Clearwater Beach Gone Complete Tyranny

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@jaytab3686 2 жыл бұрын
I went through police training, it was a joke. They need more training in law. I quit after 2 years because I couldn't stand working with steroid driven ego maniacs. The average IQ scared me. I felt like I was in a nightmare. I couldn't believe how dumb my coworkers and leadership was. There was maybe 1 in 100 that had any type of common sense and knew basic laws
@ItsConstitutional 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, they hire them stupid and ignorant and narcissistic. You should look up "Rod Class Highway Patrol" to learn they are telling cops to terminate anyone who challenges them on their authority or knowledge of the laws.
@johnpower8356 2 жыл бұрын
Yep exactly right, it’s in the hiring criteria, cops are cops because they never went to school, so no degree no profession, I believe the average IQ is 100 soooo 🤷‍♀️ and the pay sucks especially at the street cop level so they all end up hating their jobs their lives families and lastly the public, if you look at statistics cops divorce rate, abuse, family abuse, etc they’re at the bottom of the barrel. You get what you pay for, now they’re in a battle with cameras some departments have taken them out of their cruisers, and off their uniforms, cameras are turning this problem around and showing the public, courts, judges, the real problem
@danielfinch362 2 жыл бұрын
If the government wanted cops to know the law they would enploy lawyers.
@ItsConstitutional 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnpower8356 Cops get $75K start. Not sure what you are claiming.
@caseyadams4543 2 жыл бұрын
I hope all cops get puffed
@neshanu 2 жыл бұрын
Look at how aggressive that first cop, a FEMALE Cop, is to GRAB his arm in her vice grip! SHE is the criminal here!
@Code_Made 2 жыл бұрын
She can legally be backhanded
@Ed-vm4zi 2 жыл бұрын
@@Code_Made 😂😂😂
@joeykristopher 2 жыл бұрын
I love these comments
@raxxtango 2 жыл бұрын
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
@@raxxtango Assault and Battery is the conveyance and communication of a threat of harm followed immediately by the infliction of harm. By that definition, Soloyaker's (Mike Taylor's) actions were likewise criminal; his irresponsible armed presence on that beach resulted in people being placed in reasonable apprehension of serious harm and even loss of life, resulting in multiple 911-calls. The police would be acting in dereliction of Duty not to detain Mr. Taylor and seize his weapon while they determined their course of action. The public had no duty to Mr. Taylor's 2nd Amendment Rights or the rights afforded to him by Florida law such that would compel them to refrain from calling the police and reporting Mr. Taylor's location and description.
@ffirstllast3328 2 жыл бұрын
OMG holy F - badge wearing tyrants .... they should all be fired immediately! Ignorance of the law is no excuse, especially in this case.
@sydnidowney3598 2 жыл бұрын
They aren’t ignorant of the law….THEY DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT LAWS.
@solventtrapdotcom6676 2 жыл бұрын
@@sydnidowney3598 No reason they should. Even if they lose in court, nothing happens to them.
@MrJamberee 2 жыл бұрын
I like the auditor’s style, especially the last minutes of this video when they had to let him go and give him his gun back.
@chrismas5338 2 жыл бұрын
I love how cops detained you and then tried to figure out what law you're breaking.
@libertyfirst4083 2 жыл бұрын
They do it all the time.
@aidan31245 2 жыл бұрын
I think they are supposed to do that in reverse
@chevy266nova 2 жыл бұрын
Just more sorry POS LEO doing what they do best, violating people's rights. It is time to put an end to abuse of your rights.
@replynotificationsdisabled 2 жыл бұрын
And they wonder why Hitler was mad
@nickperez3452 Жыл бұрын
Special kind of stupid…
@dericksmith2137 2 жыл бұрын
The joys of Qualified Immunity, where a GANG of armed individuals can rob a man, confine and abduct him, and get away with it. Since he was let go, obviously the entire stop, detention, abduction, and verbal berating was illegal. So why couldn’t he defend himself from that attack? Just because the attackers have badges should not make a difference.
@upabittoolate 2 жыл бұрын
I'm beginning to wonder why these men and women in uniform, who are obviously, severely unqualified, get to be immune from liability when they fuck up so royally. They seldom act in good faith. They just abuse their office.
@WillaminaCooper 2 жыл бұрын
I'm thinking some sort of "people's citation" is in order, one that can be issued on the spot to public servants charging them with not upholding their oath along with whatever crimes have been committed. The tyrant who is charged uses their badge as bond (as many states do with your driver's license), which is held until final judgement (again like a driver's license). If convicted, the tyrant MUST pay any and all associated fines/fees with ACTUAL money, as well as punishment (supervision/probation/community service, etc).
@bradleysimpson9819 2 жыл бұрын
@@WillaminaCooper absolutely agree 👍
@leroyjenkins1568 2 жыл бұрын
In Mexico they call them cartels but here its official government business
@bradleysimpson9819 2 жыл бұрын
@@leroyjenkins1568 LEEEERRROOYYY JENKINSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! must show respect to your profile name lol.
@lhstromboneify 2 жыл бұрын
As a lifelong member of the community…this is exactly what Clearwater Police does.
@MrDangerous64 2 жыл бұрын
Police do it everywhere
@jha6027 2 жыл бұрын
My boy scott O'Hare would say otherwise you go Scott !!!
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
As well they should. Micheal Taylor has a greater responsibility as a member of Society, not to cause a public panic than the Clearwater Police have to bow to his stupid "fishing pole" technicality. That law is meant for people out in the wild hunting, camping and fishing. Not for walking around where normal people are trying to enjoy the beach with their familiy. One person's rights under the US Constitution and under the Florida Constitution don't mean anything if everybody else is uncomfortable with his stupid gun.
@clarkgabriel427 2 жыл бұрын
@@troyevitt2437 "Normal people?" If they are uncomfortable seeing a fisherman carrying a weapon, it is THEIR problem! NO ONE can make you "feel" anything. If you don't like the hunting , fishing, camping open-carry law, then go bark at your state legislator to change it. The law doesn't have exemptions saying you can open carry while fishing, but stay away from "normal people."
@aftamath86 2 жыл бұрын
@@troyevitt2437 wrong....that's exactly when they DO matter. Rights don't exist solely when they are convenient for everyone else.
@goddukee 2 жыл бұрын
"Ignorance of the law is no excuse". Isn't that the phrase judges tell citizens ? How are "trained" "professional" officers using this excuse ? Could it be because Qualified Immunity means cops don't have to know law ?
@Code_Made 2 жыл бұрын
Not for diva cops though. Notice how little n frail they are
@metaglypto 2 жыл бұрын
It's called "qualified immunity", the hallmark and guarantee of "one law for you, and another law for the cops". Did anyone REALLY think we are ALL equal under the law?
@richardbadour1714 2 жыл бұрын
@@metaglypto Just remember bad cops cops get “GOOD” cops killed!!! But beware any cop, they can and will for their pleasure draw and kill you for fun!!! Damn right! We need to take the fight back into courts and keep it off the streets because cops are government’s killing assassins they have a get out jail card which we need to take away from them! Here are a few folks who might have something to say about poor policing! Let’s ask. Do you have any issues with bad cops?: Elijah McClain! Hum! Tony Timpa! Hum! George Floyd! Hum! Breonna Taylor! Hum! Dontrell Stephens! Hum! Antonio Arce age 14… I’m not old enough to vote! Hum! Elexis Wilson! Hum! Shayne Sutherland only 29 years old! Hum! Chad Burnett! Hum! Carlos Lopez! Hum! Antonio Black! Hum! Byron Williams! Hum! Mario Matthews! Hum! Jamie Britt! Hum! Richard Barry! Hum! Rodney lynch! Hum! Dave Baker! Hum! Mario Clark! Hum! Ronald Greene! Hum! Max Benson! Hum! Karin Helton 20 years old chase caught and then Asphyxiation! I’m not old enough to vote! Hum! Oh I’m sorry cops have already killed these folks for no reasons!!! So I guess they NOW have no input!!! However for your information there has been many more people killed by government assassins (cops)…. Just for fun! And for the most part our government officials mostly determined these murders were justified!!! I expect we have had more people killed by cops then soldiers killed in Afghanistan within the same timeframe! Within our city streets cops killed 988 people in the year 2017 and the deaths keeps climbing till over 4000 people killed in our streets by March of 2022! Please oh please realize that’s more people were killed by cops then people and soldiers that we lost during the attack at Pearl Harbor or the good folks on 911 in New York they were just trying to live in America but were killed off by bad cops for no reason!!! So from the cop killing of 988 people in 2017 and by March of 2022 that number has climbed to more then 4000 souls I’ll add: When you see a cop start make arrangements for your funeral!!! Remember they get paid extra to take a gun from you and a paid vacation if they pry the gun from your cold dead fingers!!! Review the list see if I’m right!!! Just try this for an idea! The “ONLY” way we can ever be safe is shut down “Qualified Immunity” from cops, judges, city officials, City Municipality everyone should lose all their Qualified, Sovereign, Immunity completely! Also we as citizens should no longer be forced to bare the cost of the cops government assassins who have lost their qualified immunity….. the cops should have to pay attorney fees and any litigation themselves or take it from their union! The mayor(Liccardo) in San Jose California purpose a City ordinance/law that requires anyone with a firearm will be required to pay the city/state a fee each year and be required to have insurance! That mayor Liccardo of San Jose stated that gun owner are a drain on Community by using critical emergency medical and government assassins’s squad response responding to site causing their taxpayers a large burdened!!! So Laccardo of San Jose when your government’s assassins pulls your child over for not using the right hand turning signal when making a right turn at a four way corner and pulls your child out of the car and puts in cuffs and slammed your child on to the dirty curb. Your child tells cop to be careful and that upset the cop so the cop tased your child until the child dies….. your government’s official declared this use of forced was justified! However during this justified murdering of your child your government officials send in their assassins squad to find ways to block anyone from seeing what actually happened and to cover up the murder of your child! Bare in mind your child only forgot to turn on the turning signal but now is laying face down in the dirty gutter while the assassins are laughing about how your child flipped over and got it’s skull smashed…. On site there are twelve assassins from the assassins squad, two emergency medical units, along with fire rescue squad with the Fire Chief unit and the large fire truck!!! So now remember your child only forgot to used the turning signal but in pain your child told cops to be careful….. So is this the fault your child’s or does the fault belong to the assassins squad? Yes your child should have used signal! Or could the assassin just wrote your child a ticket and moved on??? Point being because I have a gun I now will be responsible for the actions of this child for not using the turning signal or even worse paying for the actions of government assassins squad who just put your child in the ground!!! So using Liccardo’s of San Jose own reasoning then the child who was driving and the assassins squad both should be paying a fee for driving and for the government assassins squad a fee for murdering!!! So to the best of my knowledge your child has been paying a fee for his license and a really large fee for auto insurance!! Now the government’s assassins squad to the best of my knowledge is probably paying a fee to keep their firearm license((which I expect we pay with taxes one way or another) but to the best of my knowledge the government assassins are not required to have murdering insurance!!! So Liccardo of San Jose what do you think? Should our government assassins be required to have murdering insurance too??? I expect you could possibly expect that even though your officials from government’s assassins squad ruled this uses of force was justified but as it turns out that a body camera just happened to be left on and caught the images and sounds of the government’s assassins squad laughing and giggling while tasing your child for five minutes with your child’s skull was smashed-in laying on the dirty curb still in cuffs… So do you think for one second that the government assassins’ qualified immunity will be dropped and a law suits would be following!!! Oh ya I expect there will be a law suit!!! So now what if all of people who were murdered by government assassins squad from 2017 until now March of 2022 yes more then 4000 of them were able to bring law suits against our government…… who’s going to pay for the litigations and the settlements for each of these murders??? Hum! Oh I know…. you and I will be covering all of this with our taxes!!! Now Liccardo of San Jose using your own reasoning could all of these cost be avoided just by the government assassin squad stopping its entertainment? Is it possible that our government assassins squad could be putting a drain on our community? There is another way: Supposed qualified immunity would be dropped from “ALL” supposed leaders including our government officials and our government assassins squad!!! Now I’m sure your child would still have forgotten to used the turning signal however the government’s assassins would have rethought the use of that taser/use of force! And just wrote your child a ticket instead!!! Now hopefully as a parent even though your child received a ticket… that child would be still able to fight the ticket and that would be easier for you to handle, hopefully! So I believe we push the lost of qualified immunity for our supposed leader…. All of them everywhere using the same reasoning??? So if we did use the same reasoning and actually got rid qualified immunity for our supposed government officials and government’s assassins I believe 9 out of 10 of the government’s assassins squad murders would be stopped… could that be possible???
