🎲 D&D Players, What's the best instance of "OVERKILL" you have either done or witnessed? 🎲

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🎲 D&D Players, What's the best instance of "OVERKILL" you have either done or witnessed? 🎲
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@hogfry 3 жыл бұрын
That Pit fiend died again the second it reincarnated like 9 times... 600+ damage is enough that If i was DM'ing I would have it create reality altering side effects like ripping a hole into another plain and causing a war god to make a volcano somewhere to erupt in the players honor for giving him the worlds most epic murder boner... The SHEER SILLYNESS of that setup demands it!
@Zarlos01 3 жыл бұрын
Do you mind if I steal this idea?
@hogfry 3 жыл бұрын
@@Zarlos01 Go for it. Rule of cool is one the most important things at a table I think.
@SSB_Master_Hand 3 жыл бұрын
Gruumsh in the distance: "YEAH!! WOOOOOOO!! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN' ABOUT, BOY!!!"
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan 2 жыл бұрын
When that poor Pit Fiend got hit, even the Demon Lord of it's home Realm would have looked up in shock and bellowed WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? as a large part of it's Realm just exploded because of how hard the Pit Fiend's Essence landed after being Slammed out of the Material Plane with the God's Own BITCH SLAP of HELL... On the bright side, that Hell Realm now has some nice Lake Side Properties to sell...or at least they will when the crater finishes filling up with the dominant Liquid of that Realm (Lava, Molten Brimstone, Blood of the Damned? eh, who knows...) 😄😁😆😅😂🤣
@Darkinu2 2 жыл бұрын
@@HappilyHomicidalHooligan This whole comment chain killed ME like 9 times. XD Thanks for the laughs.
@chadman905 3 жыл бұрын
If I was the DM, and the druid swore vengeance on the other party members, I would have given the druid 15 points of inspiration, 5 for each time they killed the crow. If a party member gets ganged up on by the other party members for a minor inconvenience and then kills that party member's pet, I will let that player return the favor...with interest.
@imheretojest2826 3 жыл бұрын
I played the Tiefling Bard in this story, actually. The crow came back. Also my character actually felt incrediblely guilty about it and tried to patch the relationship between him and the Druid.
@frazonedracaoo6981 3 жыл бұрын
Ya incredibly disgusting players, would of done everything I could to kill thiughs charecters after that.
@Mad3bunny 2 жыл бұрын
@@imheretojest2826 Is it okay to ask why, it just seems like alot of resource to kill one bird?
@imheretojest2826 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mad3bunny we were really just annoyed at the Druid and the fact that the bird was partially used to antagonize us.
@nathanfreeman8250 2 жыл бұрын
@@imheretojest2826 How'd that work out?
@titan5045 3 жыл бұрын
Everytime I use this Warhammer that I named Justice Bringer it basically turns low hp monsters into dust with ease
@demoknighttf2756 3 жыл бұрын
You should name it coke maker
@howmuchbeforechamp 3 жыл бұрын
That's just a normal warhammer
@bentrod3405 3 жыл бұрын
That first dude turned every pit fiend in the universe to dust.
@Lurks-a-lot 3 жыл бұрын
Considering I'm that guy, I would probably have to agree with you
@alarosebaster2626 3 жыл бұрын
That was like dropping a nuke on an anthill
@GoldieMethrans 3 жыл бұрын
@@Lurks-a-lot I really wish you'd be able to one-shoot a Tarrasque with another such attack. Seriously.
@eugenecaudill5361 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lurks-a-lot, do you happen to remember the damage total?
@connormeriwether4486 2 жыл бұрын
@@eugenecaudill5361 it said it in the story, 684 Damage, which leaves a Full Health Tarrasque at -8.
@YAH93 3 жыл бұрын
The best instance of Overkill we had yet, was when our Monk, Bard and Barbarian were fighting a bunch of Crawlers. Two Crawlers were left with low HP. Our barbarian was about to attack. Nat20 on the attack roll, and since our DM overworked the rules for critical hits, he dealt 35 damage. Both crawlers had around 5 hp left. So our DM said that "Babar swings his axe like a madman, so powerful hat he hit both crawlers (although he was just aiming one) and both of them are cut in half, gushing out a lot of blood that covered the snow around him, then their upper half fell down to the ground."
@chaoticclonestudios 3 жыл бұрын
Cant wait to see this in one of their videos
@dinguspringus8640 3 жыл бұрын
That 8th lvl lightning bolt I can imagine so vividly, there was pain and anger in that mans voice as he shouted that. He was out for blood.
@mugenokami2201 2 жыл бұрын
Fuck blood he wanted that man’s soul extra crispy
@Allantitan 2 жыл бұрын
Guy: *slits random soldiers throat* Same guy: *realizes the soldier’s son is the powerful wizard in front of him with hands cackling with lightning* i think I just shut myself
@isaacgraff8288 3 жыл бұрын
I was doing a monstrous campaign, my wife was playing a succubus. Out of amusement I sent a group of lv 1 adventurers after the party. So wifey mind controls the cleric, the only one who failed their save. She then gets him to use Inflict Wounds on the adventurer's Fighter. Rolls a nat 20. Rolls well for damage. Since this was a lv 1 fighter it had a max hp of 13, The attack did 40 necrotic damage. Was pretty awesome. Since then, she has fully corrupted the cleric and he is an active follower for the monsters.
@SamWeltzin 3 жыл бұрын
Was wondering the same thing with that crow story. Was the druid annoying about it or something? So weird.
@greatestoldone7658 3 жыл бұрын
And why would the Cleric keep wasting 500gp to (presumably) cast Raise Dead on the same bird, without even bothering to wonder who was shooting it, were they going to shoot them, and if they should perhaps move somewhere else or call the guard. I hope the Druid was at least paying. This is the type on nonsensical stuff you get where players are too used to running everything as combat and not using common sense.
@raaston9761 3 жыл бұрын
if I was that druid I would of killed my party members
@kono6802 3 жыл бұрын
I was a monk/kensei who had a secondary unarmed attack playing with my high school friends. It was the four of us plus the dm. I was ambushed first by 3 fire mages because my perception was a nat 1, but still alive, I was burned by a fireball and had a savings throw that was just barely enough to get away. Upon my turn, I took my short sword and stabbed the one in front of me through the face with a nat 20. As my second unarmed strike, I kneed the short-sword hoping it will go through the body and pierce the second one at least hurt it. But it wasn’t the case. Another nat 20 had occurred and the sword pierced the second sorcerer into a tree. Since it was no longer my turn the last enemy missed his attack and I rolled another 20 +2 on intimidation. I told my dm that my character sneezed to intimidate. The dm was at awe because the npc had a bad roll as well. Let’s just say the enemy died by a heart attack by my monk quietly sneezing. All my allies were like...... “what the!?!?!” The DM said “you are the most scariest lvl 3 monk I’ve ever seen!” What a laugh we all had.
@nathanfreeman8250 2 жыл бұрын
@postapocalypticnewsradio 3 жыл бұрын
PANR has tuned in.
@MrRipper 3 жыл бұрын
Quick 2night/2day!
@postapocalypticnewsradio 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrRipper on this day, I happened to be working on a script using my mobile device here in the studio. The notification was seen immediately. I think that's some amount of goot fortune.
@shanerasmussen5225 3 жыл бұрын
"Enough to one shot the Terrask" (dunno how to spell it) Rifts Player: "Hold My Beer, this'll only take a second"
@Lughrochben 3 жыл бұрын
Tarrasque. Not trying to be condenscending. Just letting you know for future reference. =)
@lordbalthosadinferni4384 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, a fellow Rifts player in the wild. Neat I love Rifts for this very reason. My players are 100% okay with me helping them break their characters to a ludicrous extent and sometime in the next couple of sessions I'm hoping to successfully run a fight between them and a lesser god. Considering all of the characters are godlings and that's the sort of stuff we're here for, we're all looking forward to God of War meets Dragon Ball Z levels of cinematic combat. On the overkill note, I turned my Rifts PC into a very high-level NPC when I started my slightly homebrew game (mostly just clearing up some rules, adapting other Palladium content, and ignoring the level cap). He is now able to fistfight a black hole to a stalemate, rip planets in half, and teaches the party martial arts and magic. He had a friendly sparring match with a very upgraded Ares on live space television and after he won, demonstrated how much he was holding back by one-shotting that manifestation with such force it caused the ring's indestructible force fields to buckle. I didn't hide any of this either, my only player at the time played Ares in that fight and it was GLORIOUS
@RayPoreon 3 жыл бұрын
My party's fighter hit an elemental so hard that it opened a portal to the plane of earth. So for background. The party of six were ambushed in a city built on a giant tree by two wyverns, a couple of gargoyles and a pack of mud mephits. Things were going pretty standard, the wizard was hiding on the outskirts, the barbarian and sorcerer were wrestling with one wyvern, the rogue was getting BTFO'd for once, the bard was leading an army of rats against his foes. Amid the melee, the fighter was having trouble with one of the mephits, it managed to dodge five of his attacks and sneak two nasty punches through his stupid high AC. So he'd had enough, he used action surge and spent all attacks on the mephit, one was a crit. They all hit. So that was 5d10(halberd+crit)+4d6(cold enchant)+1d6(polearm master)+40(GWM)+20(5x4 STR)+1d8(bard inspiration)+1d8(trip attack). I don't remember the exact damage number but I ruled that he did so much damage that he tore open reality and the mud mephit was launched through a portal into a boxing ring somewhere on the plane of earth, much to the confusion of the xorn referee.
