Christian Universalism Proven True by One Greek Word and Some Math

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Escaping Christianity

Escaping Christianity

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One Greek word when combined with a simple algebraic formula proves that Christian Universalism is true. I go over all the occurrences of this Greek word in the New Testament. By using the simplicity of math, and its irrefutable logic, I demonstrate how this one Greek word can lead to no other conclusion except the salvation of all humanity.

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@JamesStein-hz7wk Жыл бұрын
It's poetry month so here you go Hilarious but pertinent The Calf Path One day through the primeval wood A calf walked home as good calves should; But made a trail all bent askew, A crooked trail as all calves do. Since then three hundred years have fled, And I infer the calf is dead. But still he left behind his trail, And thereby hangs my moral tale. The trail was taken up next day, By a lone dog that passed thet way; And then a wise bell-wether sheep Pursued the trail o'er vale and steep, And drew the flock behind him, too, As good bell-wethers always do. And from that day, o'er hill and glade. Through those old woods a path was made. And many men wound in and out, And dodged , and turned, and bent about, And uttered words of righteous wrath, Because was such a crooked path; But still they followed-do not laugh- The first migrations of that calf, And through this winding wood-way stalked Because he wobbled when he walked. The forest path became a lane, That bent and turned and turned again; The crooked lane became a road, Where many a poor horse with his load Toiled on beneath the burning sun, And travel some three miles in one. And thus a century and a half They trod the footsteps of that calf. The years passed on in swiftness fleet, The road became a village street; And this, before men were aware, A city's crowded thoroughfare. And soon the central street was this Of a renowned metropolis; And men two centuries and a half, Trod in the footsteps of that calf. Each day hundred thousand rout Followed the zig zag calf about And o'er his crooked journey went The traffic of a continent. A hundred thousand men were led, By one calf near three centuries dead. They Followed still his crooked way, And lost one hundred years a day; For thus such reverence is lent, To well established precedent. A moral lesson this might teach Were I ordained and called to preach; For men are prone to go it blind Along the calf-paths of the mind, And work away from sun to sun, To do what other men have done. They follow in the beaten track, And out and in, and forth and back, And still their devious course pursue, To keep the path that others do. But how the wise old wood gods laugh, Who saw the first primeval calf. Ah, many things this tale might teach- But I am not ordained to preach. By Sam Foss 1895
@garychampagne1734 Жыл бұрын
Curious what you say about the Resurrection of Messiah and also His accuracy of the old covenant temple being left without a stone on a stone.
@broderickwallis25 11 ай бұрын
Well done.... Cudos to all those spreading the real good news.
@jonathanbosco8458 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video, your research is much appreciated. God Bless
@MUSIC-MARY 3 жыл бұрын
The Early Jews believe SHEOL (grave, hell) is for CLEANSING NOT PUNISHMENT. 😀
@mikuspalmis 3 жыл бұрын
This is in line with what I believe and have been hearing. I need to look more into this.
@MUSIC-MARY 3 жыл бұрын
@@mikuspalmis Yes ma' am or sir. This may help. THE EARLY CHRISTIANS TAUGHT UNIVERSAL SALVATION FOR 553 YEARS! IN 553 A.D. Roman Emperor Justinian TOOK OUT Universal Salvation. Yeshua (Jesus) NEVER mentions HELL (KJV English for GRAVE)!!! He use the Greek word GEHENNA or HADES (Grave, realm of the dead). Also GEHENNA was The Valley of Ben Hinnom (a GARBAGE DUMP) outside of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) where Pagans sacrificed their children in the FIRE. Thank you.
@mikuspalmis 3 жыл бұрын
@@MUSIC-MARY I knew some of this and some I did not. It helps to know details. Thanks.
@MUSIC-MARY 3 жыл бұрын
@@mikuspalmis Your welcome. God bless you.
@Damaminka 7 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed this. I heard somewhere that when Paul said God was the Savior of all men that the word Savior didn't mean the same thing as salvation in Christ. It meant saving all men from other things, like hardship,etc. Of course the Calvinists and Armenians can't take the word Savior at face value either. How would you answer that?
@MUSIC-MARY 3 жыл бұрын
Hebrew Tanakh says OLAM (era or ages). Greek suptuagant says AEONS (era or ages). Latin Vulgate MISTRANSLATED it to AETERNAM, (eternal) in 382 A.D.
