CROSSPLAY Off is Completely Different in Warzone

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4 ай бұрын

CROSSPLAY off is a phenomenal and different way to play Warzone! today I break down all the differences between Crossplay off and on in Warzone. #warzone

Пікірлер: 345
@trident2309 3 ай бұрын
They should make console only lobbies. Combine Ps and Xbox together.
@Rye-jl2fk Ай бұрын
Stop stop! You're making too much sense!
@user-mi7nw5kt4w 3 ай бұрын
Wish Xbox had an in game option to turn crossplay off. Forced crossplay with PC completely ruins Warzone for me.
@BostonBlues 3 ай бұрын
wait they don't have the option to turn it off?
@user-mi7nw5kt4w 3 ай бұрын
@@BostonBlues nope. You can turn it off in the system settings but you can only play multiplayer with it off, not warzone.
@BostonBlues 3 ай бұрын
@@user-mi7nw5kt4w that's so dumb 🤦 I always thought I was playing with Xbox and ps5 players when I had it off
@chrishalley5669 3 ай бұрын
100% agree! I quit playing Warzone because of forced Crossplay!
@gw2752 3 ай бұрын
Yep, PC only would be ideal. Put all the cheaters in one lobby.
@McCloudious 3 ай бұрын
Completely makes sense. I've recommended to my friend that when he plays solos to play with crossplay off for this exact reason. It's probably part of the reason it's so sweaty for the rest of us right now too. A portion of the fan base that just wants to have a good time without sweating their balls off should and do this. These players are likely not high k/d so don't make out matches easier.
@jesterlead 3 ай бұрын
My biggest issue on PC is still the really odd hit reg. I win fights I felt I lost, I lose fights where it felt like I won by a mile. I've had several "invisible bullets" from sniper shots where the target is standing still and I ADS on the operator from short range, 50-70M and miss, then miss again (and go back and review those clips later...I was absolutely on target). It just doesn't "feel" consistent or right, and is WAY different than what I experienced in 8000+ Warzone 1 games. I rarely left a fight in WZ1 where I was like "hey, wait a second..." In WZ3 it's every day "odd things" happen on the gun fight side of things. No clue what it is, and I've talked with some of the Pro streamers who say the exact same thing. It's off, but not sure what it is exactly....
@mat..n.7061 3 ай бұрын
And is it different on console? Cause i'm experiencing the same thing and this game is like a hard addiction because you have great moments when things feels right and the game is crisp and your skills translate to the action on screen then in the same minute you end up wanting to punch your screen because you died in such weird, ridiculous way during an intense and crazy moment. Then you return to it like a drug, and then shit happens again and this loop of emotion never ends. NEVER experienced that kind of stuff in any other video game i'm 43.
@JAlonge017 3 ай бұрын
You hit the nail on the head. Wish jgod would do a video on exactly this so that everyone talks about it and raven can post a update about why things like that happen. Gunfights in your favor turning into 50/50s is wrong but it happens so much more now compared to wz1
@Lotions_11 3 ай бұрын
Can’t agree more
@stephenoden829 3 ай бұрын
Far too often in warzone….hit detection is wonky….the fight your in doesn’t match the gunfight you watch.
@wwhisperwolf 3 ай бұрын
That’s MW3 in game manipulation. I 100% believe it although they haven’t admitted it. I’ve had same issue like that where it just frustrates the crap out of me. How do you shoot someone with 70% of your mags and when they finally shoot it’s INSTANT death like zombies 🤣. No way bro, it was never like this before that’s what makes it even worst. I hope they fix this or admit to it.
@Moose1209 3 ай бұрын
Im an xbox player i would love console only mode. Let PS and Xbox play together.
@clutchbleach2057 3 ай бұрын
Yup get rid of PC streamers/sweats/Cheaters. Doesn't matter if they play legit it feels like your against a cheater
@hasgotbros8209 3 ай бұрын
I find that with cross play off - lobbies are sweaty as f at times as most players are usually in teams with comms too and play like a proper unit .
