Dead Space 2 | A Complete History and Retrospective

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@YourFavoriteSon1 Жыл бұрын
How do you feel about Dead Space 2 Dad? 🚀
@agbrenv Жыл бұрын
mechanically better than Dead Space, atmosphere and overall feel a bit weaker than Dead Space, overall a great and worthy sequel
@lodn113 Жыл бұрын
Dead Space 2 is my favorite Dead Space game, prolly one of Mt favorite games of all time.
@RazorBladezX Жыл бұрын
Might as well call it Dad Space 2
@mementomori771 Жыл бұрын
Best dead space absolute kino
@cRimson2cuRse49 Жыл бұрын
If i had to choose between DS1 or DS2, DS2 kinda tops by a small margin b/c blue flamethrower baby.
@vulkhanasennet9961 Жыл бұрын
It doesn't have to be either a horror game or an action game. It can be and is both, whether you want to call it a Horror-Action or Action-Horror that it contains both elements is undeniable in my eyes.
@ChA0s_AgeNt Жыл бұрын
It really nails the balance between the two, while also vastly expanding the world & Issacs story in it. Great game, one of my all-time favorites.
@wangchung2157 Жыл бұрын
Yea I dont understand how some people cant grasp this concept
@SaltyMacaroon Жыл бұрын
As much as I enjoy the tone/atmosphere of the first game more, I think it was kind of fitting for it to change in the sequel. Like, Isaac has been through all of this already, so I'm glad he seems more frustrated with everything. Chain-stomping necromorphs is very much one of my favorite things in this game, he's so pissed off.
@zoltar0205 Жыл бұрын
33:04 In the controls you can change the aiming from center which is the default to classic which is the dead space 1 style of aiming
@Asaylum117 Жыл бұрын
I'm suprised he missed that during his review. I do like that the devs for Dead Space 2 gave the players an option to use different aiming styles. If people prefered the first games aiming, then go to the options & change it like that for the sequel.
@Xbob42 Жыл бұрын
@@Asaylum117 I replayed the game just a few days ago and completely missed the option as well, as the weird center aiming without the chunky lasers was one of my bigger gripes. Then I saw a speedrunner swap over to it and was like "goddammit."
@Asaylum117 Жыл бұрын
@@Xbob42 LOL. Yeah, it can be easily missed if you are going for a blind playthrough. XD
@nobodythisisstupid4888 Жыл бұрын
I am a person who always goes through options menus when starting a new game and I overlooked that too. I didn’t understand what that setting meant based on the description and name so I just left it until I saw Mandaloregaming mention it in his video. He usually always talks about fixes he does for highly broken/buggy games or if there are certain fixable gripes he has with the game. He’s also where I learned about the mousefix and using NVIDIA to force v-sync at 60 fps to prevent physics from breaking in Dead Space 1 (the same fixes are available in DS2, but I didn’t find the mouse fix to be necessary for this one).
@maroonstarsface Жыл бұрын
On the "dead space 2 is more action than horror compared to the first" the Devs said in interviews alien was a huge inspiration and they followed the thematic blueprints riddly set out in the first two films. Upping the action in the sequel was always the plan because Isaac just as Ripply before him is now experienced with the aliens, they know how to deal with the threat and are more interested in taking the fight to the aliens rather than just fighting defence while their surrounding are engulfed. Sure some of the horror is taken from that but I think it works really well and if EA didn't sink their claws we might have seen a really interesting culmination of this on dead space 3
@Cooltowncity Жыл бұрын
There's something about the "Favorite Son" thing on this channel that just feels right. I love these videos.
@YourFavoriteSon1 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Dad
@StevelyBruckShut Жыл бұрын
it is a great gimmick
@KyleDevy Жыл бұрын
Fucking feels creepy to me lolz
@backgroundnoise9310 Жыл бұрын
Yes. When he says "Hey Dad" it always sounds so genuine.
@lizabee484 Жыл бұрын
It feels weirdly cozy, despite the fact that I am neither a man, nor a parent 😂
@Lc-Anders Жыл бұрын
I found your channel two days ago. Watched your last dead space vid, all of your silent hill vids and just finished your fable ones. It’s helped a lot while I’ve been down bad with Covid. Thank you…son
@YourFavoriteSon1 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Dad! Hope you get better soon!
@falsegod8792 Жыл бұрын
Feel better soon Nick 💕
@Draliseth Жыл бұрын
Make sure to eat all your cigarettes and drink plenty of bacon. You'll be right as rain in no time.