@torgranael 2 жыл бұрын
And if I'm reading this right, he could have done another 2d6 at least since crit's double all dice, not just weapon (unless you house ruled it).
@frostedfireside2542 3 жыл бұрын
I was with my normal group and we had met a giant snake that we befriended. I was a ranger so I could talk to it, and it wanted some food. So our Barbarian agrees to find something. While he went hunting the rest of us did our own things. He went into the forest nearby and found a giant Hyena. He got the higher initiative and used a homebrew item called the “Hello”. He rolled his damage and the dm just started laughing and said that he glares at the giant Hyena and it just drops dead. Turns out the dm used the same stats for a normal hyena, which has 5 hit points. Yeah, he did at least 15x the hyenas health. The barbarian also killed a Baboon I had befriended. It exploded when he hit it which pissed me and my character off since I was a ranger and I love baboons. He’s been crowned as “Dawncaller the nature hater”.
@virgiljericho664 2 жыл бұрын
What Happened between the oathbreaker and the Pit Fiend was something of sheer beauty. Everything aligned in such a perfect way. The class, the enemy type, the weapon used, Spells and abilities used.
@Grzesuav94 2 жыл бұрын
I have a homebrew rule: When you deal three times the monster total HP, I describe its death as "being hit with a strike so powerful, that its body is turned into mist, which instantly vaporizes, leaving only a slitgt, singed shadow on the ground and walls"
@torgranael 2 жыл бұрын
"LASER FUCKING PIT FIEND REMOVAL!" - rewording of an Arj Barker quote. Those who get it get it (hopefully).
@mugenokami2201 2 жыл бұрын
Why not make it become the consistency of chunky salsa before falling apart like it got snapped by thanos?
@torgranael 2 жыл бұрын
@@mugenokami2201 The phrasing of "chunky salsa" is giving me flashbacks to some crazy shit I've witnessed in Shadowrun 3e.
@Salt_Mage 3 жыл бұрын
Less overkill and more of an entire encounter shutdown. We encountered some high level bandits in a cave system. I, a Warlock, got first on initiative. Immediately cast Hold Person and all four enemies failed their saves. They proceed to get the absolute tar beat out of them by the duo of monks in the party. The DM was quite upset that one spell invalidated the encounter. I later pulled the same stunt when we assaulted a mercenary camp, leaving the enemy mages wide open as the tanky mercs were helplessly paralyzed. We don’t fight a lot of humanoid enemies anymore.
@imheretojest2826 3 жыл бұрын
Fun Fact: I played the Tiefling Bard in the crow story. My character is an easily influenced and naive one, so when the other party members decided to kill the crow, he was basically peer-pressured into helping in the fight. Hobo Wizard and Genasi both decided the crow and the Druid's treatment of it was annoying and they wanted to get rid of it.
@quail3910 3 жыл бұрын
And I'd do it again
@imheretojest2826 3 жыл бұрын
@@quail3910 eey Quail
@Lurks-a-lot 3 жыл бұрын
OH MY GOD! This was my suggestion! Thank you so much!
@MrRipper 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you buddy!
@emperorvibez9284 3 жыл бұрын
I love you guys at Mr. Ripper you guys got me into D&D never had that much fun in my life tysm.
@apkphantom2122 3 жыл бұрын
I'm glad to be back in the right head space to listen to these stories again, I got really burned out from DND and had to just cut myself off from it, but now I've recovered enough to enjoy these videos again. Thank you Ripp Daddy and the others for being there.
@MrRipper 3 жыл бұрын
Glad to have you back :)
@Grundini91 3 жыл бұрын
3.5e Current campaign and the party (all around Lv6) were getting ready to do a commando raid on a Cultist Base. The party wizard has the formula for gunpowder and the Craft(Alchemy) skill maxed out for his level. He used this to make a multitude of small gunpowder throwables (I treated them like Alchemist Fire without the lingering effects). The group's resident chaos engine (a pixie) requested one of them as a "weapons test" and was insistent that she be given it that instant. The mage relented and gave her one. She then went back out of town where she was to where she had found a lone Kobold Cultist driving a cart with 6 barrels of gunpowder in it (The Cultists had captured a Gnome Alchemist and was forcing him to make gunpowder for them). So, Little Miss Chaos gets into position and goes invisible about 70 feet above the road and waits for the Kobold to come by, then lights her gunpowder throwable and drops it into his cart. Her little surprise ended up detonating one of the casks and that detonated the rest of them. Final result: Kobold Cultist is vaporized and the horse is a goo splatter on the surrounding trees. They both took 448 Fire damage. The pixie took 8 Fire Damage and 8 Bludgeoning Damage
@williamklaiss992 3 жыл бұрын
Ah, Another opening for Wake. As I said in the last comment about Wake, my Water Genasi Moon Druid, he had a thing for turning into bears. Mostly because their multiattack is absolutely brutal. Up against a group of cultists (this game was very cultist heavy) Wake managed to crit one of them *twice* with the multiattack, and got pretty high damage to boot. DM ruled that I hadn't just mauled this guy's body, but his very soul. Since reincarnation was a thing in this setting, every time that cultist would be reborn, he'd have a giant birthmark on his chest in the shape of a claw mark from a bear.
@antivirusexe2856 2 жыл бұрын
@MrSauce-tw6lm 3 жыл бұрын
That time we killed a vampire with an over-smited spoon. The damage record was set for the party, and has only ever been beaten by our brokenly strong vengeance paladin. There was also a plan to do an attack dealing 2,000 minimum/12,000 maximum damage by cheesing holy water, but we didn’t do it for our DM’s sake.
@mtndewbruh5999 3 жыл бұрын
At 7:22 that is a paladin warlock now that is a great idea for roleplay specifically
@snausagemakereatimup1360 3 жыл бұрын
What kind of big bad has 20 hp, when the characters have access to resurrection and 8th lvl slots?
@lordbalthosadinferni4384 2 жыл бұрын
The kind that isn't meant to be a *physical* threat.
@_Darzaka 3 жыл бұрын
The best was my first campaign ever. I was a very squishy, but charming Tabaxi Rogue. We were doing a damp and gloomy homebrew dungeon. We actually came across an underling who came across as a reasonable person! I told the group that I'd like to reason with him to get more information. I agreed to his terms to go into a sealed room alone with him. Negotiations broke down, I threw my extensive collection of generic underling body parts and ashes at him, the works. It boiled down to him delivering a serious blow to my squishy kitty. I had 1 HP. In sheer desperation I, shaking, broken, and bloody, drank my one healing potion. The dm pauses. And says "you are dead. No saving throws. It's over." *Cue shocked pikachu face on the whole party, except for the Elf. She had replaced my potion with poison! I managed to get revenge from beyond the grave. She had casted invisibility and snuck into the room after me; her spell time ran out, and she got smashed by the BBEG's underling.
@rvpairofdicethewanderer2383 3 жыл бұрын
I was playing as a Monk 13 Sorcerer 2 (WIS 16 CHA 2) that an item that I got from a Treasure Hoard System after making a killing blow on an optional boss the DM spoiled us with. The DM told me that I got a staff but I was given no clue to what it is other than the fact that my Character knew it was magical. My Party was faced by one of the lieutenants of the BBEG we were suppossed to fight in one of the forests near the town where our HQ was at. I decided to scout ahead of my Party to see what our threat is so we can make the most optimal traps. Unfortunately I was caught due to failing one Stealth Check and the BBEG Lieutenant spotted me. Knowing that I am definitely going to die, I decided to do my last stand attack and I begun it by trying to strike with my new staff. The DM paused and then asked me if I was very sure to do so. Confused, I said yes. My first attack ended up being a NAT 20 and I struck the armor of the BBEG Lieutenant. What cames next was that the DM told me to flip a coin and then to roll a D100 when I got "Heads". I then ended up instantly teleported into an unknown building, which I eventually learned to be a warehouse of a fishing town in Sword Coast 3 HOURS AWAY from my HQ (and my Party). The DM then told me and my Party is that I broke the Staff of the Magi onto the BBEG Lieutenant and turned him, his armies, and the forest into a crater. Not only the DM was pissed but also the Wizard Main Player in my Party who wanted the Staff of the Magi so badly, only for him to watch me break the thing in the Game. XD
@cesargeney5268 2 жыл бұрын
The staff of the magi is still a weapon. It explodes when the pc decides to blow it. Next time the Dm should be more specific on describing loot. A mage staff would look very differently than a combat one. Still, how much xp did you get with all those kills?
