Chris R - Feelings at the Bottom - AA Speaker

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Easy Does It

Easy Does It

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@donnaranville 3 жыл бұрын
i Love you Chris, heard you first on CD back in 2005 when i was about 3 months sober and i was so happy to hear someone real and true ...he does tell the truth. when you are near death the last thing you want to hear is a soft soaped deal.. i wanted the truth and i got it with Chris Raymer.
@M3MAX 3 жыл бұрын
Hello "recovered" people. I'm a former member of AA with 20+ years(in a row) without a drink. 3/22/97 is my sobriety date. I had spent my last 10year's in AA as a Big Book thumping, 1st step preaching, work the steps rapidly, willing to sponsor anyone kind of guy. I had several spiritual awakenings as a result of working the steps and strongly believed in a God of my understanding that had relieved me of any obsession to drink. Just wanted to qualify myself first. Anyways, in late 2016 through a series of self centered actions I was in a strange place. Alone and afraid I turned to KZbin to find a Chris Raymer tape that would possibly lift my spirits and get me thinking about someone else besides myself. I totally looked up to Chris and his sharing of a no nonsense approach that came straight from the Big Book. It worked. I was living proof. As I began to type in his name in the search box something made me pause. I thought to myself "I really enjoy the way Chris is so passionate when he shares from the podium" but what if this time I listen to a preacher. Maybe one that tells the truth like Chris does. Maybe one that tells the truth from another great book. Not Joel Osteen or one of those silly guys but something confronting. At the time because of the stupid things I had done, even while sober, I was open to hear anything. It was Gods grace that lead me to listen to a gospel presentation. I heard a message that spoke of Gods greatness and what my sin actually is to God. Before, I never really understood how Jesus played a part in everything and why he died. As I listened these things were made clear. That night, God through his son Jesus Christ saved me. I listened to several other gospel presentations. All confirming that I was a sinner in need of grace. I'm gong to leave a link to what is in some words "the 1st step in Christianity." Its the gospel or good news of Jesus Christ. Praying for you guys. Praying that you would come to know Jesus. Praying that you'd be given the strength to leave behind a power greater than yourself and come to know the creator of time and space. The creator and lover of your soul. The author of truth.
@j0sh707 Жыл бұрын
@@M3MAX Check out "the sermon on the mount" by Emmet Fox if you're into reading books. It changed my life and my understanding of Jesus' teachings.
@patricktipton6048 4 жыл бұрын
Chris Raymer tells the truth. It's so hard to contend with addiction so we need to get it right in AA. stop the therapy sessions in AA and let's work the steps.
@M3MAX 3 жыл бұрын
Hello "recovered" people. I'm a former member of AA with 20+ years(in a row) without a drink. 3/22/97 is my sobriety date. I had spent my last 10year's in AA as a Big Book thumping, 1st step preaching, work the steps rapidly, willing to sponsor anyone kind of guy. I had several spiritual awakenings as a result of working the steps and strongly believed in a God of my understanding that had relieved me of any obsession to drink. Just wanted to qualify myself first. Anyways, in late 2016 through a series of self centered actions I was in a strange place. Alone and afraid I turned to KZbin to find a Chris Raymer tape that would possibly lift my spirits and get me thinking about someone else besides myself. I totally looked up to Chris and his sharing of a no nonsense approach that came straight from the Big Book. It worked. I was living proof. As I began to type in his name in the search box something made me pause. I thought to myself "I really enjoy the way Chris is so passionate when he shares from the podium" but what if this time I listen to a preacher. Maybe one that tells the truth like Chris does. Maybe one that tells the truth from another great book. Not Joel Osteen or one of those silly guys but something confronting. At the time because of the stupid things I had done, even while sober, I was open to hear anything. It was Gods grace that lead me to listen to a gospel presentation. I heard a message that spoke of Gods greatness and what my sin actually is to God. Before, I never really understood how Jesus played a part in everything and why he died. As I listened these things were made clear. That night, God through his son Jesus Christ saved me. I listened to several other gospel presentations. All confirming that I was a sinner in need of grace. I'm gong to leave a link to what is in some words "the 1st step in Christianity." Its the gospel or good news of Jesus Christ. Praying for you guys. Praying that you would come to know Jesus. Praying that you'd be given the strength to leave behind a power greater than yourself and come to know the creator of time and space. The creator and lover of your soul. The author of truth.