@bryangibson6211 Жыл бұрын
@@falsegod8792 such a wholesome comment from such an intense username
@falsegod8792 Жыл бұрын
@@bryangibson6211 😂😂 i always forget about my username tbh!
@LibbyB Жыл бұрын
Fun fact the dude who dies in the elevator part at 14:55 won a contest to design a kill move the one seen at 27:40 and as a reward had his face scanned and death scene put ingame. On another note if you participated in the contest they gave you the rorschach test and patient dossier you see in the intro on the table.
@legionairesunny5507 Жыл бұрын
I love Dead Space too so much. Its a game me and my Mom bonded over. She watched me play through it, asking me questions as I attempted not to freak myself out. She even read the novel! It was a good time.
@FPoP1911 Жыл бұрын
Right when you think the day can't get any better... a bright son comes out and lights everything up even more.
@versebuchanan512 Жыл бұрын
DS1 was an absolutely banger, and 2 somehow managed to STILL improve on almost every aspect. One of the best sequels I've ever played. (Damn shame they never made a third one
@Draliseth Жыл бұрын
It is not a true Dead Space pulse rifle lest you're able to plant the butt into the ground and commence the disco of death.
@zabbybearz Жыл бұрын
They have made a 3rd one. An u can also change the reticule in settings
@meisterwu8922 Жыл бұрын
@@zabbybearz there is no Dead Space 3, no Metroid Other M and no Star Wars movies after Return of the Jedi.
@austinfowler2707 Жыл бұрын
Two things so far at 33:20 1) the Ripper is vastly better in this game, as with the Flame Thrower. Essentially. All weapons were balanced very well in this game, making it totally up to the player to use what they so wished. Ripper and Force Gun? Why not. Pulse and Seeker Rifle? Yeah! Javelin Gun Flame Thrower? Go for it. That's because each Gun does what it's intended role is meant to be. They do enough damage to make it viable. The second thing is kind of just an extention of the first. And that is there is redundancy in loadouts. Let's take the Plasma Cutter and Pulse Rifle. They do amazing direct damage to a target. So you have to ask yourself, why use both. In DS1 there really wasn't unless you found yourself attacking the little flesh crawlers that came out of pregnants. But in DS2, there are more smaller, weaker enemies that will swarm you. Meaning that the Pulse Rifle is better suited for these targets because you have much more ammo for them. On top of that, the PR has a Grenade Launcher Alt fire, which is just good for targets, but uses a ton of ammo. So the reason you had an issue with a 4th weapon was the fact you had redundancy. You carried the PC, PR, and Line Gun. Your Direct Damage role was taken up by up to 3 other tools. So even if you'd have taken the Ripper, it would function the same as any other tool in your loadout. Redundant. But doesn't equal bad. I'd have suggested the Force Gun, or even the Contact Beam. The FG for its "Get the hell away from me" utility. The CB for its one shot kill on basically all nonboss enemies. Oh I completely forgot what else I was going to point out. The reticle is actually changeable. In one of the settings, you can switch the aiming back to Classic.
@fireflocs Жыл бұрын
If we're talking loadout, I think it needs to be pointed out that enemies in the Dead Space series almost exclusively drop ammo for weapons you have equipped - meaning you can actually solve the game's resource economy problems by having one weapon on you with expensive ammo (say, the Contact Beam), and then never using it. The game will keep dropping this ammo that you never need to actually fire - meaning you can just keep selling it, and substantially boost Isaac's income. This is compounded by the fact that having one weapon you don't intend to use means you don't have to buy upgrades for it, meaning you'll not only have more money coming in, but one less thing to spend money on. It completely changes the feel of the game, and, imo, for the better.
@austinfowler2707 Жыл бұрын
@@fireflocs yeah honestly that was my main reason for having the CB in the two games. When I was still average/below average at these games, I'd use 4 weapons in a "all bases covered" methodology. Plasma cutter, Pulse Rifle, linegun, and then the Contact Beam in DS1 and then CB or Detonator in DS2. Now that I've become more confident in my knowledge of the game, I like to stick to 2 weapons. My general go too is the Javelin Gun and Plasma Cutter, though I can replace the PC with the Pulse Rifle, Force Gun, or hell even the Contact Beam. I really only use the CB in the later game when you get to the Gov Sec.
@fireflocs Жыл бұрын
​@@austinfowler2707 I once did a playthrough with just the Line Gun - and I was _untouchable._ Dead Space is just not a game that demands a full arsenal.
