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@HowToBeatYT3 жыл бұрын
Have a damn good day.
@derrickm2223 жыл бұрын
@@HowToBeatYT no u
@pigslol3 жыл бұрын
Noice man
@garygfgf44603 жыл бұрын
you too
@nice.52673 жыл бұрын
@@HowToBeatYT have a damn good day.
@will.sterrett3 жыл бұрын
Person: literally just goes to a coffee shop Cinema summary: *and THAT was his biggest mistake*
@theulmateunit6483 жыл бұрын
@OLIVE,,,,, 👇😍 "FUCK OFF"- Me
@Rbwck23 жыл бұрын
@elevatedx55633 жыл бұрын
@Luke-du6pe3 жыл бұрын
@@theulmateunit648 what.
@theulmateunit6483 жыл бұрын
A person was sponsoring a no no website
@carlitos59843 жыл бұрын
I fuckijg love how he starts it with “Somebody in this coffee shop is going to die”
@parrot_unique95773 жыл бұрын
the best part too is that he starts almost every video like that too, its just so blunt
@tarans99583 жыл бұрын
@snowyflare1993 жыл бұрын
@Taran S "It's fancy talk squidward"
@tarans99583 жыл бұрын
@@snowyflare199 whatever gacha stan.
@wesley80553 жыл бұрын
Whatever kiddo's, at least both of you know it's supposed to say 'fucking' so the j did its job
@desireesmith8623 жыл бұрын
I love how the spirit was talking to the baby like the baby would understand.
@espernova2283 жыл бұрын
"Da da do doo?" - the baby replied
@notmyname12083 жыл бұрын
Smoke dude: YOu WiLl DiE in FiVE DaYS! Baby: Gigi dada Pugu lala. Smoke dude: da fuk you say to me u lil shit? Baby: Gigi dada Pugu lala. Smoke dude: that's it, you only got three days now you lil shit.
@tiktok_content95053 жыл бұрын
@@notmyname1208 That smoke dude is a real hot head *Wheezing intensifies*
@notmyname12083 жыл бұрын
@@tiktok_content9505 why must we suffer like this god
@uglyboy60343 жыл бұрын
How fast are they? Get on a highway with a full tank
@Nixha982 жыл бұрын
The idea of three demons just showing up out of no where to jump you and then disappearing seconds later is kind of hilarious
@simpbeforeusleep Жыл бұрын
I’m glad I’m not the only one who found this movie funny
@Someone_Stole_My_Toast6358 Жыл бұрын
And don’t forget that they are black
@pepperpeterpiperpickled9805 Жыл бұрын
the idea came to the creator when 3 large black entities appearing from nowhere, jumped him and disappeared while he was visiting detroit
@pepperpeterpiperpickled9805 Жыл бұрын
its even funnier when they bring your half naked ghost back just to wail on you XD
@theotv5522 Жыл бұрын
at least he didn’t get gunned down
@wdywfara8453 жыл бұрын
I want to point out that when the demons are taking someone life they ignore everyone else but when the detective shoots one of them the demon gets annoyed and punches him. This could mean that they are strong but not invulnerable
@oo89623 жыл бұрын
Or they're just pissed off like "HOW DARE YOU MORTALS"
@anonguy7723 жыл бұрын
If I was doing my job and some asshole shot me with a bb gun I'd get pretty mad too :T At least that's how I see it
@meltedjax36193 жыл бұрын
Why would that make you assume theyre not invulnerable? Do you honestly believe that did even the slightest amount of damage? He was being defiant of the gods and paid for it thats all, nothing more, nothing less you cant honestly believe a bullet from a police issued pistol did damage to a literal god from hell.
@DaozuAzrael3 жыл бұрын
Low rank god
@thegk-verse42163 жыл бұрын
@@meltedjax3619 It may or may not have done damage, but we can clearly see that he recoiled. They aren't unphased by anything and it makes them very much stoppable.
@LoneEditor3 жыл бұрын
Imagine telling ur insurance company a giant smoke creature smashed the back of ur car
@metroboonk59613 жыл бұрын
this comment doesn't make sense since they'll believe that since its true
@ThisIsCharlieQuinn3 жыл бұрын
@@metroboonk5961 bro what
@adrielcruz27363 жыл бұрын
@@ThisIsCharlieQuinn I think he means there’s video evidence both from people recording and street cams, these guys aren’t exactly being secretive about their existence.
@masshysteria96573 жыл бұрын
@@metroboonk5961 who in the right mind would believe that statement? Picture this: You're a tired insurance broker, having multiple clients to keep in check. You're tired, really tired after a long day, especially yesterday and you haven't had a good sleep. Now suddenly this man comes up to you and he says _"Yo a 6 foot tall Buff-Gym-Bro-with-a-Thanos-Chin that also has concerningly large trap muscles that you can't even see his fucking neck - Pulverized my Honda Civic from 2011._ *_Can I have insurance?????"_* Sure, they are recorded and are up on the internet. But still, why give money to some guy that claims his Honda Civic was _flumberfucked_ by a Gigachad Meme that looks like it was drawn by some 5 year old.
@metroboonk59613 жыл бұрын
@@masshysteria9657 its literally broadcasted worldwide, the insurance company would obviously know that
@bobthebuilder63743 жыл бұрын
“If a pack of demons were hunting you down and their only goal was to drag you too hell, what would you do?” Probably get dragged to hell sir…
@etherealcannedfoods91583 жыл бұрын
@theblackx94293 жыл бұрын
C u there buds
@manowa33953 жыл бұрын
@Surnwtf3 жыл бұрын
I would simply say no and then they’ll have to stop since I didn’t give them my consent
@onegoalqj83913 жыл бұрын
@DewMan312 жыл бұрын
"But even in death, the demons from hell will resurrect their spirit and kill them" Damn! That's savage af!
@xiongboon Жыл бұрын
yeah man dying twice really sucks
@danmart96603 жыл бұрын
Imagine having the ability to phase through walls but still smashes cars. These demons are assholes
@Lxncee03 жыл бұрын
they are demons for a reason
@RanMouri823 жыл бұрын
It's not enough to claim the souls of the damned, but they also have to destroy my car and send my insurance rate skyrocketing.
@Potocalter3 жыл бұрын
gives me another reason to try and study the powers of harmony, their not only ugleh but also stoopid like atleast you could have been smort and ugleh or in reverse but no
@jesusisunstoppable44383 жыл бұрын
@@Potocalter your a kid
@darkwowplayer3 жыл бұрын
They *can't* phase through walls, they can only enter/exit portals to/from hell.
@theb68303 жыл бұрын
I like how he says how supernatural beings are unprofessional and how their methods of sending your soul to hell is inefficient. I love this channel
@magnusbane4203 жыл бұрын
He analyzes how to win from all sides
@thezombreaker6653 жыл бұрын
@@magnusbane420 except at the same time, he doesn't. He analyses opportunities and possibilities.
@burgersontoast3 жыл бұрын
That's the thing though. They are purposely making the deaths brutal, to make the other witnesses fear them. Otherwise people wouldn't give two shits if they gone out peacefully.
@Ven0m.snak33 жыл бұрын
it sounds like he knows a more efficient way of sending souls to hell
@isaac29863 жыл бұрын
He would be a great second in command for heaven lmaoo 😂
@Thatguy-cj9qw3 жыл бұрын
Cinema Summary: "if you're not doing everything in your power to protect the ones you love then you don't deserve them" *Also Cinema Summary in every other video: "family and friends are a liability and need to die"*
@leytonmakea98883 жыл бұрын
Lol funniest comment ever
@Jomster7773 жыл бұрын
Sometimes this guy is a walking contradiction and leaves out some details in his videos
@panhandlesomen3 жыл бұрын
Depends on the situation
@mikeflores96733 жыл бұрын
Or simply Cinema Summary knows he doesnt derserve his loved ones. (Joking)
@Conan-Le-Cimmerien3 жыл бұрын
Well you have to protect your assets for when you can sacrifice them
@thenightqueen02 жыл бұрын
The reason the detective didn’t film the cult leader’s execution, was because the cult leader threatened the detective with his daughter’s involvement, by helping with the cult leader’s murders through her “volunteer work”. The detective actually brought up that he could film the cult leaders death but didn’t because he wanted to protect his daughter.