@rvpairofdicethewanderer2383 2 жыл бұрын
@@cesargeney5268 Late reply but I got 7 kills out of the 8 ambushers, with the one surviving being the BBEG Lieutenant due to his high CON. For the explosion part, I was OK with it since my Character has no idea what it was anyway. XD
@davlamin0459 3 жыл бұрын
Or of all the stories you had in this video, my favourite is you last statement. Awesome
@razacorwrayth1629 3 жыл бұрын
I was playing Pathfinder and was playing a half-elf fighter who specialized in the longbow. Since I was new to the game at the time, and didn't understand that building a character with a variety of abilities was fine to do, I decided that I was going to just give him feats and abilities that improved his longbow abilities, nothing else. As we were going through the campaign module(Emerald Tower, or something like that) my character became known as the boss killer. There were multiple instances when I would take out a mini boss in just one round because of how many arrows my character could fire in a single turn. All this became especially apparent when we encountered the final boss, a lich. The sorcerer in our group cast haste on my character, followed by the paladin enchanting my bow so that I could fire holy arrows for one round. I shot 6 arrows on my turn, and somehow managed to roll 3 criticals as part of that. Since this was Pathfinder, my bow had a 3 times multiplier when I rolled a crit with it, and modifiers were also multiplied, so I ended up doing 305 damage to a boss with only 120 max HP in one turn. It had taken us a year in real life to build up to this climactic boss fight, and I just ended it in one go.
@bastionsea2829 3 жыл бұрын
I was newbie DMing, the barbarian missed the two spiders we were fighting in a forest clearing, I rped the miss to hit the tree instead, had the barb roll damage to the tree, crit Since this wasn't the first time the tree was hit and he was using an axe, he felled it, knocking the spider out, determined direction for tree and spider (intending to have it hide in the branches) same direction for both, confirm crit, another, and a third He vaporized a spider by felling a tree (triple damage vaporized the target)
@44R0Ndin 3 жыл бұрын
Guess the dice spoke the words of death for that spider.
@RShezmo 3 жыл бұрын
This story happened during my first dnd campaign. Even tho I had a session 0 to get the hang of the game, I still needed some hand holding here and there, but one thing I understood was what it meant to get a nat 20 and nat 1. During our first combat, we engaged some monsters attacking a village, things looked rough right off the start since we had an injured family being attacked by 3 goblins and what our dm described as their giant lizard pet. Now, since our dwarf got the first move, he acted as a shield to the family to keep the goblins from finishing them off. While he succeeded to draw their attention, he was threading the needle when he dodged the first 2 goblins attacks just to get bit by the lizard. This, while it didn't do any big damage, it presented the perfect oportunity for my character, an orc monk to attack the lizard from behind. I rolled a nat 20 for hit, and 4 for my unarmed attacks. Since my dm said that was enough to kill it, he said I could describe how I did it. My orc monk punched a 4 foot long lizard through the anus, shoulder deep and then proceeded to break it's spine as it folded into an accordion until my orc reached it's jaws and opened them with his hand, releasing the dwarf from the bite, wearing the fisted lizard as a sleeve. At the sight of what just happened, the 3 goblins ran away in fear. The people who I was supposed to save were vomiting, screaming and crying in fear.
@ChristopherB. 2 жыл бұрын
A friend of mine told me a story about this. He and the rest of the party were doing a campaign with a lot of homebrew crap that they got that was designed to scale in power the higher level the player's characters were. At this point, different characters were on different levels. I don't remember many specifics, but my friend was playing a female Variant Aasimar Paladin/Cleric. There was also a Tiefling Warlock, an Elf Druid, and I believe a Dwarf Ranger. They had just finished fighting essentially a miniboss and just had a few goons left over to deal with. The Tiefling Sorceror, not realizing how low on health most of the goons were, used a Wondrous Item that could only be used once every few days, or else it would disintegrate. She decided to make use of it since she hadn't for the miniboss, as a joke. The item was used to cast a homebrew spell that did like 12d10 or something stupid like that. It was mainly a joke, because literally every boss in the campaign had a special item that made them immune to spells that do so much damage, so it could only be used against weaker enemies. Rolls the 12d10. 78 damage. It was an AoE spell, so like 10-15 minions, all on basically less than 15 HP, get fricking vaporized. A few are left, so my friend continues the overkill. Andora, the Aasimar Paladin, casts Branding Smite. Andora's homebrew item is a spear that does your typical damage, which combined with proficiencies and whatnot, deal 1d6+3 damage, but also has a special ability where it can do an extra 1d8 damage. (1d8+3 including modifiers.) include the Branding smite, along with a crit and a few other things I don't quite remember, ends up doing thirty-something damage to a minion that was on less than 5 HP from being attacked by the ranger. There became a small joke that there was some spore in the area that causes creatures to become more violent, and it became the lie the party told whenever their overkill attacks were questioned. Still never found out what happened to the campaign after.
@GamblerofFates 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve gotta add mine in- The party is level 2 and consists of a human draconic sorceress, a tabaxi Paladin, human life-domain cleric, and a mousekin (race special to the setting). They were fighting a Magma Wolf that had the macguffin. It was currently engaged with the pally and my wife (sorceress) decided to cast Chromatic Orb with Ice Damage. She rolled a nat 20, then rolled a 6,6,8(20 Damage) doubled then doubles again for cold vulnerability on the boss. She killed it on round 2, with a lucky crit role. Moral: don’t make light of chromatic orb.
@NightFuryis11Official 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite instance of this also comes from my favorite campaign I've ever been a part of. For some context, the campaign's current track was making us break out of jail in one of our PC's hometowns. A piece of a lich had taken control of the town using human-like undead crestions, which is what resulted in us getting thrown in jail. The party consisted of: Gwynn Valorosa, the Human Echo Knight Fighter (whose hometown we were in); Freya Goldrudder, the Protector Aasimar Life Cleric; Rikin Shortbrooke, the Halfling Monk/Draconic Sorc; Anders, the Human Beastmaster Ranger (and Hamlet, his snow leopard); Wrenn Wsunn, the Gnome War Magic Wizard; Alitha Breval, the Elf child Wizard; and Azrei Breval, the Half-Elf Necromancy Wizard (my PC). Now, make no mistake, Azrei was irreversibly overpowered in almost every way, canonically becoming the strongest Necromancer _and_ Chronomancer in the world at *level 11.** However, this is the instance where the biggest numbers flew. Our DM, as much as I love him, _spoiled me_ a little. Time was screwy in the campaign, and fades to white happened frequently, after which many things would change. One of the fades ended up with Azrei in possession of 10 Glyph Stars, _weaponized Glyphs of Warding_ capable of exploding and doing 5d8 damage of a type determined upon detonation. They also recharged at sunrise... Azrei was said to have created this set of 10 _artifact-level magic items._ So yeah, you see out powerscales here. Due to many time shenanigans, Alitha had become Azrei's _actual sister,_ where originally it was supposed to be an act to keep suspicion off of a literal child traveling with a group of 'adventurers' (Az herself was only 18). However, Alitha was also an accidental pure reincarnation of the woman who became the lich that had the piece (a leg) that was controlling the city. So we find ourselves dragged to an underground lair, where an older Alitha copy with a lich leg is floating about how she's gonna take the real Alitha and use her to stop the magical plagues striking each city. The players are having none of it, and start attacking. _Then it's Azrei's turn._ The runs the 30ft over, right in front of the figure, drops her remaining 8 Glyph Stars, then Misty Steps out of the 20ft range. _168 lightning damage,_ straight-up vaporizing the antagonist. At level 6. From one character. In one turn.
@nathanwilson8623 3 жыл бұрын
Half orc cleric (pathfinder) tried to stop a stampede of elephants from trampling him with a santuary spell. Elephants succeeded save, he got -1 for his acrobatics roll (nat 1 with -2 dex). We ruled that he was a bloody paste on the ground after... as he’s level 1.
@lordbalthosadinferni4384 2 жыл бұрын
In a Pathfinder 1e game I played the Incredible Hulk with a bigass sword and T-Rex mount (Invulnerable Rager Barbarian; T-Rex was a warbeast that also had class levels. In of course, Invulnerable Rager Barbarian). Peak of his career was when the party went into another dimension to get some mcguffin or whatever. Fought our way through dozens upon dozens of foes, mostly various aberrations. The more or less final area had yet more enemies including 3 super-buffed beholders. I charge in to keep their attention so the rest of the party (all squishy characters save for 1 fighter) could focus on taking out the horde. And not dying. Well the beholders all put their antimagic cones on him and hit him with 3 consecutive disintegrate spells. This character is magically empowered; a variant hyper-regenerative Ogre Magi barbarian with every strength-increasing bonus in the game is pretty terrifying. Unfortunatley, even though he took hardly any damage, fire shuts off his regeneration temporarily and immediately afterwards our 1 foot tall goblin gunslinger rolled a nat 1 on his most powerful attack and sniped my character in the back of the head with a laser, dealing (among others) fire damage and causing him to take several hundred damage. I had to have Kratos the T-Rex (greek for Strength; I didn't even know what God of War was at the time but because of this I found out shortly after and that made it funnier) run by and pick up my barbarian in his jaws and deposit him a few hundred feet away for a turn. As soon as my magic items operate again I double-check my math and the rules; between the various spells, his rage, and his prodigious natural strength he was able to lift hundreds of tons. On my next turn I inquired about the geography, confirming that I was at the foot an artificial mountain range. With that and a successful Strength check, The Incredible Grog tossed a boulder the diameter of a small town atop our foes and nearly killed a couple friends as well.
