Pre-order "The Case for Christian Nationalism" here:
@rickcruse15152 жыл бұрын
I worship on the seventh day Sabbath. The Lord’s day. I drive by Walmart and several fast food restaurants to get to church. I'm commanded by Christ to do this and drawn by His grace. These secular businesses aren't a distraction.
@jmerrick10002 жыл бұрын
@jermoosekek11013 ай бұрын
You may not be, but others are, we need to love our neighbors by ordering life to the higher things in such.
@rickcruse15152 жыл бұрын
God put His law on two tables of stone. For a reason. First four commandments have to do with our relationship with Christ. God gives no man permission to interfere with matters of conscience. Second table has to do with our relationship with one another. Romans 13 says Christ set up civil authorities to enforce these laws for our protection. Keep your enforcement away from the first table.
@samoberholz98002 жыл бұрын
Because I’ve been reading Michael W. Goheen’s “A Light to the Nations” throughout this past week, I can now understand Stephen Wolfe’s “Christian Nationalism” as more than a mere matter of Christian relevance, but instead as a working out of the Church’s Mission as the “called out” community. Thank you, Canon Press, for engaging in these conversations, pursuing the goal of every knee on earth bowing willingly and gratefully to the authority of the Lord and our Lord Jesus Christ.
@Eric_Lichtenberg2 жыл бұрын
Let us not forget that when speaking of what it means to be a good citizen, we must have a common standard by which to measure what is good. Implicit to the primary argument is the understanding that Jesus Christ is Lord.
@richeanx2 жыл бұрын
This is a statement by Thomas Aquinas of whom this man is gathering inspiration. Stephen, I recommend turning back to God and trusting in Him and not the arm of flesh. St. Thomas Aquinas Every part is directed to the whole, as imperfect to perfect, wherefore every part exists naturally for the sake of the whole. For this reason we see that if the health of the whole human body demands the excision of a member, because it became putrid or infectious to the other members, it would be both praiseworthy and healthful to have it cut away. Now every individual person is related to the entire society as a part to the whole. Therefore if a man be dangerous and infectious to the community, on account of some sin, IT IS PRAISEWORTHY and healthful THAT HE BE KILLED in order TO SAFEGUARD THE COMMON GOOD, since "a little leaven corrupteth the whole lump” (1 Cor. 5:6). (Summa Theologiae, II, II, q. 64, art. 2) I would venture to say that it will be the Roman Catholic church who will ultimately define what the common good is (as it always has) and then direct state/capitol punishment for violations accordingly. Just as the Jews directed the state/Roman authority to crucify Christ, so too will Satan use this corrupt system to crucify Christ afresh in the person His saints. Caiaphas had Christ crucified for what he thought was the common good of the "whole nation". And one of them, named Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them, Ye know nothing at all, Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not. John 11:49,50 This by the way, is not directed to the many God fearing Catholics in the world, but to the system of which, it is twice fallen. Rev. 14:9 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Rev 18:4 No new thing under the sun
@user-hf1ys4rr5h2 жыл бұрын
Laudato Si, COP27, WEF, etc, all are to establish the agenda of one master.
@jmerrick10002 жыл бұрын
@noxvenit2 жыл бұрын
The subject of _ST_ II, ii, 64 is murder.
@Psalm144.12 жыл бұрын
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage! Psalm 33:12
@ka9fon2 жыл бұрын
Yes, ancient Israel and the body of Christ today. God has no favorite nations in this dispensation. There are no Christian nations.
@Psalm144.12 жыл бұрын
@@ka9fon I only semi agree with your comment and don’t think it fully exegetes the text. The UK was one of the most blessed and richest nations ever in the history of the world. Richer than the US per capita and inflation taken into account. Because of their evangelism, Protestant Christianity was very much spread throughout the world. God used their mission work as a means to spread the gospel and they were a very Blessed nation.
@ka9fon2 жыл бұрын
@@Psalm144.1 The Pauline gospel of 1 Corinthians 15 is the gospel of our salvation. There is no case, that I can see, in the New Testament about social betterment. Peter tells us this is the present evil world to be destroyed by Christ's coming. Are we mistakenly basing the cause of this progress because of Greco-Roman ideals that mixed in with the professing church? Although I believe there was a betterment among and by influence of biblical standards in society, I have biblical evidence that for now this world is run by the god of this age, namely Satan. To us who are premilenial and dispensational, we preach the gospel of salvation, as we flee the city of destruction and Vanity Fair. We are looking for the rapture of the Church and to new heavens and a new earth when Jesus comes and defeats Satan and takes His earthly throne of David in Jerusalem. Anything good that has been accomplished was by the influence of godly men and not an organized religious state, be it Rome or Calvin's Geneva. So by those points, I am Not a Christian nationalist.
