My head cannon: Celestia and Luna were accepted into the Unicorn royal family (ala, Hearths Warming Eve play) as a power move after the chaotic rise and fall of Discord, as a power move. They have the Elements of Harmony, and the ponies that can control them. So they're give a castle of their own, and the title Princess for both of them. After A while, they become the next in line to rule the actual throne, but since the title Princess was earned, not given at birth, and since there's two of them (at first) they can't just become Queen. The royal family, however, continues their line, leading to Prince Blueblood. Cadence became a princess much in the same way Twilight did, by her own merits, being able to use love magic before she has a unicorn horn.
@PatchworkDuckie10 жыл бұрын
that makes a lot of sense if u ask me :o
@Banchoking10 жыл бұрын
Not to far off actually. According to the "Journal of the Two Sisters" the alicorns' titles of "princess" are entirely ceremonial. Their actual job is to be unbiased negotiators between the rulers of Equestria's nation-states. Blueblood is the next in line to rule Canterlot, his family just permits the alicorns use of their castle. Like you said though, they were close to the royal unicorn family which is why they consider Blueblood a nephew.
@BioniclesaurKing4t210 жыл бұрын
(Twilight and Cadance teleport in) [Twilight] "Princess." [Cadance] "Princess." (turn to Celestia and Luna) [Twilight] "Princess." [Celestia] "Princesses." [Cadance] "Princess." [Luna] "Princesses." [Raven] (standing nearby) "...What, seriously?"
@zuzoscorner10 жыл бұрын
ha, stargate reference :D at leat that happenened in stargate with 5 coronals in the same room was hilarious.
@turquoiseninju74 жыл бұрын
I don't get it.
@BioniclesaurKing4t24 жыл бұрын
@@turquoiseninju7 A scene from the sci-fi show Stargate Atlantis featured a group of colonels arriving and addressing each other like this.
@Trueknightofblades10 жыл бұрын
My theory on Blueblood is that he is a member of the old Unicorn Tribe Royal Line. A descendent of Princess Platinum. In order to show their support for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, at some point the Unicorn Royal Line adopted them, allowing the members of the Unicorn Royal Line to be Celestia's Nieces and Nephews (With a few greats left off). I am hoping there is a bunch of Canon backstory provided to explain Cadence sometime soon. Twilight was bestowed the title upon receiving her alicorn status. Chrysalis rules a nation of Changelings as its Queen and mother in the way of bees and ants. Sombra seems like a powerful doof that declared himself to be the "King" of an Empire.
@Mermain12310 жыл бұрын
there is a canon story describing cadence already. it's a book called "The Crystal Heart Spell" the story is mainly about twilight, but it does briefly describe cadence's backstory
@Trueknightofblades10 жыл бұрын
It exists, but it is about as Canon as a fan fiction and less than even the comics. The show writers can't read it, so it is not going to stay even remotely canon through any thing the show does with it.
@akmalsy15910 жыл бұрын
Skye Silverwing Wait, the show writers can't read the other official MLP media (books, comics,...)? Can you prove that, please?
@Trueknightofblades10 жыл бұрын
It is because of the licensing. Other groups like the writers and IDW pay in order to write, and profit from, stories involving trademarked characters. To facilitate this, Hasbro signs an agreement allowing them to control the Intellectual property, within their media. This means that if Show writers were to use events or situations from the other media, the licensee would have grounds to file a copyright infringement suit against Hasbro. To cover themselves, show writers sign contracts saying that they will not read fanfictions, licensed or otherwise, as it could pollute their creative process, opening up Hasbro to potential lawsuit. Or at least that is my understanding of it. M.A. Larson was asked about the IDW comics at a con a while back, and he said that the writers cannot even read them. It is in their contracts.
@ZGuy0fSci10 жыл бұрын
Skye Silverwing does kinda make sense though in that of avoiding creative pollution or contamination of original ideas in that if you are not aware of an outside idea or story but as pertaining to what you are given to work with by devs, that your work stays more closely as from the group's own, not as likely to "accidently" copy an outside idea but by per "coincidences great minds think alike" so as to avoid unneeded claims being legal, since they simply reached the same idea. Also helps reduce reusing old ideas for the same work, but creating new ones instead, keeping the Show-Canon as Main/Official canon more strongly. *that all other works follow after the show, that the show never follows after outside works but as worked in or chosen by the devs, such as that the Nightmare Forces are Canon because of what see in S.4 ep.1&2 with the flashback. (Luna's face/look when turned into NMM rather than she doing it to herself.) The devs can make calls like the Derpy inclusion, along with "Slendermane" that 'Pinkie Apple Pie' episode. But the Writing Staff by compare are not to read it for themselves "officially" but for what the Devs allow or bring in. *again, makes sense from a Purity-of-Creativity/Creation Production standpoint. That the Devs & Ex's can read or watch anything and everything to know what's out there or "hot", as they are not writing the story or the show. They can then decide how or if to work things in feeding it to the writers.
@generaljimmies342910 жыл бұрын
Cadence was origionally a Pegasus but when she displayed a mastery of love to an entire village she ended up on the Etherial Plane where Twilight did at the end of Magical Mystery Cure where she met a very suprised Celestia. She got her wings as a result. This does make me wonder though, did Celestia having witnessed what she did with Cadence try to recreate the same thing with Twilight Sparkle? If so, then why?
@generaljimmies342910 жыл бұрын
***** Oops, my bad. It was 3:00 AM, one is bound to make mistakes.
@ZGuy0fSci10 жыл бұрын
likely largely simply just an 'enlightenment/ascendence' thing, that they move up to a higher level of understanding & so importance or worth to the 'verse, so they so too in turn gained an increased outer form. Likely something any Stallion or Mare is able of, but not likely to be seen as more than a very rare occurrence that true ascendance is achieved. (could be fun to work in an at first seemingly random unknown Male alicorn who did his deeds and learned his lessons, gaining ascension; yet as a 'no-pony' no one but his few people knew or there to take note.) Could be fun, to help undo a good part of the Sexim & Racism the "Alicorn therefore Princess" crap implies.
