每天無時無刻念「阿彌陀佛」,不懷疑,不間斷,不夾雜,並且每天讀誦聽經《無量壽經》,更要真信切願發願求生淨土,相信一切都會更好而且家人都受益〈保佑健康,一切順利〉。一定要相信阿彌陀佛與眾佛菩薩們的不可思議加持~ 這是很殊勝的「淨土法門」~請您一定要每天無時無刻念「阿彌陀佛」,不懷疑,不間斷,不夾雜,並且每天讀誦聽經《無量壽經》,更要真信切願發願求生淨土,相信一切都會更好而且家人都受益〈保佑健康,一切順利〉。您的壽命還有,阿彌陀佛一定讓您多留在世間的。一定要相信阿彌陀佛與眾佛菩薩們的不可思議加持~ 每天無時無刻念「阿彌陀佛」,不懷疑,不間斷,不夾雜,並且每天讀誦聽經《無量壽經》,或是《佛說阿彌陀經》更要真信切願發願求生淨土,相信一切都會更好而且家人都受益〈保佑健康,一切順利〉。一定要相信阿彌陀佛與眾佛菩薩們的不可思議加持~ Every day you recite “Amitofo” (Buddha) constantly without doubt at least 10,000 times every day, read The Infinite Life Sutra《無量壽經》at least one time a day, and most importantly, you must have truthfully the faith in living in the Amitofo's pure land (Pure Land Method) so that you will be healthy for your whole life and will be permanent in Amitofo's pure land forever~ Please believe in Amitofo and you will be protected all the time~ always recite "Amitofo" when you are in danger, in trouble or anytime~ And you bow down at least 100 times sincerely every day (you say “Amitomo”when you bow down at the same time ), and as time goes by, you will recover, so please trust Amitofo’s incredible willingness. Believing, willingness, and action are the most important! 每天無時無刻念「阿彌陀佛」至少一萬遍,不懷疑,不間斷,不夾雜,並且每天讀誦聽經《無量壽經》,更要真信切願發願求生淨土,相信一切都會更好而且家人都受益〈保佑健康,一切順利〉。一定要相信阿彌陀佛與眾佛菩薩們的不可思議加持~ 另外再加上每天虔誠地拜佛至少100下(跪拜的時候念阿彌陀佛),一段時間後就會康復了,一定要相信阿彌陀佛不可思議的願力~ 信願行最重要! 您好~您可以給您父母親還有家人一串108顆的佛珠,並且勸他/她們每日至少念佛一萬聲(轉10圈佛珠),時間久了, 心會清淨而且生歡喜心,若身體許可可以每日拜佛至少50拜,相信淨土法門,一切交給佛菩薩安排,您的家人一切都會健康,吉祥,順心...而您還有家親眷屬朋友也跟著如此實行, 相信您們也同樣受益, 是為大孝的喔~信願行最重要~
Colonoscopy it is not a painful procedure and can be done while you won't to be sedated, doctor does allow you to watch the process from the monitor screen, after finished, you will release gas for the following few days, very little discomfort, when over forty, it is necessary to do it every three to five years, for the length about 15 years, it is important to watch the process and Doctor will do it much gentle when you watch the procedure. If polyps discovered, doctor shall remove it and have a lab test, polyps can turn to cancer, therefore, continue checking for next fifteen years is necessary. Don't be scared, discomfort, yes, but not painful. doctor does make fatal mistake, so it is better to watch what they did to you.