@austinfowler2707 Жыл бұрын
@@fireflocsyep, once I learned that, it became a ton better. On top of that, having fewer tools means that I can make mugger upgrades to my loadout rather than incremental upgrades throughout the game. Better to have only 4 sources or upgrades rather than 6.
@xerosthemonk Жыл бұрын
There is no better tool to deal with the pack than the Ripper. The little fellas just can't resist that ADHD impulse to jump at the spinning shiny thing
@Invicta707 Жыл бұрын
i consider DS2 more of a 'psychological thriller' than a true horror game like its predecessor. I love both
@fiya8765 Жыл бұрын
Hey man, just want to say thank you for these videos. I put your retrospectives on while I'm working and it makes my days go by so much smoother. Keep up the great work
@dickfitzwell1447 Жыл бұрын
Damn dude, you got this one out pretty fast! I enjoy listening to your videos while I'm at work, helps pass the time
@fmsyntheses Жыл бұрын
There's nothing scarier than running through a well-lit room past every monster in a horror game within the first few minutes whilst they ooga booga impotently in your direction
@guccicat223 Жыл бұрын
You can turn on classic reticle from the previous Dead Space in the options menu, I think in graphics. You can turn it on in Dead space 3 also
@stealthmonkeydc2869 Жыл бұрын
Return to Ishimura is one of my favourite game levels and not a lot even happens for most of it. It's just you scared of something happening and that fear is slowly dialled up to boiling point by odd sounds and audio logs of other people being just as freaked out as you are.
@hihowrya370 Жыл бұрын
After the Silent Hill depression stream, this video might help me recover. Thank you son...
@YourFavoriteSon1 Жыл бұрын
We all need some recovery after that
@demollyon Жыл бұрын
You can change the reticle to the DS1 one through the options, my son. I always do it before playing DS2
@AlmightyJ97 Жыл бұрын
These videos cure my depression.
@cruxlamar9681 Жыл бұрын
@kbub1234 Жыл бұрын
I'll admit son, I didn't know I could find another long-form analysis channel that could keep my attention. But since finding your channel I got hooked and watched every video. Dead space 2 is one of my favorite games so seeing you doing this retrospective is great
@TheFoxStyler Жыл бұрын
damn son ur pumpin out stuff like i did myself in my youth all the time xx keep it up but dont overwork yourself you dont wanna get burnout :P love the retrospectives tho it gives me lifeengery
@YourFavoriteSon1 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Dad
@FavynTube Жыл бұрын
Gotta say I fundamentally disagree with your analysis about DS2 as a horror game. "The illusion is broken because in ds2 you're constantly thinking about mechanics, health, ammo, etc" Uh....good. I don't think that detracts from horror at all. If anything it enhances it. You're more threatened, the game demands more of you, you're more on edge. Your view of horror as an illusion, something that can only be achieved if you make players forget they're playing a game. I almost believe the opposite is true. I think a game has the unique opportunity to force your engagement and that interaction increases intensity. Seems unnecessary to try and judge dead space 2 on labels. Good action game? Good horror game? Who cares about being one or the other. Whatever the fuck it does it does it well. It's a masterpiece and in my opinion even better than the first. I enjoy your stuff and think the video is good, just feels like you got hung up on an unimportant point and tried to put the game in a box.
@sootythunder3111 Жыл бұрын
I think Markiplier summed it up best with his review on dead space 3. That the longer you have a character recurringly go through the same type of horrifying scenarios the less return on investment you get from the scares, Issac went from being clueless (and if you read his objective commentary scared shitless) to going to “I know how to survive this, but this time maybe I can save some people” to dead space 3 of “I AM DONE WITH THIS SHIT GET SOMEONE ELSE FOR YOUR SUICIDE MISSON”
@noahgilmore4837 Жыл бұрын
Your making me a proud father son. I love seeing you try to make our family whole again
@chrisditoro3876 Жыл бұрын
Son, The prodigious pace of your video releases continues to amaze and impress me. As with the first Dead Space video, I’ve truly enjoyed this wonderful overview of DS2. The Salt Factory also put out his replay of the first Dead Space and it worked really well as a companion piece to your video. Every one of your videos has an incredible narrative aspect to it that I find particular engaging. You’re a very adapt story teller, and I look forward to each of your releases. It’s starting to get cold outside son, make sure to dress warmly.
@Thwompapotamus Жыл бұрын
Much appreciated, Son. Eager to see your work on the feast of horror content we've got coming over the next few years.