@DungeonStellaeVT 2 жыл бұрын
I know this video is from a year ago, but I had to recall something I did very recently in one of my Sunday sessions. The party consisted of a dwarven cleric, a human sorcerer, a Tiefling disguised fighter, and me, a Hobgoblin Barbarian, wielding a Greatscythe (reflavored Greatsword), going up against a giant undead abomination. The DM told us he reduced it's HP total so that way it's more fair to go up against at 2nd level. What he wasn't ready for was for the Hobgoblin Barbarian to use Great Weapon Fighting and Reckless Attack to get advantage on said attack. I rolled a Natural 20 on my first spin of the dice. That was 2d6 Slashing Damage plus 3 from Strength Modifier plus 2 from rage plus 10 from Great Weapon Fighter, then doubled all of that. I think I ended up dealing 42 damage to it in one hit at 2nd level. The DM responded with, "Yeah, I'm keeping it's normal Hit Point total," which got the biggest laugh out of me. He was not ready for the Barbarian raging to crit, lol
@blaqice5075 3 жыл бұрын
So, all of you may (or may not) know Bensvelk Vur Malsvir. He's an Underworld Guardian. He has an OP sword and it could overkill a single player in one hit and if he was in the evil mood of being funny, he'll resurrect the player by pointing his sword back at the guy. Instant death/instant rez in one point of a sword is scary in the hands of Death's #1 guardian of hell.
@LarryJ2022 Жыл бұрын
Custom system where usually the highest damage you'll see is in the 10-15 range, we had an improvised weapons user shatter their weapon on a crit sneak attack. Without going into too much detail about how it works and how all the numbers add up, I'll suffice it to say that there was a frost wyvern that was supposed to be a *problem* during that encounter that got completely 1 shot by a 70 damage hit instead. PCs still had a lot of difficulty in another portion of the fight, so I chalked it up as a cool moment and went on with things. The player continues trying for that combo, but to this day has yet to pull it off to the level of badassery that they did that one time.
@sarunokoguard211 2 жыл бұрын
So, in the first ever campaign I played, I was a Lore Bard who specialized in Loghtning magic, and even had a custom made guitar that could store lightning damage. This thing was awesome, I wont get into all of this things abilities here, but it was the most useful thing my bard had. So, we were in the elemental plain of Air, preparing for the final confrontation with the BBEG, and I asked if one of the people we were talking to could top off the lightning damage that was in my guitar, so I could have some damage to do. And the guy obliged, and OVERCHARGED my guitar. Before, I had be told by the DM that it could store 100 points of lightning damage which is nothing to scoff at, but the elemental we were talking to, filled it with 300 points of lightning damage. And he told me that my guitar was now very volatile, and would release some of that lightning damage on an attack that I made with the guitar, or I could release it with a targeted spell attack, and either discharge 1d10 at a time, or ALL of the stored damage at once in a single attack. The next session we went up against the BBEG, who was a necromancer. The necromancer had summoned a giant skeleton to fight at his side, and I, being the 2nd squishiest party member, right along side the wizard, wanted to get the fight over with quickly, so, I released all 300 points of lightning damage at once in a targeted spell attack, targeting the necromancer, and barely missed. But because I only missed by like one number, I hit the giant skeleton instead, which completely annihilated the thing. Needless to say, the necromancer was not happy with me, and he proceeded to one-shot me on his next turn with Finger of Death. Somehow, due to Divine intervention, I survived.
@Zarlos01 3 жыл бұрын
My overkill moment was in Old Dragon system, and curiously I didn't dealt any damage. We where at level 20, I a dwarf mage, chasing the last clue of where Tiamat was being summoned to bring the Dragon God (was a being older than the gods, who feared his powers). The enemy trying to delay us launched a entire army, not a deadly situation, but would be time and resources consuming. In this system the higher level the spell is (also damage, area and duration scale with the class level) , lower is your initiative for the round, so I said to my friends: "Don't advance before my turn ends, and protect me until then." When finally my turn arrived, 1 on initiative, I casted "Time Stop". The area frozen in time exceed the space occupied by the army, almost catches some of us, the time that it would last, over two hours. We entered the temple, defeated the high level dragoborns and activated the Mcguffin who annihilated the army in a blink of eye.
@flyingace1234 2 жыл бұрын
I once was wielding a Rapier with elemental lighting damage. We were fighting through an abandoned mansion's cellar and had been attacked by a group of giant rats. We had managed to deal with them easily, and I had the last rat cornered. I attacked, crit, and rolled max damage on both the rapier and the extra lighting damage. The DM informed me that rat was literally on it's last hitpoint. The Rat 'popped like a goddamn hamster in a microwave'. It was the only crit I ever got with the character. It did like 2-3x the rat's max HP too.
@skunkjumper1 3 жыл бұрын
A rather large necklace of fireballs, catapult spell, and a nat 20 later, half a fortress in rubble, white dragon hit directly with it was nearly completely vaporized, .. yeah fun times
@ShikiRen 3 жыл бұрын
In my case, a player in my dnd 3.5 game had developed somewhat of a PTSD with (partially) invisible cats, after a 9-room-dungeon themed after Alice in wonderland (complete with Cheshire cats and lesser timestop casting bunnies in coats) and a later run-in with a Hellcat when tracking down some cultists. Now, the dungeon had a little twist to it, in that, depending on how you open the boss door, you get a different boss. So on a later return to the dungeon, to see what unique magic items one of the other bosses dropped they... Got a boss-version of the Cheshire cats. The player's character raged, attacked twice at full power attack, crit both times, and dealt a bit over 190 damage, instantly slaying the boss... All while screaming bloody murder about goddamn invisible cats. I loved it. So, of course, one of the items that it dropped was the "Bag o' Cats". An indestructible, cursed bag that you can not get rid of, that once per day allows you to spawn 1d6 worth of Cheshire cats... The player's reaction was priceless.
@walkedgrain1166 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite overkill move was with an 18th level druid and casting Conjure Animals at 9th level and summoned 32 velociraptors, all of which swarmed whatever we were facing. The DM rule of cooled it and had me roll the multi-task with advantage for each of the beasts - 128D20 which meantI was able to hit with 32D6 + 64 + 32D4 + 64... basically in one move I created a tornado of claws and teeth that just wiped out everything
@jakovsaric9492 3 жыл бұрын
I remember we once had to clear out a room behind the sturdy door, so we did the only sensical thing we could. Wizard and i (a fighter 2, red dragon sorc 7) readied the fireballs with trigger "on doors opened" And as barbarian opened the door, we unleashed 2 fireballs, and then i sent one, action surged, and sent another one on my turn, so enemies inside ate 4 fireballs in around 6 seconds and got completely wiped before they could even react
@shekelofal-kakkad8505 3 жыл бұрын
Low level fighter *frequently* did enough damage to kill people several times over in a single hit, so he built a reputation for slicing people fully in half. Was running Tomb of Horrors when my group's artificer crawled straight into the sphere of annihilation without a second thought, even after his steel defender already did so and hadn't come back.
@tedpeterson1337 2 жыл бұрын
Best instance of OVERKILL I was playing a Final Fantasy Pathfinder game (FFD20) and was playing a Ki Warrior monk. The ki warrior was essentially a monk that goes super saiyan. I also multi class into the gambler class that has a lot of broken, lucky mechanics. Our party reaches a town that is suddenly be invaded by the big bads militia. During while fighting off waves of enemies they decided to test their new weapon. A prototype magitec with a heavy arsenal and damage resisting shield. After having our asses handed to us for the first few turns my character gets angry and decides to go toe to toe with the mecha. Fellow party member grants me haste so I can explode a flurry of punches. Almost every punch manages to get a hit in but there was one that I was hopping it connected hard. As a bonus action, at the end of my attack, I can do a charged up falcon punch that hits touch AC and automatically does max damage. "Roll for ki punch." Says DM. Fucking nat 20! But it doesn't end there. I picked up a special ability in my multi class called double down. If I confirm the crit I double my crit damage again, if I don't I miss completely. And wouldn't you know it, I barely make the confirm (because touch AC baby!). QUADRUPLE CRIT DAMAGE. All those punches plus my double DOUBLE crit damage one shotted the magitec. DM describes the scene as me doing All Might's 300 punches he did to the Nomu (in My Hero) with my falcon punch punching the magitec pilot right out of his cockpit, making him sore through the sky and disappearing like Team Rocket blasting off again.
