Covert Narcissism | 5 Signs to look out for

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@Stephchang-d3l Ай бұрын
For me, the covert narcissist comes across as a people pleaser. They like to be in the spotlight to get the validation that they crave for, as other narcissists but at the same time, they pretend to be humble, simple, generous, over giving. The covert narcissist will take time to build a relationship/friendship with you. During this period, they will show their admiration and their devotion by helping you with everything that is you need. They will try to convince you that you are soulmates and that they understand you deeply. At the same time, you will see them being overly altruistic, maybe helping society by engaging in charities, activism. They feed the poor, take care of the homeless. All this makes you think how lucky you are for having met such a beautiful soul. You want to be by their side for ever. However, soon you notice how much they enjoy being invited in galas to talk about their achievements. But they don’t admit that. They still play the humble guy who doesn’t want all this. Who is beyond money, beyond fame and recognition, who wants to share the floor with other people. But their acts don’t match their words. You come to realise that this selfless soul is actually doing whatever it takes to be in the centre of attention. When you do something together be it at work or at home, they want to control everything about it. They just exerce their control in a more polite and implicit way, making you believe that your voice was heard whereas in reality you did what they wanted you to do. Covert narcissists have a smooth way of leading you on. They don’t shout, they don’t give orders. They are master actors. They convince you that you are together in this. What makes them a narcissist is that when the time comes for them to use you in order to draw certain benefits, they will do it without a second thought and you are not going to believe in your eyes. And when you stand up for yourself and raise your voice against them calling them for their phony identity, then you will see their rage for the first time and the mask will fall. Covert narcissists manipulate less with rage/exhibiting superiority and more with people pleasing behaviour/playing the eternal victim. They are not aggressive as overt narcissists. They are more cunning. What they both have in common is self-centered ness and lack of empathy. In the case of coverts, it will take you longer to find out.They knew what they wanted to get out of you from the beginning. They created a whole theatre play to fool you about who they are and their true motives. You will trust them with all your heart but when the time comes for them to prove their loyalty by choosing your bond over their personal gain, they will choose the latter with no remorse, without even taking any responsibility. Unlike the overt narcissist, they will have an eloquent excuse for doing so, rationalizing why they had to f@ck you over. They will pretend to be sorry about it because this is something that matches the image of modesty that they want to project but in reality they are not sorry at all. You will see them partying with your own money when they said they didn’t have enough to pay you back. You will see them being unfair and untrustworthy to other people as well. When the mask of the victim will fall, you will see the cruel smile of a perpetrator who managed to get what they want without deserving it. If you decide to unmask them run for your life. Moreover, Catching a cheating spouse might be difficult, and knowing what local laws say you can and cannot do might be even more difficult. To simplify the process, consider hiring a private investigator to do the sleuthing for you I genuinely appreciate how incredible you are and your work! Thank you for a job well done Metaspyhub@gmail. com,,
@mtkspeaks1223 17 күн бұрын
To add to this video and your comment, they're very needy and obsessive from the beginning (example: wants to follow you everywhere, calling you all day, praises you a little too much, telling you that they look up to you without truly knowing who you are), childish/irresponsible (which explains why they're constantly complaining because even the simplest things don't come easy to them). You'll repeat yourself a lot when talking to them (as if you're talking to a toddler by walking them through the conversation, because they're lacking comprehension skills), nothing seems to be going right for them in their lives (literally). They don't know how to laugh at themselves and take life too seriously, thinks everyone's jealous of them but it's the opposite. "Everyone" either loves them or can't stand them. They jump into things without thinking them through but would pass it off as they were just trying to "help" someone.
@mcawesomest1 13 сағат бұрын
The are nice to you when other people are around or when you go on double dates.. if you are alone with them it’s questioning that has a paranoid critical view but called “communication,” it’s back handed compliments, its Helpful criticism and if you get even annoyed by their behavior watch out! They will blow up all over you.
@ceecee1913 Жыл бұрын
From having a covert best friend I found her top 5 signs were 1. Victim mentality 2. Constantly put others down 3. Always tried to dominate others to feel secure 4. Moody 99% of the time 5. Didn’t seem to have an adult understanding of empathy, love, morals I’ll give you another 5 for free 6. Was very paranoid would ask questions in multiple ways to see if you gave same answer 7 jealous of other friendships 8. Materialistic 9. Poor relationship with family 10. She would twist my words and try to convince me the false reality was real
@apushman Жыл бұрын
11. Constant need for validation
@JRX0X0 Жыл бұрын
Well done… very good list… missing 12. sense of entitlement 👌
@Proposal12 Жыл бұрын
I would disagree with few you listed, 6. asking questions in different ways to see if you get the same answer is actually a technique used for interrogations (police, military etc) 8. Not necessarily, some can be surface level, unless you mean it´s the only thing they seek. 9. The family could be toxic and you made the decision to remove yourself from a toxic space. 10. Ahh well maybe, I´ve dealt with this one, and what I´ve done was call her out on it, bring up a past memory where both know you were right about and then make it clear that your memory is just fine, watch how fast she´ll shut up or she´ll bring up another topic, if she does she knows she´s wrong about it and her little game won´t work with you. Then ask her about the new topic and don´t dwell on your W... 11. Taking advantage of others for personal gain. 12. Resistance to change. Unable to self reflect/improve (because they see nothing wrong with themselves) 13. Sensitive to critique 14. Never/always (Extreme words like “Always” and “Never” can also hurt others. When talking to relationship partners, for example, using these extreme terms to prove your point immediately puts someone else on the defensive, and downplays or ignores the work that they did (or did not) do.) 15. Seeing things black/white 16. A tendency to put themselves down ( so you can lift them up) .......
@ceecee1913 Жыл бұрын
@@Proposal12 well you can disagree with whatever you like that’s your personal experience and as she is NOT the police it is not normal behaviour to interrogate people like she is the police and that they owe her explanations to their personal lives.
@ceecee1913 Жыл бұрын
@@Proposal12 she does only seek material things everything comes back to how much more she has than others treating people as objects based on social status, looking down on others because of wealth
@ABD-po9xf Жыл бұрын
Withdrawal from the world doesn't necessarily mean it's due to narcissism... Narcissistic abuse for EVER and A DAY can cause the same. The world is dangerous when you realize you don't have boundaries to keep yourself safe.
@truthteller4841 Жыл бұрын
@sohara.... Жыл бұрын
There's an audiobook, Complex PTSD, on KZbin which talks about one type of person who've had a crappy childhood who isolate as a result: they are people who believe others are dangerous ... and can find great solace in being alone ... but at same time are hiding & concealing their wounds from themselves. He says it can be difficult for them to go to therapy, or decelop a healing intimacy, but he mentions a few other healing modalities ....
@goldilocks3593 Жыл бұрын
My thoughts too. Withdrawal does not equal narcissism necessarily. It can also be about withdrawing from volunteering for narcissistic abuse, and developing better boundaries for functioning in a world full of narcissists!
@violetskye6863 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely agree. When you’ve experienced narc or toxic people most of your life and then the lightbulb goes off, of course you now will develop a need to shut off the world. At least for awhile while your healing.
@AshtarMichael Жыл бұрын
@lauriegelman4328 Жыл бұрын
I would add a footnote to number three. In addition to the eye-rolling and cutting you off in conversation, if, perchance you were talking about something positive that happened to you, they will take a moment to pop your balloon, then, of course go back to hijacking the conversation.
@marilynminer677 Жыл бұрын
Oh so true.
@londoncalling7895 Жыл бұрын
They will jump on any word you manage to mention, fully explaining their experience of that, then go off on a tangent. You are just providing fodder.
