Caroline Myss - The Narcissist (The Power of Archetypes)

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Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss

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Hi, Everybody -
It's time for this week's new archetype, and I'm doing the narcissist, an archetype requested by most people.
Curiously, I haven't had a request for the mother or the father or archetypes that are commonly popular but instead, "Will you please do the narcissist?" This makes me think that more people are coping with narcissistic relationships. So I'm going to do the narcissist, and I have a twist on it that I'll introduce at the end.
The common narcissist thinks they are owed everything and is unable and unwilling to recognize other people's needs and feelings. A narcissist is an ego on steroids.
I have observed that the narcissistic personality has erupted as an epidemic in our modern-day society. We are participating in the dynamic of creation. Everything we say and think sparks an act of creation. The narcissistic personality is like a caboose on a very extraordinary train where the engine is the soul. The caboose is the personality that still needs to acknowledge that it's not about gaining and getting power on this earth; it's about realizing how much you can influence the power on this earth.
So I'll leave you with that thought. It's a wild thought, but I don't think I'm that far off base.
Okay, thank you, everybody. I'm glad you're enjoying these.
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About Caroline Myss:
Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. Caroline established her own educational institute in 2003, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), which offers a diverse array of programs devoted to personal development and draws students from all over the world. In addition to her written work, Caroline maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule and has produced more than eighty audio/visual products on subjects that include healing, spirituality, personal development, and the study of archetypes.
© Copyright 2023 CMED LLC. All rights reserved.

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@jasasyiken5561 Жыл бұрын
I believe that we are projecting who we are. Meaning, narcissist are the way they are because inside they feel extremely scarce. It’s like a person who is full, will not be desperate for more. Similarly, a hungry man is in dire need to consume. A narcissist is like someone who’s starving inside and instinctively need to be on the take. And a starving person has nothing to give either. To me, a person becomes a narcissist because at the core of it, there is an underlying belief that they are not enough. That’s the paradox. What is interesting is why this is so widespread in this age. I think it’s because externally we seem to have accomplished a lot but internally there is poverty or starvation. And narcissistic expressions is almost like the soul crying for help. Problem is one can never see themselves let alone help themselves unless they stop and look inward (reflection).
@brendadavidson7987 Жыл бұрын
It’s like a person who is full, will not be desperate for more
@Sarah-sv6wg Жыл бұрын
I think we have a lot to learn about ourselves from narcissistic people.
@debracappiccille6485 Жыл бұрын
YES!!!! It’s unbelievable. It’s devastating especially when it’s your children and husband and siblings, etc.
@liseharris Жыл бұрын
My recent observation of a narcissist losing it, almost seemed like a cry for help. The more I stayed present and observed the rant, the more they kept going. Quite something to witness. They are hurting and lost in their ego, disconnected from their heart.
@leilafanner7120 Жыл бұрын
Beautifully said ❤
@yvonnerodriguez6581 Жыл бұрын
There most certainly is & can be a spirit possession in a lot of cannot unsee what you witness!
@nikiaoneil1998 Жыл бұрын
Oh yes we’re Caroline 😢
@bonniekesic8040 Жыл бұрын
I was married to a man who had NPD, for 14 years. I did not know he was in the beginning. I have been through it all and to try and explain it to someone else is almost impossible. To understand it they would need to go through it.
@Elsie144k 7 ай бұрын
I understand ❤
@RettaNRatchetRecover 3 ай бұрын
I too, understand, unfortunately 😢❤
@secretshaman189 Жыл бұрын
"Criticizing a narcissist is like putting a match to gasoline" -- boy is that the truth!
@cmralph... Жыл бұрын
I was emotionally and psychologically abused by a covert narcissist. Rather than identify myself as their victim, I call myself their survivor. For me, the only way to heal was to get completely away from them, block them from any further access to my life, and start over. To this day, I carry with me the lessons she taught me. Nowadays I can spot a narc coming at me from 100 miles away.
@professorchaos9 Жыл бұрын
It's like we have to be naive to fall for their illusions. But once out of the illusion, we see them so clearly. In my case, I discovered how it manifested in my family and I was surrounded by it, only to find out afterwards how my friendship was a reproduction of my family dynamic. Once you disassociate with each of them, the more power you feel, the better investments you make. Stay blessed. ❤
@brendadavidson7987 Жыл бұрын
I heard something VERY helpful - people are not "victims" of Narcissists, they are (or were) targets, or targeted. Bravo to getting away....
@JJNow-gg9so Жыл бұрын
To us who survived let's live a wonderful life now.
@lostredsock6989 Жыл бұрын
Be mindful of how you use language. You call yourself "their" survivor - that's possession, that is staying in the personal, keeping your caboose hitched to their power. You were winnowed and weathered and seasoned by a human who embodied a dimension of the Archetype of Narcissist. You have learned to identify a calibre of narcissist - you get to collect the whole set with time and terms such as victim/survivor/wound/heal become irrelevant. May the odds be ever in your flavour.
