Days of Revolt: The Solution (2/2)

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The Real News Network

The Real News Network

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In this episode of teleSUR's Days of Revolt, Chris Hedges and Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein lay out the solutions to issues like economic inequality and climate change, and explain the need for sustained civil disobedience and a unified grassroots movement.
Watch more on teleSUR www.telesurtv.n...

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@workwillfreeyou 8 жыл бұрын
Jill Stein: You Are Spectacular!!!
@endershepard7117 8 жыл бұрын
Jill Stein: Time to reject the lesser evil and fight for the greater good. Amen sister. Amen...
@unbrnwsh 8 жыл бұрын
Chris Hedges should run as VP with Jill Stein on Green Party ticket mostly to get their message across to more and more people to clarify the situation we are in better before the whole system breaks down into full blown anarchy with confused people scapegoating the wrong people to take their anger over what is being done to them.
@ChannelRichard 8 жыл бұрын
+Andrew Weeraratne WONDERFUL IDEA!!! STEIN/HEDGES 2016
@adamsmith4416 8 жыл бұрын
+Andrew Weeraratne She is the best President the US will, unfortunately, never have. It's a pity that the first female President will most likely be Shillary and not her.
@RhythmicReignDrops 8 жыл бұрын
+Andrew Weeraratne AMEN!
@nonebusiness4488 8 жыл бұрын
+Andrew Weeraratne that would be an amazing ticket. they are really right on these two. I voted for jill last time. hedges could win.
@unbrnwsh 8 жыл бұрын
***** Even Stein/Hedges cannot win they may be able to influence the future generation.
@staatsfeindlich9939 8 жыл бұрын
"Reclaiming our democracy"?! Chris, we never had one.
@victrola13 8 жыл бұрын
Chris, pardon me but I believe you should give the artist and copyright holder his due and credit his music in your liner notes. It is just the right thing to do. I have been looking for this artist and do not know who wrote your theme music despite looking.
@peterapluntke6695 8 жыл бұрын
I love listening to's like listening to poetry
@JonWorkus 8 жыл бұрын
IF ANYONE wants to learn how DEEP the nation is in trouble....and learn about the WOMAN who will surely fix those troubles, using her educated common sense....THIS IS THE VIDEO to watch!
@twominutetips 8 жыл бұрын
I've supported Jill Stein since I first became aware of her. I so with the Greens in Canada had better leadership like this. E. May is a great MP but not leadership material IMO. Ms. Stein on the other hand is. Thank you Chris Hedges for continuing to stand to truth.
@Katie-yi4qi 8 жыл бұрын
An honest, genuine, and intelligent conversation.
@redwanhasan1721 7 жыл бұрын
That's why only 22k view so far.
@darrenwoolsey484 8 жыл бұрын
Brilliant and worthwhile watching if you care
@ariesdelfuego 8 жыл бұрын
great vid
@gregoryx330 8 жыл бұрын
Bring Cheri back into the convo please :)
@TedApelt 8 жыл бұрын
The movement is the engine, electing people to office is the vehicle.
@hipstershep 8 жыл бұрын
Like and share, get the truth out there!
@guinnberger2681 8 жыл бұрын
Excellent interview. My one problem with Chris Hedges is his inability to give credit to anyone who does less than jump into the fray swinging with both fists, screaming and yelling and kicking out in a manner that will get him killed or sidelined as a total nut... as Bernie Sanders has done. Bernie's run for the presidency was perhaps quixotic, because I believe he KNEW what kind of opposition and stonewalling he was going to face, but he went ahead anyway because so many people DID NOT KNOW, and he succeeded in raising the consciousness of the nation and the world. And that has brought Jill Stein and the Green Party forward, along with all the causes we need to address if we are to survive as a species and save our fellow species from extinction. Now we know what the work is that lies in front of us, and we know it won't be easy... but there ARE many more of us than there are of the oligarchs, and they'd BETTER listen to us. They CANNOT win against us if we're smart and determined.