@Coilygirlzworld 10 ай бұрын
True! It never fails!
@tempestous-i3k 5 ай бұрын
Had he actually listened to me and gotten to know me mine would have known that cutting me off, especially aggressively, shouting me down and talking over me are MAJOR triggers for me going back to early childhood. But doing these things made it so much easier to walk away. No contact. Last conversation after (deliberately) going quiet and agreeing w him to be able to extricate myself from this bile I hung up the phone and said out loud, "you just made that decision easy dude.". Not a word from me after that.
@pqt112 5 ай бұрын
German men😂
@troll23-troll23 Жыл бұрын
So great about the yawning, Richard! I have never heard anyone mention it. I had a friend however (for decades, I hardly dare to admit it) who would call me and talk about herself, her life, the lives of her grown children, her plans to write a book, her connections, her opinions, non-stop, finally running out of steam and coming to the point of "And with you - everything o.k.?" I would feel provoked to jump out of my paralyzed state and tentativly start a sentence, maybe two...I could hear by her sudden silence that she had already checked out. And then she would YAWN, noisily, without shame, again and again. I would feel embarrassed for burdening her with my existence, and would keep everything very brief. Invariably she would cut things short anyway. She really had to go now, this call had gone on way too long, she had to get on with her important life - insinuating that the delay was all my fault. I always felt horrible afterwards, smacked, humiliated, used. There came a point where I called her on her bullshit, in regard to a particular issue. How did I dare to question her motives! I have never heard from her since. But yes, the maddening.
@_7.8.6 Жыл бұрын
Just give them a taste of their own medicine and test them and how they react. I had a similar experience, known him 30 yrs and yet always had the feeling he never really knew who I was what I did at work or my interests etc. strange
@KTcov Жыл бұрын
I had a friend exactly like this. I just stopped answering her calls. I felt completely drained after speaking to her. She’s totally unaware. The yawning pissed me off tho🙄
@avasmith3451 Жыл бұрын
Yep , my ex did that , i knew why as i had done research , example , why does my husband do this etc ? I already knew , i just sussed it , but the answers already confirmed what i thought
@olgak.1139 Жыл бұрын
I have faced the same devaluation by yawning multiple times .At first was very annoying but then l started to just ignore or tease them by saying something that could made them wonder if the comment was about them or not, or yawning too at them😁mouahahaha😁
@kindofkosher Жыл бұрын
@troll23 - man I really felt that. I’ve been there, feeling awful for being a burden with having talked a few sentences worth interjecting in a hour long conversation where someone was doing most of the talking… if I ever yawned, I would immediately apologize but how ironic - listening for long periods of time and we are not the ones yawning? I’ve cut a lot of ppl out of my life who are like this, but still deal with family members that do this. The yawning, I wonder, is an unconscious act to move the conversation back to them. Bcs if I see that, I would recognize, oh this person is tired, I won’t keep them… or I’ll say, oh are you tired? Rough night? Bringing the conversation back towards them. But if we were legit tired and say we yawn, they wouldn’t ask anything about It. They don’t pick up on those body queues. I guess that is the lack of emotional empathy.
@ChacingBugs 2 ай бұрын
On point 5. There's another layer to that. Sometimes they're great at doing the things a friend would do. Sometimes even to a degree of overcompensation. The difference with them? They're keeping score. They remember each and every thing they did for you. Its all transactional.
@indraSilentMoonImaginarium Жыл бұрын
Eye rolling, smirking, walking ahead of you, gaslighting,blame shifting, can’t listen. They are puddles, no depth It’s unbelievable
@ichdu7310 Жыл бұрын
You described pretty much my wife, lucky me, after 10 years I finally gave up all hope and decided I am going to divorce her.
@oanaalexia Жыл бұрын
You can be happy without someone like her to constantly drag you down. There's life beyond that dysfunctional relationship.
@stacygyuricza2187 Жыл бұрын
Same and same after 20 years
@chelceasurgenor598 Жыл бұрын
I've been with my narcissistic husband for 10 years now. I'm so sorry you had to divorce. I'm going to have to do the same thing looks like. You hope they will do better but they don't think they need to! So they don't! Praying for you.
@racheljones509 Жыл бұрын
If you can go 10 years, you should be teaching the class. Really. That's an idea for something brilliant either way it goes with yall. Teach a class on how to stay married to a narc woman - expert speaking after 10 years. Encouragement and best wishes. I feel for you.
@herblackwings666 Жыл бұрын
Same. Except I'm going on 18 years and on top of it he's a drug addict and has now had an affair. I might as well join the circus.
@pkaboo7832 Жыл бұрын
This is really great! This is actually the way my mom was! I finally realized it was my early training and it was what caused me to believe that "walking on eggshells" was actually a part of true human relationships.... So much so, that I would be under the impression that if I wasn't "walking on eggshells", it must not actually be a truly emotional connection..... I'm very, very gladly realizing all of this! I really wish I would have known a lot more a lot sooner!
@kindofkosher Жыл бұрын
It seems like there is a ‘narcissistic pandemic’ and I’ve withdrawn from society bcs I’m seeing this everywhere. I did date someone like this, very passive aggressive, very self centered, very self withdrawn. Very victim mentality. And I have to check my own behavior. I attempt to be kind and compassionate and it absolutely hurts my heart when I see these signs. I’ll be listening and supporting their conversation and as soon as I start talking about my life, they start to look away, the eyes glaze over…. But once I start talking about them again and their life, they become engaged again. It’s so odd and disheartening to me. So many members of my family and in the community are like this. It’s caused me to limit my engagement with anyone who does this and It’s sad, bcs even when we try to be emotionally responsible and explain what this behavior makes us feel, they are passive aggressive with their gas lighting. Thank you, Richard! You’ve really helped me understand what is transpiring in todays society as Narcissistic behaviors to look out for and either go no contact or limit interactions with.
Glad you gained value from the video, Thanks for watching.
@troll23-troll23 Жыл бұрын
Yes, it is a pandemic, most people are like this, it is very disheartening. But then there are channels like this one, and it is soothing to the soul. Thanks for your comment!
@Yayas_World29 Жыл бұрын
Spot on. It’s an epidemic and the only way to cope is to isolate a lot.
@mountain10 Жыл бұрын
@@Yayas_World29 same.
@dyahns Жыл бұрын
@@Yayas_World29 yep, and then you find yourself withdrawn and perhaps a little bit self-centred and then you think “oh, sh!te” 😊
@charlenerhoda2024 Жыл бұрын
I so appreciate your humility in sharing how this relationship snuck in. The examples you gave were spot on what I have often observed myself and wondered about. I could listen to this content over and over and learn something new. Thank you so much for all you do to help us. Because, you have made such a difference in my journey to healing.
@strykerthepsycher8412 Жыл бұрын
He's just been outed as a fraud. He is trying to sabotage the worlds leading expert Sam Vaknin. He is attempting to steal his work and present it as his own work. FRAUD ALERT
@elkekirkpatrick6481 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for so clearly describing the most difficult - - correction, the most impossible - - member of my family! This really helped.
Glad you found the content useful 😎
@joannabaikoff7243 Жыл бұрын
ditto. I've literally been bombarded with messages and emails by said family member this morning and yesterday, and then this video came up on my feed.