@KelbPanthera 3 жыл бұрын
3e game. We've just been dumped out of a collapsing demiplane in the middle of a field in "the gods only know where." Being the party's scout and damage dealer, I lead the way as we pick a random direction and start moving. I'm good at what I do so I'm moving stealthily through the tall grass a bit ahead of the party so that I'm likely to see any potential threats before they see us. It almost worked. As I come around a boulder, I come face to face with an armed halfling and his buddy that're lying in wait with weapons at the ready. I beat them on initiative and call back "Ambush!" as I blast one in the face with an eldritch blast. Drops like a puppet with his strings cut and his other allies reveal themselves. Here's the overkill: I'm a multiclass mashup that gives me a claw attack that does 1d6 +2 +2d4 acid + 3d6 electricity once each turn. I crit the second halfling and do like 28 damage. Turns out, the whole ambush are level 1 warriors so the guy had 4hp. Having done enough damage to take him from full to stone-dead twice over, the GM declares my swatting claw turns him into so much sizzling hamburger that scatters into the face of one of his remaining allies. Not wanting to kill any more than necessary to win or waste resources on drawn out fights, I then roar out a demand to flee or die and most of the rest of them choose the better part of valor and flee.
@antenna8836 2 жыл бұрын
Was playing Dungeon of the Mad Mage recently. My rogue gets downed in the first turn in a combat, and also poisoned and paralyzed (this has been a recurring theme). Near the end, the paladin finally lays on hands me to remove poison and give me 5hp (since i go down in one turn every time). I immediately use Steady Aim on my Longbow, shoot an undamaged spider with the -5/+10 from Sharpshooter, and fire. Critical hit -- I roll the dice (2d8 + 8d6 sneak attack + 4 DEX + 10), 56 damage. I dealt more than twice this spider's health in a single shot, the MOMENT I am back up. DM just looks at me as he says "You shoot it, and the shot carries it through the air for 40 feet and pins it to the wall" incredulously.
@princetannis9741 3 жыл бұрын
High school, I played a half elf druid. My group surrounded in a small house, I used a powerful AOE spell. Nat 20, I killed the enemies & launched my friends through the walls of the house to the outside. I was the only one who hadn't taken any damage that session, and it was the first time I've ever played.
@rileyhappl9570 3 жыл бұрын
In a recent session I was playing my Minotaur barbarian & we were fighting some goblins. The party was level 3 at the time & the DM asked us between sessions what rare magic items we wanted (one each). This seemed like too much power for such a low level party but the DM assured me it would be fine so I assumed he was going to beef up the encounters. Anyway, I asked for a flame-tongue, the DM agreed & when the session finally rolled around I was rolling terribly my barbarian had enough damage to one hit these goblins but I just kept missing. Fast forward a bit and I had just found my flame tongue & in the next room was a single goblin riding a wolf who I said I would take on my own because I wanted to test out my new weapon. The party kept joking that they may need to step in because there was no way I was going to be able to hit it. Combat starts, I go first and end up rolling a natural 20 first attack & hit for almost max damage. I hit harder than your average fireball & thanks to the cleave rule my attack went straight through the goblin, through the wolf he was riding & shattered the stone tile floor 10m in all directions around me. The party stopped making fun of my barbarian after that.
@crispymongoose 3 жыл бұрын
Best one for me was when I battered one of the three overarching villains to death in mid air while falling from a tower. So, I'll back up a little. We were playing in a homebrew setting, where our party (once called the Dwarf Tossers, but later renamed The Irregulars) were members of a secretive organisation called the Wish Seekers, whose purpose was to locate the mysterious entity called the Wish Granter. Originally, the Wish Seekers were led by a group of six NPCs ranging across all the iterations of Good and Neutral, with our own team leader being the Chaotic Good human Rogue/Wizard and mad (well, more absent minded than mad) scientist, Gale. My own character was a human Monk called Willow, who started out as a Drunken Master and had a rather tragic backstory, but had been killed early in the campaign and later resurrected as a Way of the Long Death Monk instead. Willow and Gale were around the same age, both over 125 years old but appearing in their mid twenties (Willow not aging due to her order's methods of creating functional immortality, and Gale having a series of clones that she would transfer her mind into whenever she died). Willow had also spent the past century refusing to allow herself to feel any kind of emotion for others or form attachments, due to losing her entire family at just 8 years old, so she was surprised to find herself falling in love with Gale almost as soon as the two 'young' women met. Willow had always been rather open about her sexuality, but wasn't sure if Gale was lesbian as well, and since this was her first time engaging in anything other than casual flirting or one night stands she didn't want to do anything to mess things up. So the courtship was drawn out, and Gale didn't even seem to recognise most of Willow's attempts at flirting. Meanwhile, one of the other leaders of the Wish Seekers, a soldier named Arcine, had her own plans. She launched a schism and managed to kill most of the other leaders in fairly short order, fracturing the entire group, as she had her own reasons for finding the Wish Granter and didn't want anything to get in her way. There were a series of events where we came into conflict with Arcine, and when there were only three of us in one session (Willow, our half-elf Rogue named Corryn, and our elf Archfey Warlock, Kaylessa), Arcine attacked us alone in the mountains atop a very high bridge. At this point, Kaylessa turned on us, as her player had been conspiring for several real-time months with the DM for her eventual betrayal (the player would later roll a new character to continue playing with the good guys, while Kaylessa had her own ongoing arc behind the scenes that tied in with the main story). It became a 2v2 fight, which wasn't entirely fair as Arcine (and all other leaders of the Wish Seekers) were scaled to always be twice the level of the party and to all be multiclass. It was a very tough fight, and by the end of it Willow had been killed, with her dying words being to Corryn, telling him to tell Gale how she truly felt. I did have a bit of an argument with the DM at this point, as every other time a player had been killed thus far, he'd given them an opportunity immediately for them to return but with some kind of consequence, however in Willow's case he had Arcine toss her body off the bridge into the raging river below, never to be found. I figured this was really unfair given the precedent, so after much persuasion he relented and had the NPC backup who arrived at the fight's climax (another Wish Seeker leader, and his daughter) find Willow's corpse downstream and keep it preserved to be resurrected later. This led to a larger story arc where, around six months later IRL, my new character (an Aasimar Cleric named Ross) managed to exchange his life (becoming almost like the setting's equivalent of Jesus) to bring Willow back. Now, Willow had a burning hatred of Arcine, and of the Archfey, Dagda, who Kaylessa had previously served. We eventually reached the end chapters of the campaign, and after all of this, Willow had been desperate to find Gale and to finally tell her that she loved her, but so many things had gotten in the way (including very nearly being trapped 500 years in the past). She finally managed to get a letter sent to Gale confessing her love, and in return was given a sealed envelope by an allied NPC with instructions from Gale to not open it until Arcine had been defeated. I followed the instructions, and we managed to face off against Arcine and her closest allies on top of a watchtower in the penultimate chapter. Gale and another allied NPC, an old friend of Willow's from long ago (and Arcine's adoptive father, no less), were with us. This was the last but two boss, as the final chapter would have us fighting the Wish Granter herself (as a test to see if we were worthy to receive her Wish spell), and against the Archfey Dagda who was on his way to becoming the most powerful entity in the universe. Back when Willow had originally died, Gale had created a gadget (she made many devices and magical items for the party that helped throughout the campaign) that would reverse time for a short period but also grant the party use of the Foresight spell, to be used as a last resort only as the item was a one-use device and required the sacrifice from time itself of the person activating it. The battle began, and Willow noticed quickly that the party was having much better luck than normal and our fight against Arcine was going better than previous encounters with her. She also noticed that neither Gale nor the allied NPC were anywhere to be found. It slowly dawned on her what had happened, and Willow became all the more distraught and desperate to end Arcine once and for all. We dealt with all her allies, and she was on a sliver of health on the very edge of the watchtower. Our party's Ranger fired an arrow that didn't kill Arcine outright, but knocked her back with Force damage off the edge. She began to fall, but was still alive and conscious, and that was when Willow acted. Willow just happened to have a Potion of Flying that she had been carrying for a full two thirds of the campaign and never used. Honestly, I'm certain the DM had forgotten she had it as well. She also had easily the highest speed of any of us, as I had made certain to maximise every modifier available for that attribute (not a min-maxer, just took the right feats and abilities). I described how Willow ran full tilt across the roof, downing the Potion of Flying as she did so, and leapt off the edge to chase down Arcine as she fell. Strictly speaking, this should have been her action for turn, plus her bonus action used to dash across, but the DM was impressed enough by my roleplaying that he allowed me to continue on and attack. The party realised what was happening and tried to fire spells and arrows down at Arcine from the edge, but all of them missed. Instead, Willow flew down as fast as she could, and started pummelling Arcine to death in mid air as they both fell. In-character, Willow was simply determined to absolutely destroy Arcine after seemingly losing Gale and after all the shit that she had put the party, and the world, through. Out of character, I remembered that Arcine had previously been able to levitate and teleport and was convinced the DM would use this to make sure she never hit the ground. It was a good thing I did so as well, as Arcine turned out to in fact be part human and part Air Genasi, and also had abilities through her subclasses that would allow her to regain health, avoid any fall damage, and endure any finishing blow on just 1 hit point. Meaning that she would easily survive on hitting the ground, and be able to stagger away alive. It took hits from all four blows from Willow (her two quarterstaff attacks, bonus unarmed strike, and Flurry of Blows) to finally end Arcine once and for all. Her lifeless body dropped to the base of the tower some hundreds of feet below, and the battle was won. Of course, Willow's suspicions were correct when she read the sealed letter from Gale afterwards, as it turned out that the Foresight/sacrifice device was in fact a means to create an alternate universe, and was part of a very complicated and convoluted plan that required Gale's sacrifice to essentially stack the odds in the party's favour against both Arcine and Dagda. In doing so, Gale herself had been erased from existence. Willow's heart was shattered by this, and I played her as basically being in a catatonic state for the final chapter except for when she was in a fight, where she entered a trance-like state and just decimated enemies. We were all at level 20 by this point. She did have a happy ending finally though, as Gale had in fact left behind a modified simulacrum of herself (designed almost like her clones to be an exact replica) to be with Willow where she could not, and Willow was able to enjoy a long and happy life after the campaign ended with the woman she loved.
