Consequence Culture Comes For The Woke! Leftists Baffled Their Hate Meet With Boos And Not Applause

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The ArchCast

The ArchCast

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@morescodesup2087 Ай бұрын
“When I am Weaker Thn You, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am Stronger than you, I take away your Freedom Because that is according to my principles.” -Frank Herbert I love how we finally evolved beyond falling for this
@shawnm1902 Ай бұрын
And dev is following that playbook
@TrixyTrixter Ай бұрын
​@@shawnm1902 And Arch wants people to fall for it apparently.
@From-North-Jersey Ай бұрын
@@TrixyTrixter My God you are daft. This is simply a leveling of the playing field. The right has been dealing with this for over a decade.
@Mr_D_OG Ай бұрын
@Sgt_Glory Ай бұрын
@@Mr_D_OG Children of Dune to be exact.
@Military-gradenutella3068 Ай бұрын
Destiny was not “joking about a dead guy” - he was directly saying he devalues human life if that human disagrees with his logically bankrupt ideology.
@codyraugh6599 Ай бұрын
One of his viewers was friends of a woman who stood next to the dead man. Said they had to stop watching Destiny because the gun shooter traumatized her so horribly and mocking the dead man is too awful. Destiny went right after them and even made threats towards the woman. I wonder why he got demonetized.
@chrisdidios9963 Ай бұрын
@@codyraugh6599 Funny how it's usually if not always the male feminists that become creeps that subsequently stalk/harass women.
@Military-gradenutella3068 Ай бұрын
@@codyraugh6599 It’s hard to witness that level of cruelty and callousness from a source close to you. I think everyone understands those actions/attitudes are out there, but we expect it from “the other”, not someone with whom you’ve shared a connection.
@codyraugh6599 Ай бұрын
@@Military-gradenutella3068 it's also just part of the psychological conditioning of Marxism. One of their fundamentals is to pretend "everyone"/ "the 99%" absolutely agrees with them and is on their team, and then treat any disagreement as a personal betrayal. If you read the translated transcript of the debate of Gramsci (the father of western Marxism and most of not all woke movement including BLM) vs Mussolini. Gramsci first calls for Mussolini's execution because Mussolini's brand new Fascist party got involved in fighting in a street riot against Marxists. Mussolini then brought up the Russian Civil war and the horrendous acts Lenin was performing as well as the Marxists own participation in the same street violence. While Gramsci's response was so insane even the moderators were concerned for the man's mental well being thinking he had had a stroke, his response can be summarized as "we fight for the Proletariat, anyone who speaks against us has betrayed the Proletariat and is aiding in the killing of the Proletariat, and has joined the capitalists. We are incapable of making mistakes, they are simply greedy traitors". So Destiny's response is expected, and indeed effectively the standard for a "moderate" Marxist like Gramsci. Like I can understand someone going "well I'm not retracting my statements about the guy" but instead he escalated and started effectively threatening the individual and cursed the life of the woman who was next to the man who lost his life. And that's part of the key difference between Marxists and the majority of other ideologies out there. Even among Jihadists there is at least that level of understanding where they'll hope/demand the individual converts to Islam, but they'll remind you that they're still fighting their holy war and to stay out of their war/to submit to their ideals. Because at the end of the day they want submission from their enemies and their foes to join them in their ideology, Marxism doesn't extend that to others, the moment you're against it, you're dead.
@whisped8145 Ай бұрын
100% Maoism: Just before his "Great Leap Forward", Mao said in his speech: "Not being a Socialist, is like not having a soul." All accusations by Socialists are projections.
@Zebra66 Ай бұрын
The ones who go out of their way to prevent the people choosing their own president are always bleating about "threats to our democracy". It's annoying.
@Nickle_King Ай бұрын
You mean like Trump?
@Zebra66 Ай бұрын
@Nickle_King No. I mean people like you are annoying. The ones who think putting political opponents in prison when they can't win elections is "saving democracy". Hypocrites who hate democracy when the people disagree with them.
@NoobTamer Ай бұрын
@@Nickle_King When did Trump actually jail his opponents? When did he try and have them offed? I'll wait.
@shilopnamreg6468 Ай бұрын
Bleating is a very apt description for what the leftoid sheep do 😂
@Jokoko2828 Ай бұрын
The States could do without both of the current candidates.
@Orio107 Ай бұрын
Destiny was not joking, he was celebrating.
@sebastianprimomija8375 Ай бұрын
Dev hides behind "edgy joke" so he doesn't a 👊 in his 😂
@mrbigglezworth42 Ай бұрын
@@sebastianprimomija8375 In order for it to be a joke, it needs to be funny. I don't see anyone laughing.
@tylerghersinich576 Ай бұрын
Remember there is a clip of pepperoni nipples destiny during a debate celebrating that he guy died and he was from a swing state
@Slitheringpeanut Ай бұрын
@@mrbigglezworth42 No, that's not true. There are such things as bad jokes. But the Left has no sense of humour, they don't joke.
@Dante4F8 Ай бұрын
No Dev. No more. Never again shall I suffer a Dev. I am gatekeeping my entertainment. Allways and forever more.
@Autechltd Ай бұрын
Gatekeep your entertainment. No superchats while Dev is a guest. Hold the line.
@vandeheyeric Ай бұрын
@@Autechltd Brilliantly well said.
@jaccovw99 Ай бұрын
Just leave then
@Dante4F8 Ай бұрын
@@jaccovw99 I am here for Arch not Dev, not you, Devs alt account. I don't talk to you I talk to Arch. No one likes Dev if you haven't noticed, should we all leave? You do know you are the "don't like it don't watch it" guy but with the difference you are a nobody.