@maustin950 Жыл бұрын
I got away but my kids are with him 😭​@@brendadavidson7987
@GuardianesdelaTierra13 Жыл бұрын
“Total unwillingness to recognize other people feelings “ absolutely true
@Sarah-sv6wg Жыл бұрын
Is it unwillingness or the inability to do so? Watching this from the perspective of a person with narcissistic tendencies, I believe I have an understanding of the internal process of a true narcissist. I would sum it up as "you don't know what you don't know." The inability to emphasize with others and take their feelings into account is because they can't put themselves in other's people's shoes. Not won't. Narcissists are the most wounded among us. They shut down because reality was too painful. They can't feel love. Are you even alive if you can't feel love? It's torturous. That being said, I understand the abuse one suffers at the hands of a narcissist, and I am not defending the behavior or damage they cause. I just want to extend a small degree of understanding and empathy to narcissists because, nevertheless, they are still human. I would love to hear other thoughts on this and am open to different perspectives. Thank you!
@GuardianesdelaTierra13 Жыл бұрын
@@Sarah-sv6wg Interesting point of view, I understand that lack of feelings, you know, is not like we have to “feel “ love for everyone, but knowing by first hand how they think & behave, I’m sure they cause damage with the intention to hurt and they enjoy watching you suffer. I don’t know exactly how their brains function but they can convince everyone you are wrong, crazy, or simply change the reality like Hitler, have you ever think how in the world he was able to convince millions of “decent “ people that killing the Jews was the best idea to clean human DNA from de illness and genetic diseases. They are charming, they know how to use words, they are perfect on the outside. I m sorry, I definitely have no empathy for these #%*-
@maryannribble3254 Жыл бұрын
My husband’s mother was very strongly narcissistic - and I saw a pic @ her funeral of the little girl of 4 - her posture , her facial expression and her positioning of her hands communicated a deeply terrorized and frightened child . I then put the many stories together of her early life - that I had been told - many of them by her @ my invitation - and stories that came out at her funeral ( privately to me ) - yes - a tortuous way to live for a beautiful human child - and the denial that increases tension over the years as it MUST be maintained within the psyche - one believes / she believed in order to survive and to belong . The tragic and Dark side of being born human. ❤
@laurynrose1111 Жыл бұрын
Un willing or un able
@constancewalsh3646 Жыл бұрын
@@Sarah-sv6wg Thank you for this. Exactly - unwillingness or inability? the difference is crucial, in fact life-threatening for the narcissist. Yours is an expression rarely seen on the plethora of videos on narcissism. I cannot tell you how I appreciate it and your deeper understanding. I'm sorry to say it but even this from the honorable CM makes me sick. Pls see my comment above, and thank you again.
@emilyjiuliano5969 Жыл бұрын
I think the reason that self awareness has blossomed is because for centuries, there were the masters and the slaves , the ones in power, and the ones serving the power, and we have entered the age where resources and information are available to everyone if they acknowledge their self responsibility and develop their Skills and talents to no longer be a servant, so self awareness is important to get out from under the rock of master /slave mentality!
@diannecaplin4258 Жыл бұрын
All those who incarnate have 2-3 narcissistic traits that we use for our survival. Just because we show these traits doesn't mean they are a full on narcissist. It's helpful to remember that those who show an overwhelming number of these traits have the lowest form of self esteem. Yes it just to remove yourself from their need to control you but as I have learned sending love to these individuals (from afar) helps heal you. We contracted these individuals into our lives for soul growth and expansion. You can't change them but you certainly can change your self. I needed to be more loving to myself. I needed to realize my self-worth, and the individuals who I contracted to help me in this life did an absolutely amazing job and I thank them every day. 🙏 (of course in prayer)
@XOXOX4242 Жыл бұрын
That's beautiful, thank you.❤
@diannecaplin4258 Жыл бұрын
Thank you 🥰 I hope my thoughts help those who suffer. When my parent transitioned into spirit they came to my sister and I and said," don't forget, you both agreed to this," which reminded us that we are not victims but participants in a plan that is difficult for most humans to comprehend. I'm just so grateful for Sacred Contracts 🙏. Caroline's book helped me let go and be thankful. I gift it to those who are struggling. Sending love ❤️
@flutefun999 Жыл бұрын
I like to describe the difference (between a True Narcissist and someone with traits of it) as those with traits, will "catch" themselves, become introspective to try and overcome it or at least are AWARE of it... but True Blue Narcs NEVER EVER and CANNOT do that. And you are absolutely right about an experience with a Narc being soul growth producing. For sure.
@crista8949 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your wonderful messages. I always get so much from them. One part that I’d like to offer an alternative perspective to is regarding the idea that narcissism is on the increase in current times. I’m in my 60’s and grew up with highly accomplished narcissistic family members. All of their damaging behavior was culturally acceptable in those days. Their sense of entitlement was expected both outside the family and within it. I’m not a psychologist but it seems to me that many cultural norms including sexism, racism, religious supremacy and supremacy-thinking in general are forms of narcissism. I wonder if it seems more prevalent today because we’re becoming more aware of what narcissism is and how cultural norms can mask it, even within a family.
