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馬來西亞咗Malaysia Jor

馬來西亞咗Malaysia Jor

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@ChristopherYow-x7f 3 ай бұрын
@mcmkh-n6we5m 3 ай бұрын
去过八日七夜,住尖沙咀 hilton. 以为不錯,for the brand and price 怎知又小又有点舊, 不满意和有点驚訝。吃东西天天被人兇,骂是沒骂,那种表情語氣态度一個眼神已杀死人了。 我本身行路比香港人还快,沒耐心急性子,走路被人嫌沒碰过。八天我也沒听过粗口。 總之去过一次,没那个意願会想再去受折磨。澳洲我去完又去,因为他们阳光,笑口迎人,很有礼貌,贵的便宜的service 都很好,对人很 nice, 你不会觉得自己是外人。不然我去英国也还好,人家 serve 你东西,碗盘不会整个就这样大大力地丢桌上。 纯个人体验後感想。 我坐机离開香港那天,心想终於捱到第八天我可以脫難了,快快回大马,我要快点变回正常。
@siewsingcheung4965 3 ай бұрын
我是已在香港公立醫院工作了兩年的檳城人 (醫護),其實還不錯吧, 有很多錢存, 換回馬幣在馬來西亞用真好用
@engneeau5722 3 ай бұрын
有一天在Starbucks喝茶的时候,隔壁 有一大班大人及小孩(香港人,还是 KZbinrs)很大声谈话,开口闭口都是粗话跟着我就忍不住起身要離开时对他们说欢迎来马来西亚,请可以说话小声点及不要带妈妈出街吗(粗话)唔该!哈...哈..他们听懂我的意思,连忙跟我说对不起。
@Dan1elboy 3 ай бұрын
@Hapi999 3 ай бұрын
@chuneowwong6236 3 ай бұрын
我马来西亚人。 爱香港, 撑香港
@klkl3148 3 ай бұрын
香港是一個溶合中西文化之都, 它保有自己獨特的嶺南文化但又崇洋, 現在還廣泛的應用古代文字,如差人,拎著,企定. 洋人帶着傲氣,唯我獨尊的臉,滿街趴趴走, 感覺像時光倒流到清朝,洋人入侵的年代. 白天很有朝氣,每個人都很匆忙, 爲的是生存,晉升,供房子,小孩教育.. 香港人工作勤快又有效率. 很讃!很讃! 偶爾在街上聽到老阿伯講話夾雜些粗囗, 真的很地道很有舊時代感,很親切. 晚上燈光燦爛,霓虹燈閃爍,紙醉金迷. 有錢人,生活豐富,多采. 一般人,生活節儉,單調.
@priscillang1097 3 ай бұрын
I've been to Hong Kong thrice. Love the city very much❤ Everyone is always in a rush. My impression of Hong Kongers are either they are very nice or very rude. No midway😅 Overall, most are very nice. Lost my purse on my first trip. A lady was so kind and showed us the way to the police station. She kept her eyes on us, ensuring we made it to the right path. At the station, while I was reporting lost, a young man was reporting found (we were sitting next to one another somemore😅). Ging chak sin san overheard my report, open up my purse and proclaimed "are you.....". To everyone's surprise, I got it back. Everyone was pretty amused, just like what the ging chak sin san said "Better than winning lottery". The whole police station burst into laughter and the handsome and pretty officers obliged our request to take photos together. This is gonna be my most memorable event in life. Thank you, young man who found my wallet, kind lady and all the police officers 🙏 ❤
@nickwong4697 3 ай бұрын
@jekjenwong306 3 ай бұрын
@chenhuanli4783 3 ай бұрын
@jennytang2862 3 ай бұрын
@eddychan1771 3 ай бұрын
@Howard87 3 ай бұрын
@faico99 3 ай бұрын
我从小到大都听许冠杰的歌,所以一直很向往香港。我从他的歌如铁塔凌云、香港制造、哪里是吾家、同舟共济、洋紫荆、话知你97等等,感受到很浓烈的香港情怀,再加上从电影、电视剧认识到香港,所以我很喜欢这个城市。正如香港制造中的“香港好,香港好,东方之珠世上无!” 希望有一天可以造访香港。。。
@nataliemai7738 3 ай бұрын
