Did the Israelites Leave Egypt Before the Hyksos Invasion - The Exodus

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What is the Patterns Of Evidence Film Series?
Patterns of Evidence is a documentary film series that travels through the Bible, investigating evidence of its historical credibility, the accuracy of its transmission through the centuries, and how it impacts the modern world.
Timothy Mahoney is an award-winning investigative filmmaker, raised as a Christian, who now has the same question that many today are asking: Did the stories recorded in the Bible really happen?
In this film series, he sets off to seek answers by traveling to the locations where biblical events are said to have happened. Along the way, he interviews leading archaeologists and scholars from all over the world who argue all sides of the debate about the credibility of the Bible. The biblical stories are retold, accompanied by dramatic reenactments and special effects.
Patterns of Evidence lets the viewer draw their own conclusions as it takes them on a journey to the ancient world of the Bible. This refreshingly balanced approach is inspiring and intellectually challenging for both skeptics and believers alike, providing profound new evidence that affirms the Bible.
Thinking Man Films is the production company for the Patterns of Evidence film series and television programs. Thinking Man Media is the book publishing, curriculum development, and distribution company for Patterns of Evidence media.
-- Patterns of Evidence Films --
► "The Exodus" - Is the history found in the Bible credible? Is there any physical evidence to support the biblical story of the Exodus? An in-depth investigation by filmmaker Timothy Mahoney searches for answers to these questions amid startling new finds that match the Bible’s account of the Exodus from Egypt.
► "The Moses Controversy" - ​The film uncovers a new pattern of evidence that some believe link the Israelites to the world’s first alphabet. Was this a divine gift necessary for the Israelites to read the words given to Moses at Mt Sinai?
► "The Red Sea Miracle" - In this investigation Timothy Mahoney examines the journey to the crossing location, looking at two competing views of the Red Sea Miracle. The investigation raises giant questions about the real location for the crossing site and its implications on your view of God. The answers to these questions point to one of two very different realities.
► "The Red Sea Miracle II" - How could thousands of feet of water be parted at the Red Sea? Or was the sea merely parted by the act of wind in nature, through a shallow Egyptian lake? Mahoney investigates these locations to see if any have a pattern of evidence matching the Bible. This cinematic journey leads him to inquire… “Do miracles still happen today?”
-- Endorsement --
“Patterns of Evidence is an engaging, visually pleasing and fascinating piece of film-making, whatever one believes.” - Rabbi Adam Jacobs, Huffington Post
“Could this be a ‘Restore to Factory Settings’ moment? . . . Truth matters. People want to know the answers.” - Gregory Alan Thornbury, Christianity Today
-- Awards --
Winner of 13 film festival awards in 2014 including:
► Best Director - Worldfest Houston
► Best Picture - ICVM
► People’s Choice Award - Magnolia International Film Festival
► Best Cinematography, Best Sound, Best Editing - RealHeart International Film Festival Toronto

Пікірлер: 542
@johnnyc2680 2 жыл бұрын
How can the Egyptians chase after the Israelites with chariots if the Hyksos introduced chariots into Egypt? It doesn’t make sense if the Exodus occurred before the Hyksos.
@501Mobius 2 жыл бұрын
Joseph rode chariots.
The Egyptians had chariots before the Hyksos invaded Egypt. Pharaoh Dudimose's son was a commander of chariot troops.
@nateloper 2 жыл бұрын
The Egyptians had chariots before or around the same time as the “Hyksos” migration to the Delta. Just because they appear around the same time, does not mean one is the cause of another. Correlation does not imply causation. Added to this is the fact we find no evidence nor record in art, artifact, or annal of the use of chariots by the “Hyksos”.
@@nateloper Precisely!
@celticjewel913 2 жыл бұрын
@@MANDALABANDIII Right on, David Rohl!
@walterulasinksi7031 Жыл бұрын
The archeological record of climate change and sedimentary pollen from the Nile indicate several droughts including one that lasted between 5-10 years circa 1900’s BCE during the first interregnum/Middle Kingdom. The Hebrew acvount has them residing 435 years un Goshen province of Egypt. ( in the Nile delta) as herdsmen for the dynastic Pharaohs. The Hyksos ar3 credited with bringing the light, spoked wheel chariot, horses and Tin Bronze weapons into Egypt Circa 1750 BCE. They wer3 finaly expelled by Ahmose Circa 1500 BCE. During the time of the Hyksos incursion, they built two cities in the delta. Ramses ( now PiRamses and Pitom, now Avaris) excavations at Avaris and test puts at ApiRamses, indicate foundations of river stone, suitable to support Dried mud brick but nit monumental stone in the moisture laden sediments of the delta. By Circa 1550, the Hyksos king( pharaoh) and his people would have considered themselves Egyptians. Circa 1550 is when the volcanic eruption of Thera on Santorini occurred causing Ahmose, the first Dynastic Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty to have a Stele engraved and reporting that the day turned tonight, fire and ice fell from the sky and there was a pillar of fire seen in the sky. This is also reported in the book of Exodus along with other details commensurate with such an eruption. Therefore,only person from the Dynastic house , who would have been called by the family name ( Moses) would have been granted an audience with a Hyksos Pharaoh. It us most likely that this is the Pharaoh of the Exodus not the Dynastic Pharaoh.
@VredesStall Жыл бұрын
Years ago... I watched a documentary that explained that Ancient Egypt (especially the pharaohs) were not particularly keen about recording or preserving any records of losses or defeats they suffered and if the pharaoh(s) of Egypt had been delt a severe blow... especially from a "slave-class" of people... they would have been in no hurry to record that event... and/or... would have gone out of their way to erase or get rid of any records of such a defeat or loss and just might explain why the ancient Egyptians would have to little to no evidence of the Hebrew slaves.
@ruthanneperry1623 Жыл бұрын
We have Republicans that are busy trying to rewrite history today to reflect a better picture of their voters. It surely would be a lot easier to do the same if you have total control History is written by the Victors
@charlesbrown9213 Жыл бұрын
No doubt the Egyptians redacted their history to suit their purposes. But the writers of the Torah likely did the very same thing. - The Torah was likely crafted from multiple origin myths, which were spun into a single "great" tribal origin myth. -- The Noahitic flood story was obviously "lifted" from the much older Babylonian flood story, then tailored and centered on an ancestor of the Jews.
@VredesStall Жыл бұрын
@@charlesbrown9213 Not really. The Bible (and especially the OT Torah) is a brutally honesty record about the short-comings and faults of the Israelites. --Abraham trying to pass off his wife Sarah to pharoah... --Abraham nearly sacrifcing his son Isaac. --Lot trying to appease the Sodomites by offering his two virgin daughters. --Those two daughters later committing incest with their father Lot and having children by him (Ammonites and Moabites). --Jacob swindling Esau out of his birthright. --Laban taking advantage of Isaac when he (Isaac) wanted to marry one (and later both) of his daughters. --Joseph's jealous brothers selling him into slavery. And that is all within three consecutive generations... to say nothing of the other atrocities that the Israelites would to each other as recorded later in the OT... such as Saul trying to murder David, David later conspiring to kill one of his loyal soldiers after he (David) stole that innocnent man's wife. Welcome to the humans race.
@canadiankewldude Жыл бұрын
@@charlesbrown9213 Actually, the language academics agree that both the Hebrew story of the flood and Babylonian flood story share no literary dependence. If anything, their stories come from either and older story they are both aware of or an older actual event they both wrote about.
@elishua8199 Жыл бұрын
How is it that you people keep repeating the same lies and imaginary thymes of such, nomadic stupidity ? The ancient black Egyptians not built the Pyramids,the Spinx, magnificent cities for the kings and queens,Timbuktu.. Truth be told? Egyptian people built the biggest library of the known modern 1st world civilizetion " which ,the white supremists/ Greco-Romans,looted and burnt to the ground what they couldn't carry back to Europe . It's the same thing the Conquistadors did in ,south, central Americas burning down the ancient libraries and defacing the statues, robbing the dead, and destroying and distorting the , true history and identity of our people's seems to be the legacy of ,the European man, especially the, colonial powers,who have ,raped, murdered and plundered they way through the world. Press 1 🤔 Habakkuk 2: VS 10-14 ISAIAH 14: VS 11-25 DANIEL 11 VS 39-45. Thus it is both, ludicrous and an insult to these, highly,technically advanced people to say, they didn't want to record their , triumphs and defeats. Please stop scavenging our graves,tombs , natural resources, culture and historical artifacts and carting them back to Europe..ok?
@keneloc Жыл бұрын
Why do people keep acting like the Hyksos were just some friendly visitors to Egypt? It’s clearly written that they were enemies and invaders smh.
@cjcaver6502 Жыл бұрын
Recent scholarship disputes the Warring entry narrative. Look it up
@josephphoenix1376 Жыл бұрын
I just saw here where there were 2 distinct Semitic incursions. One a group of poor shepherds....Another an urban, militaristic powerful invasion!