@richardbadour1714 2 жыл бұрын
@@Code_Made Just remember bad cops cops get “GOOD” cops killed!!! But beware any cop, they can and will for their pleasure draw and kill you for fun!!! Damn right! We need to take the fight back into courts and keep it off the streets because cops are government’s killing assassins they have a get out jail card which we need to take away from them! Here are a few folks who might have something to say about poor policing! Let’s ask. Do you have any issues with bad cops?: Elijah McClain! Hum! Tony Timpa! Hum! George Floyd! Hum! Breonna Taylor! Hum! Dontrell Stephens! Hum! Antonio Arce age 14… I’m not old enough to vote! Hum! Elexis Wilson! Hum! Shayne Sutherland only 29 years old! Hum! Chad Burnett! Hum! Carlos Lopez! Hum! Antonio Black! Hum! Byron Williams! Hum! Mario Matthews! Hum! Jamie Britt! Hum! Richard Barry! Hum! Rodney lynch! Hum! Dave Baker! Hum! Mario Clark! Hum! Ronald Greene! Hum! Max Benson! Hum! Karin Helton 20 years old chase caught and then Asphyxiation! I’m not old enough to vote! Hum! Oh I’m sorry cops have already killed these folks for no reasons!!! So I guess they NOW have no input!!! However for your information there has been many more people killed by government assassins (cops)…. Just for fun! And for the most part our government officials mostly determined these murders were justified!!! I expect we have had more people killed by cops then soldiers killed in Afghanistan within the same timeframe! Within our city streets cops killed 988 people in the year 2017 and the deaths keeps climbing till over 4000 people killed in our streets by March of 2022! Please oh please realize that’s more people were killed by cops then people and soldiers that we lost during the attack at Pearl Harbor or the good folks on 911 in New York they were just trying to live in America but were killed off by bad cops for no reason!!! So from the cop killing of 988 people in 2017 and by March of 2022 that number has climbed to more then 4000 souls I’ll add: When you see a cop start make arrangements for your funeral!!! Remember they get paid extra to take a gun from you and a paid vacation if they pry the gun from your cold dead fingers!!! Review the list see if I’m right!!! Just try this for an idea! The “ONLY” way we can ever be safe is shut down “Qualified Immunity” from cops, judges, city officials, City Municipality everyone should lose all their Qualified, Sovereign, Immunity completely! Also we as citizens should no longer be forced to bare the cost of the cops government assassins who have lost their qualified immunity….. the cops should have to pay attorney fees and any litigation themselves or take it from their union! The mayor(Liccardo) in San Jose California purpose a City ordinance/law that requires anyone with a firearm will be required to pay the city/state a fee each year and be required to have insurance! That mayor Liccardo of San Jose stated that gun owner are a drain on Community by using critical emergency medical and government assassins’s squad response responding to site causing their taxpayers a large burdened!!! So Laccardo of San Jose when your government’s assassins pulls your child over for not using the right hand turning signal when making a right turn at a four way corner and pulls your child out of the car and puts in cuffs and slammed your child on to the dirty curb. Your child tells cop to be careful and that upset the cop so the cop tased your child until the child dies….. your government’s official declared this use of forced was justified! However during this justified murdering of your child your government officials send in their assassins squad to find ways to block anyone from seeing what actually happened and to cover up the murder of your child! Bare in mind your child only forgot to turn on the turning signal but now is laying face down in the dirty gutter while the assassins are laughing about how your child flipped over and got it’s skull smashed…. On site there are twelve assassins from the assassins squad, two emergency medical units, along with fire rescue squad with the Fire Chief unit and the large fire truck!!! So now remember your child only forgot to used the turning signal but in pain your child told cops to be careful….. So is this the fault your child’s or does the fault belong to the assassins squad? Yes your child should have used signal! Or could the assassin just wrote your child a ticket and moved on??? Point being because I have a gun I now will be responsible for the actions of this child for not using the turning signal or even worse paying for the actions of government assassins squad who just put your child in the ground!!! So using Liccardo’s of San Jose own reasoning then the child who was driving and the assassins squad both should be paying a fee for driving and for the government assassins squad a fee for murdering!!! So to the best of my knowledge your child has been paying a fee for his license and a really large fee for auto insurance!! Now the government’s assassins squad to the best of my knowledge is probably paying a fee to keep their firearm license((which I expect we pay with taxes one way or another) but to the best of my knowledge the government assassins are not required to have murdering insurance!!! So Liccardo of San Jose what do you think? Should our government assassins be required to have murdering insurance too??? I expect you could possibly expect that even though your officials from government’s assassins squad ruled this uses of force was justified but as it turns out that a body camera just happened to be left on and caught the images and sounds of the government’s assassins squad laughing and giggling while tasing your child for five minutes with your child’s skull was smashed-in laying on the dirty curb still in cuffs… So do you think for one second that the government assassins’ qualified immunity will be dropped and a law suits would be following!!! Oh ya I expect there will be a law suit!!! So now what if all of people who were murdered by government assassins squad from 2017 until now March of 2022 yes more then 4000 of them were able to bring law suits against our government…… who’s going to pay for the litigations and the settlements for each of these murders??? Hum! Oh I know…. you and I will be covering all of this with our taxes!!! Now Liccardo of San Jose using your own reasoning could all of these cost be avoided just by the government assassin squad stopping its entertainment? Is it possible that our government assassins squad could be putting a drain on our community? There is another way: Supposed qualified immunity would be dropped from “ALL” supposed leaders including our government officials and our government assassins squad!!! Now I’m sure your child would still have forgotten to used the turning signal however the government’s assassins would have rethought the use of that taser/use of force! And just wrote your child a ticket instead!!! Now hopefully as a parent even though your child received a ticket… that child would be still able to fight the ticket and that would be easier for you to handle, hopefully! So I believe we push the lost of qualified immunity for our supposed leader…. All of them everywhere using the same reasoning??? So if we did use the same reasoning and actually got rid qualified immunity for our supposed government officials and government’s assassins I believe 9 out of 10 of the government’s assassins squad murders would be stopped… could that be possible???
@richardbadour1714 2 жыл бұрын
@@metaglypto Just remember bad cops cops get “GOOD” cops killed!!! But beware any cop, they can and will for their pleasure draw and kill you for fun!!! Damn right! We need to take the fight back into courts and keep it off the streets because cops are government’s killing assassins they have a get out jail card which we need to take away from them! Here are a few folks who might have something to say about poor policing! Let’s ask. Do you have any issues with bad cops?: Elijah McClain! Hum! Tony Timpa! Hum! George Floyd! Hum! Breonna Taylor! Hum! Dontrell Stephens! Hum! Antonio Arce age 14… I’m not old enough to vote! Hum! Elexis Wilson! Hum! Shayne Sutherland only 29 years old! Hum! Chad Burnett! Hum! Carlos Lopez! Hum! Antonio Black! Hum! Byron Williams! Hum! Mario Matthews! Hum! Jamie Britt! Hum! Richard Barry! Hum! Rodney lynch! Hum! Dave Baker! Hum! Mario Clark! Hum! Ronald Greene! Hum! Max Benson! Hum! Karin Helton 20 years old chase caught and then Asphyxiation! I’m not old enough to vote! Hum! Oh I’m sorry cops have already killed these folks for no reasons!!! So I guess they NOW have no input!!! However for your information there has been many more people killed by government assassins (cops)…. Just for fun! And for the most part our government officials mostly determined these murders were justified!!! I expect we have had more people killed by cops then soldiers killed in Afghanistan within the same timeframe! Within our city streets cops killed 988 people in the year 2017 and the deaths keeps climbing till over 4000 people killed in our streets by March of 2022! Please oh please realize that’s more people were killed by cops then people and soldiers that we lost during the attack at Pearl Harbor or the good folks on 911 in New York they were just trying to live in America but were killed off by bad cops for no reason!!! So from the cop killing of 988 people in 2017 and by March of 2022 that number has climbed to more then 4000 souls I’ll add: When you see a cop start make arrangements for your funeral!!! Remember they get paid extra to take a gun from you and a paid vacation if they pry the gun from your cold dead fingers!!! Review the list see if I’m right!!! Just try this for an idea! The “ONLY” way we can ever be safe is shut down “Qualified Immunity” from cops, judges, city officials, City Municipality everyone should lose all their Qualified, Sovereign, Immunity completely! Also we as citizens should no longer be forced to bare the cost of the cops government assassins who have lost their qualified immunity….. the cops should have to pay attorney fees and any litigation themselves or take it from their union! The mayor(Liccardo) in San Jose California purpose a City ordinance/law that requires anyone with a firearm will be required to pay the city/state a fee each year and be required to have insurance! That mayor Liccardo of San Jose stated that gun owner are a drain on Community by using critical emergency medical and government assassins’s squad response responding to site causing their taxpayers a large burdened!!! So Laccardo of San Jose when your government’s assassins pulls your child over for not using the right hand turning signal when making a right turn at a four way corner and pulls your child out of the car and puts in cuffs and slammed your child on to the dirty curb. Your child tells cop to be careful and that upset the cop so the cop tased your child until the child dies….. your government’s official declared this use of forced was justified! However during this justified murdering of your child your government officials send in their assassins squad to find ways to block anyone from seeing what actually happened and to cover up the murder of your child! Bare in mind your child only forgot to turn on the turning signal but now is laying face down in the dirty gutter while the assassins are laughing about how your child flipped over and got it’s skull smashed…. On site there are twelve assassins from the assassins squad, two emergency medical units, along with fire rescue squad with the Fire Chief unit and the large fire truck!!! So now remember your child only forgot to used the turning signal but in pain your child told cops to be careful….. So is this the fault your child’s or does the fault belong to the assassins squad? Yes your child should have used signal! Or could the assassin just wrote your child a ticket and moved on??? Point being because I have a gun I now will be responsible for the actions of this child for not using the turning signal or even worse paying for the actions of government assassins squad who just put your child in the ground!!! So using Liccardo’s of San Jose own reasoning then the child who was driving and the assassins squad both should be paying a fee for driving and for the government assassins squad a fee for murdering!!! So to the best of my knowledge your child has been paying a fee for his license and a really large fee for auto insurance!! Now the government’s assassins squad to the best of my knowledge is probably paying a fee to keep their firearm license((which I expect we pay with taxes one way or another) but to the best of my knowledge the government assassins are not required to have murdering insurance!!! So Liccardo of San Jose what do you think? Should our government assassins be required to have murdering insurance too??? I expect you could possibly expect that even though your officials from government’s assassins squad ruled this uses of force was justified but as it turns out that a body camera just happened to be left on and caught the images and sounds of the government’s assassins squad laughing and giggling while tasing your child for five minutes with your child’s skull was smashed-in laying on the dirty curb still in cuffs… So do you think for one second that the government assassins’ qualified immunity will be dropped and a law suits would be following!!! Oh ya I expect there will be a law suit!!! So now what if all of people who were murdered by government assassins squad from 2017 until now March of 2022 yes more then 4000 of them were able to bring law suits against our government…… who’s going to pay for the litigations and the settlements for each of these murders??? Hum! Oh I know…. you and I will be covering all of this with our taxes!!! Now Liccardo of San Jose using your own reasoning could all of these cost be avoided just by the government assassin squad stopping its entertainment? Is it possible that our government assassins squad could be putting a drain on our community? There is another way: Supposed qualified immunity would be dropped from “ALL” supposed leaders including our government officials and our government assassins squad!!! Now I’m sure your child would still have forgotten to used the turning signal however the government’s assassins would have rethought the use of that taser/use of force! And just wrote your child a ticket instead!!! Now hopefully as a parent even though your child received a ticket… that child would be still able to fight the ticket and that would be easier for you to handle, hopefully! So I believe we push the lost of qualified immunity for our supposed leader…. All of them everywhere using the same reasoning??? So if we did use the same reasoning and actually got rid qualified immunity for our supposed government officials and government’s assassins I believe 9 out of 10 of the government’s assassins squad murders would be stopped… could that be possible???