@masonthomas576610 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who whants to see an episode that takes place before equestria?
@shady202910 жыл бұрын
Not even close
@cannedcream10 жыл бұрын
I'd watch that.
@DeathGodRiku10 жыл бұрын
I'd like to see a movie about that.
@DeathGodRiku10 жыл бұрын
Is it confirmed that the plot of the movie will be ancient Equestria
@DeathGodRiku10 жыл бұрын
@cadence45279 жыл бұрын
According to channelfrederator, Princess Celestia was originally going to be a queen, but Hasbro higher ups decided against it because Disney had established a trend of Queens being evil, which is why Chrysalis is a villain and a Queen.
@tetsiga45XxX10 жыл бұрын
And no pony thought it'd be confusing when the different princesses have different levels of authority? Its like calling every pony in the military higher than a private a general while having some higher up than others. It makes understanding the chain of command kind of confusing since every branch of it goes by one name.
@gwest36444 жыл бұрын
I have been wracking my brain quite a bit about Celestia and Luna's origin for a while now. It's basically confirmed that they weren't always alicorns (they say Flurry Heart is the first born alicorn) and it seems like before Twilight finished Starswirl's spell, there was no method for ordinary ponies to become or make someone an alicorn. But Cadance wasn't always an alicorn either by the same logic, so alicorns must be able to "raise" others to alicornhood. That might explain why the intro to the first episode calls Celestia and Luna unicorns; maybe they originally were. Furthermore, this basically confirms there was some alicorn(s) before they were raised, maybe some creator-goddess type that created the Elements and possibly the world itself (Fausticorn canonicity confirmed! Sorta). So what about Blueblood? "Prince" and "Princess" can be regnal titles for sovereign rulers and not just heirs apparent; just look at Liechtenstein. And in Liechtenstein, the children of the Prince are also called Princes and Princesses. And their children. Thus there is a difference between the "Prince Regnant" and lesser Princes(ses). My question is though, how the heck is Blueblood related to Celestia? If he's her great-great-something nephew, then either he's the descendant of Luna (doubtful, since I feel like we would have heard about it if Luna was a mom or had a former partner) or he's a descendant of some unknown third sibling. A secret third Royal Sister! (or brother, I dunno) My first instinct is that it was Chrysalis (possibly prior to being corrupted like Luna was), since she looks pretty alicorn-ish and is powerful enough to defeat Celestia, but then again, she was given a different backstory in the comics where she kinda appeared when the changelings did. How canon is this backstory, though? If it isn't, this is an awesome idea that ties up a lot of loose ends.
@cadman230010 жыл бұрын
A simple correction. According to the official canon Cadence was originally a pegasus before she became an alicorn princess. She was also "a very distant relative" to Princess Amore, a former unicorn ruler of the Crystal Empire.
@princealigorna74689 жыл бұрын
Have you read "Journal of the Two Sisters" yet? It has some stuff that deals with this very topic. As for Blue Blood, the way I see it that we know from Cadance and Celestia that Celestia adopted Cadance (see also the chapter book "Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell"). Rather than call herself her mother though, she respected that Cadance had a family before her and chose to insert herself into it rather than replace it, choosing to call herself Cadance's aunt. I feel she did the same with the Princess Platinum and her family. In the Journal, we learn that after some initial tensions between the sisters and Princess Platinum, they ended up becoming really close friends. On top of that, Celestia and Luna were very new rulers at the time. They had Star Swirl as their mentor, but Star Swirl was not a politician. He was a mage, and his main thing was teaching the sisters more about their magical abilities. The unicorn royals though, they were politicians with a history that went back seemingly well into the pre-Equestrian past. Perhaps Celestia and Luna had the idea to incorporate the royals as advisers, and somehow inserted themselves into the family, either through a blood mixing ceremony or through adoption. Which would make Blue Blood not a blood relative to the sisters, but rather an adopted nephew through Princess Platinum's line.
@DCPTF210 жыл бұрын
Personally I think if Hasbro had just stepped back and let the writers call Celestia a queen we wouldn't have this problem
@skywilson73679 жыл бұрын
I wish to see more lands other than equestria and meet at least one other alicorn other than the princesses
@trinaw95719 жыл бұрын
Same maybe a princess of the stars, skys, or clouds, (Stardust, Sky-shadow, or even cloud dancer
@Azure-Star10 жыл бұрын
I honestly think it's a pretty Black & White reason. Every instance of "King" or "Queen" that we have seen have all been Evil Characters. While "Prince" and "Princess" are seen as Good Characters. And yes I know Blue Blood is an ass wagon but that doesn't make him "Evil." I feel like Celestia and Luna kept this system so that they could be seen as more humble like you said but also as a Good force rather than Evil. Like you said, it's kind of a mixture of Democracy and Monarchy. If it was a King and Queen there would be no say for anypony unless they had a Constitution. While if they stay as Prince and Princess then that means that there is room for Democracy. Most of the time the Princesses never "Declare Law" or anything like that. The most I've seen them do is make announcements to all of Equestria or something. I can think of Celestia and Luna more as Representatives of Equestria. Being that they also have the power to protect it.
@7jumpycat77010 жыл бұрын
I have noticed that as soon as a Pony/Alicorn rules alone, they are called king/Queen, but since there are three rulers of Equestria, they are called princesses. Maybe, before Luna was there, Celestia was called a Queen, in a far away land, before they discovered the E of H and rising forth against Discord, bla bla bla... So there is the question, before Cadence married, she would have been called Queen Cadence, right? Wrong. There is a Chance that there was another ruler before, but I think The Crystall Empire just belongs to Equestria, thats why the four princesses of Equestria. King Sombry and Queen Crysalis obviously rule/ruled alone, so yeah. Thats my Head cannon! Eeehup!