同埋香港人同澳门人都有一种执着。记得有一次去澳门威尼斯人美食广场排队买餐,因为可能换更食饭,由我开始要转到另外一台收银机度结算,收银姐姐叫紧我过去嘅同时,有个江折沪(听口音估)就排咗上去,插係我前面。 收银姐姐当时坚决要个男人要去后面排队,男人坚持话自己过嚟先。僵持咗几分钟,后来我就同个男人讲,没事,没事,你先点吧。结果个男人可能觉得无面,自己走咗。 从呢件事反而会比较欣赏香港人同澳门人呢种执着。
@infinitycreativeenterprise7305 3 ай бұрын
10幾歲到30幾歲呢段時間,我幾乎每年都會去HK旅行。HK人生活節奏勁快,所以行動慢d的確會被人鬧😅😂 起初真係唔習慣㗎😅 但係久而久之,被佢哋“訓練”得做什麼都勁快😅習慣咪好囉😂
@bryanchan3696 3 ай бұрын
Actually every year I'm back visited my relatives. I can feel everything different compare to previous 10 years ago especially nowadays with good in many kind of services & manners, helpful, safety places although HK people still rushing for every second. Keep going HK love your changes. 😊❤❤❤
@vee4135 3 ай бұрын
All my HK friends are really warm and friendly. We take care of each other whenever who need help. We speak the same language Cantonese therefore Hong konger and Malaysian always hang out together.
@mcphang 3 ай бұрын
疫情之前我每年都要七五到六趟香港可以說是非常熟悉住和飲食肯定是馬來西亞好,可是香港可以令我們加強競爭力,你看人家的這麼快,我們就不敢慢吞吞 其實我反而不太喜歡尖沙咀中環這些地方我喜歡大埔😂 20年前有的香港人真系几串㗎😂 而家唔一样左啰
@Leongk3696 3 ай бұрын
@jonnyzee1590 3 ай бұрын
去过香港一次给我的印象是路很窄..hotel 很小。。很好笑的一次就是在中环站跟香港人比赛走路。。真的走不过他们😂。。我记得我随便进一间餐厅点了烧鹅腿吃。。好好吃❤。。到现在我还是很怀念。。唯一的遗憾就是没坐到叮叮车。。有机会还是要去
@kentlam3054 3 ай бұрын
@shutengloke5907 3 ай бұрын
@3:30, normal for Malaysian to be sent over to HK for work. Company will pay for flight, accommodation and get about US$150 to US$200 per day for their expenses. Most of the time that's more than enough and as such they get to save 100% of their salary.
@moslee8572 3 ай бұрын
@vegasho88 3 ай бұрын
@alanlai5715 3 ай бұрын
@justinboy5859 3 ай бұрын
@maycatz 3 ай бұрын
I have shock when I visit at HK because the shop & house is so small. The ceiling is so low, I start to feel a bit stress and phobia. But I still love Hong Kong & want to revisit again
@joshuayap8594 3 ай бұрын
@sudaabelovedone 3 ай бұрын
我是香港人, 多年前曾經到馬來西亞工作一段很短時間, 不過已經感覺到大馬工作零壓力😂
@siewlanphua8570 3 ай бұрын
@eugeneheng1937 3 ай бұрын
I love Hong kong❤❤❤ nice food dim sum good
@tanliewsoon237 3 ай бұрын
@-mrt9598 3 ай бұрын
97 前的香港 vs 97後的香港 每一個國家/城市都有利和弊 現代大都會的快節奏、港式美食(點心茶餐廳)、香港人一針見血的直率都是我「鍾意」的優點!
@lkl7045 3 ай бұрын
I likes HK people even they used bad words as to me they are frank & truths, zero drama. I love HK foods especially their roast gooses but I just can't get used to certain restaurants or foods stores with tiny table, chairs & all sharing & squeezes together for a meals especially those popular foods stores/restaurants otherwise it will be amazing country to visit regularly.