@grandmastertymmx Жыл бұрын
Hardcore difficulty on this one is pretty stressful.
@leafia133 Жыл бұрын
God I love your video they are so chill and calming to watch I always rewatch them
@drumrocka Жыл бұрын
If Dead Space was ‘Alien’, Dead Space 2 is ‘Aliens’. Both are in my favourite games ever list, for some similar and different reasons.
@HeWhoComments 7 ай бұрын
One of my favorite parts of the game is the “I’ll be there. I’ll be there!” moment. That, along with many of the other on-rails action sequences, is so badass and fun.
@videonmode8649 Жыл бұрын
33:15 You can change the reticle to classic
@MajesticsTwelve Жыл бұрын
This is probably one of my favorite games of all time, though I enjoy hearing what other people hear about it. Although I disagree with your statements about it being a horror game, it is an extremely good action game. It never gets old.
@jakeshepherd7046 Жыл бұрын
I believe that while Dead Space 1 had much scarier moments, they were a good bit fewer and further between. Every area of the Ishimura looked like a horror movie, the medical deck chief among them, but Dead Space 2 twists that by giving the idea that monsters aren't just in spooky places, they're everywhere. And once you get used to them, none of the Necromorphs in Dead Space 1 really made me scared, aside from the Hunter of course. Dead Space 2 however has the Stalkers and they still consistently keep me on edge even on my 20th playthrough of the game. Dead Space 1 had a perfect atmosphere of tension, meanwhile Dead Space 2 has a perfect atmosphere for terror. Of course fear is one of the most subjective things ever so while I may find the Stalkers terrifying, someone might call them Kentucky Fried Chicken which is completely fine. Either way I'm proud of how this came out son, I'm excited to see what else you make.
@Assassin21BEKA Жыл бұрын
27:53 its probably my most favourite thing in ds 2. Survival horror game without it becomes quite boring to me, i love this feeljng of surviving on low resources.
@jadenrivers1176 Жыл бұрын
Hey son! I found your channel like a week ago and I've been binge watching almost everything, especially the yakuza series, it's my favorite game series,and the way you put out content is awesome,keep up the good work😎
@crabmansteve6844 Жыл бұрын
I love these games no matter how different they may have been, the story and world-building alone puts it in my top 10.
@tristinrev Жыл бұрын
I think an important point to remember is that a complete change in invironment is one of the bigger drivers of the action. Instead of a ship, we are on a massive space colony station.
@pissqueendanniella4688 Жыл бұрын
and this is why sunday is my favourite day
@YourFavoriteSon1 Жыл бұрын
@demetriusmccray1574 Жыл бұрын
Thus is such a good channel! I hope the recent announcements on ips you’ve covered gives you a boost!😊
@darthcarnage6734 Жыл бұрын
Our son is the most underrated person on KZbin… we need to get him some more moms n dads
@Xenobears Жыл бұрын
The force gun is one of my favorite weapons in Dead Space 2-it’s great for keeping enemies at bay, quickly clearing hordes of weak critters, and is insanely powerful when fully upgraded.
@dullsunrise8820 Жыл бұрын
While I do prefer the more atmospheric, horror-centric vibe of the first, I think DS2 absolutely nails the setting more, especially since it takes place just as the outbreak starts but from an interesting angle. A lot of zombie media either take place in more open areas, in the moment without the chance to take in everything, or some time afterwards. Issac is basically trailing behind as most people make a break for it, so he’s witnessing both the events and the immediate aftermath. Most of the residential areas of Titan Station perfectly capture how disturbing it all is, since it does feel shady enough when looking at the finer details and environmental storytelling (with elementary school in particular being a great example). The horror aspect is definitely extra subjective as a result since it’s more about the storytelling, though.
@RazorBladezX Жыл бұрын
The madman goes to Dead Space 2. Oh baby
@deadshotdman6184 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact about cysts, they in fact do not die immediately after shooting their explosive, they just are often positioned in a way that they'll kill themselves with their own explosive, after a bit of time though the live ones will "reload" And with the crawlers, it's also possible to kill them without detonation, with a headshot
@tinflesh Жыл бұрын
I love your retrospective videos!! Earned a sub there❤️🤞
@ExoticFish12 10 ай бұрын
I never wanted to dislike so bad when you called dead space 2 an action game and didn’t mention the fact that its more horror than action
@PointNemoProduction Жыл бұрын
Salt drops a DS vid. Now we got Son with a DS2 I picked a good day to go on KZbin
@Assassin21BEKA Жыл бұрын
28:09 i disagree about it. Its the opposite, it makes it much more realistic, we are surviving on this station full of monsters with low amount of resources.