@RebelMan- 3 ай бұрын
Agreed… also, the people that turn off cross play are usually the higher skilled people who is trying to get away from cheaters. The casuals wont turn it off cuz they dont know about it and/or it will take too long to find a game with it off. For me, I’ve been just staying away from WZ mainly due to the cheating. I play MP with cross play off and zombies with cross play on. When i try to do WZ with cross play off, i just dont ever get a game. I may if its early like afternoon or evening but night and late night, i would sit there for 15 mins until i give up and go to MP. Crossplay has definitely killed this game but introducing cheating to 20%-40% of the player base. I dont know how much longer I’ll last in this game as I’ve been saving up to buy a sim racing rig and DD wheel to find a new addiction to replace this cheating game.
@hasgotbros8209 3 ай бұрын
Funnily enough with cross play off ran into someone with speed hack and on Asikha people doing wall breaches . It’s generally becoming frustrating to play even when you true to mitigate certain factors ie : cross play off . Haven’t had issues into getting into resurgence or Ranked lobbies on cross play OFF - generally only a min and your into a game .
@matty9196 3 ай бұрын
I find the same. I play ps5 and I definitely get easier lobby’s with crossplay on. Over all that is. Definitely run into a few hackers too.
@dairevickers 3 ай бұрын
​@@hasgotbros8209yeah the people with the multiplayer the boys event perks are a big problem on crossplay off ranked, they have double speed and can one hit you with a tonfa
@benji9871 3 ай бұрын
WZ also seems to have an input priority preference for matchmaking. Meaning, if you play mnk, you will see far more mnk’s loading with you pregame. However this also seems to apply to systems, like if you play console, you get matched with far more console player & fewer PC (controller or otherwise). I have a $4k PC & have been playing WZ on ps5 for months, the experience is dramatically better with crossplay on and crossplay off.
@RehanX44 3 ай бұрын
now imagine pc players playing with controllers, that is the biggest and most unfair the game could be bar borderline third party aimbots and content creators scene is notorious for it i do not believe most of the fanbase is playing on pc with controller, console players play with controllers and pc players pride themselves with mnk but creators scene play with controller but on pc to get the most amount of advantage over normal cod gamers
@clutchbleach2057 3 ай бұрын
Yea basically. It's like jamming drugs into your arm before a competition and somehow telling yourself your not a cheating peice of garbage
@TedSpec1 3 ай бұрын
8:30 This is exactly how I feel with crossplay off. That same perspective of feeling outplayed FAIRLY, really makes the game enjoyable. You describe it so well, hats off.
@RBK_3 3 ай бұрын
FYI when you say 0.3ms, you're quoting the grey to grey response time of your monitors pixels. The actual input lag of all those 240hz OLEDs based off the LG panel is approx 2.9ms at max refresh and about 5.2ms at 120hz as tested by Rtings, TFT Central, Hardware Unboxed etc.
@seyrnahd 3 ай бұрын
Not to mention lag through frame cpu/gpu parking. No offence to Lachy, but his input lag is way higher than he thinks it is.
@agarcia9502 3 ай бұрын
Thank you. Since watching you previous video, I’ve turnoff crossplay and been having a great time. Wish it didn’t take long to que in. Ping is pretty wild, but small sacrifice.
@lj5190 3 ай бұрын
Props for being one of the few Warzone streamers to admit that top end PC hardware gives a significant competitive advantage over console. For whatever reason, most others refuse to acknowledge this and I'm not sure why. Maybe their ego can't take it? Anyways, good video. Glad someone is actually talking about this.
@BostonBlues 3 ай бұрын
I recently decided to see how MW3 played on PS4 since i bought the cross gen bundle and stil had ny old PS4 laying around and wow, it must be how you felt going from PC to PS5
@aciditywormhole9898 3 ай бұрын
I love your videos. Keep them coming.
