Curse You, Dungeons & Dragons! | Arcane Lounge Podcast

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Arcane Arcade

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@keithulhu 13 күн бұрын
I love how Roll20 rubbed WotC's nose in it by stating that they will have both versions running concurrently.
@badmojo0777 13 күн бұрын
who cares? WOTC cant make you buy their product jsut like McDs cant make you buy their burge rof the mnth.. Its digital content, you cant OWN it anymore than WOWE players own WOW content.. you arenr enting and the only people complaining are the iditos too stupid to understand that but are dpeendnet on DNDBeyond becuz they are too lazy to sue a pen and paper. If soeone is dependent on digital content, THey are the problem. People complained and WOTC lidstend but know one want sot tplk about htat becuz its not internet lynchmob clickbait rage content.
@hawkname1234 12 күн бұрын
Roll20's architecture is designed to be rule-set and character-sheet and compendium agnostic. But it's still funny, bc R20 isn't really technologically ahead in anything.
@bobbobby475 4 күн бұрын
I think Roll20 is pretty scummy too but cool
@badmojo0777 3 күн бұрын
@@keithulhu yeah I love how McDonald's has a big Mac and burger king has a whopper....
@indigocrow8385 13 күн бұрын
@MadHarrier 13 күн бұрын
@sunlightsage2982 12 күн бұрын
@connornewell9895 Күн бұрын
@L337P1R4735 13 күн бұрын
The dragon book is actually an anthology where a dragon of each type is given their own story.
@tylerleto7224 13 күн бұрын
I foresee a future where Hasbro all but dumps D&D, not because they can't monetize it, but because they can't monetize it exponentially. They think they can grow they brand forever, but when that doesn't meet some quarterly return, they're going to cut and run.
@Howler452 6 күн бұрын
I'm going to laugh if they end up having to sell it off and Paizo is the company that buys it.
@savnana3605 12 күн бұрын
I can't wait for the return of floor jacob with the 2024 books to complain about.
@hawkname1234 12 күн бұрын
Who doesn't want more complaining in their life? What a weird ass thing to say.
@savnana3605 12 күн бұрын
@@hawkname1234 i'm genuinely looking forward to it?
@beantownbanshees 12 күн бұрын
@@hawkname1234 why are you being weird in so many comments? Do you feel the need to be pretentious at your core? That’s what it seems like
@jadenthomas5261 4 күн бұрын
Floorcob if you will
@DMLeafjack 13 күн бұрын
The fact that dndbeyond was able to so quickly backtrack makes me think that the devs knew exactly what was going to happen and were just waiting for the backlash before flipping the fix it switch
@hawkname1234 12 күн бұрын
It's the opposite of that. The policy was something only the devs would put forth. The only people it helps to have a single canonical version of each mechanic is the devs, who don't have to now code a whole versioning functionality into the entire app.
@AnyoneCanDM 11 күн бұрын
I have a 9-5 desk job where they pay me mostly to sit around and wait for someone to need help (I’m an accountant who helps our other departments with problems) and I spend a solid half of my work week working on my campaigns and writing instead of working because they don’t pay me enough to “look busy” love y’all’s podcast! Bomb Arasaka!
@AnyoneCanDM 11 күн бұрын
I’m about to start a Fallout campaign (using y’all’s system thanks guys) set in PA (The Keystone Wasteland) and I couldn’t be more excited
@ArmoredChocoboLPs 13 күн бұрын
WotC is literally that “oh won’t somebody take all this MONEY” meme when it comes to viewing their customers “You’re gonna pirate the pdf cuz that’s what everyone does!” Guilty. And I’ll do it again.
@hearforthemusic9814 13 күн бұрын
Honestly these shitty choices by Hasbro/WotC is at least bringing the community together. I'd prefer if it was for positive reasons, but its a silver lining I guess.