@sunflash1012 жыл бұрын
The detective could've easily just filmed the demons spawning and killing the Chairman then not reveal his daughter's involvement with the murder. It was a huge loophole in the show. Outside of the detective's own sense of righteousness, he absolutely could've recorded the whole event, discredit the cult and arrowheads, and then kept his mouth shut about his daughter being a stupid teenager.
@dimecowren17802 жыл бұрын
@@sunflash101 Then the statement that the cult leader told the detective (basically that sin has nothing to do with the executions) would not be in the video and it would only show the cult leader being killed, which is the same as every other case. People could just say that he hid his own sins and still got punished, but the video would not prove the statement wrong. Meaning that "sinning and the executions are not related" can only be a theory
@The1Fox0122 жыл бұрын
Was gonna type this but you had it covered. Haha.
@Barnesofthenorth2 жыл бұрын
He could have filmed him still, there was nothing stopping him filming and not handing in his psychopath daughter.
@Barnesofthenorth2 жыл бұрын
@@dimecowren1780 it still shows the person who came up with the entire thing is bad enough to go to hell though so you can't trust him. And if that isn't enough why would they trust what he said before he died anywau
@PivotTeamButItsNotTeamAnymore3 жыл бұрын
I hoped that at the end, Doom Slayer would come to the scene and was like: ""Sorry I'm late"".
@acat97103 жыл бұрын
Now,lets get back to business *Pulls out doom shotgun*
@lunahix48153 жыл бұрын
Could we summon the Doom Slayer by playing the music?
@doritoboi35043 жыл бұрын
the thought of that gives me goosebumps
@zheilapancho67873 жыл бұрын
@@lunahix4815 YES
@SlaveLiberator3 жыл бұрын
@@lunahix4815 if we did that we would send a message to the demons that they are officially damned edit: thanks for the likes guys
@Syakirin573 жыл бұрын
I don’t think the monsters are all about brute strength, it is shown in the series they can change part of their bodies to something else like blade and tendrils, it can also move through walls so no amount of running and diving into narrow alley can save you lol
@destined-for-solitude3 жыл бұрын
hey you really cant beat these guys,even if theyre all brute strenght,,they can punch at 6k pounds of force,ill be dead on sight
@Hi-cu2vx3 жыл бұрын
What if you were flying through air ? Like on a mini plane which they can’t fit on
@killereye3 жыл бұрын
These monsters are gravity bound...a clear weakness indeed.
@lukensfaugue8863 жыл бұрын
@@killereye they can fly.
@noobslayer0693 жыл бұрын
@@Hi-cu2vx they would wreck it they will stop at nothing
@Gcool2433 жыл бұрын
Imagine telling the insurance company you weren’t in an accident and the damage is from a literal God of hell
@cadekojack91803 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure this would be covered under most "Act of God" clauses, since its literally an Act of God.
@justinbayless82843 жыл бұрын
Insurance doesn’t protect against acts of god. That is literally a thing
@cadekojack91803 жыл бұрын
@@justinbayless8284 Your right, that's what I was referring to but I had the liability flipped. Take my comment and reverse it.
@koreanpathfinder3 жыл бұрын
@@cadekojack9180 Then there will be a huge legal battle to determine if the use of "God" in that phrase refers to gods in general, or specifically the God of the Bible. Loophole maybe? Although, the insurance companies could definitely afford better lawyers.
@diamondartcraft82543 жыл бұрын
Can you please tell me where you got your profile picture
@aestheticcat89762 жыл бұрын
Brings me back to my point, Asian movies and TV shows are some of the best when it comes to concepts. Also when they do horror movies or TV shows, they don't usually overdo jumpscares like some western horror movies or TV shows. I find it enjoyable, there's a lot of other ways to scare an audience that doesn't entail a loud sudden noise or creature jumping out at you.
@loturzelrestaurant2 жыл бұрын
Aww, Man, i wished there was a kind of channel dealing with the Messages of ‚Hellbound’. KZbinrs covering Cults, Radicalization and just-in-general problems with Religion. We could name this imaginary Branch... Atheist-KZbinr? And they could have all kinds of names, like Prophet of Zod, Logicked, Darkmatter2525, Genetically Modified Sceptic, Viced Rhino, Belief It Or Not and whatnotelse.
@karentladi74982 жыл бұрын
I agree. Korean content is the best in my view.
@vhlainthegreat96983 жыл бұрын
The main point of series why it's scary isn't especially focus on hellbound monsters. It's focusing on how scary the society reacted on it like the irony of New Truth cult or Arrowhead.
@jop27353 жыл бұрын
Religion does that huh
@Hanatatami3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! The most scary and tense parts are ones where the monsters aren't even there.
@supersaitamaone14403 жыл бұрын
pretty sure every form of belief can turn radical like this. Remember during the first months of covid? people believe they can get Covid from pets, so in china they threw their dogs outside of their apartment windows. how about abortion, some people believe that a child is not alive as long as its inside the mothe. so for some reason 9-month abortion is legal in some parts of US.
@supersaitamaone14403 жыл бұрын
@Sarbi Momud religion is just part of a small problem. how about culture?tribal mindset?skin color?as long as we have this differences some fuckwits will just show up and do dumb things. also, once a country is too big, people just became numbers, so i dont really see a 1 government for all system to work..just look at china. They flooded a whole village just to save repair cost to a nearby city..they pretty much decided who live and die based on numbers.
@user-pm4ko9uk8g3 жыл бұрын
@TheRealGuywithoutaMustache3 жыл бұрын
Cinema Summary: “If it were me, I would research every video I could find to study how to take advantage of these guys” Me: “If it were me I’d simply watch all of Cinema Summary’s videos”
@ooreho3 жыл бұрын
@ooreho3 жыл бұрын
I would do it myself since I am built different 😎😎
@Boxdx23 жыл бұрын
@trainrek52043 жыл бұрын
Yea because you have nothing to else to do lol
@Epicgamer-ti9lc3 жыл бұрын
@@ooreho oof
@blazenfate3 жыл бұрын
"Resurrect their spirit and kill them" Now that is dedication 👏
@mikhail24593 жыл бұрын
pure dedication
@aisnota51923 жыл бұрын
It is literally Alex the Lions' threat of "dig you up and clone you, and kill all your clones".
@grand_howler3 жыл бұрын
B K, your pfp is dope as hell
@ownerfate3 жыл бұрын
Makes that quote "If we die, i'm gonna kill you!" even funnier.
@normalhuman98782 жыл бұрын
How to survive: just say no, the demons can’t legally drag you to hell without your consent
@shubhampathak-gi9nh Жыл бұрын
😄 No 👻☠️
@giin97 Жыл бұрын
@barnabusdoyle4930 Жыл бұрын
The real twist to be revealed in the next season is that the monsters are actually taking you to the afterlife and it’s actually similar to heaven
@firesidewithsumgai9932 Жыл бұрын
Tell them your pronouns.
@TbV-st8ef Жыл бұрын
They will just send the " consentor" to make you agree
@bagman123ABC3 жыл бұрын
cheers this will come in handy when i have to face the hell gods
@stonksman94413 жыл бұрын
Good luck
@bagman123ABC3 жыл бұрын
@@stonksman9441 thank you stonks man but i don't need 'luck'for i watch a man who tells you how to get through zombies,demons,crazy people or yourself so i have now achieved god-like powers
@kylegraham73633 жыл бұрын
Here i coome 👹
@Uncharted89073 жыл бұрын
@@kylegraham7363 "Here I come" 🤡
@tvgaming21323 жыл бұрын
@@Uncharted8907 he knew what he was saying, he's getting some bodies in hell
@chogiwoah3 жыл бұрын
i love how every beginning is just *shows a frame where everyone is chilling* "someone here is going to D I E"
@samahbaker30763 жыл бұрын
LOL true
@RanMouri823 жыл бұрын
It just sets the mood so well!