@CalN9na 3 ай бұрын
Def appreciate you giving a more in depth comparison with the glaring advantages it is to play PC vs Console. I had 3 other content creators comment back to me saying “Playing on Console is just like playing on PC.” After they gave their “Best Settings” video
@DirtWizard33 3 ай бұрын
Love your streams and videos! I wish they had cross play off for Xbox also. Besides the cheaters that I have run into my hardware also doesn’t keep up with a good gaming PC set up. So for now my Warzone time is on pause. But love the streams and videos. Thanks for sharing. 😃
@screamingtaco2190 3 ай бұрын
I am playing on a $130 TV and a first edition release PS4 from 2013. I think literally almost every player has an advantage of me regardless of PC. 😅 However, I had no idea you could turn off cross play. I NEEDED that so bad. I swear someone who has a PC, in my lobby, may as well be looking down at me from the throne of Olympus.
@danielz000 3 ай бұрын
Turning cross play off basically removes SBMM, especially later in the evening, that's why you're getting people hiding in rooms and absolute demons in the same lobby. Definitely much more enjoyable not having to worry about cheats, even if you are getting shit on. Edit: input lag is a huge difference, i regularly see streamers opening their parachutes at the absolute last moment, it's not possibly on PS5. You either break your legs or float for 5 seconds, nothing in the middle. Additionally watching streamers have vehicle shoot outs and seat swapping, that's also not possible on console. If i swap seats and try to exit the passenger seat quickly, the exit doesn't work and i roll straight on by stuck in the passenger seat.
@lima5421 3 ай бұрын
Lets just say you won't catch Breadman doing his nuke runs or any of the consistent high kill streamers on PS5 😉
@Calel32 3 ай бұрын
Look at bbreadmans playing partner JoWoe where he’s recently starting playing PS5 and dropped a 50 bomb and several other high kill games like that. PC is def better but if you’re a bot it’s not bc of the system you’re playing on, you’re KD isn’t gonna double if you switch
@WhereMyPants 3 ай бұрын
It's kind of like an Indy car vs Nascar race, but F1 gets included and they can buy right turns.
@Brickktopp 3 ай бұрын
I turn off crossplay but i still get PC players in my lobby , i have also had speed hackers . There is no guaranteed fix to the cheating nonsense
@W1gglePuppy 3 ай бұрын
Crossplay off players are stacked teams in a playstation party chat. Speaking for myself I gave up pc gaming arou d CS source/bf2 days. Having a cheater safe space stops you questioning every death! Oh edit if you want to see the ps sweats try some crossplay off resurgence. Feels like theres a larger pool higher skill players, playing resurgence over big map.
@wwhisperwolf 3 ай бұрын
@wwhisperwolf 3 ай бұрын
I got chased down from mall to stadium on Vondel. THAT my friend is a damn sweat behind me 😂😂
@kiaenigma 3 ай бұрын
Crossplay off does not stop cheats. I play in a discord server with at least 20 players. all of the PS5 players use chronus even after the supposed update to ban them.
@W1gglePuppy 3 ай бұрын
@kiaenigma if you need a cronus to control cod recoil, then you're probably not that good! It's none existent, wallhacks are far more frustrating.
@ashleygoodband731 3 ай бұрын
I played last night with crossplay off for the first time and had such a better gaming experience, as your typical dad who plays once a week with friends it was nice to play with players using the same hardware and I felt that because of that it was a more fair and fun. And as you said, when you do die, your thought process is they were a good player rather than speculation on whether they was cheating or maybe more the thought of better hardware, which I just can't compete with. My average kills was up, and my amount of fun was up, and I had no difficulty (in the uk) getting into the lobby's. One thing though I'd assume as long as one person in the squad had crossplay turned off that would disable it for everyone so if you have 1 ps player and 3 xbox surely they would still be able to play cross play off. I turned mine back on half way through the session and found no difference due to my friends still having it turned off. Maybee, you could do some testing for a video, although it may be difficult to prove.
@watts6gaming465 3 ай бұрын
Did you notice a different in sound on console? (ex:footsteps). On my PC I can head footsteps pretty well. However on my PS5 footsteps are almost unnoticeable but my gun fire sound is really loud.