@shaneswindowcleaning3031 2 жыл бұрын
I'd shake that Patriot's hand. This man deserves a thank you from all of us.
@educatedresponse4298 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, next time it's on a ballot, I'm going to remember how this guy acted and will vote against any law that allows people like him to even own a gun.
@shaneswindowcleaning3031 2 жыл бұрын
@@educatedresponse4298 Luckily, commies like you are few and far between in the area. There will never be a law against having a firearm genius. We have this pesky thing called the 2nd amendment. Until you ratify the Constitution, your communist utopia will simply remain a dream
@Lbcyoung Жыл бұрын
This guy has flipped police officers off and insulted them in his videos. What he does is not illegal, but officers checking on him in a friendly way is not illegal either. It's just to make sure he doesn't have harmful intentions. If he turns confrontational with the cops, cops have the right to put him in his place. He's a trouble seeker. If he cooperated with the police, nothing would happen. He wants to make a statement against officers like a rebel teenager. No responsible gun owner would appreciate this uneducated, low-IQ clown. And that includes open-carrying citizens like myself.
@shaneswindowcleaning3031 Жыл бұрын
@@Lbcyoung Only tyrants support tyranny. You are either a cop or you sleep with one.
@johnpower8356 2 жыл бұрын
You beat them they know they got nothing, total harassment, this is their tactic, “do you know that you’re scaring people while not breaking the law” thanks for putting their faces on here
@edwardjames6070 2 жыл бұрын
I would have taunted him when he said that. when you're scared cops come and help you now.
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
He can't even quote the Constitution correctly. The Constitution doesn't say anything about "Redressing the Government". The exact phrase is, "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Either say it exactly or don't say it at all.
@timgoward9407 2 жыл бұрын
@@troyevitt2437 he wasn't quoting the constitution, he just said he can redress his government any way he wants.
@glenncaraballoso1470 2 жыл бұрын
Time to call your lawyer.
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
​@@timgoward9407 There is no such phrase, or term, worded as "redressing the government". Micheal Taylor is bungling the phrase from the First Amendment which guarantees the right to protest peacefully There is only one way to say it and that is to quote the exact phrase correctly "to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
@robertintexas 2 жыл бұрын
How does ANY PD in Florida NOT know who you are and what you can do by now? Answer: harassment, plain and simple.
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
The Clearwater police were responding to 911-calls generated by multiple beachgoers. They have a duty to respond to the location and investigate the circumstances of the complaint. It would constitute Deriliction of Duty to say, "Oh, that's just that Soloyaker (Micheal Taylor) idiot. He's got about as much common sense as a hairdryer in a bathtub, but he doesn't represent a threat to public safety."
@erikahammer4337 2 жыл бұрын
@@troyevitt2437 investigate, yes, detain, search, and violate multiple constitutional rights without RAS, no. Let's count the amendments and court precedence they violated. 1st amendment, they know who is is, what he does, and know that he regularly does this as a form of speech. 2nd amendment, even with the discussion exception carved out in Florida law for what he was doing, the deprived him of his weapon. That leads to 4th amendment, unlawful searches and seizures, without reasonable articulable suspicion, they detained him, searched him, seized his person and his property. That violation of the 4th leads into Terry V Ohio, where an officer has to have multiple OBJECTIVE facts that would lead a REASONABLE person to believe that someone has, is currently, or is about to, commit a crime. The fact pattern the officers observed upon arrival did not, and never will, constitute reasonable articulable suspicion. 5th amendment, no person shall be deprived of their civil rights without due process, nor shall they be compelled to testify against themselves, they are presumed innocent until proven guilty. The way these officers went about things, they treated him as if they were judge jury and executioner. Which leads to the 14th amendment, no state government can violate the constitution and the amendments of therein. People's feelings are not law, and people don't have the right to force others to make them feel secure. Every comment you've posted is based around this idea that the individual is beholden to the collective before themselves, which is patently false if you follow any of the founding philosophies of our nation, ESPECIALLY Lockean theory.
@libertyfirst4083 2 жыл бұрын
@@erikahammer4337 Erika, you are the bomb. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@erikahammer4337 2 жыл бұрын
@@libertyfirst4083 I do what I can. Troy here has been attempting an appeal to authority fallacy. "I know constitutional law, I went to undergrad school." Yes, but that doesn't tell me how you did in the classes, and if you didn't move on to a graduate course, you likely failed miserably. If you had moved on to a graduate course, why aren't you a lawyer, why are you only talking about the undergrad course? Logic dictates, based on the fewest assumptions, you're either lying, or you failed the constitutional law course miserably.
@libertyfirst4083 2 жыл бұрын
@@erikahammer4337 I loved your comment about the violations of multiple amendments. Well done! Troy conveys unequivocally that he is an enemy of individual liberty, which makes him an enemy of this republic -- and all that is good and decent.
@thomraine600 2 жыл бұрын
Our rights DO NOT end where people's "concern" starts !! End qualified immunity NOW !!
@lauraaustin5378 2 жыл бұрын
Yes please end qualified emunity
@wepntech 2 жыл бұрын
@@CaptainJimNoss well, no because they will be in prison. the new guys will do better when they learn to not be criminals.
@edwardjames6070 2 жыл бұрын
this won't change with 'for sale' corporate dems and crooked republicans in power. the police unions donate to their campaigns. what you just saw is a direct result of that donation. law abiding citizens that don't matter. how long are we going to keep electing 'for sale' dems and republicans?
@jclaytoncabral5106 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! End Qualified Criminality!
@NeverTalkToCops1 2 жыл бұрын
THE CHILDREN! What about THE CHILDREN? Eff the children, officer.
@ceezzfrogg4748 2 жыл бұрын
The man is clearly concerned about holding law enforcement accountable for illegally violating our rights. Keep fighting the good fight.
@JohnJulioEspeciale 2 жыл бұрын
Easily picked off because he’s a threat to us all.
@thecoach21 2 жыл бұрын
This guy is being an ass and showing his privilege to the world. I am a proud gun owner and 2nd Amendment Right Believer. Walking on a Beach, Mall, Amusement Park, or public schools is not a place to show to the world that owning a AR15 is cool and your right. You are stroking the fears of ppl that believe that our 2nd Amendment should be removed. I own several AR15's and I would not be happy to see a guy walking down the beach while I am vacationing with my grandkids with his AR15 showing the world that he is good. Their must be some laws that prevent this type of show of Fear near beaches, He is not hunting on the sands at a public beach to justify his AR15 being on a Public Beach. I am 100% fine with a Concealed hand gun on the beach if you are legally able to carry.
@libertyfirst4083 2 жыл бұрын
@@thecoach21 Then you're a traitor, Mark C. Mason, Jr.
@thecoach21 2 жыл бұрын
@@libertyfirst4083 you are an complete idiot if you think for a second that walking down a crowded beach where families and kids are vacationing and enjoying the sun is a proud moment to display your 2nd Amendment rights. I value our true 2nd Amendment right but grandstanding is what the Deeply ill ppl will do because their constant need of attention. "Look dad, I am walking down a beach with and AR-15. Do you love me now?" Ppl like that need help and should not have a gun because they don't share the proper responsibility of owning a gun. 90% of gun owners share and respect the responsibility of owning guns. The other 10% fall into this guys category of look at me please because I have a AR-15 and I must show everyone that I own one.... So you logical reply to me is that I am a traitor. Do you even understand what a traitor is?
@davidpedder9048 2 жыл бұрын
Qualified immunity needs to be abolished, and police need much more training, or we the people should also be entitled to qualified immunity as well.
@zigmondklimkowicz7043 2 жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more!!
@Layjus123 2 жыл бұрын
I agreed with the first part but not giving qualified immunity to others groups. want we the people to become as corrupt as the police? Giving people a free get out of jail free card to commit any crime is not going to end well.
@davidpedder9048 2 жыл бұрын
@@Layjus123 we all know murder and theft ect is wrong, but how are we supposed to know every city ordinance ? I'm talking about the small things.
@Layjus123 2 жыл бұрын
@@davidpedder9048 You are using the same excuses people used to enact qualified immunity for police officers.
@davidpedder9048 2 жыл бұрын
@@Layjus123 Exactly !!! Give them a taste of their own medicine, then they might realize how ridiculous the system is.
@gautampinto5887 2 жыл бұрын
These officers should be ashamed of themselves, and should also be charged with several crimes.
@darrenlawson4909 2 жыл бұрын
@redsammy7789 2 жыл бұрын
That is why this keeps happening because they are not ashamed .
@claytonwhitelaw4200 2 жыл бұрын
@Crunchykyle 2 жыл бұрын
@@redsammy7789 Because most people don't understand you can file a lawsuit, abolish the detaining officers qualified immunity and attach yourself to the detaining officers pension. It would take years to see any money. About 2-3 years. But in the end its worth it. You just have to find a lawyer whos willing to prosecute law enforcement as most lawyers are in bed with the system.
@redsammy7789 2 жыл бұрын
@@Crunchykyle I hear that
@CatfishCook 2 жыл бұрын
I'm tired of cops protecting people's feelings instead of our rights that they took an oath to uphold. It's time for cops to grow a pair and tell people to shut up about legally protected activities with inalienable rights!
@sydnidowney3598 2 жыл бұрын
@Bernard-lw7qd 2 жыл бұрын
It's to bad the cops like fishing for easy arrests
@ug6203 2 жыл бұрын
Where were the people who complained? Not one public person was there accusing him of anything....I think that it was the lifeguard who called them....another public employee.
@solventtrapdotcom6676 2 жыл бұрын
@@sydnidowney3598 Floriduh is very anti-2a. Floriduh is where RINOs originated.
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
Mr. Taylor was supposed to have been considerate of peoples' feelings in the first place. He has to keep Marjory Stonewall Highschool and Sandy Hook in mind when contemplating walking around public settings like the beach with this stupid fishing pole and AR-15. The police have every right to detain him for his lack of consideration. We have a mass-casualty active shooter scenario in the national news at least once a month. A while back, Jews were attacked at a Synagogue in Pennsylvania, murdered during their worship services by a Neo Nazi. Before that, a person identifying himself as a Communist, who was kicked out of the Air Force, attacked Christians at a Baptist Church in Texas. In Las Vegas, Country/Western music fans were massacred, supposedly by one guy in a hotel room using bump-stock-equipped guns. So yes, the police had to respond to 911-calls and had to force Mr. Taylor to be mindful of others' feelings. Look how many people have to bury their children because some idiot
@MrDaleStroud 2 жыл бұрын
“Hoplophobia is a mental disturbance characterized by irrational aversion to weapons, as opposed to justified apprehension about those who may wield them."-Col Jeff Cooper
@imgamerful 2 жыл бұрын
These videos infuriate me with the incompetence of the police.
@mralien4710 2 жыл бұрын
They’re not police their gang members that carry guns and steal from the people. they don’t care about the people they swore an oath to keep the tyranny going. How little soft snowflakes we’ve become. When China 🇨🇳 and Russia 🇷🇺 come here we’re going to tell them what? Feelings.. doomed divided we have fallen. No one in the beach helped. The selfishness of us is our downfall.
