Inferno Tips & Tricks For Learners (2022) - Old School Runescape

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@law720_xo 2 жыл бұрын
Topic; Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) | Notes ________________________________________________ Intro; 0:0:00 Ancient Mace & Prayer Boost; 0:0:51 Recommended Plugins; 0:1:56 Gear; 0:4:18 Inventory + Pre-Potting; 0:5:40 Autocast & Quick Prayer Settings ; 0:6:29 | *Make Sure Autocast & Quick Prayer Settings Are Correct & Pre-Pot* Formal Intro + Infernal Background; 0:7:00 *(Wave 1)* Starting Inferno + Marked Tiles + Nibblers & Bats; 0:9:00 | *Drop (1)Pot By Zuk Tile* ________________________________________________ *(Wave 4)* Blob Intro; 0:11:24 | *Blob Has A 6-Tick Cycle / Scans Your Over-Head Prayer On Tick 1 & Attacks w/ Opposite Attack Style On Tick 4, 3-Tick Alt Flicking Begins* Bloblet Intro & Bloblet Stack-Spot #1 _(Blob NE Of North Pillar)_ ; 0:12:12 Blob Mechanics; 0:12:49 Bloblet Stack-Spot #2 _(Blob SW Of North Pillar)_ ; 0:13:16 Nibbler Safe-Spot Tile; 0:13:50 | *Nibbler Safe-Spot Tile Is Aligned w/ Wave 35+ Start Tile* Flinching Intro w/ Blob + Bat Stack; 0:14:15 | *Click Mob / Click Prayer vs. Non-Blob Mob / Click Behind Pillar / Switch Prayer* Blob Review; 0:14:42 *(Wave 7)* (2)Blob Intro; 0:15:07 Zero-Prayer Flicking On Blob Example #1; 0:15:43 | *Put 1st Over-head Prayer On For Tick 1 / Turn Prayer Off For Tick 2 / Nothing Changes For Tick 3 / Switch Prayer For Tick 4 / Prayer Off For Tick 5 / Nothing Changes For Tick 6* *(Wave 9)* Melee'er Intro; 0:16:24 | * Melee'er Has 4-Tick Cycle / Attacks On Tick 1 / Tail Far Left On Tick 2 / Tail Far Right On Tick 3 / Tail Returns Far Left On Tick 4* Corner Safe-Spot Example #1; 0:17:22 Corner Safe-Spot Example #2; 0:19:50 *(Wave 12)* Melee'er + Blob; 0:20:34 What Happens When Late On Blob; 0:21:09 Bloblet Stack-Spot #3 _(Blob NE Of West Pillar)_ ; 0:23:07 *(Wave 15)* Melee'er + (2)Blob; 0:23:56 Mob Alignment Trick; 0:24:16 | *Middle Zuk Tile Can Be Used To Align Mobs* Tbow Flinching; 0:24:54 Blob + Bloblet Stack; 0:25:38 | *Barrage Bloblets When They are In-Front Of A Blob* *(Wave 16)* (2)Melee'er & Zero-Prayer Flicking Example w/ Melee'er; 0:26:30 *(Wave 18)* Ranger Intro; 0:28:04 | *Ranger Has A 4-Tick Cycle / Bows On Tick 1 / Attacks On Tick 2 / Begins Standing Up On Tick 3 / Stands Fully "Erect" On Tick 4* Zero-Prayer Flicking w/ Ranger; 0:28:23 | *Put 1st Over-head Prayer On For Tick 1 / Turn Prayer Off For Tick 2 / Nothing Changes For Ticks 3 & 4* *(Wave 21)* Ranger + Blob & Alt 1-Tick Flick Example #1; 0:30:15 | * Pay Attention To Ranger / Ignore Blob While Flicking* Bloblet Stack-Spot #4 _(Blob NW Of North Pillar)_ ; 0:30:55 Bloblet + Bat Stack; 0:32:39 | *Safe-Spot Bat After Killing Bloblets* Zero-Prayer Flick on Blob Example #2; 0:34:00 *(Wave 24)* Ranger + (2)Blob & Alt 1-Tick Flick Example #2; 0:34:30 *(Wave 25)* Ranger + Melee'er; 0:35:54 *(Wave 28)* Ranger + Melee'er + Blob; 0:38:52 *(Wave 31)* Ranger + Melee'er + (2)Blob & Accident Recovery Example #1; 0:42:47 Bloblet Stacking w/o A Pillar; 0:43:47 *(Wave 32)* Ranger + (2)Melee'er; 0:44:22 