@VictoryFire8810 жыл бұрын
cannedcream You should know the story of Cadance. They had a child's book about it. I believe.. Unless you didn't read it.. Cadance was born a pegasus who was found by Celestia and earned her horn by stopping and making a evil with of a pony learn love in her heart, when she was very young. It also is how she got her cutie mark ( I think ). Eventually Celestia adopted her as her niece and that is how she got her princess title. Now you know. :D
@Tarbtano10 жыл бұрын
It has been confirmed by the books, which are listed as canon, that Cadance was 'ascended' much like Twilight was into being an alicorn. In her case, being a pegasus originally. Granted we aren't told or shown her birth parents, given she just popped up as a baby in an earth pony settlement, so there is a remote possibility some genetics played a role, given she already had some magical abilities as a pegasus.
@EnderBanned9 жыл бұрын
She defeated a witch, thus was granted a horn and adopted by Celestia as a royal niece. WAIT YOU CAN BE ADOPTED AS A NIECE OR NEPHEW, SIGN ME UP PRINCESS.
@midnightumbrmoon36449 жыл бұрын
True in the book twilight and the crystal heart spell she was a pegasus
@ScorpionClaws7899 жыл бұрын
Actully, in the show, it says they are related through blood
@Tarbtano9 жыл бұрын
Where? All we get is Cadance is Celestia's niece. Considering Luna has been gone for 1,000 years, this is impossible. In the books it clarifies that Cadance is adopted, both by Celestia and by her earth pony parents after she was found as a lost pegasus foal.
@grantmonsma356910 жыл бұрын
Here's my take on the status of each "royal" pony: Celestia and Luna were born alicorns; see the Diary of the Two Princesses. They are the only purebred alicorns we know of, and may be the last of a line of "true" alicorns, or are simply the descendants of ascended ponies. I think you are spot-on with your idea that it is a political move. I think that, as the alicorn princesses were unifying Equestria, they took the title of "Princess" to avoid causing feuds with existing royalty. This brings us to Blueblood, who I think is the descendant of the original Canterlot royalty, from before Celestia and Luna united Equestria. Remember, Celestia and Luna ruled from the Everfree originally; I expect that that would be another political move; the Everfree is fairly central to Equestria, and did not have any existing settlements that would appear to be favored by the new rulers. As has been said in a number of other comments, Cadence was originally a pegasus, and ascended to alicornhood using love/friendship/whatever. She was put in the same "Princess" grouping as the other two alicorns, the same as Twilight was when she ascended. However, this title was effectively meaningless until she gained control of the Crystal Empire. Twilight also gets the "Princess" status after her ascension; her actual power and status behind that name is still somewhat flimsy, even after the events of S4, but her giant crystal tree fort is hard to ignore. King Sombra is King because he is. He either came to the throne through birth or, more likely, took it by force and declared himself king. Either way it's fairly clear that he was an actual ruler/dictator/bad guy. Queen Chrysalis probably falls somewhere between an actual queen and the queen of an insect colony. The changelings are completely loyal and are likely more animal than sentient, but she is an extremely powerful and intelligent individual. Her control doesn't quite extend to hive-mind levels, but her authority is deeply ingrained into the changelings so they obey her instinctively.
@cupcakeprime5594 жыл бұрын
Not after flurry heart.....
@cupcakeprime5594 жыл бұрын
And if you consider the comics as cannon. Sombra was actually part of a completely different type of pony, known as shadow ponies (don't ask me about their history cause IDK, but they didn't have good relations with the crystal ponies) sombra was found outside of the crystal empire, as goal and was raised in an orphanage inside the empire. He was constantly bully for not having a cutie mark , but did manage to make one friend, a crystal filly named radiant hope. They were very close and wanted nothing but to go to the crystal fair together, but every year On the day of the crystal fair sombra would become very sick. Hope would stay with him every year and one year he became so sick that he nearly died, but hope managed to use her magic to heal him, and earned her cutie mark. Wheen they were much older (teen's I guess they don't really explain) hope got accepted into celestia 's school of magic for her gift. Sombre a greatly saddened by this as he thought this meant he was going to lose his only friend (and maybe crush but that my personal opinion) he ran out of the empire and out side there he talked to a rock that claimed to be his mother (it's weird). Long story short he takes on the dark magic that he was born with, returned to the empire, trying to steal the crystal heart and ended up killing princess amore and scaring hope, which lead her to contacting the celestial and Luna to stop him. It's sad it's dark but Man is it interesting.
@SonicFanJamie10 жыл бұрын
I believe that in MLP in order for royalty to be a king or queen they must be both at at least adult age for thier species' aging process, and have no siblings. I also believe that Blueblood is the brother of Cadence.
@akmalsy15910 жыл бұрын
First off, a government having both royalty & elected officials is called a Constitutional Monarchy (or Triarchy in Equestria's case), with the closest real life equivalent being the Commonwealth of Nations. The highest power seems to be held by Celestia & Luna (Queen of the United Kingdom for the Commonwealth), with Cadence, having an elevated status by being an Alicorn Princess as well, holding a third power as ruler of the Crystal Empire (like the Prime Minister of England), which along with the Griffon Kingdom, Maretonia, Saddle Arabia are member states with their own rulers. (like Australia, Canada, India, Malaysia,...) Finally, others like Mayor Mare, Fancy Pants & Cherry Jubilee are elected officials given power by the Roayal Sisters' Federal government to govern specific cities in Equestria like Ponyville, Canterlot & Dodge Junction respectively. Other cities like Manehattan, Cloudsdale or Fillydelphia also possibly have their own heads.