@gaseredtune5284 3 жыл бұрын
olam is eternal
@MUSIC-MARY 2 жыл бұрын
@@gaseredtune5284 Olam refers to an age HASHEM EL OLAM (Everlasting God) But never does it refer to etetnal hell.
@brucecawlfield4909 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Mary! Praise the Lord our Savior of all 100%! Amen 100%!
@EricBryant 2 жыл бұрын
Really good and thorough and logical. Thanks!
@franciscafazzo3460 6 ай бұрын
He no longer claims to be christian...hum
@kenbarber6592 4 жыл бұрын
Great teaching, 1 Timothy 4:10&11 was the scripture that first awakened me to the error of eternal condemnation. In my case I saw that the word ‘especially’ had been substituted in ‘my thinking’* with the word ‘exclusively’. *’my thinking’ = carnal mind + tradition LORD = Controller, Subjector Therefore: LORD of all = Controller, Subjector of all “Many will call me Lord, Lord.” “Why do you call me Lord, Lord ...?” I am lousy at math, but my arithmetic is pretty good: LORD + free-will = confusion LORD - free-will = peace
@escapingchristianity8765 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the compliment Ken. I'm glad you liked the video!
@scarlettnewman1115 4 жыл бұрын
@@escapingchristianity8765 How can I get in contact with You
@MUSIC-MARY 3 жыл бұрын
KJV uses FOREVER. Greek Suptuagant uses εἰς (EIS) Strong's 1519: MEANS: A place, time, purpose, phrases. KJV uses the word EVER. The Greek Suptuagant uses αἰώνων (aiōnōn) Strong's 165: MEANS: age; extension, period. Both does NOT mean ETERNITY!
@ifweonlyknew9016 3 жыл бұрын
What about the final judgement- And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
@dalecampbell5617 2 жыл бұрын
What about researching the early history of the church and looking into the Hebrew and Greek translations for more clarity. Find the true meanings of sheol, hades, Gehana and tartarus. I wouldn't put my faith in the so called Latin scholars from the years 400-500. Today we have the technology and education for a more accurate translation such as Young's Literal Translation and Rotherham bible. Do really think that God, all powerful, all loving and all knowing, knowing the beginning to the end, is going to allow himself to lose most of mankind to a spirit being that he created??? Or that somehow Satan has the power and ability to put a time limit on God's work???
@brucecawlfield4909 2 жыл бұрын
The final judgment of God is all nations return to Him 100%! Please see Psalm 22:27 And Philippians 2 all will confess Jesus as Lord to the Glory of GOD 100%!
@je4754 3 жыл бұрын
@all bible prophecy is fulfilled - Was curious what your understanding about the verses, "Narrow are the gates..." And, "Depart from me ye cursed one..I never knew you.., and that verse about the separation of sheep, etc. My girlfriend is a fundamentalist and I'm a hopeful Universalist. Still hoping I can persuade her that God's plan is all about restoration and not retributive (and help her to understand that hell actually is hades, the grave and not endless conscious suffering.
@escapingchristianity8765 3 жыл бұрын
I am no longer a Christian. The last 3 videos I posted to my channel go over some of the reasons why. I spent 32 years of my life believing in a god that I am now convinced does not exist. That doesn't mean a person has to lose hope. I did initially because Christianity was all I knew. Then I came to realize the god of the Bible is not a just or good god. He is a tribal god just like all the gods from that time period. All of them inventions of the human mind to try to make sense of the world. The Bible tells us in many places that it is not true if we have the courage to accept what it says and not try to manipulate it. Ezekiel's temple (Ch. 40-48) -- never happened. Daniel's 70 weeks -- never happened. Zech 12-14 -- never happened. Exo 20:5 God is Jealous and keeps a record of rights and wrongs or 1 John 4:8/1 Cor 13:4-5 God is love and keeps no record of rights and wrong. Complete contradiction. Ironically, the very time statements I used on my KZbin channel are some of the most damning proofs where the Bible is trying to tell us it is not true. The first century cult of Christianity was filled with apocalyptists. They thought the end of the world and Jesus' second coming was imminent. The kingdom of God soon to appear. They were wrong because the God of the Bible does not exist and they were religious fanatics having hallucinations and speaking in tongues (Acts 9, 1 Cor 12,14 etc.) I am hopeful like you my friend. I think there could be a wonderful afterlife for us all. Regardless of a persons beliefs. Or the atheists are right and there is nothing. We don't know. What I do know is you won't find the god of the bible or any other gods that have been invented by men on the other side. That is a good thing.
