Coaches & therapists need to WAKE UP to the coming reality of AI's effect on our careers...

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George Kao Business

George Kao Business

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If you see any examples of coaches & therapists using Ai to serve their clients better, comment below 🙏🏼
Here's the full ChatGPT-4o demonstration:
Here's the video my friend made with the Ai-generated song:
• Agua Katya - We Delive...
My best videos:
• Best of George Kao Videos
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@kalamansijuicetv5853 4 ай бұрын
As a psychotherapist who utilizes hypnosis and touch therapy, I keep learning tools that isn’t AI-able (at least not yet). From a neurobiology perspective, humans may feel that they get stuff done or that they don’t need people anymore since Ai or robots can do many things for them. However, humans survive not only from the survival of the fittest but from evolutionary psychology , our ability to connect with others. My sense is that people in the future may feel a void due to the lack of human connection and would seek something different than the ones they have been exposed to , say, technology. Healers who combine neuroscience and intuition and know how to market May carve a niche for themselves. At least that’s my wishful thinking ☺️. Thanks, George!
@MikeWangCoaching 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. What you said at the end: "What is the most essential and irreplaceable energetic exchange I can have with my client that AI can't replace yet?" This is what I'm focusing on.
@CoconutPete 4 ай бұрын
Only problem is when OpenAI makes anyone needing someone to help them with anything obsolete.
@goodnessthentruth 4 ай бұрын
cultivate vulnerability. hone your ability to sense energy on a subtle level. explore your soul’s purpose. AI might sound like it’s doing that, but it’s not.
@tomarlevine 4 ай бұрын
Hi George - I''ve become quite interested in using AI to brainstorm content ideas, options, outlines, etc. to pave the ground with routine ideas to save me time and stimulate my brain. I know that AI cannot replace the kind of deep intimate 1-1 healing work I do because that is entirely soul-based and working with unique creative modalities. I'll be very surprised if that can ever be faked. Even the holding of space in a deep way or the transmission of powerful energetic resonance - these are all what I use and people FEEL that and respond to it. That is on a deeper order than counseling advice or a reassuring tone. So it depends on what the client is looking for. On the other hand, if you were my coach I would enjoy the opportunity to while away a few hours downloading all my thoughts and concerns to your AI assistant since I know you'd never tolerate or have the time for me to do that in person. So that might be the best of both worlds. Gives a new meaning to the term "chat."
@randotkatsenko5157 4 ай бұрын
The way AI works, it simulates whatever interaction that it's trained on. If someone trained AI on hundreds of transcripts of you doing the "healing" work, then it will replicate that to a high degree.
@GeorgeKaoCommunity 4 ай бұрын
Love your comment, Tomar! On both issues -- 1) the spiritual nature of your work will be unique -- it's (as yet) harder for humans to trust that Ai will ever have "soul" capability to channel spiritual guidance as done by mentors like you. 2) and yes, the "non" spiritual knowledge and conversation can easily be replaced.
@CoconutPete 4 ай бұрын
The one thing that might have a shot is to make a 100% human chat alternative. I've thought about this many times - make a similar interface to ChatGPT but the main difference is you are talking to real humans. I actually gave this idea to Google but they never responded. Google could easily crush ChatGPT if they became the 100% human "AI" vs the soulless AI.
@tomarlevine 4 ай бұрын
@@randotkatsenko5157 It's possible the words would be similar - although my words are guided by intuition - and possibly in my voice. But it would not, could not actually be an energetic transmission of human deep soul contact. A sensitive client would detect that, I'm sure. The words would be devoid of some energetic signature, as George would say. But time will tell.
@katherinekrupka 3 ай бұрын
It's already happening. As an example, Brendon Burchard, a big name in coaching, personal development and marketing, has already created a scary-amazing AI of himself that, for a fee, is available as a coach to his community members. He trained it on his 20 or so years of material - books, videos, blogs, training courses, etc.- and it has his voice, and soon his image. You can type in - or speak -any question - like hey Brendon AI, i'm not feeling motivated to get this content written today, what can I do? And it will draw from all that content and give you a personalized answer based on whatever details you share. It coaches you. And does it well. That's already available today. In a year...or 5? I think we get to become super creative about what we're doing to offer something AI won't be able to.
@robwagner8740 3 ай бұрын
This is very thought provoking and an extremely important message. Thanks for sharing it.