@Psalm144.12 жыл бұрын
@@ka9fon Nothing I wrote has to do with Greco-Roman ideals. Do a study on Biblical ideals for freedom. Everything has principles in it from limited govt to self-defense, to private property rights. All truths and everything comes from God to include freedom. Debating now, do you provide well for your family and want them to live a good life? What does that have to do with eternal salvation? Nothing specifically and it’s not disobedience to Christ. I don’t understand how self-pious go to that extreme. It’s like saying you can’t love your wife and Love God. You say no scripture for betterment in society. Here is scripture applied… Galatians 5:13 “…serve one another humbly in love.” I believe helping others remain free rather than becoming a slave is loving your neighbor. Christians should care about the body and the soul in this temporal world. Otherwise see what kind of faith you have as James teaches in 2:14-26. Scripture teaches that people are to be treated fairly under the law like, equal weights and measures. How does following and applying Biblical principles mean forsaking the gospel? That is absurd. The Lord is the King. That means following Christ in all walks of life to include how we try to organize our society. This in no way means not still looking forward to the second coming.
@paulasueInChrist2 жыл бұрын
I just pre-ordered a copy. Thank you from Breaux Bridge, Louisiana!
@brhodes6252 жыл бұрын
Alexandria boy here! God bless you!
@jeremynorris7542 жыл бұрын
Bro, this is the guy from Ars Politica? I need to pay attention more.
@richeanx2 жыл бұрын
What this man is proposing sounds a lot like the Sunday laws Maryland had in place in the early 1700's. He is taking a very old idea and putting a shiny new veneer on it.. I'm curious if the punishments will be any different. The joining of the church with state will always result in the persecution of God's people. No new thing under the sun.. The law of Maryland (October, 1723), relative to Sunday was then as follows:- AMS February 13, 1890, page 49.4 AN ACT TO PUNISH BLAMSPHEMERS, SWEARERS, DRUNKARDS, AND SABBATH BREAKERS, AND FOR REPEALING THE LAWS HERETOFORE MADE FOR THE PUNISHING SUCH OFFENDERS. Be it enacted by the right honorable the lord proprietor, by and with the advice and consent of his lordship’s governor, and the upper and lower houses of assembly, and the authority of the same, That if any persons shall hereafter, within this province, wittingly, maliciously, and advisedly, by writing or speaking, blaspheme or curse God, or deny our Saviour Jesus Christ to be the Son of God, or shall deny the Holy Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or the Godhead of any of the three persons, or the unity of the Godhead, or shall utter any profane words concerning the Holy Trinity, or any of the persons thereof, and shall be thereof convict by verdict, or confession, shall, for the first offence, be bored through the tongue and fined twenty pounds sterling to the lord proprietor to be applied to the use of the county where the offence shall be committed, to be levied on the offender’s body, goods and chattels, lands or tenements, and in case the said fine cannot be levied, the offender to suffer six months’ imprisonment without bail or mainprise; and that for the second offence, the offender being thereof convict as aforesaid, shall be stigmatized by burning in the forehead with the letter B and fined forty pounds sterling to the lord proprietor, to be applied and levied as aforesaid, and in case the same cannot be levied, the offender shall suffer twelve months’ imprisonment without bail or mainprise; and that for the third offence, the offender being convict as aforesaid, shall suffer death without the benefit of the clergy. SEC. 2. And be it enacted, that every person that shall hereafter profanely swear or curse in the presence and hearing of any magistrate, minister, the commissary-general, secretary, sheriff, coroner, provincial or county clerk, vestryman, church-warden, or constable, or be convicted thereof before any magistrate, by the oath of one lawful witness, or confession of the party, shall, for the first oath or curse, be fined two shilling and six-pense current money, and for every oath or curse after the first, five shillings like money, to be applied to the use aforesaid, AMS February 13, 1890, page 49.7 AMS (The American Sentinel) I pray that this man will see the national ruin that will result in the coarse he is advocating. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Matt 7:3
@jackgrant86532 жыл бұрын
Enforced worship on Sunday will be the MARK OF THE BEAST. Today he says, “we want to create the right conditions for Christianity.” Tomorrow they’ll scream “adhere or die, you troublers of the nation!”