@je4754 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for taking the time to respond to my queries. I can understand your point about the contradictions, especially considering the multiple authors and sketchy translations. I do however still believe that Jesus tasted death for us all and like you said, am hopeful of a wonderful afterlife. I still like to try and decode as much as I can, as I feel that although there were errors in later translations, I still feel guided to reach a higher understanding. I will pray that we will all be restored back to the father, or the source of what we're all made up of. I wish you the best. By the way, have you watched any of Brad Jezerk's (Not sure if I spelled his name right) videos. He is quite astute on universalism. I'd suggest it if you have some spare time. Thanks!
@je4754 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry, it's Jersak. I always mess up the spelling of his name.
@seymameryem3532 3 жыл бұрын
@@escapingchristianity8765 Dear friend, did u read Quran the Holy Scriptures of Islam? The reason why I ask u is u r such a sincere person, as am someone questioning the religions ones again (including my regilion, Islam) would love to hear ur comments bout Quran.. Thank you..
@gauchotrojans 2 жыл бұрын
@@escapingchristianity8765 I'm curious what you mean by tribal god. Your entire video is about how this god wants to save all people. The thrust of Christianity from its very beginning was to call everyone to salvation not just Hebrews in Judea. So, it seems to me that it was tribal in that a particular group of people living in a unique time period believed they knew the true divine being. However, they wanted to share that divinity with both Jew and Gentile, slave and free, male and female, etc. It's aim was and is to be universal.
@JamesStein-hz7wk Жыл бұрын
Apocalyptic Plastic Poetry An extract from the Hymn on Paradise by Bernard of Cluny: "The world is very evil; The times are waxing late; Be sober and keep vigil, The Judge is at the gate: The Judge that comes in mercy, The Judge that comes with might, To terminate the evil, And diadem the right." This poem could apply to the Apostolic times of Saint James (the judge is at the door 5:9) and the end of that Age. Unfortunately, it has been taken up by every generation since and the focus has been one of petty Apocalyptic schemes that has created a riot of thoughts concerning the approaching end of our world. Since St. James' time of the ends (plural) of the age ie; the back end of the OT and front end of the NT, we've had a long list of failed and disappointing prognostications about the end time destruction of our world. Should we not learn to take a more positive stance on the developments in the world around us? And perhaps be inspired by the idea that God as Creator and Redeemer is working out His Kingdom purpose in gathering into a unity all its varied strands through Jesus Christ our Lord. In a moment of teachableness ,if we could, I would postulate two things: 1 The Kingdom of God was inaugurated by the coming of Jesus and the end of the OT religious system and its economy 2 The Spirit of truth has been poured out and is still active in outworking all truth. To see all the outworkings we should take a look at the developments of the various disciplines of revealed truth in our world. For instance, the progress from A to Z in Anthropology, Biology, Cosmology, Dermatology, Engineering, Floriculture, Gastroenterology, Hydroponics, Ichthyology, Jurisprudence, Kalololgy, Liquids, Mathematics, Neurology, Obstetrics, Pomology, Qanonology, Radiology, Sphygmology, Theology, Uni Blastology (study of having fun ha), Veterinarianolgy, Wordsmithing, Xbox, Yoga, and last but not least Zen Buddhism just to name a few. Even now (2023) we are on the cusp of developing outer/lower space. How wonderful the potential of that could be! But it needs churchmen to influence it away from evil. The list goes on and on but it does allow ,if we will, a greater and more practical view of our world as we find it today. It is the amazing fact that all this development and progress has taken place in the midst of suffering, disease, famine and war ect. But once you realize the similarity to what happened at Calvary (Power through weakness, ultimate triumph over evil in the midst of suffering) you might want to consider an enlarged view of the Gospel of His Kingdom and its developments in this our "world without end". The true church and its real disciples are always struggling to adjust to the activity of its neighbors in the world and take a stand in relation to them. If we have eyes to see and ears to hear we would come to understand that this is the pattern we have inherited from our forefathers in the faith. And that "the faith bequeath to us is as metal tempered in the fire and just because the fire heats up again it does not mean that the metal melts away". It is in the midst of troublesome times like our present situation that the church and its disciples have come to understand their greater purpose and ,in so doing, find great victories and triumphs in the betterment of our world. Thereby giving glory to God through our Savior Jesus Christ. Isn't this a better approach than all the sowing of discord, bickering and lashing out that goes on in the name of defending the faith. COME ON MAN! As far as I can see, the Mantel of "Defender of the Faith" is now lying in the gutter waiting to be taken up. Who will pick it up depends on being commissioned with the capacity of a titanic personage in service to the operation of divine Wisdom. A prickly vocation I'm sure.