@EasternRomeOrthodoxy Жыл бұрын
🤺☦🇷🇺Correct, and it doesn't matter - since the result was they took over Egypt and Egyptians hated it. Of course, they didn't leave before wtf. The timing is so wrong, and there were no Semites at all in Egypt in the 3rd dynasty. Since the exodus happened 480 years before the temple was built, it makes it in the mid 15th century bc (18th dynasty), so not only its not even close to the time of Joseph, but it's not even close to the time of Abraham in Egypt, which started with the14th to the 15th dynasty (hyksos), and Joseph only started in the last part of the 15th dynasty, until the enslavement of Israelites, and transition to the new kingdom. Then with Moses in the 18th dynasty, with Hatshepsut (Thutmose I's daughter) saving Moses from the Nile, Tuthmose III as the Pharaoh in Moses' adulthood, and Amenhotep II (who had no 1st son to reign after!) as the Pharaoh of the exodus. That's right, it was not only 1 pharaoh (why on earth would you think there was only one?). Case closed. There were a number great genius visiers in Egypt, not just Joseph, but Joseph was the greatest. Joseph memory was yet to be found in Egypt, and maybe it was erased by the next Pharoahs who were hostile to the Israelites and to Moses, and wanted to erase their memory out of Egypt, like they did with the hyksos and Cushite dynasties. If we ever discover Joseph, we will know that it's about him right away
@EasternRomeOrthodoxy Жыл бұрын
@@cjcaver6502 Why don't you look up basic biblical AND Egyptian timing, which is roughly agreed about by all faiths too! Those who made the video are not true religious people - they are ignorant Zionist imposters, who don't know the basics of Biblical timing. Pathetic. "Before the Hyksos arived"🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣
@unrealuknow864 Жыл бұрын
Because that isn't true. The Hyksos started migrating into Egypt around 1850bc. They built up the city of Avaris and lived in the area for 300 years before Ahmose kicked them out.
@anthonyrobinson6590 5 ай бұрын
Seems kind of weird that there's no record of the Hyksos themselves documenting their time in Egypt. It's like they just vanished.
@jamebrown3518 Жыл бұрын
These devils always trying to fit into something that has not a thing to do with them.
@mdizzle7034 2 ай бұрын
you wouldn't even know about Egypt without their work. Dumb dumb
@TurnFromWickedness 2 жыл бұрын
The reason that Israel ended up in Egypt was due to the famine. After Joseph revealed to his brothers who he was, he told them to bring his father (Jacob) to Egypt. At the time, Jacob and all Joseph’s brothers were living in Canaan. They would be considered Canaanites to the Egyptians.
@martinportelance138 Жыл бұрын
To the contrary, the reason Israel exists is famine: In the aftermath of the Bronze Age collapse (BC 1179), people from the ravaged coastlines sougth the safety of the hills: That's when Israel became a noticeable political entity.
@TurnFromWickedness Жыл бұрын
@@martinportelance138 By Israel, I am referring to the biblical tribe of Israel. They’ve left a comprehensive account of their own history. Today we refer to that account as the Holy Bible. In Israel’s account, their brother Joseph was enslaved in Egypt while the rest of his family (his father and 11 brothers) were all living in Canaan. Pharaoh of Egypt had two disturbing dreams and no one in Egypt could interpret. However, it was made know to Pharaoh that there was a Hebrew slave in the prison who could interpret dreams. When Joseph was brought to Pharaoh, he interpreted his dreams and explained that seven years of “abundance” would precede a devastating seven years of “famine”. Pharaoh made Joseph second in command and put him in charge of preparing for the famine. Joseph’s God gave him the knowledge he needed to store up excess food during the famine. When the famine occurred, Egypt was the only nation in the region who was prepared and people from far and wide including Joseph’s family (tribe of Israel) came to buy food. After Joseph had revealed to his family who he was, he told his brothers to bring their entire family to Egypt. Then Joseph notifies the Pharaoh that he has found his family. Genesis 47:1 Then Joseph came and told Pharaoh, and said, My father and my brethren, and their flocks, and their herds, and all that they have, are come out of the land of Canaan; and, behold, they are in the land of Goshen. This above scripture would explain why the Egyptians referred to the tribe of Israel as Canaanites.
@xhorxheetxeberria-td1hu Жыл бұрын
@@martinportelance138 Caananites
@elishua8199 Жыл бұрын
On point.. these guys are a bunch of charlatans.. How is it that you people keep repeating the same lies and imaginary thymes of such, nomadic stupidity ? The ancient black Egyptians not built the Pyramids,the Spinx, magnificent cities for the kings and queens,Timbuktu.. Truth be told? Egyptian people built the biggest library of the known modern 1st world civilizetion " which ,the white supremists/ Greco-Romans,looted and burnt to the ground what they couldn't carry back to Europe . It's the same thing the Conquistadors did in ,south, central Americas burning down the ancient libraries and defacing the statues, robbing the dead, and destroying and distorting the , true history and identity of our people's seems to be the legacy of ,the European man, especially the, colonial powers,who have ,raped, murdered and plundered they way through the world. Press 1 🤔 Habakkuk 2: VS 10-14 ISAIAH 14: VS 11-25 DANIEL 11 VS 39-45. Thus it is both, ludicrous and an insult to these, highly,technically advanced people to say, they didn't want to record their , triumphs and defeats. Please stop scavenging our graves,tombs , natural resources, culture and historical artifacts and carting them back to Europe..ok?
@guychase5842 Жыл бұрын
Joseph=Pharaoh YUYA - his son was called Ephraim (Euphrates =White Nile) Blue Nile rises close to TIGR(AY) = TIGRIS
@siegfriedlechler7412 Жыл бұрын
Exactly, you are right: I found that out too, the Hyksos came to Egypt after the Exit at the time when Egypt was at the end of the plagues. Pharaoh and his army were drowned. The Hyksos found no resistance. This results from the calculation of the exit date. The destruction of the temple, as is known, took place in 586. Josephus gives a period of 1062 years between the destruction of the temple and the exit. Accordingly, the exit took place in 1648. The expulsion of the Hyksos is given under Wikipedia in exactly the same year 1648. So the Isrealites moved out and the Hyksos came in in 1648 Greetings from Stuttgart Germany
@dazdavis7896 Жыл бұрын
The pharaoh was NOT drowned with his army. Exodus does not state that anywhere. He survived it. Crawled back to Egypt with his tail between his legs. It was Amenhotep II. And right afterword, he LITERALLY went out in the fall time and captured over 100,000 new slaves at once-which was an unheard of number at the time; usually only about 15,000 in conquering season-and conquering season was ALWAYS in the spring. That vast number of new slaves captured at one time and in the completely wrong time of the year was done so out of desperation. To replace all of the Hebrews that had just vacated the land in terms of slaves, and to temporarily replenish the numbers in his army. The pharaoh did not die, his firstborn son did. Amenhotep’s first born son never ascended to the throne. He died very early. Which, we know was from the Bible was in the very first Passover, the final plague. Also, where are you getting this “1648” from. That is not right at all. It was 1446BC. Do not go by what some random non-biblical source states. Josephus was wrong, if he even stated that at all.. Go by Daniel. Go by Joshua and Judges and what they all say. The date of the exodus was 1446BC. Nowhere in the Bible does it say “1062 years” from the time they left Egypt til the destruction of the temple. Nowhere.
@petersack5074 Жыл бұрын
@@dazdavis7896 CORRECT, ON NEARLY all points, Mr. Davis ! I find, that Thutmose III was the Pharoah, of the Exodus, in ; as you state , 1446 BC. Anyway, YAHWEH bless, keep and protect you, and all that is within your human power ! (Biblical truth seeker - ongoingly till i quit breathing )
@ChaiKitty7779 Жыл бұрын
@@dazdavis7896 k
@ChaiKitty7779 Жыл бұрын
@@dazdavis7896 You mean Thutmose III
@dazdavis7896 Жыл бұрын
@@ChaiKitty7779 NO. I mean Amenhotep…. Thutmose’s successor. Reread it all…. Moses left for roughly 40 years, and when he returns the SAME pharaoh is still in charge; THEN the exodus pharaoh-a young arrogant one-comes into power. There have literally only been a COUPLE pharaohs in Egyptian dynastic history that have reigned that long. Thutmose and Ramsses (Which is why Ramsses is frequently cited in movies as the exodus pharaoh, but that is blatantly wrong, he reigned over 200 years afterward). Thutmose reigned for 54 years; HE was actually the pharaoh Moses got along with. His arrogant son that lived off his father’s accomplishments was the exodus pharaoh. Thutmose is known as one of the greatest pharoahs in history, and possibly their greatest military genius/commander. He’s literally known as the “Napoleon of Egypt” , Amenhotep was the one that came into power and changed everything up. His 1st born son NEVER ascended to the throne, and not long after the exodus, in amenhotep’s 9th campaign; he literally went out and captured over 100,000 new slaves. Which was a completely unheard of number back then. Usually only about 15-20,000 were taken at one time. And it was ALWAYS done so in the fall. Conquering season was the fall. Amenhotep went out and captured 100,000 new slaves in the springtime. Why?? Because he was desperate to replace all of the Hebrews that had just vacated the land…. Don’t go by the low chronology. The high chronology is correct. Which puts Amenhotep on the throne around 1454BC. HE was the pharaoh of the Exodus. Not Thutmose. Thutmose was his predecessor, his father.
@thomasjefferson6 6 ай бұрын
I wonder if perhaps the Hyksos came during the time the Israelites were in Egypt. After a time, the Hyksos rule was ended, and native Egyptian rule was restored. This would explain how there could come to power a new Pharoah who "knew not Joseph" (Exodus 1:8). Hyksos rule had made at least some Egyptians forget about Joseph.