@trustenbaker8766 3 жыл бұрын
@@M3MAX "You Came Around" In my opinion AA/NA or whatever "A" you got has been a greater deception than almost anything to those who "might" be saved. I know that's a shocking statement but let's look at it for what it is. It's not in the very least important in the long run whether a man dies sober or not. What is most important is that when that man dies he's come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Rather he be drunk, or stoned, or whatever isn't really relevant. It took me a long time to see AA for what it truly is. And that is that it's a deception from the enemy. Sure it's saved a lot of lives but none of that matters if in the end those lives aren't truly saved. You've figured it out. Not a lot people can do that. Not a lot of people will listen to the Spirit lead them to it. It's a difficult thing to be lead to. I sat in a church once and listened to Chris Raymer talk about the Lord. It was by far the best speech concerning the necessity of the Lord Jesus Christ I'd ever heard. I grew up going to Primary Purpose which was Chris's twin brothers home group. I sat in those Big Book meetings many many years. But in my head the scripture is the final authority in life. It wasn't till I was older I started to look at exactly what is the bedrock of the program, and what is it that I believe is the cornerstone of salvation and do the two compliment one another. And the reality is they do not. You can not tell a man that he can "choose a God of his understanding" and then expect to pray each night to the Lord. I couldn't any longer do that, and wouldn't. And as time passed I saw the glaring deception that satan has wrought in AA. It's been a very smooth deception, a very smooth one indeed. It's not ok to sacrifice Christ when telling a person that they can "believe whatever they like" in order to hopefully get them sober, in the HOPES that maybe they will come around to seeing Christ as the savior. And that is the hope in AA, that a man comes to Christ. But you can not first start with, " CHOOSE WHATEVER GOD YOU LIKE " that shit doesn't roll for the Lord, and I was convicted of it! Is a life lead being sober a success? Humm....I imagine to some it might be. Cliff the old guy at Primary Purpose (I imagine he's passed on now) would say so. But these men once having gotten sober stopped right there. For them that was the top of the mountain and the Lord is asking us to climb even higher. Being sober represented everything for men like these, and it's sticks and stones to the Lord because it's really the very least of important things. What does God require? John 15:1-2 "I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit." What is this Fruit the Lord want's? Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." For God success is to bear fruit. Yes yes it's important to deny the flesh, but to fail to bear any fruit is failure. Every tree that bears fruit the Father prunes ( beats, chastises, corrects ) in order that it might bear more fruit. If you be without correction then you are none of the Fathers child. Hebrews 12:8 "But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons." So a good life sober missing the call of Grace, or a life beaten and pruned knowing that you are a child of God because it's only those who hear that respond. If you believe it's because you heard. It's not because of you, but it's because of God. God called you, you didn't call him. No one comes to Christ unless the Father first draws them..... John 6:44 "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." I've never come across someone who's made it through AA unto salvation. They either are already saved, or stay unsaved.
@M3MAX 3 жыл бұрын
@@trustenbaker8766 Thanks for your reply. The Lord definitely used my experience in AA to reach me. The preacher that I heard the gospel from was asking people to examine themselves to see if they were in the faith. I figured that wouldn't be too hard to do because of all the personal inventory I had taken through working the steps. Guess what? I wasn't a Christian after all. I bore no fruit of being a Christian even though I believed in the story of Jesus. Although sober and a good member of AA I still slept around, I was a liar, I was a thief. I was a lost sheep in need of a good Shepard. John 10:3 "the sheep hear his voice and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out" After getting saved I could no longer attend or support AA. I loved my friends there and loved the Big Book and the knowledge that I had gleaned from it but being a part of idolatry was too convicting. I gladly left it behind to follow after Him, for what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?
@M3MAX 3 жыл бұрын
@@trustenbaker8766 Also...I agree with you about AA being a deceptive ploy by Satan. Many people think if it doesn't involve pitchfork's and devil horns coming out of your head then Satan must not be around. I've seen many well meaning step working people get spiritually screwed up through practicing prayer and mediation to a lower case god that doesn't exist. Myself included. My ex girlfriend in AA got really messed up one night trying to quiet her mind while making herself reach a trance like state all in order to practice the 11th step. She then describes something taking over her mind and body. So much so that it convinced her to walk around her neighborhood with her indoor cat after 2am. She lost the cat, stripped naked, scratched and bruised her body, growled and grunted at neighbors trying to help. At 6am police and EMS showed up and took her to local hospital where it took a hospital staff police and EMS to restrain and tie her to a bed. It was called a psychotic episode. There's more details that i could add but its obvious to me that this was a manifestation of demonic activity. I too in many other ways was demonically influenced while assuming I was being a good AA member. I pray that people watch the evangelicalism video that I linked. I pray they get saved
@trustenbaker8766 3 жыл бұрын
@@M3MAX Well I'm glad you came around. It's an interesting thing to come across. I've never seen it till now.