@strykerthepsycher8412 Жыл бұрын
He's just been outed as a fraud. He is trying to sabotage the worlds leading expert Sam Vaknin. He is attempting to steal his work and present it as his own work. FRAUD ALERT
@drukelleher9292 Жыл бұрын
Thx Richie. In my experience dealing with both covert & over narcs, I’ve found covert to be far more pernicious. Overt narcs can be spotted more easily; whereas a covert who has an extroverted personality won’t withdraw from the external world, despite the external cognitive dissonance. The ending of the relationship you mentioned was bound to happen, especially since you’ve properly reboundaried (prob not an actual word :-) yourself. I enjoyed the collaborations you 2 did, but the simple fact is that a leopard can’t change his spots.
@soaari42 Жыл бұрын
Oh my goodness, this explains my ex so well. He could talk about himself and his situations for ages with enthusiasm and gestures, however when I spoke, he glazed over, looked bored and crossed his arms. Got angry over literally nothing and picked fights, I was then left feeling like I had emotional whiplash. Wish I had seen your videos sooner!
@writer1986 Жыл бұрын
Yes, yes, yes! I know a particular covert narcissist who is terrible at listening and rudely interrupts to catch back up and then just shrugs her shoulders and goes back to not listening (I'm the one doing the listening and observing); who rolls her eyes as soon as someone else starts talking; jumps right into defense mode if questioned about anything; and has no friends. This list is spot on with what I've observed too.
@gwendolynwehage6336 Жыл бұрын
You are right about everything you are saying, I have seen it all. LOL The covert narcissists I have known tend to cry when confronted about how they have acted. They cannot lash out overtly so they cry and play the victim instead. And, you are absolutely right, they don't listen or respond to us. As soon as the covert narcissist is not the center of attention anymore they change the subject as soon as possible. You are so right about the eye-rolling, which is a show of contempt. The covert narcissist only does good things for others if it will elevate the narcissist in some way. They have to have a good feeling, they are not the kind of people who will take care of a sick person as minimally as possible.
Glad you found the content useful, Thanks for watching 😎
@gorunsko31 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Richard. I live with covert narcissist and you nailed the signs of this exhausting to the point of slowly killing intimate partner, disorder. Far more dangerous than overt narcissist. ❤
@strykerthepsycher8412 Жыл бұрын
He's just been outed as a fraud. He is trying to sabotage the worlds leading expert Sam Vaknin. He is attempting to steal his work and present it as his own work. FRAUD ALERT
@sparkoflight963 7 ай бұрын
You are being slowly killed. The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist-Debbie Mirza
@yellowdayz1800 6 ай бұрын
Yep.. This is no run of the mill narcissist these men are blatantly heartless and out to destroy in a very psychological way. The laws are catching up.
@ibelong2u Жыл бұрын
I came here to validate my feelings of resentment towards certain people around me. But I found myself identifying with the behavioral patterns instead. I got some serious reflecting to do. Thank you for sharing.
@catbishop206 Жыл бұрын
I suffered at the hands of one of these for the last ten years and am now divorcing. You feel called to help "save them" from their sadness and sorrow, but then they suck you into their black hole and try to never let you go. Mine was also very possessive of me, controlling, and emotionally abusive once he had me living with him.
@charlesp.8555 Жыл бұрын
Richard, could you please stop your bogus strikings of Vaknin’s videos? He helped me deal with my psychopathic narcissistic father’s gaslighting when I started remembering being raped at age 6 by my borderline mother’s lover with her active complicity. Preventing people who need it from getting useful content is absolutely not healthy boundaries. Thank you.
@clararob9869 Жыл бұрын
Flying monkey 🐒
@charlesp.8555 Жыл бұрын
@@clararob9869 Nice to meet you, I’m Charles.
@charlesp.8555 Жыл бұрын
@@clararob9869 You deleted your comment, but Richard highlighted it, apprently. Thanks, Richard!
@clararob9869 Жыл бұрын
@@charlesp.8555 I did not delete my comment... But nice try trying to make me out to be something I'm not how very narcissist of you 🤣🤣🤣
@charlesp.8555 Жыл бұрын
@@clararob9869 How the hell could someone know that someone they have never met is a narcissist? Do you have a secret technique no psychologist on Earth knows about?
@angelicasouza2086 Жыл бұрын
I’m leaving this channel. When I was going through my discard and rumination phase, I found help on Prof. Sam Vaknin’s videos. He can’t lose his Chanel on KZbin because of you. You are causing a great harm to people that need to understand about narcissistic abuse.
@strykerthepsycher8412 Жыл бұрын
His envy of Sam has reached a boiling point. He is trying to erase him so he can present himself as the worlds leading expert. So please join the growing movement in exposing this "Man" as the fraud he is.
@suzan4820 Жыл бұрын
@HomeFromFarAway 5 ай бұрын
are you flying monkeys?
@Maria-fu5vh 3 ай бұрын
Not only do they yawn but they also keep looking at the clock when you are talking.
@laurencemoore3042 Ай бұрын
that is SO true, ie you have no value.
@ninajohnson8389 23 сағат бұрын
Or their phone
@darrentimms8865 Жыл бұрын
And use emotional manipulation tactics to control those around them. They may also gaslight or project their own flaws onto others. Despite appearing insecure, they have a strong sense of entitlement and can become resentful or angry when their needs are unmet.
@owent1166 Жыл бұрын
I finally am making a hard decision to cut out a ‘friend’ that I later realised was high on the covert narcissism scale. You’re absolutely right that these people cannot do adult horizontal mature relationships, you cannot even have mature discussions with them about relational issues…They can’t do it or maybe they just don’t want to do it, probably both. I’m on the final stage of cutting them off, and this week I’m letting go of them for good… I thought he could change with time but I was wrong, the passive aggression has always been there and tbh I put up with it for a while because it wasn’t always directly aimed at me (and I thought he was a fundamentally good person but had a bit of a arsy side) and the guy is pretty funny however sadly now I no longer am willing to tolerate his infantilism and want him out of my life. These people are very vindictive and spiteful people, they pose as your friend, use you for what they need/want and are extremely petty and venomous people. He would always talk in doublespeak whereby nearly every ‘meaningful’ sentence had a alternative meaning that was discreetly concealed and packaged to be elusive enough for him to disregard responsibility if held to account and obscure enough that he could discount your claim upon opening the packaged message (which he wanted me to get btw or fly under the radar whereby he’s insulting me whilst being amicable) and invert it so as to make out you’re the ‘bad’ friend etc (I’m sure you all know the script…). I’m sure there will be smear campaigns and he will tell everyone sensitive information I confided in him when I trusted him but I’m more than willing to go through all that to get such a corrosive person out of my life for good. Amen!
@BlowinFree Жыл бұрын
Owen you comment was very well written 👏🏻 I can empathise, right now I’m enduring the phase where my confidences to the narc are now being exposed and it’s not good, however, im only seeing positives as once the drama is over there are no more holds or living in fear of this exact thing being exposed over me and I’m free to move onwards with my life sans them. Obviously with a lot of lessons learnt along the way. All the best with your endeavours x
@theoriginal7727 Жыл бұрын
If you even TRY to talk about anything real, especially sharing/relationships, they absolutely go into a RAGE!
@gorunsko31 Жыл бұрын
@@theoriginal7727 Thank you for your comment validating my experience with the covert narcissist husband. The only acceptable topic for conversation are: politics, sports and his dissatisfaction with life. If I make attempt to set the boundaries or God forbid, I have a request, he gets angry and passive aggressive.
@claireleblancfoster8010 Жыл бұрын
Best of Luck - Love and Light to you !!
@owent1166 Жыл бұрын
@@BlowinFree Thank you, it took me a long time to put the patterns together and consider that maybe this person wasn’t the person I kept telling myself they were (who I wanted to believe they were) and then gradually things have become more apparent and clear. Best of wishes to you and keep strong!
