Costa Rica Expats Dating & Relationships in CR

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@blackhorsetamarindo 10 жыл бұрын
Kudos to you guys for telling the truth. We need more people like you.
@TravelCostaRicaNOW 10 жыл бұрын
thanx, appreciate it.
@SuperTruthful 9 жыл бұрын
Never tell anyone everything you own or what monies you have. NEVER!
@danielqv 11 жыл бұрын
As a costarican from the capital I think it is important to say that people that live in turistic places like La Fortuna, Jaco or Guanacaste are mostly people of a lower economical status and a low to non-existing degree of education who live from turism, it sounds bad but it is true. So yeah, they are gold diggers, they see a gringo and see a ticket out of poverty. While in plces like San José or Heredia you could meet a college graduate who will not be after your potentially existing money...
@joules_sw 2 ай бұрын
True. And it's also important to check where you meet your girl. It's not the same meeting someone on a crazy night at Jacó than on some other situation. Girls at clubs have high chances of being gold diggers
@jamiemichaels5628 10 жыл бұрын
I just finished speaking with a man who has the worst story of all the bad stories I've heard: he was completely screwed by his Tica wife. His words of advice are that women hold tremendous power over men in Costa Rica and as soon as you have a woman live with you, she can exercise that power. In short, you really have to be careful who you get involved with because you really can lose everything and have no way to get it back. In his story, his wife got hold of all his money, which was in excess of one million dollars, and then used that money to buy off his own lawyers. Her lawyer would pay off his lawyer and suddenly his lawyer would no longer get anything done and processes would stall. This happened with five lawyers; his guess is that each one received about $10,000 to do nothing with his case. Finally the ten year statute of limitations ran out and it was not longer possible for him to get anything back. Not all situations are this bad, but you really have to understand that all the "pura vida" goes out the window when it comes to relations between men and women here. Sure, there are some sweet women but some are exceedingly calculating and know just how to get what they want: which is all your money and possessions. Sorry if I sound a little paranoid but talking to this guy for an hour is a very sobering experience. Plus he said that he was warned when he came down and didn't listen!
@alvaroakatico9188 6 жыл бұрын
Jamie Michaels I don't believe you sound paranoid, you sound like someone who pays attention of what could happen, especially in a foreign country. Believe me, the judicial process in Costa Rica or any third world country is a joke.
@leom.5330 9 жыл бұрын
There's many different layers and levels within Costa Rican society. I feel you guys misunderstand how Costa Rican culture works, but that is normal. The girls here are not conservative at all, despite their religious upbringing, quite the opposite, but don't expect young educated beautiful girls drooling over mature gentleman from other countries, it just doesn't work like that. It takes a little patience to mingle with the right circle of friends to find a suitable companion, like anywhere else in the world. If you get involved with the young uneducated single mothers in the poverty stricken rural areas you're setting yourselves for trouble. Try to avoid that.
@susanafernandez4744 7 жыл бұрын
exactly !
@josuesancho6202 3 жыл бұрын
Costa Rica is a diverse country, so I suggest you guys to visit the town in question or ask another tico/immigrant who lives there about this kind of stuff. It seems to me like they are encapsulating a whole country with a single description.
@arllerin26 10 жыл бұрын
Me molesta! que algunos videos hablas bien de Costa Rica y en otros hablas super mal. Dejas muy mal al pais como si en estados unidos no hubiera de todo esto que hablas. En estados unidos hay niñas teniendo niños de 15 y 20 años, y eso no es solo en costa rica eso existe en casi todo los paices . Tambien el gringo llega A Costa Rica con ese letrero en la frente que dice SOY GRINGO Y TENGO DINERO QUIERES SER MI ESPOSA? ellos tienen la culpa de promocionarse de esa manera en un pais extrajero, y la mujeres es en lo que le fijan,porque no son capaces de enamorar a una mujer con el Corazon si no con el supuesto dinero que tienen. Las gringas son unas locas! llegan a las discos se emborrachan y al rato las ve uno besandose con una mujer y con hombres a la misma vez , casi sin ropa con el esposo en hotel y ella con otro en la playa como papa de tenedor!, y ni que hablar del spring break esas niñas teniendo sexo con quien se les ponga al lado de verdad no se que tenta hablas de mi pais cuando podrias hablar tantas porquerias del tuyo!. No se si tenga un video que habla bien mal de su gente,pero deveria de hacerlo,para que todos vean que los gringos tambien tienen mujeres y hombres que quieren una pareja por lo que tienen,hombres y mujers que pelean en una corte por cosas materiales, que hay ninas de 15 años embarazadas,gringos que violan a niñas, gringos que se meten con menores de edad y las dejan embarazadas.Yo no terminaria de decirle todo lo malo que tiene Estados Unidos, Creo que tanto Estados Unidos, mi pais, y el mundo entero tiene muchos problemas,pero por eso no me voy a poner a criticar a la gente de un pais, y aun mas cuando el mio no es el gran orgullo!.