@whataguyproductions1222 2 ай бұрын
I like this but how would it explain why Avaris was empty for a time. Unless that’s when the Israelites become slaves
@elegantwriting Ай бұрын
I believe that Ahmose , the Pharoah from Thebes was the one that did not know Joseph. He would be the one that killed the first born...The hyksos likely came into power right after the 7 year drought. However I'm only guessing.
@Procopius464 Жыл бұрын
I agree with this take. It makes more sense for the Hyksos invasion to have occurred after the Israelite departure. The army of Egypt got destroyed, which would have made them defenseless, and the Israelites probably spread word of what happened as they went. Some people would have decided to check it out, and finding it so they would have taken advantage.
@EasternRomeOrthodoxy Жыл бұрын
No, it doesn't, and if you people weren't Protestants or Zionist heretics, you would have known the correct timing according to Rabbinical and church traditions lol
@501Mobius Жыл бұрын
If the Hyksos had 2-man chariots and compound bows it would certainly give them an even bigger advantage. Only a local garrison was destroyed. There were army elements all over Egypt they could draw on. Study military history.
@martinportelance138 Жыл бұрын
...Or, there was no Israelite departure from Egypt, as there were no Israelites at the time, but simply semites. Even on Merneptah's stele, Israel came quite later as a minor tribe, likely shepherds in a hilly country. It only got up to some organized country(ies) after the Bronze Age Collapse, organically, as is more or less told in the Judges.
@EasternRomeOrthodoxy Жыл бұрын
@@501Mobius Who cares, that's not the point
@EasternRomeOrthodoxy Жыл бұрын
@@martinportelance138 Exactly. Those people don't know the basics of the Bible : not racial designations for peoples according to the table of nations, nor biblical timing. The Habiru too (Hebrews = descendants of Eber), were a HUGE family of many races, not just Israelites, and the reason why the Israelites were called Hebrews during that time is because they were not a nation yet, only children of Jacob, and only became officially a nation by God and Moses on Sini - that is the point of their story too. They were not "Israel" yet, only Jacob was called that. The Hyksos were not even Semites racially, so obviously not Hebrews - they were Canaanite nations, probably the Perizites and Sinites, and only linguistically-culturally were Semitic. As you know, Canaanites were Hamitic peoples (African race) who only settled in the Levant among the Semites (therefore their language was Semitic)
@warlordmacilvernock1979 Жыл бұрын
A minor problem that should be addressed: It has always been the belief that the two wheeled war chariot was introduced into Egypt during the Hyksos invasion. I find the argument in the video highly compelling, except for the chariot issue. If Patterns of Evidence could address this conundrum, albeit minor, I would be grateful.
@stevewhite9654 Жыл бұрын
This is not true. David Rohl in his book "A Test of Time" shows a stele of the son of Dudimose and his wife, Each have things under their seats that display their lives. The wife has a mirror for beauty and the man has gloves. this David Rohl would be for riding a chariot so your hands do not get chafed. So this seems to indicate chariots in the 13th dynasty. In addition they have found horse burials dating to the second intermediate period in Egypt. Horse means chariots. Also it is not reasonable that the Egyptians would not have chariots if they existed in the north. Egypt was the richest country at that time so they would want the latest in military technology to prevent an invasion.
@melaninsupergurl-vu4uv 9 ай бұрын
They always had chariots and war wagons just like the cultures of the Middle East. The Southern proto Philistines and Hebrews except for Dan the worldwide seafarer lived in Avaris Egypt.
@davidblick2192 Жыл бұрын
Yes. The Bible is true. Jesus will return soon.
@Queen77775 Жыл бұрын
Never! The Hyksos made him into person to profit he was never a person. The Egyptians taught that Christ is a consciousness that lives in your temple inside the pineal gland. You have to open your 3rd eye to become one mind with his.
@whataguyproductions1222 2 ай бұрын
@@Queen77775not true at all
@salinagrrrl69 Жыл бұрын
Didnt the HYKSOS bring the horse & chariot to Egypt? So how if so did Pharohs horses & chariots go under the Red Sea...IF... the Exodus happened previous to the Hyksos invasion?
@Queen77775 Жыл бұрын
That never happened! Everything they say is a lie. God's people they were devil worshipers they made up being Hebrew and semites they are from Asia. They went into the Ukraine and Russia threw them out. Every place they went they were kicked out! They stole everything from Egypt they enslaved Egyptian for 200 years. All the Asiatics are related.
@alphonsomears5181 Жыл бұрын
The Bible says Jacob was rich, so was his father and grandfather. Not just poor shepards.
@chrishutton1458 Жыл бұрын
All concepts of wealth are relative. I am not considered wealthy where I live, but compared to many people in this world I am fabulously wealthy.
@Queen77775 Жыл бұрын
The bible was written by the evil Hyksos. They were poor Satan worshipers that's why they became jealous of the Egyptians and over threw them. They wrote everything backwards. The Egyptians were gods that came from heaven to teach mankind. The false Hebrews were Khazars that worshiped Satan.
@bigd5773 Жыл бұрын
Not sure why Woods thinks the Patriarchs were poor. The Bible presents Jacob as extremely wealthy and prosperous. They were as much “kings” as most of the “kings” they interacted with in the story. Poor starving shepherds don’t hang out with royalty.
@shainazion4073 Жыл бұрын
They were a pastoral people, not wealthy. They had what they needed.
@monta247 Жыл бұрын
No . They were not poor by a long shoot. They had large herds of sheep,tents, provisions etc. Over 120 folk band.
@Procopius464 Жыл бұрын
The Egyptians were disgusted by shepherds. When Joseph's brothers came to visit and eat with him they had to sit separately from the Egyptians.
@EasternRomeOrthodoxy Жыл бұрын
Only American fools with a comic book mentality would believe the patriarchs were poor lol
@EasternRomeOrthodoxy Жыл бұрын
@@shainazion4073 They were pastoral but wealthy, get education. Even the Bible explicitly tells us
@kvelez 2 жыл бұрын
1:31 Didn't know that. 4:03 Interesting. 6:49 That's new to me, thank you. 9:13 I see. 10:03 Curious. 11:24 Didn't know about that.
@romanchomenko2912 Жыл бұрын
The 13th Dynasty in Egypt started in 1803BC and ended in 1649BC ,the volcano eruption is dated 1600BC . The Jews in Egypt were around 1695BC so around 1600BC Moses was 80 and the exile lasted 40 years and it finished in 1560BC . The who affair was in Egyption culture the 8 commandments came from the book of the dead and was known around 1700BC so all the historical events are tired to the above and Moses is a Egyptian name ,the covering of gold on wood is Egyptian style just see the artifacts from the Pyramids.
@chrishutton1458 Жыл бұрын
I have read various Archaeological experts who give dates for Thera between 1600 and 1450 BCE. My preference is between 1560 and 1500 BCE around the end of the Hyksos era.
@Queen77775 Жыл бұрын
All that stuff is a lie. Moses was African Thutmose the 1st and his son Ahmose they threw the Khazars out! The Khazars wanted to be like the Egyptians they were jealous of their wealth and being the real children of God Amen-Ra. That's why the evil British Khazars enslaved the Egyptians in America and put the pyramid on the one dollar bill. They stole everything from Kemet. They claim Thutmose the 3rd is their relative. But no one has ever found the human remains of any pharaohs, kings or queens Europeans claim come from their bloodline. That why they frantically dig in Egypt. No one has ever found any biblical characters except for the Egyptians. Not even Joseph. All the mummies DNA comes back African and the skulls.
@alejandromadrid8075 Жыл бұрын
These guys seem to deny the obvious..."the hyksos had nothing to do with the israelites" ...they were both from southern caanan, spoke the same language, and names, "totally different people", they were international merchants, "nothing" to do with the Israelites.....
@egyptianindc8590 Жыл бұрын
I love Egypt the land who protected Josef and Jesus I love Egypt when Gos spoke to Moses I love Egypt that Abraham visited
@Queen77775 Жыл бұрын
Not true those people were evil. Joseph was an evil Khazar that only married xhosa "Egyptian" woman to steal Kemet back because Ahmose threw them out he let some stay and they plotted against the Egyptians anyways. Joseph was evil to the Egyptians. They wrote the bible backwards they were evil ones. They got kicked out every place they went. They were worshiping a calf having orgies and sacrificing children. That's what slavery in America is all about enslaving they Egyptians by the same evil lying people. These crazy people people even named America after Kemet=Tameri and put a pyramid on the one dollar. My ancestors saved them from starving to death they steal the ring of amen-ra so they can rule the world and enslave my ancestors twice. When Africa had a draught they let Africans starve to death!
@sterlingwrighte-sf1bn 2 ай бұрын
Now ! They were not called Hyksos. The culture name was He'qankasut.
@PeloquinDavid 11 ай бұрын
The Exodus story (and those of Genesis) were late additions to the Tanakh - late Iron Age, even early Classical (i.e. Persian/Achaemenid) period - and they are best seen as mythic or legendary, not historical. That said, if there is a germ of historicity to the legends handed down to the post-Babylonian Captivity Judeans from the Bronze Age (as there was from a Trojan War down to the Iron Age and early Classical Greeks), it's a reasonable guess that it may be from the expulsion of the (recognizably West Semitic) "Hyksos" from Lower Egypt - and the rise of the Egyptian New Kingdom MANY centuries before there is any historical or archaeological record of "Israel" or "Israelites", much less of a "kingdom" of Israel or of Judah (both of which arose natively from Canaanite Hill country populations in the centuries AFTER the Bronze Age collapse ended Egyptian sovereignty over the Mediterranean seabord of the Levant).