@brhodes6252 жыл бұрын
Interesting! Thanks for posting the interview
@Contra_Chaos2 жыл бұрын
Excited to read the book and delve deeper into the arguments he makes.
@jmerrick10002 жыл бұрын
KJV John 18:36 36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
@PhilippinesFarmLife2 жыл бұрын
State enforcing Religion. They Obviously Don't understand what they are saying, especially when speaking about SABBATH LAWS.
@Ben_Dare2 жыл бұрын
The point is to build and sustain a Christian Nation on earth for us and our posterity under threat that if we don't souls will be lost. See the Great Commission for instruction.
@1Whipperin2 жыл бұрын
God is in control. It's not possible to build a Christian nation because God has not drawn most of the nation to Him. No souls are ever lost from the Father's irresitable grace. Relax and enjoy God and His soveriegnty.
@Ben_Dare2 жыл бұрын
@@1Whipperin and God confided in you, because...?
@1Whipperin2 жыл бұрын
@@Ben_Dare Because He is soveriegn. Look around, No one can resist God's grace. John 6:44
@sandybitter46092 жыл бұрын
A nation that holds to Christian/biblical values I suspect is far superior than the nation which does not.
@Globeguy13372 жыл бұрын
@@1Whipperin Regardless of whether God has ordained that we succeed, it is our duty to seek it. Yes, He is the one who calls, but He calls through people building and reaching, unless you wish to repudiate the great commission and condemn the journeys of Paul. It is impossible for hammers to build a house, but that does not mean we must reject the use of hammers and merely wait for the architect to manifest it.
@IsebbyI2 жыл бұрын
"When our nation shall so abjure the principles of its government as to enact a Sunday law, Protestantism will in this act join hands with popery." -Testimonies for the Church 5:712 (1889). Protestants will throw their whole influence and strength on the side of the papacy. By a national act enforcing the false sabbath they will give life and vigor to the corrupt faith of Rome, reviving her tyranny and oppression of conscience.-Maranatha, 179 (1893). The prophecy of Revelation 13 declares that the power represented by the beast with lamblike horns shall cause “the earth and them which dwell therein” to worship the papacy-there symbolized by the beast “like unto a leopard”.... This prophecy will be fulfilled when the United States shall enforce Sunday observance, which Rome claims as the special acknowledgment of her supremacy.... More about Sunday law:
@RaigDhaad2 жыл бұрын
Christ is King
@CanonPress2 жыл бұрын
Christ is Lord
@computerterry618 Жыл бұрын
I see one problem here.....The Bible never calls Sunday the Sabbath. The seventh day of the week, traditionally known as Saturday, or Sabado, or Subota, or Sabat, is the true Bible Sabbath.
@chrisgriff2 жыл бұрын
ARS Politica is one of my favorite podcasts. I'm eager to read this book. Thanks for the interview.
@CaseyCovenant2 жыл бұрын
Will there be an audiobook???
@cathycoudriet7752 Жыл бұрын
why can't you read?
@evantheorthodox740 Жыл бұрын
I haven't read Wolfe's book, but have been reading Institutes of Biblical Law by Rushdoony and have read many of Bahnsen's books. Would these two views of theonomy differ greatly? Anyone read both?
@VicCrisson2 жыл бұрын
Commenting for algorithm
@JonathanMellorn2 жыл бұрын
You have your head on straight😂
@paulmcpheeters2 жыл бұрын
Replying for algorithm
@_STRB_2 жыл бұрын
Arguing for algorithm
@georgeluke63822 жыл бұрын
Let’s go 🎉
@michaelagbonkpolor40692 жыл бұрын
Love this interview!
@goldberg70192 жыл бұрын
Nive to see some influences of Mentius Moldbug and BAP, which i believe might be usefull for christiandom
@davidgcavada2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this.
@amanze2 жыл бұрын
Paying respect to the Color Grading geniuses behind this video.
@Ben_Dare2 жыл бұрын
Can't wait to hear you interview Andrew Torba or Andrew Iske on this subject. Christian Nationalism: A Biblical Guide For Taking Dominion And Discipling Nations by Andrew Torba and Andrew Iske
@rollinghillsslo2 жыл бұрын
Have you studied the two beasts in Revelation 13?
