CHILDFREE BY CHOICE & BABYSITTING: Did it make me change my mind?

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Katrin Berndt

Katrin Berndt

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♥ In today's video, I talk about my first ever babysitting experience. This weekend I watched my 2-year-old niece for a few hours while her parents went to a party nearby. It was... interesting to say the least. But all is well that ends well. I returned her to her parents and I have never been more sure about my choice not to have children haha! (And don't take this video tooooo seriously haha. As I said, I do not dislike my niece whatsoever, she's great. But that doesn't mean I love babies!)
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♥ Katrin
CHILDFREE BY CHOICE & BABYSITTING: Did it make me change my mind?

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@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
Hey guys! Just posted a new video where I answer 20 of your questions about being childfree:
@PrincessofErised 4 жыл бұрын
I never wanted kids, but I always loved kids. So I decided to have one child and when I was young (21). Naively thinking that I would still be in my 30s when she was grown and I could still have "a life" after I finished raising her. Tip #1: The raising and guiding NEVER end. In fact, it got more intense as she got older (can we say boyfriend problems?) If I could do it again, I would have waited until I was older and wiser and spent lots more time googling how to do it better. lol You are very wise to say "no" to having children with how you feel because even when you do want them, it is the hardest job in the world. The saying "As hard as you think it will be, in the end, you will wish it was that easy." applies. BUT, for me, the rewards of doing it successfully far outweigh the negatives. It is not for everyone. Producing a full-functioning, caring, thoughtful, mindful, educated and loving person is a life-long commitment and not even close to easy. I totally respect your decision. Birth control exists for a reason, like you, millions of women were tired of not having control of their own lives. And every woman has the right to say no.
@Ocean19856 3 жыл бұрын
I can't help but as "so what'? why all this fuss, stress etc.? continue the cycle so that what exactly?
@itszozzy 4 жыл бұрын
In my case I don’t have any problem with kids in general, I communicate with them easily, they understand me and we get along BUT I absolutely DONT want kids of my own! You have to be prepared 100% mentally, physically AND financially to make a human. You are responsible for their upbringing (and poopy diapers eww) So yeah despite what society tells us it is up to us what we do with OUR bodies and life. Period.
@dorienmeulemans5146 4 жыл бұрын
Zozzy i a 100% agree. My parents absolutely couldn’t take care of my emotionally and financially. That affected me so much they dont even know.
@weasleynmunatoti 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely true! I like kids, I've worked with them and done a lot of babysitting, just don't want one for myself haha
@oldfogey3272 4 жыл бұрын
Zooey no one's never in a perfect financial or emotional situation for kids! But u make do! And in the end it all works out!
@melancholyalexx7790 4 жыл бұрын
@@oldfogey3272 "it all works out in the end" Hardly. If you absolutely believe that it works out in the end every time, you are being very very naïve. Because there are many factors and different situations in which you cannot change and which do not necessarily improve so easily or that you can do anything about, which results in things being chaotic and not ending well. In some cases, it is so bad that parents may give kids up to relatives to be taken proper care of, or even worse in fewer instances, give them to adoption, all because the situation does not end well, as most people with kids are unprepared for bringing a tiny human into the world and dealing with the consequences.
@Call-me-Al 4 жыл бұрын
@@oldfogey3272 sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't and none of the kids talk with the parents anymore after fleeing the nest at the earliest possible opportunity. My parents were the pillar of their community. They were however not at all the kind of people who ever should have had children. My mother did excellent work with kids in a professional capacity as a teacher, but she was completely unable to deal with the stresses of having actual children 24/7. Not being able to sleep properly for the first year fucks you up badly, especially with an equally workaholic partner. The lack of the constant daily adult socializing that is unrelated to taking care of your kids can drive you mad. If you thrive on routines then the instability of kids can be too much. For a lot of people, having kids turns out just fine. But for a lot of others, it doesn't. Additionally, you are not guaranteed to have healthy children so even if you are well mentally equipped to have healthy kids, having sick kids can break you. My father died a few years ago, and the biggest feeling I had was relief. I still to this day sometimes have nightmares about my parents' meltdowns, rage, and resentment. Resent, at the kids you brought into life for existing?! It is not like we had any choice about being born, but they had. TL;DR: don't be a pushy jerk. If someone says they don't want kids, then believe them.
@rachaelharrison8947 4 жыл бұрын
You legit appear slightly traumatised 😂😂 it's OK I get it. I have a three year old. She feeds directly off my soul.
@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly the only thing that traumatized me was the stroller hahaha! I could never have imagined how incredible difficult it was to deal with! Props to all parents who wield it around like it's nothing!
@Akasha303 3 жыл бұрын
@cyndiisme4185 4 жыл бұрын
I applaud you for knowing what you want. Some people have children because they are made to feel like they are supposed to and I believe a lot of abuse and neglect can come from that.