@thattacobeast5816 12 күн бұрын
Dude yes i HATE when older people walk up and like talk to my daughter! Like its weird they are weird STOP TALKING TO RAMDOM KIDS AND THEIR PARENTS AT THE STORE
@FablesD20 10 күн бұрын
Apparently if they dont release forgotten realms related books, they lose the setting and it goes back to Ed Greenwood. They mentioned it on Ghostfiregaming podcast
@aidankruse415 13 күн бұрын
Currently watching Redline and Descend, having a good time!
@miravox875 13 күн бұрын
Every XP to level 3 community member has a Johnny Silverhand’s construct in their head lol.
@ItsyagirlRaven 12 күн бұрын
I think what's sad is so jaded and downtrodden we are as a community when it comes to this game and news about it.
@Masterom2000x 10 күн бұрын
This is why I went to PF2E and haven't looked back. No chance.
@CrimsonAether6 12 күн бұрын
6:02 I don’t know if you saw me, but I also like to feed into the immersion on the Indiana Jones ride, especially if I’m in the driver seat.
@matthewlaird5235 10 күн бұрын
I hate to admit it but 75 year old parents would absolutely be that couple that comes up to a Mom and her baby and ask her if it’s a boy or a girl. I guess that makes them bad people then…
@benpuffer7891 9 күн бұрын
People asking about your baby are trying to be polite and make small conversation, not be creepy.
@jadenthomas5261 4 күн бұрын
They can mean well and still come across as creepy. It'd be better to make small talk about an entirely different subject.
@MajorrGamiingMann 13 күн бұрын
I graduated with a guy who rode a unicycle to school everyday, he was weird, but he had like 20 girlfriends
@datalemon 10 күн бұрын
Charles Manson, “Arin Hanson” , Chris Hansen 😂 ☠️ “They all do harm” Oh no I definitely heard the wrong name 😮
@lvl91soldier55 13 күн бұрын
32:04 there's this funny company called james workshop, and they sell the rules for their wargames. What's even funnier, faction rules are sold separately, so if your opponent is playing something you don't own the rules for, you either have to ask them to show you the sacred jedi texts, or just trust a total stranger on their word that they're not cheating. That's why i hate james workshop, RULES SHOULD BE FREE, especially since they're already making bank selling figurines for stupid prices
@ShurikenSean 13 күн бұрын
the dragon book is probably to introduce all the new dragon designs but do know its an anthology with adventures all centered around dragons
@andrewmcmillan229 10 күн бұрын
The new dragons will be in the MM which comes out before
@TheRazgriz87 13 күн бұрын
It's the Mew episode, congrats!!!
@redhoodie4111 13 күн бұрын
24:20 It baffles me that the new books are getting staggered released dates. I understand the potential publishing costs would be way higher, but not releasing the new PHB and the new DMG on the same day at the very least is so fucking stupid. Its honestly worse that the PHB is coming out first too because now players have new and updated tools to play the game with, but the DM is stuck with the 2014 DMG stuff for another 2 months, and they have to wait another 3 months just to get the updated statblocks from the new Monster Manual. I would rather have waited until February 18th (MM release date) to get all 3 at the same time. I mean shit, if anything the new PBH should have been last if the staggered release schedule was so important.
@hawkname1234 12 күн бұрын
It's not stupid. There are very obvious reasons they need to stagger the releases (printing capacity, staggered deadlines). You just don't understand basic operations or project management. If it makes you feel any better, every hardbound set of core rules has had a staggered release for the same reasons that have always been true. But you can still shake your fist at a cloud because you can't have everything you want, instantly (and then assuredly complain if anyone in the world finds a way to manipulate the rules to make them "broken".)
@ChartreuseDan 12 күн бұрын
​@@hawkname1234 Oh wow, you really are owned by Hasbro aren't you 😂
@beantownbanshees 12 күн бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@@hawkname1234 staggered deadlines are irrelevant to the ability to hold onto inventory and release it at a later date, neither does printing capacity when paired with staggered deadlines, as printing wouldn’t be simultaneous. The only issue I can see is physical space for inventory if the books were all to be released within about a month of eachother or so. Idk dude you could’ve just left it at your second paragraph and not decided to generalise everyone who wants to play the new rules in full as whining children, or act as if dnd is perfectly balanced when even now spells like conjure minor elementals is simply the best damage spell. You don’t have to defend Hasbro and ignore actual criticisms because you don’t like them.