@ahmedfarouk8197 3 ай бұрын
just read the Quran ... the Hyksos (son of Isreal) invasion was the last chapter of the story not the first ..... the exodus was in the 12th dynasty and Pheron was Amenemhat the 3rd
@benababiodanso2885 Жыл бұрын
The 18th dynasty started only after the departure of the Hyksos and the Israelites left under Amenhotep ii, an 18th dynasty Pharaoh.
@roundhouserenovations3072 Жыл бұрын
Israel left under Tutmose 3. Amenhotep was the following Pharaoh to the exodus who tried to change the religion and was ousted soon later. His mother was Hapchepsut a female Pharaoh who tried to rule in the childs stead as he was still too young after his older brother died in the final plague. Their noses have been removed from all the glyphs
@chrishutton1458 Жыл бұрын
Says who?
@lionf7224 Жыл бұрын
Late vs Early Exodus
@francisbusa1074 Ай бұрын
Interesting that the Hyksos people took over Egypt in the 1600s BC. It is said by Manetho that they did so without "having to fire a shot", so to speak. It also just so happens that the Exodus occurred in the 1600s BC, according to the Septuagint, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Samaritan Pentateuch and the writings of Josephus. No wonder the Hyksos could so easily take control of Egypt, since basically, the entire Egyptian military was then decorating the bottom of Yam Suph, the Gulf of Aqaba.
@riffraftmusic8669 7 ай бұрын
I've never studied history, but this kind of thing seems to me like a good explanation for the concerns the first US presidents had over slavery.
@patrickjohnson7592 2 жыл бұрын
The Israelites, left Egypt, in the early sixteenth century BCEThey Had the power, of the Holy Spirit, and Angels, traveling with them.
@siegfriedlechler7412 Жыл бұрын
No: the Hyksos were not Isrealites. The Hyksos had a port in Egypt and a hundred ships. Israel at that time had no ships. The Hyksos were mostly Hurrians, coming from the land of Hurri above the Euphrates and ruling the seafarers of Tyre. But the Hyksos were relatives of Israel = Hebrews, namely descendants of Eber that were Habiru.
@Procopius464 Жыл бұрын
Why are you saying "BCE" if you believe in God and the Holy Spirit? Don't use the atheist and anti-Christian nomenclature, which is just an attempt to remove God from history.
@kimymokoginta9190 3 ай бұрын
Pada zaman Raja Hyksos bangsa Israel belum ada.Karena Raja Hyksos Shalitis pertama kali ketemu dengan Abraham.
@WalterRMattfeld Жыл бұрын
(19 September 2023, 10:45 a.m.) Currently 1530 BC is a popular date for the expulsion of the Hyksos. This date does not align with a circa 1446 BC date for the Exodus based on 1 Kings 6:1 mention of 480 years from Exodus to the building of Solomon's Temple. Not very well known to many, however, two Egyptologists, who identify themselves as Christian Apologists, Professors James K. Hoffmeier and Kenneth A. Kitchen, independent of each other, toted up the number of years of rule from Joshua, the Judges, Saul, David, and Solomon, and concluded the Bible erred! It was not 480 years from the Exodus to the Temple's building by Solomon, it was over 600+ years! This 600+ years aligned the Exodus with the Hyksos period of Egypt! Despite this extraordinary finding, both Hoffmeier and Kitchen, then trashed this Hyksos alignment, opting for a 1260 BC Exodus based on the mention of a store city called Ramesses, built by the Israelites, which, for them is the city of Pi-Ramesses of Pharaoh Ramesses II.
@JeremyKilroy 6 ай бұрын
How do you explain Josephus's tomb in Egypt?
@fordprefect5304 6 ай бұрын
Simple, it is not there.
@League-fix Жыл бұрын
Can anyone tell why Joseph own brothers couldn’t identified him and they thought hes Egyptian??? Many times they met and couldn’t know he’s their brother. Was Egyptian and Israelites had the same skin colour??? if not why couldn’t they know this is white man or a black person and might be their brother. If they thought he’s Egyptian then they also those days looked exactly like the Egyptians. The same thing if Moses looked any different from the Egyptians, he would have been killed when found but they couldn’t identified him as Israel baby and he even grew up right inside pharaohs palace. This means they looked alike whether blacks or whites.
@chrishutton1458 Жыл бұрын
None of the Jews, Egyptians, Syrians or Saudis that I have met were Black or White.
@DetroitTrae 11 ай бұрын
The Hyksos Shepherd Kings are the same as The Israelites or Ivri
@jjpenny1 27 күн бұрын
Jacob and Joseph were the leaders of the Hyksos.. Jacobs son Levi, who was about 10 years older then Joseph had a daughter named Jochebed. Jochebed was Moses mother. There wasnt 400 years between Jacobs entering and moses exiting. The beginning of the 400 years was when Abraham and Sarah went to Eqypt.
@glennsanderson4350 Жыл бұрын
This reasoning supports Velikovsky's findings about the Hyksos in his book 'Ages In Chaos'. The Pharaoh and his army pursuing the Israelites were destroyed at a place called Pihiroth which resulted in the Israelites escaping. Velikovsky researched and found out that the Israelites met the Amalekites, who he identified as the Amu-Hyksos (supported by Al-Samhudi and Masudi, Arab historians), on their way to Mt. Sinai. The Israelites fought them more than once. The first encounter almost destroyed the Israelites. As they journeyed they continued to meet them in every direction as the Amalekites were advancing to Egypt. The Papyrus Ipuwer supports the plagues, and the Arab writers support the Amalekite (Amu-Hysos) invasion.
@sibeveyhi 9 ай бұрын
@fordprefect5304 Жыл бұрын
[Genesis 11] 11:27 Now these are the generations of Terah: Terah begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran begat Lot. 11:28 And Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his nativity, in Ur of the Chaldees. Now if this is true Abram was an Amorite
@ekondigg6751 Жыл бұрын
Abram was an Aramean. His family, (as seen when Jacob went to Laban), spoke Aramaic.
@fordprefect5304 Жыл бұрын
@@ekondigg6751 The Arameans, or Aramaeans (Old Aramaic: 𐤀𐤓𐤌𐤉𐤀; Ancient Greek: Ἀραμαῖοι; Classical Syriac: ܐܪ̈ܡܝܐ, romanized: Ārāmāyē), were an ancient Semitic-speaking people in the Near East that was first recorded in historical sources from the late 12th century BC. The Aramean homeland, sometimes known as the land of Aram, encompassed central regions of modern Syria. But nice try. In the real world Abram is a myth.
@nezz0r Жыл бұрын
Well I am not an expert in history but in the bible Joseph literally robbed the egyptians by making use of the famine. Read this here: Genesis 47:13-17 "13Now there was no food in all the land because the famine was very heavy, so that the land of Egypt and the land of Canaan languished because of the famine. 14And Joseph gathered all the money that was found in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan for the grain which they bought, and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh’s house. 15Then the money came to an end in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan. So all the Egyptians came to Joseph and said, “Give us food, for why should we die in your presence? For our money is gone.” 16Then Joseph said, “Give up your livestock, and I will give you food for your livestock, since your money is gone.” 17So they brought their livestock to Joseph, and Joseph gave them food in exchange for the horses and the flocks and the herds and the donkeys; and he fed them with food in exchange for all their livestock that year." Joseph as the advicer of the pharao gathered all the money that was "found" in egypt and then bought grain. How did he gather that money? I mean from one perspective it sounds wise if you know about the famine because afterwards you could feed the people with the bought grain. But read further he used that "found" money and forced them to sell their livestock if they want to eat. He used the "found" money to buy the food and then bought grain and sold the grain bought with "found" money for their livestock. I call that robbery because it sounds pretty obvious that he gathered that "found" money from the common people. Afterwards you control their money and food. You are pretty much in control of the population there now.
@alphonsomears5181 Жыл бұрын
And after the livestock was gone they became indentured servant for food.
@Afropavo 5 ай бұрын
The “pharaoh” of exodus legend was Hyksos. The Hyksos conquered northern Egypt - enabled by Canaanite immigrants that were already established for over a century.
@francisbusa1074 Ай бұрын
The Egyptians themselves name Pharaoh Merneptah as the Pharaoh of the Exodus. His mummy is in the museum in Cairo. It is all white in color, unlike the rest of the mummies which are black in color. They say it is because his body was recovered from the sea.
@braudhadoch3432 Ай бұрын
Bulld it and they WILL come. The time just isn't right as of yet. Millions will flock here in the near future to try and gain a new understanding due to new archeological discoveries that will throw the archeological record into disarray. This is great and Rohl's work will be read in every class in tomorrows academic worlds. We know that 250 years is missing and that Moses left Egypt about 1425 BC.