@jesusfuenmayor7260 8 жыл бұрын
Jill, got my vote!
@robertdevries1049 8 жыл бұрын
I have never been a green, but in my experience with the SP, I understand why third party leftists feel the Democratic Party in it's current incarnation is toxic. Unfortunately, it often feels like the attitudes cultivated in these parties, sometimes, ends up aiding the Republican. If you really oppose a two party system, it's difficult to play the political game without aiding one party or the other. If you oppose the two party system, but your opposition to one of the two parties ends up helping the other, then you are still propping up the two party system, we are just doing it in a 'negative' way. It's a real difficult balancing act.
@nonebusiness4488 8 жыл бұрын
I am just pointing out that if you get all these mothers and baby carriages to join marches and protest, and many of them are out there right now, I would like to remind you that the police, some of them are troops coming back from Iraq, afganistan, etc, are perfectly inured to killing women and children and men already, see it as their patriotic duty, and they wont think much about turning their weapons against the people who become so desperate they demand, jobs, universal healthcare, clean air and water, a crust of bread, whatever. the state/corporate run media will whip up such sentiment against the protesters, demonize them, I believe the police will shoot without compunction, baby carriages and all. not to say mass mobilization should not happen, just I think the idea that the police will hesitate to violence is really unlikely given the direction we have been going since bush started the wars in the middle east. the idea that the police will lay down their arms in solidarity with the protesters seems like wishful thinking to me, even though you did see this happen Europe and it is possible, i think police violence is a much more likely scenario at this time. and that is why any violence by the protest should be out of the question, because the police have been militarized, they follow orders as well as any nazi, and their weapons are much better and the response from the police would be terrible. non violent protest is the only option, and that in itself will not prevent the police brutality that will be leveled against resisters to this current oligarchic cleptocracy. I wish there was some way to take the news, like fox, CNN and MSNBC off the air for all their bias, their lies, and do it legally and make independent media available more widely. a tax revolt would end this war quickly. we ought to organize a tax paying revolt. I bet that would work. plus surrounding the white house chanting for days and days on end, relentlessly, crowds working in shifts, enough to surround the entire white house. and legally there should be some way to address political corruption.
@robertdevries1049 8 жыл бұрын
Sanders is technically, barely, and independent, although he is caucusing with the Democrats. But he is an open democratic socialist, and more or less the same platform as the greens. Nevertheless, if this is done solely within the two party system, the time will come when someone figures out how to role back gains for working people in the long run. The roll of third parties and independents is crucial and should increase overtime, starting and the local and state level, but ultimately posing alternatives at the federal level as well. I have so much respect for the resilience and patience of the third party progressive, libertarian, and socialists movements. A social democrat could make our economic system better in the short term, but in the long term, workplace and community democracy not to mention the states need choices other than the two parties. I feel very guilty for supporting someone who will ultimately be running with the Democrats or for the Democrats, but Sanders candidacy should be no reason to give up on independents and third parties, in fact, in the long run, I think they will have an increasingly large voice in our surviving democratic institutions, because Sanders as a socialist, is a position to understand the role third parties actually play in a Federal Republic like ours.
@eyemagistus 8 жыл бұрын
Without proportional representation in a Parliamentary form of government, third parties only strengthen the worst of a winner-take-all system.
@s4njuro462 8 жыл бұрын
boycotts? sit-ins? walk-outs? most people cant afford to pose their job!! i have a radical fucking idea, why don't you help us get people to VOTE!!!!!!!
@Jyagos1 8 жыл бұрын
+S4njuro You're missing the massive disenfranchisement going on with the poor, which is held up by the privatization of the vote. The core problem is a lack of democracy and raising a stink forces the entire system to shut down as it no longer represents the people.
@anderpendragon 8 жыл бұрын
+S4njuro That hasn't been helping. Maybe we should see what happens if nobody votes....