@KimVictoria-Artist 3 ай бұрын
Hi George - I appreciate your profound analysis of the situation, and how you are integrating AI effectively into your offerings. Just a thought, as you develop your "assistant" you may find that you can diversify into helping more coaches develop their own "assistants" as part of your training mix. You are already offering AI trainings and it would seen that you may be doing more of that. I will continue to create art by hand and intuitively, and there is an ever growing interest in the hand-making of arts and crafts and how to do that, which are still very human-creative endeavors. I would enjoy having an assistant to take my images, writings and videos and automatically take snippets and disseminate them across social platforms to save me that time of marketing tasks, so I can use that time for more creating (or cultivating my garden, for that matter). When that becomes a possibility I am sure you will teach it and I will be right there with you. Thank you for the reality-check. I'll stay open ;-))
@Troubadourmusic8412 4 ай бұрын
Right that is great that your AI will be trained on your courses, books etc. BUT most of us have zero how to even get our own AI let alone how to train one or have it available for in between sessions. Let alone yet another cost we have to have for our business as well, like how much is our own AI going to cost us? Not only that, just how long will we be able to do such as coaches/mentors before that AI is then free to where people do not need 'our ai'?
@savannahesposito9307 4 ай бұрын
I appreciate your video. I've been skeptical of AI and a bit anti-AI as I wanted to see how it evolved before I used it/went near it. I think AI has amazing capabilities that if we as a society use it for good, can be amazing. However, with great power comes great responsibility and I've already seen the negative ways AI has been used. I don't honestly know what the current AI is out there, but if there is a way a coach or therapist could use AI that is actually confidential, then that could be an interesting use of AI to help the process. Like you, when AI came out I already could see how many jobs could be replaced and how disruptive it would be. I do wonder what the trajectory will be for AI for the coaching and therapy industry. If AI could be respectful and not train off of the entire internet with copyrighted work unless permission is given by the author or there is like a small fee OpenAI would pay to the author to train their AI model, that would be awesome. I do wonder about AI and data privacy and security so far and how that will look in the future. I also wonder if with AI and the advancements, will there need to be a universal basic income as so many jobs will be taken by AI???
@midwifeofmidlife 3 ай бұрын
Ok so I’m a therapist that treats anxiety and this suggestion from AI is so rudimentary and even contraindicated in some circumstances. The nuances involved in even treating the basics of anxiety are so much more complex than this video presents. What about treating the underlying trauma, helping someone build a different relationship with their complex anxiety symptoms. I see your point but I’m not going to scrap being a therapist just yet!
@midwifeofmidlife 3 ай бұрын
Great video though, George. Very thought provoking.
@Skolzerx 4 ай бұрын
I struggle with your idea at the end because it just seems like the clients will not need a hybrid model. They will just go 100% AI therapy and not need you… :/
@CoconutPete 4 ай бұрын
Have been using computers since the early 80's and the first thing I recommend everyone doing is to definitely fight AI as much as possible using legal or protesting means. Fighting AI will at least buy humans some time. If we refuse to fight and give in to The Beast of technology, do we know what the long term consequences will be? Just like with social media/smartphones, most people companies/people didn't think about the long term consequences - how many people will die by texting and driving for example. How many kids have fried their brains do to social media/smartphones? We know for a fact that Big Tech doesn't care if people die or their lives are ruined by the technology they create. As long as they make a profit, that's all that matters. There may be a split in most markets just like the food industry where AI is considered to be like fast or processed food, while 100% human content is considered to be like organic food. This could buy us some more time if so. Everyone here needs to think this through as you will be 100% obsolete if OpenAI or other companies simply decide to create a one stop coaching AI solution that replaces everyone. Same with graphic design, etc. There's no reason that OpenAI won't do this... essentially they will cheapen everything just like Fiverr has done. If you watch some of the Sam Altman interviews, you'll notice how he frequently mentions that perhaps most lowly humans will have to be on universal basic income. So the economic divide will become even larger. A handful of billionaires in control of billions of peasants. There are too many unanswered questions. We already know our government spies on everything you do online 24/7, and they probably have all of your data connected to a Super AI of some sort that makes ChatGPT look like a joke. The more we feed the AI, the less power humans will have, the more of our rights will go away and the more dehumanized we will become. Also, nobody seems to have thought this through very well as they have pretty much destroyed the entire history of all human works since the beginning of civilization in only a couple years by tainting it with AI. I could probably write a book on this topic at the rate I'm going, and maybe I will. Take some time and do not easily give into these new technologies. OpenAI could care less if you end up homeless because of this.
@randotkatsenko5157 4 ай бұрын
Fighting wont change anything. Its coming and its here to stay. Better accept it and move with the times.
@CoconutPete 4 ай бұрын
@@randotkatsenko5157 Adding a little more to my comment. First, everyone should know these AI companies have 100% stolen everyone's content and are profiting from it. Years of work, gone overnight with no compensation. The AI companies didn't create stuff out of thin air. I warned of AI on this and other channels and so far my predictions have come true, and my warnings here will come true as well. Has anyone found a company that has both adopted AI AND has created new jobs? If so, let me know. Just saw a new coffee company opening 100% run by robots. If everyone is unemployed, who will buy the coffee? What we're going to end up with is a few companies making billions and most people unemployed or homeless. At that point the only option will be to beg for tiny morsels from the corrupt government. And at that point, the government has even more control over the population. Nobody seems to stop and think or care about the repercussions. Was never a big fan of outsourcing to third world countries, but those poor people that once made a living on Fiverr are likely doomed. I would love to be wrong about this, but the track record of corrupt corporations and corrupt government over the last several years does not make me more optimistic. This is the opposite of the Internet boom of the 90's which gave individual people more freedom and power. AI is more like a black hole. But, let my comments serve as a time capsule, and let's check back in a year or so.