@flyoutfate7462 3 жыл бұрын
So for context: we are playing through a homebrew-disease damaged faerun campaign in 5e. A couple sessions ago, they were fighting a creature that was an exact copy of a beholder - specifically, a copy of xanathar. This copy was created from the (fungal based) disease. The roguelock, using a ring of spell storing, cast magic circle on Not-Xanny, while the Wildshaped (giant gorilla) druid was on top of him. During NX's legendary actions, he managed to cast the perfect array of spells to petrify the giant stone ape. We took a small break to calculate how much weight that would be, and then how much damage. Over 7000 nonmagical damage, so Plague-Xanathar took 3500 damage. I decided to make up for the abrupt end with a kaiju battle later on
@lockwoan01 3 жыл бұрын
I was a fill-in DM during the last session my group had. I had decided to DM that adventure in Acquisitions Incorporated, as all the stories I had were in those campaign setting books. Anyways, Party is all Level 1 - Triton Paladin, Tiefling Rogue, Half-Orc War Cleric. I was also generous enough to let each player have 600 gold to let them supply themselves from their Employer's stock - well, that is, the value of the items could equal that. Party is traveling through the city, only to find themselves attacked by a gang of bandits lead by a skeleton. (Now, to be fair, I didn't understand all the rules and such for damage). Initiative is rolled and, the players go first. War Cleric: (Swings Maul against Skeleton) 8 Damage (probably should of been more, but, I was inexperienced, so my bad). Rogue: (Grapples Bandit 1) Paladin: (Attacks Bandit 2 - Miss) Skeleton: (Attacks - Miss) Bandit 1: (Manages to break Grapple.) Bandit 2-4: (Make Attacks. All miss.) War Cleric: Inflict Wounds - 20+ points of damage. Me: The skeleton explodes. Rogue: Um, do I get Sneak Attack? Me: Well, given that their leader just exploded, I'm going to rule that the guy is in a state of shock, so, yes. Rogue: (Rolls high enough to Insta Kill the bandit.) Paladin: Attacks Bandit 2, causing 8 damage. Me: (Due to real-life time issues) Alright - with the death of their leader, and one of their buddies, with another seriously injured, the two able-bodied bandits grab their wounded buddy and run away. Ah, how I wish we were playing again.
@elijahjarman2837 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe do a video on ork logic or 40k funny moments? These are so refreshing
@DistendedPerinium 2 жыл бұрын
So I've told stories about Ichiko before but this is probably the best overkill one. FYI, this is Shadowrun 3e, and Ichiko is a physical adept (basically a monk). The party is racing down a highway to save someone who put out a call over the internet that he needed an escort out of town RIGHT NOW and was going to pay any group of runners a hefty sum for doing so. An SUV comes racing up behind them and in a fit of paranoia, the mage flings a spell at the SUV. Well, the group of runners in the SUV are instantly alerted that the player party in the Cadillac is a competing group of runners so they open fire, including one member standing up in the sunroof firing a rocket launcher. During the fight, the party figured out the SUV was armored and the mage's spells weren't having much of an effect either. Ichiko was climbing out of the sunroof of the Caddy to try and jump onto the SUV, climb into their sunroof and pull a Deadpool. Before she fully climbed out, something magical happened... ...Ichiko remembered she was carrying a sack of grenades... So she pops one and throws it. I do the calculations. There's about 100m between the Caddy and SUV, and both are travelling around 100kph. The SUV isn't swerving because it doesn't need to and the driver is trying to help rocket guy line up a shot. Ichiko's player makes her roll and fucking Kobes the grenade into the armored, loaded with explosives, SUV's sunroof. I can't relate damage numbers because Shadowrun damage works differently, but let's just say it would have taken a Wish or Miracle spell to bring any of that SUV's occupants back.
@nlrexx1 3 жыл бұрын
Just the other day, my party was helping protect a fort from an oncoming kobold hoard. We are a modest party of a dragonborn artificer, hobgoblin fighter, human rogue and a human wizard, all level 7. The fort was home to a... menagerie, i'll say, of interesting NPCs our DM later mentioned were scrapped character ideas. One such character was a goliath barbarian that used the arms of a siege ballistae as a bow. We were witness to him shooting a kobold that was trying to glide into the fort with a flimsy pair of makeshift wings. The 'bow' did 6d12 Piercing damage. The barbarian crit. The final damage was nearly 100 after crit and multipliers were added. The kobold had 5 hp. We forbade the DM from DMNPC anymore fights like that, cuz gotdam did we feel useless after that. The hobgoblin was the runner up on damage...hitting an average of 10 damage.
@danielbernhardt1327 3 жыл бұрын
For that second story, why did the BBEG only have 20 HP when he was facing a party that was at least 15th level? I get that they were swarmed by thugs but if you have access to 8th level spells you are basically a demigod at that point.
@greatestoldone7658 3 жыл бұрын
Hell, a first level character could do that much damage in 1 hit if they are lucky. The DM even let them automatically go first without rolling initiative, like what did they expect? They were probably just trying to manufacture a cool moment.
@naturalone6529 2 жыл бұрын
The party was facing off against a group of goblins. The tabaxi gunslinger, using Bad News, shot one of the goblins using a Violent Shot. He critted, and proceeded to roll 6d12+5, using Savage Attacker to reroll the worst die. Ended up dealing a little over 60 damage to the poor thing.
@minimishapsgames894 3 жыл бұрын
Homebrew ring that slowly added power to a spell (very slowly, single use, no big deal I completely forgot about it). 20ish sessions later, the group has saved the world at least twice, and during that time the item got hidden in the past with other things needed to fix the future (wibbly wobbly stuff). Long story short, my recurring villain (all these sessions happened in the same world with the same set of characters) showed up to taunt the players and run away (again). The player carrying the spell boost did a powerful radiant spell and incinerated the villain to the tune of a couple thousand damage. I have been more careful giving out items since then, even though I've definitely also had one or two more villains get one-shotted with the right rolls.
@IAmCar47 2 жыл бұрын
The dm of the group I'm in gave me a comicly large spoon, thought I wouldn't use it, every chance I get I cave in skulls for a finishing blow using it
@GamingMasterAnthony 2 жыл бұрын
Enemy was kept alive by his “goddess” (I still thing it was a demon) and every time he AHOULD have died, he didn’t. When we severed the connection all the damage he was supposed to take took effect. I think it was something over 100. And the DM explained how exactly he died. Beheading, impaled by ensnaring strike thorns, crushed, etc. All at once.
@TheTSense 2 жыл бұрын
The players walked into the woods and noticed an ambush ahead. Beekin Tribals waiting in the trees with spears. They rolled good stealth and passed into their lands. An ingame hour later they noticed another Beewoman in the trees but failed. So she came down to check what that noise was. Our fighter went right for multiattack, Action Surge, multiattack. And he rolled good. So I went onto great detail how he butchered that unarmed woman in cold blood, cutting off limb after limb. When the dust settled, he noticed the basket half filled with berries. Yeah, he was lawful good and believed it to be a scout about to yell out and give them away. It was on Rolegate, so I actually have the scene right here: As a smaller, female Beekin comes down the Tree to look for the source of the noise, he carges at it and cuts off the upper, left arm. EEEK! MONSTER! He then cuts into her stomach, then sends the lower left arm flying. NO! PLEA! Before stabbing her into the chest, pulling the blade out of the right side and then bringing it down to remove the lower right arm. nooo... i am begging... The Bee Woman hits the ground hard, and lifts her last arm in front of her, begging for mercy, until he brings the blade down again. And Again. And Again. And Again. ... and again. Blood flies, covering him. When he finally stops, there isn't much more left of the body than a pile of yellow and red ground meat.
@timbomb374 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure if it was "overkill" perse. But once my party was tailing a killer who was about to kill someone. I used telepathy to warn the killer's target, someone else used some kind of mind effecting spell on the killer to stop them in place while the fighter went up and knocked them to the ground, I then placed my Immovable rod on the killer's chest before we tied him up. Apparently it was supposed to be some kind of boss battle but we managed to neutralize the target before the fight could begin.