@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely. I think if more people knew they had a choice, less unwanted children would have to be born and perhaps a little less suffering would take place. 'Cause all children born deserve to be loved and cared for!
@okbex7652 4 жыл бұрын
“i watch a lot of kid content - it’s kind of like a scary movie to me” LOL well put😂
@sarahvand3628 4 жыл бұрын
I watch documentaries on children that have killed their parents to remind me why lol 😂😂😂
@JS-dv9ji 4 жыл бұрын
@@sarahvand3628 Hahahaha same... having a psychopathic child is just too big of a risk!!
@denisetheur5641 4 жыл бұрын
"I can't imagine a more depressing life than having to care for a child" Except for the fact that I am black, we could be twins! 😂🙌🙌 Everythingggg you have said is something I have thought. I'm so glad I came across your channel. Thank you for sharing your experience (and strengthening my resolve to never *EVER* have kids) Here's to a child free life people. 🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂 Down with babies!!!!!!
@bilalgarcia7685 Жыл бұрын
Nah you a Oreo so y’all can be twins lol
@norwAySMR 4 жыл бұрын
"Her mom's name is Elsa, so she thinks Kristoff is her dad" But... It's not... oh dear xD
@mariaburgos2501 4 жыл бұрын
"You know how to make them stop doing things". I'm a parent and no, we don't know!
@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
@lleexxii 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not a parent but a nanny and all my kids are in check. You just need consistent discipline
@SandraochCleo 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for reminding me why I'm never having children 😂. Just hearing you talk about your babysitting experience made me exhausted! I love my childfree life.
@internetjunkie5241 4 жыл бұрын
Good video, I believe in being honest, children are not for everyone. Parenting is a big responsibility.
@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
Indeed! And it's as if some people glamorize that responsibility and think that responsibilities are somehow Pokémon and the we gotta catch 'em all to be seen as "real adults". Hell, if someone doesn't want responsibilities in their life, that's up to them! There is no prestige in collecting as many responsibilities as possible. 😄😂
@melancholyalexx7790 4 жыл бұрын
@@Katrinberndt "There's no prestige in collecting as many responsibilities as possible" My gosh. Thank you SO SO much for saying this. I wish you could tell people around where I live, this statement. You are inspiration to me to live well and enjoy your life. Thank you and much love ❤
@yellowflower8 4 жыл бұрын
I think that parents are lying to the rest of us happy child free people... 😂😂
@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
Hahahah some part of me believes the same.
@delaramansari5272 4 жыл бұрын
yellowflower8 They most certainly are 😂😂
@Laura-kv7bl 4 жыл бұрын
I am a parent and I’m always thinking other parents are lying. I never wanted kids but I ended up married with kids and I deeply regret it. It’s miserable.
@Walgreens27richmond 4 жыл бұрын
@@Laura-kv7bl why did you have them if you never wanted them
@natural3362 4 жыл бұрын
@@Laura-kv7bl that is it. I won't be like you. Thanks for being honest
@delaramansari5272 4 жыл бұрын
“I can’t imagine a more depressing life than having to care for a child”😂😂😂 COULDN’T AGREE MORE!👌🏻
@andilewis 4 жыл бұрын
@krs krs Probably your partner, friends, family will give a 💩 about your existence. Hope you're not having kids because you desperately need someone to give a crap about you. Also kids move out when they grow up. They might call once a week or visit for a few hours, but that's it. So you'll sit around alone most of the time anyway.
@natural3362 4 жыл бұрын
@krs krs and enjoy your kids. See you again in the foster home. 😁
@natural3362 4 жыл бұрын
@krs krs foster homes are a thing in your country. You should know. That is the possibility for you too. Sure kids are important to you but you are disrespecting people choice. Poor kids.. What if they choose to be childfree? Believe me. I don't need pillows because i won't be crying. I will not celebrate christmas. Why should i? We celebrate childfree day with other childfree people. Believe me when i say it. Friends have lives.. But don't forget my friends are childfree people too. I pray that your daughters or sons don't die before you or abandon you when you're old. I will never be lonely.
@lauracraig8110 4 жыл бұрын
@krs krs no one is miserable if they make the right choice for them and everyone has the right to make that choice. I am young and have 0 cats but just do not see myself having children, though if you are happy having children then that is also great. But just appreciate everyone has a different view.
@kuncia69 4 жыл бұрын
my sister had a baby boy 9 months ago. so I'm now an aunt. but I told my whole family that I do not want to babysit ever. I played a bit with my nephew on Christmas when we all met at my parents place, but that's all I can deal with. I could deal with it because my sister with her husband and my parents were there so any time I could just hand him over to someone else. I do not want kids, period. As I said on your previous video on the topic, it would not be safe for my health to be pregnant because of thyroid disease and uterus deformation, so even if in some way I would end up pregnant, I would get an abortion because I don't want to put my life on a line for a fertilised egg.