@hellishhybrid1839 Ай бұрын
@@jaccovw99 How about *you* leave?
@Ryzen776 Ай бұрын
The issue is not that Dev made a meme post, the issue is that he tried to portrait the victim as an evil person just to win a argument over a joke. That was a new low for him.
@malaficus Ай бұрын
Really? I thought it was an old low.
@conscript900 Ай бұрын
Arch, dev went straight to trying to discredit the sympathy for a dead man. It may not be something youll throw him out for but you need to give him some stern words. I do doubt hes genuine in his apology but hes not my friend hes yours. Your cross to bear and decide whats too far and whats not.
Didn't he said that he is not apologising and then went to "justify" his BS?
@arkoa0000 Ай бұрын
​@@AKUJIVALDOHe "apologized" but take a good look at his community tab and notice 2 things. 1. The majority of his community isn't buying it and 2. He proved those people right who didn't buy it by making more TDS posts and dumb comments.
@AlphaOmega1237 Ай бұрын
Dev is trying to speedrun the game of alienating his audience.
@Malefactor Ай бұрын
@@AlphaOmega1237 Which is sad really, the first video of Dev's I saw, which made me subscribe to him, he mentioned how TotalBiscuit showed disdain for his audience when they were critical of him. "By the time you unsubscribe I'll have gated 10, you won't be missed" or however it went. Dev rebuked his attitude, but now he's starting to adopt it. Banning people because they annoy him, then coyly saying he'll unban them if they donate $50. Pretty sure TB never went that far.
@kielbasamage Ай бұрын
@@Malefactor Given that he took Ace's money from a superchat and laughed at him without responding to the message he paid for Dev to read, I'd say by his own metric he's fallen lower than TB.
@krieg_guardsman9548 Ай бұрын
Im sorry arch but im actually pissed at Dev. Making fun of an ex firefighter that died projecting his family at the rally is pure lefty thinking that is Devs true face
@robertlewis6915 Ай бұрын
Could you point me to where he did this? Not arguing, I just don't use Twitter.
@jamesgooper5474 Ай бұрын
@@robertlewis6915 Dev was on sidescrollers saying it was a joke in bad taste and he shouldn't have said it. I don't have Twitter or X or whatever it's called.
@durnaxe8708 Ай бұрын
Dev wasn't being a dumb. Dev was being a bad faith actor, trying to play bot sides are bad BS. Not to mention digging up the deceased man's tweets and lying about him being a Putin fan.
@stevekramerf242 Ай бұрын
So he was wrong and full of malice. Funny that Arch didn't see it that way, isn't it?
@pubcle Ай бұрын
I don't believe Dev's apology because he explicitly said he wasn't apologizing, justified it calling anyone who asked for his apology a leftist, & was very clearly using the victim to justify his 'rightoids are to blame' spiel then accused people of acting like leftists for not accepting his non-apology apology that was constantly disparaging & callous. He was talking out both sides of his mouth constantly during this. The man is incapable of truly accepting fault without piles of excuses, justifications, & explanations of why actually he was right & you were the evil moron because his method & sources are superior. I can no longer dismiss Dev as merely cognitively dissonant but otherwise reasonable. He has destroyed any balanced view. Cenk Uygur was vastly more respectful & did not play the both sides card, more malice & blame layered upon conservatives in this moment by Dev with no charity & maximal hostility while Cenk is giving balanced, reasonable, & relatively kind words is mad. I must now believe it malice & entirely disingenuous. He proved every single accusation against him right there within 24 hours while fighting tooth & nail. I understand loyalty to a friend, if you dropped him immediately that'd be a mark against you, but at this point at least do not bring him to the cast.
@TrixyTrixter Ай бұрын
Exactly. I cannot grasp how Arch can for a second believe that Dev was just joking
He didn't accept anything, why do you think he did?
@pubcle Ай бұрын
@@TrixyTrixter Friendship, especially an old one, can make you charitable to the point of blindness. *More so when one is of good character, as a man of poor character would do as people like Completionist did to his friends when controversy struck, immediate betrayal for self preservation & abandon them. A man of good character values loyalty & tries to push through for his friend. Sometimes, though, even the virtue of loyalty can blind.
@rayclawicefire2503 Ай бұрын
@@TrixyTrixter It's very easy to grasp why Dev is his friend that's why
@rahn45 Ай бұрын
@@TrixyTrixter Arch is suffering from the "But he's nice to me" kind of relationship with a person.
@razvanconstantin740 Ай бұрын
Arch, my good lad, let's speak the universally understood language here. How much to not have Dev on the Archcast?
@stevekramerf242 Ай бұрын
It will not be enough, cause Arch likes it this way.
@stevemanart Ай бұрын
"When they tell you who they are, believe them." - Kirsche Verstahl When the joke is wishing an attempt didn't fail, they're not making a funny haha. They're telling on themselves.
@Asmogan Ай бұрын
Dev made no apology. No "I'm sorry" or "I was wrong. Period." was said by Dev. It's fine to have a blindspot for friends Arch, but you cannot call that an apology.
@Nomadic_Gaming Ай бұрын
dev only did it too when destiny got demonetized on multiple platforms because he knew it was his turn next a bunch of psycho leftists did it arch knows what dev is and arch has some misguided idealist goal of helping him see the light sadly dev isnt going to hes a lifetime raised commie he exists to subvert thats his jollies and gets him off hes a degenerate morally vile little creature arch keeps forgetting dev doesnt like the things the group does he puts up with it and hangs around soley to subvert or funnel info to other subversives and undermine anything arch sargon anyone who he can get close to does
@jamescollier9196 Ай бұрын
And I thought he is Canadian.