@JamesStein-hz7wk Жыл бұрын
FULL APOSTOLIC WITNESS Chalmers report was on target There follows the last Discourse, whose theme is the new divine order which will ensue from the departure of Jesus to the Father. The scene is tense with the perplexity of the disciples at the thought of the imminent departure of the master. Their perplexity has its roots not only in a natural and selfish fear of what lies ahead nor in a passionate loyalty to Jesus, but in a feeling that His departure contradicts the message which they have been slowly learning from Him. For they have learnt to depend upon Him, to find in His words and works to be the source of eternal life, to know Him to be the light wherein they can walk so long as He is with them. They have made their own a discipleship which might well find utterance in the words: "Lord it is good for us to be here"; and now they are afraid " as they enter into the cloud". Yet the departure of Jesus is necessary for them ,since, by clinging to his visible presence, they are in peril of missing two truths which He desires to bring home to them. 1 Hitherto He has been with them where they are, sharing in the circumscribed conditions and relationships of the earthly life. But it is his mission to lead them to be with him where he is, sharing in a unity with Him uncircumcised by touch and sight. The transition is taking place from a place where he is where they are to a place with Him where he is. A transition from a presence taking its character from their circumstances to a presence taking its character from His. In the new era which will follow His departure He will receive the disciples," that where I am there may be also". 2 The glory of Christ, to which the disciples have been clinging, is not His own: He seeks the Father's glory and has always sought it. And he would lead them beyond their belief in Him or rather in and through their belief in Him, to a true belief in the Father. The more therefore they cling two His visible presence the harder it is for them to learn that the end of discipleship is 'not a cult of Jesus but a faith in God'. The Glory of God and the Transfiguration of Christ by A M Ramsey pge 72
@hectorcabeza7186 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you brother yo did a great job explaining this evidence that universal salvation is God’s will for us
@dejesus47 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome 🙏
@nikostzitzi4056 3 жыл бұрын
that was clever, but as a native greek speaker reading the authentic wording directly through my new testament, i must inform you: greek does not work mathematically like a latin language, "malista" indeed creates a sub-group , but is used mainly as "especially" or "most properly". to the byzantine greek mind i must assume, respecting the ancient church position ecumenically refuting universalism, that the reading you look for would be : "god, who is the saviour of all men [making it easier] for those who believe" (and yes, i know it doesn't literally reads "for those" but i say to you again: greek grammar and meaning is a habit, not grammatical structures and mechanical principles
@escapingchristianity8765 3 жыл бұрын
@nikos tzitzi In making this video I was trying to demonstrate that "malista" creates a sub-group that is part of the whole. Christians try to argue that there are two entirely separate groups in 1 Tim 4:10 to refute the universalism that this text appears to teach. In the end, it doesn't matter for me. I am not a Christian anymore after 32 years of being one. I talk about this in the last few videos on my channel. I just uploaded my latest video "Why the Christian God Cannot Exist" about 2 weeks ago. It's the only other video where I use a little math like this one. My hope is that other people will be able to escape Christianity like I did. Sadly, I fear most will not be able too because of their emotions.