@generalsci3831 12 күн бұрын
To be fair, the 2014 books also had a staggered release.
@AlexanderMartinez-kd7cz 9 күн бұрын
why are there separate books to begin with? :/
@zPyrrhic 13 күн бұрын
It's really annoying that the book releases are being spaced out so there's 1 book per quarter despite the fact that the game suffers for it.
@hawkname1234 12 күн бұрын
That's just because you're ignorant about business, printer capacity, rolling deadlines, the history of all other editions etc... Also, the game does not in any way "suffer" for it.
@beantownbanshees 12 күн бұрын
@@hawkname1234the game does suffer for it if you don’t have in depth 2024 rules for the first few months, or updated stat blocks.
@beantownbanshees 12 күн бұрын
@@hawkname1234 also even if you do understand about printing, marketing, etc. then you can still find the delayed progress annoying as it impedes your ability to fully use 5.5, and while “business” as you vaguely put it does factor in, so should audience reception. People are allowed to voice their discontentment regarding the release of a product they want to use.
@zPyrrhic 12 күн бұрын
@@hawkname1234 ok thanks
@andrewmcmillan229 10 күн бұрын
16:50 I mean when you say “it shouldn’t have happened in the first place” I just think “it didn’t happen though…” They announced an upcoming change and when people said they didn’t want it they didn’t make the change. Nothing ever actually changed.
@geekmoviehouse 9 күн бұрын
So if they don’t do anything with the Sword coast then Ed Greenwood gets the rights back. So they have to put something out.
@datalemon 10 күн бұрын
Lmao I was confusing Evan Hansen and Arin Hanson(egoraptor) 😂I was like “wait wut 😮 “
@sambob998 13 күн бұрын
If bg3 had a map maker and multiplayer it would be able to be exactly how wotc want the dnd beyond 3d thing but better.
@piratelego1 13 күн бұрын
No, it wouldn't be. this is a vtt, not a game with a level creator.
@janelantestaverde2018 11 күн бұрын
Regarding the change on DND beyond, considering their past methods of implementing change, it really feels to me like they were simply attempting to get publicity out of it before they go for what they meant to do anyway. With every bit of rage they cause, they get people to talk about them. And especially nowadays, bad publicity is still good for them. Because it's better than _no_ publicity. So, if they implement these changes, they might as well announce that they'll do something they know people don't want, then they can go back on it, implement what they already knew people would prefer and gain some clout along the way for free. Because at this point it doesn't matter if people think they're bad. People already think that, and buy their stuff and services anyway.
@ph3nton 10 күн бұрын
Would you have gone on that Indiana Jones ride summer of 2008? That would have been me, we went on that ride dozens of times and I acted just like that every time.
@imjustdandy9799 3 күн бұрын
Dndbeyond was dead to me once they got rid of a la carte purchasing. Im not buying a $50 book for a single fucking subclass I want
@sleepyproduction7166 13 күн бұрын
I just got my 3.5 three core rule books. Was told to play that one, and I’m going to be teaching my friends and wife. I can’t wait. Should I pick up any 5e books? Or look for more 3.5?
@SuperLololol09 13 күн бұрын
5e isn't that worth it. Maybe secondhand?
@hawkname1234 12 күн бұрын
I would strongly recommend the new 5.5 books when they come out. 5th edition is MUCH cleaner and simpler than 3rd. I like 3rd, but there's lots of system mastery and accounting work for lots of little bonuses.