@xoxoLeony 4 жыл бұрын
"I'm sure if you have kids you know how to get them to stop doing what they're doing" BAHAHAHAHAHA no.
@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
Hahaha 😂
@kaylaschwalbauch6785 4 жыл бұрын
Came here to see if anyone else said this! I just yell commands and hope one sticks 😂😂
@annaswanson5903 4 жыл бұрын
Everytime I spend time with young humans, I am so happy I don't have any of my own
@xzxjessxzx 4 жыл бұрын
I feel exactly the same way. Some people would be unhappy without kids, but a lot of us would be unhappy with kids.
@Katelinized 3 жыл бұрын
Omg I am laughing SO hard. I have two children, ages 6 and 2. And this is all so true. I appreciate your honesty and there is nothing “wrong” with not wanting children of your own. I enjoyed this video :)
@jok8996 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah this further confirms my wanting to be child free. I mean sometimes it crosses my mind and I love my niece, nephew and little cousins so much and they're well-behaved. But after spending a week with my mum's friend and her kids (aka destructive unruly hellspawn) + looking after my niece when she was a toddler I know that the reality of it is that im happy with my cats, my dog and that life just aint for me😂
@peacestreetsoaps 4 жыл бұрын
I babysat my nephew when he was probably 9 months old and I had to hold him the whole night, or he would cry. I couldn't even clean his tray and filling the water pitcher seemed like a big accomplishment. I was shocked at the amount of energy and attention (100%) that went into caring for a child. I love spending time w him, but am very happy for my 2-dog, no kids life.
@shannanyoung5743 4 жыл бұрын
I LOVED this video, me and my husband have been married 6 years and I don't think I want kids but when I say it to people they immediately think I'm missing out on life...but I love my life with just me,my husband and my dogs. I work with kids as my job and that's enough for me. I related to everything you said and it refreshing to hear someone openly talk about live child free 😊
@quentinmartjno 4 жыл бұрын
Listening to this I can understand what you mean when you say you don't know how to communicate with kids😂😂 But I admire you for trying even though you were out of your comfort zone, you could've said no to your brother and instead helped him out💞
@Kbabygirllove15 4 жыл бұрын
Idk how I got here but I’m so happy I found a child free you tuber!
@starhill6792 4 жыл бұрын
Grateful for my tubal ligation while watching this video. I’ve been feeling like a monster lately for my choices thanks to society & my mom’s response to me getting this surgery recently. But I couldn’t be happier about it & this video made me feel less dehumanized - since you’re in the same boat & obviously not a monster.
@RianneOK 4 жыл бұрын
I've been raising a puppy for a little over a year now and that is exhausting and enough sacrifice for me. This is rewarding for me, and yes I have to give some things up but I can bring him mostly everywhere. Can't bring kids to the office... never have to drop my dog off at primary school and pick them up for lunch and again early afternoon like my mom used to. Having my dog made it even more clear that I never want children. For me I just don't see how kids are rewarding... it's not for me either. I'll be a dog mom for life, that's it.
@xoxoLeony 4 жыл бұрын
Your face at the sticky messy kid hands and face, I'm CRACKING up :D
@llou6834 4 жыл бұрын
This was hilarious! As a mother of 4 'darlings' I've never looked at childcare from that viewpoint.. Thankfully mine are almost all grown up now!! Great vid Katrin x
@nicol8423 4 жыл бұрын
I had to take care of my brothers a lot as I grew up and also I had a lot of responsibilities because I was a girl and I was the oldest. I realized I didn't want to live like this. My mother got disappointed she wasn't having grandchildren, but it's not my responsibility to breed just because someone else wants me to
@moremakeup154 4 жыл бұрын
Last year I ended up sharing my house for a month with someone who has 2 kids ages 4 and 6. It was definitely an intense experience and an insight to how a life with kids would look like. After that experience I was more sure than ever that I will never want or have children. It was pretty much your experience lived every day but with 2 kids that fight between each other on top of everything. I am grateful I remained sane and that it’s over.
@hollywood9771 4 жыл бұрын
Two years ago I was asked to watch my two nieces a few days a week (who were 6 months and 2.5 years old at the time). I wanted some easy money while I was going to college so I agreed to do it. I did that for two years with summers off. Before ever babysitting, I wasn't really sure if I was going to want kids or not in my future. I quickly learned after starting to watch them between 4-8 hours a day, several days a week that I most likely will not be having kids. I was always told I would be a great mother and have the qualities to be a mother, but when I had to be tough with my nieces and tell them 'no' I found that I had a really hard time communicating with toddlers. I would get frustrated really easily and definitely cried a couple times lol. I love those girls to pieces but I would much rather just be a cool aunt than a mom.