@nikostzitzi4056 3 жыл бұрын
@@escapingchristianity8765 aah, i see, i hope you'll find your answers. i saw your fast explanation and i would like to tell: dont equate christian texts with the interpetations of them. secondly, the fact that "the end times" began in the first century , doesnt mean that it is a one-day thing. or that christian dogmas know if it is physical or spiritual . remember: the fullfilment of the old testament was first of all literal as of the history of historic israel but also types for the coming of christ (and all those events , at least in the human experience, followed the natural order of things). i mean, the text can support any position and that's why, in the whole of christianity outside the pre/post tribulation rapture, arguments for these things are considered having nothing to do with salvation (except the rejection of full preterism, because we can see in our lives that the use of scriptures that we have from back then is still used without a satisfactory fullfilment). may you have peace
@escapingchristianity8765 3 жыл бұрын
@@nikostzitzi4056 The "last days" were supposed to end in the first century. Not begin like you claim. Matt 16:27-28 says that some standing there would not die before Jesus' second coming. Many other time statements in the NT say the same thing. When you compare them all together it requires a 1st century fulfillment. There is no "interpretation" as you say. Christians try to refuse what these passages plainly state. I go over this in the video. Full Preterism is the only way you can "save" Christianity but it still doesn't work for the reasons I explain in the longer version of the video.
@nikostzitzi4056 3 жыл бұрын
@@escapingchristianity8765 but the specific events in those sentences into the gospels, indeed are fulfilled(matthew24) the event in matthew 16 may as well talk about the glorified form in the mountain with elijah and moses. nevertheless, these things are not the case for the book of revelation, that draws from many prophets of the old testament and also from those completed events mentioned to redirect the prophecies to an even further fulfilment
@escapingchristianity8765 3 жыл бұрын
@@nikostzitzi4056 In Matt 16:27-28 The Jesus character says "he will reward everyone according to their works". The Mount of Transfiguration does not fit that. Revelation tells us 7 times at the beginning and ending of the book (Rev 1:1,3 & Rev 22:6,7,10,12,20) that the time was near for its fulfillment. Not something far off like Christians try to claim denying their own texts. Rev 22:12 is a direct quote from Matt 16:27 and the next verse Matt 16:28 limits it to the lifetime of the disciples. The entire NT says the same thing. There are no "multiple comings" of Jesus.
@jm1733 3 жыл бұрын
Universal salvation is true but salvation is the process of becoming free from sin and serving righteousness. This is an absolutely painful process of constant affliction and fiery trials to test the purity of those being saved, made free from sin. It happens in the furnace of affliction while the potter makes us a new vessel of honor, being made fit for the Masters use. It's the process of being delivered from the bondage of corruption into the liberty of the Sons of God. Christ has to come IN us for this to happen. He is the Good Shepherd and the only one with sound doctrine. No man comes to the Father any other way. Its the very painful process of much tribulation that is the adoption of Sons. Its filled with chastening and scourging as we are made into the image of Christ by Christ being formed IN us. It is extremely difficult and few find this narrow path in the present. If Christ is not our teacher, we will deceive people because He is the only one that can open our minds to understand scripture. There is no other way to experience the narrow path that leads to righteousness. It is full of judgement and chastening but eventually leads to peaceable fruits of righteousness. If you think that all prophecy has been fulfilled, you are still carnal and don't understand the scriptures.
@andyokus5735 3 жыл бұрын
You don't understand ethics and morality being a cultural condition. Just like profanity, in one land a word is a curse, in another a joke. You need your mind blown open son. You are Lost!
@andyokus5735 3 жыл бұрын
You don't understand ethics and morality being a cultural condition. Just like profanity, in one land a word is a curse, in another a joke. You need your mind blown open son. You are Lost!
@Mplsfitter539 Жыл бұрын
The living God "which" is the savior of all men.
@purpledoreen 4 жыл бұрын
What about John 1:12? Saved does mean eternal life. John chapter 3. Those who do not believe are condemned. You become a child of God once you believe which John 3:16 you enter into eternal life and John 3:3 you are born again into the spirit. There is a clear distinction between believers and nonbelievers and eternal life and eternal death. Can you elaborate on that?
