It took me ages to get to the 486. Eventually, I did: 25*3=75 75-7=68 68*7=476 476+10=486
@JDrapic3 ай бұрын
756 actually factors beautifully to use all numbers (4+50/25)*2*7*9=756 (7*7+3-25)*(10+8)=486 (2*3^5)
@MrShortWhiteGuy5 ай бұрын
I did 314 a completely different way without using the 75: 8x3=24, 24+7=31, 31X10=310, 310+4=314.
@Adamdow952 күн бұрын
50 - 8 - 8 = 34 34 × 3 = 102 (102 + 2 = 104)
@marcpower416710 күн бұрын
104: (2x50) +3 +(8/8)
@joanneaugust14895 ай бұрын
756: 25+2=27 27*7=189 189*4=756 104 (this one I found insanely difficult for some reason. Missed all obvious answers): 8*3=24 50/25=2 24+2=26 26*8/2=104