@HawtAsianChica 4 жыл бұрын
Side note, your hair looks phenomenal
@maishamkali4022 4 жыл бұрын
everyone who knows katrin woulld be: "the title is definitely a clickbait" hahahaha
@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
Hahah well everyone says I’ll change my mind, so that’s why I added it. In case they’re curious. 😂😂
@nataliejuliett 4 жыл бұрын
​@@Katrinberndt That's so freaking stupid with telling someone she will change mind about having children or anything :/ If she does that's perfectly fine, if she doesn't that's perfectly fine too! I will never understand why people want to engeage in other's lifes so badly :(
@ayeshaahmad4953 4 жыл бұрын
"their limitations...." this craked me up :D i love you
@nikkineverwithoutpolish4930 4 жыл бұрын
I never wanted kids, and I don't have them. Now as an adult the idea of pregnancy is terrifying. So, no kids for me. Fortunately, my partner doesn't want them either. Growing up, I was the oldest child in my family. My parents had me when they were fairly young, so I was always the oldest kid at any gathering -- either between family or their friend group. So, it always fell to me to watch the younger ones... my sister, cousins, or the other kids of my parents friends. Eventually, I was old enough to actually babysit while the adults went out. They would offer to pay me, but these attempts always ended up with the kids crying and me unable to figure out what they wanted/needed, and having to have the parents come home early. Ugh, terrible for me and everyone involved. I stopped agreeing to babysit for people once I realized I had that choice!
@aifayashajaganshi 4 жыл бұрын
Was an Au pair for a year. Loved those kids so much. Didn't change my mind.
@PetiteChevalAmie 4 жыл бұрын
I love that you compared watching a child to watching horror movies I know you didn’t mean it in that children are horror shows but it’s still hilarious 😂 4 жыл бұрын
I love every single second of this video 👏👏👏👏 I'm so happy to see such a strong woman being so confident in this decision and opinions on the topic!!! You're an inspiration to women all over the world! ❤
@veerlevandervloet4483 4 жыл бұрын
I can totally understand you. My boyfriend and I are 99% sure we do not want children. He is just not good with kids, I seem to be a natural but fail to get that "aww" feeling every time I am around kids. Babysitting my niece's son has just confirmed that. Recently a lot of youtubers that I follow have been getting pregnant/married/talking about babies. I really enjoy watching people be super happy about it, but to me all these videos do is just confirm my desire to live a child free life. It's like you pointed out. In the least offensive way, watching these videos is like watching a horror movie for me and at the end of every video I always feel super glad that neither my SO nor my parents will ever expect us to have children and put that pressure on us. In a previous video you talked about the anxious feeling that comes along when someone asks you: 'So when are you going to have babies?' I have had the feeling that it was expected of me to have children for about 20 years of my life, yet getting pregnant has been my worst fear for all these years. Some of your videos have really helped put that idea out of my head and made me stand my ground when people asked me about having kids. So thanks for that. Thanks for your rational and down to earth way of explaining your wishes and reasoning begind it to other people. To be honest comparing kids videos with horror movies made me laugh, but it really explains how I feel when watching these videos. Hearing you make that comparison made me feel like I'm not alone!
@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
Haha I relate to everything you write! 😂
@erihitsuki 4 жыл бұрын
I love how articulate you are on the subject. I wished I could have your level of articulation when I tried to explain to my family why I don't want to have kids.
@kayleighshanay7994 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this kind of content. I like children, but I love that I can leave whenever I want or give them back so much more. The past year I have really hated the idea of having my own children, and my boyfriend feels the same. We'd rather spend our hard earned money and rare free time on us than having to take care of a child that's so demanding and noisy. We haven't completely written the idea of children off because maybe one day in the VERY distant future we may change our mind, but it's so frustrating having people telling us that we WILL change our mind. It's our choice, and if right now we tell you that we couldn't imagine anything worse, take it as that.
@sadefernandez7567 4 жыл бұрын
Love that you normalize living a child free life by choice:)!!!! You’re really funny, love your videos 💗
@TangerineLou 4 жыл бұрын
I completely agree with what you said about missing out on life and all that! I never wanted children myself. I have three nieces, the oldest is 2 years old and we have such a special bond and I love all of them. I love babysitting them but I also love when I can go home afterward and not have to do it again for at long time! I would become utterly insane if I had to do it every day, all the time for at least 18 years. No thank you.
@brooklynnlavoy5682 4 жыл бұрын
When I was a teeanger I used to babysit my cousins babys a lot and familt friends kids too, and I've had some pretty terrible, stressful experiences that no amount of money is worth dealing with. I had one experience that was the cherry on top and then I had to quit babysitting, my mom luckily completely understood and didnt pressure me to continue. But it really made me not enjoy children or want children. Now I spend time with my nieces and nephews but I get to give them back at the end of the day. I still think I want kids some day, but not for a long time, no rush for sure.