@tylerghersinich576 Ай бұрын
He @asmogon I enjoy your videos. I agree I think the best thing Dev can do is give a charitable donation to family of the victim and personally apologise to them.
Ah yes, taking piss at the killed retired fire chief is "doing dumb"...
@terrykrugii5652 Ай бұрын
Arch: " Always. Assume. *Malice.* " Also Arch: "Dev is friend, but he did a dumb" 🤦‍♂️
@stevekramerf242 Ай бұрын
Funny isn't it. It was malice and wrong and Arch "Didn't see it that way". Mmmhhh....
@stronensycharte64 Ай бұрын
​@@stevekramerf242 Yea arch needs to grow a pair
@stevekramerf242 Ай бұрын
@@stronensycharte64 For sure.
@Autechltd Ай бұрын
This is just proving that Arch doesn't mean the things he says and that this is all a grift. I'll be gatekeeping my entertainment by boycotting his streams.
@jonathansmithwick5703 Ай бұрын
Because it's not an assumption when you actually know the guy involved
@RiskOfBaer Ай бұрын
Dev is not sorry, nobody buys it. It's just that this time the backlash was a little too hot for him. Damage control is all it is. He'll be back to his TDS persona next opportunity he gets.
@aj.j5833 Ай бұрын
Exactly this.
@Schinak Ай бұрын
exactly. Never forget
@adamsee4144 Ай бұрын
Dev doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt.
@damionbowen3846 Ай бұрын
Arch should distance himself from him
@TrixyTrixter Ай бұрын
​@@damionbowen3846 At least should remove him from the podcast. Like I do not care if he stays friend with Dev, I do care that hes soiling what could be a good discussion by bringing Dev on.
@damionbowen3846 Ай бұрын
Dev isnt sorry he went through a dead mans twitter !
@MaverickhunterXZero Ай бұрын
He's sorry people got pissed off.
@masonhidari Ай бұрын
@@MaverickhunterXZero yep true
@Darek_B52 Ай бұрын
@@MaverickhunterXZero yep. I don't care what Arch says here Dev is trash.
@terotcard Ай бұрын
Yeah, Im done with Dev. Im starting to understand why people say he's a dishonest actor
@chrisdidios9963 Ай бұрын
He's always been a snake, it just takes a lot of people time to realize it.
@SSODP Ай бұрын
@@chrisdidios9963 The better the chamelon, the harder to spot it - sort of thing. Then as "content consuption" goes on it's kinda like "sunk cost fallacy", You failed to spot the chamelon so now You'll rationalize it isn't there, to protect Your "pride". Also there's a chance some of the people don't want to "over-react"... and also end up rationalizing this whole thing. - mix of both is a possibility too Greetings
@lurkingllama8364 Ай бұрын
Whos Dev?
@BurghezulDjentilom Ай бұрын
​@@lurkingllama8364actually nobody
@SSODP Ай бұрын
@@lurkingllama8364 "short fat otaku", the one Arch called "friend" - I don't remember "why Dev" tho' Greetings
@Josco83 Ай бұрын
Dev did not apologize, per Dev. Go to his community post and scroll down to the comment “That’s not an apology Dev,” to which he wrote a couple paragraphs. Commenter responded with “That’s still not an apology,” and Dev answered, “You’re right. It’s not.”
@defenestrationstation5771 Ай бұрын
Dev: Can I copy your homework? Destiny: Yeah just change it a little bit so the teacher can't tell.
@goliver9991 Ай бұрын
ahh dev, he believes orange man attempted coup, i dont buy he is sorry.
@Autechltd Ай бұрын
You guys have to vote with your wallets. No superchats while Dev is a guest. Hold the line.
@fuzztsimmers3415 Ай бұрын
@vandeheyeric Ай бұрын
@@fuzztsimmers3415 ShortFatOtaku
@danutmh Ай бұрын
Dev has a bad track record of bad faith arguments. The tragedy of being canadian.
@Chichaetomate Ай бұрын
what do you mean... he can't be a bad faith person... nobody is calling him that on the discord... he made sure that doesn't happen no more
@danutmh Ай бұрын
@@Chichaetomate My mistake then , since there is no source presented , it cannot be proven. Classic blunder!
@Blaze4364 Ай бұрын
​@@danutmh Oi! Dev is unique in being a bad faith Canadian! Most of my countrymen suffer from simple cognitive dissonance, an authority bias, and are the typical mid-wits you find everywhere. They simply lack the self awareness of their actions to be bad faith. ... Which admittedly isn't much better, but it is the truth. Lol. Thankfully, working in healthcare at the very beginning of the coof and seeing what the institutions were telling the public, broke whatever trust in institutions I had left. Specifically, both that "masks do nothing" *and* "masks are our salvation" which are both half truths missing context (can go into detail why if you're curious bc knowing that was part of my job). Still! Keep the average know-nothing Canadian out of it! They might agree with Dev on most topics, but that's due to lack of self awareness! 🤷‍♂️
@S71xx Ай бұрын
For someone who claims not to be a commie Dev sure does love to use their tactics.
@Reddotzebra Ай бұрын
I told the most left leaning friend I had years ago that he shouldn't celebrate simplified censorship because it could so easily be turned against the people he supports, and that guy hates my guts now. Doesn't change the fact that I was right though.
@LordInquisitorHectorRex Ай бұрын
Not saying Dev needs to make an apology video and actually explain how he was wrong and self reflect, but chat has the biggest "i fucking told you so" ever and should not let him forget it.