@strangeling312110 жыл бұрын
No it's not. A constitutional monarchy is a monarchy that is part of a constitution, that is, a constituency of people (in a nation) either written down or understood because it is traditionally how things have been done (in that nation). ¨Constitution¨ simply means ¨order¨. The United States' happens to be written down. England's was not, but was written down by her parliament, with its own additions and subtractions, at a late stage in her history to ¨legitimately¨ empower the people who had so recently come into power, some would argue against the order of the traditional constitution. Hence the war Parliament waged against the Royalists for its powers. If you consider the definitions of the words ¨constitution¨ and ¨monarchy¨, you find that the logical meaning of the adjectival form ¨constitutional¨ applied to the noun ¨monarchy¨ mean ¨a monarchy that conforms to the constitution¨. It confuses us to try to understand this definition by looking at the commonly known example of constitutional monarchy: in England, the Parliament had it written down that the king's power was limited, so in England a constitutional monarch was a limited monarch. In America (anywhere--not just the U.S., if you like) any monarch would be an unconstitutional monarch. Though, you are perfectly correct that elected officials quite often ruled underneath other royals and nobles in Europe back in the days of yore. After all, people can stand to have their king appointed. We could probably even stand to have our President appointed (the next most powerful men are), but we couldn't very well stand having our neighbor Bob who doesn't mow his lawn until 8 pm and doesn't pick up his dog's shit appointed to be head of our town council. It's a freak of perspective, really. Do you see? It's fun stuff this =)
@WildcardThief9 жыл бұрын
Celesta and Luna are princesses because Lauren thought that because of Disney evil queens and good princesses they are princesses. Chrysalis is a queen because of Disney evil queens and sombra is a king because why not he is evil. There simple
@rollingfatcatfishfromrussia4 жыл бұрын
@ash-xc2fj5 жыл бұрын
Celestia want to be humble.
@Pikatwig1610 жыл бұрын
You hit one nail on the head. Much like Twilight, Cadence was elevated from a Pegasus into an Alicorn.
@blackkittyfreak10 жыл бұрын
You should do a video asking how much a bit is worth. I would love to know the actual approximate value.
@DorothyLidberg10 жыл бұрын
Actually, Celestia was changed to princess because Hasbro thought that little girls would think that queens are evil because of so many fairy tales having evil queens, and princesses saving the day. You do know that when it comes to little girl's show it doesn't have to be all for marketing reasons. (I do understand the duke part)
@writer_man531810 жыл бұрын
Candid, have you ever read the novels? The Crystal Heart Spell book tells us how Cadance became a princess. Also, according to the Journal of the Two Sisters, when Starswirl asked Celestia and Luna to become the new princesses they did indeed intend to only be seen as guardians and not rulers. Also, has a lot of stuff from Luna's perspective that you would love...
@SchoolDeskInk10 жыл бұрын
I agree with many of your thoughts, dear CC. My idea for Celestia and Luna being Princesses, and this is my own headcanon, is that the Princesses had parents who were King and Queen. After they left their post to do...whatever, Celestia and Luna respected their parents and stayed princesses. Then, seeing that all the villains were calling themselves Queens and Kings, they stuck with the idea. Or, another reason for this is that Princess is actually the highest title in Equestria. But, I have nothing to back that up, so you don't have to pay attention to that part... Anyway, hope you like my idea, and keep being awesome, CC!
@rollingfatcatfishfromrussia4 жыл бұрын
I saw in another video that said Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were only only princesses because Disney made queens evil most of the time, s Hasbro was like "Nah, no queens, wait, make Chrysalis a queen because she's EVIL"
@DragoSonicMile10 жыл бұрын
Trying to apply earthly standards onto the Equestrian government is like trying to apply Back to the Future standards to the Doctor Who universe. It doesn't help anyone understand anything any better.
@AidanRatnage10 жыл бұрын
In the first book, 'Twilight Sparke and the Crystal Heart Spell', it is stated that Mi Amore Cadenza was originally a pegasus and became an alicorn, therefore giving her the title of princess.
@shelbcake9 жыл бұрын
Cadance is actually adopted, as one of the books states. Celestia saw her magic of love and mastery of it and made the former pegasus into an alicorn.
@TotalNoobAtEverythin9 жыл бұрын
Note: Blueblood is referred to as Celestia's nephew. Cadence is referred as Celestia's niece. So Blueblood is most likely distantly related, and Cadence most likely adopted (since she was originally a Pegasus according to that one book that I forget the name of.)
@lunablackraven207710 жыл бұрын
OMG totally a good point!!!I never really thought about that before...
@malanorcalvaris22519 жыл бұрын
The way I have always thought about it is that, rather than Celestia and Luna trying to work out who was in charge of Equestria after defeating Discord and taking over the throne, they decided to share the title of Princess so that neither was ranked above the other. When Luna was sent to the moon, it was because she was attempting to take the title of Queen. Personally thou, I like the theory put forward in Fallout Equestria, that Luna and Celestia were created when two stars fought and this is how Alicorns got started as the fourth pony race. Alicorns are created by any pony who can learn to control the base powers of the other three pony races thus proving their worth as rulers.
@mege39646 жыл бұрын
4:01 tell me where that pic came from I think I know but not sure
@jamiew.pokeprism10 жыл бұрын
Well, Inkrose's headcannon suggests that there was a race of alicorns with different families depending on what they controlled in Ancient Equestria. It may be that Blueblood is a VERY distant relitive of these alicorns.
@DeathGodRiku10 жыл бұрын
I was told Cadence was a Unicorn and, much like Twilight Sparkle, her magic impressed Celestia and she was adopted into the family as Tia's "niece".
@vutava82928 жыл бұрын
My interpretation is that Celestia and Luna were adopted into the unicorn nobility as part of the compromise to be accepted as rulers. And yes, I also believe they kept the title Princess instead of Queen as a show of humility (and possibly also as a compromise). Blueblood is probably descended from the likes of Princess Platinum, and thus (if the sisters were adopted as a political move) a legal relative of the diarchs, if not one by blood. Cadance was born a pegasus and ascended after stopping an evil pony as a filly. She was likely adopted afterwords by Celestia.
@luisperal153810 жыл бұрын
According to the fanfic "This Platinum Crown" -by Capn_Chryssalid. Celestia and Luna were adopted by the family of Princess Platinum, For that is how became the monarchy of Equiestria but not the queens, and aunts of Blueblood.