@zainelhallak51493 жыл бұрын
Every time lmao
@jujukratos75583 жыл бұрын
Person:goes to save his friends Cinema summary: that was one of the dumbest things to do
@abertual71763 жыл бұрын
neutral endin: it was a huge mistake
@thethreeannoyingbrothers74983 жыл бұрын
@ThisIsCharlieQuinn3 жыл бұрын
@uglyrat8313 жыл бұрын
Haha laugh emoji laugh emoji laugh emoji
@joshwright47993 жыл бұрын
Juju the young prodigy who will win the fight superman & supergirl or hell gods and why?
@kenjo435 Жыл бұрын
Bro when the spirit randomly picked the baby it was so damn funny, imagine the baby just drooling and looking up at the spirit while it tries to tell it that its about to die 💀
@siddharthnair52283 жыл бұрын
I think since the parents (2 souls) died instead of the baby (1 soul) another random soul was sent back (park jungja) to compensate. I think season 2 people will dvelve more into this and try to bring back their loved ones by killing/sacrificing others during the demonstration.
@FaceFamous3 жыл бұрын
If the theory you presented is correct. Then 2 random ones should of came back. Because 2 random ones were taken. The original soul, the baby, was not taken.
@siddharthnair52283 жыл бұрын
@@FaceFamous no but one soul was meant to die but on that day two died (one extra life was taken) hence one random life was given back as compensation. Or maybe its a rule of theirs? Like two souls for one life? Idk, its just a theory.
@naofumi56403 жыл бұрын
Did cinema summary cover the whole 1st season? Or there are some episodes i can still watch?
@siddharthnair52283 жыл бұрын
@@naofumi5640 he covered the whole season 1
@Angriffskuchen3 жыл бұрын
@@naofumi5640 you can still watch the season since he can't cover every little fact. You will always get more information by watching the series
@kervinsingh62133 жыл бұрын
28:33 putting the family in a concrete vault is a decent idea but what if the demon's portal appear inside the vault? my suggestion would be to test the portal's capabilities. For example, 30 minutes before your death, you take a 13 hour flight using a small private jet that circles around the airbase for 13 hours or smth. Next prepare a parachute if the portal somehow manages to appear in the small private airplane. Then, jump off airplane and land on the airbase below and board a new airplane again, repeating the steps until they hopefully disappears. Cinema Summary's idea of hiding in sewers is brilliant too as it provides a narrow corridor for u to escape but not the huge monsters.
@rinkimiru3 жыл бұрын
The portal could appear on top of the airplane or inside, then you jump, then another monster jumps on your parachute. Wouldnt be effective
@KOSJ1533 жыл бұрын
@@rinkimiru Could could, that's why we are testing here. First thing I thought of was flying as well but in a small craft so they can't teleport in a big open cabin. This sort of thing would be really interesting to test as horrifying as it is.
@ShadowPhoenix823 жыл бұрын
@@KOSJ153 but not on yourself. Kevin and yourself are suggesting you test yourself when you get a decree. That depends on how much time the decree is, I suppose.
@walkermcmullin86653 жыл бұрын
Imagine you wingsuit out of a plane to escape your fate only to see the bois rolling up flapping their arms like wings.
@aikslf3 жыл бұрын
@@rinkimiru you don't deploy your parachute the moment you jump. the monsters are heavier, so they'll fall faster and you can try to dodge them if they dive for you. then try to extend your limbs out to create more surface area for air resistance to slow your fall further. by the time you get to the ground, they might be gone.
@phantom1a23 жыл бұрын
My idea would be to calculate things and waste my money for a skydiving tour, and as the hour sets in I jump out of the plane at the highest place possible, it takes aproximately 5 minutes per 1000 meters, so if you activate the parachute at 4km, you would be falling for 20 meters, and since they can't fly, and the existance of the time limit being their weakness, in theory you'd win, or at least die 20 minutes after your supposed death time
@phantom1a23 жыл бұрын
or just buy a plane ticket to a place far away, (if monsters could portal into the jet then just go onto a few hour tour in a cesna plane)
@kaiserhundkek25313 жыл бұрын
@@phantom1a2 I say New York to Tahiti
@philip84983 жыл бұрын
eh, they would probably just wait on the ground for you. they dont seem to have a timelimit to kill you as long as they get it done at some point. as a society we should look for ways to kill the monsters permanently. take people destined for hell to a nuclear testing ground and see if the monsters can survive multiple warheads to the face. if they can survive that then we might aswell role over and die because they wont stop until their victims are in hell and nothing we cant build is powerful enough to stop them.
@zirocool943 жыл бұрын
@@philip8498 this is the question, like someone else pointed out, they sentence specific times for someones death and beeing only 1 minute late would contretict the sentence. And one thing is pritty constant in many stories and lores about demons, they take their contracts very serious
@aTypicalMushroom3 жыл бұрын
@@zirocool94 yah if you know when you will die, and it goes way over. Then by logic they broke their own contract and youd survive.
@xHarlequinn2 жыл бұрын
spirits was so petty they gave bro a prophecy soon as he spawned in 💀
@imdone-cat52002 жыл бұрын
But nah, let's talk about before that. They literally brought that one dude back to life after he had off'ed himself, just to beat him to a pulp and kill him again. That sh-t is so god damn petty. 💀 That's literally the definition of; "Nah, this is how you do it!"
@xHarlequinn2 жыл бұрын
@@imdone-cat5200 💀💀 bro wanted to rest in peace they said naw
@imdone-cat52002 жыл бұрын
@@xHarlequinn They literally did though. Chucked this mans ghost and everything. 😂😂
@vietcong2997 Жыл бұрын
Fucking spawn killers, no skill L
@Godzilladino Жыл бұрын
These things are evil AF. Killing dead people and then bringing them to hell, giving someone a prophecy on her birthday, giving a newborn a prophecy etc. I guess it's typical of demons to be messed up in all fiction though
@dank...3 жыл бұрын
imagine being in a coffe shop and then you hear a mumbled voice say: "somebody in this coffee shop is going to die" and then proceed to say exactly what you're doing as you're doing it. my nightmares.
@someguywithawooperpfp31633 жыл бұрын
and then while running for your life that voice proceeds to talk about genshin impact
@Uncharted_Anxiety3 жыл бұрын
So... You just have a Narrator Naratting your Life.
@aircloud17953 жыл бұрын
@@someguywithawooperpfp3163 and life insurance plans
@someguywithawooperpfp31633 жыл бұрын
@@aircloud1795 lol
@cheiftainvulpix3 жыл бұрын
Newborn child: *breathes* Hell: Damn, guess it's going to hell.
@Miguel140833 жыл бұрын
@benjaminstacks6443 жыл бұрын
“The baby released co2 which is a greenhouse gas which heats up the earth” hell, probably
@InsaneLaughter013 жыл бұрын
That’s literally the Catholic Church. If you don’t have a pedo with a squirt gun chant over your kid in an exspensive ritual before they die, everyone says your kid is going to hell. That’s literally a thing.
@Shadowsans993 жыл бұрын
@lucaventinove31513 жыл бұрын
@@InsaneLaughter01 That's not true BTW, you don't go to hell if you aren't baptized before being able to even hear or understand Jesus's message. Even after that, you don't go to the bad part of hell as long as you don't commit any sin, you instead go to the actually good part of hell waiting for Judgement Day, which is when you'll go to heaven
@altaccount93513 жыл бұрын
The scariest thing about this is that death isn’t the end, and when you die, you get to experience eternal suffering. At least with most killers you can be dead and done.
@justinbayless82843 жыл бұрын
Welcome to the point of most religions.
@jimvoozhenzhan84353 жыл бұрын
well kinda, its implied at the end that these souls are actually sent to a different sort of hell than the Hell we know of, in this "Other Hell" Demons seem to torture the souls for what *seems* to be an eternity but the victims will eventually resurrect at around I dunno 4 years time
@berserkemblem20913 жыл бұрын
@@justinbayless8284 Fr most of the top religions are like this
@Iominia3 жыл бұрын
@@justinbayless8284 I mean- for my religion, the concept of Hell is reserved primarily for the absolute worst that humanity has to offer, and even then only those who refuse to repent of the sins they have committed. Otherwise either A.) Heaven or B.) Purgatory, which is temporary and permits you to go to Heaven afterwards. I'm not trying to convert you or anything, just letting you know that Hell typically isn't the focus of most modern religions.