@NothingHumanisAlientoMe Жыл бұрын
Do you value the work of Sam Vaknin?
@heatherlloyd8207 Жыл бұрын
I think he does. He has even created courses based on it, which he is selling to victims of narcissistic abuse. I can understand him being unhappy about some of the things Sam has been saying about him in recent videos, but it is that which they need to address. Trying to get Sam's channel closed down is not a proportioate response, and adversely affects all the people who would benefit from the educational content on Sam's channel.
@DaleJay667 Жыл бұрын
@@heatherlloyd8207 Where are these videos of Sam saying anything about Gammon? I'm subscribed & follow Sam on other platforms, I never saw anything? Other than his posts showing his channel/work is under attack & some correspondence with a non replying Gammon I've not seen anything else?
@heatherlloyd8207 Жыл бұрын
@Dale Jay I've tried twice to reply with details but each time my comment disappeared after posting.
@DaleJay667 Жыл бұрын
@@heatherlloyd8207Hmmm thsts strange, thanks for trying anyway...
@heatherlloyd8207 Жыл бұрын
@Dale Jay I'll try once more with just a couple of examples. In the first few minutes of the last published video, "Narcissist Pays Heavy Price ... " he refers to his "former fake friend" with his "rather limited intelligence." Although he doesn't name him, he has identified his "fake friend" as G, 43 minutes into an earlier video "Narcissist's Betrayal Fantasy: Painful Mommy Separation." Also watch "How to Resolve (T)horny Issues" from about 1 min 30. What he suggests at 2 min 25, was subsequently set up, link under 'Community' heading on Vaknin's channel 3 weeks ago.
@7w7-2 Жыл бұрын
There are many different signs. These include spending time on phone that was not spent previously, withholding sex from you, withdrawing in communication with you, agitation or anger over Petty stuff or making up situations to get angry or agitated over, lying, being secretive in any way, randomly spending more time caring for and pampering oneself such as putting on makeup or wearing cologne or coloring hair etc. Any type of changed behavior that is not aimed at pleasing or benefiting your relationship. With all of that though, follow your gut. your gut is telling you that something isn't right and it's telling you that this could or is happening, therefore listen to it. Just Free yourself from all of it! Run and don't look back. Go 100% no contact. The mental and emotional abuse is not okay at all! Do not bring anything up to her. Don't try to rationalize or have a conversation about anything. Don't let her know that you know she's in narcissist. All of that can cause a narcissistic rage. If you have not yet witnessed one of those just trust me that you don't want to! A narcissistic rage is beyond any rage I have ever seen or witnessed in my entire life. I am an army combat veteran and served front lines for a year and afghanistan. I have abuse going back from as long as I can remember, the first time in my personal memory is 2 years old. With everything I have been involved in, and my rape, other sexual abuse, their physical abuse, etc in narcissistic rage is by far the worst! If you need to contact your local police department and start a new contact order. No one can protect you like you can! free yourself from it all and move forward in your life. The minute you run and go no contact is the minute your life begins again. If need be seek out professional help. Therapy is the best thing I did for myself. The best gift I gave to me! The abuse is so deep and overwhelming that having a professional guide you through the steps of the healing process is extremely beneficial! Just remember, there is great strength in asking for help. There is great lack and strength or no strength at all in putting on a mask and hiding behind the opinions of society and pretending that you are okay! As human beings we all witness A Time In our lives where we are not okay! Those that heal, move past, and move forward, and have a brighter future are those who ask for help and do the work that is needed through the help! I'm so sorry you are going through this and I wish you the very best! Good luck! Always remember that you are stronger than you believe you are, you are worthy and deserving of better and always, and you are enough just the way you are and who you are today! Take this time for you! Get yourself again. Fix that meal that you're all time favorite, rent that movie you've been wanting to see, have a guys night out with your best friends, remodel a room in your home, go purchase that item you've been wanting to for so long, just do for yourself! Self-acceptance, self-love, and being able to forgive yourself is far more important than what anyone else can give to you! Believe in who you are! You deserve nothing less than that! You're not alone! Feel free to tag me in any other questions that you have! I'll help if I can. Additionally you can hire a cyber expert to help you get remote access to their phone so you can track them and monitor all of their activities without them knowing. You may locate the top cyber specialists locally at Metaspyhub@gmail. com, where you can engage a well-trained professional to assist you..........
@jolesliewhitten6545 Жыл бұрын
You described the first man I married. He chose to never consummate the marriage. Also put me down every single day, He claimed I was fat-I was 5’8” and weighed 123. Miss America that year was5’8” and weighed 126. I could never please him-even though I waited on him. He never allowed me to use a vehicle to buy groceries. I worked teaching at a college and tried very hard. He had no friends and gave no presents.
@Justjewels8436 Жыл бұрын
@tulinbeyduz920 Жыл бұрын
stingy with time and money
@xerr0n Жыл бұрын
WTF! Why marry if you're not gonna do the nightly? and everything else you mentioned. i sometimes wonder if im narcissistic but id rather hug my lady to sleep than never even touch her, i want kids dammit! why "commit" to not commit!
@pysq8 Жыл бұрын
@@xerr0n some commit to ownership, not partnership
@xerr0n Жыл бұрын
@@pysq8 that's still a very distorted way to use a marriage. marriage is the announcement and wow for the team effort of making and raising kids
@freesoul666 Жыл бұрын
I am in psych ward currently bc of people like this, thank u for the wisdom, it is really precious especially alongside with therapy! 🐲 I am finally brave enough to cut cords with my abusers and soon I think I'll get better and move out from my narcissistic ass father when I'll become financially free, I'm so glad I've found u thru Pierre xo 💜♥💙
@David-eu1ms Жыл бұрын
You can definitely get better with time alone.
@freesoul666 Жыл бұрын
@@David-eu1ms I've been alone for a looong time
@d.d.4306 Жыл бұрын
@yellowdayz1800 6 ай бұрын
I probably should have been on one to.. These guys are monsters to the core. Heartless to the core. I know those that really know what a covert malignant narc abuse is... I am sorry that you had to go through that. You did not deserve it. Stay strong.
@livewires8637 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Richard, for helping me conceptualize the narcissist not as a monster, but as an injured child doing what needs to be done to survive. That mindset being necessary to get past the victim mindset. Watching you feed Sams ego was hard to watch, even if the banter was enjoyable.
@colleenshea2293 Жыл бұрын
I don't know any narcissists who are withdrawn --- they need people too much for their supply.
@shrinkingviolet890 Жыл бұрын
Exactly! Brilliant point! 👍👍👍
@sethgreco-xp7ep 2 ай бұрын
Cause they are covert. They seem normal regular people from the outside.
@ninaelsbethgustavsen2131 2 ай бұрын
I've been accused of being one. By my brother. Only I'm an introvert. I don't have the need for applause on a daily basis. He does. I don't brag about knowing so and so. He does. I can't really tell my brother about things I've experienced. Because he retells other peoples' stories. Pretending they're his own. I suppose he's a narcissistic mythomaniac... 🙄
@pigmentumkeke 18 күн бұрын
I know one, my ex. He never wanted to be around people he was able to control his image or he felt they were superior. He always hang out with the same people or his family who are worst than him. He could be all day scrolling or talking on the phone but didn't leave the house because everyone was stupid and underneath him.
@mandinamilosevic Жыл бұрын
Richard Grannon please stop fighting Prof. Sam Vaknin . I have been listening both of you for years to understand toxic behaviours and could see that you where at many parts learning from him. His content is desparately needed .