@frolleinsprocket2376 4 жыл бұрын
I work with children on a daily basis, as I work at a kindergarten. My group contains kids from 1-2 years old. It is much fun, they are cute and all but I can't imagine to have one of my own and I don't think it will change. A lot of people don't seem to understand this.
@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
I know a looot of people who are childfree by choice and work with kids! It's not uncommon at all and honestly I don't think it's weird at all either. I totally get it.
@gabriellaruth83 4 жыл бұрын
I live to serve! That's what I said for the first 6 weeks of my baby's life😂 I am happy that so many women now have the freedom to choose their lives💓
@chronometa 4 жыл бұрын
Parent: You want to babysit? Me: Buys iPad pro, leaves house. iPad nanny.
@supersaiyanswagger6 4 жыл бұрын
I mean screen time is genuinely super unhealthy for kids... just don’t babysit dude
@chronometa 4 жыл бұрын
@@supersaiyanswagger6 it's a joke. I actually never babysit.
@EBThisThat 4 жыл бұрын
I came by your channel by accident and I noticed we had the same surname. I do want my own family at some point but I lack a partner. I'm sure that will change but seeing this content actually makes me feel happier.
@Y11Anastasia 4 жыл бұрын
This is me every day for the past 9 years with my daughter 🙈😅 But I love her. I absolutely stay clear from other kids as much as I can though! But you did so good! And you do you! ♥️
@nia.j.h 4 жыл бұрын
I used to babysit a lot as a teenager because it was good money and honestly I like hanging out with kids, they can be really funny and weird and I get to be silly too so I tend to enjoy myself. The things that I still think about to this day as experiences I never want to have again are having to change a nappy (I actually called my mum to come over and do it for me), wiping a kid's butt when they've been to the toilet and can't do it themselves (I was so not prepared for that being a thing, I didn't process the request at all), and trying to feed one of the toddlers I babysat as she blew a huge snot bubble out of her nose and I legit gagged and nearly threw up. I think kids can be super fun and enjoyable to be around, but the gross, messy, always sticky stuff and having one of my own is not for me!
@nicolalocke5409 4 жыл бұрын
32 and child free, I'm all for more cats!
@melissalarigan325 4 жыл бұрын
Three cats and no children here!
@nicolalocke5409 4 жыл бұрын
Melissa Larigan best way!!!
@leeelieooo 4 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate this child free by chioce content, I think it's a point of view that needs to be represented more. I think there's still a lot of people having kids just because "you're supposed to". I have always liked children, always deramed of becoming a mom myself but in the las few years I've been thinking more in depth about it and realised I'm scared of how it would change my life to have kids. I'm kind of scared how I would probably loose myself in caring for kids. Then there's the whole issue of "do I really want to put a child into this world when it looks like this"...I'll probably still want kids some day, but I will think long and hard about why and when to do it.
@jessicavaleriano4750 4 жыл бұрын
When I was a teenager I always thought I wanted kids but then I got pregnant at 16 years old (I didn't go through with the pregnancy) and realized how awful it is to be pregnant and how unhappy I felt for those 2 months. But now I live in Sweden which in my opinion is a great country to raise a child and I am together with a man who is a natural with kids. So I start to question myself if I should have at least one kid. But honestly only thinking about it makes me unhappy 😂
@nicolealaniz4634 4 жыл бұрын
It’s refreshing that you know yourself well enough to make decisions that work best for you. We could all learn this in that we all try to chase exactly what we want🤔
@danieleavelar6829 4 жыл бұрын
Feels great seeing this comment section with so many people agreeing and respecting your thoughts (even those with children). People sees us as cold or lacking emotion, when in reality we're being aware that we just wouldn't be good parents, cause we don't want to be. I never really thought about this topic until I accepted to be my cousin's babysitter for 4 months, monday to friday (I started when she was 4 months-old). Those were the most stressful times of my life! And made me realize I definitely do not want children of my own. Can you imagine not having someone to return them to later at night?? lmao the horror Too bad not eveybody gets to experience "being a mother" before making such a huge decision, we would definitely have less shitty parents out there
@lleexxii 4 жыл бұрын
I'm a full time nanny for 4 girls (11, 8, and twin 3 year olds) and I've been with them since the twins were born. I LOVE the kids so much I would literally take a bullet for them. I have a connection with the twins as if they were my own because I've spent more time with them in the past 3 years than their own parents (they even call me mommy Lexi). But I have never wanted kids of my own and doing this job has solidified that fact for me. I have my days where I'm sick or going through something in my personal life and just dont want to do it anymore, but what gets me through is knowing that I'm going to be able to go home and relax. Once it's your own kid there's no breaks, no weekends off, no holidays off. Sure it would be fulfilling to see how my own kid would turn out but watching kids at work then going home to more kids would be too much and I'd want to die. So nope this job didnt change my mind in the slightest, I'll just keep raising babies who need someone to love them when their parents arent there. And to everyone saying that they cant get their kids to stop doing things, you need to get on their little asses and consistently discipline them regardless of the time, day, or location! I have 4 kids that arent even my own in check at all times lol
@arminiuszarmin4895 4 жыл бұрын
I don`t mind children. I like to play with them. I find it interesting to analyse their point of view and the way they perceive the world which can be very funny. hehe
@elianwolfert3879 4 жыл бұрын
Your face in the ice cream pic cracked me up! Hahaha!