@k3nn3hakak34 3 ай бұрын
Being a pc gamer which i have been for many years ,i've come across too many cheaters , playing mp games on pc has gotten worse as cheats seem to be everywhere .If i play warzone i'll turn crossplay off on my PS5 as i know if i got killed by another player then i got out played .You can definitely tell the difference gameplay wise .
@irish7611 3 ай бұрын
Need console only option for both platforms… at least as an option.
@QuickCuriosity150 3 ай бұрын
@FrankDijkstra 3 ай бұрын
I play with keyboard and mouse on a ps5. Will I still stand a chance of I turn off crossplay?
@alexgontijo 3 ай бұрын
100% agreed. It seems a different game on PS5. I do it often when playing with my nephew also on a PS5, the experience is more enjoyable, and I get the impression of less lag on the server side, although it's a clear total latency disadvantage by the joystick.
@petercampbe11 3 ай бұрын
i am a crossplay off gamer on PS5, i play duos/trios/quads with friends - the only time we had to put crossplay on was back in al mazrah to play ranked because i presume there wasnt the player base to load into a lobby - the experience on the big map in warzone 3 is like you say, lots of teams stack and the only way to counter this is to stack yourself.
@trident2309 3 ай бұрын
Crossplay off works? I never find a match.. but last time I tried was like 3 weeks ago
@rival2028 3 ай бұрын
Ive played on both cross play off and on. Currently I have cross play on whilst playing resurgence ranked and me and my friend are Platium 3 (nearly diamond). On ps5 on all 3 versions of Warzone, i find that cross play off is FAR sweatier than with it on. Im not sure if its just me but I am only an average player anyway 1.3ish KD and at least as far as im aware, I rarely run into cheaters (dont get me wrong Ive been killed many times by a sus player). I dont even yet own a monitor and I play on my 55 inch 60hz TV. Im currently building a high end PC (4090 with 7800x3d). I personally think having a significant competitive advantage will help me improve at the game.
@ahmedswidan3542 3 ай бұрын
How can I get these display settings with this clarity
@BA3YDADDY 3 ай бұрын
Crossplay should always be done like in Apex Legends, I just don’t understand why other games doesn’t copy it 🤦🏻‍♂️ Let me explain, Apex Legends CP is very simple, it’s Xbox & PS together until you personally invite a PC player in to your group or get personally invited in to a group with a PC player, if you do that you will be grouped together with everyone who done the same, if you stay together with only console players you will also only play against console players. This is the perfect way to do crossplay and that other games doesn’t work the same way is beyond my understanding 🤦🏻‍♂️ Seriously the worst game to play on console with CP is Battlefield, it’s a horrendous experience, you don’t stand a chance against PC players, console players in battlefield is just farm 🤖
@solidarity9371 3 ай бұрын
True. I tried playing Battlefield 2042 on ps5 with crossplay on and it just doesn't feel fun for me at all. The unfair advantage that pc players have doesn't justify your losses. Tried playing crossplay off and I can't even get into matches. I have decided to drop the game.
@jedimictricks 3 ай бұрын
I have to make a choice - play console only OR play with my regular fire team. They guys I play with are spread across PC, Playstation and Xbox.
@P0W3RH0U53 3 ай бұрын
IU severely doubt polling rate is going to have any effect. What you may actually be experiencing is vsync being turned on in console. That will affect your input delay.
@simonkammeyer4334 3 ай бұрын
800 vs 8000 thats crazy! Im on ps5 is there a way for me to overclock my controller if im playing on console not pc? Without using a cronus.
@agrrokrispyttv3591 3 ай бұрын
Can we get video on your video setting including driver settings
@twiztid_gamer 3 ай бұрын
Would be interesting to see you do this experiment with PS4 with crossplay off & I mean an OG PS4 or PS4 Slim.
@SupremeHeros 3 ай бұрын
I can’t even find a game lol 😂 boy how long did you wait?
@ae3545 3 ай бұрын
Well done sir!! Spread the word!