@kristieingland5315 2 ай бұрын
Love this and I'm trying my bring AA the way it was written to my home group.i left my group of who know how many groups becuz I was Tired of war stories!!!! I didn't go back til 8 months later. I was 8 yrs sober and dri e around for 2 hours, contemplating suicide. I needed more. I now go to a group.that we share solution... with a few things to work out. I'm the only woman
@lauriedunn-walker5351 4 жыл бұрын
Enjoyed this. It's harsh truth. We need to share our experience strengths and hopes with the new comer. Stop scaring them with war stories. That's not what keeps me sober. I've been given a spiritual solution to Being spiritually sick. That's where its at!!! Work the 12 steps quickly. Have a conscience contact with ur high-power and a sponsor...working with an alcoholic is a must for me to stay sober!
@Mandalas12 4 жыл бұрын
Laurie Dunn you nailed it girl 📘🌈🙏🏽
@M3MAX 3 жыл бұрын
Hello "recovered" people. I'm a former member of AA with 20+ years(in a row) without a drink. 3/22/97 is my sobriety date. I had spent my last 10year's in AA as a Big Book thumping, 1st step preaching, work the steps rapidly, willing to sponsor anyone kind of guy. I had several spiritual awakenings as a result of working the steps and strongly believed in a God of my understanding that had relieved me of any obsession to drink. Just wanted to qualify myself first. Anyways, in late 2016 through a series of self centered actions I was in a strange place. Alone and afraid I turned to KZbin to find a Chris Raymer tape that would possibly lift my spirits and get me thinking about someone else besides myself. I totally looked up to Chris and his sharing of a no nonsense approach that came straight from the Big Book. It worked. I was living proof. As I began to type in his name in the search box something made me pause. I thought to myself "I really enjoy the way Chris is so passionate when he shares from the podium" but what if this time I listen to a preacher. Maybe one that tells the truth like Chris does. Maybe one that tells the truth from another great book. Not Joel Osteen or one of those silly guys but something confronting. At the time because of the stupid things I had done, even while sober, I was open to hear anything. It was Gods grace that lead me to listen to a gospel presentation. I heard a message that spoke of Gods greatness and what my sin actually is to God. Before, I never really understood how Jesus played a part in everything and why he died. As I listened these things were made clear. That night, God through his son Jesus Christ saved me. I listened to several other gospel presentations. All confirming that I was a sinner in need of grace. I'm gong to leave a link to what is in some words "the 1st step in Christianity." Its the gospel or good news of Jesus Christ. Praying for you guys. Praying that you would come to know Jesus. Praying that you'd be given the strength to leave behind a power greater than yourself and come to know the creator of time and space. The creator and lover of your soul. The author of truth.
@alicemurray177 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely fantastic share love it could listen to you all the time xx
@mickbatey9323 4 жыл бұрын
The twelve steps got me and time after time the denial or lack of honesty in the form of complete denial of "outside issues" bipolar disorder, left unaddressed availed the 12 steps only as powerful as the chemical stability (sanity) would offer its mercy to me. I am as honest as I am sane and without stabilization of these chemicals, one is rendered delusional. Today, I eat clean, no gluten which is a major contender of all imbalances chemically. Until I BELIEVED that I had a mental illness, I was unable to take responsibility/ accountability for the delusions that lay therein. Blind. Illumination is not comfy and waking up is hard to do. Praise He for not lighting it all at once - sobriety is possible for me today because of God, the 12 steps and a diet that stabilized the I insanity of a what I believed was an incurable mental illness. I almost didn't make it. I owe my life to this message and the carriers of it.