@UCanCallMeJesus1 4 жыл бұрын
CF here. I have a niece I babysit and I even work daycare. If anything, my time with children has only affirmed that parenthood isnt for me. Love my niece, and my class, and I love that I also have a quiet clean home to return to at the end of the day.
@missliketrains2 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video, it was insightful and kind of entertaining. I once volunteered to look after my sister's 2 y/o child for an afternoon. After an hour of playtime I dumped him on my father and locked myself in my room.
@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
@rebeccadaniel1301 4 жыл бұрын
Omg! Thank you for this! I totally agree 100% it’s so amazing that you share this so us other women who feel the same way do no feel alone.
@briblack2307 4 жыл бұрын
You are SO much better than the people who don’t like children yet have them anyways.
@mrsharrington.7017 4 жыл бұрын
I have one child and would love another. I also have friends that don't want children and feel exactly like you do about having children. That's fine it's 100% your choice I can't stand it when people think it's strange not to want children, some people don't they like there own time and to relax enjoy hobbies etc. No one should feel pressured into having children. 😊
@H3lianthus 4 жыл бұрын
@Katrin Berndt I did not babysit my niece on my own (she's 1.5 years atm) but the family holidays are so enough for me. I love her as she is the daughter for my brother and brings him and his wife a lot of joy. I'm happy to get her a birthday or Christmas present. But - The chaos, the mess, things everywhere, the noise, the attention revolving, no attention span, everything around it is so stress inducing. A couple of hours of only being in the room makes me feel on the edge of panic attack. It is actually to the point where I just try to force myself to interact with her at least 10 minutes to show some support for my brother and somewhat exist in her life. I am a horrible aunt. I think i'll maybe find pleasure to talk and spend time with her when she's 16+ maybe, so pretty much an adult. And like you mentioned, currently, every time after spending time around I am just reassured of my choice to not have children of my own. I am so happy I have a choice.
@kimanna5928 4 жыл бұрын
Oh dear, you're precious! Also 100% agree with everything you said 😆
@nika5318 4 жыл бұрын
I think it’s important that people realize that parenting is not for them and not when it’s too late, when they hate their kids and their life and abuse the children emotionally. And some people only get excited about the good parts about having kids but don’t evaluate, if they as a person are truly capable of parenting. I think childless by choice should be a much more popular choice. There are so many bad parents out there
@cuppiecakess 4 жыл бұрын
Katrin, your distress just talking about the poop diaper had me belly laughing. I feel you!
@alexjordan8838 4 жыл бұрын
i absolutely love little ones but i don’t want to have any biologically. i do want to foster at some point, but probably older kiddos who have a bigger need
@veganeverydayy 4 жыл бұрын
I really love being with kids, but in my case I realized some years ago that I love my life with no kids of my own. Im so happy that I can choose how I want to live my life.
@caseymccown8925 4 жыл бұрын
I totally feel you. When I was 13-15yrs old I was a babysitter (realistically toddler-sitter) and although I got along with the kids I realized I never want to go through the baby - 4yr old stage. Im all for adoption or being in a relationship with someone who has “older” children, but the idea of birthing or taking care of a young child emotionally drains my idea of life. Like you said, the messiness with food & diapers would drive me crazy, it also physically makes me ill when cleaning (as odd as that sounds). I love my family & friend’s kids but I dont baby sit anymore nor spend long periods of time alone with them. Stress levels to the extreme!
@nuclear_angelx1111 4 жыл бұрын
heyy and positive energy to u all!♥️
@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
Right back at you!
@nosferaptorr 4 жыл бұрын
A few months age there was an article in our local newspaper about how people/couples who have children are happier than people/couples who don't. But only after the children moved out. Which is basically what I have watched with my mother - even though I'm the first and only of four who moved out yet. But still since I am 11 years older than my smallest brother, I could experience the parenting from the beginning. And I don't want that. I can understand that "It's different when it's you own child!" argument bc it's different if it's your little sibling as well. But even though I love my brother and I wouldn't want to not have him, he can be/most of the time is a pain in the ass. And watching my mother being stressed out almost all the time for people she loves, is kinda hard bc imagine it being a relationship between partners or a friendship, that would just be toxic. And in my opinion that is what (at least the first 12-17 years) having children is, like a toxic relationship you put yourself in by free will.
@brunaguerra3021 4 жыл бұрын
I never get tired of your content and I can relate so much to 90% of ur videos.