@chocoflan6672 2 жыл бұрын
Es porque los gringos solo van a atraer interesadas y punto y etiquetan todas las ticas asi
@joules_sw 2 ай бұрын
Tiene algo de razón, pero ni se desgaste pa, relájese mejor. Estas cosas siempre van a existir seguro
@gomasmorales 9 жыл бұрын
I lived in US, got married and loved everything about how different it is. Adapting to another country will always be hard and it will never be as if you were born there. One has to simply take it or leave it but not try to DEFINE IT and please not for others who have had completely different experiences than us. Just try to see Costa Rica as if you didn't think you come from the center of the universe and you'll focus into it's beauty, niceness and warmth. I really like most of your videos, but some (like this one) seem to be created by bored people that rather define what they don't understand yet than search for more knowledge ;)
@1too3fore 8 жыл бұрын
Much respect, very well said.
@musclebottm 9 жыл бұрын
I find all your videos about Costa Rica very helpful, this is an older video, but I strongly feel the need to comment; I find this video problematic because in the interview you described relationships in ANY part of the world. I live in California and when you divorce here, your soon to be ex-wife will walk away with HALF of your assets if not ALL; Laws here in the United States of America also favor Women when it comes to Marriage, Divorce, Child Custody, and many more issues; So I don't understand the ex-pat "Surprise" when you encounter similar laws in other countries. Maybe ex-pats did not expect Courts of Law in third world countries? Maybe they expected a free society with no laws regarding partnerships, marriage, businesses... What are this ex-pats thinking? As far as the "young women with a child" in Costa Rica, There's a very successful reality show on MTV here in the States called "Teen Mom", with a prequel show called "16 and pregnant" and spin offs of "Teen Mom 2 and 3". Teen pregnancy in the States is so prevalent there's a TV show about it. How about showing a success story too, somebody, man or woman, who has found love with a Costa Rican native?
@susanafernandez4744 7 жыл бұрын
there are many successful love stories.. they are talking from a rural area.. there are more successful stories towards the city
@carlosstubbs7749 6 жыл бұрын
Art Tolentini S
@carlosstubbs7749 6 жыл бұрын
Art Tolentini .
@agg374 4 жыл бұрын
@@susanafernandez4744 si existen historias exitosas en este ámbito en zonas rurales tambien. Mas de una conozco. Te entiendo, pero sí hay varias
@susanafernandez4744 7 жыл бұрын
i want to say he's generalizing when he says women in CR are set to marry and have babies early, also when he says men for sure cheat . I think they are avoiding to say that they live in a rural area and same as any rural area in the world, education is weak, most of locals there have never traveled, gringos are looked up as people w money, etc.. but CR is a country of diversity also in it's people and I and most of my female friends are around 40's and never have been married nor have kids, we also know they are hustlers all over the world and i know many good CR men that don't cheat but education come greater where the best schools and universities are where is in the city, where most costaricans live. The beaches where tourists go have always been rural areas with rural ppl, no disrespect to them but they are different than the ppl from the city . The point is they are talking from the perspective of 2 gringos living in a rural area of CR. gringo only means 'born in usa', like tico 'born in cr', nica 'born in nicaragua', parce 'born in colombia' ,etc..