@ericlai3221 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing
@tingtaifoon589 3 ай бұрын
Wui Cheong, I saw u at OCBC uptown just now!! 😅😅
@malaysiajor 3 ай бұрын
Haha why not say hi
@changjessica8893 3 ай бұрын
*粗口之最:以前起新機場時,返工坐大巴士出入,嗰班地盤工友喺車入邊100句裏有95句問候你老母🥹 *快文化:經過30年的洗禮,返嚟馬來西亞「快的節奏」依然改唔到。
@eddylee7786 3 ай бұрын
I visited Hong Kong once and love the city. The only rude person I encountered was a Mainlander waitress. The rest were polite and friendly.
@eandrew38 3 ай бұрын
@jamescps8799 3 ай бұрын
香港是影視音樂最大影響力的國家,真世界第一☝️。❤大馬華人都是看港劇和歌曲長大的。 😊
@lc2052 3 ай бұрын
@cherietan4407 3 ай бұрын
I am Malaysian and really like Hong Kong. I have been to HK around 6 or 7 times, first time was in 1994 when I was 14 years old, second time around 22 years old, then late twenties, early thirties and around Feb/March 2023 and early this year too. In term of friendliness, I would say i notice the changes around 10 years ago that sales people are more tolerant when I walk around the shop compared with when I went there around 1994 and 2002. As for rudeness, so far I am lucky to met many nice Hongkongers who are nice, even in eateries. However, my friends who went without me always comments the waiter and waitress there are rude. I think mainly because my family run a kopitiam, that's why I know what I need to do in order not to encounter such rudeness. Believe me, nothing frustrated people who working in restaurant more than people who are not sensitive ("seng mok") during the peak/rush hours. Although I will not show it blatantly here in my own kopitiam, but believe me, we do talk/scold these people a lot behind their backs here after they left. LOL As for what I like about HK, i would say HK film industry influence me a lot about the value of hardworking. That's what I admire about HK people, which somehow make me believe that I can pretty much achieve what I want in life if I am hardworking. After travel to HK, i like HK weather during around Nov and March. I like the fact I can go hiking or go to island easily, can walk around the street safely, can taste delicious foods and sometimes can have conversation with the locals. HK is a nice place to me, and most probably I be back there again next year.. cart noodles, here I come :)
@siewmoihong1304 3 ай бұрын
@CW-H 3 ай бұрын
@nghy3m 3 ай бұрын
近几年的香港人我不知道,以前的印象就是香港人很会聊天 大声 没耐心 精明 势利 做事灵活 有优越感 自私 防备心高 😅 本地人对香港的情意结 很可能来自那个年代香港娱乐圈的影响 例如无线连续剧 电影 歌曲
@alorstar 3 ай бұрын
香港我去过,讲讲我第一次的经验。出地铁东望西看找不到酒店,最后去问了下警卫他指指酒店要上一楼😂真是山猪出城不知原来酒店reception 也可以设立在一楼的喔😅
@malaysiajor 3 ай бұрын
@wendywan118 3 ай бұрын
Rental for standard apartment (2 rooms + 1 bathroom) around 400+ sq ft, fully furnished is around HKD20k+😢 I stay in a landed house 2000+ sq ft with a balcony, garden and car porch in Msia so when I travel to HK for a business trip I really feel not so comfortable to stay in a small size apartment 😅. Food, transportation and environment are actually good, very convenient 👍
@ds5297 3 ай бұрын
每個國家都有自己既文化同埋生活方式 其實係好想去香港玩 畢竟香港係我由細到大睇戲tvb 等等的地方 尤其我好鍾意 粵語/繁體字既的感覺 但係真係好「抗拒」所謂既俾人趕俾人鬧既感覺 (尤其是帶爸媽去) 希望以後有機會去
@mdmwong4391 3 ай бұрын
几年前有去过香港,给我的印象几好, 希望日后会更好.