What is really an interesting side bar - if Manetho was writing this history in Greek and mentions God smote the Egyptians to a Greek Pharaoh, could not this have spurred interest in this God? Could this possibly lead to the Septuagint LXX - Greek copy of the Hebrew Bible - the Torah was the first section to be completed- which is a play by play of the smiting of Egypt. The story sort of starts w Abraham going to Egypt, then Joseph, then Jacob and all Israel 70-75 people at that time, and then Moses and God leading them out having destroyed Pharaoh’s armies and heir. There’s no such thing as coincidence The Egyptians would never chronicle this shame but a Greek Pharaoh had no such reticence lol.
@chrishutton1458 Жыл бұрын
The Egyptians would never chronicle this shame. This is probably the most important statement attached to this video.
@edmondancona-jv3my Жыл бұрын
I think this might me a possibility what if the Hyksos came to Egypt when the Israelites invaded Cannan and due to that hoards of Canaanite people migrated to Egypt David Rohl please let me know your opinion
@guychase5842 Жыл бұрын
David Rohl & a lot of the scholars like James Hoffmeier are being sponsored by the unmentionables 😈of the 33rd degree - to promote a convenient false narrative- Is-RA-EL (Isis -RA -EL ) (EL=planet Saturn) was a fiction created by the medo- Persian
@rickycross2342 Жыл бұрын
"Something must have happened," Well duh yeah the Hyksos were the the first to use war chariots in Egypt which overwhelmed the so called mighty Eygptian army (it was not because of some plague)
@Queen77775 Жыл бұрын
No they themselves put curses on the Egyptians they still do. They were devil worshipers they always was that why they read the talmud. They were jealous the wanted to be the children of god and they weren't the Egyptians were. You don't see Jehovah and yahweh on money Just Amen-Ra. People say Amen not Yahweh. New Test"amen"t. Without the sun all life dies. They stole Kabbalah from the Egyptians.
@RalphEllis Жыл бұрын
The Israelites WERE the Hyksos. Josephus Flavius says so. Hyksos means Shepherd King. Manethos said so. Who do we believe - Beitak, or a historian who spoke Egyptian? The Hyksos Exodus was exactly the same as the Israelite Exodus. Why does Beitak not know this? R
@hyksos74 Жыл бұрын
The Hyksos appear to have been in part Indo-European, particularly the Greater Hyksos from their names and also from the Minoan-style fresco found at Avaris. The destruction of Jericho, the book of Joshua and the early Hyksos may synchronise at pharaoh Sheshi of the Lesser Hyksos. His scarabs were found in Jericho just prior to the destruction and he may be Sheshai whom Caleb drove out of Hebron (Joshua 15:14).
@EasternRomeOrthodoxy Жыл бұрын
@@hyksos74 No, they weren't. The so called Minoans were the Egyptian race, the Caphtorites of Crete, no relation to them
@martinportelance138 Жыл бұрын
Hyksos' appearance and customs makes them look closer to Phoenicians than Israelites... Coastal canannites were a lot more prominent and rich than the hill country shepherds.
@EasternRomeOrthodoxy Жыл бұрын
@@martinportelance138 The names of the Hyksos were Canaanite too. They were of the African race (Hamites) like Egyptians, and only shared linguitic traits with Hebrews, but weren't Semitic genetically like they were
@chrishutton1458 Жыл бұрын
Josephus Flavius was writing nearly 1500 years later! Shepherd Kings seems to be a misinterpretation of the earlier texts.
@rogerahier4750 Жыл бұрын
lol The Hyksos became the Hebrews who were then enslaved by the Egyptians starting with the 18th Dynasty..
@celticjewel913 2 жыл бұрын
I cannot agree with "most" of the scholars when it comes to the "traditional" date for Ahmose/the founding of the 18th Dynasty/expulsion of the Hyksos. The folks who want me to go with the "High Chronology" and Amenhotep II of the 18th Dynasty as the Exodus Pharaoh (@ 1447 or 1446 BC) then REALLY have a problem with the Bible when it comes to Amenhotep III being the pharaoh at the time of the advent of The Conquest of Canaan. According to Egyptian history, Amenhotep III was one of the richest pharaohs (I believe I recall Rohl referring to him as "The Golden Pharaoh" because he was fabulously wealthy); meanwhile...in Deuteronomy 11:4, @ 40 years after the Exodus from Egypt, Moses addressed the Children of Israel before they entered Canaan and told them: "...The Lord hath destroyed them (Egypt) unto this day." In other words, EGYPT WAS STILL IN SHAMBLES @ 40 YEARS AFTER THE EXODUS! This in no way synchronizes with the Traditional Egyptian Chronology. Gotta go with Rohl and a full chronology revamp.
@501Mobius 2 жыл бұрын
Either Moses is correct or Rohl is correct, but not both. According to Rohl Dedumose was king of upper Egypt at the time of the Exodus. Avaris and Lower Egypt had another king. (He isn't named in Fig. 125). Losing all those chariots in the yam suf didn't hurt Dedumose one bit. If fact one wonders, why he didn't take over lower Egypt right after that since it was weak.
@celticjewel913 2 жыл бұрын
@@501Mobius Hi again. I guess that I am wondering why you do not pose your question(s) to David Rohl, himself, as he appears to be providing responses on here under Johnny C's comment. Actually, I am wondering where you are coming from on this one. Going with the Bible as our guide...according to Exodus 14:7, the Exodus Pharaoh took "...ALL the chariots of Egypt" with him; ergo, that Pharaoh lost ALL of Egypt's chariots in the Yam Suph. Also...did that Pharaoh (Dudimose?) even survive the encounter at the "Red Sea"/Yam Suph--? According to Exodus 14:4, God hardened Pharaoh's heart so that he would FOLLOW after the Israelites. I am with 18th Century commentary-writer John Gill on this one, there is NO Biblical evidence that Pharaoh ever stopped following the Israelites. (Check out "Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible" over at the Biblehub commentary page on Exodus 14:4: "And I will harden Pharaoh's heart,.... Once more, as he had often done: that he shall follow after them: to Pihahiroth, and even into the sea after them..." Even some translations of Psalm 136:15 argue that the TRADITION of the Israelites was that Pharaoh was SWEPT into the Red Sea/Yam Suph along with his army. And...surely...the tradition of Psalm 106:11 states: "And the waters covered their enemies: there was not one of them left." So...I am getting the sense that the Exodus Pharaoh was probably DEAD and not in any condition to do something about anything!
@celticjewel913 2 жыл бұрын
@@501Mobius (Additionally, when I look again at Figure 125 on page 159 of Rohl's "Exodus - Myth or History?," I see a bunch of question marks associated with a "Delta Kingdom;" therefore, again, why not direct your queries, here, to David Rohl?)
@501Mobius 2 жыл бұрын
@@celticjewel913 It's not my clip. Hoffmeier, Beitak and Woods are also in this clip and are saying that the Hyksos ruled lower Egypt from 1650 to 1550 BC. Why aren't they or Mahoney saying something about the recasting of the Hyksos to 1440 BC? Changing Dynasties around is one thing, revisionist archelogy is another.
@celticjewel913 2 жыл бұрын
@@501Mobius (Are you posing your questions to David Rohl below--?)
@guineverejackson1201 Жыл бұрын
The hyksos have tons of artefacts depicting how they looked sadly the video only shows pale face paintings. People Google Hyksos artefacts they look like so called black people in West Africa, Carribean, American ghettos and the diaspora worldwide. But Darwin said we have small brains so showing this great empire and how they looked will shatter whyte supremacy.
@-kepha8828 Жыл бұрын
Why quote Darwin to show YOUR knowledge, when nearly everything Darwin theorized has been proven false
@JeremyKilroy 6 ай бұрын
It was a natural disaster the eruption of Mt. Thera. It caused a series of natural disasters to lower Egypt. It is talked about in the medical Papyrus
@pagliajoseph Жыл бұрын
Except that they did not enslave them. Ridiculous.
@bentalal2879 Жыл бұрын
Shouldn’t you prove that the hebrews were in Egypt in the first place?
@mariagandcompany 9 ай бұрын
Best explanation of the Hyksos I have heard yet. Do you think that the Hyksos and the Israelites merged at some point back in Caanan after the Hyksos expulsion? This might explain how the "Exodus" of the Israelites could have been confused over time with the Hyksos expulsion. Perhaps the memory of the two distinct migrations out of Egypt melted together over time?
@timmiestabrnak 9 ай бұрын
The only exodus that approaches being historical is a small scale migration of Hyksos from Egypt to Canaan. There was no massive exodus of Hebrews from Egypt.
@user-vw6bk4pb4l 6 ай бұрын
According to the Bible Caananites were not 'Semitic people.' They were Hamitic like the Egyptians and Cushites. In fact I suspect that Hebrew and other so called Semitic languages (Akkadian, Phonecian, Arabic etc.) are actually party (i.e. creole) of fully Hamitic languages. Because 1. they cluster with languages of Africa (a. Ethiopian and Eritrean Semitic b. the Afro-Asiatic aka Hamito-Semitic language family that spans North, North-East, and Western and Central Sahel regions of Africa) and not with any Asian or European language families. 2. Genesis tells us how Nimrod who was a descendent of Ham and Cush established several cities of the Near east and Mesopotamia once again establishing a link between so called Semitic speaking regions, and the ancient Hamites. 3. The Isrealites became a nation in Egypt, Moses was raised Egyptian, its reasonable to assume furthern linguistic and cultural influence.
