can と can't で終わる場合の聞き分けができませんでしたが、めちゃくちゃ分かりやすくて感動しました。 でも can が強調される場合はホント難しいですね。以前、コペル英会話のイムラン先生の動画で can と can't の区別や、travel と trouble の区別を見てなるほどなと思っていましたが、この動画はさらに分かりやすいです。travel と trouble の区別についてもお願いします。旅行の話?トラブルの話?旅行先でトラブルがあったの?って訳分かりません。ところで少し変かもしれませんが、私は festival と first of all の聞き分けができません。コツとかありますか?
@aiueophonics5 жыл бұрын
みなさん本当によく「travel と trouble の区別」をリクエストされますが、何十年も拙い英語でサバイバルしてきて、そこがポイントで誤解された・しちゃった、ということは1度もありません。なんとかなります。「ear とyear」などもそうですが、その単語の発音を完璧にしようとこだわると、肝心の会話が成り立たないのでは?と思ってしまいます。festival と first of allも同じ。てきと〜でいいんです。聞き分けられなかった文章あったら教えてください。絶対に文脈・文の構造でわかると思います。 『英語のtravelとtroubleの発音』 『英語のstaffとstuffの発音』
@wfanimus1672 жыл бұрын
今年の共通テストにまさにこれが聞き取れるか聞き取れないかが扱われた問題がありました。 大問2 問10 “Can I put the shirt in the dryer?” “No, look at the square symbol. It’s crossed out.” “Do I have to iron it?” “Well, this symbol shows that you can.” こんな話でしたが、最後のcanかcan’tかこのネイティブ発音を知っていて、普段から聞き分けてる人というかなり英語力のある人しか聞き取れない問題😢
I should note here some Brits, in the West countries for example, pronounce can’t bit like similar to Americans do. So it is a bit too simplified to say that in England can’t is pronounced as “khaant”. I suppose that is the real where every English speaker including non-native speakers has its own the way they speak, and thus there is no universally applicable solutions in terms of pronunciation, grammar etc. Though, the approach taken in the video could be one of the solutions, which I appreciate.
@aiueophonics6 жыл бұрын
I know British English has so many dialects and accents in the spoken form, because I used to live in London! ;-) That's why I put a footnote saying British English I am talking here is RP (Received Pronunciation)
@toshiono19896 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the reply. By the way, recently I have started to adopt RP into my form of speaking English since I found RP was relatively easy for me to speak as a Japanese learner. It was chiefly because RP doesn’t have non-prevocalic R, which I suppose most of Japanese are not good at producing and distinguish the sound. Hence, I would like to ask you for your opinion about accent. Given that RP is the easiest accent to Japanese learners, why is material for learning English including yours usually provided American English? Obviously my opinion is we should start learning English with RP or English accents (Estuary etc.), definitely not with American accent.
@aiueophonics6 жыл бұрын
We are based in Los Angeles and we can't get hold of anyone who speaks RP around here. (^_^;) And even in the UK some say only 3% of them speak RP anyway. In London, for example many speak Estuary English, which has a very peculiar accent which would causes other problem for Japanese learners. To me there is no perfect accent to adopt as lingua franca.
@toshiono19896 жыл бұрын
“There is no perfect accent” is absolutely true. All I hope now is learners of English will find accent(s) that they love, and start to adopt it into their voices so that they will sound natural. If there is one viewing these comments, what I will say to them is “Love variety of accents in English, whatever accent it is, British accents, American accents, even non-native accents being applicable. Find your accent and then you will begin to speak in a reasonable degree of fluency.” Thank you!
@Ikkyu_san5 жыл бұрын
ファジーのi probably can と cant にすごい苦戦したけど、 cantのほうが最後に「ぁ」って言ってるように聞こえる