@MaximilianKohler 8 жыл бұрын
+S4njuro IMO the main problem is that civics/government isn't a required class in the US. So many people don't learn the importance of voting till they're in mid life or later. I talked to a young college friend the other day and he said "what does abortion have to do with voting".
@DeadringerFRED 8 жыл бұрын
+S4njuro Weigh your options; do nothing and the oligarchy continues to rape the system until it fails which is very close or risk your crappy job for some real change, not Republocrat b.s. change...your choice...if nobody votes, the Republocrats win...
@anderpendragon 8 жыл бұрын
DeadringerFRED As long as you have hope you'll never buck the system. They love it when you play along.
@RTDon 7 жыл бұрын
I love the green party
@nonebusiness4488 8 жыл бұрын
oh yes, and I love you both very very much. thank you both of you for doing the good work you do. important work. work that gives me hope and which has really changed my life. years ago, before I resourced any independent media at all, I remember when the first bush invaded Iraq, all I had to be 'informed' was CNN, and I believed the invasion of Iraq was reasonable because saddam hussain was like hitler. people like you changed my perception of the world once I had access to you. before I watched democracy now (i know you both from that show), I had no clue, just blindly listened to what the TV told me. when I think of how shaped I was by propaganda, i realize that real information is the first step in resistance against this powerful oligarchic cleptocracy. NPR, if you really listen to it is just FOX news for the college educated with the same agenda and it supports the cleptocracy/military inducstrial complex, NRA, big pharma, insurance corporations, Monsanto, and etc. they are part of the controlled media. if you ever listen to the news there, it is all agenda and propoganda for the 1% and their loyal servants. even when they cover environmental news, it is not the salient issues that are reported on, it deliberately avoids important climate change data, news and information. NPR is all propaganda garbage. anyway, thank you for the work you do. it is the most important thing. the Vietnam war ended because public opinion turned against it. shifting public opinion could led to progress. these wars could end. yes, thank you.
@jackomalley77 8 жыл бұрын
merely reform and leave capitalism in place?
@propjam2 8 жыл бұрын
the speakers a Gilf
@fkujakedmyname 8 жыл бұрын
she should run for senate warren needs an ally when bernie is president
@joanofarc33 8 жыл бұрын
I am literally the only person I know who has heard of Jill Stein and the Green Party. If I talk about her it doesn't resonate because they aren't curious about a candidate they hear no one else mention
@AfroNinja3030 8 жыл бұрын
+joanofarc33 Continue to do your research and experiment with new ways of delivering the message. Allegories and analogies work well for many people. For instance, presenting the image of a bonsai tree: Like trees in nature, humans have the capacity to grow organically. But, when our roots are restricted, we can become caricatures of ourselves. We still look and function as we should, but in smaller degrees. At the end of the day, all of us know we need the earth to survive, but many of us choose to look away. We have to help wake each other up. Much love
@jamesthomas1244 8 жыл бұрын
This is some seriously deep and thoughtful shit. This is the kind of dialogue we desperately need. Can you image a Trump or Hillary openly discussing such issues? Perhaps even Bernie would not care to wad so deep. Thanks for this!
@lamaddussa 8 жыл бұрын
i normally wouldn't consider voting for a democrat (or republican), but his time sanders is worth supporting (even considering his shortcomings). unfortunately the green party is impotent and jill is a weak speaker & not a good choice as a figurehead. this lady does not have what it takes to galvanize a movement. sanders will work for very important steps on many critical issues and it would be self-defeating to sabotage his race. that doesn't mean not offering a meaningful critique of his shortcomings. having said that, if sanders is not the democratic nominee i will vote green. i will absolutely not vote for a criminal such as clinton.
@nonebusiness4488 8 жыл бұрын
+mad dusa jill is awesomely powerful, she just can't get the airtime on the major networks. no one can compete with trump as far as airtime, except maybe Hillary. she is blacked out in the media.