@KadonGish-BTM Жыл бұрын
I love this game, it's my favorite of the series, and I am excited for the remake of DS1.
@legendsinit6019 Жыл бұрын
Best KZbinr right here, holy shit the way you’re churning these vids out 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@YourFavoriteSon1 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Dad!
@Thealchemyoflife Жыл бұрын
I hope doing the games you love doesn't hurt you in the algorithm! Top notch content, and your hard work deserves comparative compensation!
@youtubegoogleb Жыл бұрын
Subbed to The channel after the first one of these, loving the second so far
@bluedul904 Жыл бұрын
I like to think of Dead Space 2 as if it is like Aliens, the sequel to Alien. Where the horror gets behind and the feeling is more chaotic than scary.
@That_Ifrit_Guy Жыл бұрын
Idk as someone who never really got scared from playing Dead Space 1, Dead Space 2 is just a overall more enjoyable time for me~ I'm still curious on what made the first one scary to so many people, even after watching your video on it. Now I'm not questioning that it isn't scary, so many people think it is so it's clearly a me thing lol, but I just wonder what it is and what I missed
@GhostintheStacks Жыл бұрын
That eye needle sequence has the most upsetting and amazing cinematic of you fail
@chaytonbritton7291 Жыл бұрын
I found your channel about a week ago and I've watched every one of your videos twice. You consistently put out quality content and your analysis on the given material is always well researched and well put. I'm proud of you son
@adamfrazer5150 Жыл бұрын
I love both Alien and Aliens, for obvious yet distinct reasons - but only one of those two films is capable of whipping up a hurricane of foreboding, panic and utter shock within the walls of my skull 😳
@ripasstley8398 Жыл бұрын
This video is fantastic. Keep up the good work, son. I’m proud of you.
@chrisditoro3876 Жыл бұрын
I feel like there needs to be a proud dad bridge. 🤣
@Daxxykin Жыл бұрын
Just watched your Dead Space 1 video the other night at work and was sad to not see a Dead Space 2 video followup right away. Great video once again :)
"Almost like a small Velociraptor" I don't remember Stalkers being smaller than a turkey.
@russellsmith3580 Жыл бұрын
i not so fondly remember playing this game and you hit all the key points. there was a point in the midgame (can't remember which chapter) that i had soft locked myself. i had no ammo, couldn't backtrack, couldn't progress. had to reset and start a new file.
i like how you try not to say Vent instead saying "maintenance hatch". The Struggle is real
@adamfrazer5150 Жыл бұрын
Horror, coitus and tOOL : the crescendo's best friend
@jamesabernethy7896 Жыл бұрын
Dead Space 2 was a step up in a lot of ways. A sequel that lived up to its potential. And yet... I would rather play the original. In reference to something that you said about Dead Space. I enjoyed the moments of gameplay that broke up the pacing, the asteroid gun and the debris-throwing alien. There were other moments that were more consistent in gameplay style but again broke up the pacing. The large set piece moments like the alien blocking the tunnel, the toxin necros in the greenhouse, realigning the dishes, dumping the radioactive cores and the beacon on the asteroid. The main one you mentioned was the two cannon sections.
@the_aka_j5598 Ай бұрын
Making Isaac fully voiced in the sequel was definitely the right choice. Gunner Wright really shone through his portail of Isaac. A super unfortunate guy who never asked to be thrust in this terrible situation. After barely surviving this Ishimura, he's again being forced to take on the nightmares and monsters that ruin his life. He doesn't just get to rest. He's become an experiment to Earth Gov and Unitology. Unitology took away his parents, and The Red Marker took away Nicole. How much rage and confusion he has comes through his actions, his voice, and I could feel for him. Isaac isn't helpless as he knows what to do already from the first game. Isaac is a broken man, though. He has psychological and emotional problems because of his trauma from the events of the first game. To me, this story is about a man facing his fears and demons and rising above those to live. He even manages to save someone, something he wasn't able to do in the first game. I loved every second of this game, and it is one of my all-time favorites. When he says "F### YOU! AND F### YOUR MARKER!" it feels like all the emotions we have come pouring out, and as a player, it signifies us having enough of setbacks and being beat around; we are standing our ground and fighting. I absolutely adore this game for so many reasons, and I hope to see more Dead Space in the future. Bye son, thanks for the retrospective.