@sadnes40623 жыл бұрын
ngl i kinda think that killers are acually sparing our lives from eternal torture because they kill us when we havent done anything wrong instead of dying from old age or a accident after doing something bad so technicaly they are taking our burdens and saving us if u think about us
@Ultimatedog-wk4sp2 жыл бұрын
Lmao I love how the spirit went up to the baby and said "you going for in 3 days"
@U_lplays8 ай бұрын
Kinda sad :( I hate it when babys. Get abandoned and killed:((( 😭😭
@ren4issance-7543 жыл бұрын
I now enter every room like cinema summary by announcing: “These people are having the time of their lives, but what they don’t know is that they’re all about to die.”
@thundermcking95553 жыл бұрын
I entered my class room saying that and now I am in jail
@OzielTheServal3 жыл бұрын
@@thundermcking9555 A small price to pay for a little trolling.
@rprz_Baowao3 жыл бұрын
Some people don’t realize that he always tell us how to beat the problems but in this he basically said “Fuck it you cant beat them now watch people die”
@sjahbw3 жыл бұрын
@dredvax3 жыл бұрын
That's what I was thinking. It's literally a situation you can NOT beat. Especially with that concrete diameter crap, those demons can teleport and phase through objects.
@Imnotsurewhatthisis3243 жыл бұрын
@twohalfbreak66753 жыл бұрын
@@dredvax why they even bother to destroy walls just phase
@itsDjjayyArt3 жыл бұрын
@@twohalfbreak6675 exactly
@endurourbanfreeride38013 жыл бұрын
"The leader promises that the girl is safe" Name one movie where that's actually true.
@viderevero13383 жыл бұрын
Well...there are those stories where they have a huge plottwist, and the captured girl becomes evil. So they're technically safe...? At least until the MC has to end up killing them.
@nnnnneo3 жыл бұрын
Movies where the main character is the leader
@alex2005z3 жыл бұрын
@@nnnnneo even then sometimes the girl dies, as an "incentive" for the MC to do something
@vinceallermo96343 жыл бұрын
Love how every movie is there is one person who is gonna say ''I aM gOnnA pRotEcT yOu'' then one of them ends up dying
@eudi80833 жыл бұрын
Saw II (I think) is maybe the only good example
@spectrepar24582 жыл бұрын
The demon reacted when shot. It didn’t do much but it did something. I wonder what would happen if you lit it up with something like a auto cannon or gave the victim significant quantities of explosives for when the demons came for them.
@slevinchannel75892 жыл бұрын
Cults are so weird, no wonder many cover them epicly: Telltale. Or Genetically Modified Sceptic.
@spectrepar24582 жыл бұрын
@@slevinchannel7589 im in telltales server actually. I should try to get him to cover this
@dumfukslikeyou5472 жыл бұрын
i say we RPG the demons and see what happens
@AndrewBarsky2 жыл бұрын
The 50 cal from Rambo or an rpg may do the trick
@sadderwhiskeymann7 ай бұрын
they're made of smoke. a big ass fan or a jet turbine maybe? 😁
@GabrielGomes-lc1ef3 жыл бұрын
I think they only have 1 minute to kill you. The reasoning is that if you're given a sentence to die at 1:20, getting killed at 1:21 would contradict the sentence, making it false. And i assume they want to play by the rules.
@kaiserhundkek25313 жыл бұрын
Yeah, even if these are demons going against the rules, demons still abide by them by nature like all beings with form
@SourceOfUs3 жыл бұрын
That’s probably why they’re so bulky and strong, so they can juggernaut there way through everything to take you before a minutes passes
@mihailxenokalakis73103 жыл бұрын
But the time window between the baby's death sentence and the former arrowhead shaman was 5min. Right after the parents successfully defended their baby he walks up to the corpse check for the baby and the hellbound Chad meme figure came out of nowhere to kill him.
@joegun42593 жыл бұрын
Huh, that's actually a good point
@MohammedKHan-eu6hz3 жыл бұрын
well I think ti actually depends because for one of them it said there death sentence was 3 pm right so I think the window would be from 3:00-3:59 instead of 3:00 to 3:01
@dinninfreeman20143 жыл бұрын
I would use home field advantage and prepare with as many different spiritual trinkets, tapis, guards, and weapons, as I can. Salt circles, garlic, crosses, holy water, Shinto shrines, stars of David, holy water from 3 denominations of religion, talismans, silver dagger exc. Then test all of these against the demons while taking evasive manuvers.
@reverseflashfacts60933 жыл бұрын
And as a precaution, legal cocaine
@deosacyaten22453 жыл бұрын
@recon62213 жыл бұрын
"Evasive maneuvers" Good luck having the stamina to do that lol
@drigonfirefox3 жыл бұрын
@@recon6221 that's what the cocaine is for
@shlux3 жыл бұрын
I would just tell my mother and she would tell the demons to go to time out.
@GamerGuyHere1233 жыл бұрын
Spoiler: There seems to be 1 way of beating them which is to essentially be surrounded by those you love who are willing to sacrifice themselves for you like in the end. The baby was unharmed while the mom and dad died. So essentially sacrifice others by means of love or affection. Or another way is to just get your soul taken as like at the end with the woman, you seem to get reborn or something. But idk about that part.
@jumpyyjasminee53153 жыл бұрын
maybe if extra souls were taken it would revive the people who have been wronged by trying to expose or go against the actual sinners, considering this "hell" could still be well sometimes matter on sins. Since for example the dad soul replaced the babies, the baby wasnt killed. But since the mother was also exposed to the soul sucking magic she couldve been taken too thats why the revival of the lawyer. maybe thats why?
@exems4393 жыл бұрын
just skydive
@galaxyriderx513 жыл бұрын
In other word use other as meat shield ...
@Shadowsans993 жыл бұрын
Me a plants vs zombirs player knowing i can sacrifice plant souls:playing 9 dimensional chess*
@retrosazer3 жыл бұрын
so just harry potter
@theotv5522 Жыл бұрын
“If demons come to drag you to hell, what would you do?” Grey Knights: “Good, they will lead me to more demons”
@HazardousHazard145 ай бұрын
@sigh8243 жыл бұрын
I’m kinda surprised none of them tried to get their punishment in the church, as sort of a last ditch effort to get saved. Getting the shit beaten out of you in the house of the lord, probably would’ve been a good indication that it’s not god
@akanchhaaryal46423 жыл бұрын
They aren’t Christ. It was a new kind of religion.
@panthor109thabest73 жыл бұрын
@@akanchhaaryal4642 It was based of of Catholicism. I remember hearing a line about it but I kind of forgot what scene, I wasn't paying much attention at the time. So the church thing would probably work, or at least raise questions about it really being God doing this.
@dr.bright13423 жыл бұрын
That most likely won't work, as he said, today's society is more virtuous than ever, then why are those demons attacking now? And plus, the concept of hell stands in many religions, so you cannot be 100 percent sure that "Jésus" will protect them. According to me, these beings operate on a certain authority's demands, but it's neither God, or Jesus or anyone who has been around forever. It looks more like an idealistic person discovered how to break the natural order. Religion will get you killed in this case. I'd ask you to requisition the army. Get tanks, missiles, guns, you name it.
@thespanishinquisition40783 жыл бұрын
@@dr.bright1342 it's not about wether it would work or not, it is about wether desperate people would do it. it is indeed extremely strange that not even one of the damned thought taking refuge on one of the cult's churched would be the best option for them. Of course it wouldn't work and we know that, but THEY don't.
@dr.bright13423 жыл бұрын
@@thespanishinquisition4078 I am pretty sure that some people did die in a church. I am just confused that why didn't anyone try using heavy weaponry.
@JOAT20033 жыл бұрын
There's NO way to beat hellbound From what we have seen, Even if we cover ourself with 10 meter thick concrete These monsters can teleport/manifest inside the darn thing But this also gives us a new clue Souls can be exchanged. The parent's souls were taken instead of the baby's. If it were me, I would offer to pay someone for their entire family's expense after this individual's death Or if worse comes to worse, Kidnap them and knock them out, Using them like a soul sheild so the monsters let me live. I know it's brutal or unfair for the other families But Given as how these monsters behave/act This is one of the few Things that could actually save me.