@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
@Skrattmas 4 жыл бұрын
Great to hear your experience and what you have choosed to do with your life, I am childfree (for now) but want kids some day in life. I also study to become a pre-school teacher so it is very simple to say that I like children. Of course it's very stressful with children sometimes and I have babysat both my sisters daugther (When she was little, Now she is a teenager) and I have babysat my sisters son (He is soon 5). I think that it is fantastic that you can live your life in the way you choose and that also is to the ones choosing to have kids because I am not believing any of the side, wheter you have children or not, miss out on anything important. Like you don't miss out because you have other priorities with your life. And the ones that want/have children don't miss out because they have other kind of priorities. All is well in both sides. You are awesome for sharing your lifewith us that suscribes. As long as you are happy with what you do it's good!
@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
So true! Now, I wouldn't necessarily call you childfree just because you don't have children yet hehe, I'd kinda save that "title" for those who don't want children ever. But that's just my opinion and not a universal law. 😁
@KYLOWW 4 жыл бұрын
Parenting is not for everyone and I can agree with that. Especially if mentally you cannot handle it. I cannot complain about my life though as music has been a very huge therapy for me in my life to bring me peace. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
@hermiesrokmysox 4 жыл бұрын
I love that you share you ideas and opinions about this topic! Me and my husband also chose to be child free. He actually loves kids but I do not.
@user-li8vj4hg9z 4 жыл бұрын
Omg I relate to this so much. I'm not sure whether I will have kids in future or not but I never liked them. Even when I was a kid I never liked those younger than me. My biggest problem is that I just dont understand kids. I don't know how much they can understand at any specific age, I don't know how to communicate with them and I don't know how to play with them. All of my friends have children and I always feel awkward when they leave me alone with their child even for a few minutes. Maybe this will change one day but right now it seems I'll live a child free life too.
@Anna92781 4 жыл бұрын
This sounds exactly how I am w kids lmao wow what an experience. And I love that you said “babysitting assignment” lol
@JessicaBeeler 4 жыл бұрын
I am and will always be childfree by choice. I don't really mind kids, but for some strange reason, kids LOVE me. And I'm talking like, I've always been able to easily communicate and entertain kids. Which is really good because my job currently is preschool photography as well as family portraits: you kinda have to be able to get kids to laugh and smile. But every day I leave a preschool/daycare/school/studio where I've taken pictures and its like the birth control I needed to remind myself... nope, still don't want children lol. I'm also an only child, so I don't have any nieces or nephews to worry about thankfully!
@winternightmarecrochet 4 жыл бұрын
When my brother was a baby, I changed so many diapers 😨. I babysat a lot. I definitely don't have the patience. And even now, he's 14, and I can only handle a little bit of him at a time. I love him, but he just doesn't care about anything or anyone else than himself and he doesn't pay attention to his surroundings. Maybe it would be different if it was my own child cause I could teach them to be mindful of others from a young age, but sometimes, when kids aren't taught that, I just can't handle them. I feel like I'm so mindful of everything that I get upset and frustrated when someone isn't.
@liljakaren97 4 жыл бұрын
Omg I can relate so much! I've never babysat in my life, I'm 22 and I've never changed a diaper and never want to. I thought it was kinda weird that I'm so old and have never changed a diaper, glad I'm not the only one hahah.
@LaraEme 4 жыл бұрын
My niece is 8 yrs old and I could never babysit her by myself, I don't know how to talk to her or how to act when she misbehave and at the same time I love her and I want her to live a happy life haha glad to see I'm not the only one
@Stephlovesnapping 4 жыл бұрын
YES!!!! To everything you said!!! 🤗♥️☺️
@jessimiauu7668 4 жыл бұрын
I'm the same. Once I thought about being a mom but now I don't think being a mom is for me. I like kids but It's too much responsibility and I don't think I could handle it.
@BOYSLIKENIKI 4 жыл бұрын
Hahaha I laughed so much at your cons. I’m a mother of a little 3 year old boy. He’s my whole world. I love him so much! But all the cons you said I totally agree with. All those things do suck! 😂
@BOYSLIKENIKI 4 жыл бұрын
Also, I am not offended! I think everyone should be able to choose the life they want to live. Want kids? Great! Don’t want kids? Great! Who the hell cares! You know what you want and that’s amazing!
@vep85 4 жыл бұрын
I have a 6 months old boy, I like him, I enjoy being with him, I do love him. And you are not missing out anything if you don't want children. I'm certainly not the stereotype mom, I feel the need to be away from him some times and be just like before (me, my husband and my first "girl" our dog ) I am fortunate enough that we can do that, I have a wonderful babysitter who can stay with him day and night, so we can take the time that we feel necessary for us just to be us, so we went away for a week and in another occasion for 4 days. I know that because my son is still a baby I am looked very different. This is what work for us. One can live happy with or without children. You could say that I am a peculiar woman, but I am fine with that. I don't think anyone is missing out on something, if one is happy an at peace then it is the right way for that person. Love from Italy
@MustaineIsGod 4 жыл бұрын
So agree with your frustrations to do with not being able to reason with small children! I get that you need to communicate in a simple way that they can understand, but my god it is so much effort! Not to mention they want to do the same thing over and over and over, so tiring!