@DumbArse Жыл бұрын
Quick Fun Fact: you can shoot off basic enemies spiky arms and shoot it at them to save ammo and kill them very quickly. In this and the first vid I get the fealing that you do not know this, you have one more game to get trough, it works there too, try it, it's incredibly satisfying
@hihowrya370 Жыл бұрын
I'm kinda late on this one but you can actually change the laser pointer in the setting. In the (I think) video setting, you can change it from "center" to "classic".
@Tubewatcherdude Жыл бұрын
32:48 There is an option you can toggle on to use the classic physical laser pointer style reticule rather than the center screen dot reticule the game defaults to. No one would’ve known about it unless they ran into it while configuring their controls in the options menu or were told about it so its still fair to nitpick detail I think
@Momao92 Жыл бұрын
hey kiddo, amasing job! really looking forward to the complete retrospective
@BloodyEveryday Жыл бұрын
Dad's come back with the milk, definitely not because of dead space 2.
@mizzymac9451 Жыл бұрын
you truly are my YourFavoriteSon
@YourFavoriteSon1 Жыл бұрын
Thanks dad!
@OnePolishMoFo Жыл бұрын
Dead Space 2 is consistently in my top 5 games ever. I think it's perfect.
@nexusshark Жыл бұрын
Dead Space 2 is not a pure horror game, but it's not a pure action game either. It's both. Think of it like the sequel to Alien.
@bogbastard4243 Жыл бұрын
dead space 2 will always be my favorite rendition of the dead space series, from the environment of the newer cleaner ship to the set of weapons and suits available to us. the increased action focus isn't to the detriment of the horror atmosphere, to my tastes. this game is something very special, and the lack of controller support on pc for the steam version is truly saddening. the game was very much designed to be played with a controller, and you do feel that on the keyboard and mouse for sure. also, i totally forgot they tried to cover up the ishimura as a terrorist attack. that just makes me wonder though, did someone have to go through that whole ship and hose the place down? if you show me any given room of the ishimura, terrorist attack isn't quite what comes to mind.
@paranoyd70 Жыл бұрын
I personally thought that DS2 was an improvement over the original, but some hate the relationship between Isaac & Ellie. I personally like it, as it gives Isaac a reason to succeed. He had Nicole in part 1 and he needed Ellie in part 2 (& 3). And I get some of the complaints about DS3, but to me most of the hate is way overblown. Yes, its more action heavy & yes its the worst in the series, but that does NOT make it a terrible game. It just annoys me how everyone focuses on the bad but totally ignore the good. Sure, it starts off as a 3rd person shooter and over stays its welcome, but DS3 has one of the best sections in the series with the section where you are stuck on a big ship and you have to explore other nearby ships within a graveyard of ships and you can do optional missions. This was fantastic and almost all the haters IGNORE this section. Later sections are very reminiscent of Dead Space 1 & 2 when you are on the ice planet & have to explore the deserted ruins of a base. This is peak Dead Space and its great, but its ignored or its trashed because its not a derelict ship but is on a deserted ice planet. WTF?! Its "Dead Space" NOT "Dead Space Ship." While not perfect & full of flaws, Dead Space 3 is still a good game in many areas. Its just that it also has some sections that were not good & has some flawed concepts (which were the result of EA meddling and NOT what the Developer wanted to do). So the haters trashed the game (DS3) so much that it hurt its sales and the series was canned & the studio was shuttered. Are you haters happy? You contributed to it. And what the shuttered Developer (Visceral) wanted to do in Dead Space 4 sounded awesome. They wanted a fully explorable space where Isaac could literally travel around & explore other derelict ships & maybe some distant planets, but we will never see it cause of all the hate DS3 got. I do understand some of the complaints, but I think much of them were way overblown.