@angrox87 Жыл бұрын
“It’s like getting them out of a cult”. 👏👏👏 Absolutely. I do know a man who definitely has narcissistic personality disorder and it causes immense suffering in his life. He is acutely *aware* that he has NPD, however has no commitment to changing it. I appreciate you said that narcissists need to feel superior/extraordinary in order to feel safe.
@donnawoodford6641 Жыл бұрын
My ex didn't think he needed to change. He would only resist, and it's not worth my time and energy. It's not my job to rescue. I don't agree with decisions to violate marital vows, but I accept that ex did what HE wanted to do as a low vibrational being.
@fuzbugg Жыл бұрын
These people need an exorcism
@laravladimir493 Жыл бұрын
All the mothers out there co parenting with a narcissist 💪💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
@Isa-jr9en Жыл бұрын
I am one off them:( It is my experience that they use other people's emotions to serve them. To be able to manipulate. Really sick.
@noahleith2509 Жыл бұрын
All the fathers out there co parenting with a narcissist 🦾🦾🦾🦾🦾🦾🦾
@michellestephenson9349 2 ай бұрын
It’s a lifetime sentence! 🤦‍♀️
@ENieto-rz2tn Жыл бұрын
"They feel that they deserve special treatment because of who they are." That is every prominent family in every small town in the USA.
@devendersehrawat2947 Жыл бұрын
Narcissists are blind to their flaws and project a lot as well as gaslight others. Lived with one. Queen complex !
@CreaticityIsLife Жыл бұрын
I think of narcissism as a damaged sense of human connection - instead of valuing human connection, they feel a great deal of anxiety or repulsion when faced with the needs and feelings of those connected to them. Often narcissists did not get their actual needs met as children (for a whole variety of reasons) and came to see relationships as inherently unsafe. They learned to value relationships only for what they can get from them. If that is never corrected, then narcissism just gets stronger.
@jessieprahmmiles6406 8 ай бұрын
I agree. If wounds were on a scale, narcissists would be some of the most wounded people. Their ways are purely for survival. They learned they can only rely on themselves to survive and as they age, more behaviors develop to survive. There is a belief that relationships that are loving cause the most pain and often a pain that is unbearable. It feels as if they won't survive it. This is where the need for control begins. If they can be in control, they don't get to the point of risking the pain. There are extreme wounds early in life.
@cherylvigliante8756 Жыл бұрын
Nailed it on the head 💛 I thought I was going crazy before I even knew this character existed. I was naive. My mum has a nack for sniffing a rat out. 😂 and she pointed things out over time. It saved my life and my sanity. Narcissists are geniuses on their own way. But they are impossible to live with it. Discussions end up confusing you and it would almost be easier to have your finger nails pulled out one by one. You must accept them as they are and let them go. They have worlds to conquer apparently….on their own.
@linadjevalikian2775 Жыл бұрын
Carolyne, as I was listening you, I slowly became inraged because it reminded me of someone that I trusted the most. He was the most spiritual person I knew, one of the most intelligent man . A poet and an artist and our friendship lasted 35 years. I never though of him being a narcissist but as you were describing the characteristics of a narcissist , I recognized him. I think the most dangerous ones, are the ones that are very spiritual. I never associated spirituality and narcissism together. It’s a dangerous combination . Thank you Carolyne for another fascinating archetype.
@annepascale5466 Жыл бұрын
@annepascale5466 Жыл бұрын
@Mavmode Жыл бұрын
I’ve heard this referred to as spiritual materialism. Even spirituality can become an extension of the ego and confirmation of one’s superiority over others. “I’m so enlightened, I’m so much more healed than everyone else, etc. “. I think it’s one of the most insidious presentations because it’s cloaked in “goodness”.
@sflorez8636 Жыл бұрын
I recommend reading “the human magnet syndrome” by psychotherapist Ross Rosenberg. In that book you’ll learn the history of the boom of narcissism, the different levels of narcissism (including the healthy narcissism she describes later in the video) and much more.
@h.tucker2285 Жыл бұрын
I know a narcissist very well. I believe he became that way bc he had violent, cruel narcissistic parents. He's not violent, but is really messed up. He's like a powder keg and bristles at even the smallest criticism. He was created by humiliation, shame, and hate. I see his narcissism and related delusions as a coping mechanism.
@rebeccatrono3376 Жыл бұрын
It's now understood that there is a genetic component to this disorder, as well. Our family has generations of narcissists. My older sister and my son are narcissists. It's heartbreaking. They are destructive and leave chaos and injury in their wake. The sister is a malignant narcissist and her behaviors, her scheming, her brutalizing of others is nothing short of evil. All while one can see it all stems from such deep insecurity and anxiety. It must be terrible being in these people's minds.
@christinascibetta1043 Жыл бұрын
Yes i have always thought there were genes involved
@yosra3551 Жыл бұрын
*NO!* Its not in the genes...! It's a generational curse with familiar demons. Watch the movie Heriditary. Beware of the curses they might cast on you through that movie though. But our lifestories have a spiritual plot. Our souls do not die!
@Lanetta-jm2ji 4 ай бұрын
Were you adopted?