@jermoosekek11015 ай бұрын
@@rollinghillsslomost of revelation has already happened. The beast is Nero
@rollinghillsslo5 ай бұрын
@jermoosekek1101 Thats what "they" want you to believe.
@jmerrick10002 жыл бұрын
Seventh-day Adventists need to start to lift our voices with the third angels message KJV Revelation 14:9-12 9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: 11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. 12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
@zachjensen51052 жыл бұрын
Christ is Lord over algorithms
@tylerpedersen98362 жыл бұрын
Any ideology that includes the belief that intermarriage, "can be relatively sinful" (as Wolfe has said in the past) is anti-Christian and should be rejected by those who care about unity in Christ.
@akadwriter Жыл бұрын
Yep. Dude's last name fits him well.
@danielm.78802 жыл бұрын
Commenting for the algorithm as well.
@BrandonCorley1092 жыл бұрын
@hebrews412studies52 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this book reference. I just ordered it and look forward to reading it through.
@chillguy17762 жыл бұрын
Just pre ordered a copy!
@eek67642 жыл бұрын
He makes a good point about the Taliban. Even if they’re fundamentally wrong on issues of content, we’re structural aligned with Muslim theocracies in a struggle against the global liberal order.
@MrJoshuagarland2 жыл бұрын
I’m sold
@Gottshaw_channel2 жыл бұрын
Do consider the movements that led to the death of Martin Luther and others who spoke against the Catholic Church. This movement being advocated has resulted in the murder of many Christians.
@KalliBella12 жыл бұрын
At 48:59 the point is more than valid and undeniably obvious. The lack of Biblical morality has become what we see nowadays in this country, a dissonant and disparate cacophony of definitions of what is morality, such that some can't even answer the question "What is a woman?" !!!! The lack of unity as to what is truth in our current society has brought us to unprecedented relativism. We are barely a nation of people sharing basic values. Our founders knew it well. The Constitution they codified could only serve a "moral" people, and the morality to which they pointed was the one handed down by the God of the Bible.
@rollinghillsslo2 жыл бұрын
Thats what they said during the Dark Ages. Would you like to go back in that time?
@josephscottadams392 жыл бұрын
Pre ordered the book!
@rosshart36112 жыл бұрын
In regards to the Sabbath, Sabbath is the 7th day of the week, not the first, we have absolutely no right or authority to change it, that would mean Saturday is the Sabbath and not Sunday
@kolab56202 ай бұрын
Christians have been gathering on the Lord’s Day (when Jesus rose from the dead, Sunday) since the time of the apostles.
@kolab56202 ай бұрын
Also Colossians says let no man judge you concerning festivals, new moons or >sabbaths
@rosshart36112 ай бұрын
@@kolab5620 I'm not a Jew and I'm certainly not judging anyone, God gave us the 7th day Sabbath (Saturday) , man has changed it to the Sunday, we could argue about this until the cows but nothing changes, Sunday is pagan worship of the Sun. It is clearly written in the 4th commandment and all over the bible "remember my Sabbaths"
@kolab56202 ай бұрын
@@rosshart3611 I didn't claim you were a jew. but colossians cleary teaches that saturday worship is no longer madatory.
@whtlyg73772 жыл бұрын
CIVIL and RELIGIOUS LIBERTY The two principles that made this country what it was. It was never a christian nation. It was a nation of christians. There is a difference. Intelligent doesn't mean wise does it Whenever a state enacts religious laws, persecution is the inevitable result.
@Gottshaw_channel2 жыл бұрын
Well said!
@mcdoublenfries7412 Жыл бұрын
and a cookie with chocolate chips is not a chocolate chip cookie, right?
@devothebot30084 ай бұрын
True liberty is found in being ordered towards the good. “Freedom of religion” and freedom to do whatever you want is not true freedom, it’s slavery.
@money-dl1jw4 ай бұрын
@@devothebot3008 You make your choices about your faith and others also choose to live secular lives. This is not hard.
@saberconcepts50592 жыл бұрын
Very interesting brothers
@andrewjohnson73552 жыл бұрын
Very interesting!