@CoffinSauceSipper Жыл бұрын
Despite all my rage my favorite son has uploaded today
@OberonFox Жыл бұрын
I can totally see why you feel Dead Space 2 is a devolution of the horror genre especially when compared to the first game however I do have to disagree. Horror is an incredibly complex set of genre's, not just a singular one. Examples would be how Alien isnt the same kind of horror as The Thing which also isnt the same as Oculus. Alien is atmospheric and monster horror, The Thing is paranoia and body horror and Oculus is psychological horror. None of the examples are "Bad" at being horror, just different approaches. Dead Space 1 went for an atmospheric horror mixed with a touch of body horror. Dead Space 2 leaned more towards the body horror and panic/stress horror genre's with a lot more graphic detail on the transformations, a faster pace making the necromorphs move even less human like and a much bigger emphasis on Survival Horror. Dead Space 2 wasnt a devolution in the horror genre, it just pivoted to panic horror which I personally feel it did really well. As for the point of always struggling with ammunition and health compared to the first game, that is quite literally the definition of a Survival Horror title. If you are never low on ammo, every encounter is just a matter of landing shots. If you are low on ammo, you need to make every shot count which increases the stress of the situation and forces players to be a lot more resourceful. On a side note: an issue developers need to be concerned about is if a game is too scary for the audience. Take Alien: Isolation as a good example; people loved it but no one outside of hardcore horror fans touched it themselves, only watching play-throughs and as such it initially sold disappointingly. It might sound backwards to make a horror game or movie less scary to be more enjoyable but if the audience is too scared, they will grow to hate that thing instead of enjoying the fear. For me personally, Dead Space 1 is a worse horror game than 2 not because its bad, but because its just TOO good at being atmospherically oppressive and as such it makes the entire experience too uncomfortable and unenjoyable compared to 2. The first game also had an abundance of ammo, health and everything else it could throw at you which made every encounter a breeze and as such the encounters themselves had no weight to them which conflicted with the masterful atmosphere and as such it destroyed a lot of the immersion for me. But yeah sorry for the massive rant, for the record I do love your vids and have watched quite a few, including all of your LoK retrospective and love them. It's just that part of the video that I had to disagree with as I am quite an avid horror fan myself. I suspect the reason it wasnt as scary for you is you just prefer Dread based horrors over Stress based horror but do correct me if I'm wrong!
@YourFavoriteSon1 Жыл бұрын
You make some good points here. First of all, I disagree with comparing horror games to films, because films lack the element of immersion. Horror Games v. Horror Films are two completely different topics and I think their comparisons only go so far. I agree with your points about "Stress/Panic" based horror. This only goes so far though, because in my opinion, panic and stress horror rides a very fine line into the Action genre of games. I don't think you can necessarily make a panic or stress based horror game without it being at least a little bit an action game. I don't think these are through and through horror games, and I don't think they can be judged as such. At the end of the day, the "horror" definition in games is very subjective, and everyone is going to have a different idea of what is and isn't a horror game. I really appreciate your response and discussion. It's challenging and required me to think about my distinctions.
@OberonFox Жыл бұрын
@YourFavoriteSon Yeah movies vs games are very different to be fair. A better example would be something like Alien: Isolation (Atmospheric), System Shock 2 (Body Horror) and Silent Hill 2 (Psychological). As you say though, it is subjective as to how people see horror as a whole which is completely fair. Either way, keep up the great work! Looking forward to seeing you do Dead Space 3 as I suspect it will be an interesting one to cover, especially with the single player and co-op feeling reasonably different from each other due to unique events, the co-op environment as a whole and slight story changes!
@lizdevine2525 Жыл бұрын
I mean...sure it's a bad horror game...if you keep not giving it credit for the aspects that are genuinely unsettling. The Nicole visions, new monster designs (visual, sound, and movement)/concepts, the fucking eyeball needle, the entire intro, the truly well crafted scares, and the "power outage/horde enters the government sector" set-piece are just a few of the terrifying things that I remember of the top of my head that stuck with me. I feel like "horror" as a genre just needs to present the reader/viewer/player/listener with ideas that unsettle them in some fashion and DS2 has that in spades. As for the action/horror balance, I think the game handled it very well as a continuation of Isaac's story from the first. The ending of DS1 had already turned things up to 11 and it wasn't like the nature of the outbreak was going to be a mystery to the player or Issac this time, so instead the emphasis of dealing with the Necromorphs leans into the survival side of things while his left-over trauma is the main focus of the horror. Issac is a card-carrying Necromorph exterminator by the end of the first game and that hasn't changed, but what really haunts him is his guilt and regret. I also just never found the transitions between the action and horror focus all that jarring. Oh and lastly I'll completely just admit my biases. I'm a sucker for cathartic/happy ending horror. I'm a total horror junkie, and love it in most every variety. That being said, having the protagonist/PC start off as helpless, for the most part just holding on for dear life, only to have them steadily concurring their internal and external fears, and by the end emerging a badass is really my jam and I basically see DS1&2 as a whole package in that vein. Also the feeling of the level of intensity the second game maintains was uncannily similar to the abuse that was my time working in retail, so getting to work through those feelings in this format was really something unforgettable. I get your trying to frame this as a clear progression of the "loss of horror" or "action-ification" of Dead Space through the trilogy (of course I could be wrong, and if so I apologize), but I just really don't think these games can be summed up so neatly. So...hard disagree, but it's whatever. You do you, man.