@Lanetta-jm2ji 4 ай бұрын
Narcissism is a learned behaviour and why they have no empathy is because they were taught by example. To them it is normal . So normal in fact they believe all parents are like his/her parents behind closed doors.
@MrHandoverfist Жыл бұрын
will you profile the crone
@brendadavidson7987 Жыл бұрын
Dearest Caroline, I wish to thank you for your lovingkindness to put forth so much content free for people who do not have the financial resources to pay for the kind of help you are providing. I have purchased: your books, Gaia for access to your Sacred Power Series and Oracle cards, but it takes all those and more information such as your Power of Archetypes series, as we process more and go in to new, deeper terrain for understanding and greater healing. I am a beneficiary of your work in the world - it is working, as I am healing. I am beginning the TRANS-ACENSION now. Sacred Power was really pivotal for my breaking through and the Archetypes Series is carrying me across the threshold. Great Thanks and Gratitude for all you are doing to prepare awakening people. Sincerely, Brenda from Toronto, CANADA
@andersstromberg6025 Жыл бұрын
The Sacred Power series, is one of the best on Gaia. 👍☝️❤️
@fictionisvice Жыл бұрын
I’ve a hypothesis- the ‘explosion’ of narcissistic people isn’t because we’re more aware of spotting them, but because we’re 2-3 generations into the ‘Dream’. I’m an Australian so the Aussie Dream is to get married, have kids, buy the house, build your own business. And (not all Americans!) there’s an imported American Dream we can all become millionaires/billionaires if we work for it. I think this is the source of I’m Important and I’m destined for Great Things without yet applying themselves. In Aus, to ‘have’ to have the kids mean so many kids are objects. And why waste genuine empathy on others when we’re engaged in status games (or, keeping up with the Jones). Social media has helped but shouldn’t take all true blame. And because this has developed over generations we are now experiencing the tip of the curve of the narcissistic peoples… imho. Anyone agree or disagree?? I’d love to hear your thoughts on my opinion 😊❤
@brendasmart553 Жыл бұрын
A cop friend told me that over his career, he witnesses being into now the 3rd generation of entitlement, not accountable, etc. people have long quit parenting their kids, nor do they make them do chores, etc…. Your take fits. ☯💫🌏
@fictionisvice Жыл бұрын
@@brendasmart553 wow, really? Thank you for agreeing with me 😂 though I kinda wish it wasn’t so (of course) 😌
@brendasmart553 Жыл бұрын
@@fictionisvice Wellour two shared experience views are but contributors to Caroline’s overview. The devil is in the details comes to mind, giggle!
@Terry-ye3gp Жыл бұрын
Brilliant Australia!!!!! Worst Global Virus is DEFINITELY Hollywood/USA/Narcissist ... Thanks USA!!!! You Poisoned ALL+ now want to cry???
@DJ-jc9il Жыл бұрын
I don't agree because true NPD comes from some form of childhood abuse, not status symbols that anyone can acquire. People can appear to be narcissists as a stereotype, but they are probably just shallow, superficial people with nothing of substance to contribute. Also, I have never met a narcissist who wasn't a psychopath, or a malignant narcissist, or a person with anti-social personality disorder as an underlying co-morbidity. These people are true predators and the narcissism is their act and entree into people's lives so they can manipulate them however they wish.
@carolsampietro9873 Жыл бұрын
The aging narcissist would be an interesting case study. When what they have used their entire lives is unavailable?? Thank you for this.
@DancingQueenie Жыл бұрын
Gotcha! My father was a tall handsome ladies man until he wasn’t. He’d actually cry that it WASN’T FAIR for people to get old. Boohoohoo.
@rdbeckett590 Жыл бұрын
They totally lose it !!!!!
@alwaysblessed2794 Жыл бұрын
Narcissistic collapse
@susanjacobs6461 Жыл бұрын
Yep. My friend spends hours telling us how handsome he was, how fun his life was. He says now he is ready to put a bullet in his head,cuz he lost his whole life due to alcoholism
@jeanbeck5862 Жыл бұрын
I've been waiting for the mother archetype, but have not requested it until right now. Please and thank you.
@lorieabraham272 Жыл бұрын
A Narc. once said to me “ why do your parents love you so much, you have never done anything special “ Being a good human, daughter, mother, business owner, companion…. just wasn’t that special to the narcissist..
@brendadavidson7987 Жыл бұрын
So sorry for you / anyone to hear this, or discount "being a good human, daughter, mother, business owner, companion....."
@mfcmxtt6490 Жыл бұрын
because they don't relate to and experience the true, raw, natural mammalian bond and instinct to connect, nurture and protect. they have no capability to understand another person's feelings..only their own cold superficial perspective. so of course, this one was actually in a cold lizard like way, expressing that they can relate to warm blooded bonding mammals
@GuardianesdelaTierra13 Жыл бұрын
I will add, even when they “apologize “ is about them! For example: they said, I made a mistake, they never said: I know I hurt you with my infidelity. It’s , I made a mistake
@mireillefruin9363 Жыл бұрын
Your hair always looks great and so does the rest of you. You also have a wonderful voice and a beautiful diction, both of which you use to say excellent things. Bless you.