@1too3fore 8 жыл бұрын
You have to really understand the culture before you can date. But in general it is all about RESPECT and PATIENCE. It's a dance. Not unlike it is in any other place, if you are deemed as someone really interesting and dynamic, meaning, you are very well rounded and unique and into a lot of interesting pursuits and hobbies, women will gravitate towards you. If you have not developed yourself very well, you will struggle in the dating scene. And, most of all, you should know how to have fun and have a goofy sense of humor. If you're goofy, down-to-earth, and sincerely genuine, you'll do very well but you have to be selective, don't play the field.
@TheMadeline2003 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I think this video will he something very helpful to many people. I personally don't have an idealized view of costa rica, it's important to have eyes open about culture when considering relationships.
@KimberleeMelissa 11 жыл бұрын
Give us the stories! :) Thanks for the videos... short, sweet, and totally interesting.
@mikesmith-st9fb 10 жыл бұрын
That's exactly true. A lot of young, single, Ticas with a child or two. Like 16 to 25, all single, none married. Looking for an American sugar daddy. Watch out, they know all the rules and laws, they will drain you of every penny. Especially, you old dudes, they know how to take you to the cleaners.
@ronmartin7253 10 жыл бұрын
Wait, are we still talking about Costa Rica? Because this sounds like places I've lived: Orange Co, CA, Las Vegas, Portland, OR, north Idaho, Hollywood, CA, anytown, USA.... Before you flame me: "25% of American families are single mom/ mom-breadwinner(worse) -TheAtlantic,'13" AND "4.1 MILLION single moms in America -HuffP,'13." So, the # of single moms in the U.S. outnumbers the ENTIRE population of CR. Woah!
@lulazeta8965 10 жыл бұрын
Ron Martin So true...buuut lets not see women as victims...Women of today, as opposed to women of prior generations...don't put up with shit, because more and more women are realizing that they are superior to most men...Women are no longer viewed as 'losers" if they choose not to marry. Gone the days where men were viewed as "Oscars" in their lives. Sex is "oxygen" to most men ... and not most women.
@jpjazzer1 11 жыл бұрын
Great vid! I just finished reading all of the comments and am trying to see straight again. Alot of information to think about from everyone, but alot of it doesn't really apply to me. That said, I'm glad you said the interview took place at a lodge....I thought that Will was too rich to be giving out his information. It was a great interview and I thank you both for the information and generating the comments I've been reading!
@VincentHaseth 8 жыл бұрын
Just be realistic, if you couldn't get hooked in the states probably you won't get it here, UNLESS it's in exchange of something. Also people are the same everywhere, just find someone of your social, or education level. If you live in Gables Estates and you get yourself a girl from Liberty City it's doomed to fail, the same, if go to another country and you get someone that is in lower income levels you are looking for trouble, it's because you are not alike.
@TheWordprophet 11 жыл бұрын
If I may offer a piece of good advice that applies in ANY country: NEVER get a marriage license. All you need to certify a lawful marriage is a certificate signed by the bride, groom, and 2 witnesses. You do not need a license to marry, anywhere. A license is a 3 party contract wherein the STATE is the principal party, and therefore OWNS all the fruit of the marriage. That includes children, money, and property. NEVER GET A MARRIAGE LICENSE. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO MARRY. YOU NEED NO LICENSE.
@Mari-hh6it 4 жыл бұрын
I'm a brazilian woman, single with no kids, and I plan on moving to Costa Rica but I worry about not finding someone to date there =(
@agg374 4 жыл бұрын
Mari Why not? Is every one the same? I hope you'll find someone, maybe takes time but is possible. Don't go rural areas for dating because every man there are the same...or is always like that?...seems like they say all the truth. Any way I wish you good luck. My english is bad, at least I try
@Glory2Go 11 жыл бұрын
Its a great thing to find ex-pats sharing truth about importatnt concepts to any who may be unaware. I am recently interested in moving to CR and found your input to be wise advise and refreshing. Too often we guys think with our glands instead of our heads when women are concerned. A foreign land only complicates the confusion.Thanks for sharing your ideas.
@icysurfer1 11 жыл бұрын
Agreed. You Guys were being Kind.