@krieg_guardsman9548 Ай бұрын
The problem is it's not the first time he runs between the left and right. Dev is the rot that arch always talks about
@DrunkonTacos Ай бұрын
No, Dev does not need to apologize. What Dev needs to do is shut down his socials and stop being a cancer on other people's streams.
@KnightByKnight77 Ай бұрын
Who's Dev and what happened involving him?
@S71xx Ай бұрын
Dev aka short far otaku dug through the tweets of the trump supporter who died protecting his family to find anything he could tar him with. Then when called out over it he gave a faux apollogy while insulting his critics, just as he always does.
@KnightByKnight77 Ай бұрын
@S71xx Thanks for the response. Dude clearly needs help, or a hobby at least.
@shinigamiauthor Ай бұрын
"But.... we were the right side of history!" -leftists
@noname-lp3mu Ай бұрын
You might want to say they were on the “left” side of history, they get triggered whenever you mention that particular “R” word……..
@Chrisspru Ай бұрын
they can't distinguish freedom from entropy
@HarenunHoppus Ай бұрын
The smug declaration of moral superiority.
@Rageofthemohawk Ай бұрын
Arch i know "dev is friend" but he's been doing alot more then making jokes that dont land... you really need to have a chat... because he also went after the fire chief who died defending his family, as well as this morning going on a screed about there being no difference between jd vance and kamala in relation to them disagreeing with the men that gave them their appointments, without looking at the finer details.... Dev has TDS and im just going to give you the heads up your veiwership appears to be beyond done with him... if dev appears on archcast and doesn't apologize for his behavior... no super chats. Everyone here... if dev appears and doesnt apologize hold onto your money...
@theeccentrictripper3863 Ай бұрын
Bold to assume Arch won't get more superchats so people can squeeze Dev live. I agree he's gone a bit off the rails but I'm still with Arch on this one, Dev is friend but he's so wed to his perception that picking sides is immoral that nothing on this earth happening would force him from the fence. That's not beyond the pale on its own but it will lead him to being the ugly chick at the party during rough times like this, he'll have to make his peace with that position and not get mad at other people for it.
@Rageofthemohawk Ай бұрын
@@theeccentrictripper3863 if arch is a man of his principles then consequence culture needs be allowed to take its course... if arches pocket book has to hurt to make that point clear... so be it.
@theeccentrictripper3863 Ай бұрын
@@Rageofthemohawk But if it doesn't then what? Consequences are decided by the market, not by one man's morality, I'd wager far more people are happy to pay Arch to poke Dev with a stick than will boycott the show and if Dev bails it'll be because he can no longer tolerate the heat and not from a virtue signal by Arch.
@funbro99 Ай бұрын
Problem is that people will superchat arch to either get a hit at dev or to defend him.
@viermidebutura Ай бұрын
@@theeccentrictripper3863 picking sides is immoral while picking the murderous side
@hillehai Ай бұрын
Stop. Defending. Dev. Seriously. What are you doing? It's not like this is the first time he's been a dishonest pos. Remember the whole Harry Potter game thing? What are you doing?
@kielbasamage Ай бұрын
He's defending his little Golden Goose. Dev rakes in Superchats of people screaming at him for being a putrid little harlequin and Arch rolls around in gold coins, presumably in the buff and rubbing his chest in fiendish, nordic delight.
@stronensycharte64 Ай бұрын
​@@kielbasamage Your comment was a delight to read
@Greshgore Ай бұрын
​@@kielbasamageand even if that is his real motivation there's nothing wrong with that. As long as people are willing to send money to a distant largely faceless person on the internet just so that they can complain about something that another distant largely faceless person on the internet says, then so be it. Controversy and seggs sell. Always will.
@Skullnaught Ай бұрын
Dev causes people to make rage donos which makes Arch big money
@hillehai Ай бұрын
@@kielbasamage I wasn't aware of that sort of conflict of interest being a thing for him. I don't watch a lot of Arch's content, as I can't stand his obnoxiously pretentious accent - I'm Danish, I know what Norwegians are supposed to sound like when speaking English. Stop rolling your r's, Arch.
@joelhatterini6392 Ай бұрын
Dev is sorry that he let his mask slip, not that his first instinct after someone is game ended at a Trump rally is to try and ratio the insert coin screen on Twitter.
@Satyr42 Ай бұрын
Arch, you need to stop making excuses for Dev. Especially if you consider Dev to be your friend you need to be harsh to him when he deserves it. Friendship does not mean you give endless benefits of a doubt.
@Autechltd Ай бұрын
Dev is too good as a superchats bait to let go of. It's just a giant grift at this point. If he keeps him on then it will really show his true colours.
@firebornliger Ай бұрын
@@Autechltd Unfortunately, I suspect that to be the long and short of it. But, I've never given Arch money, so my eventual unsubscribing will not likely affect him unless it becomes part of a deluge.
@Herr_Affe Ай бұрын
I myself, as a long-time (ish) viewer, have given him the benefit of the doubt in the past, and I roll my eyes every time he makes a false equivalence for the sake of "muh both sides". This made me lose any respect I had for him.
@dot2562 Ай бұрын
dev appoligises for his own becares he thinks hes wrong..because he doesnt want to lose viewers.and money..pathetic
@RandgrisAlmark Ай бұрын
Dev is not sorry for what he said. He is sorry that it painted him in a bad light. He is bad faith personified. He should not be tolerated or allowed to platform his hatred. It's a shame that we're going to have to hear him viciously defend and gaslight his position.