@aryanprivilege9651 2 жыл бұрын
They have no respect for people, rights, and constitution. They hate America and Americans!
@nageshsonawane3307 2 жыл бұрын
It's called pigs
@nageshsonawane3307 2 жыл бұрын
@@aryanprivilege9651 America is trash 🗑
@getshrekt92 2 жыл бұрын
@@mralien4710 you're a dipshit if you see American cops acting like this then pull anti-russia and anti-china stuff out of your ass lmao you have no idea what those countries are like except for what lies American news tells you
@peoplenewstoday 2 жыл бұрын
Assault, battery, illegally detained, illegally searched and seized private property. Kidnapping? Wow.
@kilroywahzhere2476 2 жыл бұрын
Pigs being pigs..what do you expect..
@chingy737 2 жыл бұрын
Another day in AmeriKKKa
@DemocratsrPDFfiles 2 жыл бұрын
@@chingy737 then leave little racist 🙄
@twerk4tyler 2 жыл бұрын
that’s better then a crowd of people being shot that man is dumb enough too bring a AR too a packed beach. he’s lucky thats all the police ended up doing.
@kilroywahzhere2476 2 жыл бұрын
@@chingy737 as a 25 yr retired marine .I am disgusted by this abuse..I fought for freedoms . And garbage like this is spitting in the face of every marine and other military branch of what we fought for . I'm 52 I have had tons of situations where "normal" people would have called the cops..I on the other hand dealt with my problem first HAND.. Know how many times I have called how many times I have been pulled over ..2 times since 85.. I don't break the law . Body count had the greatest song about cops...find it and enjoy..from early 90s
@virginiahaas5126 2 жыл бұрын
When you were mad and telling the cops to shut up man I was dying. I get mad and I couldn't compose myself that well. Ty and be safe my patriotic friend.
@interestedparty00 2 жыл бұрын
Those few minutes are the best Michael has ever done. “F.. you,,, and" Cops had to stand there and take it. Awesome.
@ItsConstitutional 2 жыл бұрын
They are all Private Contractors. Go after Cops Administratively. Look up "Rod Class Private Contractors", and "Rod Class Private Contractor Complaint Forms". They all are hired with Low IQ along with being Narcissistic and they all take an oath to the Fraternal Order of screamasonry.
@virginiahaas5126 2 жыл бұрын
@@interestedparty00love the way he said shut it and shut up,sounded like Doug Heffernan on king of Queens hahah. Awesome
@wetspotswimwear1199 2 жыл бұрын
He was being a childish pos at that point
@wetspotswimwear1199 2 жыл бұрын
@@interestedparty00 that a total childish pos through this whole video
@AnonYmous-oi2ms 2 жыл бұрын
If you come to Sarasota, be careful! They shoot first and ask questions later!
@cydrych 2 жыл бұрын
“Just hang out with us” I don’t associate with criminals.
@solventtrapdotcom6676 2 жыл бұрын
I don't keep company with degenerates.
@leroyjenkins1568 2 жыл бұрын
In big Cities cops will put you in jail for 6 months if they find a gang tattoo on you because they say you need to break the law to get one. I say let's arrest any person applying to be a cop for 6 months too because they will break their oath sometime in thier career
@majicsoap6436 2 жыл бұрын
Unlawful detainment changes to unlawful "custodial arrest" whenever they move you. That is considered FALSE arrest.
@interestedparty00 2 жыл бұрын
Is there an update on the lawsuit?
@ItsConstitutional 2 жыл бұрын
They are all Private Contractors. Go after Cops Administratively. Look up "Rod Class Private Contractors", and "Rod Class Private Contractor Complaint Forms". They all are hired with Low IQ along with being Narcissistic and they all take an oath to the Fraternal Order of screamasonry.
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
That stupid "I have a fishing pole" technicality doesn't mean anything. That law is supposed to be for being outdoors in the woods and wilderness hunting, camping and fishing. All that matters is that moron is creating a public panic. He's looking for an excuse to do something dangerous and stupid.
@gregc2514 2 жыл бұрын
@@troyevitt2437 Back the Blue till it happens to you. Demorat
@interestedparty00 2 жыл бұрын
@@troyevitt2437, heh. Do you have trouble reading the English language???? It's LEGAL. In most states, the fishing pole and destination doesn't even matter. Open carry is legal, AND NOBODY WAS PANICKING. Most people call and say "Um, I just thought you should know there's a guy carrying, and I'll follow him to keep telling you where he's going." No panic.
@walawala147 2 жыл бұрын
I know it's funny to hear you tell the police to shut up, but... When they start to explain why they are detaining and moving you to another location, LET THEM TALK. Their words will be worth gold in court.
@alanb8884 2 жыл бұрын
You've got a point. As much as I love the dressing down.
@topsyturvy1873 2 жыл бұрын
In these situations as frustating as they are maybe it-s best to use your sly side of your brain to make them incriminate themselves. The justice system is corrupt and usually will side with technicalities and with the corrupt cops but it's worth trying.
@redsammy7789 2 жыл бұрын
Point is the man does not need to listen to them telling him that they got calls from citizens that do not know the law, why dont the cops educate the people that call on this man that he is doing nothing illegal?
@Dino2GunZ 2 жыл бұрын
Yea but he should shut up he talks way to much and he does have to identify when asked
@topsyturvy1873 2 жыл бұрын
@@redsammy7789 He's not doing anything illegal but you see, cops write their own legislation on the fly.
@alexandervasquez6332 2 жыл бұрын
So he's going fishing with an AR- 15 strapped to his body I'm hearing ? All he needed was bait and his fishing gear simple! That dude must be bored and making something more than it had to be? Ridiculous.
@emilstrandberglarsen1218 2 жыл бұрын
I think youre missing the point, if its not illegal, its legal. And if its legal he shouldnt be arrested/detained/harrased just because the police dont like what hes doing or think the law is wrong. Its a slippery slope
@creativesha7156 2 жыл бұрын
@BionicLemming 2 жыл бұрын
Rights are not attached to needs. The intent of most auditors is to make exercising rights a norm.
@alexandervasquez6332 2 жыл бұрын
@dakotaborrowdale3169 2 жыл бұрын
It's the principle he's just proving a point
@keithweiss7899 2 жыл бұрын
On top of it all, they violated Florida law that protects people going fishing from harassment. It’s time to bring lawsuits against cops for that. And strip their precious qualified immunity due to civil rights violations so they have to pay for this themselves!
@hillaryclinton2415 2 жыл бұрын
Restraining orders. Get em, use em.
2 жыл бұрын
Yeah well, except he wasn't fishing, he was being an asshole looking for attention and he got it. Case closed.
@edwardjames6070 2 жыл бұрын
@ you just HATE it when other people have rights, don't you?
@thebrilliantmrpedro 2 жыл бұрын
@ he’s looking for attention? Why would the cops bring attention?
@LateLost 2 жыл бұрын
@ look somebody doesn't like a law. You know there are certain laws that I don't like but their laws and I have to follow them this man is actually following a lot the fact that you don't like him tough toenails Twinkle Toes. But you are a whiny little keyboard Warrior who thinks that because you have this opinion, you automatically mean something you don't it's a law. He's allowed to do this and if you don't like it and you live in the state of Florida perhaps you should contact people on the power such as your local officials and have that law changed otherwise keep your petty little keyboard Warrior self and go find another cause.
@smflatt 2 жыл бұрын
The lack of basic knowledge of the law, on the part of those sworn to uphold the law and the Constitutions of both their states and that of the U.S., is unconscionable! Ignorance definitely is not always bliss!🙄 This clown act opened dialogue with the fisherman by assaulting and illegally detaining him! What a public shame our police departments everywhere have become! Most are ignorant and far too many are just plain stupid.
@sydnidowney3598 2 жыл бұрын
@ItsConstitutional 2 жыл бұрын
They are all Private Contractors. Go after Cops Administratively. Look up "Rod Class Private Contractors", and "Rod Class Private Contractor Complaint Forms". They all are hired with Low IQ along with being Narcissistic and they all take an oath to the Fraternal Order of screamasonry.
@warsurplus 2 жыл бұрын
@@sydnidowney3598 Exactly. These officers don't respect the laws they are sworn to uphold. Tyrants trying to legislate with a badge.
@mcbarberblue 2 жыл бұрын
The person you more scared of other the police the ones You have more chance of being shot by
@warsurplus 2 жыл бұрын
@@mcbarberblue What??
@SurelyIjest206 2 жыл бұрын
This was retaliatory. They knew he wasn't breaking any laws. They just want to make it "uncomfortable" for him and want to "discourage" him from his legal activity. Hopefully when he files a lawsuit the judge will see through the BS and won't allow them to claim qualified immunity.
@gracieg7601 2 жыл бұрын
Jerky cops. They are so stupid. “Relax? “ and they grab and pull on him and take his pole. Dumb stupid cops.
@dickfitswell3437 2 жыл бұрын
He's in the back of a cop car because he's hostile and that behavior and an AR-15 don't go good together. This guy's a clown chaser. Plain and simple. I mean he's asking for donations. I'm betting you the guy doesn't even have a job. He just walks around filming himself with an AR-15 and looking for confronting situations. I bet you if I go to his KZbin channel he's got a dozen videos with cops confronting him. I'm all for walking around with an AR-15 but this guy's behavior shows he clearly should not be cuz he cannot control his own behavior and he forces the cops to act.
@whatever8243 Жыл бұрын
@@dickfitswell3437you must be a pig or pig lover! Bootlickers are just as bad as the pigs themself!
@drakecarter1780 5 ай бұрын
​@@dickfitswell3437agreed. Probably lives off whatever lawsuits he wins.
@carlosj9391 2 жыл бұрын
Cops just can't grab you that's assault. Hope this person lawyers up and sue
@adamblumenthal1710 2 жыл бұрын
For too long these tyrants have done what they want, regardless of the law, with no consequences. With so many videos of there misconduct going viral, and the loss of qualified immunity in several states, the tide is turning against their brutality. More light on these roaches will keep the changes coming (I hope)
@killercuddles7051 2 жыл бұрын
No it wont. Stay locked and loaded. They're coming soon
@ItsConstitutional 2 жыл бұрын
They are all Private Contractors. Go after Cops Administratively. Look up "Rod Class Private Contractors", and "Rod Class Private Contractor Complaint Forms". They all are hired with Low IQ along with being Narcissistic and they all take an oath to the Fraternal Order of screamasonry.
@terrenceodonnell6347 2 жыл бұрын
@@killercuddles7051 ohhh stop
@ahtribeofjudah5794 2 жыл бұрын
We need way more light on those cockroaches
@MrJamberee 2 жыл бұрын
Cameras have been ubiquitous for years, and it’s appalling that police departments do not train their employees better than this. They know it’s coming, but they will not prepare. They should all be fired for incompetence.
@terrytimberlake8926 2 жыл бұрын
"What law did I break.".. a moment of silence
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
Which he repeats OVER AND OVER instead of shutting his mouth and listening to what the cops are saying about why he's being detained. Somebody with that short an attention span strikes me as too unstable for gun ownership.
@jacobthorns5776 2 жыл бұрын
they arrested him and detained him without telling him what law he was breaking. if murica has right to keep ar15, why dothey detain people carrying one. either its legal or its not. thats why he was asking them why they were detaining and arresting him.