@AD3SPG Жыл бұрын
The voice for this channel just hits different very awesome
@CaptSocrates Жыл бұрын
Hey kiddo, I’m sure you’ve already got plans for a series after Dead Space but I was wondering if you’re going to do any games I might have played when I was younger. The original Fallouts and System Shock were my favorites and I’m interested in what you think of them. Either way, keep up the good work. I’m really proud of you son.
@spoodlesoodles85 Жыл бұрын
I sure do hope they make a dead space 3 eventually.
@versebuchanan512 Жыл бұрын
That would be amazing. Maybe with this remake coming out, they'll finally make a sequel to 2!
@1911odisea Жыл бұрын
Dead Space 3 wasn't that bad.
@MisterBolticus Жыл бұрын
Simply one of the best horror games ever made
@noskes1 Жыл бұрын
2:40 18:50 I remeber this part to well... Kindergarden necromorfs ware horrifying, it stuck with me.
@shipwreckedonapopulatedisland Жыл бұрын
Fun fact Steve Papoutsis played bass in my teenage years favourite band No Use For A Name
@KlaykidReal Жыл бұрын
You can change the reticle to a dynamic one in the settings. Fantastic video!
@jmooreftw Жыл бұрын
OMG the ripper is ideal for dealing with the those litter swarmers. When I did my hardcore run 3000 years ago. I just used the plasma cutter and ripper to make sure I had enough ammo for each
@jmooreftw Жыл бұрын
Pack they are called packs
@kevskikane Жыл бұрын
I genuinely think think that horror does eventually mould into action. If you follow the same protagonist and look at the horrors he's been through, those same horrors won't have the same effect. The protagonist will be more prepared for to fight back against those horrors. The best example of this is Alien and Aliens...
@oblx._ Жыл бұрын
Awesome video, the Dead Space series was one of my faves growing up, and I'm eager to see how it'll be followed up in spirit by The Callisto Protocol in December. Glad you enjoyed the game, and while I do agree with you that Dead Space 2 places A LOT more emphasis on action compared to the first game, to say it's a bad horror game is also a bit of a reach imo. Horror can take many shapes, and in terms of Body Horror, Psychological Horror, and Existentialism, I would say 2 > 1. Dead Space 1 is definitely the scarier game, as it fills you with tension, a constant sense of dread, and it builds up actual scares , but I think in an effort to avoid retreading the same tropes, 2 looks towards other sources of inspiration for its horror, and focuses on more general horror concepts rather than the scares themselves. Personally I think your expectations for wanting something akin to the first game really tainted the second one for you, and honestly that's reasonable, but to claim it's a bad horror game because it doesn't focus on the aspect of horror you prefer is also going too far. Regardless though, that's kind of the magic of horror, different aspects affect people in many different ways, some things are more effective than others, and it's interesting to see different perspectives for the same piece of media :p looking forward to the rest of the series!
@iAmPimmiCue Жыл бұрын
One of my favourite enemies in Dead Space 2 were the Stalker's, just peeking around corners and running off like little gremlins
@billmozart7288 Жыл бұрын
Howard Phillips is the H.P. in HP Lovecraft
@MemeLordCthulhu Жыл бұрын
33:35 you can actually turn on the classic aiming method in the settings, at least on pc
@Aisaaax Жыл бұрын
Stasis worked the same way in ds1. It was always an aoe used for combat mostly, as the number of puzzles that require it are counted on 1 hand. Brutes were also exactly the same. They have weak points on both shoulders, the back and the back of their legs. Attacking any of those a lot can amputate a leg/arm, slowing the brute down by a lot. I literally played ds1 ending today, and yep, the pods are there.
@existingdark Жыл бұрын
I noticed you had 6,900 credits when you reached your first store. To that I say... Nice.
@MrPantslad Жыл бұрын
man everyone is doing dead space videos right now, and imma watch all of them!
@OnePolishMoFo Жыл бұрын
You can change the reticle in the options menu to it's original style. I always change it.
@Lord_Deimos Жыл бұрын
It's crazy how clean DS2 looks on pc even after all this time.
@theonlybilge Жыл бұрын
46:11 Star Trek Picard
@charless1145 Жыл бұрын
Howard Phillips is the HP in HP Lovecraft. It's a horror reference, though there's not really anything lovecraftian about the dead space franchise
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