@THE_SAM09 3 ай бұрын
@TheTacticalBrit You did not specify which resolution monitor you are using, but I am going to assume its 1440p. In another comment I explained how I was an early adopter of 4k120, meaning that my HDMI ports are only 2.0, not 2.1. I recently got an HDMI 2.1 to dp 1.4 cable, allowing me to play in (obviously upscaled) 4k120 instead of 1440p120, and the difference is actually big in my opinion, despite the render resolution not being much different (I assume, please correct me if I'm wrong). 4K120 is much clearer and less blurry than 1440p120. I also have a 1440p monitor which I had my ps5 hooked up to for a long time, so the blurriness is not due to running 1440p on a 4k screen. I ran 1440p on the 1440p screen, and vice versa. Went from blurry mess to playable. Only caveat here is that I actually don't really use my ps5 much because I play on a high end pc. Genuinely considering selling the pc, getting a ps5 pro in the future and just turning cross play off.
@gr8johnson3 3 ай бұрын
I play solo 99% of the time. I'm in the US. I can't get a lobby with cross play off. If I go to trio or quads it easier to get in a game. I can't understand why anyone would play with cross play on unless they play with friends that are pc. Thanks for the content
@thundernut608 3 ай бұрын
great info to open some peoples eyes
@marcdezio542 3 ай бұрын
Left out that it's nearly impossible to get a match started this way. I've done it to see if it actually works. I've let it sit there for 10min plus sometimes and nothing
@blinktwiceplz6296 3 ай бұрын
It doesn't get past the searching, ever.
@simonkammeyer4334 3 ай бұрын
I cant even que into solos with cross play disabled!? How u do it?
@hasgotbros8209 3 ай бұрын
Lachy fancy carrying a 40 year old to a nuke on console only 🤣
@FrankDijkstra 3 ай бұрын
Take this 45 year old with ya as well🙂
@Stayler 3 ай бұрын
And this one 😂
@AaronBrooks7 3 ай бұрын
Wish I could find consistent lobbies with Xplay off
@snowspace85 3 ай бұрын
This is why I've been ps5 crossplay off since last summer.
@blinktwiceplz6296 3 ай бұрын
How do you get lobbies? Mine comes up with a pop up saying to turn it on
@randumdude5824 3 ай бұрын
For me ps5 with cross play off latency goes from 19ms to over 60ms. And after the latest update latency meter is not working And runs like it’s 100ms latency. Kinda sucks playing right now
@McLuvinUK 3 ай бұрын
Oh my god, I’m so glad you said the console cheats are a fabrication! 100% spot on with that, great video. WZ on ps5 with crossplay is a totally different and much more enjoyable game than playing on my Xbox
@kennysnow7647 3 ай бұрын
I thought that was just common sense until i actually ran into people in game saying i had hacks and when i said I'm on Xbox i can't be hacking, they went on a nonsensical rant about console hacking 😂
@TheEastsideballers 3 ай бұрын
Im an Xbox player i would love to have an in game setting to turn off crossplay not just for cheaters just the simple fact so i dont have to play with PC players
@ehallam08 3 ай бұрын
I've been playing ps5 cross play off for a few months now. I will say that had I not done that, I don't believe I'd still be playing the game. I recommend at least trying it for a week or two.
@anthonysalas5141 3 ай бұрын
Everything you said between the difference of PS5 and pc is true,I experience the same result.The game on PS5 feels dark and slower
@TheJms1977 3 ай бұрын
I play on pc with a 4080 and occasionally on ps5 and the ps5 version is noticeably blurrier and lower res compared to my pc.
@guiltazaour2871 3 ай бұрын
hold it, did you say you have an oled with 0.03ms? did you mean to say 3ms?
@CROSSBL4DE 3 ай бұрын
Im pretty sure the Dualsense only works up to 1khz polling.