@jtarcher7236 Жыл бұрын
@annao2888 Жыл бұрын
If you are a true therapist, you’ll let Sam Vaknin work on yt. You could only dream to be as insightful and gifted as he is. His videos save lives and you are aware of it. Let go of the vendetta, start caring.
@strykerthepsycher8412 Жыл бұрын
His envy of Sam has reached a boiling point. He is trying to erase him so he can present himself as the worlds leading expert. So please join the growing movement in exposing this "Man" as the fraud he is.
@esthero1994 Жыл бұрын
💯 💯
@marthac7700 Жыл бұрын
You are a flying monkey.
@strykerthepsycher8412 Жыл бұрын
Leave his channel!! Grannon is a fraud. His envy and jealousy of Sam has hit a boiling point, and he can't take it anymore.
@strykerthepsycher8412 Жыл бұрын
@@malgorzatawojtys9846 This POS fraud Sam Vaknin wannabe Richard Grannon has been putting strikes on Sam's video's and he cannot upload anymore content. Grannon is trying to eliminate Sam so he can pass himself off as the worlds leading expert. It appears that his envy and jealousy of Sam has hit a boiling point and now he is trying to sabotage Sam Vaknin. Please do not have anything to do with Richard Grannon, he is a fraud. Warn all of your friends. I
@JoJo.plantmother Жыл бұрын
Thank you for clearly explaining traits of a covert narcissist and for your mum is a covert narcissist and even though I have done lots of therapy (I do not have her in my life anymore) and am continuing to work on myself, I still occasionally have narcissists/abusive people slip under my radar and into my life. I can recognise it and let go of them but sometimes I'm like......really? Have I just let one in again??
@strykerthepsycher8412 Жыл бұрын
He's just been outed as a fraud. He is trying to sabotage the worlds leading expert Sam Vaknin. He is attempting to steal his work and present it as his own work. FRAUD ALERT
@shipratrika2586 Жыл бұрын
I don’t think we can live in a narc free world. They are everywhere. We have to interact with them at work..can’t avoid them.
@markymark3837 Жыл бұрын
I had a covert narc gf always felt like I was the one doing wrong. Looking forward to this
Hope you gained value from the video 😎
@Bada_Boom78 3 ай бұрын
@@RICHARDGRANNONas always Richard. I am reeeaally learning a lot. I’ve just about fully learned grandiose from you and others. However, I am just now beginning to realize that my ex wife was a covert and I’m really blown away. They are so much harder to see than the grandiose. You’re awesome man. If I met you I’d definitely buy you a pint brother 🍺 cheers from the US
@BrianMurfitt 2 ай бұрын
Hi Richard, I've watched all the other channels on Covert/Vulnerable Narcissism and your description is by far the best, spot on and summed it up in less than 10 minutes. My mother was a vulnerable narcissist and all that you've just described was her. Except she wouldn't yawn when listening to you, she would nod and smile, but you could see like a shutter close down behind her eyes. When you asked her 'Well what did I just say'? She couldn't confirm and get frustrated and turn round and blame me! Also, vulnerable narcissists are easily impressed by grandiose/malignant narcissists or anyone who's very overpowering. My diagnosis is Covert Narcissists would like to be like that but they just know they haven't got in them? Anyway I've duly subscribed. 👍🏻🤗
@xsilentg 5 ай бұрын
Can you please do a video about how withdrawing & isolating is a result of narcissistic abuse? A lot of what is mentioned at the beginning of this video overlaps with what empaths experience after years of dismissal, invalidation & being silenced.
@SpecialK248 Жыл бұрын
This is literally, by far, the best explanation I've ever heard in regards to covert narcissism...nailed it!! 🔨
@vanessac1965 Жыл бұрын
Hey Richard I'm disappointed to see you are trying to take down Sam. I like you both and you both contribute good things. But please don't try to erase him. No one cares about petty personal spats. We care about intellectual content and help. Please put it aside. You both have alot of fans and there's no need for ego wars.
@hazel9903 Жыл бұрын
I would rather listen to Richard any day than the other you refer to who's made a whole brand out of being an overt Narcissist and regarding everyone beneath them.
@DaleJay667 Жыл бұрын
@@hazel9903 I'd rather have the 'choice' to listen to the person with most experience & qualifications in this field.
@strykerthepsycher8412 Жыл бұрын
His envy of Sam has reached a boiling point. He is trying to erase him so he can present himself as the worlds leading expert. So please join the growing movement in exposing this "Man" as the fraud he is.
@nat3199 Жыл бұрын
@@DaleJay667 EXACTLY thank you! People can "like" (or not) whoever they want. It doesn't disqualify opposing viewpoints nor justify censorship. In this case what's far worse and frankly concerning to me is that so many people would rather stand behind a celebrity rather than seek insight (however disagreeable) from a true master in the field. It also is disturbing to me the level of dishonesty people are privy to instead of the opposite. Though, sadly, it's not surprising.
@ojo4353 Жыл бұрын
I like them both... nobody is perfect and what is special about these guys is they have overcome what seems an impossibility and are able to enlighten those of us involved in the fascinating world of mental illness... from experience !!
@BasedPsychologyDecoded Жыл бұрын
Richard - I watched one of your videos last night and it was very very eye opening, thank you for the content. I also watched a Sam Vaknin video on the same subject and it was also life changing information. I don’t understand the feud between you two but please don’t force Sam to remove videos from his page that are helping lots of people. I would like to watch you both.
@funkadoros Жыл бұрын
Totally agree.
@scroopynoopers9824 Жыл бұрын
Ok so I'm not the only one who sees this feud.
@scarletta45 Жыл бұрын
A lot of your fans would appreciate a response on the copyright strikes against Dr. Sam Vadkin. It's really painting you in a terrible way and if it's true, you are destroying the KZbin community. Sam's material is of the utmost importance and relevance. You don't need to punish a vulnerable community.
@jaonmarymccormack3078 Жыл бұрын
The truth about the 5 things you bring to a friendship that are not in your friends is absolutely brilliant. It describes so many of the crappy people I used to call friends. They just gave nothing and talked about themselves and never listened to me. I only had a monologue from them. They always within seconds turned the attention back to themselves and what they had to say. And I got very tired of it. I don't tolerate it anymore. No company is better than bad company
@suzan4820 Жыл бұрын
@djbethell Жыл бұрын
He's not interested in dealing with this. That says everything about the man.
@ericarice4588 Жыл бұрын
What are you referring to?
@jaonmarymccormack3078 Жыл бұрын
Sam says boys are girls and only different because of their conditioning. Don't agree at all. I see girls and boys and they are naturally born different it's in their genes. So I don't hang on his teachings anymore
@localrachel Жыл бұрын
Please note that those with ADHD can also display some of these traits so these are not exclusive to covert narc and do not mean someone is a CN. For example being quick to frustration when they zone out during a conversation - some people who feel shame about their neurodiversity makes them get annoyed with themselves due to the shame which may, if they are not self aware or a little less experienced/mature, be expressed in a way that makes the other person presume that it is about them/their story etc. So before jumping to conclusions that someone 'must be' a narcissist being a safe person yourself and having conversations around neurodiversity and exploring this topic together may help the other person to realise that actually they have ADHD (which is linked to childhood trauma - specifically separation anxiety by the looks of it). You being another person who has listened to unbalanced social media posts about people being 'toxic' so you should 'cut them out' is creating a lose/lose situation and is deeply traumatising for both parties regardless of this being the latest trend to do and the drop of a hat for some sadly. Relationship management skills, trauma awareness, diversity of needs and neuro-makeup and empathy should really be focused on.
@anamouchette5588 Жыл бұрын
Please, leave professor Sam Vaknin alone. He is important for my mental health.