Resetting Melee'ers Timer; 0:44:46 | *Melee'er Timer Resets When It Attacks* *(Wave 33)* (2)Ranger; 0:45:35 *(Wave 34)* Changing Quick Prayer Settings; 0:46:22 | *Change Quick Prayers To Protect From Mage & Rigour* ________________________________________________ *(Wave 35)* Mage'er Intro; 0:46:51 | *New Start Tile / Start Using Magic Tile To Align Mobs* Mage'er Attack Cycle & Zero-Prayer Flicking w/ Mage'er; 0:47:20 | *Mage'er Has A 4-Tick Cycle / Light Flickers & Begins Flip On Tick 1 / Attacks & Lands Flip On Tick 2 / Tail Moves Back and Forth Once On Tick 3 & 4, For Zero-Prayer Flicking Put 1st Over-head Prayer On For Tick 1 / Turn Prayer Off For Tick 2 / Nothing Changes For Ticks 3 & 4* Magic Tile Example; 0:49:23 Flinching Mage'er; 0:49:59 | *Click Mage'er / Click Quick Prayers On / Click Quick Prayers Off / Click Behind Pillar* *(Wave 38)* Mage'er + Blob & Alt 1-Tick Flicking w/ Mage'er; 0:50:48 | *Pay Attention To Mage'er / Ignore Blob While Flicking* *(Wave 41)* Mage'er + (2)Blob; 0:55:14 *(Wave 42)* Mage'er + Melee'er; 0:57:09 Manipulating Melee'er; 0:57:47 Mob Manipulation #1; 0:59:16 *(Wave 45)* Mage'er + Melee'er + Blob; 1:02:40 Accident Recovery Example #2; 1:06:49 *(Wave 48)* Mage'er + Melee'er + (2)Blob; 1:09:26 *(Start Wave 49)* Mage'er + (2)Melee'er; 1:12:04 *(End Wave 49)* Note On Wave 50+; 1:13:18 | *Try To LOS Either Ranger or Mage'er ASAP* *(Wave 50)* Mage'er + Ranger ; 1:14:09 | *Start In Range Gear Every Wave Until End & Be Ready to Switch Over-Head Prayer @ Start Of Wave Until Wave 65* Ranger Spawning in LOS After Wave 50; 1:15:28 Note On SGS; 1:16:05 *(Wave 53)* Mage'er + Ranger + Blob & Protecting South Pillar; 1:18:09 Mage'er + Ranger Off-Ticking w/ Aggro Example #1; 1:20:15 | *Put 1st Over-Head Prayer On & Click To Walk Out Into LOS Of 2nd Mob On Tick 1 / Attack or Move Into LOS Of 2nd Mob & Switch Prayer On Tick 2 / Switch Prayer & Begin Alt 2-Tick Flicking On Tick 3* Zero-Prayer Alt 2-Tick Flick Example; 1:20:39 | *1st Prayer On For Tick 1 / 1st Prayer Off For Tick 2 / 2nd Prayer On For Tick 3 / 2nd Prayer Off For Tick 4* Protecting West Pillar; 1:22:30 | *Blobs Can Be Safe-Spotted SE of West Pillar* Note On West Pillar; 1:23:19 Bloblet Stack-Spot #5 _(Blob SE of West Pillar)_ ; 1:24:21 *(End Wave 55)* Note On Bastion Sips + Start Using Augury; 1:24:50 *(Wave 56)* Mage'er + Ranger + (2)Blob; 1:25:00 | *Sip Bastion (When Necessary) & Use Augury @ Start Of Every Wave Until Wave 63* Mage'er + Ranger Off-Ticking w/ Aggro Example #2; 1:25:10 *(Wave 57)* Mage'er + Ranger + Melee'er; 1:27:52 Flinching w/ Mage'er + Ranger; 1:29:55 | *Start In Middle Of Pillar, Pray Against & Attack Mob In Back, Switch Prayer When In LOS Then Click Behind Pillar* Alt 1-Tick Flicking w/ Mage'er + Ranger; 1:31:07 | *Start In Middle Of Pillar, Pray Against & Attack Mob In Back, Switch Prayer When In LOS On Tick 1 / Switch Prayer Back On Tick 2 & Begin Alt 1-Tick Flicking* Alt 1-Tick Flicking w/ Mage'er + Ranger Attacking Front Mob; 1:31:44 | *Start In Middle Of Pillar, Pray Against & Attack Mob In Back, Switch Prayer When In LOS On Tick 1 / Switch Prayer Back On Tick 