@Woodsstories10 жыл бұрын
I never knew about the Duke Blueblood thing. The Celestia as a Princess thing makes sense though. After all, little girls have grown up all their lives hearing that Queen is evil, and Princess is good. I bet Faust calls her Queen Celestia in private.
@rachanabaditha961810 жыл бұрын
Cadence WAS a pegasus before she became an alicorn. Don't you read the books!
@ThePastAnalysis10 жыл бұрын
I like the idea that Cadence wasn't born an alicorn, so I fully accept that idea from the books. But a lot of people don't really care and why should they? When you get right down to it, people can headcanonically ignore the comics and books all they want.
@7jumpycat77010 жыл бұрын
Past Analysis'headcanonically' try to say that ten times fast! XD
@rachanabaditha961810 жыл бұрын
I'm just saying that in this case, the books should be taken into consideration know......she really wasnt born into royalty. Just saying that it is sort of unnecessary to include her in this video since they sort of gave us the answer to that question anyway. Just saying.......
@ThePastAnalysis10 жыл бұрын
Rachana Baditha I responded to your intial comment because there are many instances where I do not acknowledge the comics. I also don't acknowledge the Journal of the Two Pony Sisters either. (I acknowledge as cannon for now, but otherwise I ignore it in a headcanonical sense) I think some future episode could easily be made that's canon that disagrees with ridiculous-ness of it. Do I think that's gonna happen? Probably not, but I don't blame people wanting the show to actually cover things. In my opinion, the comics and books tend to have aweful stories, so it makes perfect sense that many people would want the show to cover this stuff. Heck, we all did get interested in the show. It doesn't mean we will all love the stories and stuff created in the comics or books.
@rachanabaditha961810 жыл бұрын
i agree since the comics and books dont exactly have the best stories. The Crystal Heart Spell, where the Cadence being a pegasus thing comes from, is the worst story this series has ever produced in my opinion. I just think that it makes too much sense to not be takin into consideration. It honestly ties in a lot of loose ends with all this Princess stuff. I think that this is the best explanation we can get and I think the show will stick to this idea, if they choose to put it in the show. I guess we will just have to wait and see........
@thehappytriceratops28229 жыл бұрын
Blueblood dose have a little brother named Leon, that is a born Alucorn. I kinda had it in my head that, maybe because his brother is a bored Alucorn, maybe that's how he got his royal stat. Leon had only appeared on toy box's.
@babykittenrose16868 жыл бұрын
I always just assumed that they where princesses because they shared their responsibilities. Like how celestia raises the sun, luna raises the moon, cadence protects/spreads love and twilight does the same for friendshipThe only kings/queens ruled alone
@lyndeecebulla561610 жыл бұрын
From Twilight's flashback in A Canterlot Wedding: Part 1, Cadence was born as an allicorn
@sasuXsakuXlover9 жыл бұрын
I think in one of the books its was said that cadence was a Pegasus (Don't know for fact haven't read every single book and i gathered this info from the internet) and i think "Prince Blue-Blood" is just his name similar to how we can some time name our girl Duchess or Regina(Latin translation for Queen) and given the information that has been presented it can bee assumed that everyone in canter-lot is wealthy his parents just named him that, because of wealth.
@vinsellinger833810 жыл бұрын
In the book, Cadance was a pegasous and master the power of love, saved a village, and celestia did the same with cadance as she did with twillight
@crasycat12345610 жыл бұрын
Cadence was born a Pegasus and was brought up by celestia who thought of her like a niece, this is just a whole destiny thing. This is cannon according to one of the books.
@touspot9 жыл бұрын
In "A Canterlot Wedding" it is stated that there is such a thing as "canterlot" royalty so maybe that's how blueblood is a prince just an idea
@ChaosFanGal9 жыл бұрын
A part of me has always felt that Prince Blueblood's title is a self-proclaimed title to make him look more important in the public eye as a celebrity. You see that a lot in anime where you have titles like "The Prince of Junes" or "The School Prince" where they hold no real royal blood at all. It may just be all for looks for publicity.
@levikarkiainen33110 жыл бұрын
as far as equestrian royalty I believe its more of a question of the "master" race. you need to either BE an alicorn or you need alicorn blood in you. to be royal. and as such even if you dont have it you can still claim that right for yourself taking the title by right of conquest. like Sombra, or perhaps sombra really was descended from the now no longer existing alicorn empire.
@YukiBusujima5 жыл бұрын
I like to think that that Equestria is a relatively loose monarchy like the Holy Roman Empire with several principalities within it. In this case both Celestia and Luna would rule a principality (i.e Canterlot for Celestia) and the nation. Due to this, they are both Queens/Empresses as well as princesses and they keep the lower title for political reasons like the reasons entioned in the video and likely for brevity. So Celestia's actual title would be something like: Empress Celestia, Sovereign of the Sun, Diarch of the Empire of Equestria, Princess of the Principality of Canterlot. This could explain the rank up of Twilight as well with her Principality being granted as Ponyville and the surrounding lands like Everfree with Twilight just being very hands off when it comes to ruling.