@michaelparravicini84472 жыл бұрын
You find in the Laudatio Si exactly what Stephen is saying. "On Sunday our participation in the Eucharist" The one time sacrifice isn't good enough but a perpetual killing of Christ is? His literal blood and literal body is inside us when we participate in the Eucharist and this sanctifies us? Punish blasphemy those who don't attend Sunday services because they don't attend Sunday church services and participate in the Eucharist? Your taking the position of God here didn't God say its mine to average? Remember the story of the lady bleeding for years and no one could help her. The woman touched (Thel Hem of Jesus some translation say the border of His garment) note that ok what happened? She was healed her immediately stopped the flow of her blood. What did Jesus say who touched me for "I perceived power going out from Me". Imagine the literal blood and literal body inside you when you participate in the Eucharist well why do people still get sick, die and have bad health. See what you deny Christ of the great physician. Mr Stephen are you blaspheming Christ? What if we introduce laws now like what you are pushing for mmmm I wonder what would be your outcome. Will it be a fine, imprisonment or death penalty. Mr Stephen Wolfe this is the track you are pushing for. But see it won't affect you because your Christian laws suit you yet if we are to live to the bible Eucharist isn't biblical. There is a one sacrifice Hebrew 7:27 Mr Stephen if you want to live to the bible and the bible alone then why are you killing Christ every Sunday, denying Christ He has no power to heal others. His one time perfect offering as the unblemished Lamb and Denying Christ as Creator of Heaven and Earth because the Sabbath is an institution from creation. Sunday wasn't the day in the first creation week called Sabbath. Sunday the resurrection morning from the grave is always biblical recorded as the first day of the week what then is the 7th Day? That means you are breaking the Sabbath. Mr Stephen Wolfe I can truly quote you information from Catholic resources that Sabbath is always was the 7th Day the secular life call it Saturday and they as in the papal authority transferred the solemnity of the 7th to the 1st day of the week. Are you Sir if wanting to introduce laws on Sabbath observance within civil laws going to punish all Sunday keepers for not keeping Gods 7th Day Sabbath and blasphemy laws also participation in the Eucharist thats blasphemy. Here is my last thought. Sabbath is from creation week if you believe that Jesus never sinned and is the perfect unblemished Lamb the perfect offering then if you believe Sunday is the Sabbath then you are accusing Christ as a law breaker Himself because He kept the 7th Day Sabbath and His own words "till Heaven and earth pass away, one jot or title will by NO means pass from the Law till all is fulfilled". Mr Stephen Wolfe will you repent from the course you are taking and live in harmony with Gods word. Also can't you see what Pope Francis encyclical is doing here. How else will the Roman Catholic Church going to convince the world Sunday comes from the creation week when they know its a pagan tradition? I shall tell you how through the Laudatio Si the care for our earth and the plan for the climate emergency they are all focusing on the creation week again. Mr Stephen Wolfe can't you see it. I sincerely hope you reform because the Mark of the Beast is found in it and Christian Nationals are supporting exactly the papal plan of the global worship law that is coming.
@henrybowman54732 жыл бұрын
Started the book yesterday. Refreshing!
@alwaysnatedawg17972 жыл бұрын
Fantastic interview
@Ceisluck2 жыл бұрын
So lets be clear: He is inspired in by Thomas Aquino [33:42], I mean this is dangerous this is very dangerous and people are lining up to this teachings..... omg I think is time, when error is mixed with truth, end times are coming? And the Sabbath issue again, which day is going to be Sunday or Saturday, being influenced by Aquino I bet you is Sunday!
@Gottshaw_channel2 жыл бұрын
This movement spoken of by Mr. Wolfe was first instituted in Europe where the Catholic Church became the dominating religion and as a result murdered millions of true Christians that spoke against this heresy. Mr. Wolfe has not learned from history and is advocating for what God condemns. God does not sanction force neither would He desire His children to disobey his commandment to worship on the Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11) and instead worship on Sunday (the day selected by the Catholic Church). The true people of God must speak out against this unbiblical movement even though we know it will gain traction and will persecute the true Christians in these last days. May those who love God and His commandments stand boldly for the truth.
@brianbrownell6892 жыл бұрын
@theservant752 Жыл бұрын
The sabbath is on saturday, not sunday as he said...
@andrewburke2032 жыл бұрын
Can anyone please help me understand this a little more? This very much felt like we achieve Christian ends, through natural pragmatic processes. Seems like a disconnect.
@carolinem16982 жыл бұрын
Your country’s flag should not be flying or displayed outside of special occasions anywhere on church property. It’s God first.
@Psalm144.12 жыл бұрын
The Church I belong to doesn’t have a flag in the sanctuary. But nearby outside is a flag pole on the Church property. I assure you, God is still first.