@ultimateninja1704 3 жыл бұрын
As a assassin rogue, I split from the party to stealthily infiltrate a castle filled with goblins/orcs to rescue someone with a warlock as backup and a walky talky (cause he knew some sort of telepathy spell) while the rest of the party managed to charm their way inside walking through the front door thanks to our bard convincing them and promising them a performance. We already get to the room with a bug bear holding the hostage with 0 HP in which the warlock somehow gets him off his hands and kill him by ourselves somehow. The warlock heads over to sneak back to the party with telepathy spells to keep in touch. I carry the hostage back to the carriage and head back into the castle. While I was heading over to them over time, their act was finally caught out. Their commander shows up with a lot of enemies. Then I finally sneak my way to the party behind everyone in the shadows. I get my heavy crossbow out and hit him with assassinate with bardic inspiration. I end up one shotting the commander of the goblins/orcs with a heavy crossbow infused with spider poison and we walk out with the hostage and a lot of enemies retreating and killed aswell as taming an owlbear in which we leave in the castle to wander as his home.
@lexington476 3 жыл бұрын
Is a hobo wizard a real character class? I've never heard of that one.
@cildan1160 3 жыл бұрын
I think they just meant that the character was homeless
@nathanfreeman8250 2 жыл бұрын
@@cildan1160 Aren't all adventurers?
@rezeric1 2 жыл бұрын
I went all out on an assassination mission. I was playing as a Shadar-kai with a rifle with the idea of being a hitman for Raven Queen harvesting the memories of those I fell for her to watch. I was an 11th level character with 6 levels Assassin rogue, 3 levels Gloomstalker Ranger, with 2 levels Grave Cleric. The target was sleeping in a loft just asking for a surprise. I take my aim and use my Path to the Grave on him before delivering a hot metal slug into his cranium. Dealing a whopping 240 damage. Needless to say the impact shattered the wooden bed and painted the walls. Mission was done and I went back to the party holding the table record for highest damage dealt.
@Hoovy00 3 жыл бұрын
My dad once sent a tarrasque to kill a player that wasn't enjoying the game and always quoting the rules. Only the one player
@The_Keeper 3 жыл бұрын
Now THAT is overkill. You dad plays for keeps.
@TheSimpleMan454 Жыл бұрын
156 damage on a character who had 5 HP. A Hard Suit dynamo rigged to explode. D12 Hits for D12 damage when resolved. A crit success maxes both D12s and adds an additional damage die for the appropriate type. Another D12. Which was rolled. 12. Dynamo goes *Blam!* would be thief gets vaporized along with the entire warehouse. Gives new meaning to the phrase "Don't get greedy."
@Altarill 2 жыл бұрын
We were fighting some Kobolds in a factory, and my Warforged Life Cleric was standing on a gantry overhead after helping with some NPCs that needed rescuing. One kobold left. The Kobold's trying to run, and the door's under where my Warforged is standing - so as he spreads his arms like wings and launches himself off of the gantry. Ave Maria starts playing softly in the background. The Kobold looks up to see a 600 pound 7-foot Dwarvish made plate-clad Warforged plummeting 30 feet towards him. Like a comet.
@bloxxerhunt1566 3 жыл бұрын
Not the DM, me and my party find a goblin camp that seemed to have 20-ish goblins. This is the first battle of the campaign, and I was a level 1 Ranger. I stealth into the camp, cut off the bridge with the 3 leader goblins on the other side, go near the fireplace, throw a bag of gold near it which attracts like 6 goblins and they all start screaming around the gold. I use my tinker box, light them all on fire and break my stealth. 4 goblins come to me while the entire camp is burning, and 5 go towards my party, which is in the other side of the camp. I kill the 4 goblins by myself taking barely any damage, go over to my party, and kill one more. I pretty much solo'ed the entire fucking camp.
@Demoknightf2 Жыл бұрын
I was playing a barbarian, but not your typical one. He is by far my favorite character and it was my first campaign. Anyway, my character was a yyang. A small size creature, the only one that doesn’t have a strength penalty for it. I had the downside that my shadow looked and moved different or was completely missing. I had it look different, but here is where it gets good. The shadow is a completely different person that my character befriended. I was also an alchemist and had it that when he drinks his mutagen (this is pathfinder btw I don’t know if This is in dnd), he looks like what his shadow would be and his shadow becomes what it would be normally. They swap bodies. Rage plus mutagen = a shit load of damage, and he only ever bites and claws. Anyway, onto the actual story. We went to a kingdom that is being ruled by an evil guy who cheats. He has us play a game where we throw a pig into a pit with a wolverine in it. The other team is composed of thugs that were made to be good at the game… not combat. The rules indicated the use of weapons or spells is against the rules and can cause you to instantly lose. Loading means you get executed. However, nothing didn’t allow natural attacks, aka bite and claws. And get this, they encourage throwing punches :) so one of them runs by me, triggering an attack of opportunity. Big mistake. I bite him for something over 100 damage. They have 30 health or something. I ripped off half of his face with a single attack. The rest saw it and realized “oh shit he is gonna kill us”, and started running. The chaotic evil shadow beast was having none of it and began flying after them. Did I mention he has wings? 60 ft move speed. They all died horribly to the hands of this tiny flying gremlin. After I finished eating their corpses I turned towards the king, and the party let me do it. The actual combat was the king and the executioner. Like they needed one anymore. Keep in mind, the bite that did over 100 damage was only one attack, and I can do 3 of them as a full round action. I can also do the 3 attacks after a charge.
@KarmicKnight97 3 жыл бұрын
Just last weekend my party ran into a bunch of skeletons in their natural habitat, so, the rogue throws this dagger at a skelly, crits for 5d6 sneak attack damage, sharpshooter, high dex mod, extra poison damage (which it's immune to but she didn't know that), high damage rolls and she managed to do like 60 damage total. A skeleton has 13 hit points so we all knew it was gonna get fjucked up but she looked so happy with herself that I let her roll the damage anyway. Gave it a bunch of flavour, she got her moment and the one skeleton (out of dozens others pouring in) got fucked up. So it was a win:)
@dawnchaney42210 3 жыл бұрын
I dont have a ton of experience with DnD, however the funniest overkill I've done thus far was when our party was ambushed by a group of thieves. It was down to the last guy, and with how fast we wiped the rest of his group, he obviously booked it. The Bardbarian Orc lifted my Warlock Water genasi tiefling onto his hulking shoulders and took charging after him in a double dash, getting me close enough to eldritch blast the guy. At disadvantage, I rolled a nat 20 at max damage plus my charisma modifier. Poor guy got blasted to smitherines, had barely 5 hp left.
@i8u2manytimes 3 жыл бұрын
In one of my campaigns I play a paladin sorcerer who doesn't know how to show restraint. We were playing an evil campaign and my character is the daughter of a communist king and uses her as the executioner. When in this one fight against a large number of archers, they kept volleying arrows at me while I walked at a slow pace towards one of the archers, none of the arrows hit me at all when I finally got to the archer in 3 turns. First thing I did when I got to the archer was tell him: "it's my turn now" going for a booming blade with a smite attached to it dealing what the DM said was about 90% of his health...the archer clearly demoralised was about to back off untill he heard me say "ready for round two?" As I used quickened spell to use another booming blade with smite to wipe him off the board
@SaintSpartan03 3 жыл бұрын
I have two. Both of which are pretty tame stories, but both involve the spell, Guiding Bolt. The time I used, my party and I were fighting some animals that we thought were wild (turned out they weren't, but that is a story for another time), and my Dragonborn Cleric used Guiding Bolt on one of the Falcons. It had 1hp. I did 17 damage. It was vaporized. Next one was in a game I was dming. The party were fighting some cultists, and the Cleric used Guiding Bolt at second level. These cultists only had 7hp (early campaign). She did 28 damage. 4x his max hp. I ruled that the cultist was turned to goo, and all of his belongings were destroyed along with him. Not that a cultist grunt would have any good loot on him... or did he...
@lulucreates2830 3 жыл бұрын
Don’t know how overkill this is but here’s my tale: so, my party was trapped in a parallel demention (DM called it Tir Na Nög) and were doing a favor in order to get passage to a way out. Basically hunting a warlock or something, not fully sure what she was nor hp amount. The six of us arrive and asses the situation. Sneak attack. The Asimir sorceress twin spells Eldridge Blast and does high damage. The my High Elf Necromancer leaps out of the bushes and casts Lightning Bolt. Rolled damage, got over 30. Hit. Warlocks wood throne on fire. She died before the party rolled for order. The squishy lvl 6 Casters killed her before she knew what happened. My DM now looks defeated when I say ‘I cast Lightning Bolt’.
@aidanjackson5084 3 жыл бұрын
Doing the math on the first one, the Pit Fiend would have taken 178 at max, 22 at min at start. Doubled from crit makes it 44 - 356. Mods total (+43), making it 87 - 399. Double AGAIN due to Path to the Grave makes it 174 - 798. Yeah, that Pit Fiend would be seriously dead even if it wasn't already asleep and at low health.
