18の頃初めて作った大切な曲です。 優しいところが好きだけど、優しすぎるとこが嫌い。好きと嫌いは表裏一体だなと、この曲を作ってから6年経った今でも感じます。 島田昌典さんのアレンジは、遊び心が満載で制作中凄くワクワクしました。 是非聴いてください。 This is an important song that I first wrote when I was 18. I like the gentle part, but I dislike the part that is too gentle. Even now, six years after I wrote this song, I still feel that liking and disliking are two sides of the same coin. Masanori Shimada's arrangement is full of playfulness, and I was very excited during its creation. Please listen to it.