@Globeguy13372 жыл бұрын
Where did the GAE acronym originate? I thought it was just a goof done by Elijah Schaefer .
@ericmatthaei97112 жыл бұрын
The political philosophers traditionally taught in American universities (Hobbes, Locke and the like) reasoned from a “state of nature.” I love the fact that Dr. Wolfe is developing a Christian analogue to that by reasoning from man’s “state of integrity.” Very good!
@ArtVandelay-ImporterExporter2 жыл бұрын
The Puritans didn’t have a melting pot of culture, religion and background in mind so it the first 150 years of our nation from Massachusetts Bay Colony to the Framing of the Constitution this was much easier to implement.
@mktay2067 Жыл бұрын
Didn't the puritan groups migrate with non puritans? Pretty sure the mayflower compact involved both. 🤔
@BamaTex7772 жыл бұрын
ARS Politica podcast is pretty gangster
@CJ-rt8zy2 жыл бұрын
Good talk
@J-BKing2 жыл бұрын
Scary. You cannot force persons, by way of the state, to worship God. Not even God forces us to worship Him. I hope you pray about this direction...overcorrection is not a good reaction.
@Brynbraughton7 ай бұрын
I guess you didn't listen to him cuz that's not what he said he was going to do
@Brynbraughton7 ай бұрын
Your critique of it needs to be informed by truth
@J-BKing7 ай бұрын
@@Brynbraughton I can also guess what you did about anything, but that doesn't get us anywhere. I listened. If you have a blind-spot for the presenter, I can't do anything about that. I hope you remember this when what you claim he didn't say happens.
@interestedmeow2 жыл бұрын
I truly get the sentiments. I agree with the means. But the desire is for the wrong goals and ends. If you set out from harbour on a heading straight for the reef, it doesn’t matter if you are sailing well or not, you are headed for disaster.
@BedtimeBen2 жыл бұрын
You do not think that Christ ought to inform all that Christians do?
@ManyLoavesProductions2 жыл бұрын
@@BedtimeBen Can you be more clear with your question? It makes no sense in light of the comment.
@rollinghillsslo2 жыл бұрын
Mr. Wolf's desires are not new. These were the same sentiments during the Dark Ages. Ahh...he fell into the trap. The extreme left has made him mad and now he wants to take it to the extreme right. History will be repeated. This nation will tell her people who to worship, when and how. She will commit national apostasy that will only end in national ruin.
@ShaneAnderson72 жыл бұрын
@Chirhopher2 жыл бұрын
Wait, i gotta Know: How can You say The CHURCH Is The KINGdom Of GOD (It is certainly most clear picture n portion of it; the co-Head), when You are having [all] the Magistrates implement the Beautiful LAW Of GOD? They are then a part of It as well, and more than just they.
@lawofliberty35172 жыл бұрын
Collab with Jermey Elliot of ICONIC PODCAST. Please.
@Biblino2 жыл бұрын
@leilaoliveira61712 жыл бұрын
In the bible is the fourth commandment Exodus 20, Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. You only speak heresies and blasphemies. May God have mercy on your soul, mere mortal. From dust we were created, to dust we shall return. You and all who are working against the truths of God will have the judgment you deserve.
@waspahh332 жыл бұрын
@random_person604110 күн бұрын
@BamaTex7772 жыл бұрын
@virtualpilgrim864510 ай бұрын
Something about Jared's lower lip that I can't get over. Am I sinning?
@Lombokstrait12 жыл бұрын
Young Earth creationists are on the same level as Flat Earthers. These 2 dudes are young earthers.
@Hardtruth112 жыл бұрын
Sabbath Laws? He must mean Sunday Laws. I wonder if on March 7th, 2024 they will implement a Sunday law. A day of the sun. A day of rest for the earth. A day for Giga. A family Sunday. Satan's counterfeit day of (Sunday) rest. This law will "force" our conscience. Only Satan uses force. God is all about freedom of choice and never force. So we need to keep the seventh day Sabbath through faith and leave the consequences to God. Happy should we be if we die for the truth. Jesus said "I am way the truth and the life." John 24:6 "They law is the truth." Psalms 119:124 "All thy Commandments are truth." 119:151
@samuelk53202 жыл бұрын
He wants to force people to his version of Christianity! " sacraments" it seems to me that the guy has no understanding of the gospel and the Bible.
@thefeldgeister29612 жыл бұрын
This is all fantasy, we worship Wall Street.