@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
Hahah right?? And even when you dumb it down so much that they can understand, they forget it 2 seconds later.
@JS-dv9ji 4 жыл бұрын
Soooo real!! The scoring at the end was hilarious!! 🤣 My most disturbing story: I was 14. My sister and I were babysitting two boys. The older one had recently discovered that he loved humping the couch. It was so awkward, we had to keep distracting him with other stuff and I wanted to die!! At least it's funny now. 😂
@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
Ugh that must have been traumatizing 😖😖😖
@JS-dv9ji 4 жыл бұрын
@@Katrinberndt It was...😳
@iamthelacquerrandy 4 жыл бұрын
It's adorable that she thinks her parents are in Frozen
@mech0p 4 жыл бұрын
This is the greatest video ever lol. Ive always told myself I wanted to have kids. Well about a year ago I was tossed into that position and not by anything I did. My nieces and nephews were about to be taken into foster care when I stepped in and its been a year of hell but their parent finally got them back. I know how she feels 100% and if you dont have patience you either learn it quick or snap. Now after a year of raising those children I think ive had my fair share for a life time and dont think I will ever have kids or at least have them anytime soon. I may try when im around the age of 90 right before I die just so my name carries on lol
@muse0666 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you made this video. I feel this so hard.
@morganeraposo9587 4 жыл бұрын
I feel exactly the same way about kids as you do. I feel guilty sometimes because my brother has 2 (well educated) kids, and I know they would probably really like for me to babysit them once in a while. I live far from them with my boyfriend so we don't get to see them very often, and they always look so happy to see us. But I can't get myself to do it because I know it would be super difficult for me to have them, even if it's only for a few hours like you did.
@fr3ya_wh1te52 4 жыл бұрын
Do you have any tips to helping keep lower ankle/ foot tattoos from fading quickly? I could really use come advice on it as I’ve already had to get it retouched for a 3rd time (so far it’s healing really well and I also switched my moisturiser to bepanthan)
@melissapoznikoff 3 жыл бұрын
I am childfree by choice! I need a lot of alone time / solitude and i love to sleep at least 8 hours a night..I want to enjoy food and rushing or chaos. I don't really enjoy being at a school so taking a child to and from school wouldn't excite me... I would rather be in an airport. Also, it is such a gamble...I would need to be certain of a list of things before I went ahead and there really is no way to guarantee any of those. My life path is freedom anyway so... decision made 😊
@willlexie 4 жыл бұрын
I feel like we could be best friend and roast every negative comments about being childfree person.
@Ellefxtz 4 жыл бұрын
cf by choice here - never babysat but my fiance has a lot of kid brothers. being in his mums house is exceptionally loud, and its like sensory overload for me. i dont talk while im there bc im literally just trying to cope, and while im not trying to be rude bc i know it must be so much work, the house is very dirty and sometimes a little smelly, one child in particular is very aggressive and you have to be constantly protecting yourself. usually after i get out of there, i feel sad in some kind of way, and usually genuinely take a nap even if its only been an hr with them
@padlocksncocoapuffs 4 жыл бұрын
I’m child free but I love other people’s kids. Not so much babysitting but hanging out with kids is cool, I don’t mind diapers. So this point of view was very interesting.
@RC093 4 жыл бұрын
My wife and I have bad genes on both sides of our family and we don't want to pass them on to anyone, but yet people in our family call us "selfish" and treat us like we are second class citizens. The truth is a lot of people in our families who have kids don't look like they are having a lot of fun. My wife and I are happy enough with our 2 dogs and 4 cats. We don't need children in order to fulfill our lives, we love our freedom and wouldn't trade it for anything.
@KateeAngel 4 жыл бұрын
I don't like to interact with any kids for more than few minutes )) and I would not agree to babysit for a longer period I also decided to be childfree when I was 14-15. Now I am 26
@aBitSaltyRN 4 жыл бұрын
Imagine dealing with a miniature untamed version of yourself. It's an exhausting daily struggle for me, as my own person, to be a mother. I absolutely love my daughter and she's an intelligent, easy kid. But the past 6yrs have been a grueling. I'm doing my best to raise a happy, decent human being, though, cuz that's the choice I made. That being said, it's not something I'd willingly do again. Dealing with other people's kids is not fun for me, either. Both my brothers have chosen to be child-free and fully support them in that decision. Parenting is not for everyone.
@Katrinberndt 4 жыл бұрын
@PeaceNLoveNRockNRoll88 4 жыл бұрын
LOL I agree with You on everything here! I would rather have Menace
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