2 / Attack Front Mob On Tick 4 / Switch Prayer Back & Begin Alt 1-Tick Flicking On Tick 5* Mob Manipulation #2; 1:33:18 *(Wave 59)* Note On Pre-Wave 60 Potting; 1:33:55 | *Be Sure To Be Pre-Potted For Waves 60-63* *(Wave 60)* Mage'er + Ranger + Melee'er + Blob; 1:34:41 Using Mage'er To Safe-Spot Melee'er; 1:35:07 Note On Alt 1-Tick Flicking w/ Mage'er + Blob; 1:37:46 *(Wave 63)* Mage'er + Ranger + Melee'er + (2)Blob; 1:41:26 *(Wave 64)* Mage'er + Ranger + (2)Melee'er; 1:43:40 *(Start Wave 65)* Mage'er + (2)Ranger; 1:46:15 | *Send Logout Request During This & Every Wave Until End* *(End Wave 65)* First Logout; 1:48:26 | *Check World Ping & Use World Hopping As Your Means to Logout Every Wave Until The End* *(Start Wave 66)* (2)Mage'er; 1:48:00 Note On Pillars; 1:49:50 | *Step Away From Pillars @ End Of This Wave or They Will Do Significant Damage* *(End Wave 66)* Jad Prep; 1:50:00 | *Change Quick Prayers (Redemption & Rigour), Reorganize Inventory (Mage Gear No Longer Needed) & Pre-Pot Every Wave Until End* ________________________________________________ *(Start Wave 67)* Jad Fight & How To Save Prayer On Jad; 1:51:30 | *New Start Tile* Jad & Healers; 1:52:00 | *Use Protect From Melee When Jad Isn't Attacking* Stacking Healers Behind Jad; 1:52:15 *(End Wave 67)* (3)Jad Prep; 1:53:28 | *Remember Tagging Healers Is Easiest w/ Tbow* *(Start Wave 68)* (3)Jad; 1:55:00 | *New Start Tile* (3)Jad Healers; 1:55:26 | *Once The Healers Are All Next To You, Step Back One Tile To Corner Safe-Spot Healers* Potting During (3)Jad; 1:56:38 | *Pot After Killing 1st Jad If Needed* *(End Wave 68)* Zuk Prep; 1:59:39 ________________________________________________ *(Wave 69)* Zuk; 2:04:08 | *Click On Zuk During Cut-Scene, Move After Zuk Moves Leg, Shield Does One Oscillation Before Set Spawns* Zuk w/ Mage'er & Ranger; 2:05:10 | *Note Which Mob Will Spawn Closer To You & Be Ready To Off-Tick While Moving to Middle Zuk Tile Then Start Alt 2-Tick Flicking* *Special Note About Off-Ticking Whiling Running w/o Aggro On 2nd Mob;* Use Over-Head Prayer For 1st Mob & Click Ahead To Run To Middle Zuk Tile On Tick 1 / (While Running) Click 2nd Mob & 1st Mob Attacks On Tick 2 / Click Ahead To Next Tile On Tick 3 / Nothing On Tick 4 / Switch Prayer & Weapon On Tick 5 / Click 2nd Mob for 2nd Time On Tick 6 / Switch Prayer On Tick 7 / Nothing On Tick 8 / Switch Prayer On Tick 9 / Click Ahead To Next Tile On Tick 10 Zuk Above 600HP w/ Mage'er; 2:05:50 | *After Killing Ranger, Big DPS On Zuk Until Below 600HP To Decrease Chance Of Second Set Spawning* Zuk Below 600HP w/ Mage'er; 2:06:52 | *Set Timer Pauses, Kill Mage'er After Zuk's Below 600HP & Prep For Jad @ 480HP* Zuk Below 480HP w/ Jad; 2:07:18 | *Be Ready To Tag Jad Immediately* Zuk Close to 240HP w/ Mage'er & Ranger; 2:08:42 | *Kill Both Mobs ASAP* Zuk w/ Healers; 2:11:44 | *Start This Phase w/ Blowpipe & While Shield Is @ Furthest Left or Furthest Right Position, Focus On Tagging Healers During First Pass, If Set Spawns Tag Set According To Zuk's Health* Edited to reorganize. 222
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
Absolute legend.