@DreadnoughtFiend Ай бұрын
Well we WERE expecting the aggressive right counter swing. Nice to see you! But I think Dev just needed a jolt to get him to actually listen. I think this whole thing is an eye opener for everyone and unironically the calming down its been giving folks is nice. Dev still has TDS but its more of a "He's the greater of two evils" old left mentality. I say have him have that chat with Razor and he might at best soften or at least not just say crazy shit.
@Nemisisfrog Ай бұрын
Facts, the mask dropped. People need to distance themselves from these loonies asap.
@user-ns4zm8qe9p Ай бұрын
@@DreadnoughtFiendhe’s never gonna listen, the state is his god
@victoriencharnot555 Ай бұрын
This isn't even the first time he victime blames too,remember Pikamee ? You'd think he'd understand that if people got upset about him saying a vtuber being harassed with ''people'' clearly hoping that she'd self delete had a part of responsability in it, they'd also be upset about him saying the orange man kinda asked to get shot !
@anythingthoughanythingthou2453 Ай бұрын
@@DreadnoughtFiendnope, you’re wrong and we will never give you or anyone the benefit of the doubt. Youve pissed on our leg long enough
@aj.j5833 Ай бұрын
I refuse give Dev benefit of the doubt.
@Schinak Ай бұрын
we have seen what he does with it
@aj.j5833 Ай бұрын
@@Schinak What all leftists does with it.
@shawnm1902 Ай бұрын
They use it to gain power against you.
@TheLiamis Ай бұрын
He's bad faith.😂😂😂😂
@aj.j5833 Ай бұрын
@@shawnm1902 When you are strong I plead for your morality, when I'm strong I plead for my morality.
@QixTheDS Ай бұрын
The dev defense is ridiculous. I get he’s your friend, but he’s not getting off so easily. The shit he spouts, both on your streams and off, is insane. Makes it extremely hard to believe he’s simply making a joke that didn’t land. His apology wasn’t an apology.
@rahn45 Ай бұрын
It's telling he didn't cover how Dev was treating the firefighter who was killed.
@QixTheDS Ай бұрын
@@rahn45 He’s either willfully ignorant because it’s his friend or he’s not what he portrays. I quite like Arch so I’d like to think he’s just looking at this through rose tinted glasses, but I don’t know.
@stevekramerf242 Ай бұрын
@@QixTheDS Arch is a grifter like all other KZbinrs. That's why he is keeping Dev on his streams, because it means a lot of superchats=money. Simple as that.
@Thalanox Ай бұрын
​@@stevekramerf242Dev might be a kind of format alibi. As in, he wants someone in the group chat who will voice at least some opinions from the opposing philosophy of the situation to keep things at least somewhat balanced as best he can these days. I don't think that would necessarily reflect poorly on Arch. Take that from someone who doesn't thoroughly consume all of the content of Arch, and watches only a handful of Dev's stuff occasionally. I'm not that well informed on the details of how badly Dev has slipped, but I did go out of my way to drastically reduce my watching of him because I found him difficult to tolerate at times.
@stevekramerf242 Ай бұрын
@@Thalanox Dev has some profound knowledge of some things but he regularly torpedoes his good takes with lots of bad ones. And in regards of keeping him as an opposing faction, yeah, that might be it.
@tokamara8795 Ай бұрын
Dev's apology is in bad faith
@goliver9991 Ай бұрын
dev is cut out of the same cloth destiny is, dont trust em
@013wolfwarrior Ай бұрын
Dev, is lost. Arch use stick to guide him
@ColonelEviscerator Ай бұрын
Dev is only sorry he got called out.
@S0me4ssh0le Ай бұрын
Tim Pool has said it best "a cenralist is just a leftest hiding behind a mask." and dev has let that mask fall to screach his tds and is now fumbling trying to pull that mask back up
@DukeWooze Ай бұрын
You're right dev is dumb but he's also bad faith. You give him way to much credit.
@EnclaveTank45 Ай бұрын
No dev is just dumb I think he's good faith as in he's that stupid.
@hillehai Ай бұрын
Yeah, it's ridiculous that he's defending him after that s-show.
@viermidebutura Ай бұрын
i don't think dumb goes well with evil so i disagree with dev being dumb
@EnclaveTank45 Ай бұрын
@@viermidebutura to be honest you could be evil and dumb just look at Hitler he invaded the USSR and then declared war on the US right after that.
@kielbasamage Ай бұрын
He gives him credit because Dev slapping his jowels together raises his credit... score.
@rahn45 Ай бұрын
Perhaps you should share some of that consequence culture to Dev?
@JamesTheLamenter Ай бұрын
"oh no the Consequences of my actions how could this happen to me !!!"
@TenebraeXVII Ай бұрын
Dev isn't sorry, he explicitly said he wasn't apologizing, and he's going to do the exact same thing he always does which is to continue to try to pretend to "both sides" everything while giving a disproportionate amount of charity to the left and before long he'll be gaslighting and attempting to rewrite history. He seems to understand people are angry at him at least as much as they were after his horrendously bad Hogwarts Legacy and Pikamee arguments, or his carrying water for Biden's "Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are an existential threat against the soul of this country" speech which was lit in blood red incidentally, but his massive and incredibly brittle ego won't allow him to admit the common denominator behind his backlashes he takes from his audience. He's going to keep making the exact same mistakes while talking out of both sides of his mouth and trying to offload responsibility for what he says onto other people. If you, Carl, and Vee are really Dev's friends and you really think he can be helped and he can change then the three of you need to sit him down for an actual "Come to Jesus" intervention and make it undeniably clear exactly how and why he is fucking up because enabling him by letting him leave the root cause of his very public problems unaddressed isn't helping anyone and it's making everyone around him look bad. Uzalu has the measure of Dev, the Canadian is clouding his judgement by prioritizing his other proclivities above truth and Dev refuses to recognize it.