@edwardauerbach8036 Жыл бұрын
Could the eruption of the volcano on Thera have decimated northern Egypt as it did to the Minoan civilization on Crete? The dust thrown up by the eruption could have lowered the temperature in the region and destroyed the crops grown in the Nile delta. This may have caused mass deaths due to starvation and allowed the Hyksos to concur Northern Egypts. It also works for the biblical Exodus story of a cloud by day and a pillar of flame by night.
@hyksos74 Жыл бұрын
Pumice probably from the final explosion of Thera has been found in a workshop at Avaris part way into the 18th Dynasty - and only in a small window - decades after the expulsion of the Hyksos.
@charlesbrown9213 Жыл бұрын
Yes. Decades ago, in (parochial-) high school, a teacher presented our class the "Thera theory" as an explanation for all of the plagues. Even the final "death of the firstborn". The Exodus story as written lists each plague as occurring sequentially. -- But that was probably to produce a certain cadence and motion to the written story., for dramatic effect in the retelling -- More likely, Thera "blew", and Egypt experienced all the plagues more/less at the same time. The ecologic effects resulted in a lot deaths -- equivalent to "the firstborn" of every house dying. That telling of the Thera theory and the plagues was my first encounter with catastrophism and history. -- though it was also around that same time, that scientists found the remnants of the impact crater in Mexico which destroyed the dinosaurs. -- And, since the 2000's the Younger Dryas Impact Theory has become ever mo plausible too... Our civilization is a fragile thing. We are only one "Thera" (or Toba or Yellowstone caldera or meteor impact ) away from it all going away.
@EasternRomeOrthodoxy Жыл бұрын
🤺☦🇷🇺Wrong. The timing is so wrong, and there were no Semites at all in Egypt in the 3rd dynasty. Since the exodus happened 480 years before the temple was built, it makes it in the mid 15th century bc (18th dynasty), so not only its not even close to the time of Joseph, but it's not even close to the time of Abraham in Egypt, which started with the14th to the 15th dynasty (hyksos), and Joseph only started in the last part of the 15th dynasty, until the enslavement of Israelites, and transition to the new kingdom. Then with Moses in the 18th dynasty, with Hatshepsut (Ahmose I's daughter) saving Moses from the Nile, Tuthmose III as the Pharaoh in Moses' adulthood, and Amenhotep II (who had no 1st son to reign after!) as the Pharaoh of the exodus. That's right, it was not only 1 pharaoh (why on earth would you think there was only one?). Case closed. There were a number great genius visiers in Egypt, not just Joseph, but Joseph was the greatest. Joseph memory was yet to be found in Egypt, and maybe it was erased by the next Pharoahs who were hostile to the Israelites and to Moses, and wanted to erase their memory out of Egypt, like they did with the hyksos and Cushite dynasties. If we ever discover Joseph, we will know that it's about him right away
@martinportelance138 Жыл бұрын
@@charlesbrown9213 Looks like the Theran eruption didn't even killed the Minoan civilisation, who was just beside it, just like the XIXth century Krakatoa eruption didn't destroy Sumatra, or Thailand. If there is a "plague" that really sparked the birth of Israel/Judah, it was most likely a drought around 1180 BC, sparking the Bronze Age Collapse, and it is in these times that it became a viable political entity, organically, within Canaan. There was no Exodus nor Conquest of Canaan, but rather a slow conversion/unification of the hebraic tribes whose numbers swelled in the wake of the BAC.
@chrishutton1458 Жыл бұрын
@@EasternRomeOrthodoxy 3rd Dynasty? surely you mean 13th, the one before the Hyksos. I must say I disagree with your dates. None of them correlate to the events in the surrounding nations and none of them correlate with the Israelite records.
@ICU2B4UDO Жыл бұрын
The Hyksos came first...In Isaiah 52:4, YHVH says that the ASSYRIAN oppressed HIS people without cause...The Assyrian spoken of is NOT a native Egyptian, and had No knowledge of Joseph...You're welcome!
@honorablevessel 3 ай бұрын
I had to re-subscribe as KZbin took it upon themselves to un-subscribe me without me consent.
@bill9989 8 ай бұрын
The Hyksos preceeded the Hebrews. The Hebrews evolved from the Canaanites (they didn't conquer Canaan). And they weren't even Jews at that time. Hebrews are a people, a tribe. Jews are people who practice Judiasm. That started way later than the Bible "records." Judiasm didn't emerge until around 500-600 BC. Some scholars claim it wasn't practiced until the Hasmonean time in Israel starting around 140 BC. The bible is not history. The authors took oral history, legends, tales and wove a narrative, claiming the past as their past. King David probably wasn't Hebrew and certainly did not practice Judiasm. He was a brave legendary king much like King Arthur.
@wearetheraiders884 9 ай бұрын
The Israelites were the Hyksos "invasion"
@guychase5842 Жыл бұрын
Yam Souf -Reed Sea
@elishua8199 Жыл бұрын
Please cut the crap, that picture is from the 1600's that man is not a true Hebrew Yisraelite. Hebrew Yisraelite are a black semitic people. the Cannanites were also black people of Ham.. aboriginal Hebrew Yisraelites come from Iraq.. we know the invaders were from Assyria and the Marchant class you referring to,were called Zidonian the Hebrew Yisraelites are written all over the walls of Egypt. # 1 there are two sets of black people..😱🤔 # 1 Pharaoh and his family members are being served . and the second set of black people served the Pharaoh and his family.. these were my people.. there's not one white supremists amongst them. The plague is on point.. and I've always believed when you get to red sea..it should be full of artifacts on the floor of the red sea . the collapse according to the holy word, was at least 20-40 years as the majority of young men were destroyed when they were drowned in the red sea. the reason why we were in Egypt in the first place is because,Aba Yah told Abraham face face, his descendents would end up in slavery in a particular country for 400 years 🤔 and even with Joseph already in Egypt. he was married to the,high priest of the , Pharaoh's daughter . though Joseph was sold into slavery by Arabs to the Egyptians ..it was not counted as part of the, 400 sentence by Aba Yah.. but it was after Joseph's passing that, Manasa and Ephraim began to migrate through the interior of Africa..and unto what is known as, the America's.. thus it was during the prior generation before Moses that we ended up spending about 230 years in Egypt..we then came out and spent another 40 years slavery in Assyria..or should I say the ten tribes of the northern Kingdom.. and after they to were scattered into the nations as ,The Almighty Yahuwah said he would do🤔😱 READ IT SLOWLY FOLKS, CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP! ISAIAH 11::VS 11-12 😱 EZEKIEL 37 VS 15-26 😱 ZEPHANIAH 3 VS 9-20 😱 least you forgotten,we for enslaved in Babylon for 79 years 🤔😱 and so the majority went into, and spread throughoutl Africa even as far as South Africa.. Madagascar and into the, Atlantic and south Pacific..though some straddled the coastlines all the down , through the, Philippines,Papua , Australia ,New Zealand...some 3500 years..even during Kind Solomon's time. How is it that you people keep repeating the same lies and imaginary thymes of such, nomadic stupidity ? The ancient black Egyptians not built the Pyramids,the Spinx, magnificent cities for the kings and queens,Timbuktu.. Truth be told? Egyptian people built the biggest library of the known modern 1st world civilizetion " which ,the white supremists/ Greco-Romans,looted and burnt to the ground what they couldn't carry back to Europe . It's the same thing the Conquistadors did in ,south, central Americas burning down the ancient libraries and defacing the statues, robbing the dead, and destroying and distorting the , true history and identity of our people's seems to be the legacy of ,the European man, especially the, colonial powers,who have ,raped, murdered and plundered they way through the world. Press 1 🤔 Habakkuk 2: VS 10-14 ISAIAH 14: VS 11-25 DANIEL 11 VS 39-45. Thus it is both, ludicrous and an insult to these, highly,technically advanced people to say, they didn't want to record their , triumphs and defeats. Please stop scavenging our graves,tombs , natural resources, culture and historical artifacts and carting them back to Europe..ok?
@lewis7315 Жыл бұрын
The Exodus was 1440 BCE according to 1st kings ch6... while that Kyksos invasion was early 1200s BCE. Not even close...
@chrishutton1458 Жыл бұрын
I think you are out by hundreds of years with both those dates!
@gerardtuxen5069 Жыл бұрын
No. The Hyksos arrived in Egypt, conquering the weakened empire, with Joseph in tow. Benjamin? and the others arrived afterwards.
@TalentedTenth 5 ай бұрын
The Canaanites/ Hyksos introduced chariots to Egypt. The Hyksos and the Abiru (Hebrews) are related bands of Canaanites that the Egyptians allowed to settle in lower egypt. Overtime the elite class (HYksos) usrped power. The indigenous Egyptians drove these usurpoers out under Ahmose and they returned to Canaan. Once expelled they re-integrated with other Canaanite tribes and developed a narrative that painted them as the good guys instructed by their god YHWH in an Exodus from Egypt. When you let the facts speak for themselves instead of trying to make the facts fit into the bible narrative a far more plausible story emerges. The Hyksos were the ruling elite who eventually became the Israelites.
@Brother_TD Ай бұрын
Speak truth to power!
@Brother_TD Ай бұрын
This makes sense, seeing that in the Bible, the protagonists are always seen as shepherds (Moses, David, Jacob & Jesus). Hyksos = Shepherd Kings
@charlesdavis9937 Жыл бұрын
@abbygale4913 Жыл бұрын
Refer quran chapter 40 verse 34. Something is happen to these egyption on joseph prophesies.