@cliffpearce5772 2 жыл бұрын
No one's going to put their money their assets or any investments anywhere or there's going to be a problem that's absolutely ridiculous especially over wanting to find a good girl that's ridiculous, these countries are screwing things up for their own people very sad
@robbiePlanetaSano 12 жыл бұрын
I am a single woman who has lived in Costa Rica for 13 years.Latin culture is very different, however, you can definitely divide the population into "country folks" and "city folks". I have not had good experiences dating country folks, as I am basically a city girl. I have had mixed experiences with men, but relationships seem to be soap operas in most of the world. No difference, just the egocentricities are a little different :-)
@captainsisko7629 7 жыл бұрын
hey i wanna hear the horror stories about the these americans geting missed over the courts
@Harukanatsuki1 10 жыл бұрын
Is very sad that part of this is true as a costarican i know this happens.... i was raised in San Jose and even there friends got pregnant or get kids or some stupid thing like that instead of more important things, and the girls from the rural parts (generally) think: gringo (foreigner) dude=money and even if you try to explain they are just regular people they still dont get it, how ever the reason you may never see normal costarican girls is because of the mindset we know foreigners bring of our country and us( easy almost whore like, money chasing, etc), so many of us will simply avoid meeting or talking with them. i hate materialistic people and is sad having to acept there are so many in this country
@ronniebishop2496 10 жыл бұрын
@justaman6972 10 жыл бұрын
wow that is too bad, I so wish to go to CR, I hear it is a beautiful place with wonderful people. As a guy who lives in Florida wishing to go there may sound crazy, what is even crazier is I bring absolutely nothing to the table. Broke as the gold diggers are out of luck.
@1too3fore 8 жыл бұрын
Dude, it's "easy" to become successful, but it involves finding where your true interest and passion lies and then do what you love. People will come to you for your business and you will become a success. It can be tough in the first three years but you'll enjoy every minute of it, if you found the thing you really love to do.
@joemontana1405 3 жыл бұрын
hey bro love your show you seem like a really cool dude!!! can you talk about if you traveled what countries you been to and what's the easiest countries to hookup and what races do good in these countries on your next video thanks!!!
@carhac66 6 жыл бұрын
sounds like anywhere USA.
@romuloVG 13 жыл бұрын
@iCostaRica24 That is true; that's the picture in certain rural areas.
@arizonadesert5861 3 жыл бұрын
The younger mothers in Costa Rica are more from the beaches... seems less in the Central Valley of Costa Rica
@gmfurnald9219 9 жыл бұрын
Overall pretty good info. Be aware that there is an annual govt. cost for each corporation you set up. At least $200 per year if it's just a company holding title such as a house for example. It's considerably higher if the govt. deems the company is active, i.e. has employees or possibly even bank deposits. Get good legal advice.
@pauledwards5607 6 жыл бұрын
What would happpen though if you came here, met a gal and fell in love, and wanted to move her back to the US? All of the conversation was around you guys living here together then something goes wrong. Can you take them back to the US?
@FrankAmil 2 жыл бұрын
Oh no she will catch the Feminism virus
@laomark9583 8 жыл бұрын
thank you for the eye opening comments! very useful.
@joules_sw 2 ай бұрын
As a costarican myself. Just be careful about golddiggers. Every country has them and the relative difference of bugdet will make them do watever for you (your money). They will show up as too good to be true. But you know, there's so many people that are just humble, hardworking and traditional. Just be careful where you meet your girl, girls of clubs and bars are probably not as good as the one you meet somewhere else. Third... if you marry someone you don't neccessarily have to divide everything on half if you break up. There's an institute called capitulaciones, you can specify the division of the patrimony on the same act of marrying to establish how it would be in the case of a break up.
@lurchutube 11 жыл бұрын
Just one point. For every woman who sees marriage as a ticket to a better quality of life, there are multiple men who see the native women as a better looking/quality of spouse because that middle-class savings account in America makes you appear rich in so many rural areas down there.
@timmartin638 2 ай бұрын
@camels9654 Жыл бұрын
Good to know about all the single moms, I'm looking to move somewhere and have kids, Canada is full of single moms, not a lot of fertile single women here, sounds like there is the same.
@TheMadeline2003 3 жыл бұрын
Wow! Great financial information too!! Thank you!
@chocoflan6672 2 жыл бұрын
Americans are economic target outside US borders except in Canada and western countries
@DjW1986 12 жыл бұрын
i appreciate the honestly of this video. Costa Rica is off my list of places to visit, unless hotel Del Rey.