@richardbadour1714 2 жыл бұрын
@@troyevitt2437 Just remember bad cops cops get “GOOD” cops killed!!! But beware any cop, they can and will for their pleasure draw and kill you for fun!!! Damn right! We need to take the fight back into courts and keep it off the streets because cops are government’s killing assassins they have a get out jail card which we need to take away from them! Here are a few folks who might have something to say about poor policing! Let’s ask. Do you have any issues with bad cops?: Elijah McClain! Hum! Tony Timpa! Hum! George Floyd! Hum! Breonna Taylor! Hum! Dontrell Stephens! Hum! Antonio Arce age 14… I’m not old enough to vote! Hum! Elexis Wilson! Hum! Shayne Sutherland only 29 years old! Hum! Chad Burnett! Hum! Carlos Lopez! Hum! Antonio Black! Hum! Byron Williams! Hum! Mario Matthews! Hum! Jamie Britt! Hum! Richard Barry! Hum! Rodney lynch! Hum! Dave Baker! Hum! Mario Clark! Hum! Ronald Greene! Hum! Max Benson! Hum! Karin Helton 20 years old chase caught and then Asphyxiation! I’m not old enough to vote! Hum! Oh I’m sorry cops have already killed these folks for no reasons!!! So I guess they NOW have no input!!! However for your information there has been many more people killed by government assassins (cops)…. Just for fun! And for the most part our government officials mostly determined these murders were justified!!! I expect we have had more people killed by cops then soldiers killed in Afghanistan within the same timeframe! Within our city streets cops killed 988 people in the year 2017 and the deaths keeps climbing till over 4000 people killed in our streets by March of 2022! Please oh please realize that’s more people were killed by cops then people and soldiers that we lost during the attack at Pearl Harbor or the good folks on 911 in New York they were just trying to live in America but were killed off by bad cops for no reason!!! So from the cop killing of 988 people in 2017 and by March of 2022 that number has climbed to more then 4000 souls I’ll add: When you see a cop start make arrangements for your funeral!!! Remember they get paid extra to take a gun from you and a paid vacation if they pry the gun from your cold dead fingers!!! Review the list see if I’m right!!! Just try this for an idea! The “ONLY” way we can ever be safe is shut down “Qualified Immunity” from cops, judges, city officials, City Municipality everyone should lose all their Qualified, Sovereign, Immunity completely! Also we as citizens should no longer be forced to bare the cost of the cops government assassins who have lost their qualified immunity….. the cops should have to pay attorney fees and any litigation themselves or take it from their union! The mayor(Liccardo) in San Jose California purpose a City ordinance/law that requires anyone with a firearm will be required to pay the city/state a fee each year and be required to have insurance! That mayor Liccardo of San Jose stated that gun owner are a drain on Community by using critical emergency medical and government assassins’s squad response responding to site causing their taxpayers a large burdened!!! So Laccardo of San Jose when your government’s assassins pulls your child over for not using the right hand turning signal when making a right turn at a four way corner and pulls your child out of the car and puts in cuffs and slammed your child on to the dirty curb. Your child tells cop to be careful and that upset the cop so the cop tased your child until the child dies….. your government’s official declared this use of forced was justified! However during this justified murdering of your child your government officials send in their assassins squad to find ways to block anyone from seeing what actually happened and to cover up the murder of your child! Bare in mind your child only forgot to turn on the turning signal but now is laying face down in the dirty gutter while the assassins are laughing about how your child flipped over and got it’s skull smashed…. On site there are twelve assassins from the assassins squad, two emergency medical units, along with fire rescue squad with the Fire Chief unit and the large fire truck!!! So now remember your child only forgot to used the turning signal but in pain your child told cops to be careful….. So is this the fault your child’s or does the fault belong to the assassins squad? Yes your child should have used signal! Or could the assassin just wrote your child a ticket and moved on??? Point being because I have a gun I now will be responsible for the actions of this child for not using the turning signal or even worse paying for the actions of government assassins squad who just put your child in the ground!!! So using Liccardo’s of San Jose own reasoning then the child who was driving and the assassins squad both should be paying a fee for driving and for the government assassins squad a fee for murdering!!! So to the best of my knowledge your child has been paying a fee for his license and a really large fee for auto insurance!! Now the government’s assassins squad to the best of my knowledge is probably paying a fee to keep their firearm license((which I expect we pay with taxes one way or another) but to the best of my knowledge the government assassins are not required to have murdering insurance!!! So Liccardo of San Jose what do you think? Should our government assassins be required to have murdering insurance too??? I expect you could possibly expect that even though your officials from government’s assassins squad ruled this uses of force was justified but as it turns out that a body camera just happened to be left on and caught the images and sounds of the government’s assassins squad laughing and giggling while tasing your child for five minutes with your child’s skull was smashed-in laying on the dirty curb still in cuffs… So do you think for one second that the government assassins’ qualified immunity will be dropped and a law suits would be following!!! Oh ya I expect there will be a law suit!!! So now what if all of people who were murdered by government assassins squad from 2017 until now March of 2022 yes more then 4000 of them were able to bring law suits against our government…… who’s going to pay for the litigations and the settlements for each of these murders??? Hum! Oh I know…. you and I will be covering all of this with our taxes!!! Now Liccardo of San Jose using your own reasoning could all of these cost be avoided just by the government assassin squad stopping its entertainment? Is it possible that our government assassins squad could be putting a drain on our community? There is another way: Supposed qualified immunity would be dropped from “ALL” supposed leaders including our government officials and our government assassins squad!!! Now I’m sure your child would still have forgotten to used the turning signal however the government’s assassins would have rethought the use of that taser/use of force! And just wrote your child a ticket instead!!! Now hopefully as a parent even though your child received a ticket… that child would be still able to fight the ticket and that would be easier for you to handle, hopefully! So I believe we push the lost of qualified immunity for our supposed leader…. All of them everywhere using the same reasoning??? So if we did use the same reasoning and actually got rid qualified immunity for our supposed government officials and government’s assassins I believe 9 out of 10 of the government’s assassins squad murders would be stopped… could that be possible???
@richardbadour1714 2 жыл бұрын
@@jacobthorns5776 Just remember bad cops cops get “GOOD” cops killed!!! But beware any cop, they can and will for their pleasure draw and kill you for fun!!! Damn right! We need to take the fight back into courts and keep it off the streets because cops are government’s killing assassins they have a get out jail card which we need to take away from them! Here are a few folks who might have something to say about poor policing! Let’s ask. Do you have any issues with bad cops?: Elijah McClain! Hum! Tony Timpa! Hum! George Floyd! Hum! Breonna Taylor! Hum! Dontrell Stephens! Hum! Antonio Arce age 14… I’m not old enough to vote! Hum! Elexis Wilson! Hum! Shayne Sutherland only 29 years old! Hum! Chad Burnett! Hum! Carlos Lopez! Hum! Antonio Black! Hum! Byron Williams! Hum! Mario Matthews! Hum! Jamie Britt! Hum! Richard Barry! Hum! Rodney lynch! Hum! Dave Baker! Hum! Mario Clark! Hum! Ronald Greene! Hum! Max Benson! Hum! Karin Helton 20 years old chase caught and then Asphyxiation! I’m not old enough to vote! Hum! Oh I’m sorry cops have already killed these folks for no reasons!!! So I guess they NOW have no input!!! However for your information there has been many more people killed by government assassins (cops)…. Just for fun! And for the most part our government officials mostly determined these murders were justified!!! I expect we have had more people killed by cops then soldiers killed in Afghanistan within the same timeframe! Within our city streets cops killed 988 people in the year 2017 and the deaths keeps climbing till over 4000 people killed in our streets by March of 2022! Please oh please realize that’s more people were killed by cops then people and soldiers that we lost during the attack at Pearl Harbor or the good folks on 911 in New York they were just trying to live in America but were killed off by bad cops for no reason!!! So from the cop killing of 988 people in 2017 and by March of 2022 that number has climbed to more then 4000 souls I’ll add: When you see a cop start make arrangements for your funeral!!! Remember they get paid extra to take a gun from you and a paid vacation if they pry the gun from your cold dead fingers!!! Review the list see if I’m right!!! Just try this for an idea! The “ONLY” way we can ever be safe is shut down “Qualified Immunity” from cops, judges, city officials, City Municipality everyone should lose all their Qualified, Sovereign, Immunity completely! Also we as citizens should no longer be forced to bare the cost of the cops government assassins who have lost their qualified immunity….. the cops should have to pay attorney fees and any litigation themselves or take it from their union! The mayor(Liccardo) in San Jose California purpose a City ordinance/law that requires anyone with a firearm will be required to pay the city/state a fee each year and be required to have insurance! That mayor Liccardo of San Jose stated that gun owner are a drain on Community by using critical emergency medical and government assassins’s squad response responding to site causing their taxpayers a large burdened!!! So Laccardo of San Jose when your government’s assassins pulls your child over for not using the right hand turning signal when making a right turn at a four way corner and pulls your child out of the car and puts in cuffs and slammed your child on to the dirty curb. Your child tells cop to be careful and that upset the cop so the cop tased your child until the child dies….. your government’s official declared this use of forced was justified! However during this justified murdering of your child your government officials send in their assassins squad to find ways to block anyone from seeing what actually happened and to cover up the murder of your child! Bare in mind your child only forgot to turn on the turning signal but now is laying face down in the dirty gutter while the assassins are laughing about how your child flipped over and got it’s skull smashed…. On site there are twelve assassins from the assassins squad, two emergency medical units, along with fire rescue squad with the Fire Chief unit and the large fire truck!!! So now remember your child only forgot to used the turning signal but in pain your child told cops to be careful….. So is this the fault your child’s or does the fault belong to the assassins squad? Yes your child should have used signal! Or could the assassin just wrote your child a ticket and moved on??? Point being because I have a gun I now will be responsible for the actions of this child for not using the turning signal or even worse paying for the actions of government assassins squad who just put your child in the ground!!! So using Liccardo’s of San Jose own reasoning then the child who was driving and the assassins squad both should be paying a fee for driving and for the government assassins squad a fee for murdering!!! So to the best of my knowledge your child has been paying a fee for his license and a really large fee for auto insurance!! Now the government’s assassins squad to the best of my knowledge is probably paying a fee to keep their firearm license((which I expect we pay with taxes one way or another) but to the best of my knowledge the government assassins are not required to have murdering insurance!!! So Liccardo of San Jose what do you think? Should our government assassins be required to have murdering insurance too??? I expect you could possibly expect that even though your officials from government’s assassins squad ruled this uses of force was justified but as it turns out that a body camera just happened to be left on and caught the images and sounds of the government’s assassins squad laughing and giggling while tasing your child for five minutes with your child’s skull was smashed-in laying on the dirty curb still in cuffs… So do you think for one second that the government assassins’ qualified immunity will be dropped and a law suits would be following!!! Oh ya I expect there will be a law suit!!! So now what if all of people who were murdered by government assassins squad from 2017 until now March of 2022 yes more then 4000 of them were able to bring law suits against our government…… who’s going to pay for the litigations and the settlements for each of these murders??? Hum! Oh I know…. you and I will be covering all of this with our taxes!!! Now Liccardo of San Jose using your own reasoning could all of these cost be avoided just by the government assassin squad stopping its entertainment? Is it possible that our government assassins squad could be putting a drain on our community? There is another way: Supposed qualified immunity would be dropped from “ALL” supposed leaders including our government officials and our government assassins squad!!! Now I’m sure your child would still have forgotten to used the turning signal however the government’s assassins would have rethought the use of that taser/use of force! And just wrote your child a ticket instead!!! Now hopefully as a parent even though your child received a ticket… that child would be still able to fight the ticket and that would be easier for you to handle, hopefully! So I believe we push the lost of qualified immunity for our supposed leader…. All of them everywhere using the same reasoning??? So if we did use the same reasoning and actually got rid qualified immunity for our supposed government officials and government’s assassins I believe 9 out of 10 of the government’s assassins squad murders would be stopped… could that be possible???
@TheNumbasign2 2 жыл бұрын
He was being a dickhead . If your anywhere in public with an ar15. And it’s not a hunting ground. You get what you deserve! I’m black . They would have shot me. Understanding this. I don’t carry assault rifles in public. Legal or otherwise.