@nistan3 4 жыл бұрын
Purple Elizabeth John is for the Jews in that time, not the gentiles. It was about them changing their minds from temple sacrifices and believing that Christ is the saviour. Think of it this way, if the only scriptures that made up the bible were the letters of Paul, what would you see? Peace
@escapingchristianity8765 4 жыл бұрын
@Purple Elizabeth Hello Elizabeth. Let me try to help. John 3 is spoken only to Jews. It's not for us today. The perishing (Greek word Apollumi used 92 times in the NT and most of the time it means physical death) is dying in Jerusalem in 70 AD. Eternal Life is the Greek phrase "Aionion Zoe". It is mistranslated as "eternal life". The Greek word Aionion does not mean eternal. It means "life of the age" or "age of life". What age? The messianic age (the new heavens and earth spiritual kingdom of Christ) that would come at the end of the age of law in 70 AD. Those who believed before 70 AD would not physically die in 70 AD under God's judgment and they also experienced the gifts of the Holy Spirit that were poured out on Pentecost and continued for 40 years (Micah 7:15) until the time of the end (end of OC Israel and the Law in 70 AD). So for example, John 3:36 and the "wrath of God still abides on Him" is Jesus telling those unbelieving Jews that He was speaking to that they would die in the Jerusalem in 70 AD if they did not believe in Him. John 1:12 is when a person simply recognizes what is already true for everyone. You just have to believe it. Notice how Paul speaks to the Greeks in Acts 17:22-31 and tells them they already belong to God but they need to stop doing it in an ignorant fashion because the judgment was coming in 70 AD. Aionion Zoe is the "life of the age" or the abundant life that Jesus came to bring people. It's not about going to heaven. There are no verses in the Bible that say believe in Jesus to go to heaven. It is about spiritually receiving Him into your heart when you realize that God loves everyone no matter what you do good or bad. This is why Jesus told His disciples to love their enemies so that you may be sons of your Father (Matt 5:43-48). Jesus also says at the beginning of John 3 that what is born of flesh is flesh and what is born of Spirit is spirit. Did we choose are physical birth? Not that we know of. We had no control over our looks or family or anything. Jesus describes the birth by the Spirit the same way. The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it but you don't know where it comes from or where it goes so is everyone born of the Spirit (John 3:6-8). In John 3:7 the "you" is plural in the Greek. He is referring to all of old covenant Israel. Their rebirth would happen in 70 AD when the Mosaic Law (human effort and religion) were fulfilled and taken away by God at Jerusalem's destruction. That was the condemnation that unbelievers would under go. They would lose their physical lives. But all of them would be saved (Romans 11:25-36). I hope this helps you.
@nistan3 4 жыл бұрын
All Bible Prophecy is Fulfilled Good explanation bro! Peace
@nistan3 3 жыл бұрын
Scott Bustamante Of course there is, if there were no hope for us, you wouldn’t be breathing right now. Scriptures say He is the God of the living not the dead, so if He is “all in all” as it says, we’ll, where are the dead? His love for us gives us more than Hope, it gives us assurance and peace.
@nistan3 3 жыл бұрын
Scott Bustamante Read Paul’s letters
@keitonstahley7471 Жыл бұрын
The real question you aren't asking or answering friend is this, "Is Jesus a Savior hypothetically come for all, or is He effectively the Savior of all. Its clear enough in this one verse that all means all people, and especially means especially. Nevertheless thank you for your thoughts. I did gain some knowledge.
@emailsender2312 3 жыл бұрын
You can't reduce the scriptures or teachings to a mathematical formula and it's necessary to look at all the scriptures on a subject, not just ones you think back your view. For example, the one you give says, "who is the savior of all men, especially of those who believe." Notice it uses the word "all". In Isaiah 45:25 it says, "In the Lord all the descendants of Israel shall be justified and shall glory." But we know from writings in the NT that not every single person of Israel was justified or saved. In fact Paul says in Romans 9:6, ".....For they are not ALL Israel who are of Israel." He is saying those who are of belief are considered the promised seed, not those in unbelief. Also see Romans 11:23 which says they have to turn from unbelief in order to be grafted into the olive tree. So if belief is necessary to be saved in the NT I don't see anything in the Bible which says that would change after 70AD and that everyone is saved whether they believe or not. Revelation 22:15 says there are some "outside" the city. So I don't see universalism being backed by the scriptures......(NKJV used for quotes here).......Mike in Missouri
@zhariahneville8705 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t think he was trying to reduce the scriptures to a simple formula. He is trying to help simplify the language so we have a background into what the scriptures are saying. While you can get a basic understanding by reading the scriptures blind, it is easier to understand when you have the historical context and the language use as well.