@law720_xo 2 жыл бұрын
@@dearlola1 no you
@sleepyy1z 2 жыл бұрын
I got my cape a month ago studying tf outta ur guides. along with almost every other inferno content on youtube but i finally got it. You made things very simple for a noob like me to understand so thank you ! much love ! Edit: i went a little crazy counting 1,2,3,4 in my brain the whole time LOL
@roopel5567 2 жыл бұрын
Dude this is crazy informative and makes me understand the inferno in a way ive never understood it. You explain everything very simply and its really easy to understand. Makes me wanna go for it. Thanks!
@Nick-qg4fm 2 жыл бұрын
The magic tile! Been sending attempts on and off in Dec, feel like you're guides highlighted a lot of things I can use to improve, thanks!
@goldmedicine 2 жыл бұрын
Lola, my man! After so many attempts I finally got my first cape today. 100% thanks to you, your guides are so helpful bro ty!
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
@duckcat687 2 жыл бұрын
I was stuck at Zuk when i first found your livestreams and watching you do inferno runs really helped me get to Zuk more consistently. Sometimes it's the small things that make or break getting through waves. After i got my cape, watching you motivated me to keep doing more and more to have my very own collection haha. I got burnt but i'm back on my Group iron almost ready for the inferno so this is a good refresher
@ISZTR 2 жыл бұрын
I just got my first cape today and your videos were a huge help man.Can't thank you enough
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
glad I could help!! congrats :)
@baconzztv7761 2 жыл бұрын
Bro you’re a natural. Sincerely one of the best videos I’ve seen on KZbin. The style you use for teaching is valued dude!! Thanks for sharing this information!!
@jbarela237 Жыл бұрын
Its me, I'm the one watching 6 months past the holidays hahaha. Making progress slowly but surely, you'll be the reason I get the cape.
@hazzaz98 2 жыл бұрын
got my first cape a few days ago using your guides as my primary resource, thanks a lot for all the knowledge and happy holidays!
@MH-sz5uu 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your guides! I got my 1st infernal cape yesterday after only 12 attempts, I watched your guides a lot of times which made me learn a lot faster.
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats!! Glad I could help 🙏🏼😌
@thekolobsociety 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome, man. I'm just about to start the inferno grind after I max here in a couple days. Know these vids are very much appreciated!
@1haunt 2 жыл бұрын
Lool I was literally watching your first inferno learner run video and checked your twitter and you had uploaded this one :D This is a treat, your 2021 video taught me a ton of stuff even tho I had watched xzact's guide a dozen times already
@paaddd 2 жыл бұрын
Hey man, wanted to let you know that i found this guide while i was working on my cape. Took me 4 days and 2 zuk attempts to get it, thanks for your help dude :)
@trafficosrs 2 жыл бұрын
bruh what a god send you are..youre not joking about that magic tile i got the cape in 14 attempts making it to zuk 3 times i watched you after the 5th or 6th attempt after i did everything started to "click" made it so much better thanks alot.
@nasetheboss 2 жыл бұрын
Man you're nuts at the game if only played few years! Been playing 17 years and started inferno grind today. Your guide will help alot
@KujiGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Got my cape a week ago and made a post on reddit which blew up, gave you a huge shout out for it bro, thanks a lot for your videos, hopefully you get the viewers and subs you deserve
@Surface-Tension 2 жыл бұрын
Just got my cape today after 2+ weeks and this was where my journey started, thanks for the help!
@chadiusd 9 ай бұрын
TROUTGANG love the content bro when im ready for my inferno im heading straight here much love man gg on the subathon
@nik5811 2 жыл бұрын
Finally got it a couple days ago, your guides definitely helped! I'm looking forward to going back and trying some of the more advanced methods, thanks!
@iNewgz 2 жыл бұрын
brooo this came out after I got my cape, regardless this man's content helped a ton in my grind. Much love!