@Specialblend777 3 ай бұрын
I believe PC gets harder lobbies the more competitively you push your machine. I have an enthusiast's 3090 OC build and I also have a PS5 @ 120hz an OLED. If I push my 3090 to 4K (80-90fps), there is not much of a competitive difference from PS5. But if I run as I normally do at 1440p @ 200fps, I can pull my whole squad of council players into competitive PC dominated lobbies. The difference is stark; it pushes me to opt for 1440p on extreme settings, falling between 100 and 120fps. 1.6 k/d player 10K+ games since Verdansk
@jimmygiant86 3 ай бұрын
It makes is feel like a BR, not a Team Deathmatch/Resurgence Big Team Battle.
@BossOldGamer 3 ай бұрын
The only thing with CrossPlay off is that I tend to get slower PING, does anyone know if the PING is about the same for everyone in Lobby or some get lower?
@danielz000 3 ай бұрын
It's because there's less people to match you with so you might end up connected to a server further away
@TheFreshmaker500 3 ай бұрын
I´m a crossplay off gamer on PS5. I loose every gunfight. So I usually turn my console off after about 30min.
@matty9196 2 ай бұрын
On ps5 and play most of the time crossplay on.. have been trying crossplay off and I find people stack more. And it’s not that I run into better players I just find teams play together. It much harder to 1 vs 2 or 1 vs 3 as they play together more not impossible but harder and I do find teams don’t push as much. They tend to wait in building and wait for you to push. Still can’t decide if I get harder lobbies with it on or off. If I play cross play on I do tend to run into at least one demon team per game and it can be really hard to tell if they are cheating haha I tell my self they are anyway.
@Rye-jl2fk Ай бұрын
You're actually finding games? I want to try this but I need to reinstall the game and I'm scared the wait times will take too long.
@therer15letters33 3 ай бұрын
The DEVS NEED TO CHANGE CROSS PLAY SO it’s a OPTION for PC players and Xbox and PS4 BUT PC is ONLY allowed to play with console players IF they MIMIC CONSOLES VISUALS. 💯
@crash9820 3 ай бұрын
I tried cross play off on my PS5 but I usually can't find a game if I do...😢
@NeroWesten 3 ай бұрын
If cross play off was available on Xbox I’d come back to the game. But as it stands I haven’t touched it in over a year because it just isn’t worth my time to deal with the cheaters, or the streamers that make cheating seem legit. I’d kill for lobbies like you’ve experienced.
@kennysnow7647 3 ай бұрын
"Or streamers that make cheating seem legit" Cheating streamers are the minority. None of the big ones are cheating either.
@crystalhernandez6089 3 ай бұрын
​@@kennysnow7647 yeah right u be shocked how many top streamers are cheating I hate when people say none of the top streamers are cheating when it has been so much evidence to prove otherwise
@Juice_VI 3 ай бұрын
@@crystalhernandez6089is this “evidence” that you speak of hacker hunter videos on KZbin? lol
@Jabvi 3 ай бұрын
Recently bought a new monitor switching from 1080p to 1440p and the game felt a bit blurry I thought maybe my monitor was faulty. Good to know it is not the monitor and hopefully we can get better settings on ps5 just like in pc. Or maybe a stronger console. Crossplay off is very nice regardless so no point for me to switch to pc
@Juice_VI 3 ай бұрын
Are you playing at 120hz? That makes it way worse for me as far as clarity.
@Jabvi 3 ай бұрын
@@Juice_VI yes
@Juice_VI 3 ай бұрын
@@Jabvi yeah unfortunately the PS5 just isn’t strong enough to handle 1440p at 120. It has to upscale the resolution. If you can stomach 60hz, things look at lot better.
@Jabvi 3 ай бұрын
@@Juice_VI got this new monitor just for 120Hz lol
@Juice_VI 3 ай бұрын
@@Jabvi Damn lol. Sorry to be giving out bad news.
@sidaorb 3 ай бұрын
I've been playing crossplay off for as long as it's been there on PS, not just in warzone but also in normal multiplayer mode. A couple of times I've switched it back on I've immediately encountered cheats and hacks, for me, with over 40 years of gaming, Id rather enjoy an honest game than win everything knowing I'm cheating.