@SamHootini 4 ай бұрын
Great thoughts George! I also believe that in the future coaches will complement their services with an AI version of themselves. My team and I have been silently at work all year building such a platform, for coaches, consultants, and course creators to easily train their own AI with all of their course and content and easily integrate it to their website or course. Should launch this month, I’ll keep you posted…
@spammail6066 4 ай бұрын
Please do! Bonus if it can be affordable for new coaches too. Affordability matters. But keep up the great work ❤
@GmanSJ 4 ай бұрын
Sounds awesome! Got a link for more info?
@randotkatsenko5157 4 ай бұрын
Coaching & theraphy is done. I suggest exploring other interests and venues. Most people will choose the faster and cheaper option, even if it's slightly less of a quality(than the real therapist). You can see this exact thing play out in the past 2 years with AI generated digital art.
@GeorgeKaoCommunity 4 ай бұрын
"Done" is of course hyperbole. But I agree with you that the financial viability of solopreneur coaches/therapists will be more challenging going forward. I hope that those watching this video will be proactive and innovate their practices so that they/we can be in the minority of service providers who clients love to work with.
@CoconutPete 4 ай бұрын
Everything is done. The only thing area that might be stable is being a government employee working for a corrupt government.
@TheArtPartyorg 3 ай бұрын
Microsoft is investing over $10 billion dollars into Open AI and Co-pilot AI, which will accelerate development. There's no stopping AI technology and will alter the course of humanity. We can all have our own personal AI VA!
@artievipperla2635 4 ай бұрын
Yes, this is all quite remarkable George. And completely ignores what is the greatest contribution one human being to another: how two divine cosmic, uniquely, invaluable, heavenly messengers, can co-create a new instancing of the eternal treasure of wise, loving potent joy. In my experience, awakened women are particularly sensitive to this while the overwhelming majority of guys can be seduced into settling for a girlfriend AI. Evolution and the increasing numbers of old and elevated souls being born on earth will eventually even things out as best as I can tell from reading energetically the prospects.
@carinelog6106 3 ай бұрын
I love your ideas. Thanks for sharing
@dougT22 3 ай бұрын
Hey George that was wonderful to hear you reflect on the impact of AI on all of us coaches and therapists and basically human relationship people I like your idea of having a personal AI trained up on your material that you can charge people for interacting with. unfortunately I think it's going to be much more complicated in that any individual will be able to scrape everything you've ever posted on the internet and create their own AI version of you. And in fact I would not doubt it if somebody on an open AI bot scrapes all of the different coaches like you and Tad Hargrave and whoever and creates a bot that will either synthesize everybody or that you can interact with and ask to get different opinions from the different characters that they have inside their AI minds Man what a wonderfully bizarre world we are creating here. I wonder how it's going to work out and thanks for contributing to the conversation
@sarahjkennedycoaching 3 ай бұрын
Hi George! Do you have any class where you teach us how to implement AI in our business? I feel overwhelmed by how to start doing that . I know there is a lot of AI I could use to help with content creation/marketing- but I don’t know where to start:
@GeorgeKaoCommunity 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for asking! I do: -- it was recorded last year, but it also comes with an ongoing FB group for updates to the field.
@kaylilarkin 4 ай бұрын
You may or may not have had the experience yet of being judged by the robots -- but if you haven't, you will if it keeps heading along the path of say, Google's Claude. Chat GPT has already become less friendly -- so I don't know that people are going to continue to prefer AI interaction.
@elisemiller13 3 ай бұрын
@kaylilarkin I'd love to hear your experience of "less friendly" chat gpt, judging you. I don't wish to pry into private matters just to hear some hope of the imperfection of this whole frightful scenario. Thanks
@likemysnopp 4 ай бұрын
I mean .. it didnt take me long to realize that most people are not musicians for a reason. Most people cant make a living being a cartoonist or any "creative" field. This was clear for me even before the internet worked great. And it will continue that way because the field itself is not actually difficult or actually needed. Sure I work with taking care of handicapped people, so my service can be gone if all of a sudden nobody is handicapped anymore. But then I guess ill find another job that pays just as much. This is the part I thing many have a problem with.. change. Now im use to it. Ive done around 4-10 different things the last 5 years. And ive learned that nothing is truly safe anyway.
I feel like I’m starting over...
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