@Nick-zr2yo 2 жыл бұрын
How we feel about this law is irrelevant. Police officers are supposed to enforce the law, period. If the residents of Florida do not like it then they can write their representative.
@bruceschermerhorn4434 2 жыл бұрын
It's not the residence that don't like this law it's the cops
@chastinshanks7551 2 жыл бұрын
@@bruceschermerhorn4434 blame reckless gun owners and illegal gun possessing. I fully back the blue on this.
@sabinepabst4227 2 жыл бұрын
@@chastinshanks7551 back the blue, until they violate you !
@Jaco3688 2 ай бұрын
“You’re not fishing right now!” “Uuuuh … I’m on a beech.”
@RashadFreemanOld 2 жыл бұрын
It’s funny that they complain about his gun is scaring people while they all have guns as well. Hope some action was taken against these officers.
@creativesha7156 2 жыл бұрын
You do know people shoot up schools, stores, malls, parades for no reason! If you were there with your family, I’m sure you would have been concerned too!
@FuhqEwe 2 жыл бұрын
@@creativesha7156 Is it the taste of the boot you enjoy, or the sensation of being stepped upon?
@creativesha7156 2 жыл бұрын
@@FuhqEwe sorry I’m strapped. I believe in being a smart gun owner. There are also a lot of looney asz people with guns who are evil and murderers.
@matthewjames121 2 жыл бұрын
That's a violation of this person's civil rights. Period. Weather people like it or not. He is breaking no law.
@ephraimhays7802 2 жыл бұрын
I believe these law enforcers with these guns who violate the u.s. constitution including state laws, should remove from the enforcement till they are trained completely( or otherwise fired ..)
@brandexample1776 2 жыл бұрын
They stomped all over the forth amendment.
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
"Weather people like it or not"? "Weather People" are known as Meteorologists. The synonym of "if" is "whether". You might want to master basic vocabulary before tackling the subject of Civics and how Public Safety abrogates Individual rights. For example, the Individual's right to privacy is abrogated in the case of that person having contracted a communicable disease. It's illegal not to notify a potential sex partner should somebody be HIV-positive, likewise for syphilis.
@Dba8er 2 жыл бұрын
Perfect example of why "Qualified Immunity" needs to be completely abolished.
@gracieg7601 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly !
@tomblount5635 2 жыл бұрын
We all need to contact our representative to get rid of immunity period
@Shaqad56 2 жыл бұрын
Did the voters, the citizens who pay the salaries of these tyrants, have any say so in giving police qualified immunity? Probably not.
@rushfan9thcmd 2 жыл бұрын
People like these deserve harsh treatment for violating rights.
@southendbos 2 жыл бұрын
He’s a perfect example of why you should pay attention in class like his momma told him. I guess he’s never going to hold a CEO position, sit on a board, or run an investment firm. How sad.
@MECX3490 2 жыл бұрын
I actually thought this was a joke until it wasn’t…amazing how uninformed those police officers are concerning the United States Constitution…time for people who are supposed to enforce our laws!! Disgusting!!
@libertyfirst4083 2 жыл бұрын
Time for people to start supporting natural rights -- never mind "the law". "The law" is often wrong, and as history has shown, "the law" has often been used to "legally" commit egregious crimes against _the natural rights_ of human beings.
@theway-offgrid9853 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone filing a false report on this man, for no committed crime, should be JAILED. As should EVERY officer involved in this 100% ILLEGAL detainment.
@theway-offgrid9853 2 жыл бұрын
@@Moe_Preme Detainment -PC = Illegal Some karen not understanding the law and filing a false report, does NOT probable cause make.
@theway-offgrid9853 2 жыл бұрын
@UCfZP98rZQzTTnf4N9p-DaWQ "Duschbags usually draw that kind of attention." Aka another person that thinks feelings = laws They don't. No laws were broken by the man. Only by the goons that fail to comprehend them and enforce them properly. And possibly by the person filing a false report of a crime, when none was being committed. Wasting taxpayer time and resource. 3.2 BILLION paid out to leo lawsuits in the last 10 years, means this BS needs to stop. I want bridges, roads, schools, and infrastructure for my money... Not a higher city litigation insurance premium and lawsuit payouts for ignorant officers not properly versed in the laws of the country they are paid to be enforcing.
@michaelkelly3221 2 жыл бұрын
JAILED for what, Einstein? This was entirely the fault of the ignorant, tyrannical pigs!!! Calling police to report a man walking down the beach with a gun IS NOT FILING A FALSE REPORT!!! CPD should have informed every caller he was NOT breaking any laws!!!
@markjust86 2 жыл бұрын
People calling the cops on a man with a gun is not a crime. They shouldn't be jailed but they should be educated by the 911 operator about the law. (although they would need to know the law themselves in order to do that)
@theway-offgrid9853 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaelkelly3221 Filing a report of someone walking with a gun, is filing a false report if your intention is to report a crime. Which he clearly was NOT committing. Those people's sheer and utter ignorance of the law, is NO EXCUSE! Using the police as weapons, against people you FEEL are doing something you don't like, is outright wrong. ESPECIALLY when you yourself DON'T know the law.
@upabittoolate 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not keen on wearing guns but this is his right and they're violating it.
@terrance2228 2 жыл бұрын
Our group doesn't move alone with such a firearm. At least two must accompany each other. Not because law or whatever but people we know in these parts want that $1500.
@boogerdog5247 2 жыл бұрын
Solo kicks sand in their faces by the time this day ends, and, he continues to go fishing. Pinellas, a black hole of tyranny, the entire county.
@RizenOneOneSeven 2 жыл бұрын
Pasco is a lil worse I believe
@sydnidowney3598 2 жыл бұрын
It’s the entire state of Florida…..they don’t care about the constitution or the law.
@MikeyD0 2 жыл бұрын
I’m a police officer I violate peoples shit every day and I love it
@user-se7vt5ow4e 2 жыл бұрын
West Palm Beach is the worst.
@jonathanpoitras5083 2 жыл бұрын
New Port Richey is horrible as well. I’m in Dunedin and stay away from Clearwater.
@gotherecom 2 жыл бұрын
LEO: "I know the law and I know both the US and State Constitutions but choose to violate them and your rights." SoloYaker: "Sue you."
@mattbrown5511 2 жыл бұрын
Please get a lawyer that will push a federal Grand Jury to bring charges under 18 US Code 241 & 242. These tyrants need to face prison up to the death penalty.
@Sneaky5.sl0w. 2 жыл бұрын
They need be lined up a wall and shot
@johngray1972 2 жыл бұрын
This is an old video, whatever is done is done by now
@hv02jl1 2 жыл бұрын
Killing them is a bit much! Eye for an eye
@scy1038 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus christ, Matt. Chill out a little.
@ItsConstitutional 2 жыл бұрын
They are all Private Contractors. Go after Cops Administratively. Look up "Rod Class Private Contractors", and "Rod Class Private Contractor Complaint Forms". They all are hired with Low IQ along with being Narcissistic and they all take an oath to the Fraternal Order of screamasonry.
@mikes.412 2 жыл бұрын
Wow that's insane for those cops to grab your wrists when you have a gun... That is way too aggressive for a consensual encounter. Once they put hands on you, take away your property and move you to their vehicle, you were arrested at that point. And since there was no crime, they unlawfully arrested you. Was there a lawsuit?
@Crunchykyle 2 жыл бұрын
I most definitely would have sued the police department, sued the detaining officer personally, made sure I abolished the detaining officers pension, and posted the encounter all over the internet. These cops are so small minded, one sided, hypocritical, paranoid narccassisic sociopaths. They need to be defunded. We need to form a entirely new system. 99% of the cops are corrupt. That's not even a exaggeration.
@EkonRekon 2 жыл бұрын
Ultimate fail! This is how not to act. Intimidating people is not your right. Lurking around and standing out suspicious and dangerous is not your right. You will cause new laws to effect normal people. Fail
@EkonRekon 2 жыл бұрын
@@Crunchykyle so if I troll around you and your kids at the beach with an AR you won't mind.. you are very slow mentally. You will get new laws passed that restrict guns because you don't know instinctively how to act right
@mikes.412 2 жыл бұрын
@@EkonRekon If your intentions are to troll specific people, that would be harassment and is a misdemeanor. He was open carrying in a safe manner (finger off trigger, muzzle down, sling carry) and walking to his destination and is lawful... But cops took it too far after talking to him. He was going to fish... It should have been "okay, you're not here to shoot people... thank you citizen. Bye."
@thierrydebuysscher7239 2 жыл бұрын
Well when you encounter a man with an automatic rifle on the beach, what would you say ? Hey hello man, what's up ?😂 In one minute he could fire and injure or kill people. This is called precaution .
@billkeefe9118 2 жыл бұрын
Would love to have seen the “OH SHIT, WE F’D UP” moment from the body cams on the cops as well as the conversations between all the cops while you were sitting in the box. FOIA vIdeo…that would be a great follow up!! Keep doing what you’re doing!!
@smileycamel5635 2 жыл бұрын
You need 20 liked minded people to show up from every direction and stroll thru with their weapons and fishing rods, and walk thru while they are harassing you....
@shakey2634 2 жыл бұрын
It’s just amazing how strong the ID addiction is in these cops.
@barrysims9906 2 жыл бұрын
Its there crack.
@briantrip5022 2 жыл бұрын
Its worse than a crack addiction
@dubzy8334 2 жыл бұрын
It really is. And when they can't get it it sets them off every single one of them when was the last time you saw a cop ask for ID when he wasn't allowed to demand for it and the person exercised the right and said I would prefer to remain anonymous and the cop said okay
@EkonRekon 2 жыл бұрын
Ultimate fail! This is how not to act. Intimidating people is not your right. Lurking around and standing out suspicious and dangerous is not your right. You will cause new laws to effect normal people. Fail
@shakey2634 2 жыл бұрын
@@EkonRekon Can you be more specific? I’m not sure if you’re talking about the videographer or the cops.
@drunkbikewrenchen6400 2 жыл бұрын
Wouldn’t it be nice if the people employed to enforce the laws were actually informed on what the laws are?
@solventtrapdotcom6676 2 жыл бұрын
They do know. But, since they pay no penalty for breaking the laws, they don't care.
@richardd5693 2 жыл бұрын
Amen to that. Why aren't they required to have a law degree to be in law enforcement?
@gracieg7601 2 жыл бұрын
Yes they should know what to do instead of jumping a man walking to the fishing pier to leave him alone. I can’t stand bad cops. That’s what these are.
@gracieg7601 2 жыл бұрын
@@richardd5693 they don’t even teach law in the academy.
@rushfan9thcmd 2 жыл бұрын
Or were drastically punished for violating laws as enforcement people.
@DramalessEarthbound 2 жыл бұрын
Smh, if someone asks you "what law did I break", and you cant answer them you fvcked up!!!
@fredericksonnenskog4511 2 жыл бұрын
Holy shit. This guy is even more awesome than the last time I watched. Amazing. I hope he sues them for unlawful detention and gets PAID SON!!!!!
@glock30fotyfive 2 жыл бұрын
That illegal detainment seemed to have gone too far. False imprisonment. This should be a nice lawsuit against Clearwater Beach.
@leo29hornsfan 2 жыл бұрын
It’s still a lawsuit for illegal detainment. He could be awarded at least 50 grand I’ve seen it happen before. A guy was arrested and let go five minutes later and was awarded over 40 grand
@edwardjames6070 2 жыл бұрын
this is about a hundred times the cops have done this to him. it's ok, the taxpayer will pay for it. the cops don't have to. they should.
@raymondcarter1137 2 жыл бұрын
Touching him is wrong. Imagine me and my friends grab a girl tell her to calm down then cuff her and put her in my car…for no reason.
@tallchap8070 2 жыл бұрын
I thought Clearwater police were owned by the Scientologists.