@waterpoloboy24 2 жыл бұрын
Such a sick guide, Best chill guide out there tbh. Thank you for your guides got my cape on my 3rd attempt!!!
@IXfuriousXI 2 жыл бұрын
Woow nice job posting this after I got mine a week ago haha. Your first vid helped a lot man much appreciated content.
@colwellalec 2 жыл бұрын
Hey man just wanna say thanks for this, it has certainly helped my understanding of the inferno a lot better than anything else available here, and I'm constantly coming back to it a lot. Just wondering though if your tile markers were available anywhere? Just didn't see in the description
@KiichiIsanu 2 жыл бұрын
I believe they’re available in his discord
@colwellalec 2 жыл бұрын
@@KiichiIsanu Thanks!
@TheBigNoob998 2 жыл бұрын
Hands down best inferno guides on KZbin. Thanks and hopefully I get my cape soon!
@bug702 Жыл бұрын
You are the real legend I've never seen anyone do the inferno with such ease
@ghvstrs 2 жыл бұрын
Not even 2 mins in and youve already broken my brain with the prayer thing. 222 trout gvng
@BigBloat 2 жыл бұрын
Only KZbin guide I can watch I'll certainly come back when I get my cape
@xXCaLloFdUtYaDdIkTXx 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for the tips dude, I got my first cape a few hours ago and it was the best feeling I’ve ever had in this game. Took me just over a month and 6 zuks but I fucking did it. You’re the goat Lola!
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats!!! Best feeling, I totally agree :) I appreciate the comment, proud of you and glad I could help
@captainvalen5429 2 жыл бұрын
You're probably going to get sick of me eventually with the comments XD but I am on probably my proudest run yet, 58-65 I had the worst possible spawns almost every wave and survived them. It cost me half of my brews but I made it to Zuk. Decided to log out after triple jads and take a day to wind down from the most stressful inferno run yet. I will be attempting Zuk today when I get home and hopefully this will be the one. I keep watching the last 15 minutes of this video over and over lol.
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
Good luck!! you got this
@Brad1eyG 2 жыл бұрын
hey bro its been a bit since ive hopped in the streams or so but ill skim through through this new and improved guide to get me my 2nd kc! love homie
@rubixcubesolve 2 жыл бұрын
Finally got my cape after 1 month of attempts. Your cool demeanor while doing inferno effortlessly helped me be less intimated by the whole experience
@xD-ui5mt 2 жыл бұрын
Funny thing, laying in bed watching this and realising my pulse is exact 1 tick while you Where counting. I Gues anxiety is good when doing the inferno :D great guide with lots of tricks and great explonations
@hieroja1 2 жыл бұрын
You have such a great energy radiating from you! Great guide!
@joedemaio1342 2 жыл бұрын
love this bro. helps me so much i pause the waves and just watch this lol
@captainvalen5429 2 жыл бұрын
Wave 42 another solve when the meleer digs, is to move to the middle tile at the south side of the pillar and continue killing the mage. The mage was 3 tiles south of the pillar, so you're in no threat of being melee'd by it.
@xilioss8575 2 жыл бұрын
Love the vid m8 gonna try inferno when i het 99 mage just one question whats the name of the highlighted square called that surrounds the mobs:)
@Acta_Non_Verba 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much dude! Awesome content. Quick question, what if you get the mage,range, and blob 3 stacked lined up?
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
If the blob is in the back you treat kt the same way you would a mage/range stack!
@Acta_Non_Verba 2 жыл бұрын
@@dearlola1 So when you do the prayer flick method it will automatically prayer correctly on the blob anyways right? Like when you run out shoot once and run back
@Acta_Non_Verba 2 жыл бұрын
@@dearlola1 Also the stack I had last night, the Blob was in the middle >.>
@jaepy3354 Жыл бұрын
@@Acta_Non_Verbaif I’m not mistaken the solve works the same as long as he’s not in the front. So he can be in the back, middle, or outside of the stack just not the front. I think that’s prolly what he meant but idkfs
@GodDangOl 2 жыл бұрын
Subbed, I really like your demeanor and you are sick at inferno!
@tylerdoolittle8753 2 жыл бұрын
hey this really helped me get my 99 untrimmed agility cape! thanks so much man!! GREAT VID!
@TheSunIsMyDestroyer 2 жыл бұрын
@tobiasedgariversen493 2 жыл бұрын
hey thanks for your guide I finally got my cape on my first zuk attempt the 24th.