@PecsaV3 жыл бұрын
Although just because they used a portal doesn’t mean they actually are families, come on they are demons, I can’t imagine 4 demons eating at a McMuerte, And if they see you kidnapped one of them somehow they wouldn’t even care because they are demons.
@JOAT20033 жыл бұрын
@@PecsaV I don't think you understand what I said- Im talking about kidnapping a human or multiple humans to cover myself with so my sould is left intact How tf do you even kidnap a demon?
@PecsaV3 жыл бұрын
@@JOAT2003 Oh ok
@burnttoast53723 жыл бұрын
Likely they can't manifest in a space smaller than themselves, something I would test
@PecsaV3 жыл бұрын
@@burnttoast5372 In a part of the video a portal just appeared and hands dragged the person to hell, so you can’t be smaller than a hand.
@Avigorus3 жыл бұрын
My big question: what happens if you're in an airplane when they are scheduled to attack? Do they just follow you on the ground until you land? Do they attack you in the air? Something else?
@Lenoh2 жыл бұрын
A lot of people experience sudden explosive decompression as you are punched through either a door or, if you’re unlucky, a window.
@umbrella11882 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure the portal will just appear on the plane your on and they'll attack then
@ghoshtanisha83432 жыл бұрын
I think they will attack you and everyone in the plane will die because we know that the couple who didn't get the decree but died trying to protect their child
@louiscypher41862 жыл бұрын
My instant thought was jump on a plane.
@darkySp2 жыл бұрын
@@ghoshtanisha8343 That was different. The parents surrounded the child and the demons took their souls and left the baby. The parents SACRIFICED themselves for the baby. That's the only exception to their "rule", where they hunt and kill the one person they're supposed to send to hell. Bystanders are left alone. Jumping on the plane to kill one guy and end up killing everyone on the place, seems like it's heavily going against those demons' "rule", if you can even call it that.
@HLidaze2 жыл бұрын
If your not willing to do anything to protect those you love, you dont deserve them. As a recap channel it still punches you in the feels
@skyesfury85113 жыл бұрын
Collectors from Hell: **smash things up like discount Hulk** Cinema Summary: "That's inefficient"
@redwolf293 жыл бұрын
“Before someone dies they are visited by a spirit” The spirit/creature - *causes a ton of colateral damage, maybe/definitely crushing people in the process*
@avatar58113 жыл бұрын
In the Philippines,🇵🇭 sometimes if we are being hunted by monster creatures or ghosts, some of us seek help or consult the witch doctor (Albularyo)
@panhandlesomen3 жыл бұрын
@@avatar5811 I bet that in that universe, the Philippines is rich because of them
@avatar58113 жыл бұрын
@@panhandlesomen yup
@ΆγγελοςΜορίκης-ζ2ω3 жыл бұрын
@mortarion98133 жыл бұрын
@@avatar5811 I can already see the people who get targetted being repeatedly lightly smacked by a bundle of long grass.
@ramdayal36463 жыл бұрын
29:01 "if You're not doing everything you can to fight for the ones you love then you don't deserve them." Well Said Bro.. Well Said
@Shadowsans993 жыл бұрын
Every other vid : kill them
@anhelaanhela4996 Жыл бұрын
He says to abandon your kids, wife, siblings, parents, friends, girlfriends, boyfriends and everyone else in literally every single video this is so silly lmao.
@vzn. Жыл бұрын
@@anhelaanhela4996 that’s different bro
@mindassassin2 жыл бұрын
Resurrecting someone just so that you can kill them yourself is petty, but also a major power move.
@MoeAndTekila3 жыл бұрын
satan: "so what are you here for" person: "nothing, just your dumbass monsters" satan: "lmao"
@anonguy7723 жыл бұрын
Satan: Fucking hell, those kids again Person: Oh, so can I g- Satan: No lol
@Bt--pm8zb3 жыл бұрын
@Miguel140833 жыл бұрын
@Miguel140833 жыл бұрын
@@anonguy772 oh shit
@Shadowsans993 жыл бұрын
Can i go to hell please
@MantaRayRaygun3 жыл бұрын
Cinema Summary be like: "ok so the first mistake these guys made is that they were born. Studys have shown that being alive gives you a 100% schance of dying"
@gen1693 жыл бұрын
I dont wanna be that guy but its studies not studys and its chance not scanche
@yournaturalbuffguy72023 жыл бұрын
@@gen169 I don’t wanna be that guy but who asked?
@XxJDRoboticsGamingxXJDGaming3 жыл бұрын
@@gen169 I don't* wanna be that guy but it's* studies, not studys and it's chance, not schance*
@Kunson3 жыл бұрын
@@yournaturalbuffguy7202 no one needs to ask
@Kunson3 жыл бұрын
@@XxJDRoboticsGamingxXJDGaming yes
@SheNeverCared3 жыл бұрын
my girl gets mad at me for watching these sometimes she will wanna watch a movie and I'll already know the entire plot and complain about the mistakes the entire movie hahah
@kuvvrkguerrero64733 жыл бұрын
@futuremarine74913 жыл бұрын
Dont do it too much ok
@sjahbw3 жыл бұрын
@sunekun3 жыл бұрын
Theres one extra thing u can complain about: the product placement in movies. For example a guy is making breakfast for his wife and he pulls out Heinz mayonnaise and a bag of Hovis wholemeal bread from the fridge. Once u notice it, u can't stop noticing it. Many companies pay for their product to be featured in movies so this kind of thing is everywhere
@aikslf3 жыл бұрын
you can always watch the cinema summary vid on it after watching the movie
@greenmonster72912 жыл бұрын
When the grim reaper is on a vacation break but still needed to get the death streak going
@kribby.553 жыл бұрын
Me: "bro it's so sad the parents died for their baby" Cinema summary: "THAT PERFECT USE THE PARENTS AS A HUMAN SHIELD 🛡️"
@tartra3 жыл бұрын
@philip84983 жыл бұрын
that baby later grows up to start a youtube channel called cinema summary. his tendency to see everyone as a meatshield developed early in the childhood.
@dr.bright13423 жыл бұрын
@@philip8498 oh no
@randomtimetraveller76933 жыл бұрын
@@philip8498 hmmm
@Duality2222-23 жыл бұрын
Cinema Summary: if running away is our only option then we should have fun while doing that Some Random Dude: *running away from three smoking demons while holding his phone up playing Genshin Impact*
@RanMouri823 жыл бұрын
Hell itself is sponsored by Genshin Impact and Raid: Shadow Legends.
@mankeymon91183 жыл бұрын
My guess:The guy stayed in a glass door coffee shop because he knew he was gonna die but he didnt wanna die on his own so he hid behind the glass so when they break it others might die or get injured from the broken glass shards flying
@jesus-is-rad96843 жыл бұрын
I think of this when watching movies like the ring. I'd definitely be around a ton of people if I thought something like that might happen! What am I supposed to do!? Sit in a dark room by myself!? Uh nah
@refreshingspringwater3 жыл бұрын
If it were me, i'd just go somewhere isolated so nobody had to see or get hurt by my decision to stay in a populated area. That or kill myself (if I can) before those things get me. Shit looks terrifying, rather die in an almost painless manner by my own hands then get beated to a pulp then burnt alive. If I was going to hell i'd probably still feel the last part but not the beating at least. After finishing the show and the video II realised this shit is unbeatable. Guess I'm just screwed unless I sacrifice others.
@beenbanished3 жыл бұрын
@@refreshingspringwater Agree, although it’s possible not too many people were injured, there were for sure many traumatized
@@refreshingspringwater That's the thing though. In the show if you kill yourself, they resurrect you just to beat your ass down into hell.
@lasignora728 Жыл бұрын
“But if running away is our only option, we should at least have fun while doing it” *Cuts to Genshin sponsor* Well idk, playing Genshin while getting chased by three spawns of hell sounds fun right
@donsolo78603 жыл бұрын
“If trapping my family in a block of concrete is what it’s going to take to keep us together then that’s what I’m going to do” ya know in another movie you’d be the bad guy 😂
@cleo24903 жыл бұрын
what’s the name of this said movie? i’m actually kind of interested :0
@jaadn61973 жыл бұрын
@@cleo2490 I think they mean that they would be the bad guy in any other movie for treating their family like this. Not really a specific movie..