@prant8998 Жыл бұрын
Great content, regarding the, “example," archetype in narcissism. (I sound like a nitpicking narcissist now), but the one word that is missing as far as their withholding is, validation. They crave it but rarely give it, in fact, their contribution may be invalidation. If they knew Einstein, they would tell him, “Great job on that relativity thing, but you never got your personal life in order?” Which brings up an even larger point that, everyone is open to criticism, because no one is perfect. But, the narcissist has the internal need to point out the negative, the flaw, and control the victim through invalidation. The need to feed their ego by devaluing you, it just makes them feel good. Which makes me think it’s a dopamine thing, like a compulsion to self soothe, mixed with a lack of empathy. Validation, is weaponized, to control, devalue, and soothe.
@sallyknopp Жыл бұрын
Show me a politician that doesn't show a degree of narcissistic behavior
@witchywoman7311 Жыл бұрын
We are supposed to be setting an example, not being a victim of every person who is full of themself! My recovery requires me to work on me not them. They, they, they, we can do better than that
@whitneyrose9293 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this
@susanahgrover9904 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this excellent offering, Caroline 🙏 The ego, or 'Imposter Self', is a mental construct which can only fabricate a facsimile (therefore a distortion) of the Real in us. It's ironic we have to go through a phase of identifying with the Impostor Self, which is deficient in its core. We then try and compensate for the feeling of deficiency by Narcissistically trying to be mirrored as 'special' (using others for 'Narcissistic Supply)'. If we're fortunate, it will fall apart on us sooner rather than later, because it doesn't work this way. If we are not fortunate, we can get stuck there and end up holding other people hostage, viewed as sources of supply for us ('feeding off of people' I once heard a person say). It's truly tragic, and it may just be the real underlying pandemic of our time; the entitled 'gimme-gimme-take-take club'. Ironically, it seems that only when we finally hit bottom on this trick, in true humility, can we begin realizing our underlying true luminous nature, beyond any concept of or need for being special. The ego will never understand how this can be the real privilege of a lifetime. The great irony is that the impact of this realization ends up being profoundly humbling. Ask any addict with a long history of recovery. Amazing Grace this human life is, isn't it?!? Offered with best wishes for the Narcissist, and especially for the real one, in us all. Thanks again, Caroline.
@shannongillespie1440 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. The more I ponder on it the more I realize how my attachment to identifying with that false self had me believing that I was the constant critical voice and not realizing I was under the scrutiny of something I myself made up. Your explanation resonated with me profoundly.
@brendadavidson7987 Жыл бұрын
Very well written and described Susan! This is pivotal: "The ego is a mental construct which can only fabricate a facsimile (therefore a distortion) of the Real in us." Soooo helpful written this way! Thank you!
@lamusica1592 Жыл бұрын
It would be great if narcs were able to reflect and gain humility. In my rather extensive experience, they don't get to that point. Yes, everyday narcissism does follow this path, people with narc traits etc, people who are able to genuinely face their shadow and face their inner demons, those people can change. But the hardcore narcs I know, all past 50 now, haven't changed that much, theyve simply learned fake humility because they're running out of options
@Sarah-sv6wg Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this! I love the way you conceived of it.
@Guddilove801 Жыл бұрын
😂 I just love Carolyn. She is funny as well as a sacred human being.❤❤❤ Love you Carolyn..🤗🌟
@traceymacdonald1133 Жыл бұрын
I can look at my ex husband narcissist with more compassion. Thank you 🙏🏻
@rdbeckett590 Жыл бұрын
Well, when you have a narc psycho running from his crimes as a former President no wonder- thank you so much for these - love your take on the archetypal profiles!!! So amazing and interesting!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@DancingQueenie Жыл бұрын
We also hear a lot about. MY MENTAL HEALTH lately.
@jacquelinevogt606 Жыл бұрын
After going out with a narcissist, I couldn’t believe it. It was so bad but this particular one it was about the sax so I came up with the word Sexopath I don’t know if that’s a archetype but thank you for your wise insights.
@anniem1111 Жыл бұрын
🤣 how I love listening to you Caroline, especially when you do the ego smack down 🤣
@barbaradellis3872 7 ай бұрын
I've noticed a strong UNEVOLVED Scorpio/8th house component to narcissism and also dominant fixed sign influence in their charts. They are very fixed in their beliefs and use the energy of others, typical of the Scorpio character as they commonly use others' resources (energy).
@ChristineJGold Жыл бұрын
I work with many who are healing from narcissistic relationships. Boundaries and self care are key 🔑 💗 Don't engage with them, grey rock em Narcissists have been exposed, because we spiriually aware!
@misspy1153 Жыл бұрын
You’re not convinced narcism is a psychological disorder but you say that it’s not worth people expecting their narcissist partners are able to change…. I do enjoy your very knowledgeable inputs over the years and books and videos etc but this really isn’t your subject. You can offer your perspectives of course and that is always going to be valid since you’re proven very useful but the ‘facts’ that surround this psychological condition and disorder are not being represented here.