@bentrod3405 3 жыл бұрын
@Boundless-Boredom 3 жыл бұрын
as a 3.5 caster i used an ocular twinned split ray maximized enervation. no real damage just caused the bbeg to lose all his levels
@Maladjester 3 жыл бұрын
Barbarian, Strength 26 when raging, super magic greatsword, double Champion Strike. Something like 260 damage before her regular attacks even started. I was informed the first Champion Strike had actually killed the critter, so I had wasted a myth point. Worth it.
@crowreaper9393 2 жыл бұрын
Me and the boys were homebrewing a sci fi setting for 5e (i know that there's plenty of book that uses a sci fi format, but we're broke) and we had a ship that had missiles. We used these missiles on a random space pirate hideout that had a small bounty on it. Let's say the corporations are going to have fun fighting over the new plot of land.
@Scout_from_deep_rock_galactic 3 жыл бұрын
For mine, let’s just say our dm made the mistake of making smites non concentration, and let them stack...
@SharkfightersSH 3 жыл бұрын
Searing Smite, Nat20 to hit, 2nd Lvl Smite, 98 Damage total to kill a normal Goblin. I had to describe the poor creature being turned into smush...
@stratigangames508 3 жыл бұрын
Trident guy straight up pulled a Scorpion. *GET OVER HERE!*
@jordanbanister1192 2 жыл бұрын
Most damage we did as a party was about 1450 in a 5e campaign which was honorees. We were in the under dark and came upon a variant great wyrm black dragon. We where a 14th level party, with the element of suprise with a 1000 ft drop to the dragon. So we buffed the crap out of the paladin timed all our spells and ranged attacks. Cast stone flesh and enlarge person on the paladin. The DM was nice and added terminal velocity and mass to the total damage we did to the dragon. Only did half of the things health bar so me with my helm of teleportation got up out of there
@TheTolnoc 3 жыл бұрын
Our Paladin/Sorcerer/God knows what else multiclass one shot a Nightmare. Thanks to his Sorcerer levels, he had level 3 spell slots at level 8, rather than 9. He also had a sword that gave him a huge crit range. The story goes as follows: We, as a party of a Druid, two Bards, a Ranger, and previously stated Multiclass, enter a room which is splattered with some gore, deep in some gnoll caves, obviously the site of a ritual. With a dead Unicorn in the middle of the circle, I realized my Wildfire Druid was pretty fucked, outside of using Fire Shield's cold damage version as the Nightmare cut its way out of the unicorns belly. We never even got to my turn. The Nightmare was in melee range, trying to stomp us on it's first turn, still in the first 30 seconds of its existence. Then, the Orc Bard's turn came up, and he cast Dissonant Whispers. The Nightmare fails the save and runs away. Our Multiclass Mutt swings with his fancy crit sword for the Attack of Opportunity... and lands a crit. He blows a 3rd level spell slot to smite, rolls HEFTY damage, and one shots the damn thing, adding even more gore to the walls in a radiant explosion. The Nightmare was supposed to be the mid boss. At this point, we decided not to fuck with a critting Paladin.
@MNNski 3 жыл бұрын
Sadly I don't play D&D anymore because my group moved away but I remember one time I was playing a wizard in 5e. During the whole campaign I would go hunting for provisions with a bow (because that is how you should hunt) needless to say it was a running joke among the party that my wizard could not hunt. On one occasion I decided to go out and hunt, our barbarian mocked my wizard for never being able to bring back a kill. Not exact quote but he said something like "puny magic man so dumb he can't even kill a rabbit." So obviously I left for my hunt angry and wanting to prove a point. Well I cast Fire Storm on a rabbit, then dropped the chard bones at the barbarians feet. Good times.
@MrJerichoPumpkin 2 жыл бұрын
played a level 10 character (sorcerer 8/fighter 2) in D&D 3ed. Not my build, the character was handed to me by the DM after he crafted based on the background I'd previously given him (he fully intended to run a 10 level try-out-the-most-broken-build-you-can campaign). I only ever cast the same 2 spells at the start of the round, then go all out attacking with my flachion. Killed 2 CR 14 in 2 rounds (more than 200 total damage each) and I was the "weakest" in the party.
@LarryJ2022 Жыл бұрын
Our heavy weapons specialist in power armor operating a rail gun. "I want to shoot the nuke." Killed the enemy yes, but also all the player characters.
@Hetzfs 3 жыл бұрын
first of all, sorry if my english is a bit bad XD I dont know if this belongs to this section or if you see it more appropriate for other section, is up to you n.n We are running a camping of new players (And new DM) of Star wars, we where level 5 and my character is a Scout with expertice in explosives and stealth, my rol on direct combat was AEO support, using granades and other tools to add utility or damage to the battlefield , whatever the situation damanded, so the rest of my party could focus on specifics targets (So i am some kind of sneaky wizard in the star wars universe), it was working so far until our two main damage dealers got taken down by the boss of the dungeon and his minions, only the medic and I where still combat efective. At that point we have to make a dession and quick, so I make myself a decoy so the medic can do his thing and get the wounded out of the combat, I trow smokes granades and concealment myselft in it to have adventaje on my atacks (Scouts can track they prey so i was able to "See" through the smoke and have advantage on stealth checks). Now is the part of the crasy damage overkill. Becouse is one of the beginning boss he didn't had that much top hp (We didn't know anyways), So when he enter the smoke cloud I was able to atack him we all I got, one granade of my bonus action that deal 3d10, my normal atack action in other granade that is also a 3d10, the suprise atack for be in the smoke cloud so I just lunch other granade but less powerfull (I was running out of granades) 2d10 and for every atack I do, thanks to my scout class, I do an extra d6 damage to the target I chosee, Now the enemy have to make save dex checks in order to evade the damage, take half of it or eat it normaly, if he rolls nat 1 them he would have to suck the en whole damage without me having to roll my damage dice. We where waiting to hear the DM results, if he survives them he was going to delete me from the universe and later the rest of the party. "Hmmmm, roll you granades damage pls" said the dm, and my fears started to become real when my dices start showing low numbers. "Well... The Mandalorian boss and his 4 soldiers take 78 points of damage, the explosion move away the smoke and now you can see multiple body parts all around the area, you kill them with the blast" After a moment of silence i scream the biggest "FUCK YEAH" i've ever made, the dm explain that all of then fail their save with a nat 1 for the termo granades (The 3d10) and fail the normal granade (2d10) with 10, so the only damage dice that relly metter was that one and the d6's, he made me roll all anyways to see what would happend. My companions started the joke of me been their wizard after that battle.
@Volkaer 2 жыл бұрын
Ever seen giant constrictor snakes dropped on an encounter from low orbit by an Aasimar druid? You do need to have a DM who rewards creativity though, but if you do, kinetic projectile snaks do mega damage XD
@augurofnyarlathotep5051 3 жыл бұрын
We, a party of four, were fighting a group of goblins at a low level. I throw a shadow blade at the leader (with a critical) , which impales him, and does most of his health. Our cleric casts Heat Metal, turning his armor into a searing weapon. On his turn, he runs into the deepest part of a shallow river, trying to cool off and remove the armor. Guess what the druid does? Fucking Tasha's hideous laughter. Guy fails, and drowns horribly. The other wizard was disappointed that he couldn't cast an electric spell into the stream to electrocute him before he died.
@willcresson8776 3 жыл бұрын
As a buddy of mine from high school has always said: overkill is underrated.
@connorthemintyyeen9793 3 жыл бұрын
One time playing HSD I discovered a combo that let you do like more than 80 Damage in just one hit. The combo was like this: A Saber that allow you to roll 1d8 and multiply it by 10, then, 2d10 for an ability and like 20 Adittional damage for bonuses. I use this on one of my players and did like, 108 Damage in just that turn.
@guytonchristo8171 3 жыл бұрын
Our characters had a short combat with about ten kobolds and the pack leader started charging at my character, a dragonborn sorcerer, who panicked and casted 4th level magic missile on him. 7d4s worth of painting a new coat of red onto our carriage. Also got to roll intimidation against the rest of the pack because I just killed their "strongest"
@lamalamalamalamalama587 3 жыл бұрын
I played a campaign where main goal was to destroy entire world, at first, we destroyed air plane, then we came to mechanus, met golem, that was in fact portal to limbo, we came to limbo to heal, then back to mechanus that was entirely consumed by golem, so instead of mechanus, it was golem, and after some fights we found strange mechanism that was making math. I destroyed it. The end.
@aretailcashier450 2 жыл бұрын
My dm was what the best creepy pasta writers WISH they could be so he used his skill to introduce a bone demon as the boss of some random dungeon. one arachnophobia inducing description later and the party literally said “yeah…FUCK… *THAT* ” we all chickened out (with good reason to might i add) but that didn’t quite sit well with me so i dove hardcore into research of an old obsession of mine. two sessions later and my character was making plutonium, one time skip later and that implosion plutonium core was inserted into a beryllium device that reflects X-rays into a secondary container holding material for fusion. When it came time to test the device a map with a certain ptsd inducing bone demon dungeon had to be redrawn.
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