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
Mr Taylor has caused a panic for everybody else on the beach over his stupid exploitation of a technicality about "Hunting, Camping and Fishing".
@robertbascelli6433 2 жыл бұрын
It seems so typical. Detain first, then figure out there was no crime before INVESTIGATING first. They have all the resources at their fingertips before they detain. But feelings of others obviously trumps the LAW in their minds.
@ephraimhays7802 2 жыл бұрын
still unlawful detainment and illegal handcuffed...These certain lawsuits these law enforcers earned legitimately.
@mikecarrico2876 2 жыл бұрын
Back2Basic: PART of THIS violate FIRST policy THEN LIE to excuse violate FIRST!#,
@frodobaggins7252 2 жыл бұрын
Illegally strip a man of his freedom and property while simultaneously asking him to calm down. Act surprised when the victim is angry during the assault. Question why he can't just accept what's happening like the Nazi's asked to the Jews when they were throwing them on the trains to the death camps. The cops ask themselves "why won't they just let us save them from themselves"? And "Why won't they accept that they are causing people irrational fears and stop engaging in Constitutionally protected activities in a free society to make the collective feel better"?
@mikecarrico2876 2 жыл бұрын
@@frodobaggins7252 Back2Basic: until officers are CHARGed for the abuse of authority crimes THEY committed, WE the people will NEVER get equal standings just like the British redcoats treatment of settlers!!, who "represents" YOU?
@joshriver75 2 жыл бұрын
"Figure out there was no crime before investigating first" Lol...gots to work on that sentence structure
@kradxx1926 2 жыл бұрын
Notice the “detectives” disappeared. Must have detected how wrong they where. Lol
@mandrakecarnival8952 2 жыл бұрын
Detectives can only be away from air conditioning for small amounts of time
@leroyjenkins1568 2 жыл бұрын
Detectives just came out to see booty on the beach
@rabbrown6182 2 жыл бұрын
@samo8204 2 жыл бұрын
You HAVE to know this.... They KNOW what they're doing in Fking with you. They are making you miserable in the Hope's you will quit.
@jeffreyyankee9714 2 жыл бұрын
During all this, it would have been hilarious for another individual to walk by with the same setup. The cops would have imploded!
@coachfb18 2 жыл бұрын
Cops fully In the right here
@55Quirll 2 жыл бұрын
@@coachfb18 How? What crime did he commit or law did he break? So far I am unable to discern either
@andylovettFireball 2 жыл бұрын
I love how in the end you walked back through all the people 🤣
@scottbelmont4959 2 жыл бұрын
God help our poor police and be with them all with whats going on with those kind of people
@dwayneyoung7988 2 жыл бұрын
What law did I break to become detained?? They truly were pieces of garbage to take a man’s constitutional rights. And if you think I’m wrong then you live in the wrong country. As citizens you can be concerned by all means when you see someone walking with a firearm in public and you can even contact the police about it. But it’s then how the police handle the situation that when it truly becomes a problem. They take your rights.
@mannypena7023 2 жыл бұрын
A man with that attitude shouldn’t be waking around with a gun in the BEACH!!! Show off
@tamo9520 2 жыл бұрын
I know during the heat of the moment & the anger that sets in, we never think of the right things to say. It seems that we always think of what we 'should' have said. That first female cop said that you were scaring people. Too freaking bad really!! Instead of stopping "you', grabbing your arm, (by 2 cops I might add) why didn't they say to the people who called in that you were allowed to do that? If people want gun laws, this is what they can expect. And if it's scaring them that a fellow who is licensed to carry has one on him, that's no one's problem other then "their own". How many freaking guns were in beach bags? We'll never know. How many guns were in shorts, or concealed somewhere else on/in their personal belongings? Again, we'll never know. Instead of cuffing you, why on earth can they not explain that to the people who freaking call in !!!!! There's always some self righteous, insecure Karen somewhere close by. It's sickening that they don't' educate themselves before they act on their self righteousness! And it's too freaking bad that the cops don't educate them when they call in!
@ericstone692 2 жыл бұрын
You are spot on
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
It is Micheal Nelson's problem whether he wishes to concede the fact or not. He's the one in the back of a police car That his irresponsible conduct falls within a legal technicality is PURELY PHILOSOPHICAL. It has no bearing on the majority of those beach-goers who couldn't care less that he's within his Legal Rights. THAT is what's too freaking bad. The INDIVIDUAL bends to the SOCIETY. No Individual is of any greater value than his/her contribution to the sum of society's parts. Go ahead and tell me that's Socialism. Watch me shrug, yawn and say, "And....?" Micheal Nelson' is responsible for the fact that his actionS have 911 lit up like Christmas Morning. Because of the amount of individuals calling 911 to report some loon walking on the beach with two pistols, one of which looks more like a "rifle", the police are making contact with HIM. The fact that he's not breaking the law doesn't mean anything to the majority of the beach-goers, ergo it doesn't mean anything. Majority perception trumps one person's legal right to do something. That's why the police placed him in time-out. Look, I know it's not an "Assault Rifle" and that AR stands for Armalite Rifle. A lot of people on the Left think it's a "weapon of war". I know it's not. It's a semi-auto and no Marine or Army Soldier in their right mind would take a rifle into a combat theater of operations with a rifle that could not select FULL-Auto capability. The difference between me and the Right Wing is that I recognize that none of the afformentioned means ANYTHING to a significant amount of Society. Their priority is the safety of their families and they're well entitled to report this kind of stunt to the police. The police, moreover don't need anybody to tell them what they're supposed to do. Should they tell the public that Mr. Taylor isn't breaking the law? Sure, but the majority of the public doesn't have to care. ,
@stephengreen3566 2 жыл бұрын
The reason that they don't do as you suggest is that they don't have to. They have qualified immunity and can do whatever they want because there is no cost. No price to pay if you don't do your job or follow the Florida state laws.
@autumnleaves8553 2 жыл бұрын
The cops are not unaware of the law.... They know full well that he is within his rights. They just dont like that his toy is bigger than theirs!
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
@@autumnleaves8553 It's that they know what the law was meant for and it wasn't for this. The police don't have to let Mr. Taylor get away with causing a public panic by hiding behind a fishing pole.
@sonnynick1 2 жыл бұрын
Ty for standing up to this tyranny!!!!!!! We will need many more brave men and women like you in the years to come under this appointed dictator and chief.
@nfareview 2 жыл бұрын
lol typical Clearwater. I’m shocked they actually saw you. They are usually too busy writing citations on window tint and loud stereos. Pathetic.
@gracieg7601 2 жыл бұрын
Some pathetic Karen called the police.
@copper4441 2 жыл бұрын
And kissing scientology's ass
@larryholifield8169 2 жыл бұрын
He doesn't need a f***in gun on the beach where kids an people are trying to enjoy them self. All you💩🧠
@carmine_ 2 жыл бұрын
Thats so pathetic .. imagine these ppl wives or family thinking they go out to serve and protect but they really do this type of shit or write ppl tickets and take there money.. this is the most loser little sissy shit ever.. there main job is to serve us and protect our rights .. im so happy ppl are finally standing up to this and realizing cause this is getting ridiculous
@leroyjenkins1568 2 жыл бұрын
@@carmine_ some where there is a proud mom that rides around with a blue flag in the middle of her license plate
@SpoonsNo Жыл бұрын
You are the man! These tyrants disgust me. How hard is it to train a cop in the law?!
@1111dolittle 2 жыл бұрын
I commend this guy he stands up for his American rights. Watched him before. This is what it takes sometimes ...
@Nameless0ne419 2 жыл бұрын
did one cop seriously point his own rifle at him, then have the balls to say “dont point your rifle at us”? Funny how that works. i didn’t know we were expected to kiss ass and lick boots growing up
@shootingbricks8554 2 жыл бұрын
Happens in the southern states a bit.
@madmomanon2663 2 жыл бұрын
You guys need to get S.A.P.A LIKE WE DID in Missouri those tyrants just don't stop down there the fishing law ain't enough
@georgedetterbeck6857 2 жыл бұрын
With all that you go through, it is probably important that you know that there are those of us that appreciate you, brother.
@katarhall3047 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah this is one of the more egregious videos that Yaker has ever posted. This was just insane x100 and then some.
@gmazzeo8589 2 жыл бұрын
If I was one of those cops this guy would be in the hospital
@scottnaylon 2 жыл бұрын
@G Mazzeo sure buddy. LMAO
@scottnaylon 2 жыл бұрын
@@gmazzeo8589 I'm sure your IQ is low enough. Join!
@darinjones9959 2 жыл бұрын
@@gmazzeo8589 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😍
@juneskywalker5847 2 жыл бұрын
@@gmazzeo8589 more like the other way around but in the morgue instead filthy bootlicker or pig!
@_CORO 2 жыл бұрын
We gotta name for pigs like this in Australia that starts with a C and ends with UNTS .
@virginiahaas5126 2 жыл бұрын
What's the word?
@wadewalton4017 2 жыл бұрын
So every cop in it🤘
@dewayneearley7298 2 жыл бұрын
@THE WOKE-ING DEAD oh the comments your going to get. Lol
@DemocratsrPDFfiles 2 жыл бұрын
You're not even a free person , don't talk trash until you've cleaned up you own streets from the nazi cops in your country. How are those concentration camps ? No free speech and lockdowns ? You have it way worse than us.
@falsegods3434 2 жыл бұрын
@THE WOKE-ING DEAD well you are right about that C's can be very useful. Too bad you P ends with ricks weren't useful enough to keep your country liberated.
@Blanco356 2 жыл бұрын
Florida cops please learn our laws... you're not worth the pay you receive by taxpayers if you do not know the rights of the citizens you swore to protect. Governor DeSantis needs our AG to look into this... it's important to Florida residents.
@shootingbricks8554 2 жыл бұрын
Most conservative states are bootlickers who support tyrant cops.
@oceanbill8813 2 жыл бұрын
LOL “needs our AG to look into this”. News flash! Governor DeFatass just sent bags of cash to all Florida police officers as a reverse “campaign contribution” intended to buy their votes, using Federal funds intended for COVID prevention.
@drakecarter1780 4 ай бұрын
Important to you gum nuts that's about it
@markstench4470 2 жыл бұрын
Some back story There is no open carry in Florida unless you are fishing or hiking. Cudos to the lifeguard who got his rod and poll out of the sand.
@dontaskme7004 2 жыл бұрын
Police have a "but I'm the victim" mindset, complaining about your stuff being on 'their' car, when they're the ones who put it there in the process of violatin you.
@wepntech 2 жыл бұрын
Criminals plain and simple.
@Crunchykyle 2 жыл бұрын
99% of Cops are paranoid sociopaths who love to extort people in poverty for money.
@jamesandersen6264 2 жыл бұрын
Please do a follow-up with a law suit!!!
@davidmcnaughty4889 2 жыл бұрын
Love how the Detective and the rest of the plainclothes disappeared and left it to the peons,lol.
@ronberman8947 2 жыл бұрын
Folks feeling " Uncomfortable " is no legal basis to arrest the guy. I love your videos. Keep up the great work!!
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
This idiot gun fetishist who doesn't wish to identify himself is named Micheal Taylor and Mr. Taylor. is placing everybody else in fear for their safety, and then presuming to assess for himself whether he's responsible generating fear and apprehension. Moreover, he turns around and says he "needs a gun while fishing because he's been robbed while fishing. He expects his fears of being robbed while fishing to be everybody else's problem while arrogantly pretending that he's not responsible for the public panic he's caused. I would bet you serious money the police do not have any incident reports of Robbery with Mr. Taylor named as the victim.
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
It absolutely IS the legal basis for detaining him and siezing his weapon. We have separate laws for "Simple Assault" and for "Assault and Battery" because willfully communicating and conveying a threat, placing somebody in reasonable apprehension of serious injury or death, is an offense for which the subject is exposed to prosecution, fines and loss of liberty.