@emailsender2312 3 жыл бұрын
to:@@zhariahneville8705 --Reading and studying the scriptures is not reading them blindly at all. We are admonished to study as in 2nd Timothy 2:15 - "rightly dividing (discerning) the word of truth."
@zhariahneville8705 3 жыл бұрын
stlouis resident I’m sorry “blind” was not the right word. My point was that having a bit of historical context on the culture at the time and the language is helpful. I always encourage study! Blessings to you 💕
@SamOgilvieJr 3 жыл бұрын
@@emailsender2312, when that was written, it was understood that people of that age had cultural perspective and knowledge of the world of that day, particularly literary genres. For instance, fundamentalists today insist on inerrancy and taking the Bible literally. In the Old Testament age stories from the oral tradition, which included the two creation stories found in Genesis, were used as vehicles to "carry" or teach truths. The story itself was not the critical thing. Ignorance is creating a lot problems within the faith today. The idea that the Bible is self-explanatory and that recognition of historic customs and use of literary genres is not necessary is chief among them.
@emailsender2312 3 жыл бұрын
to;@@SamOgilvieJr --- 2nd Timothy 2:15 is still applicable to today. There are many literal things and events in the Bible but the key is knowing what the spiritual meaning is and what the Jewish writers of "that age" the old covenant age were communicating. For example, the new testament writers spoke of the "end of the age". Not an end of the physical earth or world. (Matthew 24:3). They had the age they were in and the "age to come". Which was "shortly to come". So the Jewish idiums are important and throw alot of people off today. The "new heavens and new earth" is another example. Old testament Israel had a "heavens and earth" which was their way of life under the Mosaic law covenant, the sacrificial system, their temple, etc. So when that passed away Jesus brought in the "new heavens and new earth" and "new Jerusalem" It has nothing to do with the physical planet or earth, mountains, trees, rivers, animals, bugs, etc., but has everything to do with redemption. So in a sense the Bible is self-explanatory if you read it properly.
@Patrick-sg7cm 9 ай бұрын
Not everyone who says, Lord Lord, will enter my kingdom. That verse debunks universalism.
@MasterporkyMinch 8 ай бұрын
How so ?
@Patrick-sg7cm 8 ай бұрын
@MasterporkyMinch according to the doctrine of universalism, everyone enters the Lord's kingdom. According to the gospel of Matthew, not everyone enters the Lord's kingdom. Do you believe in universalism or do you believe in Jesus's words quoted in the gospel of Matthew?
@tomy8339 3 жыл бұрын
So much for when Jesus said that the way is narrow and few find it. Jesus said clearly not all who call him Lord will be accepted and will be cast out. Jesus said those who don't believe on Him are condemned. I'll stick to what Jesus said.
@markdaniels1730 3 жыл бұрын
You can be a Christian Universalist and still affirm that: 1. The way is narrow and few find it. 2. Not all who call Jesus "Lord, Lord" will be accepted at the Judgement. 3. Those who do not believe on Him remain in condmenation. All those things are true, and YET, in the end, God will reconcile all things to Himself through Jesus (Colossians 1:20) and He will be all in all (1 Corinthians 15:22). It is true that there is judgement and condemnation for those who are outside Christ, but it is not true that God casts out anyone FOREVER, for it is written that the Lord will NOT reject anyone forever (Lamentations 3:31) because it is NOT His pleasure to torment and grieve the human race (Lamentations 3:33).
@bradleyhooper1408 3 жыл бұрын
Just because you go to prison, doesn’t mean you can never get out. Many will go to hell, but hell is not eternal. If you want to dig a bit deeper, read ‘The Inescapable Love of God’ by Thomas Talbott.
@jasonmyers8600 3 жыл бұрын
@@bradleyhooper1408 Hell is a mistranslation. HEL is a goddess of the under world in Norse mythology. The lake of fire is what Christ talked about, and that may be a purifying fire.