@strykerthepsycher8412 Жыл бұрын
His envy of Sam has reached a boiling point. He is trying to erase him so he can present himself as the worlds leading expert. So please join the growing movement in exposing this "Man" as the fraud he is.
@suzan4820 Жыл бұрын
@biljanamilakovic2661 Жыл бұрын
Would you please let Sam Vaknin doing his job, please!
@1o1carolina53 Жыл бұрын
That number one trade could be misconstrued in people who have simply had enough of the world's bulshit
@clintonnagy1662 3 ай бұрын
Very nicely said. Narcisst or not...some people just lack self awareness and respect.
@shushannawhite4079 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant Richard - you’ve nailed it/ them
@melissachinnici Жыл бұрын
A shame you and Sam are at odds and now the man who taught me more about narcissism than anyone on YT including yours has been forbidden to post new material thanks your strikes against his channel. Thanks a lot. Two people who claim to know how to combat narcs combat each other . Nice. Very mature and instills hope for us all
@plumoyr7761 Жыл бұрын
Clear, short, very informative = great video, as often with your work. A great thank you.
@catbishop206 Жыл бұрын
This has to be my FAVORITE review of the covert narcissist. I must be at a really healing point in my experience (I'm leaving them finally) but Richard kept making me laugh! "They are TERRIBLE listeners! " 😂
@mushka4610 Жыл бұрын
Please don't damage the KZbin channel of Sam Vaknin, because we need that videos. i don't know what happened between you 2, and honestly i don't care and is not my problem either, but nobody else must pay for the issue that occurs, the channel is very very very important for the audience, think about this carefully, thank you.
@Feber2001 Жыл бұрын
YES!^ Dr. Vaknin and his lectures are important. He has helped a lot of people...
@suzan4820 Жыл бұрын
@marthac7700 Жыл бұрын
And another flying monkey.
@troll23-troll23 Жыл бұрын
@@Feber2001 And so has Richard.
@somerskye2750 Жыл бұрын
Sorry I don't understand. How can Richard damage Sam Vaknins You Tube channel? Sam Vaknin is the best.
@redheadone2 Жыл бұрын
Ok Richard, we all got the point! It does not make you look like the smarter one to keep bashing you know who. We all know who he is and for a long time now - we'll choose to either listen to him or not. Thanks for the additional signs of Covert Narcissism, that helped. Now it's time to put it to rest. Hurtful, Painful, I agree. As you say MOVE ON!
@HomeFromFarAway 5 ай бұрын
flying monkey?
@MissManaged1001 Жыл бұрын
Richard you're a G-d send! I'm sad about Vaknin but I will never stop watching your content. Everything you say is right on point.
@erxfav3197 Жыл бұрын
Hey what are you sad about vaknin for? What happened? I see some people in the comments hating on Richard about this
@hopefull2070 Жыл бұрын
Richard. Thank you for explaining these pointers. Experience shared is experience gained. I notice Covert Narcissism runs parallel to the symptoms of C-PTSD. It would be interesting to make a video on how to separate and differentiate between the two. Thanks' for all your informative work. 🙂
@angelm795 Жыл бұрын
Lol on the listening thing, my mom is the narc and you couldn't pay her to pretend to care while you're talking. My siblings won't believe me that our mom is a narc, to them she's just an introvert, selfish, weird (maybe autistic), socially awkward, traumatized from her childhood and always down on her luck. But they believe she's a good person, innocent, a victim, or even oblivious and when she rages it's bc she's insecure, or crazy. But they don't believe she's ever malicious or knows she's hurtful. I no longer believe that bc I have tried with her for years. If a good person does something that causes harm and is made aware of it, they will want to change! Not her, not ever.
@moshon05 Жыл бұрын
Why you are copying sam vaknin?
@rebeccagrace1509 Жыл бұрын
Grannon can't copy sam🙄 Grannon been doing all of this first for yearrrrs and ACTUALLY went through this stuff.... annnnnd Vaknin is a SELF DIAGNOSED NARCASSIST.... did YOU know that? Go dig a lil deep young ones. Don't waste your fights in this precious Life.
@lumikello6579 Жыл бұрын
At least Richard is speaking understandable english. It's like fulltime job when I try understand something what Sam's speaking. English is not My native language. So props to R.
@dona9148 Жыл бұрын
Care to comment about what is going on with Sam Vaknin? What's the story? 😔
@fadius17 Жыл бұрын
Great content as usual. Having been around people with strong narcissistic traits my entire life I could tell how manipulative and passive aggressive Sam is even only through the short interactions he has had with you and others on youtube.
@gloriabartolome3123 Жыл бұрын
Me too, i could see that. Sam always has to be the "top dog" and gets frustrated when too much attention is on Richard.
@cosmicjourney1111 Жыл бұрын
I’m wondering if Richard is actually referring to another notable friend he recently parted ways with. SV makes no attempts to hide his narcissism, in fact he’s built his entire brand around it. The other friend, although it pains me to say it as I enjoy his content, may actually be the one who slipped past Richard’s narc radar. 😕
@gloriabartolome3123 Жыл бұрын
@@cosmicjourney1111 oh i see!!! i was wondering why he said it slipped past his radar, if that was Sam. That makes total sense.
@angelam81 Жыл бұрын
I'm not including any names bc why feed the beast. But... 💯. Easy to see that building in videos. I've been waiting for the bubble to burst. Makes a great teaching tool via example in real time. Sorry Richard had to be the sacrificial lamb on that lesson though 🤣
@cosmicjourney1111 Жыл бұрын
@@angelam81 absolutely a great teaching tool, almost right out of a textbook. What astounds me, though, is how the majority of the followers of the unnamed person refuse to recognize what is happening before their very eyes, even after watching the guy for years and presumably learning a ton about narcissism. Many of them are now actively participating in the smear campaign. Sad all around.
@bradboox3605 Жыл бұрын
They are the trickiest to figure out
@Variant1on1 Жыл бұрын
What is the issue between you and Sam Vaknin that has you taking his channel down? He said he would remove the videos with you in them. You both gave some Tyron offer, this is just wrong on your part.
@1majya1 Жыл бұрын
just two narcissists having a beef 🤣
@daviOzBr Жыл бұрын
I met someone who has precisely all these characteristics and one more: addiction to cigarettes and substances. He was the rudest person I’ve probably met but when he needed me (on a couple of occasions) he used that false image of kindness and generosity. I’m not afraid to say that when it comes to fiction films and novels, they are perfectly pictured as the vampire, the monster, the serial killer, the demon, you name it. They are toxic people who have this type of docile and friendly nature but in reality, they are horrible individuals.
@Daimo83 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely shameful for copyright striking Vaknin and others.
@SheenaRea Жыл бұрын
when did that happen?
@thehypest6118 Жыл бұрын
What happened?
@HomeFromFarAway 5 ай бұрын
flying monkeys
@angelakeely5859 7 ай бұрын
This is such an accurate video, I have seen all these traits in Coverts, thank you Richard for this very valid video., one to save❤
@xKarenWalkerx Жыл бұрын
If you don’t stop trying to get Vaknin’s channel deleted for the copyright claims, we will have KZbin audit each and every one of your videos for the very same and more. We’ve already reached out to KZbin and they know what you’re up to. Don’t risk your channel over this. Keep making your money on here and move on.
I only post material I own the intellectual copyright for. Which is one of KZbin’s most basic rules by the way.
@jonlopez07 Жыл бұрын
Sam Vaknin is putting you on BLAST!!!!
@HomeFromFarAway 5 ай бұрын
there are so many flying monkeys!