@JaneDoe-cc6bp10 жыл бұрын
I HAVE AN ANSWER! Princess/prince is a title of a ruler that rules with another a partner where as a king/queen rules alone. When Cilestia was ruling alone her sister was not dead so it was appropriate to call her princess even though she was technically alone
@sadlobster110 жыл бұрын
I still remember the fan-animation (whose title escapes me) that shows how Sombra may have become a tyrant. Watching it, you...really feel sorry for the guy
@dafiltafish10 жыл бұрын
Here is how I always thought the system worked: King/Queen (in equestria) requires marriage and consummation, it is my belief that based off the personalities of Luna and Celestia that they have never been married per say, but rather have had partners over the years resulting in a few family lines that die off before getting too big (ex: blueblood has direct relation to Luna by birth) Prince/princess is a title either earned or inherited with enphasis on alicorns for the females, but that isnt to say that a unicorn or Pegasus could not hold that title. Cadance is explained to have earned the title and undergoing metamorphosis from a Pegasus if i am not mistaken. Chancellor: old Earth Pony title that has fallen out of use domestically General: This rank has lost executive authority after unification, but is instead used as a back up position if something were to happen to any of the royals, Equestian immortality is not invulnerability and any of the royals can be killed, if that were to happen the general would take over to defend against the new and obvious threat. King/Queen (other pony nations): titles ranging from self-proclamation to birthright, it depends on the nation. The Chrystal Empire is a special exception as a satellite state to equestria. Changeling queen: the executive leader of the changeling senate (if they have one), army, and judicial system. This title is given through birth and can only be applied to females as only they can continue the family line, the male equivalent is High General and is the spouse to the Queen regardless of actual military status (this is based off of a fanfiction that puts Chryssy at 300 years old and her sister nymph at 295 years old their father dying when Chryssy was about 45 and her mother dying 25 years before the canterlot invasion) King/Queen (Saddle Arabia): masculine lineage similar to that of England, Mares can rule, but are expected to give up power to a new husband within a few years, but this isn't enforced and a Queen can be in power until her death. King/Queen (griffin): Family line or power grab, point is the void has to be filled as soon as possible to prevent civil war... again... Other satellite nations to equestria are ruled by the equestrian monarchy as semi-independant territories and it is up to them to decide how to run things either having a very independent form of monarchy or relying solely on the royal sisters.
@appu123y9 жыл бұрын
since the people have said that the comics are to be treated as "2nd tier canon" and there is a comic saying cadence was born a pegasus, "twilight sparkle and the crystal heart" i think we can just assume its true. besides twilight and cadence age "normally" unlike celestial and luna
@lexielps923010 жыл бұрын
2:22 finally
@seanfulldark10 жыл бұрын
Surprisingly it does make sense, first off the object of making both princesses, also being the double ruler of the land, makes sense because let's face it, do it would become a argument over who would be the real queen if they did that. Besides I think it's more or less the concept of single rulers, with Princess Tia probably not wanting to take on the title of Queen, simply because she still feels her sister could come back and beside her during those intervening years. That's mention we still don't know the politics of the Griffin kingdom! And let's face it that one is probably going to be the biggest reasons of politics! It wouldn't surprise me if the Griffins would challenge the ponies to a friendly game of showing the military power! After all just recently your kingdom has been what they did four times in the last year reporting to the timeline, and your next door to me I would be a little leery too!
@Banchoking10 жыл бұрын
Good theories. According to the "Journal of the Two Sisters" Celestia and Luna's titles are entirely ceremonial and bestowed by Starswirl. Their actual job is (as alicorns belonging to none of the three tribes) to provide an impartial mediator for negotiation between the real rulers of Equestria's provinces. Blueblood is likely the son of the ruler of the kingdom of Canterlot who allow the sisters to use their castle after the sisters' own was destroyed. The Crystal Empire only joined Equestria after Cadance became its ruler, so Sombra really was king.
@strangeling312110 жыл бұрын
5:14 Royal titles acquired by appointment does not democracy make, Canned Cream.
@eddog666610 жыл бұрын
In the Book Twilight and The Crystal Heart Spell Candace Backstory was revealed. it was written by Megan Mccarthy. Candace was found in a small earth pony village with no memory. she found out that she could use love without a horn, as a Pegasus. an evil pony took the love and Candace faced off against her becoming an Alicorn. The only two backstory on if they are born alicorns or not that we don't know are Celestia and Luna. Read the book Twilight and The crystal Heart Spell. this book is part of the cannon universe.
@raphaelsolo9 жыл бұрын
Well here is my thought on BlueBlood. Since the unicorns did have a royal family before the uniting of the 3 tribes it is entirely possible he is decended from them.
@jacklong184410 жыл бұрын
equestria is probably a principality where the head of the monarchy holds the title of prince
@kestrelsss9 жыл бұрын
(Headcanon) I think that Blueblood used to be a genuinely decent pony, and was thus adopted by Celestia sometime during the 1,000 year ban. However, as is the case with many humans, the power and title of prince went to his head. And thus, Blueblood is the horrible stallion that we know and hate today.
@SparkleChord10 жыл бұрын
cadence became an alicorn like twilight, and she was adopted by celestia, thats why she is a princess. see:twilight sparkle and the crystal heart spell
@samraharoon844010 жыл бұрын
Okay,here is my theory about Cadence.I thinkcCadence was made an alicorn princess because of her wing shape.You see,Celestia and Luna's wings do not have a curve at the top right corner.Cadence does.But about Twilight,maybe it is a animating problem,but her wings look like they have curve and they are a bit straight too.
@slendersbestbuddy837010 жыл бұрын
I would like to pose the question that may or may not pertain to Episode 100: What will Dooctor Whooves' role be in that episode and, if it follows one, which fanfiction will it follow? Think about it as a future episode before episode 100 comes out please
@lantearia10 жыл бұрын
In Anglo-Saxon times, succession was earned in one of three ways. Either you were born into the royal family, you earned your title in battle, or, most commonly, a mixture of the two. According to this, the two royal sisters earned their titles either with the first or third methods, most likely the third, Princess Cadence and Twilight by the second, and Prince Blueblood by the first, seeing as it is doubtful he earned the title. Also, in one of the comics, it was revealed Princess Cadence was originally a Pegasus, so she definately earned it. So, Equestria most likely works in Anglo-Saxon rituals, for lack of a better word, rather than modern day... at least in my headcanon.
@anselmchavez83508 жыл бұрын
your DEFINITELY right about prince blue blood
@jeresa79685 жыл бұрын
Cadence is the adopted niece of celesta so that explains something. Perhaps blueblood was also adopted as a distant nephew
@halcyonbuzz9 жыл бұрын
What I think is that Celestia and Luna's parents where the rulers before Discord took over, and Celestia and Luna wouldn't take the title of Queens to honer there parents.