@OMG11345 3 ай бұрын
記得好幾年前去香港玩 最後一天在銅鑼灣搭往機場巴士 一上車就畢了八達通,結果司機眼瞎沒看到冤枉我說我沒刷卡想做霸王車,我跟他理論明明車上有cctv 他不鳥我繼續罵⋯整個路上一路跟我亂罵,好在我用手機nfc功能找到畢卡紀錄,直接下車時把手機拿到他面前懟司機!如果有時間 我真的會跟他再理論 因為時間有限去機場 只是叫司機跟我道歉而已 我沒去投訴他⋯去香港玩被人格侮辱⋯是有夠不爽!
@khlim560 3 ай бұрын
@ericchong3821 3 ай бұрын
@henrygoh423 3 ай бұрын
香港人做一世都未必买到一间屋。 马来西亚马币2百万已经买到很美的独立屋。生活质素太大不同。 如果净资产有马币5百万,一家4口已经很好过。 还有,如果台湾香港比较,我本人会去台湾旅行,因为台湾人比较朴素也比较有礼貌。
@PlanetXenornoph 3 ай бұрын
I usually stay at Mongkok because at night i can hangout with ex colleagues from Malaysia and Hong Kong 😅😅
@annechee4506 3 ай бұрын
其实不是所有香港人都是想象中那么粗鲁,我所碰见和相处过的都很 nice. 当然也有遇见不太礼貌的,不过都是小事情😊
@gsqlow 3 ай бұрын
@wongyokewei7013 3 ай бұрын
@sanfordlaw723 3 ай бұрын
香港今時今日, 被深圳衝擊得非常嚴重, 正面臨一個轉型階段, 怎樣轉看來還在摸索階段. 但有一樣冇變嘅係, 喺生活壓力底下香港人嘅戾氣仍然非常重, 間唔中就會遇到一啲發爛渣嘅人.
@malaysiajor 3 ай бұрын
@nicholastky90 3 ай бұрын
我记得去香港脚超累。。😂 一直走
@wongfrancis8028 3 ай бұрын
@pldpccpldpcc8411 3 ай бұрын
@LiwSoonChye-xv4xl 3 ай бұрын
@victorlee6677 3 ай бұрын
HK is a very fast pact society when compared to Malaysia. People are much more toward making money by whatever means. I been to HK once in the early 90s with my wife just for a couple of days. I don't think it appeals to me, esp. to move over there to stay. I used to know quite a number of HK students during my stay in U.K. We became friends & we communicated mainly in Cantonese as they were not well-verse in English (and Mandarin, then) 😄
@sueliu4811 3 ай бұрын
Malaysian people are so nice to think HK people are nice and polite. I have been to HK several times and find HK people to be rude. Even my HK husband agrees me. Just let me share one of the few incidents. I wanted to get herbal tea and can’t read Chinese. My husband was explaining me the different types of herbal tea to me. The seller told us to hurry up. Mind you, there were no other customers waiting to be served. I totally understand if there was a long line of customers waiting to be served. She could at least explained the difference herbal tea for different ailments.
@nickandlengpubgmobile9397 3 ай бұрын
111K subscribers ❤
@karesnluv 3 ай бұрын
@chengong748 3 ай бұрын
HK lifestyle is stress and fast pace . Here in Malaysia is more relax a little 😅
@lilywinbox3944 3 ай бұрын
@hollyloo1183 3 ай бұрын
樓主講對了!去旅行感受玩幾天可以的 去工作生活就不必了!香港現實生活太壓迫了 連走路吃飯么都要快過人 不醒目反應慢少少隨時都會被問候全家 Olala..!😅 不過講真的 自从政治白手套后 香港确實殞落遜色了..現在的香港已不再是我們熟悉的獅子山下了。🤪
@shutengloke5907 3 ай бұрын
China and HK before COVID is very different from today. Very very different.