@gregoryolquin66647 ай бұрын
"National will". wow... I did nazi that coming
@jermoosekek11015 ай бұрын
Can nations not act as one?
@michaelblanks42842 жыл бұрын
I'm subscribe to this Channel and many others out of Moscow and I enjoy watching some of the reform believers making some Headway and it's exciting but I'm Oneness Apostolic and out of a very conservative background and if you think you want to Outlaw Oneness on me it'll never happen now I'm not anti-trinitarianism and that if I was a ruler I would not Outlaw it or otherwise I wouldn't be subscribed listening to trinitarians cuz I feel like I have a lot to glean from them but being Oneness and not trinitarian I would preach against it maybe in my home churches our prayer groups but I wouldn't say that you should be outlawed and neither should you try to Outlaw Oneness believers cuz we would be part of the framework of making America a civil society by our Holiness of lives
@Psalm144.12 жыл бұрын
How did you come to the conclusion that Stephen Wolfe’s book (which isn’t released yet), would not permit you religious freedom?
@interestedmeow2 жыл бұрын
7:20 Stephen here assumes that a Christian safe space is what we should aim for, what we are called to, what our mission is. He is wrong.
@Psalm144.12 жыл бұрын
I am called to be a Christian, a husband, and a father to my children. To raise them in the nurture of the Word that they may know Christ and have a healthy safe life. A safe Christian space is very much one of the many things I aim for. Christ, my Lord, calls me to execute all of those duties. Therefore not aiming for a safe space is disobedience to God.
@Psalm144.12 жыл бұрын
Are you called as a Christian to go to ends of the Earth to proclaim Christ. Perhaps you will go to North Korea and do that?
@interestedmeow2 жыл бұрын
@@Psalm144.1 was with ya until ‘healthy and safe’. That’s no where in Scripture. Results such as safe spaces are not a requirement nor a goal of the Christian life or of the Kingdom except in ultimate terms. Paul’s command to aspire to lead a ‘quiet life’ in 1Thess is not a command to create a political or social safe space for Christian’s, rather it is a command that you keep your attention focused on realizing the Kingdom in your own life (as it sounds like you do) and thus be an example to the unbelievers. Paul has no inkling of an idea to create a theocratic state that forces unbelievers into an outward conformance to the Torah. He desires they be changed from the inmost out first and then demonstrate that change outwardly to the world. You sound like you are already headed there, but I would caution you against desiring health and safety for you family. Those are idols that will lead you astray. Receive from the Lords hand what He gives you with rejoicing and loyal belief and you will do well brother.
@Psalm144.12 жыл бұрын
@@interestedmeow But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. (1 Timothy 5:8) I believe my understanding of the Bible conforms to the Word of God. Why are you talking about being against a theocracy? Has nothing to do with this post which isn’t promoting that as well as my comments.
@Psalm144.12 жыл бұрын
@@interestedmeow Yes on healthy and safe. It’s my Christian duty to protect my family. It’s critical to being a provider.
@svedishfisk2 жыл бұрын
I pre-ordered 6 copies. This book is gonna be yuge.
@DoubtfireClub2 жыл бұрын
@alistair_maldacena2 жыл бұрын
An omnipotent, omniscient, invisible space wizard needs the bureaucracy of the United States government to do his dirty work. Sounds like a particularly weak god to me.
@rockycomet45872 жыл бұрын
THE PATRIOTS' PLEDGE I pledge allegiance to our President-In-Exile And to the Great MAGA Nation That stands by Him One people, united in our resolve To bring America forward Into a glorious new era Bright shining as the sun!
@hookoffthejab12 жыл бұрын
That's just plain old idolatry
@brhodes6252 жыл бұрын
Little weird 😬
@williambetzelberger61282 жыл бұрын
And that my friends is what we call idolatry.
@Globeguy13372 жыл бұрын
I generally support Trump, but we must be careful not to let this support morph into worship. Trump may be one of the few willing and able to take effective strides in some good directions and he is certainly unfairly maligned, but we like him when he does good - we don’t call whatever he does ‘good’ because we like him, and we must not lose sight of the fact that he is also a fallible human with his own (sometimes large) faults.
@rockycomet45872 жыл бұрын
@@williambetzelberger6128 🤡
@readthebible74292 жыл бұрын
Your claim of Trinitarianism is bunk. Even Trinitarian theologians admit it is not taught in the Bible and must be "read into" the Bible!