@erikfeliscatus149110 жыл бұрын
I think that Celestia and Luna kept the title of princess when they became the rulers of Equestria, because they'd be ruling together, and it would indicate that neither one would be the sole ruler. I also think that Celestia maybe kept the title of princess after banishing Nightmare Moon, because... the kingdom wouldn't feel whole to her without Luna, or something of that nature. For Blueblood... I think one or both of his parents did something worth becoming a prince/princess, and when he was born he just inherited the title =P
@neonscrisis93059 жыл бұрын
Lauren Faust said in an interview that Celestia was originally going to be a queen but it was brought to her attention that queens were usually evil. Ahhmmm"STEROTYPE"Ahhmmm
@Kentavritsa8 жыл бұрын
While Equestria is a Monarchy, you could see it in the light of Republic. The titles does adjust accordingly. While Princess is also a pure Title.
@irzoffka10 жыл бұрын
I also think that the titles r given to fit the name of the pony as well. EX: For luna, princess fits her name better than queen. It sounds better to a younger audience so that actually might be y the titles r the way they are
@samuelbattershell34139 жыл бұрын
I think that the original domain of Equestria was, in its early years, a principality, a type of nation similar to a kingdom but not as large or as geo-politically influential; a real world example is Wales before the invasion of Edward II and having his heir, Edward III born there after driving out or killing off the original Welsh monarchy, hence the reason why Prince Charles' title is 'The Prince of Wales', and originally the title 'prince' was not much different in meaning then 'king', just used for domains smaller than the average kingdom at the time but larger than duceries and dukedoms. Equestria, during the very early years of Celestia's and Luna's reign, grew to what it is today and the sisters elected to keep the tile 'Princess'.
@zelda964110 жыл бұрын
I myself believe Cadence is related to the original queen of the Crystal Empire, which would be why she has her royal status Sombra merely overthrew the original royal family using his powerful dark magic(also one of the crystal ponies recognized Cadence as the "Crystal Princess" making it easier to believe that she part of the Crystal Empire's royal family.)
@noneofyourbusiness149 жыл бұрын
cadence was given her horn and was born a peagesi since her father was a alicorn and her mother was a crystal pony and that is head canon so there is your answer canned cream or cc for short
@juliasimmons8969 жыл бұрын
Ok, this is going to be long. Candace is Clestia's neese and Celestia turned Cadance into an alicorn princess
@NoMercy7459 жыл бұрын
Why does the Chrystal EMPIRE have a PRINCESS and not an EMPRESS?
@trinaw95719 жыл бұрын
Why isn't there other alicorns or kings, no one knows
@invalidsnail77709 жыл бұрын
+chris school I'll tell you why. Because MERCHANDISE! Hasbro made her be a Princess so that she would be more "appealing" to little girls.
@thesarahdilemma97526 жыл бұрын
chris schall bc kids don’t know stuff
@babykittenrose16868 жыл бұрын
As for blue blood He probably has his own responsibilities that allow with to be seen as a prince
@thejackalanimatronic9 жыл бұрын
queen chrysalis would be considered a queen because the changelings are based off of insects. because their wings, eyes,and as canned cream said the way they behave. so she isn't an actual queen but more of a mother.
@kittymylarcat808010 жыл бұрын
I think that mabey queen chis and king sombera were once married and that they somehow became corrupted, after corruption occurred, the 2 royal sisters would have had to step up against their parents, resulting in Luna's mental breakdown when she became nightmare moon, Luna and celest would've had to keep their titles as princesses because their parents weren't exactly dead But hey, anything is possible at this point in the show.
@PrincessPandaTV8 жыл бұрын
celestia + luna not from equestria
@travissmith28488 жыл бұрын
Perhaps Traditionally the title of king or queen was reserved for a married monarch? I also think you have a Princess/Prince and princess/prince. The latter is a hereditary title (or granted upon being elected to the local monarchy ala princess Padme. Now, Princess Cadence (note the capitol indicating her alicorn status) technically could adopt the title of Queen, but elects not to do so in deference to her apparent superior Princess (again capitol P, though as regent of Canterlot as well as ruler of Equestria is also like Cadence, a minor p as well) does not elevate herself as such.
@SunsetShimmerStudios9 жыл бұрын
I don't get how you can have distant relatives unless you mean they live far away. Unless there is a break up involved and there are half/step siblings, then it's not possible to be distant, as I said before, unless they live far away. Because it would just be Celestia's sibling's son. Not really that difficult to comprehend but imagine this: Granny's sister's boyfriend's child that he had with another pony that wasn't an apple is Apple Jack Big Mac and Apple Bloom's half cousin, now that is distant.
@crasycat12345610 жыл бұрын
Actually, the answer is that Lauren Faust was not allowed to use queen celestia, luna, or cadence is because the Hub stated that children associate queen and king to evil villains. Think about it, would it sound so evil if it were Prince Sombra, or Princess Chrysalis? I only have this answer from the book (the one on seasons 1-4).
@brandonbaggaley23179 жыл бұрын
Twilight's becoming a princess is a Zelda reference. In The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, there is a character named Midna. Even though she was born as the Twilight Princess; she was usurped, stripped of her magical power, and turned into an imp by Zant under Ganondorf's orders. She even sacrifices her life to attempt to kill Ganondorf and dies. After Link kills Ganondorf, the Light Spirits (Ordona, Faron, Eldin, & Lanayru) resurrect Midna as her true self, the Twilight Princess. These events in the game are referenced more than once. The events where Midna is killed and revived are referenced when Twilight becomes an alicorn. The occurrences where Midna is stripped of and regains her magic powers are referenced in Twilight's Kingdom.
@littllered11909 жыл бұрын
Y'know how Cadence saved the Crystal Empire by saving Spike and the crystal? One pony said 'behold the crystal princess has returned'. And that the crystal empire is an empire, I think it might have royalty in it. So, what I'm saying is that Celestia and Luna have another sister that they did NOT mention, and that sister might've been Cadence's mother. For Blue Blood.... ADOPTED or he just introduced himself as 'prince' and eventually Celestia was like "FINE YOUR A PRINCE, YOU'RE NOW MY NEFU" and shtuff.. Yeah, let's say that!