@tclui3977 3 ай бұрын
@sonialee8139 3 ай бұрын
@SimonSeow 3 ай бұрын
马来西亚好少过重阳节。 四月去香港真係夜晚十点已经好少店开。我去时咁ngam Gin Lee有出席活动我就见到歌星。
@kokchonglee8990 3 ай бұрын
我去香港6天瘦了2公斤 , 去香港應該可以減到肥天天走路
@tseyikman 3 ай бұрын
@EngKelvin-d6b 3 ай бұрын
@yeohliangim2939 3 ай бұрын
Hello Malaysia nice place to stay HK salary high but u rent a place to stay v expensive so I think still better in Malaysia😊
@chowyokecheng1981 3 ай бұрын
@rapturef 3 ай бұрын
@vincentkho5107 3 ай бұрын
@munhoonglau7994 3 ай бұрын
去香港一次就算 Thanks very much
@jayniestudio 3 ай бұрын
@HotRod16 3 ай бұрын
Indeed the impression and experience I got when in HK was fast pace, pressured/stressed, limited space and crowded. Everyone there fighting for own space and convenience. This is what I felt. So I did not like HK. I admire the night view and some of the culture which is related to my own oriental tradition. Its a free country that HK people always start saying diuleilomo and end with diuleilomo. Its like the foundation of every conversation😂. But all this was way back before Covid years. Hope HK is now better, people there are more calm and relax. Young gen there seems more open and also going to China for career advancement. Actors and actress there also expanded to China.
@gabeelodee5923 3 ай бұрын
香港行路係因为环境结构😅 从籠屋年代開始😢香港人就習慣戰狼生活😂一張床,拼命工作生存😅 如果香港社会都話生活惨難生活😅咁中東戰地火海环境😅更加悲哀啦😂只不過香港無新加坡政府咁😁有一班馬佬對岸劳工每日過海工作😅 ❤香港只要有一个地方生活成本低既社區🎉方便快捷来回😅就可以解决问题!!
@sosamson499 3 ай бұрын
@Lilomay 3 ай бұрын
@搭火箭去宇宙 3 ай бұрын
@charlestjochsrlest6355 3 ай бұрын
@山隹艸彡平268 3 ай бұрын
还没有心理准备去香港,因为听闻有十个去九个回来的comment 都是被白眼骂念紧张很燥,除了食物好吃外。怕影响想开心旅游的心情哩😅
@cshum2738 3 ай бұрын
會長 可瑗大家好香港已經變左好多同以前已經不一樣了以前香港人無一個想離開!現在就不一樣了!現在店鋪都係關門的多的是 你看看去大馬的人都好多大馬無居留權都要去?就可想而知 香港人覺得邊度比較自由就去邊
@chwong7666 3 ай бұрын
香港常客系疫情封城三四年冇去,最近兩個月前去一次嚇一跳,既然過咗凌晨1點係尖沙咀一帶搵唔到茶室宵夜吃?有滴倒閉了,,慘! 香港人都唔錯比較現實勤力,希望鬧粗口收斂滴 尤其是係大庭廣眾之下 盡量唔好問候媽媽同生殖器官,耳仔好痛!😂
@waynechen88 3 ай бұрын
粗口是一種文化 工作壓力很大 生活節奏快 遍地黃金,所以東西都很貴,雖然收入很高
@kindface Ай бұрын
My own take on why HK or HKers are less rude these days: the younger generation. I think the younger generation of HKers generally have a higher level of education and exposure to foreign cultures (not the least manners) through frequent overseas travels. I don't think it has much to do with the fact that the economy is not as vibrant as it used to be. (I'm a Malaysian who has lived in HK for three decades.)
@stanbymi4657 3 ай бұрын
广东人一般做事都讲究务实,要急,要快。。 不一定是香港的问题只不过香港聚集了大部分的广东人所以就这样咯
@stevenyee2900 3 ай бұрын
I love Fatt Gor (Gambling King Actor)
@chlu2192 2 ай бұрын
@wongks9995 3 ай бұрын
馬來西亞咗Malaysia Jor
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馬來西亞咗Malaysia Jor
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