@ChartreuseDan 12 күн бұрын
​@@hawkname1234 You're recommending the still unreleased 5.5? Hasbrobot spotted
@sleepyproduction7166 12 күн бұрын
@@hawkname1234 how neccisary is the app DnD beyond? Because I don’t think I can get my friends to get it. The ones I’m teaching to play have kids and are pretty frugal. That’s why I got 3.5 books, I can photo copy the character sheets.
@JademusSreg 12 күн бұрын
I've been running games in Talespire (a 3D VTT) for years, and while the Sigil VTT looks brilliant, I have every expectation it will be a microtransaction hellscape. I hope I'm wrong, because I'd love to use the tools.
@pigeoneoutlass 12 күн бұрын
The dude they're talking about around 6-7 minute mark reminds me of FunHaus' James Willems, he said he would do the same thing
@CleverPsuedonym1 5 күн бұрын
In a couple of years lots of us will just be playing some game very similar to dnd made by some company we like more than WotC and we’ll all be laughing and cringing about this then.
@Rubymagicalgirl88 10 күн бұрын
Late 2025 for the starter box? That's stupid.
@Astrall270 13 күн бұрын
The lunchbox thing is so real
@geekmoviehouse 9 күн бұрын
30:29 they want to turn D&D in fortnight
@ShurikenSean 13 күн бұрын
funny that you mentioned D&D gaming computers, as they want sigil to run on xbox and playstation too
@captainsnugleup 12 күн бұрын
You already know they are going to sell virtual minis soon, and they'll probably be barely less than a real mini, but you won't have to paint it, woo. I feel like if it runs in the browser youd probably need some Super Master tier, and it'll be like the gamepass streaming but probably worse lol
@adantez7268 12 күн бұрын
34:40 look ma it's me!!!!
@mcCrunch 13 күн бұрын
For my part, I DM my groups completely without technology and I recommend EVERYONE stick to pen and paper!
@MGunnarson 13 күн бұрын
At ~19:00, genuinely wondering how many times the 5e community is going to put up with these kind of mistakes before they understand that hasbro doesn’t give a shit about them. Move on to a new game already, there’s so much out there made by genuine fans of the hobby.
@groovinmagic6290 13 күн бұрын
It's like watching a friend stay with someone who isn't good for them.
@hawkname1234 12 күн бұрын
It's not an airport. You don't have to announce your departure. Don't be insecure. Don't wait for other people to tell you what to do.
@MGunnarson 12 күн бұрын
There's a lot of projection here lol.
@beantownbanshees 12 күн бұрын
@@hawkname1234 they’re not announcing that they’re leaving, they’re encouraging other people to switch systems. You’d know that if you read instead of doing this weird “I’m better than everyone else” attitude. Dude why do you watch these videos if you just wanna act so pretentious with anyone who has a problem with dnd or 5.5 or WOTC and hasbro? Do you need to make yourself feel smart that badly?
@Rocks_Fall_Everyone_Dice 10 күн бұрын
This is why I moved to TOV.
@stevendorries 13 күн бұрын
This is the Mew episode
@lr- 13 күн бұрын
There must be some disconnect going on over the new books at WoTC, because half the people working on them are treating it as crazy never before seen new content, and the other half are treating it like a new minecraft update. It seems like they expected people to be fine with their 2014 spells being taken away because in their minds 2014 and 2024 5e are the exact same game: 5e. A bunch of tashas features and unchanged subclasses from other books are put in the phb because this isn't a new edition, this is just an updated version of the 2014 phb, and once it's out there's no longer any reason for anyone to use the 2014 one any more. But then the other half are treating it as the complete opposite, as this whole new sourcebook with tons of changed features and rules. So we end up in weird situations like the D&DBeyond fiasco, or the books not coming out at once because they still view all this new stuff as belonging in the old 5e, so not having the new monster manual or dmg is fine in their eyes because they think you can just use the old one even though there are a ton of rules differences.
@CompressionPolice 12 күн бұрын
What will it take for people to stop handing Hasbro money? They just keep coming back when they know Hasbro will keep pulling this crap.