@travispick5717 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure disturbing the peace is against the law. Choosing to carry a gun like that with no specific need is baiting the public which in turn disturbed the peace which brought out the officers. The confrontation led to the man becoming belligerent even tho he was protected by freedom of speech using vulgar language in public could also be considered disturbing the peace again. Now that's nit picking it but the guy could have carried a hand gun and been about his fishing. Alot of people open carry in Florida and we don't have crap ton of thse videos. I live in Clearwater police are more right wing conservative here then any of the states I've lived in. But to be stupid enough to bring a weapon like that to the beach. Imagine the cleaning ur gonna have to do after that. What a waste of time
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
@@travispick5717 And I love his impotent mewling about his "consent". When he conducts himself like a normal human being, he can go back to "consenting to" things.
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
It's enough basis to inconvenience him. He can start taking other people into consideration or he can keep being inconvenienced. "Their feelings don't trump my rights."....Um...yes. They do. Sorry.
@jorgeyniguez4604 2 жыл бұрын
What do you need a AR-15 to go fishing. He knew what he was doing. What did he think was going to happen, he might not have broken any law but come on man. Common sense.
@eyespy1415 2 жыл бұрын
You adding all of these to the harassment charges????
@mikegarcia7623 2 жыл бұрын
“We are getting calls about you walking down the beach with an AR-15 “. We are the Feelings police and have been policing feelings for years
@chrisminblkdiamond 2 жыл бұрын
Is scaring people a felony or misdemeanor?
@michelemcguire8995 2 жыл бұрын
Stupid ignorant oinks
@jameswestover8403 2 жыл бұрын
Run to your cry closet bitch
@twerk4tyler 2 жыл бұрын
better safe then sorry, im very glad the cops handled the situation the way they did and so should u.
@MMASensei 2 жыл бұрын
It's a 1st degree rectal burn, therefore it must be a Felomeanor!
@deusvult6920 2 жыл бұрын
@@twerk4tyler fk off. Dangerous liberty > "safe" tyranny. I don't need a cop. People like you are everything that's wrong
@stephengreen3566 2 жыл бұрын
If the State law and the federal law agree then why don't the States attorneys communicate this with all of Florida's police departments?
@brotenks8472 2 жыл бұрын
Once it becomes clear a cop is using their authority to not only infringe on rights but to also batter and assault a citizen, I'd support lethal self defense.
@Crunchykyle 2 жыл бұрын
you can just file a lawsuit, and abolish the cops qualified immunity all while you attach yourself to there pensions. It would take YEARS and I do mean 2- 3 years before you see any money. But in the end its worth it.
@whiteboi1201 2 жыл бұрын
You are in my top 5!!!! I don’t have guns but appreciate what you do to stand your ground on laws that lawmakers made. Cops get to carry a gun anywhere but we can’t 🤔
@mac11daddy6 2 жыл бұрын
Only when they’re on duty. If there on there personal time by law they have to have CCW depending on the state
@AECRADIO1 2 жыл бұрын
@AECRADIO1 2 жыл бұрын
@supitat4918 2 жыл бұрын
I've been watching you for a couple years now, and I hope you have gotten... at the least... A FEW judgements for your favor in court, in your favor. This is totally unacceptable!!! Keep the constitutional videos coming, brother!
@supitat4918 2 жыл бұрын
What the cops did...
@pureogkush4207 2 жыл бұрын
Fuck constitutional why he walking down the beach with A's a fucking beach atlest carry a handgun so you don't freak everyone out...the people on the beach were prob scared af...can you say DC sniper...ppl are scared of a huge gun in a place like the beach
@supitat4918 2 жыл бұрын
@@pureogkush4207 It don't matter what kind of gun it is. The Constitution isn't prejudice. If you don't get scared when you see a cop with an AR-15 and you're fucking stupid because they're the one that's most likely to use it when it's not needed. Don't understand how somebody can say fuck constitutional, when it's the only thing keeping you free. Otherwise we become like Australia Australia!
@lingdar5362 2 жыл бұрын
I probably be a little concern if I’m on the beach and see this dude walking with semi automatic rifle slung around his chest like it’s nobody’s business. However, the cops could have handled it better instead of grabbing him . I think I lived too long in a blue state where the criminals are the only ones allowed with the weapons .
@libertyfirst4083 2 жыл бұрын
Here in FL we assume people are carrying. No problem. Husband and I frequent a bar & grill where they use placements that advertise guns and shooting ranges. No problem.
@BionicLemming 2 жыл бұрын
Why would you be concerned?
@scottmoncrief 2 жыл бұрын
How can they enforce the law if they don’t even know it & why do they even bother to swear an oath to the constitution when they don’t know it or care about it?!? Every single officer at that scene should immediately lose their job & qualified immunity so that THEY are the ones that pay for their actions instead of the tax payers paying for their utter stupidity & tyranny smh we got a call of someone exercising their rights so we just had to come & violate your rights 🙄🤦‍♂️
@libertyfirst4083 2 жыл бұрын
Well, this is what cops did -- and continue to do in some places -- all around the country these past two years. Idiots, unworthy of living in this country, for their ignorance of natural rights and disloyalty to freedom, called the uniformed thugs to harass and arrest people exercising their lawful right to enter a place of public accommodation without first undergoing a medical intervention, e.g. donning a slave rag. No law exists anywhere that makes it lawful for any place of public accommodation to require rags, but the thugs enforced anyway. Most of them suck, and always remember -- when seconds count, the cops are only minutes away.
@garydavid2197 2 жыл бұрын
I really love this guy. He really is a very well mannered peaceful man. Teachers and cops have ignorance of the laws of this land. They have the minds of children.
@solventtrapdotcom6676 2 жыл бұрын
No, they're not ignorant. They know. They just have immunity and hate America.
@shawngillette1414 2 жыл бұрын
it is an ILLEGAL detainment
@hawaiianpunch808 2 жыл бұрын
“When he did fuck you, fuck you, fuck you and fuck you” I cracked open a beer.
@Blgtn43 2 жыл бұрын
The Constitution is not a permission slip for the people; it is restrictions for the government.
@mralien4710 2 жыл бұрын
Keep fighting the good fight…… Listen to those karen’s!! My feelings TRUMP your rights what soft people we’ve become!
@dewayneearley7298 2 жыл бұрын
What's this we've you speak of? Me I'd have been asking brand cal. And thanking him for exercising his rights!
@seanoconnor9475 2 жыл бұрын
If they can happily break a sworn oath over and over how could they ever give credible evidence in court? If one of those officers ever arrested me I'd show how unreliable they are and cannot be truthful.
@SerenitynPeace 2 жыл бұрын
Courts on their side...
@edwardjames6070 2 жыл бұрын
the judge is just as bad
@solventtrapdotcom6676 2 жыл бұрын
The courts are where the problem starts.
@troyevitt2437 2 жыл бұрын
Mr. Micheal Taylor is obligated to put Society first, not himself. The law gives him the right to carry a gun wherever he's got a fishing pole en route to a fishing pond or pier, but common sense is that you don't cause a public panic. That law about fishing poles is supposed to be applied to a camping and hunting scenario. If you can be out fishing, you can be out hunting. It doesn't mean that you can discount all of the mass-casualty active shooting scenarios that make the news every couple of weeks.
@SerenitynPeace 2 жыл бұрын
@@troyevitt2437 wrong. The people need to learn the law. The people cry about their feelings... I'm not happy, I'm sad, I'm scared.... If they went by the law instead of feelings it would be different.
@markthomas3730 2 жыл бұрын
@Johnny.f.face1 2 жыл бұрын
I find show tunes scary. That doesn’t give them the right to arrest the cast of Hamilton.
@grantpowell4135 2 жыл бұрын
Cats has me fearing for my life
@marvinkline5667 2 жыл бұрын
I shit a brick when rent was in town.
@grantpowell4135 2 жыл бұрын
@@marvinkline5667 2 bricks for me
@woodystemms3799 2 жыл бұрын
"Fishing"? More like "trolling". He got exactly what he was asking for ... a hassle. Parading along the beach with a center-fire long-gun, he's trying to compensate for his rimfire pecker.
@ahoarsewithnoname 2 жыл бұрын
Right? He's an agitator and then gets butthurt when his agitation tactics gets him the attention. He may have been within his rights to walk the beach with his gun, but he clearly disturbed the peace with his tirade.
@creativesha7156 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! Seems like he needed to boost his ego by scaring parents and children.
@dakotaborrowdale3169 2 жыл бұрын
This isn't about his ego idiots it's about what's legal and what's not. He did this for the purpose of documenting what cops do illegally
@kmktruthserum9328 2 жыл бұрын
Arguing with cops makes it ten times harder for the citizen. Do what they say and then fight it in court. The more you argue, the more they feel you're doing something wrong and they feel threatened. You're going to fight it in court anyway so just stfu and stop fighting it before you get yourself shot. Do it the safe way and let them do their job, even if it's wrong. Be safe out there! P.S. The less you argue, the better chance they let you go sooner. The more you argue, the longer they waste your time.
@Zozo806 2 жыл бұрын
what are the consequences for the cops in this case? Just asked by a non american
@carolbrooks9161 2 жыл бұрын
I live in Clearwater. I literally never go to that beach. Its nothing but a tourist trap. This makes me dislike the place even more.
@TKO593 2 жыл бұрын
I felt an twitch in my right arm to punch the first female officer that grabbed you. Almost involuntary like when someone clips in a ball flying at the screen in the middle of your focus and makes you jump.
@lisagrafton2529 2 жыл бұрын
I bet shell say she was concerned for "officer safety". Did she look like she was worried her use that gun? I bet they got a brief, and decided they were the ones who would be able to arrest him! Maybe they should learn the laws they're enforcing, before the violate another person's rights! If you decided to sue, I'm sure they'd claim qualified immunity, BUT ...if they were aware of who he was, and that he did this, they wouldn't be able to claim qualified immunity. They had prior knowledge and still violated his rights!
@falsegods3434 2 жыл бұрын
Me too it's instinctive
@bobbyhempel1513 2 жыл бұрын
@@lisagrafton2529 they can't claim qualified immunity anyway they know the f****** law it's the same law that allows them to carry their guns.
@ronknaus3286 2 жыл бұрын
The Florida NRA passed this law and now the Clearwater Police are detaining him. Something is very wrong with this.
@skepticalobserver7484 2 жыл бұрын
The NRA doesn’t pass laws.
@densels.6089 2 жыл бұрын
um... the NRA passed a law? AS much as i think the NRA is a bunch of garbage... they cant pass laws... your ELECTED officials do that
@girlinvt 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, the Florida legislature passed the law, the NRA passed zero laws.
@ronknaus3286 2 жыл бұрын
@@skepticalobserver7484 The Fl GOP is basically the Fl NRA....that was my point.
@skepticalobserver7484 2 жыл бұрын
@@ronknaus3286 ah I gotcha. 👍🏼. No argument there.
@CB-fc7es 2 жыл бұрын
If they were so concerned about him they could have just walked with him to the pier after they knew he was not breaking any laws.
@libertyfirst4083 2 жыл бұрын
That's exactly what I was thinking.
@kellykebo3497 2 жыл бұрын
It’s sad how they’ve terrified the public regarding guns.
@buddhaAl 2 жыл бұрын
Great job exposing oath breaking idiots with badges! Thanks for standing up for all our rights. These cops need to be retrained and/or fired! Feelings do not trump rights and these oath breakers are NOT the feelings police! I please sue these offenders and get a nice settlement!
@jimmysunday124 2 жыл бұрын
God bless you brave Patriots !
@LolaGraceRobertsHouse 2 жыл бұрын
We need more people like this fine Gentleman.!! I stand with you brother. The Govt. is Out of Control. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.--That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
@Ron-dt1cz 2 жыл бұрын
The war on badges begun with defunding the cops, but let's not stop there let's finish this war.
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