@MyFuneral17 2 жыл бұрын
You make it look so easy, jesus. Nice video... will definitely remember the "magic tile"...
@BenBenBenBenBenBenBenBenBenB 2 жыл бұрын
Great guide, it's only frustrating I can't see your prayers because of the face cam. Do you need to pray Augry at the start when barraging the nibblers? Does it help at all? What do you have your quick prayer set to?
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
It goes away after a few waves, just had it on the wrong view in the begining, and no only augury on double blob waves and 60+ imo!
@mrweed5300 2 жыл бұрын
u got me into trying this inferno thing. got to wave 64 on my 4th attempt, going to keep on trying >.
@smugpug3093 2 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to using this guide! Just started inferno today @ and im at 3 tries at Wave 45.
@yesudiddie 2 жыл бұрын
How’s your attempts going?
@mepluspie Жыл бұрын
Just from watching the magic tile strat and you safespotting the melee I know that today is the day. Great tips
@mepluspie Жыл бұрын
I feel the need to follow up on this comment since I had a movie moment. Got through waves for the first time (partly due to the magic tile!) and flawlessed the jad and triple jads. Going into zuk with 4.5 brews and 4 restores, full stam and range pot. (bowfa ahrims setup) Zuk fight: Set 1: ranger dead and I have 90 hp left Jad: flawless again, everything looking perfect. Set 2: ranger dead, think I had to brew a bit. Healers: Perfect timing on the spawn proc, i dont know if I got unlucky with how much they healed or if i was just being extra careful with shield because he got about 500 hp or so :( I had 1:30 to kill him. I'm on 61 hp. On my last ranging pot sip. The end: Zuk is 80 hp and set 3 is spawning in 10 seconds, just kidding, it's actually right now (runelite and my own counter lied!?). (I wasn't brewed to full yet because of last range pot) shield is in the middle passing towards the mager, so I get good timing to tag the ranger and mage and sip tons of brew. I do some flicking between the two but not enough. I'm chugging brews and the shield swings back towards the ranger. I'm restored. I hit him and hit him but he's 5 hp for 3 blowpipe shots as I cross all the way back to the mage's side. I'm chugging more brews and flicking when I can. Shield comes back towards the ranger as I shoot him with one final shot -- killing it. I'm praying mage. I click my VERY LAST sip of brew. Tragically, the final incoming range shot killed me and we double death at 80 hp zuk. It was either a tick late or I dragged it a little bit. If I could have hit a little better on either zuk or the ranger or drank the brew... I would have achieved my cape on my first zuk. Tomorrow will be the day. Good luck on your capes fellas. I'm bringing 2 range pots.
@mepluspie Жыл бұрын
Update, tomorrow was the day. Thanks for the magic tile tip!
@mariuscesna3392 2 жыл бұрын
u keep impresing me! well deserved sub! keep at it!
@Syntheticks 2 жыл бұрын
Hey man this was my Bible just got my Infernal cape today thanks for this guide it really helped me.
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
means a lot to me!! thanks for saying it, and congrats :) 222
@KujiGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Is there a possibility that you can post a solo cox guide? Have no friends to raid with and I’ve always done solo content
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
I was just thinking about it! Perhaps soon, 222
@KujiGaming 2 жыл бұрын
@@dearlola1 CANT WAIT!!!
@mattm8885 2 жыл бұрын
Great video so far! I'm only 45 mins in right now, going to start doing inferno attempts in the next week or so. How do you get the prayer click sound without the activation sound? If that makes any sense lol
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
It’s under the “music” plug-in on runelite! “Turn off prayer sounds”
@Fvfvfvxcvxcv 2 жыл бұрын
At 1:22:40, would it have been possible to kill the nibbler by barraging the mager since it was on the mager's sw tile? Also I've really been enjoying these learner runs! Thanks so much!
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
I honestly have no idea! Haha good point though, maybe
@H2Raby Жыл бұрын
Have you done any 1 def inferno guide, preferably without tbow?