@lamaddussa 8 жыл бұрын
***** the green party is blocked out, but jill does not convey power. she comes across as quiet, uncertain and hesitant. i'm not saying that she is internally hesitant and uncertain, but she does not convey the passion, power and conviction that the green party needs to represent its platform. she is a weak choice as a figurehead. she absolutely lacks what it takes to motivate a movement. poor choice by a party that is not serious about political campaigns.
@nonebusiness4488 8 жыл бұрын
+mad dusa i voted for her in the last election. i find her voice supremely compelling. i don't understand your perception. i don't know much about how politics works, but it seems obvious that her voice is deliberately obfuscated by the corporate controlled media. if her message could get out the way trumps does, i think she would impassion voters. but that is just my opinion.
@nonebusiness4488 8 жыл бұрын
+mad dusa can you give me an example of what you feel is uncertain, hesitant, quiet?
@lamaddussa 8 жыл бұрын
***** her speaking style.
@robertdevries1049 8 жыл бұрын
Neutrality in the middle east is the most realistic and productive way to improve the lives of the people in the occupied territories.
@kellyray6683 5 ай бұрын
All these years and still no change. Sad to see that what the people want is never met with real action. Too much power has been handed over.
@workwillfreeyou 8 жыл бұрын
Chris Hedges, become Jill Steins running mate! Please.
@Spamact417 8 жыл бұрын
" Build for the long haul!"
@danm8947 8 жыл бұрын
Every election cycle Jill Stein comes out with her version of rhetoric that basically says 'we can fix things in the current political system'. Whether intentional or not, she is actually propping up the system. And then she goes on about 'jobs jobs jobs'. We need different thinking, not more of the same old futile attempts to change the system from within. I agree with some other comments here, that some of her stances are good, but her methods simply won't work.
@TedApelt 8 жыл бұрын
+Dan M They worked pretty well in 1932.
@antediluvianatheist5262 4 жыл бұрын
@@TedApelt No they didn't. We ended up here a gain.
@Luutzen007 8 жыл бұрын
Jill should do the Green book: A better participatory democracy in the USA, like the Libyan Jamahiriya: the state of the masses! But she's overdoing climate doom. Compare the current Syrian holocaust by the USA, with some less snow. I 'd like her to visit Aleppo now. After that, talk about climate... The UN 's reporting on planet earth 's resources(club of Rome) have been consistently wrong for decades: -No Malthus exponential population growth curves in the West - no limits to ec. resources (market price regulation) - the Acid Rains have stopped - no OZON hole on the Antarctic - no CO2 climate alarmism: the hotter the better NIST's official 9-11 report is proof of the political & corporate control of most "scientific" reporting.
@rickbishop5987 8 жыл бұрын
+Max Havelaar If you think that she is overdoing the " climate doom", you need to learn more about it.
@Luutzen007 8 жыл бұрын
Rick Bishop I can see no convincing arguments for CO2 alarmism. The hotter the better, more plant growth, people can adapt, but NO taxation on the economy to hurt the poorest most. The US foreign policy wars, resulting in holocausts in Libya and Syria are way more destructive.
@johnkesich8696 8 жыл бұрын
+Max Havelaar "The hotter the better" Maybe you should try Venus?
@Luutzen007 8 жыл бұрын
No, I prefer Tolstoy: War & Peace. People denying Goldman & AICPAC's War's for global dominance, and start shouting "Climatedisaster" are simply hiding.
@johnkesich8696 8 жыл бұрын
+Max Havelaar As someone who is concerned about both global warming and the elite's push for full-spectrum dominance - just two of numerous serious problems that are not being properly addressed - I find your implication that those (like me) calling for an end to the outmoded age of fossil fuels are in denial about wars (no ') for global dominance just plain silly. Can you explain where the additional energy trapped by increasing CO2 40% has gone?
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