@Mandalas12 4 жыл бұрын
Mick Batey Thank you and I wish you every promise of sobriety and a free life. Awesome brother 🇦🇺📘🙏🏽
@mickbatey9323 3 жыл бұрын
I’m several months into this eating clean thing and clarity is tearful when ya find it. Thank you for this response. Only in the program, man! I love you guys and owe it to the 12 and y’all
@M3MAX 3 жыл бұрын
@@Mandalas12 Hello "recovered" people. I'm a former member of AA with 20+ years(in a row) without a drink. 3/22/97 is my sobriety date. I had spent my last 10year's in AA as a Big Book thumping, 1st step preaching, work the steps rapidly, willing to sponsor anyone kind of guy. I had several spiritual awakenings as a result of working the steps and strongly believed in a God of my understanding that had relieved me of any obsession to drink. Just wanted to qualify myself first. Anyways, in late 2016 through a series of self centered actions I was in a strange place. Alone and afraid I turned to KZbin to find a Chris Raymer tape that would possibly lift my spirits and get me thinking about someone else besides myself. I totally looked up to Chris and his sharing of a no nonsense approach that came straight from the Big Book. It worked. I was living proof. As I began to type in his name in the search box something made me pause. I thought to myself "I really enjoy the way Chris is so passionate when he shares from the podium" but what if this time I listen to a preacher. Maybe one that tells the truth like Chris does. Maybe one that tells the truth from another great book. Not Joel Osteen or one of those silly guys but something confronting. At the time because of the stupid things I had done, even while sober, I was open to hear anything. It was Gods grace that lead me to listen to a gospel presentation. I heard a message that spoke of Gods greatness and what my sin actually is to God. Before, I never really understood how Jesus played a part in everything and why he died. As I listened these things were made clear. That night, God through his son Jesus Christ saved me. I listened to several other gospel presentations. All confirming that I was a sinner in need of grace. I'm gong to leave a link to what is in some words "the 1st step in Christianity." Its the gospel or good news of Jesus Christ. Praying for you guys. Praying that you would come to know Jesus. Praying that you'd be given the strength to leave behind a power greater than yourself and come to know the creator of time and space. The creator and lover of your soul. The author of truth.
@Mandalas12 3 жыл бұрын
@@M3MAX how did I guess, here comes JESUS! Whatever works for you, no one works my life, I make my own choices, and I’m yet to experience any one thing that works except for my own experience with a power greater than me, just trying, easy
@M3MAX 3 жыл бұрын
@@Mandalas12 why not come to know the power greater than yourself that leads to eternal life? Not just life while alive here on earth. For what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but forfeits his soul?
@luismaldonado3086 3 жыл бұрын
I saw Chris in Dallas. Wonderful guy!✌
@banditozzzdogio3575 Жыл бұрын
Chris i listen to all your tapes .....your such a just rock men.....wish i could see you speaking in Holland sometime....thank you for the work you do
@Nvananon Жыл бұрын
@deeburrow962 2 ай бұрын
❤ excellent speaker
@thatgirltracy2024 9 ай бұрын
There are so many wonderful speakers, that I want to hear, but for some reason on this particular, KZbin channel every video is very choppy, or muffled 😢
@Anthony-jo1go 3 жыл бұрын
Can’t sponsor til you’ve been sober a year??? I’m glad Dr Bob and Bill W thought helping people immediately was more important- respectfully disagree with you on that.
@spookyshark632 4 жыл бұрын
@M3MAX 3 жыл бұрын
Hello "recovered" people. I'm a former member of AA with 20+ years(in a row) without a drink. 3/22/97 is my sobriety date. I had spent my last 10year's in AA as a Big Book thumping, 1st step preaching, work the steps rapidly, willing to sponsor anyone kind of guy. I had several spiritual awakenings as a result of working the steps and strongly believed in a God of my understanding that had relieved me of any obsession to drink. Just wanted to qualify myself first. Anyways, in late 2016 through a series of self centered actions I was in a strange place. Alone and afraid I turned to KZbin to find a Chris Raymer tape that would possibly lift my spirits and get me thinking about someone else besides myself. I totally looked up to Chris and his sharing of a no nonsense approach that came straight from the Big Book. It worked. I was living proof. As I began to type in his name in the search box something made me pause. I thought to myself "I really enjoy the way Chris is so passionate when he shares from the podium" but what if this time I listen to a preacher. Maybe one that tells the truth like Chris does. Maybe one that tells the truth from another great book. Not Joel Osteen or one of those silly guys but something confronting. At the time because of the stupid things I had done, even while sober, I was open to hear anything. It was Gods grace that lead me to listen to a gospel presentation. I heard a message that spoke of Gods greatness and what my sin actually is to God. Before, I never really understood how Jesus played a part in everything and why he died. As I listened these things were made clear. That night, God through his son Jesus Christ saved me. I listened to several other gospel presentations. All confirming that I was a sinner in need of grace. I'm gong to leave a link to what is in some words "the 1st step in Christianity." Its the gospel or good news of Jesus Christ. Praying for you guys. Praying that you would come to know Jesus. Praying that you'd be given the strength to leave behind a power greater than yourself and come to know the creator of time and space. The creator and lover of your soul. The author of truth.
@rowan1739 Жыл бұрын
R you saying Say is full of sh
@Lizzy514 3 жыл бұрын
Anyone is not welcomed. Stopped listening at that point.
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