@heyjude_ 2 жыл бұрын
this will be the guide i’ll come back to when i’m ready for inferno. if ever lol
@Wintercharma 2 жыл бұрын
hey brother! I noticed u have ur neitznot helm on. u should have slayer helm and a torture on for the extra prayer points over salve. thanks man
@jessehadley3155 Жыл бұрын
Hey man ty for your guides they've helped me alot so far. Could you maybe make a vid where you compile the clips of hard spawns on hard waves and teach how to solve. I know it's on here but I feel like if we saw a vid of all hard spawn possibilities it will help us to know exactly what to do. Cus I str8 up panic when I have 2 attack styles immediately on me.
@LeroyTDF 2 жыл бұрын
im gonna learn inferno on my zerker today and i bet this guide gonna help me through it :)
@OnePeace117 2 жыл бұрын
Great guide for beginners! However, you didn't really explain that the blobs have a 6-tick cycle. After the 4th tick 2 empty ticks will happen before the cycle repeats itself. After learning this the blobs became very easy to learn and manipulate
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks man! And yeah I cover that more in depth in all my other guides haha but thanks for pointing it out here
@Bajp94 2 жыл бұрын
Bro I'm new to osrs and I've just gotten me fire cape aha but love your vids man! kept it up ghee
@hermanngabriel5216 Жыл бұрын
About to get started on this, 4 tries in and found this. I feel very confident that I can do this now thanks to you! If you dont mind me asking, what does the 222 mean?
@dearlola1 Жыл бұрын
its my lucky number!! my bday on 2/22
@hermanngabriel5216 Жыл бұрын
AH! Makes sense, Thank you happy early birthday!
@EphYxRS 2 жыл бұрын
Respect man, je m'imaginerai jamais pouvoir battre inferno serieux GG enorme ^^
@raphaelkk1 2 жыл бұрын
Supp mon boys! prochain en quebecois?! ;) keep the good work ging my dear trout!
@othmanq893 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the guide 🙏 very helpful
@thomas-jt5uy 2 жыл бұрын
on my first cape i could not do the healers part with the blowpipe, i was to nervous and had very shaky hands which leaded to eating alot of zuk balls, the way i face rolled this part was with a ely and sang staff, the damage reduction from the healers from the passive ely effect is huge and the long range of the sang staff will lead to way less errors from being nervous. hope this tip will help some people if they are stuck on that part :D
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
good tip indeed! 222
@ronlivingstone1634 2 жыл бұрын
I always die at waves 50+ But I've learned throughout waves 1 to 53, I'am going to have to avoid the blobs, I'am counting to 4 while attacking the ranger or mage while dealing with the blob, so i have to say, thanks for the video
@Jijivovo 2 жыл бұрын
Great content thanks for these sick guides!
@clazie Жыл бұрын
Ur audio is making this snap noise that with headphones hurts ears, it happens randomly throughout ur video.
@M0RLEY 2 жыл бұрын
Today is the day I've started to learn inferno. I play on mobile so have to memorise all the tiles and safespots.
@taifune6442 2 жыл бұрын
cape done yet?
@Jaelin_Showers 2 жыл бұрын
I hate to 1 tick flick because of the sounds how did you turn them off while still being able to hear ur game sounds
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
It’s in the “music” plug in on runelite, turn off prayer sounds option
@Jaelin_Showers 2 жыл бұрын
@@dearlola1 fucking legend 🙌🏽
@Swennet 2 жыл бұрын
I can't afford a tbow, but I do have bowfa. Do I still need to bring a blowpipe if I'm using my bowfa?
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
I would bring it for the healer phase and to tag the sets on zuk but its personal preference! the spec is also great to have
@aeonian6747 2 жыл бұрын
Hella informative. Cant wait til I get a little better gear on my iron to attempt.
@Growing-MJ 2 жыл бұрын
lola is the goat at infernal helped alot of ppl i know get theirs
@rimaqaqish1926 2 жыл бұрын
how much health does each pillar have? ive been trying to find this information for a week and cant come up with anything except watching one die counting the hits and taking off 1 for each minute it takes to collapse? please help me
@smobile56 2 жыл бұрын
Wiki says they start with 255 health each, I know it’s 4 months late so probably not helpful now but I saw your comment and it made me wonder myself
@BrandonJohnson-js4rq 2 жыл бұрын
Great guide bb! 222
@ohokok Жыл бұрын
just got my first 2 capes thanks lola
@MikeCalloway 2 жыл бұрын
You’re such a great teacher!