@dvshooligan8683 жыл бұрын
@@cleo2490 I'd assume it's a reference to the movie '10 Cloverfield Lane'.
@Storyskills Жыл бұрын
A good plot, a cult leader that locks everyone to "protect against supernatural demons"
@notadhdeveloper49943 жыл бұрын
There are probably three demons as a mocking of the trinity: the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit, which the demonic tend to do by doing everything in threes.
@aikslf3 жыл бұрын
But that's only a Christian interpretation not in the other Abrahamic religions, unlike the belief in a higher power and the afterlife, which is a shared belief. In Islam, the belief is that there is only one god who does not share their power with any other entities (unlike the trinity in Christianity) and is an entity without a sex and does not have parents, children, or a family. That would mean that your threes theory is just a theory, though still worth investigating. Unless they prove that these creatures have no connection to human religions or the afterlife.
@InsaneLaughter013 жыл бұрын
Humans have always given an meaning to three for a variety of reasons. But the simple fact is, it’s three demons because humans go “ooh three! Spooooooky!”
@john1443 жыл бұрын
@@aikslf Within the Christian faith there is one God in three forms: God the Father (spirit); God the Son (physical representation of God); and God the Holy Ghost (a piece of God that dwells within His followers). There's a common misconception that Christians are polytheistic, which isn't true.
@lilyliao95212 жыл бұрын
@@john144 still abrihamic
@john1442 жыл бұрын
@@lilyliao9521 It maybe abrahamic (which I don't see the what the issue is) but the poster's comment explaining the Christian faith was inaccurate.
@IDontWannaGo233 жыл бұрын
some dude: *walks home* "And that was his BIGGEST mistake"
@SylvesterAshcroft88 Жыл бұрын
The time limit thing might actually make sense, if they have to claim your soul at a certain time, it would also make sense that if you manage to evade them for over a minute, you may have a short reprieve, until they attempt again another day.
@Zeebs_ber3 жыл бұрын
Person: is born Cinema summary: and that was their biggest mistake, to avoid this they would need to kick as hard as they can causing the mother to fall over and crush the baby
@lucasfelipe83493 жыл бұрын
@EthanWintersLeftHand3 жыл бұрын
Cinema summary: and committing self Miscarriage was possibly the dumbest thing you could do, what you actually have to do is position your mother the right way and have her shoot you out like a potato cannon the minute the demons come. Once you land you will have to jump inside of another woman (or man) and shoot yourself out again, repeat until you reach approximately 48 years old.
@TheKing-qz9wd3 жыл бұрын
Choose: A) Return to darkness or whatever god awaits immeadiately B) Get a taste for the good parts of life between "now" and when the end comes. I like drawing so B.
@hatterino3 жыл бұрын
@@EthanWintersLeftHand What the actual fuck
@enderlord53473 жыл бұрын
Do the monsters follow time zones? Because they tend to follow specific rules and say a specific time, they just might follow time zones. If they do, you could use time zones to skip the execution.
@danielsusanto24753 жыл бұрын
Stay in the middle of the time zones to prevent death
@MyShiroyuki2 жыл бұрын
It’s likely a timer that starts the moment they tell you how much time you have left. A timer saying one hour will still say one hour even if you switch time zones.
@natefroggy36262 жыл бұрын
@@MyShiroyuki but what about one that says 1:20 like the first guy
@onyioti90832 жыл бұрын
@@natefroggy3626 you have already been told you will die in three days at 1.20..the timer is already set from the moment they arrive
@juliannecolosi2712 жыл бұрын
I think if they’re petty enough to bring a person back from Hell to beat them up and send them to Hell, that they’re also going to beat you up and send you to Hell. Probably going by the time zone you were in when the messenger sentenced you to die
@anonymousanonymous95873 жыл бұрын
The part where the parents die and the baby lives actually makes sense if you know Christianity A part of it is "Sacrifices" aka people killing innocent animals (like a newborn goat) to cleanse their own sins. (The idea is that the goat takes on the sins that damn the sinner, leaving the sinner cleaned.) The first sacrifice was the mother i'd guess, as she was the first one to protect. Her death was enough for hell to be pleased, as in a sense, they just need a soul they don't care if it's the target a soul is a soul Then hell realized they messed up when the FATHER dies too, now they have one too many souls and just think "F&#%, we gotta send one back" and just randomly chose the woman.
@sarahsmiles523 жыл бұрын
Sooooooo good! Great theory
@refreshingspringwater3 жыл бұрын
Bro that's a bit weird. So I could murder like 10 million people, kill millions of goats and then get off scotch free? Surely there's something preventing this loophole.
@anonymousanonymous95873 жыл бұрын
@@refreshingspringwater Nope, the humans as well as the goats have to be sent to hell first. If you threw those 10 million into an obliterator, then the next time they try to obliterate a person, you just yeet millions of goats, yeah you can get away with "murder" But that knife of yours doesn't count as sending a person to hell. (Tho in keeping in line with Christianity it IS possible that a slain goat that is "pure" will be accepted as a sacrifice)
@fieldy4093 жыл бұрын
@@refreshingspringwater Well God is an all knowing entity so I guess it'd know if you were actually genuine and sorry....
@alexico9092 жыл бұрын
You only need to know what the word "sacrifice" means, you don't need knowledge of Christianity lol
@pepperpeterpiperpickled9805 Жыл бұрын
*"If trapping my family in a block of concrete is what it takes to keep us together, then thats what im going to do"* isnt even the most sociopathic thing you've ever said
@SlavicDedede3 жыл бұрын
I love how everyone at 1:34 just tries to record the body after all that happened because I wouldn't be surprised if that happened irl
@builderbro54383 жыл бұрын
It actually did happen
@naonna13 жыл бұрын
CryptTV (here on youtube) has a monster called 'the rubbernecker' who kills folks if they record a death but do nothing to report it. - Fun little video.
@Chronotopia3 жыл бұрын
something similar like this happened. A girl in a train was getting sexually assaulted by a man, and no one helped her, no one called for help, they just recorded it. The reason why was because they wanted to show how society was horrible, and honestly, that's bullshit.
@Steammoch3 жыл бұрын
Can't wait for "How to survive Charlie and The chocolate factory"
@leeanntan90303 жыл бұрын
Don’t buy Wonka chocolates. Haahhahahaha
@horrorjakei88953 жыл бұрын
Just listen to him lmao
@sofiemeyer98003 жыл бұрын
Cinema Summary manages to do all this research and be so thorough in his videos, even though this series just came out! Huge respect for your dedication and hard work, CS!
@RedVelvet_EdgeMuffin3 жыл бұрын
Literally one of my favorite youtubers.
@RedVelvet_EdgeMuffin3 жыл бұрын
I could take his videos for breakfast lunch and dinner
@sofiemeyer98003 жыл бұрын
@@RedVelvet_EdgeMuffin CS, Nerd Explains and Dead Meat are my holy trinity
@sofiemeyer98003 жыл бұрын
@@RedVelvet_EdgeMuffin What about dessert?
@GlitterBug12212 жыл бұрын
The intro always just has me admitting that if any of these things were happening to me it would just be death immediately
@cleomenesewan3 жыл бұрын
I really love watching these videos, I find them so interesting Keep up the good work :)
@thethreeannoyingbrothers74983 жыл бұрын
same I only wacth them when I pretend to do schoolwork online😌
@SamSparks952 жыл бұрын
"Faith is not a replacement for knowledge." That was so profound
@loturzelrestaurant2 жыл бұрын
Aww, Man, i wished there was a kind of channel dealing with the Messages of ‚Hellbound’. KZbinrs covering Cults, Radicalization and just-in-general problems with Religion. We could name this imaginary Branch... Atheist-KZbinr? And they could have all kinds of names, like Prophet of Zod, Logicked, Darkmatter2525, Genetically Modified Sceptic, Viced Rhino, Belief It Or Not and whatnotelse.
@SamSparks952 жыл бұрын
@@loturzelrestaurant Bro what are you even talking about-?