@hawkname1234 12 күн бұрын
I really like WotC. They are very good game designers. And, because I have critical thinking skills and access to Google, I know that they didn't do most of the things the KZbinrs manipulated you all into thinking they did. So I'm good.
@Vortex1988 12 күн бұрын
I honestly couldn't care less about any of DnD's digital assets. I don't play DnD to play a video game.
@sambro6657 12 күн бұрын
Hasbro and the people in charge at wizards that care about the customers? Now that’s cute So keep in mind these people said and I quote we don’t have customers we have stop gaps to money. They do not value us as customers Jacob and you need to stop thinking the head people in the companies have any worth while values they don’t.
@BRUTOLICIOUS 13 күн бұрын
Gonna try DC20?
@OathofDevotion 13 күн бұрын
@Saren_5 13 күн бұрын
Bruh, what is up with wotc/hasbro xd They always say out of pocket stuff and then act like victims xd is it so hard not to make stupid choices out of greed Some people need to touch fire to know it is hot, but gosh, they need to bathe in lava just to start thinking that maybe it is not a good idea😂
@coastalgrappling 13 күн бұрын
What happens when your corporate overlords strictly care about making quick $$$$
@hawkname1234 12 күн бұрын
If you actually cared, and had critical thinking skills, you could go back and look at what all these KZbinrs claimed WotC was trying to do, then Google and find out if they actually tried to do ANY of that stuff. And you will find out that you've been manipulated. People use fear, anger and hate of the to control people. And it works.
@Saren_5 12 күн бұрын
@@hawkname1234 ....Control them for what ?xd and also those thing really happened they just backtrack before doing it because they got a really big backlash from most buyers
@robmartinez1627 13 күн бұрын
as someone who was raised by my step dad we get that all the time. we figured it out as it was me picking up his mannerisams cause he raised me and people actully notice that
@DrakeTheCaster 13 күн бұрын
I know I am saying thus as DnD's current target demographic but still, I think so much if the backlash and outcry against everything 2024 rules/updates is so stupid and absurd. Yes they want to make using the 2014 stuff inconvenient so you swap, to 2024. But if you're continuing to play 5e you should swap over anyway because everything moving forward is using and based around the revised rules- rules that are overall better and exist purely to remedy the countless issues the same community has been circle-jerking and making memes over for years. Yeah the 2024 books aren't perfect, but they are overall better than the 2014 stuff. The 2024 rules and changes aren't 5.5 or even "the 2024 edition" (especially since half of the books are releasing in 2025 anyway) but rather are JUST 5E. Everything before hand is going onto the same bucket of obscurity that is currently existing Legacy content. So yeah, automatically replacing all the free 5e content, spells and rules with the 2024 stuff makes sense, enabling ppl to stubbornly cling to the 2014 versions of everything is dumb and counterintuitive. At the end of the day the 2014 content digital or otherwise still exists and functions to the same capacity. Just makes sense to push the updated stuff and versions onto the "up to date" digital tools and platform of DnD Beyond. WotC doesn't support 4e, 3.5 etc etc on DnD Beyond, they will likely only ever utilize the CURRENT editions current rules and variants etc. It just maks sense. This isn't defending WotC or Hasbro's shitty choices towards its employees as a company, but I do support them updating 5e and look forward to everything new they have announced. I just feel like sticking to pre-2024 5e is little different from playing older editions. Like you CAN do so and if you prefer it that's fine- but you're kinda relegating yourself to a different game and community from the "Core/current" DnD community imo.
@hawkname1234 12 күн бұрын
You are already thinking about this more logically and more well informed than the other commenters who just want to bond over hating WotC. Who says nerds don't like bullies! They jump at the first chance to stand in a circle and bully the group they've all agreed to hate.
@hfbdbsijenbd 11 күн бұрын
My dude. People are still playing 1e because they thought AD&D ruined the game. You care way, way too much about this. Play more, post less.
@ElderGoblinGames 5 күн бұрын
Hey bud.