@Kodiah- 2 жыл бұрын
Does moving in the middle of the safe spots then too the actual safe spot really work like tht cause that would be a great tip.
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
i'm not sure what you mean here! can you give me a time stamp?
@Kodiah- 2 жыл бұрын
@@dearlola1 after healers around 2:13:00
@Chaz33333 2 жыл бұрын
nice guide brother much love - tiny 222
@acesnipro727 2 жыл бұрын
I'm currently triple jad brick-walling lol. Gonna watch your run like 5 times before I go in next time and hopefully I get it today if not tomorrow Edit: Got the cape :) tanked a zuk hit for a 36 L0l
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
@acesnipro727 2 жыл бұрын
@@dearlola1 Ty!!!
@TheWintastical 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the vid boss!
@Fraysbricks 2 жыл бұрын
This guy is the fucking boss! Love you! Currently logged at wave 52. Going for triples tonight new PB incoming!
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
I believe!
@Fraysbricks 2 жыл бұрын
@@dearlola1 1,2,3,4!
@Fraysbricks 2 жыл бұрын
@@dearlola1 Sad wave 65 achieved had triple stack range/mage/range died new PB
@downfromthereeefters 2 жыл бұрын
ayyyyyy trout gang 222 love your guides bro! They've helped me get to wave 59 so far. Edit: My new PB is wave 63! I had supplies left over too, 3 brews and 3 rests but I made a dumb mistake chasing a Nibbler and got stacked.
@matthewgibson7556 2 жыл бұрын
Can you export your tile indicators please xo
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
Join the discord! They are pinned in the “inferno” section
@UNKN0WN_B0T 10 ай бұрын
gonna get a cape on my uim thanks to you lets goooo
@c.martin6326 2 жыл бұрын
thanks for the guide, what is your approximate ping when doing the inferno?
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
@c.martin6326 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I appreciate your guides! currently on triple jads on my third attempt at the inferno. 222!!!
@vanceuhe7196 2 жыл бұрын
222 trout gang in the building
@tsbmonkee 2 жыл бұрын
the greatest of all time is right here
@Diskarte2277 2 жыл бұрын
Would want to check the way and how fast you change prayers :(
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
Camera gets fixed a little later in the guide
@Diskarte2277 2 жыл бұрын
@@dearlola1 been watching this with my spare time, it makes me feel confident enough to prayer flick
@QuickFlixDailyyy 2 жыл бұрын
whole other pair of sleeves = whole other story :)
@nothat1pop897 2 жыл бұрын
You made me smile a lot
@8dolfonrunescape 2 жыл бұрын
Is there a place where I can import the tiles?
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
Tiles are pinned in the « Inferno » section of my discord yes!
@_barncat 2 жыл бұрын
Servers have had some lag lately , I've gotta try at like midnight before I can get a clean connection
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
yeah it's been rough between Nex and the upcoming League! good luck out there
@_barncat 2 жыл бұрын
@@dearlola1 bro i finally got it!!!!!!! tanked a zuk hit and everything xD
@UNKN0WN_B0T 10 ай бұрын
Lola certified legend
@MemeAdicction 2 жыл бұрын
This comming clutch, updated inferno guide hell yeah, wanting to attempt it soon with the bofa. Edit: Can we have the tile markers pls :)
@cmart9240 2 жыл бұрын
I went in and marked all of his tiles, plus added a few key tiles that he mentions in video. I color coordinated them and labeled them instead of me trying to memorize what they are for. Just copy and paste the first comment, go to your mini mape icon, right click and choose import tile, then paste (ctrl+v)
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
join the discord! tiles are pinned in the "inferno" section
@LJI777 2 жыл бұрын
222 ty trout king
@williamninez5707 2 жыл бұрын
can someone copy paste the NPC's to Highlight at 2:15 please?
@dearlola1 2 жыл бұрын
you can also easily tag them by holding shift and right clicking the NPC + select « Tag All »
@williamninez5707 2 жыл бұрын
@@dearlola1 Thanks!
@jasonvanbuskirk3333 2 жыл бұрын
2/22/22 Happy Birthday!
@regnatis1 2 жыл бұрын
liked, subbed, commented
@dexzennon9263 2 жыл бұрын
Ty lola!
@kurt1s53 2 жыл бұрын
also from Montreal, cheers m8
@mistybong 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting guide
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