@loturzelrestaurant2 жыл бұрын
@@SamSparks95 Uhm... you cant possible have missed the massive Religion-THEMES in this Show???
@SamSparks952 жыл бұрын
@@loturzelrestaurant um, I just like watching CS to see how he would beat things I literally have never watched this movie~
@soiledflapjacks19382 жыл бұрын
@@SamSparks95 He literally discussed it in this video, ya nincompoop
@Ixarus67133 жыл бұрын
Since the mother and father managed to trade their lives for the baby's survival and a random life I'd recommend the government tell anyone to contact them if they get told they will die, then the government get a death row prisoner and restrain them, the person is then kept in a sealed room underground until the monsters come and they hug the prisoner, the soul killing seems to be inprecise and will kill anyone in a short radius, thus accidentally also killing the prisoner, and when the extra life is taken the original cursed person is brought back, the government would watch the cctv and bring the person back up after they are safe. It's basically like trading a life for your own, and it's the best technique to stay alive.
@xeedflarian97483 жыл бұрын
Problem is the parents were willing it may not work for unwilling people.
@RedFlyingFox0073 жыл бұрын
@@xeedflarian9748 Also someone said the parents put together share the babies genes which is why the confusion happened in the first place
@xeedflarian97483 жыл бұрын
@@RedFlyingFox007 ooo that's a nice angle to look at it too!
@Jasuya2 жыл бұрын
*If you're not doing everything you can to fight for the ones you love then you don't deserve them -**_Cinema Sumamary_*
@tonyj97433 жыл бұрын
From what the show has shown, you can't even off yourself to avoid the savage beating these cavity Creeps are going to give you, so I'd probably get as hammered as possible so that my hell dragging is slightly less painful.
@potatogamer15783 жыл бұрын
This would be a great way to test if ghosts get drunk
@hellohello66083 жыл бұрын
@@potatogamer1578 tbh just let them kill you,according in the ending of season one you get revived lmao💀
@ml_hunter45863 жыл бұрын
@@hellohello6608 you don't it's because they took 2 lives not 1 Meaning they had to bring one back to make it only 1 life but not ur life
@hellohello66083 жыл бұрын
@@ml_hunter4586 i am confusion
@anubhavghosh76603 жыл бұрын
The concrete plan is bad, given that the monsters can teleport, and in one case came right out through the floor... Surpirsed how the usual demon killing stuff weren't used. The other idea would be to get going with a doomsday truck, and if there's a time limit for the beasts, and a big truck with supplies and fuel and an empty road... There can possibly no way the monsters could grab us. However it will be a life of running ever after, in case they chase a soul throughout
@Isheian3 жыл бұрын
Haveing not watched the series: I’m wondering if holy ground was tested. Or what was attempted…
@KyojoOchiru3 жыл бұрын
I think I may have a way but if the monsters is giving all they got to hunt their prey it means they have a limit of time to do so. I would suggest your opinion and run through any shallow places to hide in and wait for the time for example I was gonna get punished in 3:20 I will try to survive until 3:30 or above. If the monsters can't fulfil their goal on time then it means they have to retreat, like I said they're given everything they got to get the victim so they're doing it fast cause they need to do it on time. Just theory though
@lukensfaugue8863 жыл бұрын
It was never implied in the show that these guys have a time. In the first episode took quite a while for the monsters to catch up to the guy running. The time they give you is probably the time the juggernauts are going to show up
@scheelesgreen47882 жыл бұрын
This is basically Jill Valentine's worst nightmare. Its like 7 nemesis is running towards you
@PapeProductions.3 жыл бұрын
For the “always three” rule, I think they just have battle buddies, cuz u did without ur battle buddy.
@awing68193 жыл бұрын
Sounds just like my First Sergeant back in JROTC, course we didn't die without a battle buddy, just got into a load of trouble.
@dr.bright13423 жыл бұрын
@@awing6819 Yeah, but it's the same in horror movies, going alone leaves you exposed from many angles. Travelling in 2 or 3 person teams with weapons (MURICA) allows better protection. (But seriously, why don't American Horror movies allow the use of shotguns, or AR-15's)
@s2wuolf5083 жыл бұрын
Imagine if theres a hell bootcamp and angry cop drill sgt freaking reincarnates as the drill instructor of hell’s army and they internally hear screams of “WHERES YOUr BATTLE BUDDY”
@nikkimclellan-keizer77323 жыл бұрын
Instead of "waiting form partners." it's " WAITING FOR BROTHERS!"
@aikslf3 жыл бұрын
Someone has got to introduce these demons to the Death Note. These guys are so damn inefficient.
@CrunchyTheCrunch2 жыл бұрын
Yeah every time they come out it's one soul each. They finally got 2 souls with the parents but forgor the baby 👶.
Only if we had an actual death note
@Yourfairydreamer2 жыл бұрын
I had thoughts that chairman Jung was a Light Yagami on the first episode and that got debunked after episode 2 😆
@helloppl23082 жыл бұрын
Are you eating potato chips?
@@helloppl2308 yep
@multiaudacity13 жыл бұрын
"she's here to get her revenge" revenge for what ??? there's nothing to avenge, no one on earth killed her
@darkpinkgirl66843 жыл бұрын
ikr... that doesnt really make much sense to me
@LayeredTruths3 жыл бұрын
Maybe when the three demons arrive to kill another human, she be there to "kill" them instead? 🤔
@corvoattano41273 жыл бұрын
There was a few things he got wrong. Feels like the video was kind of rushed and he 110% tries to explain things when there isn't anything concrete to show he's right or wrong. There's also this idea that you should know everything that's happening despite that being impossible. The Sally-Anne test is something he should look into when making these videos.
@marcelm69833 жыл бұрын
Then watch the show? Lmfao. Spoiler alert: Her kids were sent off to Canada in the show, in case it was fake, they would be returned. The problem is, the contact they had in Canada was ?killed?, i don‘t remember what happened exactly, but she got betrayed. If you haven‘t watched the show, then don‘t question plot points.
@thebon58823 жыл бұрын
Maybe on the cult that spread lies
@Makowh2 жыл бұрын
Did anyone notice that the ghost face announcing the incoming doom seem to have a different face every time? In the announcing to the baby scene, it seems to have a much more baby face than the other times
@justyournormalgirl54 Жыл бұрын
@anhelaanhela4996 Жыл бұрын
It's literally the same you're tripping.
@monke64013 жыл бұрын
3:17 : we could use sewers to hide *literally shows the sewer from „it“ where a way more dangerous, human eating monster is lurking* Edit: yo thx for the likes I’ve never had this many I appreciate it
@A_swarm_of_bees_3 жыл бұрын
Really isn't that dangerous, just bully him to death
@monke64013 жыл бұрын
@@A_swarm_of_bees_ true xD
@kailaalyssavelasco60933 жыл бұрын
Let them fight.
@klsi81293 жыл бұрын
@@kailaalyssavelasco6093 lol the winner takes human xd
@Gamer-qw3ll3 жыл бұрын
Just don't be afraid or look at the dead lights Edit: This is how I would fight pennywise I'd have a mirror to reflect the lights and I would be closing my eyes and I would also have a knife.
@irinaneagu23053 жыл бұрын
I just love these kinds of videos! I started watching you when I was obssesed with The Banana Splits and I continued because I saw how good you explain everything! You are one of those KZbinrs who deserve that all 7.8 billion people on Earth subscribe to them! Keep going!
@Wasser_Saft3 жыл бұрын
Thats impossible cause not everyone has a phone/pc
@bhavneetkaur58833 жыл бұрын
Good way to ruin this guys comment
@SevenRedSunsOfficial3 жыл бұрын
but theres only 7.753 billion people...
@irinaneagu23053 жыл бұрын
You guys are right. I didn't take in consideration the fact that not everyone have acces to the internet and the fact that the world population went down. I'm sorry I did not mean to hurt/insult anyone of you. I am not the type to reseach something first but next time I will definitly reseach before writing!
@veratsia3 жыл бұрын
@@irinaneagu2305 you’ve nothing to apologize for ! You’re comment was and is so sweet the creators are definitely lucky to have fans like you!