@jamessmith989 Жыл бұрын
@hsserry5289 Жыл бұрын
Many scholars believe that the Hyksosi were part of the Jewish tribes that tried to settle in the Eastern part of the Nile delta!
@richardque4952 Жыл бұрын
Dna test carry out by israel show the ancient canaanite and jew share same linkage
@EasternRomeOrthodoxy Жыл бұрын
@@richardque4952 No, they didn't show that, only ignorants like your Zionist heretics (Zionists aren't Jews) will paint that this way, since you don't know the Jewish haplogroup, so let me educate you: Abrahamic peoples: Jews, Arabs and Syrians and Jordanians carry y-dna J1e (Semitic race), while Canaanites are E1b1b1b2 (Hamitic race)
@martinportelance138 Жыл бұрын
@@richardque4952 Correct. Israel is a later offshoot of the larger semitic group that shared similar religion, language and customs.
@chrishutton1458 Жыл бұрын
@@richardque4952 So do Humans and Chimpanzees!
@sharonbradshaw2282 7 ай бұрын
Jacob wasn’t poor. Joseph wasn’t poor.
@user-vw6bk4pb4l 6 ай бұрын
He probably means poor in the sence that they were semi-nomadic shepherds. Well respected tribal leader within their region, but certainly not on the level of wealth and power as the various kings and emperors of their day. The Hebrews were tribal people and did not even form a state yet until much later.
@bobthebuilder9553 Жыл бұрын
Hyksos, Shepherd Kings and peoples?
@JoseBaez-hg5es Жыл бұрын
Nice, a G-d that has the emotions, the desires and the psychosocial perceptions as Earthly human beings Never mixed religion and human traditions with science, historical archeology and evidence If the Power that brought Everything into being has the same mindset as human beings, we are in serious trouble?
@rassaharahadtafari6855 11 ай бұрын
UUUUHHHH YOU DO REALZE THAT THE ISRAELITES WERE HYKSOS TOO ? The reason why JOSEPH wanted them to dwell in the capital of the HYKSOS "AVARIS" OR GOSHEN it had the best of everything HYKSOS "SHEPHERD KINGS they were told to say they were SHEPERDS!!!!!!
@mfadls Жыл бұрын
I'm wondering, in the Qur'an the king of Egypt at the time of Joseph is not called "pharaoh". That title is used at the time of Moses. In thinking about chronolofy, we should also consider the verse in the Bible that says about "the pharaoh who does not know Joseph."
@Procopius464 Жыл бұрын
Pharoah is the Egyptian title which would just translate as "king" into other languages. Koran was written in Arabic, so what is the Arabic word for king?
@mfadls Жыл бұрын
@@Procopius464 The Arabic word for king is "malik" (related to Hebrew "melekh"). So, in the case of Joseph story, you can see that this title is used in, e.g., Qur'an 12:43. In the case of Moses story, the title "pharaoh" (Arabic "fir'aun") is used for the king at that time, not "malik", as you can see, e.g., in Qur'an 7:103. You may also consider the fact that the the use of the title "pharaoh" in Ancient Egypt began during the New Kingdom (c.1550 - 1070 BCE.), which means that the use of that ttile before this period is incorrect. Most scholars in general agree that Joseph lived in Egypt during the Middle Kingdom period (c. 2000 - 1786 BCE), meanwhile Moses during the New Kingdom period.
@ajrwilde14 Жыл бұрын
@@mfadls Exactly what I've been thinking. The Israelites came under Hyksos and left under the Egyptians.
@-kepha8828 Жыл бұрын
No offense, but what the quran records is meaningless. It was written around 900ad. Almost 2,500 years after the Exodus.
@markrindt8730 Жыл бұрын
Are the Israelites descendents of the Irish? Z28-310.
@joels310 Жыл бұрын
Understand betaks dilemma. If he says it matches with the Bible, not only would he face condemnation from his peers, but he would probably have his permits pulled from the Egyptian antiques authority... I'm sure he knows the truth, but who knows what he believes...
@chrishutton1458 Жыл бұрын
That thought occurred to me too.
@MrToddChris Жыл бұрын
The Hyksos were the Israelites.
@enigma-yu4jo 3 ай бұрын
@egyptianindc8590 Жыл бұрын
My humble opinion the pharoa wasn’t Egyptian
@TheRealTruthBygod 11 ай бұрын
There was no Exodus. Check out the archaeology- there is none whatsoever!
@Casmaniac 10 ай бұрын
Easy answer: the ancient Israelites never were in Egypt. There you go, you are welcome
@G-hg9ff Жыл бұрын
coptic are hellenized hyksos
@brucemackinnon6707 Жыл бұрын
@thomasjohnson6665 Жыл бұрын
It all seems to make sense
@chrishutton1458 Жыл бұрын
At various times Nazism, Communism and Anarchy have all seemed to make sense!
@PatriciaJackson-s5o 10 ай бұрын
Hyksos came after Joseph died Hyksos slaved them Hyksos was Javanese. Genesis 10 , Jeremiah 51 Gomer son of Japheth son of Noah. Scandinavian or scandia were swedish , Norway. Norwegian, Australia, Germans , English. Ancestors Ashkenazi Jews, Riphath and Togarmah. Noah great grandson Spain ancestors Babel peoples France, Gomer , Germany , England Scandinavian , Ashkenazi Jewish Chinese Russia turkey,sinites ,Meshech ,Tubal , Magog , Togarman , Greece Javanese Israelites , Arphaxed India joktan, Madai ,Cush , Egypt , Mizram , Ethiopia lower part Africa cush . They travel the river Tarshish ancestors of babel .
@stevenrucker6164 Жыл бұрын
The conquest of the promised land would have displaced many Canaanites. They would have fled toward Egypt. These are probably the Hyksos.
@martinportelance138 Жыл бұрын
Yeah. And then the Jews would build this invincible, godly-powered kingdom (in the heart of an Egyptian province, no less) that nobody from that time noticed for like 5-6 centuries. Riiiight. I think I'll skip on the Kool-Aid.
@stevenrucker6164 Жыл бұрын
@@martinportelance138 That’s not what happened nor is it recorded that way in the Bible. Many archaeological digs have found evidence of the history recorded in the Bible. Why is this a problem for you?
@whataguyproductions1222 2 ай бұрын
@@martinportelance138clearly it’s not the kool aid if mainstream doesn’t believe it
@martinportelance138 2 ай бұрын
@@whataguyproductions1222 I'd rather go "mainstream" than "fringe" most of the time, but right here the strory as it is told in the Scriptures is, alas, the mainstream current outside of academia.
@gustavorodriguez2671 Жыл бұрын
Exodo 2717 a.c....2941 a.c. Jose gobernador de Egipto....2932 a.c.Jacob entra en Egipto....
@bankrollace8737 Жыл бұрын
It was no exodus in Egypt during 2900bc. Jewish history doesn't even trace back that far.....
@gustavorodriguez2671 Жыл бұрын
@@bankrollace8737 5170 a.c. Adan ....4710 a.c. Jared....4114 a.c. Noe.....3514 a.c. Diluvio.....3413a.c. Peleg ....3222 a.c. Abraham ....3147 a.c. La Promesa.....3122 a.c. Isaac.....2941 a.c. Jose gobernador egipto....2932 a.c. Jacob egipto....2717 a.c. Exodo....430 años????? 3147-215=2932-215=2717.....2671 a.c. Tierra Prometida ....2237 a.c. 1er Templo ...1860 a.c Fin 1er Templo....1790 a c. 2do. Templo....1260 a.c. Jesus....1190 a.c. Fin 2do. Templo....763 Actual.......
@ka-sekham2439 4 ай бұрын
No Israelites are Hyskos Egyptians called them Aamu. That means Aramean Asiatic 😂 Genesis 24,25,26..and Deuteronomy 26 proves Israel are the Arameans in scriptures Aamu was the contemporary term used to distinguish the people of Avaris, the Hyksos capital in Egypt, from Egyptians. ... Contemporary Egyptians during the Hyksos invasion designated them as hikau khausut, which meant "rulers of foreign countries", a term that originally only referred to the ruling caste of the invaders. Aamu was the contemporary term used to distinguish the people of Avaris, the Hyksos capital in Egypt, from Egyptians. Egyptologists conventionally translate aamu as "asiatics" The Jewish historian, Josephus, in his Contra Apionem, claims that Manetho was the first to use the Greek term, Hyksos, incorrectly translated as "shepherd-kings However, today the term Hyksos has come to refer to the whole of these people who ruled Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period of Egypt's ancient history, and had to be driven out of the land by the last ruler of the 17th Dynasty and the earliest ruler of Egypt's New Kingdom. Josephus claims to quote directly from Manetho, who's original history is lost to us, when he describes the conquest and occupation of Egypt by the Hyksos: "By main force they easily seized it without striking a blow; and having overpowered the rulers of the land, they hen burned our cities ruthlessly, razed to the ground the temples of gods...Finally, they appointed as king one of their number whose name was Salitis." Some of this rings true, while other parts seem not to be. It appears that the Hyksos left much of Egypt alone. It is clear that Avaris (Tell el-Dab'a) was occupied by a people who exhibited specifically non-Egyptian cultural traits. We find this in the layout of the town itself, the houses, and particularly the burials, which were intermixed with the living community, unlike those of the Egyptians. While we know that the Hyksos established centers, as their influenced gradually moved towards Memphis along the eastern edge of the Delta, at Farasha, Tell el-Sahaba, Bubastis, Inshas and Tell el-Yahudiyas, very little of this particular culture has been found at other Egyptian sites. At the same time, the Hyksos living in Egypt have been described as "Peculiarly Egyptian".