@dfwautomotiveservice Жыл бұрын
Great video thx saludos
@LiveDanceLoveNow 10 жыл бұрын
When recommending $250 corporations, are you referring to setting them up in the United States or Costa Rica?
@ronmartin7253 10 жыл бұрын
They mean Costa Rica. However, a US LLC would also serve as a great (nestegg)shell to hide a money stash from CR exposure. I would like to meet the CR Abogado who can successfully unearth or sue a NV-based LLC.
@jendeh1000 11 жыл бұрын
In any latin american country the rules are the same with regards to opening different corps to protect yourself
@Obimacwen 9 жыл бұрын
Please do tell those stories so we can better understand C. R. thank you for making those videos.
@cliffpearce5772 2 жыл бұрын
You know you know every time I hear something good about a place, something comes along and screws it up makes it too much trouble to want to live somewhere, I mean you need this kind of aggravation it's nonsense
@brianrichards7006 9 жыл бұрын
I know gay men make up a smaller percentage of the general population, but it would have been nice to have had some brief mention and advice for gay men who desire a relationship with a Costa Rican male. Interesting and helpful videos. Thanks.
@susanafernandez4744 7 жыл бұрын
go to 'la avispa' in san jose , it s a legendary place for gay ppl , originally was for women but i think you can get better information of where to go there
@alvaroakatico9188 6 жыл бұрын
Susana Fernández He could go to San Francisco and find the same thing I imagine.
@titistarr6480 11 жыл бұрын
The bad thing is that not most educated people from the Central Valley are willing to move to what the considr more remote places and also for many leaving a better paying job,unless they get into something tourist related or agribusiness
@jimmysho6781 10 жыл бұрын
Great information. Very knowledgeable
@TheWordprophet 11 жыл бұрын
I'm just a man. But thank you for your videos. You have been a great help to me...
@josephschmidt4157 4 жыл бұрын
Your living in a fecking dream world guys.
@tripods66 10 жыл бұрын
so glad these guys met
@oscarbottazzi4231 4 жыл бұрын
Will the Canadian real state guy Jajja, I have very nice memories of Fortuna, 2010 to 2012 magic years for my...
@paolacruz2693 8 жыл бұрын
it's too bad you have a wrong idea about US (Costa Rican single mothers) I am a divorced mom of two little girls, I'm a professional, have a great job, and I'm sure that I'm not the olnly one who DON'T LOOK FOR an foreigner man to serve me as a bank, I don't need it. Don't generalize cause I know there are a lot of women like that, but it's not just in Costa Rica, is all around the world, guys like to complain about that situation and still be comming here ! so what?
@EdTowel-ww7yh 8 жыл бұрын
He never said ALL women. He said a large percentage. Why would he say that if it wasn't remotely true? He has nothing to gain by expressing his observations. You can go to any developing country in the Caribbean and Central/South America.
@nowhereman7413 7 жыл бұрын
They are not speaking about you, maybe you are an exception. They are speaking about 99% of women are like that.
@nowhereman7413 7 жыл бұрын
Good comment, he think that he is better because he is younger, but the reality is that he is just a younger version.
@nowhereman7413 7 жыл бұрын
He think that he is especial because he is younger.
@susanafernandez4744 7 жыл бұрын
they are not talking the truth about CR women, they only have the perspective from a rural area where they live and they talk about the women in that rural area. Most CR women are from the city , education is different in the city
@tonypittsburgh9 10 жыл бұрын
Good video again as are all of your videos. On the CR living site someone posted a c couple yrs ago that he married a CR lady 1/4 his age, I am still trying to do the math in my head.
@Harukanatsuki1 10 жыл бұрын
well Tony sadly in my country is true and more so in the rural parts and turistic areas, some girls even make a living of this and is very sad and embarrasing for the rest of us.
@tonypittsburgh9 10 жыл бұрын
A five or 10 yr difference is acceptable, a 40 yr one not at all.
@BlueEyesWmn 13 жыл бұрын
I have noticed that Mexican men are bad about cheating also because that what I use to date. So it has made me not even want a relationship because I'm tired of getting hurt. I want to live their just because it so beautiful. And all the videos and pictures I have seen all I can say is wow so beautiful. It would be a dream come true. And if I ever get the chance to live there I would be so happy just to be in a place that's so beautiful.