@influentialnobody8960 3 ай бұрын
@Juice_VI 3 ай бұрын
The blur is because of forced FSR. It’s upscaling a lot in the 120hz mode on PS5. If you play at 60 it’s much better. But then you have to play at 60hz. Ugh.
@tamaskapocsi2266 3 ай бұрын
It's very strange and interesting that while it's about Crossplay, it ignores the huge advantage console players have with AimAssist in comparison. As a pure MK player, I have to deal with dirty MK players and AimAssistal players. AimAssist is so powerful that many times you can't tell if someone is a cheater or just a console player. I would like to play only with MK players, but I don't have the opportunity to do that, the game doesn't allow it - that's also interesting... This is what I'm asking all console players : Crossplay:Turn OFF!
@simonmcmulkin 3 ай бұрын
I play PS5 and played a lot with crossplay on and had a better KD than I did when I eventually turned it off (some of my friends are on PC) But yes I did encounter a lot of headshot beamers that kind of forced my hand to turn it off its a shame really because all 99% of the community wants to do is improve and enjoy the game yet that minority absolutely wrecks it for the legit gamers
@Amergedin 3 ай бұрын
That’s all cool but I have a top tier PC and the dude on PS1 with all you said still kills me because yea same reason everyone is switching. I don’t even need to say it.
@reggiepyrtle8473 3 ай бұрын
100% agree
@potsy1013 3 ай бұрын
Been playing cross play off since DMZ. So my nice pc build sits doing nothing 😂 Although amusingly what warzone wins I've had have all been cross play on ? 🤔
@Rican311 25 күн бұрын
It’s odd to me that people can’t see and feel a difference with console. Crossplay for SoCal doesn’t work for me anymore. Solo BR has a lot of AI bots now which I wonder is to help with engagement against easier enemies
@JayR_aus 3 ай бұрын
I'm in Australia. Crossplay off doesn't work at all in warzone. 😢
@Travis_LTE 3 ай бұрын
Is it possible that when turning cross off, WZ punishes you some way
@wwhisperwolf 3 ай бұрын
@Darth711 3 ай бұрын
Only way to play warzone is with crossplay off. It actually feels organic and not like everyone is hacking. So much more fun
@trellroberts1131 3 ай бұрын
Yeah I have a Series X and PS5 and have COD on both I prefer my Xbox controller but my experience has been way better on PS5
@mattyboomtown3435 3 ай бұрын
Wait until you play PS4 your be Hella impressed
@aramisjones4804 3 ай бұрын
Ya, no dip.
@lucass.r.4885 3 ай бұрын
I think having the ability to turn crossplay off or having an option to crossplay consoles only would have a positive impact on the cheating situation and PC players would feel less inclined to cheat given that they would get isolated from the rest of the player base when these cheating spikes happened.
@iamM4SK 3 ай бұрын
ALSO! in December Sony disabled the ability to use third party handwear aka no StrikePack/ Cronus on PS5
@kennysnow7647 3 ай бұрын
They tried to. The cronus was disabled for a day on ps5. You can still use it now. But i rather be in a game full of cronus users than a game with just 1 pc hacker
@TomC95 3 ай бұрын
Seeing lots of comments from Xbox saying they wish they could turn crossplay off, YOU CAN. It’s only been available since Warzone 3 but just turn it off via your Xbox settings and you can play it with crossplay off. I’m on Xbox…
@llauren4173 3 ай бұрын
Few days ago come out video where ps5 user using speed booster riotshields Bit ironic isn't it?
@TheTacticalBrit 3 ай бұрын
Old video. Used hacked perks made on a joint PC/PS account on PC then used in PS5 only lobby. Those perks have been removed from the game files so they can't be exploited.