@brendasmart553 Жыл бұрын
Enjoying these videos you’re sharing with us Caroline, is an understatement, giggle!
@inezkarkabe2454 Жыл бұрын
Quite unexpected conclusion ! Glad to hear it.
@theravenmagick Жыл бұрын
Seems like a huge piece of the Collective Shadow
@mdavisscadedu 11 ай бұрын
Another reason may be that historically our democracy is being threatened by a narcissist. So important for us to understand the power of the narcissist archetype.
@heatherbeth4249 6 күн бұрын
The head Narc…has you fooled.
@micheleharris6851 Жыл бұрын
Narcissistic people seem to use other people to make themselves feel better, but it doesn't work. They remain miserable. Until they feel all their negative energy and release the pain, do they change somewhat for the better, but not much and takes many years or a huge trauma. Now that I recognize narcissistic people, I remove my prescious energy and put on the armour of God.
@theunspeakable24 Жыл бұрын
Hi thank you for this exploration despite your hair😍. I have given thought to the word narcissism since I first heard of it on KZbin and noticec that I was raised by someone with those tendencies. Not totally narcissistic, they definitely had other very strong and good human qualities but the narcissism is like a bitter sauce over a decent meal. I have also noticed it in many people I have encountered over the course of my life. I. even see some of the narcissist quality in myself sometimes. It's terrifying and very difficult to acknowledge. My sense after years of alchemy classes, is that the modern epidemic of narcissism is coming from a kind of vacuity created by our modern culture and predatory capitalism. Our economic policies have been "sucking" the spirit out of humanity's basic resources- clean air, clean water, nutrient containing food, adequate shelter. Early on in my life it. seemed like it only in those far away"third world" countries like the sweatshops, and dow chemicals in Bhopal and chevron in central and South America.. Now it's just everywhere all the time. . Just as the atom bomb created a vacuum, a fireball then a crater of desolation, somehow that happened to our connection to our natural support system. Some souls still have power enough to bridge the desolate chasm to give and receive life resources. Others are driven by the vacuum , running from it and have 0 spirit energy and awareness to fill the void. Hence their only option is to steal it from others endlessly, with no capacity to ever be satisfied. What is worse? an insatiable vacuous greedy human or an AI robot programmed to survive at all costs?
@marinabliznac2719 Жыл бұрын
I'll just say hurt people hurt. I think they are hurting inside more then we could ever be. When we are in pain we grow from there, but they can't, they are just stuck with their pain of nonworthines. That brings compassion and forgivnes in me for those, even if they hurt me I can grow and they remain same, at least in this lifetime. God bless you all and know that you are worthy child of God❤
@transformationforourhighes7484 Жыл бұрын
At what point does the empath become the narcissist… Obviously this archetype is within EVERYONE… No one is out of any of the archetypes’ radar(s) … “It’s they and them over there “… “it’s got nothing to do with ‘me’ “ Seems the quote(s) and description here Those narcissists over there ! Seems the common theme of these descriptions… Just an observation
@leahjones9626 Жыл бұрын
It’s rare an empath will become void of empathy
@riyajacob2909 Жыл бұрын
Every body is not a narcissist 😮
@janicepo Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this 🙏 The last 5 minutes were transformative for me in the acceptance of the other person's journey 🙏💖 I have been struggling with unconditional love in this area particularly, so thank you thank you thank you 😊
@rdlewis3616 9 ай бұрын
I was friends with a male friend, I am female, for almost 30 years, and throughout that time I would periodically distance myself because of the gaslighting and the put downs disguised as jokes and stories where I was the object of the joke. Finally, 10 years ago I stopped contact with him but went back after a year. Then two years ago after my mother’s death and the death of a mutual friend, I just could not take it anymore after several instances of emotionally abusive behavior and gaslighting I cut off all contact and although I questioned myself for a year, I now realize I am better off without him in my life. I knew something was wrong, but I blamed myself until I learned more about narcissistic behavior.
@Symbolsysteme Жыл бұрын
I like to call narcissists and other predators AID= Angels in Disguise....*))) When we use an experience with a narc to take a very deep look into our own problems instead of looking what the narc has done, we can learn sooooo much about ourselves. Afterwards we will hardly fall for these type of people again.
@katherinedamico4837 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Carolyn for bringing light to narcissism. It is a deeply complicated subject. The are some great books out there. The Narcissist in your life by Julie Hall is easy to read and understand. Dr. Rhoberta Shaler’s work is very thorough and accurate. Gabor Mate’s work videos and books.
@jannie6359 Жыл бұрын
I am so impressed in the description, you didnt say The Name! I was gleefully playing "Whats My Line". You done good! Funny though. You have reached the Heights of restraint! It just wasn't necessary to mention it.
@inspired11 Ай бұрын
All narcissism has it's roots in childhood trauma and a child's concept of self and self interest getting damaged. I really wish all content on this topic would start acknowledging that, instead of laying it out like these people are just born this way.