@youngboy690 4 жыл бұрын
It's not only in Costa Rica it's worldwide also someone offered me for USA green card she said she will charged me 20 thousands of dollars also I have to pay her for everything.
@TheWordprophet 11 жыл бұрын
I know of no court anywhere that would not recognize a marriage certificate signed by witnesses...
@rosielove209 7 жыл бұрын
sir, bow2 about if get merried there, im from philippines and my fiance from america, ?what you think?
@xaqary 13 жыл бұрын
What inside of the circular railing behind you guys? Is it a stairwell?
@jonanthony1957 3 жыл бұрын
Costa Rica makes the United States health care appear to be in the Victorian ages. Top noch medical here in Costa Rica. Pura Vida
@nunayabidness1 12 жыл бұрын
Hey Guys, I love your postings, Ive watched almost all of them, Keep up the great videos :), My question to you is- What is the Story with Tico men dating Gringas? what is your opinion about it or share any experiences that female friends might have had with dating Tico men. Thanks guys!!! Lots of Love from Toronto
@susanafernandez4744 7 жыл бұрын
there s a big difference culturally and in education between men from rural areas (any beach) and men from the city(san jose, heredia, etc..)
@slobomotion 12 жыл бұрын
Uprated. Fantastic! I am American and married for love in France but I really did NOT understand the laws here! Things were bad for me in the US and they got worse here in France in some ways! (I am female.)
@patrickkirkland3777 9 жыл бұрын
"I never sit in corners." Ha ha! Nobody puts baby in a corner.
@icysurfer1 11 жыл бұрын
M A D'A, You Guys have nothing to prove. Ignore the Haters. Part of what I see is that the Culture thrives on Drama, quite often. Add to it the Transient Nature of Expat society, and quite a Mix One has.. It;s obvious that You are living Life Fully, and are trying to help People. Thanks..!
@RadioEuroPhoria 12 жыл бұрын
Mostly true: Two Points: 1. There are still some decent men and women in the country so no everyone is a gold digger or cheater. 2. The "corporation" thing may no longer be accurate since the government is going to charge annual taxes every year and it becomes a lot more complex to maintain a corporation let alone multiple ones
@larahporter8123 6 жыл бұрын
In CR the assets the man has before living together or marriage... Are his... No law or judge can make you loose that.... But everything you buy or owe AFTER living together or marriage is 50%-50% by law. That simple. Also, if the house you lived in is the men's before marriage, he will not loose it BUT all the furniture will be hers. Little tips.
@romuloVG 13 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't say MOST girls are taught to be mothers; that's likely to happen in the rural areas where the literacy rate is lower (that'd happen in the USA,too), but in the urban areas, the middle class today has different life expectations-you don't see many young unwed mothers or single mothers with a lot of children. Either, you won't see many women in the middle urban literate class looking for gringos to get married. They expect to get a profession first.
@Liam2173 9 жыл бұрын
Good info
@Ficktao 11 жыл бұрын
That was good! Thank you!
@hawkesk 12 жыл бұрын
great interview
@Rocket9944 12 жыл бұрын
If she moves in and you didn't marry her and she moves out you still need to pay her??
@ivaartavia5226 11 жыл бұрын
@j33179 7 жыл бұрын
this happens everywhere, in the united states, the dominican republic, in whatever type of human relationship.....regardless of sexual orientation.......
@robbiePlanetaSano 12 жыл бұрын
I should write a book about it :-)
@6400az 13 жыл бұрын
@iCostaRica24 Great video, spot on. I've been to Cosa Rica, and the LAST thing a foreigner would wanna do there is flaunt wealth. I have a friend who moved in with a woman, built a house on property HE bought, things soured. Guess what........there went his life's earnings !! The biggest problem with women on Costa Rica is simple ...........there aren't too many !! Most get married VERY young. To find a single one, and without kids, one really has to date waaaay too young I think.
@1gawil 11 жыл бұрын
that is a great info. thanks..