@azayrian1052 13 күн бұрын
Wow they immediately called me out. And yeah I did like my own comment…
@generalsci3831 12 күн бұрын
Screw WotC. No one should play anything they make.
@jpmoon86 10 күн бұрын
I love your content. But you guys were very under informed about a lot of the topics this time. Ex. The Dragon Book on '25 is a Adventure Anthology, not a Fizban's 2. The Spells and Items on DnDBeyond wasn't making people buy a 2nd boom. It was actually the opposite, it was giving you the '24 Spells/Items *without* having to buy a new book. NOW if you want to use the fixed version of True Strike for example, you have to have PHB '24
@Renkaru 12 күн бұрын
ever since the OGL I've vowed never to buy another WOTC product ever again. This kinda shit just vindicates my decision over and over again. I've also moved away from any WOTC version of D&D and switched to in person games only, nothing digital for the most part, other than maybe a post by play. My groups might not play as often, but it feels really special every time we play.
@markt7177 13 күн бұрын
Honk shoo nap time #1 ❤
@JoshuaHillmanatorHillman 13 күн бұрын
I run games at my LGS. I don't really have a choice but to buy the new books. I occasionally run games for other systems, but most people who go to D&D night want to play... D&D. Shock!
@CactusJackter 13 күн бұрын
Hey Budz, how's the kid?
@Bman6464 13 күн бұрын
Bro im so over fucking hasbro. Why put up with this bullshit?
@picklesquasher5151 5 күн бұрын
Idk if it's "really funny" about men finding women with icks and then creating a list. I would call that misogyny...
@imjustdandy9799 3 күн бұрын
You misunderstood I think. They were referencing a specific tiktok where a woman made a list of icks for men where she said men doing normal humans things were gross and unmasculine, like riding bikes. Its funny because shes delulu
@hawkname1234 12 күн бұрын
It's weird you saying how stupid WotC is for the D&D Beyond thing. I **guarantee you** that decision was not made by an executive. Why? Because the idea that there will only be one canonical version of every ability and the 2024 version will override the 2014 version is EXACTLY what a software developer would do in order to not have to do a crap-ton of work to essentially add rules versioning throughout their entire product. Should D&D Beyond have thought of this and figured out the right answer sooner? Yes. But that is not an answer driven by an exec trying to... sell books? No that is a very specific decision that ONLY a software developer would come to. You may not know that if you're not a software dev. But then maybe you shouldn't call other people stupid.
@beantownbanshees 12 күн бұрын
“An Executive would never want to reduce the amount of time that workers put in by providing a worse service to customers” is not a fair sentiment, do you know what capitalism is, and do you think that decision happened without anyone in an executive position signing off on it? Doesn’t matter who came up with the idea originally, an executive will have seen that and taken no issue with it. If a construction worker suggested using carcinogenic insulation like asbestos and their boss said yeah we’ll do that, the guy signing off on that decision still messed up. You’re doing so much hasbro-defending and none of it actually has any balanced thought, it’s all in corporate defense rather than consumer interest, WOTC aren’t gonna give you the books for free for this so calm it down.
@naganeen0 13 күн бұрын
It may just be a small town thing.... but around where I live, if you ride a bike or wear a backpack as an adult ...90%chance you are a tweaker
@naganeen0 13 күн бұрын
Also..... if someone calls me boss I get offended..... similar to the bud thing
@heboric6136 12 күн бұрын
People roll around my city on bikes and some of them even wear backpacks cause they have stuff to carry to and from work. Don't worry champ worlds a big place lots of different vibes
@Unionjack1010 13 күн бұрын
So many f-bombs coming from off camera gets annoying. Either expanding your vocabulary or just use other expressive expletives. Just using one expletive over and over again just sounds so childish.
@LegendofZelderon 12 күн бұрын
Bro is the authority on saying fuck, over here. Get a load of the fuck police, here. Keeping the fuck use in line.
@jackllewellynkramer 12 күн бұрын
Just don't watch the video bro no one gives a fuck
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