@jonlopez07 5 ай бұрын
@@HomeFromFarAway 🤡
@emmamcleod432 15 күн бұрын
​@@HomeFromFarAwayit is ironic is it not
@B.I.-EIO_macdonald9786 Жыл бұрын
Oh boy o boy Richard. What else would you expect from Sam. 🎉
@ShaddaRose Жыл бұрын
What do you mean, you’re not perfect?! 🤣 I love that you show your vulnerability. Helps me from making the same mistakes 😘 + you make me laugh ❤
Thank You For Watching Shadda
@alejandramarquez6804 Жыл бұрын
@@RICHARDGRANNON Please repky sam Vaknin. And allow him to post youtube videos.
@Wisdomseeker5 Жыл бұрын
@@alejandramarquez6804 Richard take credit for Sam Vaknin's work.
@ShaddaRose Жыл бұрын
@@RICHARDGRANNON geez 🙄 where did all these trolls come from?! Oh who cares. I say…let ‘em come! Really it bumps you in the algorithm & you reach more people who need to see these videos 😆
@alejandramarquez6804 Жыл бұрын
@@ShaddaRose i am not a troll. Sam vaknin is the pioner of narcissim. He coined many of the word such narcissisitc abuse that richard use.
@roland20002000 Жыл бұрын
This whole thing with Sam Vaknin is not very good. I don't know what's happened but ,regardless of whether you have good reason to or not, you will do as much damage to yourself as you will to Sam.
@scroopynoopers9824 Жыл бұрын
Okay shoshanim!
@Wahhhhhhhh-hhh Жыл бұрын
He is trying to cancel Sam vaknin. For what?
@cathycathy116 Жыл бұрын
Thank You so much Richard!! I learn a lot from your videos!!! So educating and helpful!!❤
@rhodabean Жыл бұрын
Please leave Sam alone and his channel xx
@krisbaker3349 Жыл бұрын
Hey Richard - no need to be embarrassed - you are in the trenches with the rest of us! I am glad you recognized what was happening! I think your experience is valuable - I hope it helps you as well as others the next time you run into someone who doesn’t know how to relate in a healthy way.
@mr.comebackisaac4906 Жыл бұрын
Kindly cease attacks on Sam vaknin and his channels,works.we can launch it on yours too plu u but we are still holding our horses.
@MJ-tl6vp Ай бұрын
Mine do not eye roll. He actually smiles and has that smirk on his face. I have come to the conclusion that there is no use, at all, to talk these people on emotional level. What is very useful is to be aware about who these people are, what is their mindset. It is absolutely exhausting and will drive someone crazy to try to understand them or even try to level with them to communicate. Save yourself, save your effort. You cannot understand what is not understandable. These are very broken people who coerce others to go down with them to “their other worldly reality”. Their mindset is ME, MY WORLD, MYSELF. This is deeply ingrained in them. If you know this clearly, You do not exist!!! Thanks to this channel and Vaknin’s!❤
@denisj6089 Жыл бұрын
after being in a relationship with one of these people, they are just, SO CONFUSING to deal with, they give you silent treatment and leave you confused, their level of passion aggressiveness is on a whole other level.
@annikahurtig5393 Жыл бұрын
To hear that even those who's WORKING with this admits that they gets "fooled" is actually nice to hear :-) Gives atleast me room to just pat myself on the shoulder and not be to hard on myself if I end up with more Narcissisic "friends" again^^
@janewright2800 Жыл бұрын
They target compassionate sensitive enpaths which I won't change but certainly have a stronger narc radar now and have no qualms abouts cutting them off!
@user-eb9ct6pk4r Жыл бұрын
You should not try to block the work of a person which you owe so much, you where lucky to learn so much from Professor Doktor Vaknin. You should be thankful.
@HomeFromFarAway 5 ай бұрын
are you a flying monkey?
@rebekahorst Жыл бұрын
Stop putting strikes on Vaknin's channel!! Act like an adult and stop forcing suffering people to miss out on the knowledge we gain from him... Please!
@KiranJaded19-jx6ok Жыл бұрын
I've been watching Richard for over 5 years now and I have never come across him ever saying anything like that.
@nasduck5473 Жыл бұрын
Richard and Sam are now gaslighting eachother 😂 As far as I'm concerned you're both narcissists since you can't handle a conflict of interest like adults.
@templeguide556 Жыл бұрын
@HomeFromFarAway 5 ай бұрын
and flying monkeys help how?
@anetahans6770 Жыл бұрын
Hey, please explain the situation with Sam Vaknin. Thanks
@lielouh Жыл бұрын
Dear Richard, A fan of you and SV here. You must feel very lonely 😔 and so sussed out to show such tantrum and to have this messy break up with Dr Sam Vaknin online. Feel better soon.
@s.garte-wolflicsw6156 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for saying that even you were fooled by a covert narcissist. I am a therapist myself and I was pulled in for 17 years by a covert narcissist. Your videos have been IMMENSELY helpful to me!
@Justin-qh8zn Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your immensely helpful and inspiring videos . Top man 👏. In my three significant experiences with coverts they all presented as victims of abuse eg Exes, parents etc telling me pity ploy tales from the very beginning, testing my sympathy / empathy. A red flag 🚩
@strykerthepsycher8412 Жыл бұрын
He's just been outed as a fraud. He is trying to sabotage the worlds leading expert Sam Vaknin. He is attempting to steal his work and present it as his own work. FRAUD ALERT
@racheljones509 Жыл бұрын
It's very, very sick and that's why it's so fascinating. Right? Mind blowing how complex this disorder really is yet it's been explained in a simplified format here. Thank you!! Well done, sir! I cant help feeling sad about hearing every word and agreeing "that's him. That's him. That's him!" My biggest responsibility with this knowledge at this time in the game is to accept it. Ive got to ACCEPT this is him before I can get out of this circle of "one" . 🤧
@williammcarthur1966 Жыл бұрын
What's going on with Sam? Pretty insane to see that status update from his channel. What the fuck!
@teena4rl211 Жыл бұрын
I hope you and Sam Vaknin patch things up. These volleys are interesting and somewhat entertaining, but your collaborations are truly excellent, and I hope will happen again.
@strykerthepsycher8412 Жыл бұрын
His envy of Sam has reached a boiling point. He is trying to erase him so he can present himself as the worlds leading expert. So please join the growing movement in exposing this "Man" as the fraud he is.
@scorpiolove674 Жыл бұрын
A big tell for covert narc is if they quickly close " space" between you and try to manufacture a " bond" that seems unnaturally fast [ once you see how immoral and pathetic they are they lose advantage] . Speed is the cloak they wear . As far as Sam goes, I don't know how you put up with him for so long, always felt a wierd Jealousy/dominate undercurrent from him towards you while you seemed genuinely kind and deferential.
@RunninQHsRock Жыл бұрын
Then you have a long way to go in developing a narc detector because this guy is fake af.
@scorpiolove674 Жыл бұрын
@@RunninQHsRock what an insightful comment you made, thanks for sharing 😊
@HomeFromFarAway 5 ай бұрын
so many glying monkeys
@roxannemiller44 Жыл бұрын
You copy Sam. Why?
@xochj 6 ай бұрын
Because the truth should be spread and absorbed. Novelty has no draw here.