@my-mb6xq 10 жыл бұрын
Hello I think is good that you guys make videos about Costa Rica, but I think you are wrong I from HEREDIA not SAN JOSE and I AM NOT PREGNANT and I am not looking for a sugar daddy. And when I see someone from other country I am not going crazy. I want to be a professional and never depend of a man, Thank you very much hope you guys go to other places in Costa rica is a pretty country with a lot of good people and do not judge us only because you met a stupid girl who goes crazy for gringos. :) have a good one.
@my-mb6xq 10 жыл бұрын
***** Thank you very much,I believe these guys are doing a great job making these videos, it seems that they like it, but I just wanted everything to be clear about that not all costa ricans are the same, we are all different.
@tikibar2540 11 жыл бұрын
An advise to expats living in Costa Rica:Americans,Canadians,Europ­eans and others,especially Americans,not that there are not Costa Rican women,the country is beautiful as you know,but I highly recommend you go to nearby El Salvador and find women there ,the Salvadoran women are very friendly and approachable and you can take them to live in Costa Rica either temporaly or for life and if it does not work out she is a foreinger, so just like you she has no claims in Costa Rican courts
@remyvincent3707 9 жыл бұрын
I'm a straight guy, but I just wanted to let you know that you are 1000x more handsome without glass or sun glass! your eyes are wonderful, brother. if I was you I'd never wear sun glass. I've said some rude things before, but I am serious about this. very nice. much love from New Orleans, Louisiana.
@remyvincent3707 9 жыл бұрын
or maybe your friend is just really ugly...
@remyvincent3707 9 жыл бұрын
nah it's definitely your eyes! haha
@ChuckSchuldinerisGod 9 жыл бұрын
So you are not gay but you went out of your way to say the man is handsome? ..... Some things i just do not understand.... Wtf
@davemojarra2666 9 жыл бұрын
New Orleans? Okay, we get it.
@stevet3980 9 жыл бұрын
ChuckSchuldinerisGod its called being "confident" in your sexuality. He is confident in his sexuality so does not have a problem identifying someone who is good looking. He didn't say "I find you handsome", he said "you are more handsome without your glasses". There is a difference.
@tikibar2540 11 жыл бұрын
Costa Rica the country is beautiful as we all know or we would not live there,but as concubines,wives,partners,etc..I highly suggest you go to the neighboring Central American countries to look for women they are much more approachable and then take them to live to Costa Rica.I challenge you to go to a bar in San Salvaodr or anywhere in El Salvador or Colombia and talk to a woman as oppose to San Jose ,you'll see the difference.
@DjW1986 12 жыл бұрын
it seems real cool.
@Carosmyr 9 жыл бұрын
Does actual love even exist anymore?
@anabsi7 8 жыл бұрын
+Forrest Bradley Of course but this is what they do; they come here with the mentality of getting a young hot girl being themselves old and out of shape, if you were to do the same thing in the states what kind of girl will be interested? probably one that wants you for your money right. Well it works the same here. You just gotta put yourself out there, leave the "the states is better" mentality, be humble, be cool and stay away from the girls of the typical tourist places cause sadly yeah the demand goes where the offer is.
@festus51 8 жыл бұрын
+Ana Laura A Very true Ana
@nowhereman7413 7 жыл бұрын
Yes, of course love exist. You can go to watch a romantic Hollywood film.
@tamsinthai 11 жыл бұрын
Having lived on Phuket Thailand for 15 years I would have to agree. I was looking into re-location as this place is completely geared toward the sex industry. I'm not coming over all moralistic, I don't mind the hos, but there's virtually no social life here which doesn't revolve around sitting at some beer bar next to a load of corpulent old men groping their tart du nuit, ugh, or, even worse, some godawful expat woman's club. I'm a woman by the way. Some 'culture' would be nice sans sexpats.
@mawacal 13 жыл бұрын
This drives home the point that men should think with the head on there shoulders not the other one.
@brerrabbit4265 3 жыл бұрын
Costa Rica has too many pitfalls. I keep hearing about needing attorneys and getting sued for this or that. Sounds like a racket. I think i will move elsewhere.
@barrygoldwater360 11 жыл бұрын
Have you been to every place on the planet? Then don't be so quick to pass judgement that Every place is the same.... you just aren't qualified to make that assumption. The info here was pretty straight forward, and most likely not what you wanted to hear. Get some help.