@stacyweaverband9 жыл бұрын
Queen christilis is from a diffrent bug colony she was Queen there and as for Luna and celestia their parents where royal and as for sombra he was just titled king from his great powers (all this is from headcannon)check out her channel (Ink Rose)
@PIMKAMINA29 жыл бұрын
+cannedcream i think tia and moony just keep the title of "princess" cuz it makes them sound young. or how about this: think of celestia, luna, cadance and twilight as in different tiers or royalty. cadance and twi are second tier and tia and luna are first tier. in the first tier they are called princesses if one of them were to get married, then the one who married will be called a queen and her husband a king. second tier is different. cadance got married but she is still a princess and yes, shining armor is now a prince. in a case when tia and moony become too old to rule or "send their title forward( leave the title and move twi and cadance forward in royal succession )" then cadence and twi will move to first tier and cadance will automatically be crowned a queen. twi will be a princess until, like i said, she'll get married. but until tia and moony get too old or move forward, they stay first tier and will be princesses until marriage. from that i can take that if chrysalis is crowned queen then it's either like the bug thing, or, chrysalis is married. sombra's just a dick. self proclaimed. and blueblood is, like you said, by family. also it was said that cadance was a pegasus and became an alicorn much like twi. get it?
@bobmasters987110 жыл бұрын
I feel like everything you said is correct except that blueblood might be Cadence's brother or cousin, which might make him a prince
@Banboluck2 жыл бұрын
In the song cadence was a Pegasus and then turned into a Alacon getting a horn
@Banboluck2 жыл бұрын
I like your ideas that she was a unicorn as well but in the song it says she’s a Pegasus before turning into an alcoholic so there is no blood relation thank you
@master1067 жыл бұрын
I have an idea. Maybe once you become an Alicorn, you receive the title Prince or Princess. Despite not actually having royalty. Rulers are also given the titles of Queen, King, Prince, and Princess. But the titles represent royalty, while calling an Alicorn a prince/princess is just a title of respect. But when an Alicorn actually does become royalty, they either get to choose between their Alicorn title or their royal title.
@jordanmchighlander936510 жыл бұрын
oh canned cream! i heard there were children's book on how kandens, (i cant spell her name right) became an alicorn princess. and she was originally a pegasus.
@cupcakeprime5594 жыл бұрын
I think that some one needs to make blueblood open his eyes and start acting like a real prince
@karolinamizera388 жыл бұрын
well there r a few points u have missed for example princess Celestia and princess Luna were made princesses due to the fact they r alicorns and represent all of the 3 tribes. if u want more information i suggest reading the journal of the two sisters which is a great source of information. also princess cadence is apparently the adopted niece of princess Celestia and princess Luna. don't ask where i got that from cuz i honestly don't know where i got the bit about princess cadence from i probably heard it somewhere. well hope this helped. by the way i am using my dads profile and i am called Karolina. And i love princess Luna she is amazing! heheh
@crasycat1234569 жыл бұрын
This is because when lauren faust was making the royal names, she wasn't allowed to use queen or king for h god guys. Hasbro said to her that king and queen sound more evil to children.
@dragonmas44410 жыл бұрын
So, one possible method of rationalizing this mode of address is to go back to the origin of the term prince, of which princess is the female version. Coming from the Latin title adopted by Caesar Augustus of princeps, which in Latin means first, and came to mean ruler or sovereign over time. Remember that Celestia and Luna are well over a thousand years old, which means that the term might have had a very different meaning when they first adopted it as their own, only to have the meaning change during their time in power. Maybe they adopted the title to suggest that they were *merely* the first citizens, as Augustus did so as to avoid monarchical overtones to his de facto power grab. Other plausible explanations include the idea that maybe, Equestria was originally more of a principality in geographic extent and population, but as it grew the title simply didn't update. Or alternatively it had become so associated with Celestia and Luna that, despite acknowledging that Equestria had become, in fact, a kingdom, as the narration in the first episodes states, the title "princess" has symbolic and historical importance beyond possibly designating them as elder children of monarchs. Personally, I like the idea of it being a kind of legacy which has taken on greater significance as time passed. To your discussion of Chrysalis, I would just point out that what we have seen may very well have been merely an invasion force being led, as has not been historically uncommon, by the nations leader. The absence of any other visible signs of the existence of some governing apparatus should not, I think anyway, be taken too seriously, since armies rarely bring along their entire government for invasions. For example, just because the U.S. army doesn't bring DMV officials with them when engaged overseas and set up DMV offices during an invasion (perish the thought) doesn't mean there is no American government. Your point about Chrysalis being a queen in the insect sense of a hive is well taken, but I am merely suggesting that we don't have enough information to rule out alternatives. Finally, I appreciate one particular point you made in passing with regards to Equestria's leadership. It works, and apparently rather well and to the public's satisfaction. Also, given Luna's thousand year long sabbatical from the management of the affairs of state, I think it is safe to say that there is principally (another word derived from princeps) Celestia to thank, so long live the Solar Empress, er... Princess.
@MoonQueen141410 жыл бұрын
Ok CC. Here's my opinion. I used to read the Wizard of Oz books.In all 14 books, most of it takes place in Oz. However, there are several queens, kings, and other rulers in this kingdom. All of them however are under the Supreme Ruler who is named Ozma. I believe Equestria works in a similar way. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are the highest rulers. Twilight, Cadence, and Shining Armor rule under them. Prince Blue Blood,,,I have no clue. I can only imagine a diluted bloodline of some sort. Anyway, Chrysalis is the queen of the Changlings, much like the queen of a bee hive. Sombra...well, I can imagine he was a general or a high ranking officer who kinda took over and declared himself king. Those are my theories anyway.
@faves6339 жыл бұрын
It's possible that these titles have different meanings in Equestria. Honestly, if this is to be taken as a parallel universe, aren't we lucky they speak recognizable English at all?