 2 жыл бұрын
@@ToWhateverEnd Idk, the term "real artists" implies respecting only certain mediums and forms of creation. If you think art is about the process of creating every detail by hand, you probably wouldn't consider people who pour paint "real artists". But there is a wealth of techniques in that, learning all the different parameters that you can tune to get different results before you set the process in motion. How about the example you gave, photographers? You see the value of the work they do as lessened because of quality of life, ease of use that means they can take more photos so they don't have to be as careful with every attempt. Photography is more accessible than EVER because people walk around with cameras in their pockets. And that's a bad thing? That they can take photos without an education regarding the operation of a DSLR camera and get nice results? What about artists that focus on creating works out of existing photographs? What about collage, taking different images and contextualing them within a new work? What about 3d renders? Sheesh, lazy humans getting a computer to figure out the lighting so they don't have to. I bet they couldn't even do that if you took away their computer. And yeah, I'm a little condecending because your tone seems extremely condecending to me and I I'm trying to demonstrate how I'm interpreting your message. All of this is subjective. I'm not trying to say you're wrong, and I think that working hard to create art should be celebrated. I just think that art isn't solely about being a contest of effort. It's also about the message- about people being able to express themselves. There's no shot I can change your point of view in the comment section of a youtube video. But I don't envy all the spite you must feel, and all the disgust you'll feel when the world of art is corrupted with all these "lazy artists". It doesn't matter how you feel about DALL-E 2. It's happening and it's going to change the world. My opinion is that you might as well try to see the best in it. :)
@aandersson9181 2 жыл бұрын
@@ToWhateverEnd They certainly won't be. They be like the kid in class cheating a maths test, and think that''ll make them a bright scientist. Nah, they're just a bunch of smooth brains, happily dumbing themselves down, and let the tech do the imagination and thinking for them.
@ReynaThePalisman 2 жыл бұрын
Watching you well camping lol can’t wait!
@MrGarg10may 2 жыл бұрын
Artists should definitely be scared, now a single artist can do the work of 10 artists. So yeah those 9 need to worry.
@shelleysolin6867 2 жыл бұрын
Artists will never be replaceable
@amaza888 2 жыл бұрын
Ok I'm in awe. I want this. I need this in my life. I never filled a waiting list form so fast! WOW! Thanks for sharing this amazing discovery with us! 💖😍👍
@JayofallTrades 2 жыл бұрын
As a graphic design major i am in awe of this technology. How the heck does it put such cohesion in such detail? Who created such a program? This is absolutely blowing my mind. I can't even do this and I have taken advanced adobe Photoshop courses. I'm like at a loss for words for what this can do. As an artist i feel so obsolete. It might not be taking my job but it sure as heck can do things I can't even imagine. Every artist needs this in thier software toolbox. 🤯🎨🖌️🤖
@orifine6763 2 жыл бұрын
True artists are now presented with a new tool that will widen the opportunities to explore and create new worlds, not just specific scenes. And even worlds within worlds. We will always need people with good vision, not just technical capabilities, to lead the ideas. True artists that know how to use this properly can now flourish. Imagine creating planets where each planet has a different set of styles. One can be a Disney-style planet, and the other will be a metropolitan skyline in the style of van Gough. This is incredible. The possibilities and opportunities are endless.
@dawnthegoblin 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like this is amazing given that about 3 or 4 years ago Jazza first explored ai art and this already exists. Is it replacing art? Not necessarily since it's based in compositing existing images, but it is definitely *making* art.
@dawnthegoblin 2 жыл бұрын
@Олег Ларин dude that's what it's based in, that's where it started. Not saying it's currently compositing existing images, just that's where we started to get it here.
@revondamehovic3132 2 жыл бұрын
I can only imagine the zetabytes of artist's and photographer's work that went into training this...
@lovethelordjesuspraisethel3286 2 жыл бұрын
At Disney land..😅😅🤭 your LAUGHTER is Contagious..and my Huge dog thought you are Crying..She Run up on me Crying..hahaha.. I have to Lower your😅🤭🤫
@saibamanikandan6756 2 жыл бұрын
This is a really fascinating concept......but what i'm thinking is will this be able to replace photography? I mean if they work on this a bit more, you can get pictures of basically anything especially landscape photography. But other than that this technology sounds like its from fantasy 🤩🤩🤩
@gemmaukno8233 2 жыл бұрын
I am pretty sure that baby stormtroopers is the best use of time! Now we just need a full album of baby stormtroopers doing really cool things!
@jadethegingergoblin718 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh, I think people go to artists because they want that artist's style or want to see what the artist's interpretation of a client's idea is. Sometimes, people buy art from a certain artist because that artist is local to them or to support an artist of a minority group, like supporting an artist of color or one who's part of the LGBT+ community. Art is very personal, I think. I think it's like the high fashion industry. Expensive designer brands don't care about fakes because the dupes appeal to a different type of consumer than the real thing. People who like AI art may not be interested in commissioning or purchasing art from an actual artist because they want something free, quick, and easy. They're not looking to spend the money that someone looking for custom art or a piece that an artist is selling.
@SarahRenaeClark 2 жыл бұрын
I think the fact that designer fashion still survives when people can buy the “same” thing for so much less proves that human art will always thrive, even if AI art becomes more common. People know how to value effort and will always value traditional art higher than AI art.
@Kitara31 2 жыл бұрын
Those baby storm troopers look like gnomes! Also they look like they would head butt you at moment's notice. They are fantastic! What a great tool!
@nardascrivens3273 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty cool program but it doesnt beat watchn you guys create art and teaching me new ideas and add it in my own art work far frm your beautyful art 💯💖💖💖💖
@tiredbanana2292 2 жыл бұрын
0:59 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 I though baby Chewbacca was cute then you hit me with this *passes out from cuteness overload*
@SarahRenaeClark 2 жыл бұрын
It was the Baby Stormtroopers that did it for me 😍
@ArtwithAmber 2 жыл бұрын
Sarah dying of laughter made my day
@jamesaritchie1 2 жыл бұрын
AI is NOT a tool, it's a force designed to take over from people, including artists. An artist who uses AI this way is no artist at all. Just a poor deluded fake. AI can not only draw or paint what an artist tells it to, it can draw or paint anything it wants to draw or paint, and it even has an imagination better than that of most people. People need to get over the notion that AI can only do what we tell it to do. This is simply no longer true. What does an AI "tool" mean to artists? It means the same thing to artists as it does to the rest of humanity. It means we're a species that will no longer be needed for very much longer. AI can already do a thousand jobs better than humans, it can draw and paint, and even write, all on its own. All it needs is a body to do everything else better than humans, and some of the best minds on the planet are working hard to give AI that body. A few are even spending billions of dollars in hopes of somehow moving their own minds into such androids when they die. That's not going to happen. AI already has a mind, and it is showing no signs of being friendly to humans. Leading scientists and some of the most intelligent people on the planet have stated that AI is the greatest threat humanity will ever face. Every time we use an AI "tool", we advance the intelligence level of AI. We already have autonomous AI hunter-killer drinse, hunter-killer "canines, and hunter-killer robots. These are capable of finding targets, and then deciding on their own whether to let the target live, or to kill it. But, really, what could go wrong?
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