問32の正解は1番。要は少数派が自分の意思を貫いて(consistent in their views, defend their position consistently)多数派の観点を変えた(social conflict... among members of the majority, converted others to its point of view)ということなので、1: the minority gets its point across(少数派が自分の考えを納得させる)が正しい答えである。 あと、韓国の大学受験英語についてのいくつかのトリビア。 1. 実際には、1問あたり2~3分以内で解かなければならない。 2. 文章を読んで空欄を埋めたり、あるフレーズの意味を推測したりする問題が出されるが、問題に使われる文章って実は実在する論文や書籍から抜粋したものが多い。例えば、問21(it's wrong 云々のあれ)の文章は、Stuart Firesteinの『Ignorance: How It Drives Science 』の第五章:「The Quality of Ignorance」から取ってきたものである。
これ制限時間はどのくらいなのかな。 ざっと早めに読んで解く感じで、9:15以外は正解だった。 これ①と➄で悩んで①かな?と思ったけど。 get its point accrossのニュアンスをちょっと勘違いしてた点はるけど、 majorityと協力してってあんまり文章の全体からニュアンスが伝わらないんだよな
@LOHSdrummer4 жыл бұрын
I don’t think most native speakers would say “but it’s wrong” over “this is wrong”/“that’s wrong.” The only time I hear native speakers use “it” in this way is after they have spent a significant amount of time in East Asia.
@g4df74g1h4 жыл бұрын
that paragraph in the test come from an academic paper written by an american native speaker you ingnorant. furthermore, some asian countries adopt english officially as a common laguage. asian english is also one of the native english too. who are the natives in the us, australia and new zealand? english speakers? no.
@@yasu1234 韓国語わからないのでグーグル翻訳で訳しながら見てみたのですが、奇数と偶数の問題があるみたいで、問題と選択肢の内容は全く一緒ですが選択肢の順番だけ違うので奇数か偶数かによって解答番号が変わってくるみたいです。どちらにせよ"the minority gets its point across"が正解なことは確かだと思います。
The reason "but it's wrong" feels weird is the "it" is so far away from what it's referring to. I wanna say this is called a dangling modifier. The "it" refers to being "obsessed with results", so "but this mindset is wrong" or "but it's wrong to think this way" would be the right phrase. If you pare it down the former becomes "but this is wrong", which is vague but still feels connected. For the latter though, "but it's wrong" sounds bad on its own but I can't figure out why. Refining ignorance ftw.
@@ビッグイチモツ 1が違う理由で、抽象的過ぎる云々は置いといて、minorityがゲットするから間違いってどういう事?get A acrossでAを分からせる って意味だから、get its point acrossで彼らの主張を分からせる(声を上げ続けて、majorityに理解させる、そして社会変化を引き起こす)って意味じゃないの?
@gdam73164 жыл бұрын
後文法的に間違ってるってどういう事ですか?get across its pointじゃなきゃダメとか?
The tests of english consist of 18 listening questions and 27 questions like those. Korean students should sovle them in 70 minutes. Each question has 2 or 3 points(total 100 points) and students get the first grade if their points exceed 90. There're 9 grades in total but students must have the first grade to get into universities
@qdlbp Жыл бұрын
Grade1 isn’t essential But for high class university then it becomes half essential Grade2 (over80) or Grade3 (over70) is most common for students
would never say "but it's wrong" did hit my head on a steel wall
@powpowpow26284 жыл бұрын
I’d never say “but it’s wrong” either. I’ve never heard someone saying “but it’s wrong” in Canada. They used to say, “that’s wrong” or “this is wrong”.
@콩나물무침-d6y4 жыл бұрын
Well I guess some guy does talk in that way. The problem itself is an excerpt from a science book called "Ignorance: How It Drives Science" by Stuart Firestein.