@guychase5842 Жыл бұрын
Canaanites were not S(h)emites they were Hamites . IS-RA-EL (Isis-RA-EL(saturn) was an invention of the later Medo-Persian (aryan -Zoroastrian) conquerors of Egypt C550 BCE - when the Pharisee(Persian)scribes compiled the Torah from ancient KEMETU (Egyptian) texts - THAT WAS WHEN ISRAEL WAS INVENTED !
@EasternRomeOrthodoxy Жыл бұрын
😂🤣🤣Get help soon, Gnostic menтаl patient...🤦
@user-xd4rs6vr4n 7 ай бұрын
Joseph really jewed the Egyptians
@user-vw6bk4pb4l 6 ай бұрын
Jewed? Jews didnt even exist during the time of Joseph. Jews are the descendents of Benjamin and Judah who where Josephs brothers.
@shardanette1 Жыл бұрын
Listen to Manfred. David isn’t really interested in facts. He likes to tell a good yarn.
@egyptianindc8590 Жыл бұрын
Greek Pharoas ?! I never heard such a thing .they were the kings of Egypt It was only one pharoa according to religions Kings of Egypt always had their titles such as son of Horus or nsw biti king of upper and lower Egypt There is no S it’s only one pharoa Stop calling yourselves Egyptologist if you can’t be accurate
@raidercarbone5529 Жыл бұрын
Well, Moses existed before Joseph. But ... Avaris proved to provide Hebrew Graffiti before fleeing Egypt. The Canaanites worshipped El & Asherah apart of the Polytheistic culture before Akhenaten ordered Monotheism worship. Core samples prove volcanic activity from the Greek isle of Santorini causing the plagues. Remember that it was the Sea of Reeds rather than the Red Sea. An earthquake caused a tsunami on the delta of the Nile, allow the Israelites to escape Egypt & be defended by a large amount of water to separate the Egyptian soldiers pursuing them.
@ajrwilde14 Жыл бұрын
no Moses came after Joseph, the Canaanites' god was YHWH not El and it definitely was the Red sea in the gulf of Aqaba
@Jerusalem1948. 9 ай бұрын
Imhotep = joseph
@gscotty155 10 ай бұрын
I follow several different theories/ viewpoints on the Exodus as i am obsessed with it. This theory is more like my original view i.e. the exodus happened and then the Hyksos etc. came in as sort of a punishment . It makes sense but i wanted to know what u guys in this camp think of the Amarna letters that are written to 2 pharaohs in the 18th dynasty one is Akhenaton . These letters seem to describe ,almost exactly, the conquest of Canaan by Joshua and this would place the exodus possibly during Amenhotep 2 reign.
@sakar6428 9 ай бұрын
David Rohl, the last guy, believes the amarna letters to be king Saul's times. Saul is Labayu, and theres other names like David, Ishbaal, Jesse .
@gscotty155 9 ай бұрын
@@sakar6428 very interesting. I'm keeping an open mind on all these theories until we know for sure.
@richo9142 Жыл бұрын
If you twist history to fit fiction then anything is possible.
@11secghia 2 жыл бұрын
No, they weren't. They were Semites ... but there is zero evidence that they were one and the same as the Hyksos.
@josephhellstern949 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed 👍
@bluefaery1865 2 жыл бұрын
@KingOfAfrica90 2 жыл бұрын
No they were not.
@siegfriedlechler7412 Жыл бұрын
No: the Hyksos were not Isrealites. The Hyksos had a port in Egypt and a hundred ships. Israel at that time had no ships. The Hyksos were mostly Hurrians, coming from the land of Hurri above the Euphrates and ruling the seafarers of Tyre. But the Hyksos were relatives of Israel = Hebrews, namely descendants of Eber that were Habiru.
@mika2oo1 2 жыл бұрын
Hyksos = Amalekites See Velikovsky
@jameymassengale5665 2 жыл бұрын
I've been adding this same thing to comments, WHAT HAPPENED GLOBALLY WHEN THE SUN STOOD STILL OVER AJALON, then Isaiah taken LITERALLY, and following velikovsky, at the resurrection, DARKNESS, EARTHQUAKE, PETER SAYS AT PENTECOST THE SUN DARKNESS AND THE MOON TURNED TO BLOOD, the medieval year of darkness, if they are going to take the Bible seriously, why don't they take it seriously. Ages in chaos, the dating PROBLEM is the solution.
@clarekuehn4372 2 жыл бұрын
Velikovsky was an absolute genius. However, he may need some correction. Unfortunately, most current revisionists do not fully study him and do consider themselves new, including David Rohl, who occasionally mentions Velikovsky.
@mika2oo1 2 жыл бұрын
@@clarekuehn4372 Velikovsky exposed the fraud and conspiracy that is modern German/Vatican/Satanic "minimalist" archeology with its Satanic Anti-YHVH and Anti-Jewish agenda. He exposed their fraudulent timelines and fraudulent mendacious claims for what they are. They tried to banish him as a heritic and make his work disappear, but it lives on because he exposed the truth, and exposed this Satanic Nazi mafia of corrupt charlatans for what they are.
@siegfriedlechler7412 Жыл бұрын
RIGHT: They have been the Hyksos, living on the Hill Hor.
@universalflamethrower6342 Жыл бұрын
@@jameymassengale5665 everybody loves to hate Velikofsky just because he was not in the 'expert' club, yet many of his most outrages conclusions were corroborated by scientific findings. Venus is still a mystery to science but not to the old psychiatrist
@colinvannurden3090 3 ай бұрын
The Hyksos ARE Israelites.
@korey15 Жыл бұрын
The Hebrews WERE the Hyksos. They changed their own narrative from invaders to slaves in the Bible because they were the villains and the Egyptians just liberated themselves.
@martinportelance138 Жыл бұрын
... And the Phoenicians, ship-borne negociators and the founders of Carthage, where do they fit your narative? Hebrews were not the only Canannites/semites around...
@korey15 Жыл бұрын
@@martinportelance138 they don’t fit in my narrative? This video isn’t about Phoenicians and I wasn’t talking about them. I’m not sure why you’re even asking me about them. This is about the Hyksos and historicity of the exodus
@martinportelance138 Жыл бұрын
@@korey15 I don't see the need to link Hyksos to the biblical tale, since their story is so different. Hyksos were rich and opulent? They probably came from the levantine coast then, not the hilly country were Israel was born, much later. That's why I see more links with the Phoenicians than the Hebrews. In your opinion, what defined the Hebrews of the era, compared to, say, Moabites? If it is monotheism, it wasn't achieved before the liberation from Babylon, much, much later. Yaweh was merely one of numerous Canaanite gods before that.
@korey15 Жыл бұрын
@@martinportelance138 ancient historians including Manetho and Josephus both link the Hyksos invasion to the exodus and Moses. The Hyksos became rich and powerful overtime but they entered the country as poor immigrants. They were known as shepherds, just like every Hebrew founding father, and they are the only group of Asiatics for forced out of Egypt in large numbers during that ancient time period. It simply just makes sense that the Hyksos were the Hebrews. Or, at least a portion of the Hyksos went on to become Hebrews. History is remember differently by the oppressed in the oppressors. The Hebrews believed they were oppressed in Egypt and Set Free by God, the Egyptians thought they immigrated into the country and became invaders. If you want to look at the story of Exodus as a real historical event, it simply makes the most sense that is was a reimagining of the Hyksos story.
@holdingpattern245 Жыл бұрын
14:48 I'm surprised that he has never heard of the Bronze Age Collapse.
@sylviasimpson-n2o Жыл бұрын
Avaris/Avaricious. Canaanite/Merchants.
@Brother_TD Ай бұрын
> 04:00
@JeremyKilroy 6 ай бұрын
These bureaucratic academics that wants us to appeal to their Authority. Well I'm not falling for the appeal to Authority fallacy it's pretty obvious that the Jews were the Hycksos and the hycksos moved out later and became or mixed in with what became the Jews. These academic bureaucratic idiots can't admit to when they're wrong about something or they can't admit to new information because of their academic status they don't want to admit to when they were wrong about something so they stick to their bureaucratic stories. It's not science it's not research it's bureaucracy. B Tech probably doesn't even know that the Hycksos leaving was from Mount Thera erupting which is the source of the 10 Biblical plagues and Atlantis stories.
@fordprefect5304 6 ай бұрын
Look exodus is a proven myth. The Israelites were just another tribe of Canaanites living in the hills of Jordan Egypt ruled Canaan from around 1550 BCE to 1126BCE making the Exodus just another implausible bible story.
@adewilliams8 Жыл бұрын
The Israelites were never in Egypt. The name Egypt is a Greek word and neither are any archaeological trails or evidence can be found to back up Israelites in Egypt statement. Moreover, the bible is not a history text book so, stop using it for historical or archaeological reference.
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