@uncensoredhappiness Ай бұрын
I love the irony of Arch presenting his continued trust in Dev as "I smart"
@sgt.mangogarcia6186 Ай бұрын
I'm sorry, but you really shouldn't be sugar coating it: Dev was being malicious, he knows he is being dishonest, and no amount of friendship can change that.
@CrypidLore Ай бұрын
How many get out of jail cards does Dev get? I understand he's your friend but man, but he's pretty clearly a repugnant and disingenuous human.
@malaficus Ай бұрын
For my friend everything for my enemies the law.
@Mr424242424242424242 Ай бұрын
Man, Dev might be your friend, but he's not sorry, he's sorry he's in trouble. He has no regrets about what he said, other than that others disagree with him.
@malaficus Ай бұрын
Yeah sounds about right. How human of him.
@Schinak Ай бұрын
People need to stop giving you super chats because of Dev. Maybe then you can kick him off
@shawnm1902 Ай бұрын
Dev needs the alex jones standard applied to him. Clearly he's for that style of standard afterall.
@Gordulan Ай бұрын
No, dev did not do a dumb, dev did a mask off. Dev is not friend, dev is faking to be friend.
@malaficus Ай бұрын
Dev is a stupid friend but still a friend. And if Arch had to unfriend everyone dumber then him he ends up friendless.
@93Avenger93 Ай бұрын
You defending dev is PRECISELY how every single geek community gets invaded and taken over. Take your lesson and GATEKEEP! You do not interact or grant any benefit of anything to people who provably HATE everything you stand for.
@johnberger55 Ай бұрын
Arch gets a lot of money when he streams with Dev that's what it is
@93Avenger93 Ай бұрын
@@johnberger55 oh I know, but this is just as much a mask off moment for arch himself as it is for dev. A grifter without spine or principles and nothing else. Also this WILL backfire. Dev has angered people enough finally that if he thinks he's making money hand over fist when dev is inevitably back on the archcast he might be surprised.
@johnberger55 Ай бұрын
@@93Avenger93 that's what I was getting at
@zephodb Ай бұрын
Until I see future behavioral changes, the Apologies are only 'nice signs to pay attention to future behavior'. If behavior doesn't change, then the apologies were hollow and meaningless. That's just how it works.
@johnroyal4054 Ай бұрын
Dev has been an ass for a long time. Youre looking at him with rose tinted glasses
@chrisdidios9963 Ай бұрын
Arch' blind and refuses to listen to his followers.
@NerdlySquared Ай бұрын
He’s been just a shitshow recently.
@demoulius1529 Ай бұрын
Biden: *says inflamatory thing* Thing triggers assasination attempt. Biden: *suprised Pikachu face*
@godknightomega Ай бұрын
No no. You see it's not connected when THEY do it. It's only connected when Trump or Republicants say something and something happens...or if they say something unrelated to anyone or anything and something happens.
@johnnyboy2537 Ай бұрын
They're not sorry it happened. They're scared because it failed.
@hammerheadxray8152 Ай бұрын
Dev is not friend. And he most certainly isn't sorry. He's in his comments currently spinning. Dev is foe, I disagree with you Arch.
@WarLordXavier Ай бұрын
I would love to watch your podcast, but I can't stand Dev
@atheos5748 Ай бұрын
@damionbowen3846 Ай бұрын
@TrixyTrixter Ай бұрын
@JamesTheLamenter Ай бұрын
Bring back Kibs or at least Vee.... Maybe even find someone who can be a regular co-host.
@pedrogorostiza6703 Ай бұрын
Dev is somewhat tolerable until Trump is mentioned
@feddyvonwigglestein3481 Ай бұрын
If dev is actually as smart as he thinks he is, he'd never say the dumb shit he ended up saying in the first place.
@AlphaOmega1237 Ай бұрын
Dev is trying to speedrun the game of alienating his audience.
@malaficus Ай бұрын
Dev is a leftist in denial.
@GhostOfSnuffles Ай бұрын
I'm honestly sick of people like Destiny and Dev constantly making asinine comments then back peddling, either stick to your words or just shut up.
@Aliksander54 Ай бұрын
Arch, you should distance yourself from Dev. This isn't a threat to cancel you for the company you keep, this is a warning that people like that WILL betray you some day. There can be no unity with people who have fundamentally different values.
@malaficus Ай бұрын
Arch known weakness is being too thrusting.
@takasu2737 Ай бұрын
Why are you trying to resuscitate that losers name? Dude is clearly malicious and shows his true colors when things like this happen.
@vonnie0_0 Ай бұрын
Yep Dev’s lost it, not gonna watch him anymore. I don’t know why you think he’s not bad faith after all he said.
@stevekramerf242 Ай бұрын
Because Dev makes Arch a lot of money in these streams, that's why.
@kielbasamage Ай бұрын
@@stevekramerf242 Exactly, the king won't throw out his prized jester until it no longer suits having him on the stage.
@stevekramerf242 Ай бұрын
@@kielbasamage Good analogy.
@debanydoombringer1385 Ай бұрын
​@@stevekramerf242 I told people it's Dev's grift. He's admitted he intentionally says stuff to make people mad and it gets him money. He's said it on Archcast many times. It's why he says if you want to argue you have to send a superchat or he'll ignore you. Stop sending superchats. Why are ya'll allowing your opposition to determine the way you're allowed to voice it?
