在香港,college 通常指「書院」 可以是中學或大學裡的書院 (在香港只有中文大學有書院制) 有些傳統名校喜歡用 college 比如 Queen's College (皇仁書院) King's College (英皇書院) Wah Yan College (華仁書院) La Salle College (喇沙書院) St Joseph's College (聖若瑟書院) St Paul's College (聖保羅書院) 等等
美國來說University是專指某些大學但一般還是用college比較多,比如會說Have you complete your college degree而不是說"university degree"。再者兩年的學院一定叫college但四年的可以叫某某college也可以叫某某university
thank you, helpful video. I use your videos the other way around, to learn 中文. In my experience I have only seen BSc instead of BS, for (I assume) the you pointed out in the video.