@doofkatze4964 Жыл бұрын
Hey Richard Grannon, please cease your attacks on Sam Vaknin's channel. It's not a fair way to deal with. His works really helped me a lot and it is disappointing that you try to erase his educational material which also helps millions of people
@ncbee3119 Жыл бұрын
Two brilliant men who have so much to offer. I would hope that there would be a third brilliant man that could bring step in and bring peace. Both have so much to offer, and I have learned so much from both. I refuse to take sides
@doofkatze4964 Жыл бұрын
@N cbee I can understand why you don't want to take any side. It isn't 100% clear on everything that has happened during this situation, who knows. The content they made together was awesome and it's sad they don't work together anymore. I still appreciate Richards content but for that particular situation I think it was clearly the wrong way to take down Sam's videos. They both have important things to say and I don't want to miss Sam's content. Best wishes
@ncbee3119 Жыл бұрын
@@doofkatze4964 It is very unfortunate that we cannot see Sam's videos. I do wish they can come to some amicable agreement soon. There is room for both.
@bizznesg Жыл бұрын
I hope you guys remember that these things are bound to happen when you’re dealing with a narcissist. There’s no amicable nothing. Don’t forget that.
@doofkatze4964 Жыл бұрын
@bizznesg Yeah, you're right. But my point was only concerning his behavior. In general behaviour is the thing we can be aware of and what can be changed. People are way too obsessed who the narcissist is or whatever label, mental illness or personality disorder someone may have or any sort of calling names. It's not helpful and it doesn't justify anything. I am no psychologist so that's not up to me. What bothers me is how people act to each other because that's improvable if someone is willing to work on it. Some are capable of doing that and some are stuck for a really long time or for their whole lives for whatever reason, let's say because of a mental illness. Take care
@Nick-tt2rh Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, this guy is currently quietly trying to have another KZbin channel about narcissism shut down. The professor on this other channel, Sam Vaknin, has a PhD and presents scientific data and literature whereas the person in these videos has only a bachelors and presents his personal opinion. I think it’s clear here what’s happening.
@private755 Жыл бұрын
You sound like a flying monkey 😊
@marthac7700 Жыл бұрын
You are a flying monkey, you know that?
@HomeFromFarAway 5 ай бұрын
so many flying monkeys.
@mtsb557 5 ай бұрын
His content is very intersting
@hfrt29 5 ай бұрын
@phoenixmode6909 Жыл бұрын
#3 & #4 occurred frequently, for decades, literally, in my 36 year marriage. I would be talking with or to my ex, but he was usually absorbed in his phone screen. Sometimes the tv, but more often his phone. He wouldn't even look at me while I spoke. Sometimes he's yawn. But at some point, he'd pull that bit-- "What was that? What were you saying?" and I'd either have to repeat myself, or just say "Never mind, you weren't listening anyhow." His reply to that? "But you're always talking!" As the years rolled on, I would stop and say, "You haven't heard a word I just said, have you?" (This often occurred also later on if I would remind him that, yes, I absolutely DID tell you that this morning/yesterday/ an hour ago.) His response? "But you say so much!" In the last year we were together, as I was deciding how to end the marriage and file for divorce (more going on here than just ignoring me, we had a 36 year history of his behavior and abuse), I would be sitting in the same room with him, speaking to him, noticing that I might as well be a part of the furniture, because he wasn't looking at me or even paying attention. I started doing this thing where I would stop mid-sentence, and not say another word. Just stop even trying to communicate. His response? He'd either look at me MINUTES after I'd stopped, and say, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you", (were in the same damn room 5 feet apart!) Or, he'd finally look up from his phone and look at me and I would say "Oh never mind. You don't care anyway." Or, he would just go on scrolling through his phone as if he were the only one in the room, at which point, I would get up and leave the room, without another word. That made me cry a few times, silently, away from him, somewhere else. But soon after that I stopped feeling hurt about it and realized, that was my answer. This is how much I matter to him. Of course, I recognize how much I'd mattered to him 20 years prior when he was cheating on me for nearly a year while I was home taking care of our young kids and basically treating him like a king when he was home. But back then I was going and dumb and afraid to leave him-- because he wouldn't leave and threatened to take the kids away from me if I did. So I stayed. I'm free now, and healing and a whole lot happier.
@sarahtaylor2475 Жыл бұрын
Omg your life was mine but I only lasted 13 years. I hope you're happy and enjoying yourself now xx
@alejandramarquez6804 Жыл бұрын
Please remove the strikes. We want also Sam Vaknin lectures. It is for educational purposes.
@HomeFromFarAway 5 ай бұрын
please remove the flying monkeys
@Lionessa8 Жыл бұрын
Always interesting to see a Narcissist pretending not to be a Narcissist explain Narcissism. 😏
@lisajay4737 Жыл бұрын
I'm out of a narcissists energy...I find these videos help keep me on track. Thanks for your work.
@Helloewo4lr Жыл бұрын
Hey, Richard. Will you ask the court if you can livestream the proceedings for everyone to watch on KZbin? 😁
A little feistiness there. I like it 😂
@KatWoodland 8 ай бұрын
The first two items on Richard’s list are actually HEALTHY survival techniques for this lady, post narcissistic abuse. After my every move being criticized and questioned, after every fabric of my being was criticized, I am quite happy self-centered and free of unnecessary, unsolicited, criticism. Yes. I will not tolerate criticism at all. ) On my channel trolls are removed without notice.) Soooo if you are a man dating a woman who has the FIRST TWO items going on, dig deeper. She may be pure gold.
@nncyldn Жыл бұрын
So why do you think you can make false copyright strikes? i will be reporting this channel.
@catherinebabisha6818 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. Once I pointed out I was the one over five years of driving in wind, rain and snow to go visit him and his answer was well. You only came when you wanted to, and it was always to rescue him from some pain or sickness or need, but it still wasn’t enough as everything else. Thank you so so much.
@samglazier1433 Жыл бұрын
How to spot a narcissist 101 The people who label other people the ‘narcissist’ We all have narcissistic tendencies and empathic tendencies. Keep yourself in check, think hard before you judge another person as more often than not you’re just unconsciously exposing yourself.
@alkebabish 3 ай бұрын
My "best friend" confided in me about all these traumas she'd been through, I got to learn her entire life history. I also started to share some stuff (very little compared what to she did). She accused me of being mentally ill, blaming her for my problems, and told people I was emotionally abusing her by trying to use her as a therapist. Because she is very young and knows how to play innocent, people believed her, I lost friends and most of my business clients (she stole them, we used to work together). The horrible thing about it, was that at the time, i believed her and I thought I was the one who was sick. She'd constantly do these horrible things, like invite me to a Christmas dinner that involved me taking a 4 hour bus ride, then ghosting me so I spent Christmas on my own in a hotel room. When I complained, she again told me I was mentally ill and told people I was abusing her. She made all these allegations about male friends of mine being sexually inappropriate with her, and I totally believed her so I lost those friends. I later found out she makes up these types of stories about men all the time. Even though we were just friends and never dated, it really messed me up emotionally and I still don't trust people after 2 years. I haven't dated since then. I had become close to a women who I really liked and the she saw pictures of us together on FB and contacted the woman to warn her that I was an abuser. I didn't find out this until later. Late in the friendship, I had started to clock what was happening. There were a couple of occasions when she suddenly became very flirtatious with me, but luckily I backed off. I'm pretty sure that if I had slept with her, she would have accused me of rape.
@alejandramarquez6804 Жыл бұрын
@kourtenayt1927 11 ай бұрын
Whoa... what happened?? Loved their videos together
@HomeFromFarAway 5 ай бұрын
i think this is a flying monkey
@SusieRobinson-v7m 17 күн бұрын
Thank you for this. These signs give me such clarity. I just thought he was incredibly rude with poor communication and a low concentration span, no capacity to listen with anger management issues. I guess that should have been enough lol but to understand it so exactly is very helpful.
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