@stevekramerf242 Ай бұрын
@@debanydoombringer1385 Maybe because for some people it's kind of an addiction or they think it's funny (but that wouldn't explain giving him money). Who knows?
@guillermoelnino Ай бұрын
You know full well dev is not sorry. No amount of defending him will change his heart.
@Phlostonparadise2971 Ай бұрын
Personally, I think Dev will need to throat this recent L way more than his ego will allow in order to get the goodwill of a lot of people back. He lashed out agressively out of exasperation because the assassination attempt was clearly going to help Trump. I dont think theres much to it beyond that. He needs to AT LEAST admit that trying to smear the dead rallygoer followed up by deflecting deserved hate under the auspices of shitposting was grade-A wack. I can only speak for myself but he gets some respect back if he can stomach that.
@duralumin594 Ай бұрын
Sorry, Arch; Dev may be your friend, but he isn't mine. Count me out of any content he's included in, I've had enough.
@rightwingextremist9544 Ай бұрын
Arch why does every co-host you get end up being a sperg, a sped, or a spaz?
@jacobe2995 Ай бұрын
Don't let the posh British accent fool you. He's also kinda spergy.
@Schinak Ай бұрын
I mean the Vtuber ones so far have been solid
@Dracoaurion Ай бұрын
Don't forget cute mexican!
@herrdave920 Ай бұрын
What's a sped? xD
@TheGosgosh Ай бұрын
@@herrdave920 not sure, but doesn’t it mean special education?
@wolfmirebacta8710 Ай бұрын
Just because he's your friend, doesn't mean you can't call him stupid for being stupid
@smokym1088 Ай бұрын
Dev isn’t sorry for what he did, he’s sorry he got caught.
@CharzaKitsune Ай бұрын
@Skullnaught Ай бұрын
I guess Dev is as "weak" as Pikamee then since he failed his own standard and caved
@malaficus Ай бұрын
He is only human.
@Cardulionax Ай бұрын
@@malaficus That's quite generous of you
@victoriencharnot555 Ай бұрын
'' If you don't vote for me, you ain't Jack Black ! '' An old crouton
@Spamkromite Ай бұрын
When you are so intoxicated of fame and so privileged that you feel immune to retorts that you think that backslash is a mythological Welsh beast.
@enoughothis Ай бұрын
My how the turn tables...
@Ragatokk Ай бұрын
I really hate this moronic version of how the tables have turned.
@persona9709 Ай бұрын
Been a "long time coming"!
@rightwingextremist9544 Ай бұрын
Beware the Ides of Barch
@BR-dy1ie Ай бұрын
@@RagatokkSeems like a you problem
@Quicks1lvr Ай бұрын
Dev had to become the table
@lamename2010 Ай бұрын
Dev has said too many things recently, constantly going "both sides are at fault" and "muh enlightened centrism" for me to believe that he just made a "mistake". He genuinely thought that jokes like that are fine to make. Maybe because of how in kenoshoa, 2 of the 3 turned out to be PDFs. But that is different. That is violence being met with violence and justice finding purchase there. Maybe in his "enlightened centrism" brain that somehow makes it ok to joke about legitimate victims because "muh both sides".
@mightyfineincredible2252 Ай бұрын
They're not being canceled. It's consequence culture. These are consequences for their actions
@Durdles26 Ай бұрын
We have to care about people who hate us and would only do us harm on the other side of the world While they can make fun and cheer our own countryman dying, a man who was just living his life died defending his wife and daughter; because he believed the wrong thing.
@briangomoll5965 Ай бұрын
Arch is great. Dev sucks. I gave up on him a while back. I used to like some of his stuff too! It's unfortunate. I used to think he was just self effacing and had some good mid level takes. I was wrong.
@theosb7271 Ай бұрын
I’d give a damn about Dev’s Apology if dev did.
@joeplumley3238 Ай бұрын
This is a bad look Arch, other people that wrote something awful that day has apologized for it and they totally don't mean it like dev does not also.
@cdfe3388 Ай бұрын
Hamill will never be as clever as the Joker, as brave as Luke Skywalker, or as tough as Col. Chris Blair. Sad, really.
@migarsormrapophis2755 Ай бұрын
Tried talking to people in the comment section of a Sam Harris video earlier. The YTcenBot is going absolutely crazy today. I think that might've turned it up.
@rahn45 Ай бұрын
There's a lot of channels in where YT will not let me post anything at all. More luck replying to others, but just a straight up post? Nope!
@aj.j5833 Ай бұрын
Welcome to my world on youtube. I've tried posting things others have and had it censored.
@aj.j5833 Ай бұрын
@@rahn45 I literally can't name the physical places you purchase things for repairing cars on youtube.
@DefaultFlame Ай бұрын
On some channels, some videos, some topics, and if I say anything more spicy than a bell pepper I have to double check that it sticks. On a certain topic I am not allowed to post long comments, but short ones, especially short ones where I mention the topic by name as few times as possible I'm still allowed to post. Said topic is the current technological revolution we are going through that makes headlines every now and then.
@Christopher-eq1rn Ай бұрын
​@@rahn45have had a few channels where replies to other people have been yeeted no matter the content, for everyone
@Chris-dy9gw Ай бұрын
I think people that live outside the United States also don't have a grasp on the fact that we are in fact not a constitutional democracy we are a constitutional republic with a representative government that is elected democratically there is a huge difference
@aristocraticcthulhu3831 Ай бұрын
Same goes for the people inside the US.
@stevekramerf242 Ай бұрын
@@aristocraticcthulhu3831 🤣🤣
@funbro99 Ай бұрын
Arch, dev shall get ratio'd cuz he fucked up and he still somehow doubled down enough to make his so called "sorry" be another point of him getting railed JUSTLY. He is atm just the other side of the same coin.