@pedrorebelo5289 3 ай бұрын
Damn good 😂😂😂
@E.P.1 27 күн бұрын
For some reason,on PS5 non cross play, you wait forever to get a lobby. Once in, it feels as if everyone has a Cronus or a lot of players are really fast and slide cancelling like they're on a PC.😂. As if Activision is punishing non cross play players,subjecting us to cheaters.😂😂
@danielodonoghue13 3 ай бұрын
Xbox needs a cross platform option
@ozymandias1091 3 ай бұрын
In order to make a very small number you need negative powers of 10 so 10^(-10) = 0.0000000001
@shibeguy 3 ай бұрын
Oh don't you worry y'all, hackers are starting to appear in crossplay lobbies too (allegedly) 😂
@kennysnow7647 3 ай бұрын
In crossplay lobbies yes, crossplay off no
@AlphaXray 3 ай бұрын
Nice job stealing the assassination at the end...
@bigChrisWithAtinyPeice 3 ай бұрын
I turned it off on my ps5 and it wouldn't load. I tried for over an hr multiple times and never ever loaded
@npol 3 ай бұрын
I don't think the comparison you are making is valid. You know how much a PC you are describing costs and you know how much a console. Also, you are referring on a High End GPU that only 1% of users can afford. I have a PC and my graphics are awful and everything is on low or disabled. The cheating is a major thing.
@seyrnahd 3 ай бұрын
If certain metrics are to be believed, then more and more players are migrating to a PC ecosystem, so crossplay off might be a primetime only option for practical reasons in the near future, so use it while you can I guess.. Additionally the only reason why cheating on console is not more widespread is probably because of the above, it is not because of lack of ability i.e most cheaters are on pc so most cheats systems are developed for pc. Anybody who even wants to briefly explore AI, will know pretty fast that if used in the capacity of cheating, well, the best analogy would be people who cheat at chess i.e same idea, but on console. Kinda sad to think that if they even manage to crack down on walls and what not type cheating, the next step is 100% undetectable. Sadly the future is not good for FPS games in general.
@krazied1gamingchannel170 3 ай бұрын
CoD gets so much more fun when you quit playing
@matthartshorn9483 3 ай бұрын
I would have it off but my main has a Xbox so we're stuck with cheats
@LadyBreeTV83 3 ай бұрын
Cronus does a lot more than help control recoil. You should really research that before saying it. People with "cracked" movement could be getting help with a cronus. I've seem multiple videos on features they offer and also statements from cronus about playstations last update that was supposed to stop it but apparently was an optional update and cronus said simply don't download the update and we'll be working on a fix.
@animanaut 3 ай бұрын
many xbox players would love to be able to do just this.
@iyctthgootk 3 ай бұрын
Crossplay off is impossible for me on ps5. It literally can't find any games. At least resurgence solo's. Thats what i play
@XENONEOMORPH1979 3 ай бұрын
you do know they use hardware on consoles just as long they do not get a update , it happens on all platforms , that why i do not play warzone it is a free game and it just like the wild wild west Warzone is for streamers who get free skins and weapons show the fans what they got and cheat at the same time so the fans by the skins , it is a monopoly that why i do not play it.
@crystalhernandez6089 3 ай бұрын
The fact that a PC is going to run circles around consoles and how easy it is to cheat on PC is what made me stop playing cod. You couldn't tell a closet cheater apart from a streamers they all have the same game play never getting shot in the back, solo pushing a team of 4 and killing them with pin point accuracy, always seem to knw where every player is at dropping 40 kills In a game full of known cheaters. Remember the number ranked 2 player in vanguard got caught red handed with wall hacks makes you wonder what the number 1 player was doing as well, I trust no one u would have to drop 40 kills on console and push every team solo like they do on PC then maybe I might say that person is legit
@XENONEOMORPH1979 3 ай бұрын
@@crystalhernandez6089 I am 63 years of age i play without cheats on pc , i still run rings and i am mainly on top of the list , i play on every map , i look on every map ,my fav is hardcore . being in the forces let them run to the bullet you are mine . I can tell a cheat , from a person who plays on controller to a player with a mouse . I play without being helped it makes you play better.
@mythrall 3 ай бұрын
As a PC player I wish we could turn cross play off. Sick and tired of console players using god tier aim assist + sniper rifles in moshpit.
@validZander 3 ай бұрын
Ps5 polling ain't like pc. 800 is like 8000 on console. I think it's some proprietary shit. Plugged in it should be around 10ms
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