@DitDot55 Жыл бұрын
Would the rampant, easy materialistic acquisitions for many after WWII, which created a solid middle class in the USA, have anything to do with the proliferation of narcissism in 2023? I believe so - I'm a boomer from '55 who's noticed the contrast between my parents' lives pre-WWII and 3 generations on, that has been passed as a "family value". Our social media obsessions with "selfies" etc. strike me as a PUSH INTO COMPLETE NARCISSISM FOR JUST ABOUT EVERYBODY. The pandemic isolation and reliance on the online communities has some redeeming qualities - but - really, there's too much BS everywhere...
@jacquelineoakley7526 Жыл бұрын
If you are taking requests, please do the 'monitor' such as in hall-monitor someone who may/or may not have some authority and holds others to account and please do the seductress. Thank you.
@DancingQueenie Жыл бұрын
Caroline. You obviously know my ex husband.
@brocbujol2814 Жыл бұрын
i Admittedly have a Narcissistic archetype but maybe 60/40 because i definitely have found my self very happy for other’s success and sympathetic towards others pain… How do i get help. How does anyone combat this behavior.. I have heard 100ds of videos like this with no help for people suffering of this. Everyone DISCARDS people that have this afflictions and seems to want people that have it to just go away… Where is the Empathy for the narcissistic type?
@meganbrewster5984 Жыл бұрын
You learn to not ask questions. Choose your words wisely oh and watch that tone! My ex wasn't diagnosed But after I started dating him I started googling. Hadn't even really heard of narcissist before that. He definitely had the characteristics. Glad I'm put! But dang it was difficult.
@brendanrobinson6860 Жыл бұрын
Hard to think of it as an archetype as opposed to a personality disorder.
@sheilaabrahams1322 Жыл бұрын
Re: 11:38 - Needs a little more salt. Were you at my Thanksgiving table? Because this actually happened. I spent a week shopping, baking and cooking a feast and all my husband could say was that the turkey needed more salt. Like it would kill him to say thank you for the meal. On Thanksgiving, ironically.
@yvonnerodriguez6581 Жыл бұрын
A touch of a bully? Most are huge bullies
@vr4419 Жыл бұрын
My experience is that things that happen to you are trivial…however, if they have a cold ‘I almost died’ or any disruption ‘it was a nightmare’.
@LunarPiscean Жыл бұрын
Thank you, thank you Caroline, for this entire series! Will you please consider covering the WISE WOMAN archetype - or similar archetype? Thanks.
@marionhamilton982 Жыл бұрын
It seems like the challenge of true self awareness that is willing to peel through the layers of self importance is just off limits to the narcissist. It takes a dive into deep humility to realize our inherent worth.
@MountainGram112 Жыл бұрын
With a narcissist former POTUS it involved us all.
@zenwarrior1984 Жыл бұрын
On the edge of my seat for this one - where is my pop corn
@FattBuda Жыл бұрын
I had to sit and meditate after listening to this. The breakdown of this character is well articulated. Thank you.
@izaaguilo Жыл бұрын
The "I'm destined for something special " story, which has fed me up...They were told they "were special and destined for something extraordinary", without telling them that to achieve it, they had to do something about it. I'm also tired of walking on eggshells so that "people destined for something special" don't leave in outbreak. Nothing is free in life, that's it and that's that. Thank you Caroline for having this space ❤.
@evagrimaldi6524 Жыл бұрын
Sucession is THE BEST series about a narcissistic family... I loved it
@create2liberate Жыл бұрын
Thoughts on this: narcissists demonize the human. One step further than belittling the human (which I see in many spiritual spaces), they literally think being human - or acting human - is below them. They are above [and actually terrified/horrified of a truth that tells them they're below] others.
@chandellebinette1043 Жыл бұрын
They can say something and forget that they said it in one minute so no there is no getting through them.
@wheeshanong Жыл бұрын
Thank you Caroline. Although I like to consider myself an empathetic person, I also realised I could be narcissistic once in a while, especially when I get triggered. I am now on a journey to become more aware of this energy within me and also when others show me their narcissistic behaviour, I can be more firm and compassionate enough to take the right action to deal with such a person, that includes myself. 🌹🙏❣️
@tinas977 Жыл бұрын
Oh brilliant. Having grown up with such a mother , and recognizing some -only some- of these aspects in myself, listening to the full arc of this video, is illuminating and also restful.
@isa.8888 Жыл бұрын
Goose coherent approach.Thk you.Blessings❤🌹🌹🌹
@naturelover1284 Жыл бұрын
Why are these people so healthy live so long
@riyajacob2909 Жыл бұрын
They take care of their self very well 🤔?
@christinemurphy4367 Жыл бұрын
They really are unbelievable truly. Astounding honest to God 😮
@zenwarrior1984 Жыл бұрын
It was Joan Crawford - creepy film
@888Delphi Жыл бұрын
Have you written or spoken any works on The Scapegoat archetype?
@annawasterbyjara9527 Жыл бұрын
@marianmarshall7026 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Carolyn, for your decades of work and contribution....and making significant chunks available for free on KZbin. This message penetrated deeply. I believe I will be more able to not shut down into shocked and silent fear when interacting with the narcissists in my family of origin---as a result of the insight and perspective you shared. Blessings
@janetclaireSays Жыл бұрын
It's nice to see a video by someone who knows the definition of "Archetypes" before creating content about it!