@agg374 4 жыл бұрын
I work on rural touristic area and I just knew ONE american finding a girl for more than sex. Most of american asked me "where can I find a girl for tonigh you know?" Or..."can I bring a girl for a while?" Or "In Jacó or San José I heard several places for get a girl"? O sea maes tambien es lo que buscan. Todas las veces debo decir NO la gran mayoria solo buscan eso. Ambas partes se victimizan tambien ticos y gringos ya está. Esto tambien lo veo y escucho en la parte central del pais. No es tan estricto como dicen algunos comentarios
@manuflast9442 11 жыл бұрын
get a job in a call center dont show off this is a great way to get know people in a different level
@peladocalidoso 12 жыл бұрын
well said!
@mariadavis3797 6 жыл бұрын
Isn’t in Thailand where foreign men can only buy property in their Thai wife’s name? Well, she finally kicks the husband out, moves her family in and the poor guy goes back to his country penniless. Cultures show their similarities.
@GustavoCLa 8 жыл бұрын
There are some lot of stereotypes for videos who are supposed to explain. What a buch of caricatures you've drawn. "All 15 to 25 years old are single mothers", "all men are chaters"... Maybe these things are more common than in the USA but that doesn't give you the right to generalize. Also, these people you talk about are poor uneducated people, you don't blame the fucked up things that poor uneducated people do in the USA to "American culture". Go to a San Jose middle class neighborhood and see how many women fit your description. Finally, it's obvious that the kind of partners that "gringos" attract are opportunistic people. Normal people are not flying around gringos like bees.
@cgonz81 8 жыл бұрын
they didnt say all men are cheaters and all young girls get pregnant. They said a high number and a lot of men. Pay attention to the words. Which by the way is true.
@rnette8 7 жыл бұрын
Never locate your self in a Country with Napoleon Law !! I lived in CR 20 years and the lawyers!! it took me 12 Lawyers to find a good one if you would like his name and the ones that were bogus call me
@warmachine1770 2 жыл бұрын
Women win here in America too😆
@mfumento 8 жыл бұрын
That was my experience in Colombia. And I speak very good Spanish. They just can't see you as a human being. You're a bank and will always be a bank. And in Colombia prestar=regalar. Borrow means give. You always have to learn that the hard way, alas. Another universal tip: Always trust the bad stuff you hear about a country, distrust the good stuff. Amazing how many lies I continue to read about Colombia. It's a rotten country and there's now around it.
@Josuep07 11 жыл бұрын
What about all the crime rate? Colombia has a lot of the most dangerous places in the world. Costa Rica is known for its peace.
@inspiralight 12 жыл бұрын
Hey, are people really suing each other left and right for stupid things in Costa Rica? That's one of the things I hate most about the USA. I thought Costa Rica would be a breath of fresh air AWAY from the ugliness of attorneys encouraging and leaching off of conflict between vengeful or extortion minded individuals.
@richarerichrichards9222 12 жыл бұрын
i hope youtube keeps my comment on pg 1 so new guys can read this (i could write pages) if your mellow, don't anger easily, the"love having good karma" type, your love affair with Costa Rica will last a life time. If your high strung, be honest with yourself, you won't fit unless you change into a laidback person.Jaco has the girls,but be careful. U R a target.but it can be very good. survived a robbery by being mellow, gave him $10 bucks, in USA they'd of killed me. love Ticos and Cost Rica.
@rickyguidecr 13 жыл бұрын
Those corporations you are talking about are "Sociedad Anonima" is the S.A. at the end of the names. And adding to this good tips, just don´t take anything serious with somebody who is with you just because you are a gringo. Nice job.
@captaintim38 11 жыл бұрын
Colombia is a much better country, better women, just as beautiful scenery. NOT so many Americans and Europeans driving the price up!!
@justgivemethetruth 12 жыл бұрын
WTF is hocko ?
@thebensman9786 5 жыл бұрын
Time-out. The guy on the left pulls ZERO bush? The guy on the right is a HOMOsexual? Why would they be authorities on this subject?
@BenjaminLion 5 жыл бұрын
@sylviacr 12 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately on this one, I will have to agree with both of you. And you girls, if you hook up with a Tico, I swear to God, he will cheat on you !!
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