If you figured out how to make a corpse look like it was killed by the demon guys, then it would be ridiculously easy to get away with murder. Cop: Oh, look, John was killed by a monster. Other cop: Oh how unfortunate. Nothing we could have done. His gold digger wife: *whistling*
@ΆγγελοςΜορίκης-ζ2ω3 жыл бұрын
youd first have to figure out that the selection of people is random and not based on sin(like murder)
@kuso76893 жыл бұрын
No spoilers but that does happen in the show. A character kills another and burns their body, and everyone assumes the demons did it because the police don’t take DNA evidence. They end up not taking the evidence because they assume the results will come back as inorganic matter like the other cases
@Ultra_vegitto7 ай бұрын
If a pack of demons were hunting you down and their only goal was to drag you too hell, what would you do? Me: Wtf CAN i do
@carcrusherscontent95343 жыл бұрын
“And if trapping my family in a block of concrete is what I have to do to stay to getter then that’s what I’m going to do” I know it’s harsh but it’s funny
@carcrusherscontent95343 жыл бұрын
4 to’s that’s a lot! Edit: wow thanks for the likes I was not expecting for that amount 😊
@plumber13372 жыл бұрын
If i noticed it correctly, the monsters don't go away until they get the soul, and in the case of the infant the sacrifice of the parents replaced the soul of the infant, but the monsters still got their soul. And also they got from underground when the cultist was going to end the infant, which leads to two things: They'll appear out of nowhere and stop at nothing until they get what they have to get.
@emperortime23562 жыл бұрын
Cultist wanted to isolate the baby from everybody else not kill the baby.
@blastergames13 жыл бұрын
Cool video, as always. I'd like to point out that you cant just hide, as by the final act of the movie we see them coming from the ground so it's a bit weird the way you suggested on how to survive them being simply hiding, since it doesnt matter if they can or cant break through it. Side note: Someone mentioned jumping from a helicopter with a parachute but even if it wasnt shown explicitly (beyond the dude at the end being grinded on walls) that they fly, it's a given that the mist-like form can be airborne. Conclusion: This scenario is unbeatable.
@nas70733 жыл бұрын
That's what I was about to point out too. Basically impossible to beat since they can come out anywhere and anytime.
@widepeepohappy19693 жыл бұрын
@@nas7073 anywhere true, anytime, not true, but im sure if they fail an attempt, they could easily come back randomly without a second warning message being brought out
@aociei67403 жыл бұрын
I think that still make sense because if the monster comes from the ground inside the enforcement concrete then the parents can run outside and the monster can't come out (there never show the monster pass through the object) so I guess it's still worth trying.
@nas70733 жыл бұрын
@@aociei6740 Them coming out of the ground would be the same thing as passing through solid concrete objects. Still wouldn't work.
@nas70733 жыл бұрын
@@widepeepohappy1969 Ah yes, I exaggerated too much on the "anytime", my apologies.
@TheDragonLegacy2 жыл бұрын
Imagine a ghost appears in your room and tells you on Friday you're going to get jumped by demons and these three 8ft tall bricks of muscle just demolishes you in public with 0 fucks.
@loturzelrestaurant2 жыл бұрын
Aww, Man, i wished there was a kind of channel dealing with the Messages of ‚Hellbound’. KZbinrs covering Cults, Radicalization and just-in-general problems with Religion. We could name this imaginary Branch... Atheist-KZbinr? And they could have all kinds of names, like Prophet of Zod, Logicked, Darkmatter2525, Genetically Modified Sceptic, Viced Rhino, Belief It Or Not and whatnotelse.
@BasementCorvid3 жыл бұрын
Imagine if this dude was a self aware superhero with the power to stop time and instead of helping hes just like *freezes frame* "And this was his biggest mistake"
@dashingflash3 жыл бұрын
This is probably the only channel who's sponsors i consistently support. First I bought trade coffee with your code, now I'm signing up for Genshin with your code Keep up the good work and have a damned good day!
@hydralily16463 жыл бұрын
Did you end up liking the game?
@wyattbailey18133 жыл бұрын
Just don’t get nord vpn
@prime45743 жыл бұрын
@@hydralily1646 he may be already playing the game before they got sponsored
@dashingflash3 жыл бұрын
@@hydralily1646 I downloaded it overnight, gonna try it today after my classes
@dashingflash3 жыл бұрын
@@prime4574 Nah I've heard of it but never gave it a chance until today
@gregoryantoine51763 жыл бұрын
Fun fact: When you are being chased by demons trying to kill you playing genshin impact is the best way to survie
@eighty75493 жыл бұрын
@ooi-lalaa-li2403 жыл бұрын
@KxrbonTh30ry3 жыл бұрын
No weebs allowed in hell
@pandadanda-xc3uq3 жыл бұрын
Not just fun, but indeed a fact
@twoohsimp14123 жыл бұрын
@@KxrbonTh30ry genshin isnt anime
@kasztanix6000 Жыл бұрын
"if a pack of blood-thirsty demons are hunting you down and their only goal is to drag you to hell, what would you do?" *Devil may cry, how may I help ya?*
@Psyrens2 жыл бұрын
Your baby box is a brilliant idea, makes me wonder how that kid would act when he got old enough to question breaking out in disbelief A movie about a child raised in an underground box, never allowed to leave, just having food and entertainment brought to him as he ages. As he gets older the parents eventually tell him why he's locked it there. "You are being protected from demons." A movie cataloging the mental struggles, disbelief and anger this would cause would be amazing.
@Oxios3 жыл бұрын
Cinema Summary: *casually applies to the SCP Foundation by suggesting we get all the divinely-selected D Class into a room to conduct experiments on their executions*
@kewk49333 жыл бұрын
I rather get my neck snapped by 173
@ml_hunter45863 жыл бұрын
@@kewk4933 Tru
@nikkimclellan-keizer77323 жыл бұрын
096 take me away from the demons.
@justarandomperson89263 жыл бұрын
@@kewk4933 me too instant death wont hurt you at all
@scpfoundation87573 жыл бұрын
@QueenKittles3 жыл бұрын
I can't be the only person hysterically laughing when the smokey demons come out and beat the bricks outta these people. it's so unnecessary and so so funny 😣
@Dat-Boi-Camoja3 жыл бұрын
Bruh lmaooo even the woman who was sitting in the chair or the first chairman they were both sitting chilling, they could’ve burned the bodies no problem.. *BUT NO THEY MUST BEAT YOUR ASS FIRST OR BITE YOU* 😂💀
@QueenKittles3 жыл бұрын
@@Dat-Boi-Camoja I love that the first five minutes you some random dude getting combo pummled💀 why did they slide his face across the bus??? what was the point 😭😂😂
@Dat-Boi-Camoja3 жыл бұрын
@@QueenKittles*”what was the point”* man you funny 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I’m sorry man but every option this guy gives won’t work 💀 these guys are relentless.. it’s literally on sight
@bestinthelobby88263 жыл бұрын
@@Dat-Boi-Camoja lmao bro i was screaming “fight back nigga FIGHT BACK”😭😭😭
@Dat-Boi-Camoja3 жыл бұрын
@@bestinthelobby8826 lmaoooooo he can’t do shit them mofuckers be biting too 😂😂😂😂😂
@darthcervantes Жыл бұрын
Nice ideas, and channel! I like your plan to defend against the demons but I'm pretty sure they are jacked enough to be able to punch through the concrete, then again, we hardly know the lore. Can't wait for season 2! also, thanks for the great content! Cheers
@joedenbergАй бұрын
guess what season 2 is released
@tgacafetalksgamesanime76773 жыл бұрын
YESSSSS I love your videos, whenever I'm bored I hope you make more. This is perfect timing
@notsub92413 жыл бұрын
Person: goes in a coffee shop knowing they will go to to h3ll and die Cinema summary: well that, but THAT, I took that seriously
@thethreeannoyingbrothers74983 жыл бұрын
@C4puch3 жыл бұрын
FINALLY i can fight back against the hell gods, they've been SOO annoying
@aminosama23083 жыл бұрын
Omg ikr, these mfs have been so annoying
@bhavneetkaur58833 жыл бұрын
@iwritejoshlerandpeterickno50913 жыл бұрын
ikr my neighbour demon woke me up in the middle of the night and ruin my sleep