@linsanders3984 Жыл бұрын
You are absolutely describing someone I worked with for the longest time. We are all here for their purpose.
@MamtaNanda Жыл бұрын
I would love to know about mother and daughter archetype.
@amyhodges5464 Жыл бұрын
I cannot thank you enough for this wonderfully informative video 🙏🏻❤️🤗
@MetaPhysStore0770 Жыл бұрын
I can tell you dont hang out with Narcissists too much, there is a spectrum of outcomes, some are loosers, some are mediocre, some are abussive, some are criminally insane psychopathic narcissists, but a lot if the abuse is by ordinary narcissist exploiters that victimize people pleasers who need to be victimized as a relationship dynamic, the victims desire to be victimized in one way or another, some narcissists are actually fantastic guitar players, or very wealthy realtors, principle of school, politicians, athletes, nascar drivers, some narcissists are fabulously successful, and talented, but also assholes.
@shannonl9633 8 күн бұрын
Unwilling ... Possibly incapable, of putting himself / herself in another's place / situation. To do so, would require an acknowledgement of the other person's experience, though it differs from the his / her own. Outright Refusal.
@mjb822 Жыл бұрын
When I was on pregnant leave, I cleaned whole house. He didn’t say anything, so I pointed it out to him about the clean house. He went into the kitchen and pulled out the fridge and pointed out what I missed. Eventually divorced him.
@marthaneel6990 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for these fantastic videos, Caroline. Will you speak about the Shaman archetype at some point?
@caravandedanann2328 Жыл бұрын
What you get to the end is inspiring and motivating. I LOVE the twist, the pivot. Thank you ❤️
@heavaden Жыл бұрын
A lot of these are classic narcissism, but some of the things you said were classic narcissism could be from something like adhd or autism so I didn't love that 😢
@melaniefarmer75 Жыл бұрын
I've been waiting from this one.
@mayaabouchedid Жыл бұрын
Thank you :) I love the hair
@sarahtruth2643 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for redefining this topic. To be honest, everytime I listen to it, it makes me become uncomfortable even more. Dealing with these livelihoods. Maybe I am ready to hear it or seriously not attached no more. My level has gone up 😂❤. Thank you Caroline ❤️😘 😊
@rosiemckinney1061 Жыл бұрын
Narcissisti movie: August Osage County with Meryl Streep and Julie Roberts
@randymorgan8375 11 ай бұрын
My sister exactly!! And it was in front of me my hole life and Never Realized it ..she's a Text book narcissist , she should be studied !! she a millionaire by Manipulating Elderly people. She thinks she Earned it .. Just Incredibly.
@DragonflyCollective11 Жыл бұрын
8:20 We have been saying for a long minute now, the two types of people are those who are talking about it and those who are too busy doing it to be talking about doing it. 🙂
@alexisgreen-hernandez8604 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video 📹 💜. I found it to be very educational and informative. I would like 👍 to wish you all the best with your other videos 📹 take care. I have one question for you?? when you are in a relationship with a Narcisstist why is he was cruel, unempathic, and I felt 💔 like he de-humanized me during that relationship yet, they blame you for being a Narc my ex really had me believing that maybe I was a Narc and if I was how 🤔💭 did I cure it make it go away!! I watch a lot of these videos 📹 trying to understand that relationship between us but the more research I do the Narc personity sounds more like my ex then me even through I may have some problems. I mean we have a son together and has my son believing things about me that are simply not true. He will not let me see him it is a long story?? He says he does not co-parent this really bugs me. 🙄 and breaks my heart. 💔 thanks again for making this video 📹 take care.
@ChantalAnders_eveildusoietame 6 ай бұрын
I very much enjoyed your take on the Narcissist which falls in line with what I have been noticing over the past few years as the increase of this "narcissist" label has become overused and too generalised. During my many years of facilitating QHHT Regressions where people connect with their Past Lives and (parallel and pre-birth experiences in the womb etc.) it is all about people reconnecting to their personal power and becoming aligned with the "present moment". Connecting with and creating a beautiful life now, which is what I believe the universe is pushing us all towards. The Gaslighting Narcissist that people bandy around so much in their conversations talks more of a Sociopath (in my opnion) - than a dysfunctional suffering narcissist from childhood. I think there are many levels of Narcissism and that most of us have had this within us and around us in some form or another. Becoming conscious and more self-aware of our thoughts and actions and behaviours is key. And so much more of course (in my opinion) because there is so much more to know and to learn that we can only just touch the surface of. The Universe (of which we are a part of) is orchestrating everything is as should be and for the greater good in the long run. I so agree that the Narcissist dilemma is all about bringing us to the eventual self-awareness of our wonderful power to love and be of love to others (rather than the shadow side of self-power and self-destruction). I am passionate about all this so I apologise if I have gone on too long here but I thank you for giving a much more open-hearted talk on this subject that has demonised and generalised suffering dysfunctional behaviours. 🕊😊
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