@joak9992 Ай бұрын
Click video. Comment counter reads 4, shows 1. Refresh. Comment counter reads 3, shows 3. Censors putting in more work than people competing to comment "first".
@khandovarbalest1369 Ай бұрын
Tenacious D(eported)
@VorkKnightOfGood Ай бұрын
"Spoon, the canadian is at it again!"
@viermidebutura Ай бұрын
Spoon is basically far right version of Dev
@stevekramerf242 Ай бұрын
@@viermidebutura No, he's not.
@mobiusone6994 Ай бұрын
@@viermidebutura How it feels to be a bad faith actor like shortfatmoron:
@wolfscareglow2425 Ай бұрын
@@viermidebuturano because spoon is actually smart
@DaMaster012 Ай бұрын
Spoon is certainly smarter and more politically savvy than Dev, but his fetish for monarchy is dumb, and he displays clear signs of being terminally online, especially terminally on Twitter, given that half of his videos just descend into "look at this tweet war I had."
@KiraSlith Ай бұрын
Dev is not friend, that is not an apology, read what he actually posted. Please, Arch, stop gaslighting yourself. As one human being to another, care for yourself better.
@stevekramerf242 Ай бұрын
Yeah, Internet-"friends" are not real ones.
@malaficus Ай бұрын
This just make Arch look human too me. Blind for the crimes of his friend.
@Nurriek Ай бұрын
The problem isn't that Dev did a dumb. Dumbs are forgivable. We all do occasional dumb. Dev did a dishonest. And he continues to double down on the dishonest. He should take his own advice and learn to take the L, and maybe learn and grow a little. He's stuck himself firmly in the enlightened centrist larp, and refuses to get out. Until he does, his content has once more earned a grain of salt from me. Not gonna stop watching, but my trust in his ability to be reasonable has definitely waned.
@Aserbic Ай бұрын
Dev is F-ing lucky to have a friend like you to cover and privately tell him off.
@viermidebutura Ай бұрын
well Dev makes Arch a lot of money so is obvious who's going to defend who
@Aserbic Ай бұрын
@@viermidebutura that changed due to current events. A number of subscribers declared on his First Descendant stream they'd cancelled their memberships and won't donate as long as Dev is there. And they're already good friends even before the Archcast so they have good relations.
@viermidebutura Ай бұрын
@@Aserbic at this point ppl giving Dev the /ignore treatment and obviously stop superchating is the only way to make ArchCast great again
@the98themperoroftheholybri33 Ай бұрын
There's an old Indian expression which sums this up. "The man who digs ditches for others, will fall into his own"
@SunShine-xc6dh Ай бұрын
Unless your bestest freind ever dev, passed out and magically created those statements by falling on his keyboard, he said what he ment and any backtracking is just because hes a spineless shill.
@TurtleChad1 Ай бұрын
Another celebration who retroactively ruined their legacy.
@monoono4051 Ай бұрын
You are like a twitter user, always online.
@ZombieLogic101 Ай бұрын
​@@monoono4051.....pot, meet kettle.
@lucasottens8506 Ай бұрын
"celebration" And yet you're all over the comments section on KZbin playing at being some midwit philosophy major.
@ZanTheFox Ай бұрын
Turtle! It has been a while since I saw you! Carry on.
@bapnap6218 Ай бұрын
​@@monoono4051 your like a onion many layers but all stink and make ya cry. Put your phone down your on to much you might accidentally see a cloud.
@Lord_Numpty Ай бұрын
Dev might be ‘a dumb’, but everything I’ve seen from him seems more malicious than stupid, only difference here is that people rightfully consider this beyond the pale.
@Autechltd Ай бұрын
As long as Dev is still a guest on Archcast , I'll be boycotting the streams. Using him to bait superchats is The Quartering tier of grifting.
@S71xx Ай бұрын
"Holding me to the standards I forced upon you is hypocracy!" - Destiny
@firebornliger Ай бұрын
Dev is not friend. He took the mask off then pretended it was to stir the pot.
@andrewnichols3440 Ай бұрын
How well has apologizing worked out for right wing people getting canceled?
@Chichaetomate Ай бұрын
in short arch: everybody who did this bad people and fuck em even if the apologised also arch: except dev... dev frend dev cool he sorry for realsies also the one that talked shit was the other why... why is jack black on the thumbnail?
@debanydoombringer1385 Ай бұрын
Because they're the only 2 members of the band and it was said live on stage where they're both representing the band. It wasn't on his personal account. That's why Australia banned them both according to reports coming out of there.
@Chichaetomate Ай бұрын
@@debanydoombringer1385 yeah but it was Kyle who said it his face should be in the thumbnail but you know Jack black's face is more marketable.... You could say more click baity...
@KabukeeJo Ай бұрын
KZbin doesn't need to put up guidelines. They just simply delete comments they dislike. And they have been doing that a lot over this issue!
@lightborn9071 Ай бұрын
Guess why? Because they are biggots. Abusing power for the sake of discrimination (or the political left as they call it), precisely this is biggotry.
@MrLolguy93 Ай бұрын
Not so funny when the shoe is on the other foot, now is it Wokies?
@TheScience69 Ай бұрын
Remember when kathy griffin got cancelled over the trump head and she was VERY very sorry and actually it wasnt even her idea and she was very very ashamed and sorry foy what she did, then a year or 2 later when tds got worse and she could get away with it, she reposted it and doubled down? Thats how much a wokie apology means. Theyre 'sorry' only when theres backlash.
@malaficus Ай бұрын
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