There's a movie called "Unplanned" based on the true story of one of the Directors of one of the abortion centres in the US...I forgot her name and where it was...but it shows the reality of this disgusting affair. Now in Ethiopia, there are so many clinics where midwives are trained to perform these practices...most are in the county sides and villages of Ethiopia, sadly enough.
@GebrielaTadesse2 ай бұрын
እንዴ በውስጧ ለጸለየችው ምን አገባቸው? መጸለይዋንስ በምን አወቁ?
@fbm90012 ай бұрын
Sandra bullock የተባለችው የHollywood actress ወጣት ሆኖ ለመኖር የህፃናትን tissue እንደሚወጉ በ Ellen show ላይ ተናግራለች::