@chrisphillips4021 2 жыл бұрын
The gospels was old covenant. Jesus came to the Jews. He taught the Jews under the law of Moses. The way that was narrow was leaving the law system that God gave Moses that those Jesus was talking to had been faithful to for 1300 yrs. It was a system given from God. So most of the Jews were sticking to what they believed in through generations since Moses. Only a few of them turned to the teaching of Jesus as the way. Jews believe that the mosaic system of the tabernacle and preist was the way. And in 70 ad 1.1 million jews were slaughtered that continued in the broad belief of the old covenant way. But the few that took the narrow way or the kingdom teaching new covenant, believed Jesus when he said flee when you see Jerusalem surrounded and they were saved. Jesus came to the Jews under the law. Why in the world would he be continually teaching ppl 2000 yrs in the future about there lives and current political and president problems to Jews 2000 yrs ago. If he was the perfect teacher and was talking to you, then he gave a lot of nonsense to the Jews and had them believing that he was talking to them. Leading them on as if they were actually relevant to him. Lunacy. I talk to ppl about our current issue. Not to future generations while giving the impression to the person In front of me it's them I'm talking to. He came to fulfill the law and prophets. He said he did the work he was sent to do. He said that red letters. But yet we waiting on China to nuke us and piles of clothes all over the place. But I'm the crazy heretic for using common logic that a letter written to a specific person about a specific issue at the current time of letter is actually to that person instead of John Doe in 2022. Ha. I'ma start applying that theology to my bills in the mail. That ain't my bill even if my name and address is on it. Naw a man 2000 yrs from now gone have to pay that not me. Lol
@brucecawlfield4909 2 жыл бұрын
@@markdaniels1730 Amen bro 100%!
@Used777_07 Жыл бұрын
At the final Judgment, at the end of this present Age, men will be judged either out of the individual book they chose to live by (their sins judge them, having no righteousness of Christ), or all Believers will be judged out of the one Lamb's Book of Life, their sins having been washed and covered by the Blood. If all will be saved, there wouldn't be separate books in the judgment. Revelation 20:12 KJV And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; *_and the books were opened:_* and *_another book was opened, which is the book of life:_* and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
@escapingchristianity8765 Жыл бұрын
I am no longer a Christian. If you are interested, you can refer to my last video (Christianity's Fatal Problem Revisited) as to one of the main reasons why I left Christianity.
@acetheo6864 2 жыл бұрын
God was in Christ. -- II COR 5:18-19
@Shawn-hs8qk 2 жыл бұрын
YT channel Heather R 70 weeks
@dieselcowboy777 4 жыл бұрын
The restoration of all things or all truths thst the book of acts speaks of took place in the generation of Israel putting forth it's buds which is Israel becoming a nation again......that is the generation that all things or all truths are fulfilled..... Those 2 scriptures are talking about the same event....and those 2 scriptures were fulfilled in that generation during the mass Pentecostal revivals of the 40's and 50's and 60's.... God sent these mass Pentecostal revivals of the 40's and 50's and 60's for the very purpose of restoring all thingd or sll truths....and that is why all things or all truths are fulfilled today
@markdaniels1730 3 жыл бұрын
Israel "becoming a nation again" has nothing to do with Colossians 1:20.
@anthonydomenico930 Жыл бұрын
So your 777 in your name 666
@dieselcowboy777 4 жыл бұрын
That isn't true at all....that sounds more like false catholic teaching
@noahwaters5341 3 жыл бұрын
@dieselcowboy777 false: Catholics teach false hell! Seek truth.
@dieselcowboy777 3 жыл бұрын
@@noahwaters5341 all prophecies werre not fulfilled in 70 a d... That is a false catholic teaching
@noahwaters5341 3 жыл бұрын
@@dieselcowboy777 I'm really concerned that your statements to me have nothing to do with anything that I'm saying in here.
@dieselcowboy777 3 жыл бұрын
@@noahwaters5341 hell isn't false but the idea that hell is eternal is false because hell was created and anything with a beginning has an ending....and hell will have an ending when it is cast into the lake of fire and destroyed
@noahwaters5341 3 жыл бұрын
@@dieselcowboy777 don't get away from the fact that the "hell" destroyed in the 'Lake of Fire' is the grave; and not only that but the empty grave; which before being thrown into the Lake of fire was emptied of "it's" dead... These "dead" were resurrected.
@freakylocz14 8 ай бұрын
Delusional until the end.
@dieselcowboy777 3 жыл бұрын
St Augustine is not the originator of calvisnisn.... Keep repeating garbage
@itzakehrenberg3449 3 жыл бұрын
What is "calvisnisn"?
@ZuoCruz 3 жыл бұрын
Gillaume Pouquette calvinism* some bullshit religion
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